public void Constructor_PermissionSet_Unrestricted()
            PermissionSet   pset = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
            PolicyStatement ps   = new PolicyStatement(pset);

            Assert.AreEqual(PolicyStatementAttribute.Nothing, ps.Attributes, "Attributes");
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, ps.AttributeString, "AttributeString");
            Assert.AreEqual(Unrestricted.ToString(), ps.PermissionSet.ToString(), "PermissionSet");
            Assert.AreEqual(ps.ToXml().ToString(), ps.Copy().ToXml().ToString(), "Copy");
Example #2
        protected override void DoCopy(IDataObject dataObject)
            // Serialize the selected elements and add it to the data object.
            StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (UIElement element in Elements)
                string xml;

                xml = XamlWriter.Save(element);


            // Set the data object as XML format.
            dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Xaml, xmlData.ToString());

            //  we need to copy the permission set on the clipboard for
            //  the Clipboard class methods.  See security note for details.
            PermissionSet permSet   = SecurityHelper.ExtractAppDomainPermissionSetMinusSiteOfOrigin();
            string        setString = permSet.ToString();

            Debug.Assert(setString.Length > 0);
            dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.ApplicationTrust, setString);
Example #3
        private static XmlElement GetCurrentCLRPermissions(string targetZone)
            SecurityZone zone;

            switch (targetZone)
            case LocalIntranet:
                zone = SecurityZone.Intranet;

            case Internet:
                zone = SecurityZone.Internet;

                throw new ArgumentException(String.Empty /* no message */, nameof(targetZone));

            var evidence = new Evidence(new EvidenceBase[] { new Zone(zone), new System.Runtime.Hosting.ActivationArguments(new System.ApplicationIdentity("")) }, null);

            PermissionSet sandbox        = SecurityManager.GetStandardSandbox(evidence);
            string        resultInString = sandbox.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultInString))
                var doc = new XmlDocument();
                // CA3057: DoNotUseLoadXml. Suppressed since the xml being loaded is a string representation of the PermissionSet.


        public void Constructor_PermissionSet_Null()
            PolicyStatement ps = new PolicyStatement(null);

            Assert.AreEqual(PolicyStatementAttribute.Nothing, ps.Attributes, "Attributes");
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, ps.AttributeString, "AttributeString");
            Assert.AreEqual(Empty.ToString(), ps.PermissionSet.ToString(), "PermissionSet");
            Assert.AreEqual(ps.ToXml().ToString(), ps.Copy().ToXml().ToString(), "Copy");
Example #5
        public static string[] PermissionSetToIdentityList(PermissionSet permissionSet)
            string      xml      = (permissionSet != null) ? permissionSet.ToString() : "<PermissionSet/>";
            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

Example #6
        public static string[] PermissionSetToIdentityList(PermissionSet permissionSet)
            string psXml      = permissionSet?.ToString() ?? "<PermissionSet/>";
            var    psDocument = new XmlDocument();

            // CA3057: DoNotUseLoadXml.  Suppressed since 'psXml' is a trusted or a constant string.
Example #7
 public static void PermissionRequestEvidenceCallMethods()
     PermissionSet ps = new PermissionSet(new PermissionState());
     PermissionRequestEvidence pre = new PermissionRequestEvidence(ps, ps, ps);
     PermissionRequestEvidence obj = pre.Copy();
     string str = ps.ToString();
     SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement("");
     se = ps.ToXml();
        public void ResolvePolicy_CurrentAssemblyEvidence()
            HostSecurityManager hsm = new HostSecurityManager();
            Assembly            a   = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            PermissionSet       ps  = hsm.ResolvePolicy(a.Evidence);

            PermissionSet expected = SecurityManager.ResolvePolicy(a.Evidence);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.ToString(), ps.ToString(), "PermissionSet");
Example #9
        public static void PermissionRequestEvidenceCallMethods()
            PermissionSet             ps  = new PermissionSet(new PermissionState());
            PermissionRequestEvidence pre = new PermissionRequestEvidence(ps, ps, ps);
            PermissionRequestEvidence obj = pre.Copy();
            string          str           = ps.ToString();
            SecurityElement se            = new SecurityElement("");

            se = ps.ToXml();
        public void GetSet()
            PermissionSetCollection psc = new PermissionSetCollection();
            PermissionSet           unr = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted);

            PermissionSet ps = psc.GetSet(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(unr.ToString(), ps.ToString(), "Same XML");
            Assert.IsTrue(Object.ReferenceEquals(unr, ps), "Same Object Reference");
Example #11
        internal static XmlDocument PermissionSetToXml(PermissionSet ps)
            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
            string      xml      = (ps != null) ? ps.ToString() : "<PermissionSet/>";

            XmlDocument document2 = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement  newChild  = XmlUtil.CloneElementToDocument(document.DocumentElement, document2, "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2");

