Example #1
        public void TestSinglePlay()
            const int id = 774965;

            if (!File.Exists($"{id}.osu"))
                new WebClient().DownloadFile($"https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/{id}", $"{id}.osu");

            var reader = new StreamReader($"{id}.osu");

            //read a beatmap
            var beatmap = Beatmap.Read(reader);

            //calculate star ratings for HDDT
            Mods mods  = Mods.Hidden | Mods.DoubleTime;
            var  stars = new DiffCalc().Calc(beatmap, mods);

            output.WriteLine($"Star rating: {stars.Total:F2} (aim stars: {stars.Aim:F2}, speed stars: {stars.Speed:F2})");

            //calculate the PP for this map
            //the play has no misses or 50's, so we don't specify it
            var pp = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmap, stars, c100: 8, mods: mods, combo: 1773));

            output.WriteLine($"Play is worth {pp.Total:F2}pp ({pp.Aim:F2} aim pp, {pp.Acc:F2} acc pp, {pp.Speed:F2} " +
                             $"speed pp) and has an accuracy of {pp.ComputedAccuracy.Value() * 100:F2}%");

            Assert.InRange(775.99, pp.Total - 1, pp.Total + 1);
Example #2
        private OsuJsonUserRecent[] ProcessJson(OsuJsonUserRecent[] array, bool retrycount)
            foreach (var item in array)
                if (retrycount)

                //Get Beatmap last update
                var beatmapBuilder = new OsuBeatmapBuilder
                    Mode = Mode,
                    ConvertedIncluded = "1",
                    BeatmapId         = item.beatmap_id

                item.Beatmap = beatmapBuilder.Execute().First();

                OsuUtil.GetCalculatedAccuracy(item, Mode);
                var data        = OsuDlBeatmap.FindMap(item.beatmap_id, item.Beatmap.last_update.DateTime);
                var beatmapData = Beatmap.Read(new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(data, false)));
                var diff        = new DiffCalc().Calc(beatmapData, (Mods)item.enabled_mods);

                var rawPp = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmapData, diff, new Accuracy(item.count300, item.count100, item.count50, item.countmiss).Value(), item.countmiss, item.maxcombo, (Mods)item.enabled_mods));
                item.nochokeaccuracy = new Accuracy(item.count300 + item.countmiss, item.count100, item.count50, 0).Value() * 100;
                var nochokePp = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmapData, diff, item.nochokeaccuracy / 100, 0, diff.Beatmap.GetMaxCombo(), (Mods)item.enabled_mods));
                item.pp        = rawPp.Total;
                item.nochokepp = nochokePp.Total;

                item.rounded_score = item.score.ToString("C0", _nfi);

                if (item.maxcombo <= (beatmapData.GetMaxCombo() - (item.count100 + item.count50)) || item.rank == "XH" || item.rank == "SH")
                    item.choked = true;
                else if (item.countmiss > 0)
                    item.choked = true;

                item.starrating = diff.Total;

                item.counttotal = beatmapData.CountCircles + beatmapData.CountSliders + beatmapData.CountSpinners;

                item.rounded_score = item.score.ToString("C0", _nfi);

                item.standardhit = item.count300 + item.count100 + item.count50 + item.countmiss;

                item.hitted = item.countkatu + item.countgeki + item.count300 + item.count100 + item.count50 + item.countmiss;

                item.completion = item.standardhit / (double)item.counttotal * 100;

Example #3
        public static double ppCalc(Osu.Types.Beatmap beatmap, double accuracy, Mods mods, int misses, int combo)
            byte[] data     = new WebClient().DownloadData($"https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/{beatmap.beatmap_id}");
            var    stream   = new MemoryStream(data, false);
            var    reader   = new StreamReader(stream);
            var    beatmapp = Beatmap.Read(reader);
            var    pp       = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmapp, accuracy: accuracy / 100, misses, combo, mods: mods));

