Example #1
 public override void OnAddToWorld()
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new GroupInteligentAI(this);
 public override void OnAddToWorld()
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
Example #3
    void Start()
        target       = FindObjectOfType <PlayerHealth>().gameObject.transform;
        navMeshAgent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
        animator     = GetComponent <Animator>();

        if (isPatrolling)
            patrolAI = GetComponent <PatrolAI>();
Example #4
 public override void OnAddToWorld()
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new StandingGuardAI(this);
 public void SpawnPatrolAI(int playerID)
     if (m_patrolAI == null)
         m_patrolAI = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("PatrolAIPhotonView", Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, 0);
     if (m_patrolAI != null)
         m_ai = m_patrolAI.GetComponentInChildren <PatrolAI>();
         m_ai.Initialise(m_nodes, playerID);
         m_aiSpawned = true;
Example #6
File: Enemy.cs Project: MrMitten/LH
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     if (GetComponent <EnemyLOS>() != null)
         los = GetComponent <EnemyLOS>();
     if (GetComponent <PatrolAI>() != null)
         patrol = GetComponent <PatrolAI>();
     if (GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>() != null)
         agent       = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
         agent.speed = speed;
 public MarshalMcBride() : base()
     Name  = "Marshal McBride";
     Id    = 197;
     Model = 1859;
     Level = RandomLevel(20);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 20 * Level;
     Block          = 2 * Level;
     Flags1         = 0x08080066;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 1.5f);
     BaseHitPoints  = 1250;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 1.7077550f;
     CombatReach    = 1.500f;
     Speed          = 3.1f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3.1f;
     RunSpeed       = 6.1f;
     Faction        = Factions.Stormwind;
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new StandingGuardAI(this);
     NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Size    = 1f;
     NpcText00 = "Hey citizen! You look like a stout one. We guards are spread a little thin out here, and I could use you help...";
     Equip(new Longsword(), new StormwindGuardShield());
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(StormwindGuardsDrops.MarshalMcBride, 100f), new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
     //Quests = new BaseQuest[] { new Kobold_Camp_Cleanup(), new Investigate_Echo_Ridge(), new Skirmish_at_Echo_Ridge(), new Report_to_Goldshire() };
 public MoonPriestessAmara() : base()
     Name  = "Moon Priestess Amara";
     Id    = 2151;
     Model = 1681;
     Level = RandomLevel(25);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 4526;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 1 * Level;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x0580006;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.420f;
     CombatReach    = 1.2f;
     Size           = 0.85f;
     Speed          = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.9f;
     Str            = (int)(Level * 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.Darnasus;
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new StandingGuardAI(this);
     NpcType  = 7;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     //Item( int _model, InventoryTypes _inventoryType, int _quality, int _subclass, int _objectclass, int _sheath, int param1, int param2, int param3 )
     Equip(new Item(24930, InventoryTypes.Ranged, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 285, 25);
 public ApothecaryVallia() : base()
     Name  = "Apothecary Vallia";
     Guild = "Royal Apothecary Society";
     Id    = 5731;
     Model = 4108;
     Level = RandomLevel(20);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 3 * Level;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x018480046;
     BaseHitPoints  = 16 + 10 * Level;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.31000f;
     CombatReach    = 1.52f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 3.06f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3.06f;
     RunSpeed       = 6.06f;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.Undercity;
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new StandingGuardAI(this);
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Undead;
     NpcFlags = 0;
     Equip(new Item(12236, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 4, 2, 7, 0, 0, 0), new Item(21095, InventoryTypes.RangeRight, 2, 19, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(OtherUndeadDrops.ApothecaryVallia, 100f),
                                  new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
 public ApothecaryZamah() : base()
     Name  = "Apothecary Zamah";
     Guild = "Royal Apothecary Society";
     Id    = 3419;
     Model = 1814;
     Level = RandomLevel(22);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 3 * Level;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x08480046;
     BaseHitPoints  = 16 + 10 * Level;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.31000f;
     CombatReach    = 1.52f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 3.06f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3.06f;
     RunSpeed       = 6.06f;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.Undercity;
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new StandingNpcAI(this);
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Undead;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Equip(new Item(7474, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 14, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Item(6534, InventoryTypes.HeldInHand, 4, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(OtherUndeadDrops.ApothecaryZamah, 100f),