Example #12
        internal static XmlDocument PermissionSetToXml(PermissionSet ps)
            XmlDocument inputDocument = new XmlDocument();
            string      xml           = (ps != null) ? ps.ToString() : "<PermissionSet/>";

            // CA3057: DoNotUseLoadXml.  Suppressed since 'xml' is a trusted or a constant string.
            XmlDocument outputDocument = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement  psElement      = XmlUtil.CloneElementToDocument(inputDocument.DocumentElement, outputDocument, XmlNamespaces.asmv2);

        public void ToXml()
            PermissionSetCollection psc = new PermissionSetCollection();
            SecurityElement         se  = psc.ToXml();

            Assert.IsNull(se.Children, "Children==null for 0");
            PermissionSet unr = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted);

            se = psc.ToXml();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, se.Children.Count, "Children==1");
            Assert.AreEqual(unr.ToString(), se.Children[0].ToString(), "XML");
Example #14
        protected override void DoCopy(IDataObject dataObject)
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (UIElement obj in base.Elements)
                string value = XamlWriter.Save(obj);
            dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Xaml, stringBuilder.ToString());
            PermissionSet permissionSet = SecurityHelper.ExtractAppDomainPermissionSetMinusSiteOfOrigin();
            string        data          = permissionSet.ToString();

            dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.ApplicationTrust, data);
        public void Copy_References()
            PermissionSet           none = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
            PermissionSetCollection psc  = new PermissionSetCollection();

            PermissionSetCollection copy = psc.Copy();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, copy.PermissionSets.Count, "Count-1");

            string before = psc.ToString();

            none.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Assertion));

            Assert.AreEqual(none.ToString(), psc.PermissionSets[0].ToString(), "psc");
            Assert.AreEqual(before, copy.ToString(), "copy");
Example #16
 public static void PermissionSetCallMethods()
     PermissionSet ps = new PermissionSet(new PermissionState());
     bool containspermissions = ps.ContainsNonCodeAccessPermissions();
     PermissionSet ps2 = ps.Copy();
     ps.CopyTo(new int[1], 0);
     System.Collections.IEnumerator ie = ps.GetEnumerator();
     int hash = ps.GetHashCode();
     PermissionSet ps3 = ps.Intersect(ps2);
     bool isempty = ps.IsEmpty();
     bool issubsetof = ps.IsSubsetOf(ps2);
     bool isunrestricted = ps.IsUnrestricted();
     string s = ps.ToString();
     PermissionSet ps4 = ps.Union(ps2);
     SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement("");
     se = ps.ToXml();
Example #17
        public static void PermissionSetCallMethods()
            PermissionSet ps = new PermissionSet(new PermissionState());

            bool          containspermissions = ps.ContainsNonCodeAccessPermissions();
            PermissionSet ps2 = ps.Copy();

            ps.CopyTo(new int[1], 0);
            System.Collections.IEnumerator ie = ps.GetEnumerator();
            int             hash           = ps.GetHashCode();
            PermissionSet   ps3            = ps.Intersect(ps2);
            bool            isempty        = ps.IsEmpty();
            bool            issubsetof     = ps.IsSubsetOf(ps2);
            bool            isunrestricted = ps.IsUnrestricted();
            string          s   = ps.ToString();
            PermissionSet   ps4 = ps.Union(ps2);
            SecurityElement se  = new SecurityElement("");

