private void ToggleInteractable()
        if (!GameManager.instance.MatchStarted)

        Ui.SendLimitText.text = _sendLimit.ToString();

        //while (_sendLimit > 0)
        //    if (_sendLimit == 0 || !CanAffordItem(_player.GetComponent<PlayerMatchData>().PlayerGold, _creepCost))
        //    {
        //        Button.interactable = false;
        //        continue;
        //    }

        //    Button.interactable = true;

        if (GameManager.instance.MatchEnd)

        if (_sendLimit == 0 || !CanAffordItem(_player.GetComponent <PlayerMatchData>().PlayerGold, _creepCost))
            Button.interactable = false;
            Button.interactable = true;
Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// This can be called with KillFeed.ReportMurder(GameObject, DeathMode)
    /// This will set all variables for the coroutine to actually update the UI/HUD with the correct kill feed report
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Killer">The gameObject who killed the other player</param>
    /// <param name="method">The method of killing the player used against the other player</param>
    public static void ReportMurder(PhotonPlayer Killer, DeathMethod method)
        bool isYou = Killer != PhotonNetwork.player; //"killer" is player who got killed

        killer = isYou ? "You" : Killer.nickname;
        action = method.ToString();
        target = !isYou ? "You" : Killer.nickname;

        //this would be modified to however you store your weapon logic. This is how I store mine
        instrument = Killer.GetComponent <WeaponManager>().weapon.icon;

        //NOTE: You can take this logic and modify it in a way to only use 1 UI Text and death method, to create
        //funny scenarios such as games like Fortnite "Player spantaniously combusted", "Player got absolutely rekt", etc
Example #3
    private IEnumerator GetOwnerMatchData()
        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Owner != null));

        _ownerMatchData = Owner.GetComponent <PlayerMatchData>();
 private void ToggleInteractable()
     Button.interactable = CanAffordItem(Owner.GetComponent <PlayerMatchData>().PlayerGold, _towerCost);
 public void BuyTower(int towerCost)
     Owner.GetComponent <PlayerMatchData>().PlayerGold -= towerCost;
     Owner.GetComponent <PlayerMatchData>().TowersBuilt++;