public override bool Visit(ObjectAccess node) { /* * if (node.obj is IdentifierStatic && node.Parent is Assignment) * { * Assignment ass = node.Parent as Assignment; * Identifier id = ass.lvalue as Identifier; * IdentifierStatic stid = node.obj as IdentifierStatic; * string objname =; * outputCode("new " + + "();", false, false); * outputCode("", false, true); * outputCode(objname + "->", true, false); * } * else */ { if (node.obj is IdentifierStatic) { IdentifierStatic stid = node.obj as IdentifierStatic; outputCode(, false, false); } else { traverse(node.obj); } outputCode(".", false, false); } outputCode(node.field, false, false); return(true); }
public override bool Visit(RoutineCall node) { //Visit((LvalueExpression) node); // string name = (node.func as Identifier).name; traverse(node.func); outputCode("(", false, false); int i = 0; foreach (Expression n in node.args) { if (i > 0) { outputCode(", ", false, false); } traverse(n); i++; } outputCode(")", false, false); if (node.func.Type is MethodType) { MethodType met = (node.func.Type as MethodType); if (met.IsDestructor) { outputCode(";", false, true); ObjectAccess oa = node.func as ObjectAccess; Identifier obj = oa.obj as Identifier; outputCode("delete " +, true, false); } } return(true); }
public DryveMessage(UInt16 txnId, DryveObject dryveObject, ObjectAccess objectAccess, byte[] dataValue = null) { _txnId = txnId; _dryveObject = dryveObject; _objectAccess = objectAccess; _dataValue = dataValue == null ? new byte[0] : dataValue; MessageBytes = ConstructMessage(); }
/// <summary> /// Generate signed URL for the OSS object. /// </summary> private static async Task <string> GetSignedUrl(IObjectsApi api, string bucketKey, string objectName, ObjectAccess access = ObjectAccess.Read, int minutesExpiration = 30) { var signature = new PostBucketsSigned(minutesExpiration); dynamic result = await api.CreateSignedResourceAsync(bucketKey, objectName, signature, AsString(access)); return(result.signedUrl); }
public override Node VisitObjectAccess(TParser.ObjectAccessContext context) { var path = new NodesCollection <Node>(context.Start); VisitObjectAccess(context, path); var obj = new ObjectAccess(path[0], null, path[0].Position); foreach (var node in path.Skip(1)) { obj = new ObjectAccess(node, obj, node.Position); } return(obj); }
private byte[] SendAndReceive(DryveObject messageType, int wait = 50, ObjectAccess accessType = ObjectAccess.Read, byte[] dataValue = null, ResultFormat format = ResultFormat.Binary) { DryveMessage msg = new DryveMessage(_txnId, messageType, accessType, dataValue); byte[] message = msg.MessageBytes; _txnId++; _client.SendMessage(message); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(wait); var msgLength = accessType == ObjectAccess.Read ? message.Length + (int)message[18] : 19; var result = _client.ReceiveMessage(msgLength); if (!result.Take(2).SequenceEqual(message.Take(2))) { throw new Exception("Communication error - Transaction ID mismatch."); } return(result); }
public MemberAccessPermissionItem FindAccessItem(Type objectType, ObjectAccess access) { return(null); // Type currentType = objectType; // while (true) // { // bool needToCheckPersistentBaseObjectTypePermission = true; // if (currentType != null && currentType.BaseType != null && // PermissionTargetBusinessClassListConverter.PersistentBaseObjectType.IsAssignableFrom(currentType.BaseType)) // { // needToCheckPersistentBaseObjectTypePermission = false; // } // if (needToCheckPersistentBaseObjectTypePermission && PermissionTargetBusinessClassListConverter.PersistentBaseObjectType.IsAssignableFrom(currentType)) // { // ParticularAccessItem persistentBaseObjectItem = FindExactItem(PermissionTargetBusinessClassListConverter.PersistentBaseObjectType, access); // if (persistentBaseObjectItem != null) // { // return persistentBaseObjectItem; // } // } // ParticularAccessItem item = FindExactItem(currentType, access); // if (item != null) // { // return item; // } // if ((currentType != null) && currentType.IsInterface) // { // currentType = typeof(object); // } // else // { // if ((currentType == null) || (currentType == typeof(object))) // { // break; // } // currentType = currentType.BaseType; // } // } // return null; }
public ConditionalObjectAccessPermission(Type objectType, ObjectAccess objectAccess, ObjectAccessModifier modifier) : base(objectType, objectAccess, modifier) { }