                                  new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
 public MarshalDughan() : base()
     Name  = "Marshal Dughan";
     Id    = 240;
     Model = 1985;
     Level = RandomLevel(25);
     SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 1500;
     Armor          = 40 * Level;
     Block          = 2 * Level;
     Flags1         = 0x08480046;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 1.5f);
     BaseHitPoints  = 350;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.3077550f;
     CombatReach    = 1.300f;
     Speed          = 3.1f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3.1f;
     RunSpeed       = 6.1f;
     Faction        = Factions.Stormwind;
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new StandingGuardAI(this);
     //Equip( new Shortsword() );
     Equip(new BarbedClub());
     NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Size    = 1f;
     Loots   = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(StormwindGuardsDrops.MarshalDughan, 100f), new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) };
     //Quests = new BaseQuest[] { new The_Fargodeep_Mine(), new The_Jasperlode_Mine(), new Further_Concerns(), new Cloth_and_Leather_Armor(), new Westbrook_Garrison_Needs_Help(), new Manhunt() };
 public AllianceSpiritGuide() : base()
     Id             = 13116;
     Model          = 13336;
     Level          = RandomLevel(60);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.5500000f;
     Name           = "Alliance Spirit Guide";
     //Guild="House of Barov";
     Flags1        = 0x080000;
     Size          = 1.0f;
     Speed         = 4.05f;
     WalkSpeed     = 4.05f;
     RunSpeed      = 7.05f;
     ResistArcane  = 0;
     ResistFire    = 0;
     ResistFrost   = 0;
     ResistHoly    = 0;
     ResistNature  = 0;
     ResistShadow  = 0;
     Str           = (int)(Level * 2.5f);
     NpcType       = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor         = Level * 30;
     BaseHitPoints = 5760;
     NpcFlags      = (int)NpcActions.BattleFieldSpiritHealer;
     CombatReach   = 2.5f;
     SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
     ManaType = 0; BaseMana = 0;
     Faction  = Factions.Alliance;
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new StandingGuardAI(this);
     Elite = 1;
     Equip(new Item(6454, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 15, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DropsME.MoneyElite1, 100f) };
 public AndronGant() : base()
     Name  = "Andron Gant";
     Id    = 6522;
     Model = 3859;
     Level = RandomLevel(15);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 3 * Level;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x018480046;
     BaseHitPoints  = 16 + 10 * Level;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.31000f;
     CombatReach    = 1.52f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 3.02f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3.02f;
     RunSpeed       = 6.02f;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.Undercity;
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new StandingGuardAI(this);
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Undead;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Equip(new Item(6443, InventoryTypes.TwoHanded, 2, 15, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(OtherUndeadDrops.AndronGant, 100f),
                                  new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
 public AlyssaBlaye() : base()
     Name  = "Alyssa Blaye";
     Id    = 5665;
     Model = 3883;
     Level = RandomLevel(20);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 3 * Level;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x010480006;
     BaseHitPoints  = 16 + 10 * Level;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.21000f;
     CombatReach    = 1.52f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 6f;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.Horde;
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new StandingGuardAI(this);
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Undead;
     NpcFlags = 0;
     Equip(new Item(7483, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 7, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0), new Item(1684, InventoryTypes.Shield, 4, 6, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(OtherUndeadDrops.AlyssaBlaye, 100f),
                                  new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
 public DeputyWillem() : base()
     Name  = "Deputy Willem";
     Id    = 823;
     Model = 2072;
     Level = RandomLevel(18);
     SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 1500;
     Armor          = 40 * Level;
     Block          = 2 * Level;
     Flags1         = 0x08080066;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 1.5f);
     BaseHitPoints  = 210;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.3077550f;
     CombatReach    = 1.300f;
     Speed          = 3.1f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3.1f;
     RunSpeed       = 6.1f;
     Faction        = Factions.Stormwind;
     if (this.SpawnerLink != null && SpawnerLink.TrajetGuid > 0)
         AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this);
         AIEngine = new StandingGuardAI(this);
     Equip(new Shortsword());
     NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Size    = 1f;
     Loots   = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(StormwindGuardsDrops.DeputyWillem, 100f), new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) };
     //Quests = new BaseQuest[] { new A_Threat_Within(), new Bounty_on_Garrick_Padfoot(), new Brotherhood_of_Thieves(), new Eagan_Peltskinner(), new Milly_Osworth() };
Example #16
    private void OnDisable()
        if (m_CurrentTarget == null)
        switch (m_CurrentType)
        case eMapPointType.FISH:
            FishAI fish = m_CurrentTarget.GetComponent <FishAI>();
            fish.OnSpawn -= ShowPoint;
            fish.OnDeath -= HidePoint;