Example #4
        internal static void PrintPP(Beatmap map, Mods[] allMods)
            Console.WriteLine($"Map: {map.Artist} - {map.Title} [{map.Version}]");
            Console.WriteLine($"Mapper: {map.Creator}");
            Console.WriteLine($"CS{map.CS} AR{map.AR} OD{map.OD} HP{map.HP}");

            for (int i = 0; i <= (1 << allMods.Length) - 1; i++)
                var mods = Mods.NoMod;
                for (int j = 0; j <= allMods.Length; j++)
                    if ((i & 1 << j) != 0)
                        mods |= allMods[j];

                var diff = new DiffCalc().Calc(map, mods);

                var modStr = OppaiSharp.Helpers.ModsToString(mods);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modStr))
                    modStr = "NoMod";

                void ShowWithPercent(double percent)
                    var acc = new Accuracy(percent, map.Objects.Count, 0);
                    var pp  = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters {
                        Beatmap  = map, Mods = mods,
                        AimStars = diff.Aim, SpeedStars = diff.Speed,
                        Count300 = acc.Count300, Count100 = acc.Count100, Count50 = acc.Count50, CountMiss = acc.CountMiss

                    Console.Write($" | {$"{pp.Total:F2}pp".PadRight(9)} ({percent.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}%)");

                Console.Write($"{modStr.PadRight(6)}| {diff.Total:F2}* (Aim: {diff.Aim:F2}*, Speed: {diff.Speed:F2}*)");
Example #5
        public void TestManyHundreds()
            const int id = 706711;

            if (!File.Exists($"{id}.osu"))
                new WebClient().DownloadFile($"https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/{id}", $"{id}.osu");

            var reader = new StreamReader($"{id}.osu");

            //read a beatmap
            var beatmap = Beatmap.Read(reader);
            var stars   = new DiffCalc().Calc(beatmap);
            var pp      = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmap, stars, beatmap.CountCircles + 1));

            //not checking the actual value, just making sure that it doesn't throw
Example #6
        private static double CheckCase(Beatmap bm, ExpectedOutcome outcome, out double margin)
            const double errorMargin = 0.02;

            margin = errorMargin * outcome.PP;

            var pp = new PPv2(outcome.ToParameters(bm));

            if (outcome.PP < 100)
                margin *= 3;
            else if (outcome.PP < 200)
                margin *= 2;
            else if (outcome.PP < 300)
                margin *= 1.5;

Example #7
        public async Task LinkParserMethod(SocketMessage s, EmbedBuilder embed, SocketCommandContext context)
            string link  = $"{s}";
            string mapID = link.Split('/').Last(); //Gets the map's ID from the link.

            if (mapID.Contains('?'))
                mapID = mapID.Replace("?m=0", "");
            string jsonMapParse;
            string jsonOsuMapData;

            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                jsonMapParse = client.DownloadString($"https://api.tillerino.org/beatmapinfo?beatmapid={mapID}&k={tillerinoapikey}");

            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                jsonOsuMapData = client.DownloadString($"https://osu.ppy.sh/api/get_beatmaps?k={osuapikey}&b={mapID}");

            var mapObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(jsonMapParse);
            var mapData   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(jsonOsuMapData)[0];

            //osu! API Data

            string   mapTitle      = mapData.title;
            string   beatmapSetID  = mapData.beatmapset_id;
            string   artist        = mapData.artist;
            string   creator       = mapData.creator;
            string   creatorID     = mapData.creator_id;
            string   difficulty    = mapData.version;
            double   starRating    = mapData.difficultyrating;
            double   cs            = mapData.diff_size;
            double   od            = mapData.diff_overall;
            double   ar            = mapData.diff_approach;
            double   hp            = mapData.diff_drain;
            TimeSpan length        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int)mapData.total_length);
            double   bpm           = mapData.bpm;
            int      maxCombo      = mapData.max_combo;
            int      favoriteCount = mapData.favourite_count;
            int      playCount     = mapData.playcount;
            int      passCount     = mapData.passcount;
            string   status        = mapData.approved;

            if (status == "-2" || status == "-1" || status == "0")
                switch (status)
                case "-2":
                    status = "Graveyard";

                case "-1":
                    status = "Work in Progress";

                case "0":
                    status = "Pending";
                DateTime approvedDate = mapData.approved_date;
                switch (status)
                case "-2":
                    status = "Graveyard";

                case "-1":
                    status = "Work in Progress";

                case "0":
                    status = "Pending";

                case "1":
                    status = $"Ranked on {approvedDate.ToShortDateString()}";

