Example #1
        public void update()
            Ode.dVector3    position = Ode.dGeomGetPosition(geomID);
            Ode.dQuaternion rotation = new Ode.dQuaternion();
            Ode.dGeomGetQuaternion(geomID, ref rotation);

            this.position.set(position.X, position.Y, position.Z);

            // get the position & rotation of the sphere

            // convert the quaternion to an axis angle so we can put the
            // rotation into glRotatef()

            float cos_a = rotation.W;
            float angle = (float)(Math.Acos(cos_a) * 2.0f);
            float sin_a = (float)(Math.Sqrt(1.0f - cos_a * cos_a));

            if (Math.Abs(sin_a) < 0.0005f)
                sin_a = 1.0f;
            sin_a = 1.0f / sin_a;

            angle = RAD_TO_DEG(angle);
            float x_axis = rotation.X * sin_a;
            float y_axis = rotation.Y * sin_a;
            float z_axis = rotation.Z * sin_a;

            this.rotationOGL.set(angle, x_axis, y_axis, z_axis);
        internal void UpdateDataFromLibrary()
            if (jointID == dJointID.Zero)

            Ode.dVector3 odeAxisDirection = new Ode.dVector3();
            Ode.dJointGetSliderAxis(jointID, ref odeAxisDirection);

            Vec3 axisDirection = Convert.ToNet(odeAxisDirection);

            UpdateDataFromLibrary(ref axisDirection);
        internal void UpdateDataFromLibrary()
            if (jointID == dJointID.Zero)

            Ode.dVector3 odeAnchor = new Ode.dVector3();
            Ode.dJointGetUniversalAnchor(jointID, ref odeAnchor);
            Vec3 anchor         = Convert.ToNet(odeAnchor);
            Vec3 axis1Direction = Body1.Rotation * axis1LocalAxis;
            Vec3 axis2Direction = Body1.Rotation * axis2LocalAxis;

            UpdateDataFromLibrary(ref anchor, ref axis1Direction, ref axis2Direction);
Example #4
        internal void DoDamping()
            if (bodyID == dBodyID.Zero)

            Ode.dMass mass = new Ode.dMass();
            Ode.dBodyGetMass(bodyID, ref mass);

            // Linear damping
            if (LinearDamping != 0)
                // The damping force depends on the damping amount, mass, and velocity
                // (i.e. damping amount and momentum).
                float factor = -LinearDamping * mass.mass;
                Vec3  force  = LinearVelocity * factor;

                // Add a global force opposite to the global linear velocity.
                Ode.dBodyAddForce(bodyID, force.X, force.Y, force.Z);

            // Angular damping
            if (AngularDamping != 0)
                Vec3 localVelocity;
                    Ode.dVector3 aVelLocal = new Ode.dVector3();
                    Ode.dBodyVectorFromWorld(bodyID, AngularVelocity.X, AngularVelocity.Y,
                                             AngularVelocity.Z, ref aVelLocal);
                    localVelocity = Convert.ToNet(aVelLocal);

                // The damping force depends on the damping amount, mass, and velocity
                // (i.e. damping amount and momentum).
                float factor = -AngularDamping;

                Vec3 momentum = new Vec3(
                    Vec3.Dot(new Vec3(mass.I.M00, mass.I.M01, mass.I.M02), localVelocity),
                    Vec3.Dot(new Vec3(mass.I.M10, mass.I.M11, mass.I.M12), localVelocity),
                    Vec3.Dot(new Vec3(mass.I.M20, mass.I.M21, mass.I.M22), localVelocity));

                Vec3 torque = momentum * factor;

                // Add a local torque opposite to the local angular velocity.
                Ode.dBodyAddRelTorque(bodyID, torque.X, torque.Y, torque.Z);
        public override bool IsStability()
            if (jointID == dJointID.Zero)
            Ode.dVector3 a1 = new Ode.dVector3();
            Ode.dVector3 a2 = new Ode.dVector3();
            Ode.dJointGetUniversalAnchor(jointID, ref a1);
            Ode.dJointGetUniversalAnchor2(jointID, ref a2);
            const float limit = .01f;            // .001f;

            return(Math.Abs(a1.X - a2.X) < limit &&
                   Math.Abs(a1.Y - a2.Y) < limit &&
                   Math.Abs(a1.Z - a2.Z) < limit);
        internal void UpdateDataFromLibrary()
            if (jointID == dJointID.Zero)