        case eMapPointType.PATROL:
            PatrolAI patrol = m_CurrentTarget.GetComponent <PatrolAI>();
            patrol.OnSpawn -= ShowPoint;
            patrol.OnDeath -= HidePoint;

        case eMapPointType.FISHVARIANT:
            FishVariantAI fishVariant = m_CurrentTarget.GetComponent <FishVariantAI>();
            fishVariant.OnSpawn -= ShowPoint;
            fishVariant.OnDeath -= HidePoint;

        case eMapPointType.TANK:
            TankAI tank = m_CurrentTarget.GetComponent <TankAI>();
            tank.OnSpawn -= ShowPoint;
            tank.OnDeath -= HidePoint;
            //case eMapPointType.PLAYER:
            //    m_CurrentPlayer.OnSpawnBegin -= ShowPoint;
            //    m_CurrentPlayer.OnDeathBegin -= HidePoint;
            //    break;
        UIPanelRadar.Instance.UpdatePoint -= UpdatePosition;
Example #17
 public KoboldLaborer() : base()
     Id           = 80;
     Level        = RandomLevel(3, 4);
     RunSpeed     = 7f;
     WalkSpeed    = 3f;
     AttackSpeed  = 2000;
     Armor        = 1 * Level;
     Block        = 0;
     ResistArcane = 0;
     ResistFire   = 3 * Level;
     ResistFrost  = 0;
     ResistHoly   = 0;
     ResistNature = 0;
     Flags1       = 0x080000;
     AIEngine     = new PatrolAI(this);
     AttackBonii(2000, 2000);
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = 16 + 4 * Level;
     BoundingRadius = 0.726000f;
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     NpcType     = 7;
     Model       = 365;
     NpcFlags    = 0;
     Name        = "Kobold Laborer";
     CombatReach = 0.12f;
     Unk3        = 7;
     Size        = 0.85f;
     Str         = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     AIEngine    = new PatrolAI(this);
     Faction     = Factions.NoFaction;
     Equip(new Item(7493, InventoryTypes.OneHand, 0, 1, 13, 3, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(KoboldDrops.KoboldLaborer, 100f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 28, 3);
Example #18
    private FleeAI fleeAI; //a variable used to check if the AI is in fleeing state

    private void Start()
        //set all the variables to thier respective component values
        moveAI      = GetComponent <MoveAI>();
        patrolAI    = GetComponent <PatrolAI>();
        attackAI    = GetComponent <AttackAI>();
        fleeAI      = GetComponent <FleeAI>();
        enemyScript = GetComponent <Enemy>();
        isSeeking   = GetComponent <MoveAI>().isSeeking;

