public PingResponseEventArgs(IPAddress serverAddress, PingResponseType result, int responseTime, int byteCount, bool cancel)
     this.serverAddress = serverAddress;
     this.result        = result;
     this.responseTime  = responseTime;
     this.byteCount     = byteCount;
     this.cancel        = cancel;
 public PingResponseEventArgs(IPAddress serverAddress, PingResponseType result, int responseTime, int byteCount, bool cancel)
     this.serverAddress = serverAddress;
     this.result = result;
     this.responseTime = responseTime;
     this.byteCount = byteCount;
     this.cancel = cancel;
Example #3
        private void OnPingError(PingResponseType errorType, string message)
            PingErrorEventHandler temp = PingError;

            if (temp != null)
                temp(this, new PingErrorEventArgs(errorType, message, DateTime.Now));
Example #4
        private void OnPingResponse(IPAddress serverAddress, PingResponseType result, int responseTime, int byteCount, ref bool cancel)
            PingResponseEventHandler temp = PingResponse;

            if (temp != null)
                PingResponseEventArgs e = new PingResponseEventArgs(serverAddress, result, responseTime, byteCount, cancel);

                temp(this, e);

                cancel = e.Cancel;
Example #5
        private void OnPingError(PingResponseType errorType, string message)
            PingErrorEventHandler temp = PingError;

            if (temp != null)
                temp(this, new PingErrorEventArgs(errorType, message, DateTime.Now));
Example #6
        private void OnPingResponse(IPAddress serverAddress, PingResponseType result, int responseTime, int byteCount,
                                    ref bool cancel)
            PingResponseEventHandler temp = PingResponse;

            if (temp != null)
                var e = new PingResponseEventArgs(serverAddress, result, responseTime, byteCount, cancel);

                temp(this, e);

                cancel = e.Cancel;
 public PingErrorEventArgs(PingResponseType errorType, string message, DateTime errorDateTime)
     this.errorType     = errorType;
     this.message       = message;
     this.errorDateTime = errorDateTime;
 public PingErrorEventArgs(PingResponseType errorType, string message, DateTime errorDateTime)
     this.errorType = errorType;
     this.message = message;
     this.errorDateTime = errorDateTime;
Example #9
        private PingResponse SendPackets(Socket socket, EndPoint client, EndPoint server, byte[] sendBuffer, int pingCount)
            //Initialize PingResponse object
            PingResponse     response = new PingResponse(pingCount);
            PingResponseType result   = PingResponseType.Ok;

            byte[] receiveBuffer = new Byte[256];
            int    byteCount     = 0;
            int    start         = 0;
            int    stop          = 0;

            response.PacketsReceived = 0;
            response.PacketsSent     = 0;

            response.ServerEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)server;
            response.ClientEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)client;

                OnPingStarted((IPEndPoint)server, IcmpPacket.ICMP_PACKET_SIZE);

                for (int i = 0; i < pingCount; i++)
                    if (cancel)
                        response.PingResult = PingResponseType.Canceled;

                    // Initialize the buffers. The receive buffer is the size of the
                    // ICMP header plus the IP header (20 bytes)
                    receiveBuffer = new Byte[256];
                    byteCount     = 0;

                        // Start timing
                        start = Environment.TickCount;

                        //send the Packet over the socket
                        byteCount = socket.SendTo(sendBuffer, IcmpPacket.ICMP_PACKET_SIZE, SocketFlags.None, server);

                        if (byteCount == SOCKET_ERROR)
                            result = PingResponseType.ConnectionError;
                            response.ResponseTimes[i] = Constants.InvalidInt;
                            //ReceiveFrom will block while waiting for data
                            byteCount = socket.ReceiveFrom(receiveBuffer, 256, SocketFlags.None, ref client);

                            // stop timing
                            stop = System.Environment.TickCount;

                            if (byteCount == SOCKET_ERROR)
                                result = PingResponseType.ConnectionError;
                                response.ResponseTimes[i] = Constants.InvalidInt;
                            else if ((stop - start) > pingTimeout)
                                result = PingResponseType.RequestTimedOut;
                                response.ResponseTimes[i] = Constants.InvalidInt;
                            else if (byteCount > 0)
                                //Record time
                                response.ResponseTimes[i] = stop - start;

                        OnPingResponse(((IPEndPoint)server).Address, result, response.ResponseTimes[i], byteCount, ref cancel);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        OnPingError(PingResponseType.InternalError, ex.Message);
                //close the socket


            response.PingResult = result;