            Ode.dVector3 odeAnchor         = new Ode.dVector3();
            Ode.dVector3 odeAxis1Direction = new Ode.dVector3();
            Ode.dVector3 odeAxis2Direction = new Ode.dVector3();

            Ode.dJointGetHinge2Anchor(jointID, ref odeAnchor);
            Ode.dJointGetHinge2Axis1(jointID, ref odeAxis1Direction);
            Ode.dJointGetHinge2Axis2(jointID, ref odeAxis2Direction);

            Vec3 anchor         = Convert.ToNet(odeAnchor);
            Vec3 axis1Direction = Convert.ToNet(odeAxis1Direction);
            Vec3 axis2Direction = Convert.ToNet(odeAxis2Direction);

            UpdateDataFromLibrary(ref anchor, ref axis1Direction, ref axis2Direction);
Example #7
        unsafe internal static void CalculateJointStress(dJointID jointID,
                                                         out float force, out float torque)
            IntPtr jointFeedback = Ode.dJointGetFeedbackAsIntPtr(jointID);

            if (jointFeedback == IntPtr.Zero)
                //create jointFeedback and begin use on next simulation step

                jointFeedback = Ode.dAlloc((uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Ode.dJointFeedback)));

                //zero memory
                    Ode.dJointFeedback *p = (Ode.dJointFeedback *)jointFeedback;
                    p->f1 = new Ode.dVector3();
                    p->t1 = new Ode.dVector3();
                    p->f2 = new Ode.dVector3();
                    p->t2 = new Ode.dVector3();
                Ode.dJointSetFeedbackAsIntPtr(jointID, jointFeedback);

                force  = 0;
                torque = 0;

            Ode.dJointFeedback *ptr = (Ode.dJointFeedback *)jointFeedback;
            Vec3 f1 = Convert.ToNet(ptr->f1);
            Vec3 t1 = Convert.ToNet(ptr->t1);
            Vec3 f2 = Convert.ToNet(ptr->f2);
            Vec3 t2 = Convert.ToNet(ptr->t2);

            // This is a simplification, but it should still work.
            force  = (f1 - f2).Length();
            torque = (t1 - t2).Length();
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Application's entry point.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main()
            // Create a world
            IntPtr world = Ode.dWorldCreate();

            // Add gravity to the world (pull down on the Y axis 9.81 meters/second
            Ode.dWorldSetGravity(world, 0, -9.81f, 0);

            // Create a rigid body (in the world)
            IntPtr body = Ode.dBodyCreate(world);

            // Create some mass, we're creating a sphere with a radius of 0.05 centimeters
            // and a constant density of 2500 (about that of glass)
            Ode.dMass mass = new Ode.dMass();
            Ode.dMassSetSphere(ref mass, 2500, 0.05f);

            // If you printed the values of mass now, you'd see the mass would be about 1.3 kilograms
            // We'll change that to 1 kilogram here
            mass.mass = 1;
            // If you printed the values of mass now, you'd notice that the inertia tensions values
            // were also updated

            // We'll set the body's mass to the mass we just created
            Ode.dBodySetMass(body, ref mass);

            // Set the body's position (in the world) to 2 meters above the 'ground'
            Ode.dBodySetPosition(body, 0, 2, 0);

            // Apply a force to the body, we're sending it vertical, up the Y axis
            // This force is only applied for the first step, forces will be reset to zero
            // at the end of each step
            Ode.dBodyAddForce(body, 0, 200, 0);

            // The simulation loop's 'time', in seconds
            float time = 0;

            // The 'time' increment, in seconds
            float deltaTime = 0.04f;

            // Run the simulation loop for 2 seconds
            while (time < 2)
                // Get the body's current position
                Ode.dVector3 position = Ode.dBodyGetPosition(body);

                // Get the body's current linear velocity
                Ode.dVector3 velocity = Ode.dBodyGetLinearVel(body);

                // Print out the 'time', the body's position, and its velocity
                Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00} sec: pos=({1:0.00}, {2:0.00}, {3:0.00})  vel={4:0.00}, {5:0.00}, {6:0.00})",
                                  time, position[0], position[1], position[2], velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]);

                // Move the bodies in the world
                Ode.dWorldStep(world, deltaTime);

                // Increment the time
                time += deltaTime;

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit...");
Example #9
 public static void ToNet(ref Ode.dVector3 value, out Vec3 result)
     result = new Vec3(value.X, value.Y, value.Z);
Example #10
 public static Vec3 ToNet(Ode.dVector3 value)
     return(new Vec3(value.X, value.Y, value.Z));