        //Debugging to check if objects are attached correctly
        if (moveAI == null)
            Debug.LogError("moveAI not attached to StateMachine");
        if (patrolAI == null)
            Debug.LogError("patrolAI not attached to StateMachine");

        //start the program in the patrol state
Example #19
 public MogroshBrute() : base()
     Name         = "Mo'grosh Brute";
     Id           = 1180;
     Model        = 14403;
     Level        = RandomLevel(19, 20);
     ResistArcane = 0;
     ResistFire   = 0;
     ResistFrost  = 0;
     ResistHoly   = 0;
     ResistNature = Level;
     ResistShadow = 0;
     Str          = (int)(Level * 4.85f);
     NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor        = (int)(Level * 29.2);
     Block        = Level;
     SetDamage(1f + 3.5f * Level, 1f + 4.0 * Level);
     ManaType       = 1;
     BaseMana       = 100;
     AttackSpeed    = 3000;
     BoundingRadius = 1f;
     CombatReach    = 1.7f;
     Size           = 1.15f;
     Speed          = 2.5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.5f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.5f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new PatrolAI(this);
     Flags1         = 0x080000;
     Elite          = 1;
     LearnSpell(6190, SpellsTypes.Defensive);
     LearnSpell(8198, SpellsTypes.Defensive);
     Equip(new Item(3502, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 5, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0));
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 1463, 19);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MogroshDrops.MogroshBrute, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(DropsME.MoneyElite1, 100f) };
Example #20
 public MogroshOgre() : base()
     Name         = "Mo'grosh Ogre";
     Id           = 1178;
     Model        = 1122;
     Level        = RandomLevel(18, 19);
     ResistArcane = 0;
     ResistFire   = 0;
     ResistFrost  = 0;
     ResistHoly   = 0;
     ResistNature = Level;
     ResistShadow = 0;
     Str          = (int)(Level * 4.85f);
     NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor        = (int)(Level * 29.2);
     Block        = Level;
     SetDamage(1f + 3.5f * Level, 1f + 4.0 * Level);
     ManaType       = 0;
     BaseMana       = 1200 + Level;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.9f;
     CombatReach    = 1.6f;
     Size           = 1.1f;
     Speed          = 2.5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.5f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.5f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new PatrolAI(this);
     Flags1         = 0x020;
     Elite          = 1;
     LearnSpell(5164, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
     LearnSpell(3229, SpellsTypes.Defensive);
     Equip(new Item(7440, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 4, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0));
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 1272, 18);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MogroshDrops.MogroshOgre, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(DropsME.MoneyElite1, 100f) };
Example #21
    public void Init(GameObject target, eMapPointType type)
        m_CurrentTarget = target;
        m_CurrentType   = type;
        m_Image         = this.GetComponent <Image>();
        m_Color         = m_Image.color;
        switch (m_CurrentType)
        case eMapPointType.FISH:
            FishAI fish = target.GetComponent <FishAI>();
            fish.OnSpawn += ShowPoint;
            fish.OnDeath += HidePoint;

        case eMapPointType.PATROL:
            PatrolAI patrol = target.GetComponent <PatrolAI>();
            patrol.OnSpawn += ShowPoint;
            patrol.OnDeath += HidePoint;

        case eMapPointType.FISHVARIANT:
            FishVariantAI fishVariant = target.GetComponent <FishVariantAI>();
            fishVariant.OnSpawn += ShowPoint;
            fishVariant.OnDeath += HidePoint;