public ConditionalObjectAccessPermission(Type objectType, ObjectAccess access, SecurityContextList contexts) : base(objectType, access, contexts) { }
public ConditionalObjectAccessPermission(Type objectType, ObjectAccess access) : base(objectType, access) { }
public ConditionalParticularAccessItem(Type objectType, ObjectAccess particularAccess, ObjectAccessModifier modifier, string condition) : base(objectType, particularAccess, modifier) { Condition = condition ?? string.Empty; }
public ConditionalParticularAccessItem(Type objectType, ObjectAccess particularAccess, ObjectAccessModifier modifier) : this(objectType, particularAccess, modifier, string.Empty) { }
public virtual T Visit(ObjectAccess node) { Visit((LvalueExpression)node); return(traverse(node.obj)); }
private static string AsString(ObjectAccess access) { return(access.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); }
/// <summary> /// Generate a signed URL to OSS object. /// NOTE: An empty object created if not exists. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketKey">Bucket key.</param> /// <param name="objectName">Object name.</param> /// <param name="access">Requested access to the object.</param> /// <param name="minutesExpiration">Minutes while the URL is valid. Default is 30 minutes.</param> /// <returns>Signed URL</returns> public async Task <string> CreateSignedUrlAsync(string bucketKey, string objectName, ObjectAccess access = ObjectAccess.Read, int minutesExpiration = 30) { return(await WithObjectsApiAsync(async api => await GetSignedUrl(api, bucketKey, objectName, access, minutesExpiration))); }
public ConditionalObjectAccessPermission(Type objectType, ObjectAccess access, params DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.SecurityContext[] securityContexts) : base(objectType, access, securityContexts) { }
public override bool Visit(ObjectAccess node) { Visit((LvalueExpression)node); TraversePrint(node.obj); return(true); }
private object EvaluateNode(ObjectPathNode expression, Context context) { var originalContext = context; object result = context.Unwrap(); var tmp = context; foreach (var path in expression.path) { if (path is StaticObjectPathPartNode) { var key = ((StaticObjectPathPartNode)path).name; result = ObjectAccess.GetProperty(result, key); // tmp = (Context)EvaluateNode((StaticObjectPathPartNode)path, context); } if (path is MethodCallNode) { var methodCall = (MethodCallNode)path; var callee = result; if (callee == null) { // TODO this might happen if a function is registered directly in the context continue; } if (!this.CanCallMethod(callee, { throw new EvaluationException($"Method {} cannot be called on the given object"); } var methodInfo = callee.GetType().GetMethod(; if (methodInfo == null) { throw new EvaluationException($"Method ${} does not exist on the given object"); } var parameters = new List <object>(); for (var i = 0; i < methodCall.arguments.Length; i++) { var argNode = methodCall.arguments[i]; var argValue = EvaluateNode(argNode, context); if (argValue is float) { var parameterInfo = methodInfo.GetParameters()[i]; if (parameterInfo.ParameterType == typeof(int)) { argValue = Convert.ToInt32(argValue); } } parameters.Add(argValue); } for (var i = methodCall.arguments.Length; i < methodInfo.GetParameters().Length; i++) { var parameterInfo = methodInfo.GetParameters()[i]; if (parameterInfo.IsOptional) { parameters.Add(parameterInfo.DefaultValue); } } // var parameters = methodCall.arguments.Select(argNode => EvaluateNode(argNode, context)).ToArray(); var callResult = methodInfo.Invoke(tmp, parameters.ToArray()); result = callResult; } if (path is OffsetAccessNode) { var offset = Convert.ToString(EvaluateNode(((OffsetAccessNode)path).exp, context)); var value = ObjectAccess.GetProperty(result, offset); result = value; } } return(result); }
public ObjectBase() { Flag = ObjectFlag.Literal; Access = ObjectAccess.Unlimited; }
/// <summary> /// Generate a signed URL to OSS object. /// NOTE: An empty object created if not exists. /// </summary> /// <param name="objectName">Object name.</param> /// <param name="access">Requested access to the object.</param> /// <param name="minutesExpiration">Minutes while the URL is valid. Default is 30 minutes.</param> /// <returns>Signed URL</returns> public async Task <string> CreateSignedUrlAsync(string objectName, ObjectAccess access = ObjectAccess.Read, int minutesExpiration = 30) { return(await _forgeOSS.CreateSignedUrlAsync(BucketKey, objectName, access, minutesExpiration)); }