            se = ps.ToXml();
Example #18
 public static void PermissionSetDemo()
     Console.WriteLine("Executing PermissionSetDemo");
         // Open a new PermissionSet.
         PermissionSet ps1 = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
         Console.WriteLine("Adding permission to open a file from a file dialog box.");
         // Add a permission to the permission set.
             new FileDialogPermission(FileDialogPermissionAccess.Open));
         Console.WriteLine("Demanding permission to open a file.");
         Console.WriteLine("Demand succeeded.");
         Console.WriteLine("Adding permission to save a file from a file dialog box.");
             new FileDialogPermission(FileDialogPermissionAccess.Save));
         Console.WriteLine("Demanding permission to open and save a file.");
         Console.WriteLine("Demand succeeded.");
         Console.WriteLine("Adding permission to read environment variable USERNAME.");
             new EnvironmentPermission(EnvironmentPermissionAccess.Read, "USERNAME"));
         Console.WriteLine("Demand succeeded.");
         Console.WriteLine("Adding permission to read environment variable COMPUTERNAME.");
             new EnvironmentPermission(EnvironmentPermissionAccess.Read, "COMPUTERNAME"));
         // Demand all the permissions in the set.
         Console.WriteLine("Demand all permissions.");
         Console.WriteLine("Demand succeeded.");
         // Display the number of permissions in the set.
         Console.WriteLine("Number of permissions = " + ps1.Count);
         // Display the value of the IsSynchronized property.
         Console.WriteLine("IsSynchronized property = " + ps1.IsSynchronized);
         // Display the value of the IsReadOnly property.
         Console.WriteLine("IsReadOnly property = " + ps1.IsReadOnly);
         // Display the value of the SyncRoot property.
         Console.WriteLine("SyncRoot property = " + ps1.SyncRoot);
         // Display the result of a call to the ContainsNonCodeAccessPermissions method.
         // Gets a value indicating whether the PermissionSet contains permissions
         // that are not derived from CodeAccessPermission.
         // Returns true if the PermissionSet contains permissions that are not
         // derived from CodeAccessPermission; otherwise, false.
         Console.WriteLine("ContainsNonCodeAccessPermissions method returned " +
         Console.WriteLine("Value of the permission set ToString = \n" + ps1.ToString());
         PermissionSet ps2 = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
         // Create a second permission set and compare it to the first permission set.
             new EnvironmentPermission(EnvironmentPermissionAccess.Read, "USERNAME"));
             new EnvironmentPermission(EnvironmentPermissionAccess.Write, "COMPUTERNAME"));
         IEnumerator list = ps1.GetEnumerator();
         Console.WriteLine("Permissions in first permission set:");
         while (list.MoveNext())
         Console.WriteLine("Second permission IsSubsetOf first permission = " + ps2.IsSubsetOf(ps1));
         // Display the intersection of two permission sets.
         PermissionSet ps3 = ps2.Intersect(ps1);
         Console.WriteLine("The intersection of the first permission set and "
                           + "the second permission set = " + ps3.ToString());
         // Create a new permission set.
         PermissionSet ps4 = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
             new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read,
             new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read |
                                  FileIOPermissionAccess.Write | FileIOPermissionAccess.Append,
         // Display the union of two permission sets.
         PermissionSet ps5 = ps3.Union(ps4);
         Console.WriteLine("The union of permission set 3 and permission set 4 = "
                           + ps5.ToString());
         // Remove FileIOPermission from the permission set.
         Console.WriteLine("The last permission set after removing FileIOPermission = "
                           + ps5.ToString());
         // Change the permission set using SetPermission.
         ps5.SetPermission(new EnvironmentPermission(EnvironmentPermissionAccess.AllAccess, "USERNAME"));
         Console.WriteLine("Permission set after SetPermission = " + ps5.ToString());
         // Display result of ToXml and FromXml operations.
         PermissionSet ps6 = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
         Console.WriteLine("Result of ToFromXml = " + ps6.ToString() + "\n");
         // Display results of PermissionSet.GetEnumerator.
         IEnumerator psEnumerator = ps1.GetEnumerator();
         while (psEnumerator.MoveNext())
         // Check for an unrestricted permission set.
         PermissionSet ps7 = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
         Console.WriteLine("Permission set is unrestricted = " + ps7.IsUnrestricted());
         // Create and display a copy of a permission set.
         ps7 = ps5.Copy();
         Console.WriteLine("Result of copy = " + ps7.ToString());
     catch (Exception e)
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates DataObject for Copy and Drag operations
        /// </summary>
        internal static DataObject _CreateDataObject(TextEditor This, bool isDragDrop)
            DataObject dataObject;

            // Create the data object for drag and drop.
            //  We could provide more extensibility here -
            // by allowing application to create its own DataObject.
            // Without it our extensibility looks inconsistent:
            // the interface IDataObject suggests that you can
            // create your own implementation of it, but you
            // really cannot, because there is no way of
            // using it in our TextEditor.Copy/Drag.
            (new UIPermission(UIPermissionClipboard.AllClipboard)).Assert();//BlessedAssert
                dataObject = new DataObject();

            // Get plain text and copy it into the data object.
            string textString = This.Selection.Text;

            if (textString != String.Empty)
                // Copy plain text into data object.
                // ConfirmDataFormatSetting rasies a public event - could throw recoverable exception.
                if (ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.Text))
                    CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject, DataFormats.Text, textString);

                // Copy unicode text into data object.
                // ConfirmDataFormatSetting rasies a public event - could throw recoverable exception.
                if (ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.UnicodeText))
                    CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject, DataFormats.UnicodeText, textString);

            // Get the rtf and xaml text and then copy it into the data object after confirm data format.
            // We do this only if our content is rich
            if (This.AcceptsRichContent)
                // This ensures that in the confines of partial trust RTF is not enabled.
                // We use unmanaged code permission over clipboard permission since
                // the latter is available in intranet zone and this is something that will
                // fail in intranet too.
                if (SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission())
                    // In FullTrust we allow all rich formats on the clipboard

                    Stream wpfContainerMemory = null;
                    // null wpfContainerMemory on entry means that container is optional
                    // and will be not created when there is no images in the range.