        case eMapPointType.TANK:
            TankAI tank = target.GetComponent <TankAI>();
            tank.OnSpawn += ShowPoint;
            tank.OnDeath += HidePoint;
        UIPanelRadar.Instance.UpdatePoint += UpdatePosition;
Example #22
        public KoboldVermin() : base()
            Name  = "Kobold Vermin";
            Id    = 6;
            Model = 10913;
            Level = RandomLevel(1, 2);
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            AttackSpeed    = 2000;
            Armor          = 3 * Level;
            Block          = 0;
            ResistArcane   = 0;
            ResistFire     = 1 * Level;
            ResistFrost    = 0;
            ResistHoly     = 0;
            ResistNature   = 0;
            Flags1         = 0x080000;
            BaseMana       = 0;
            BoundingRadius = 0.561000f;
            CombatReach    = 0.12f;
            Size           = 0.7f;
            Speed          = 3f;
            WalkSpeed      = 3f;
            RunSpeed       = 6f;
            Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
            Faction        = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine       = new PatrolAI(this);
            NpcType        = 7;
//equipmodel=0 5010 2 10 2 17 2 0 0 0
//Item( int _model, InventoryTypes _inventoryType, int _quality, int _subclass, int _objectclass, int _sheath, int param1, int param2, int param3 )
            Equip(new Item(5010, InventoryTypes.TwoHanded, 10, 2, 17, 2, 0, 0, 0));
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f)
                                         , new BaseTreasure(KoboldDrops.KoboldVermin, 100f) };
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 26, 1);
Example #23
	void Start()
		sense = GetComponent<OmniSense> ();
		patrolAI = GetComponent<PatrolAI> ();
		objectToFollow = null;
Example #24
    public void SpawnMobs(int fishCount, int fishVariantCount, int patrolCount, int tankCount)
        if (m_bAutoSpawn == false)

        List <Player> pList  = InGamePlayerManager.Instance.Players;
        Vector3       Center = new Vector3();

        Center.Set(0, 0, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < pList.Count; i++)
            Center += pList[i].transform.position;
        Center /= pList.Count;

        Vector3 spawnTarget = Vector3.forward;

        for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
            spawnTarget  = Vector3.forward;
            spawnTarget  = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.Range(1f, 360f), Vector3.up) * spawnTarget;
            spawnTarget *= Random.Range(70f, 75f);
            spawnTarget += Center;
            if (Physics.Linecast(Center, spawnTarget, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Obstcale")))
                for (int j = 0; j < fishCount; j++)
                    if (m_FishCount > 20)
                    m_GOFish = ObjectPool.m_Instance.LoadGameObjectFromPool(3100);
                    if (m_GOFish == null)
                    m_GOFish.transform.position = spawnTarget;
                    if (UIInGameMain.Instance != null)
                        UIInGameMain.Instance.AddRadarPoint(m_GOFish, eMapPointType.FISH);
                for (int j = 0; j < fishVariantCount; j++)
                    if (m_FishVariantCount > 3)
                    m_GOFishVariant = ObjectPool.m_Instance.LoadGameObjectFromPool(3300);
                    if (m_GOFishVariant == null)
                    m_GOFishVariant.transform.position = spawnTarget;
                    if (UIInGameMain.Instance != null)
                        UIInGameMain.Instance.AddRadarPoint(m_GOFishVariant, eMapPointType.FISHVARIANT);
                for (int j = 0; j < patrolCount; j++)
                    if (m_PatrolCount > 30)
                    m_GOPatrol = ObjectPool.m_Instance.LoadGameObjectFromPool(3200);
                    if (m_GOPatrol == null)
                    m_GOPatrol.transform.position = spawnTarget;
                    PatrolAI patrolAI = m_GOPatrol.GetComponent <PatrolAI>();
                    patrolAI.m_bGoIdle = true;
                    if (UIInGameMain.Instance != null)
                        UIInGameMain.Instance.AddRadarPoint(m_GOPatrol, eMapPointType.PATROL);
                for (int j = 0; j < tankCount; j++)
                    if (m_TankCount > 5)
                    m_GOTank = ObjectPool.m_Instance.LoadGameObjectFromPool(3400);
                    if (m_GOTank == null)
                    m_GOTank.transform.position = spawnTarget;
                    if (UIInGameMain.Instance != null)
                        UIInGameMain.Instance.AddRadarPoint(m_GOTank, eMapPointType.TANK);
        Debug.Log("Fish:" + m_FishCount + " Fish2:" + m_FishVariantCount + " Patrol:" + m_PatrolCount + " Tank:" + m_TankCount);
Example #25
    public void SpawnMobs(int fishCount, int fishVariantCount, int patrolCount, int tankCount, Transform center, float minRadius, float maxRadius)
        Vector3 spawnTarget = center.forward;