                case "2":
                    status = $"Approved on {approvedDate.ToShortDateString()}";

                case "3":
                    status = $"Qualified on {approvedDate.ToShortDateString()}";

                case "4":
                    status = $"Loved 💙 on {approvedDate.ToShortDateString()}";

            string lengthValue = length.ToString(@"mm\:ss");

            if (status.ToLower() == "graveyard" || status.ToLower() == "work in progress" || status.ToLower() == "pending")
                byte[] data    = new WebClient().DownloadData($"https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/{mapID}");
                var    stream  = new MemoryStream(data, false);
                var    reader  = new StreamReader(stream);
                var    mods    = Mods.NoMod;
                var    beatmap = Beatmap.Read(reader);

                var diff = new DiffCalc().Calc(beatmap, mods: mods);

                var unranked95  = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmap, diff, accuracy: .95, mods: mods));
                var unranked98  = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmap, diff, accuracy: .98, mods: mods));
                var unranked99  = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmap, diff, accuracy: .99, mods: mods));
                var unranked100 = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmap, diff, accuracy: 1, mods: mods));

                embed.WithAuthor(author =>
                    author.Name    = $"{mapTitle} by {creator}";
                    author.Url     = $"https://osu.ppy.sh/b/{mapID}";
                    author.IconUrl = $"https://a.ppy.sh/{creatorID}";

                    $"**{mapTitle} [{difficulty}]** by **{artist}**" +
                    $"\n" +
                    $"\n<:total_length:567812515346513932> **Total Length:** {lengthValue} <:bpm:567813349820071937> **BPM:** {bpm.ToString("N0")}" +
                    $"\n**Star Rating:** `{starRating.ToString("N2")} ☆` **Maximum Combo:** `{maxCombo.ToString("N0")}x`" +
                    $"\n**Download:** [[Beatmap]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/{beatmapSetID}/download)" +
                    $"[(without video)](https://osu.ppy.sh/d/{beatmapSetID}n)" +
                    $"\n" +
                    $"\n**CS:** `{(float)cs} ` **AR:** `{(float)ar}` **OD:** `{(float)od}` **HP:** `{(float)hp}`" +
                    $"\n" +
                    $"\n**95% FC:** `{unranked95.Total.ToString("N0")}pp` **98% FC:** `{unranked98.Total.ToString("N0")}pp`" +
                    $"\n**99% FC:** `{unranked99.Total.ToString("N0")}pp` **100% FC (SS):** `{unranked100.Total.ToString("N0")}pp`");
                embed.WithFooter($"Status: {status} | 💙 Amount: {favoriteCount}");
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build());

                logger.ConsoleCommandLog(context, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            double passRate = (playCount / passCount);

            //Tillerino API Data: Performance Point values for full combos on the map with the given accuracy.

            double value75  = mapObject.ppForAcc.entry[0].value;
            double value90  = mapObject.ppForAcc.entry[3].value;
            double value95  = mapObject.ppForAcc.entry[5].value;
            double value98  = mapObject.ppForAcc.entry[9].value;
            double value99  = mapObject.ppForAcc.entry[11].value;
            double value100 = mapObject.ppForAcc.entry[13].value;

            embed.WithAuthor(author =>
                author.Name    = $"{mapTitle} by {creator}";
                author.Url     = $"https://osu.ppy.sh/b/{mapID}";
                author.IconUrl = $"https://a.ppy.sh/{creatorID}";
            embed.WithDescription($"**{mapTitle} [{difficulty}]** by **{artist}**" +
                                  $"\n" +
                                  $"\n<:total_length:567812515346513932> **Total Length:** {lengthValue} <:bpm:567813349820071937> **BPM:** {bpm.ToString("N0")}" +
                                  $"\n**Star Rating:** `{starRating.ToString("N2")} ☆` **Maximum Combo:** `{maxCombo}x`" +
                                  $"\n**Download:** [[Beatmap]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/{beatmapSetID}/download)" +
                                  $"[(without video)](https://osu.ppy.sh/d/{beatmapSetID}n) [[Bloodcat Mirror]](https://bloodcat.com/osu/s/{beatmapSetID})" +
                                  $"\n" +
                                  $"\n**CS:** `{(float)cs} ` **AR:** `{(float)ar}` **OD:** `{(float)od}` **HP:** `{(float)hp}`" +
                                  $"\n" +
                                  $"\n**75% FC:** `{(int)value75}pp` **90% FC:** `{(int)value90}pp`" +
                                  $"\n**95% FC:** `{(int)value95}pp` **98% FC:** `{(int)value98}pp`" +
                                  $"\n**99% FC:** `{(int)value99}pp` **100% FC (SS):** `{(int)value100}pp`");
            embed.WithFooter($"Status: {status} | 💙 Amount: {favoriteCount} | Pass Rate: {passRate.ToString("N2")}%");
            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build());