                    // Create in-memory wpf package, and serialize the content of selection into it
                    string xamlTextWithImages = WpfPayload.SaveRange(This.Selection, ref wpfContainerMemory, /*useFlowDocumentAsRoot:*/ false);

                    if (xamlTextWithImages.Length > 0)
                        // ConfirmDataFormatSetting raises a public event - could throw recoverable exception.
                        if (wpfContainerMemory != null && ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.XamlPackage))
                            dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.XamlPackage, wpfContainerMemory);

                        // ConfirmDataFormatSetting raises a public event - could throw recoverable exception.
                        if (ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.Rtf))
                            // Convert xaml to rtf text to set rtf data into data object.
                            string rtfText = ConvertXamlToRtf(xamlTextWithImages, wpfContainerMemory);

                            if (rtfText != String.Empty)
                                dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Rtf, rtfText, true);

                    // Add a CF_BITMAP if we have only one image selected.
                    Image image = This.Selection.GetUIElementSelected() as Image;
                    if (image != null && image.Source is System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource)

                // Xaml format is availabe both in Full Trust and in Partial Trust
                // Need to re-serialize xaml to avoid image references within a container:
                StringWriter  stringWriter = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                XmlTextWriter xmlWriter    = new XmlTextWriter(stringWriter);
                TextRangeSerialization.WriteXaml(xmlWriter, This.Selection, /*useFlowDocumentAsRoot:*/ false, /*wpfPayload:*/ null);
                string xamlText = stringWriter.ToString();
                //  Use WpfPayload.SaveRangeAsXaml method to produce correct image.Source properties.

                if (xamlText.Length > 0)
                    // ConfirmDataFormatSetting rasies a public event - could throw recoverable exception.
                    if (ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.Xaml))
                        // Place Xaml data onto the dataobject using safe setter
                        CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject, DataFormats.Xaml, xamlText);

                        // The dataobject itself must hold an information about permission set
                        // of the source appdomain. Set it there:

                        // Package permission set for the current appdomain
                        PermissionSet psCurrentAppDomain            = SecurityHelper.ExtractAppDomainPermissionSetMinusSiteOfOrigin();
                        string        permissionSetCurrentAppDomain = psCurrentAppDomain.ToString();
                        CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject, DataFormats.ApplicationTrust, permissionSetCurrentAppDomain);

            // Notify application about our data object preparation completion
            DataObjectCopyingEventArgs dataObjectCopyingEventArgs = new DataObjectCopyingEventArgs(dataObject, /*isDragDrop:*/ isDragDrop);

            if (dataObjectCopyingEventArgs.CommandCancelled)
                dataObject = null;

 public static string ToPermissionString(this PermissionSet perms)
     // TODO: clean string
        internal static DataObject _CreateDataObject(TextEditor This, bool isDragDrop)
            new UIPermission(UIPermissionClipboard.AllClipboard).Assert();
            DataObject dataObject;

                dataObject = new DataObject();
            string text = This.Selection.Text;

            if (text != string.Empty)
                if (TextEditorCopyPaste.ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.Text))
                    TextEditorCopyPaste.CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject, DataFormats.Text, text);
                if (TextEditorCopyPaste.ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.UnicodeText))
                    TextEditorCopyPaste.CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject, DataFormats.UnicodeText, text);
            if (This.AcceptsRichContent)
                if (SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission())
                    Stream stream = null;
                    string text2  = WpfPayload.SaveRange(This.Selection, ref stream, false);
                    if (text2.Length > 0)
                        if (stream != null && TextEditorCopyPaste.ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.XamlPackage))
                            dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.XamlPackage, stream);
                        if (TextEditorCopyPaste.ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.Rtf))
                            string text3 = TextEditorCopyPaste.ConvertXamlToRtf(text2, stream);
                            if (text3 != string.Empty)
                                dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Rtf, text3, true);
                    Image image = This.Selection.GetUIElementSelected() as Image;
                    if (image != null && image.Source is BitmapSource)
                StringWriter  stringWriter = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                XmlTextWriter xmlWriter    = new XmlTextWriter(stringWriter);
                TextRangeSerialization.WriteXaml(xmlWriter, This.Selection, false, null);
                string text4 = stringWriter.ToString();
                if (text4.Length > 0 && TextEditorCopyPaste.ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.Xaml))
                    TextEditorCopyPaste.CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject, DataFormats.Xaml, text4);
                    PermissionSet permissionSet = SecurityHelper.ExtractAppDomainPermissionSetMinusSiteOfOrigin();
                    string        content       = permissionSet.ToString();
                    TextEditorCopyPaste.CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject, DataFormats.ApplicationTrust, content);
            DataObjectCopyingEventArgs dataObjectCopyingEventArgs = new DataObjectCopyingEventArgs(dataObject, isDragDrop);

            if (dataObjectCopyingEventArgs.CommandCancelled)
                dataObject = null;