        for (int i = 0; i < fishCount; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
                spawnTarget  = Vector3.forward;
                spawnTarget  = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.Range(1f, 360f), Vector3.up) * spawnTarget;
                spawnTarget *= Random.Range(minRadius, maxRadius);
                spawnTarget += center.position;
                if (Physics.Linecast(center.position, spawnTarget, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Obstcale")))
                    m_GOFish = ObjectPool.m_Instance.LoadGameObjectFromPool(3100);
                    if (m_GOFish == null)
                    m_GOFish.transform.position = spawnTarget;
                    if (UIPanelRadar.Instance != null)
                        UIPanelRadar.Instance.AddPointPrefab(m_GOFish, eMapPointType.FISH);
        for (int i = 0; i < fishVariantCount; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
                spawnTarget  = Vector3.forward;
                spawnTarget  = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.Range(1f, 360f), Vector3.up) * spawnTarget;
                spawnTarget *= Random.Range(minRadius, maxRadius);
                spawnTarget += center.position;
                if (Physics.Linecast(center.position, spawnTarget, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Obstcale")))
                    m_GOFishVariant = ObjectPool.m_Instance.LoadGameObjectFromPool(3300);
                    if (m_GOFishVariant == null)
                    m_GOFishVariant.transform.position = spawnTarget;
                    if (UIInGameMain.Instance != null)
                        UIInGameMain.Instance.AddRadarPoint(m_GOFishVariant, eMapPointType.FISHVARIANT);
        for (int i = 0; i < patrolCount; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
                spawnTarget  = Vector3.forward;
                spawnTarget  = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.Range(1f, 360f), Vector3.up) * spawnTarget;
                spawnTarget *= Random.Range(minRadius, maxRadius);
                spawnTarget += center.position;
                if (Physics.Linecast(center.position, spawnTarget, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Obstcale")))
                    m_GOPatrol = ObjectPool.m_Instance.LoadGameObjectFromPool(3200);
                    if (m_GOPatrol == null)
                    m_GOPatrol.transform.position = spawnTarget;
                    PatrolAI patrolAI = m_GOPatrol.GetComponent <PatrolAI>();
                    patrolAI.m_bGoIdle = true;
                    if (UIInGameMain.Instance != null)
                        UIInGameMain.Instance.AddRadarPoint(m_GOPatrol, eMapPointType.PATROL);
        for (int i = 0; i < tankCount; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
                spawnTarget  = Vector3.forward;
                spawnTarget  = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.Range(1f, 360f), Vector3.up) * spawnTarget;
                spawnTarget *= Random.Range(minRadius, maxRadius);
                spawnTarget += center.position;
                if (Physics.Linecast(center.position, spawnTarget, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Obstcale")))
                    m_GOTank = ObjectPool.m_Instance.LoadGameObjectFromPool(3400);
                    if (m_GOTank == null)
                    m_GOTank.transform.position = spawnTarget;
                    if (UIInGameMain.Instance != null)
                        UIInGameMain.Instance.AddRadarPoint(m_GOTank, eMapPointType.TANK);
 public void SpawnPatrolAI(int playerID)
     if (m_patrolAI == null)
         m_patrolAI = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("PatrolAIPhotonView", Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, 0);
     if (m_patrolAI != null)
         m_ai = m_patrolAI.GetComponentInChildren<PatrolAI>();
         m_ai.Initialise(m_nodes, playerID);
         m_aiSpawned = true;