            logger.ConsoleCommandLog(context, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Example #8
        public async Task osuRecent(string player = null)
            string cmdPrefix = Servers.GetServer(Context.Guild).commandPrefix;
            string osuapikey = Config.bot.OsuApiKey;

            if (player == null || player == "")
                player = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User).OsuUsername;
                if (player == null || player == "")
                    embed.WithTitle("osu! Recent");
                    embed.WithDescription($"**{Context.User.Mention} Failed to acquire username! Please specify a player or set your osu! username with `{cmdPrefix}osuset`!**");
                    await BE(); return;

            string jsonRecent;

            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                jsonRecent = client.DownloadString($"https://osu.ppy.sh/api/get_user_recent?k={osuapikey}&u=" + player);
            if (jsonRecent == "[]")
                string jsonUserData;
                using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                    jsonUserData = client.DownloadString($"https://osu.ppy.sh/api/get_user?k={osuapikey}&u=" + player);

                var mapUserNameObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(jsonUserData)[0];
                embed.WithAuthor(author =>
                    .WithName("" + mapUserNameObject.username + " hasn't got any recent plays")
                    .WithIconUrl("https://a.ppy.sh/" + mapUserNameObject.user_id);
                await BE();
                var    playerRecentObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(jsonRecent)[0];
                string mapID = playerRecentObject.beatmap_id;

                string mapRecent = "";
                using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                    mapRecent = client.DownloadString($"https://osu.ppy.sh/api/get_beatmaps?k={osuapikey}&b={mapID}");
                var mapRecentObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(mapRecent)[0];

                string mapTitle   = mapRecentObject.title;
                string difficulty = mapRecentObject.version;
                string score      = playerRecentObject.score;
                double maxCombo   = playerRecentObject.maxcombo;
                string artist     = mapRecentObject.artist;
                double count50    = playerRecentObject.count50;
                double count100   = playerRecentObject.count100;
                double count300   = playerRecentObject.count300;
                double countMiss  = playerRecentObject.countmiss;
                string fullCombo  = playerRecentObject.perfect;
                if (fullCombo == "1")
                    fullCombo = " **Full Combo!**";
                    fullCombo = null;
                string mods             = playerRecentObject.enabled_mods;
                double maxPossibleCombo = mapRecentObject.max_combo;
                var    modnum           = playerRecentObject.enabled_mods;
                mods = ((AllMods)modnum).ToString().Replace(",", "");
                mods = mods.Replace(" ", "");
                mods = mods.Replace("NM", "");
                string date       = playerRecentObject.date;
                double starRating = mapRecentObject.difficultyrating;
                double accuracy   = 100 * ((50 * count50) + (100 * count100) + (300 * count300)) / ((300 * (countMiss + count50 + count100 + count300)));
                string grade      = playerRecentObject.rank;
                switch (grade)
                case "XH":
                    grade = "<:XH:553119188089176074>"; break;

                case "X":
                    grade = "<:X_:553119217109565470>"; break;

                case "SH":
                    grade = "<:SH:553119233463025691>"; break;

                case "S":
                    grade = "<:S_:553119252329267240>"; break;

                case "A":
                    grade = "<:A_:553119274256826406>"; break;

                case "B":
                    grade = "<:B_:553119304925577228>"; break;

                case "C":
                    grade = "<:C_:553119325565878272>"; break;

                case "D":
                    grade = "<:D_:553119338035675138>"; break;

                case "F":
                    grade = "<:F_:557297028263051288>"; break;

                string NormalUserName = "";
                using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                    NormalUserName = client.DownloadString($"https://osu.ppy.sh/api/get_user?k={osuapikey}&u=" + player);

                if (NormalUserName == "[]")
                    embed.WithDescription($"{Context.User.Mention} **ERROR: Could not download data for {player}!**");
                    await BE(); stopWatch.Stop();
                    logger.ConsoleCommandLog(Context, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds, CommandError.Unsuccessful, "osu! API did not return any data for the given username."); return;

                var mapUserNameObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(NormalUserName)[0];


                byte[] data        = new WebClient().DownloadData($"https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/{mapID}");
                var    stream      = new MemoryStream(data, false);
                var    reader      = new StreamReader(stream);
                var    enabledMods = Mods.NoMod;
                switch (mods)
                case "":
                    enabledMods = Mods.NoMod; break;

                case "HD":
                    enabledMods = Mods.Hidden; break;

                case "HR":
                    enabledMods = Mods.Hardrock; break;

                case "DT":
                case "NC":
                    enabledMods = Mods.DoubleTime; break;

                case "FL":
                    enabledMods = Mods.Flashlight; break;

                case "HDDT":
                case "HDNC":
                    enabledMods = (int)Mods.DoubleTime + Mods.Hidden; break;

                case "HDHR":
                    enabledMods = (int)Mods.Hidden + Mods.Hardrock; break;

                case "HDFL":
                    enabledMods = (int)Mods.Hidden + Mods.Flashlight; break;

                case "EZ":
                    enabledMods = Mods.Easy; break;

                case "HDHRDT":
                case "HDHRNC":
                    enabledMods = (int)Mods.Hidden + (int)Mods.Hardrock + Mods.DoubleTime; break;

                    enabledMods = Mods.NoMod; break;

                var beatmap     = Beatmap.Read(reader);
                var diff        = new DiffCalc().Calc(beatmap, mods: enabledMods);
                var fullComboPP = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmap, diff, accuracy: (accuracy / 100), mods: enabledMods));

                //PPv2 End

                string plus = "+";

                var objectsEncountered = (count300 + count100 + count50 + countMiss);
                var mapCompletion      = ((objectsEncountered / beatmap.Objects.Count()) * 100).ToString("N2");

                if (plus == "+" && mods == "")
                    plus = "";
                mods = mods.Replace("576", "NC");
                string playerRecentString = $"â–¸ **{grade}{plus}{mods}** â–¸ **[{mapTitle} [{difficulty}]](https://osu.ppy.sh/b/{mapID})** by **{artist}**\n" +
                                            $"▸ **☆{starRating.ToString("F")}** ▸ **{accuracy.ToString("F")}%**\n" +
                                            $"â–¸ **Combo:** `{maxCombo.ToString("N0")}x / {maxPossibleCombo.ToString("N0")}x`\n" +
                                            $"â–¸ [300 / 100 / 50 / X]: `[{count300} / {count100} / {count50} / {countMiss}]`\n" +
                                            $"â–¸ **Map Completion:** `{mapCompletion}`%\n" +
                                            $"â–¸ **Full Combo Percentage:** `{((maxCombo / maxPossibleCombo) * 100).ToString("N2")}%`\n" +
                                            $"â–¸ **PP for FC**: `{fullComboPP.Total.ToString("N0")}pp`";

                var difference = DateTime.UtcNow - (DateTime)playerRecentObject.date;

                string footer = $"{mapUserNameObject.username} performed this play {(int)difference.TotalHours} hours {difference.Minutes} minutes and {difference.Seconds} seconds ago.";

                embed.WithAuthor(author =>
                    .WithName($"Most Recent osu! Standard Play for " + mapUserNameObject.username)
                    .WithIconUrl("https://a.ppy.sh/" + playerRecentObject.user_id);
                await BE(); stopWatch.Stop();
                logger.ConsoleCommandLog(Context, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
 private double GetPp(Beatmap beatmap, double acc, Mods mods = Mods.NoMod)
     _accCalculator = new Accuracy(acc, beatmap.Objects.Count, 0);
     _ppCalculator  = new PPv2(new PPv2Parameters(beatmap, _accCalculator.Count100, _accCalculator.Count50, _accCalculator.CountMiss, -1, _accCalculator.Count300, mods));
     return(Math.Round(_ppCalculator.Total, 2));