Example #1
        private static void Init()
            sInitialised = true;

            sLeftHand       = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left);
            sRightHand      = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right);
            sLeftElbow      = Nui.joint(Nui.Elbow_Left);
            sRightElbow     = Nui.joint(Nui.Elbow_Right);
            sLeftShoulder   = Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Left);
            sRightShoulder  = Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Right);
            sLeftHip        = Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Left);
            sRightHip       = Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Right);
            sLeftKnee       = Nui.joint(Nui.Knee_Left);
            sRightKnee      = Nui.joint(Nui.Knee_Right);
            sLeftAnkle      = Nui.joint(Nui.Ankle_Left);
            sRightAnkle     = Nui.joint(Nui.Ankle_Right);
            sLeftFoot       = Nui.joint(Nui.Foot_Left);
            sRightFoot      = Nui.joint(Nui.Foot_Right);
            sCentreHip      = Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre);
            sCentreShoulder = Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Centre);
            sHead           = Nui.joint(Nui.Head);

            Nui.SkeletonSwitched += new SkeletonTrackDelegate(Nui_SkeletonSwitched);
            Nui.SkeletonLost     += new SkeletonTrackDelegate(Nui_SkeletonLost);
            Nui.Tick             += new ChangeDelegate(Nui_Tick);
Example #2
        public KinectImageStream(Nui.NuiImageType type, Nui.NuiImageResolution resolution, IntPtr waitHandle):base(1000)
            Nui.Import.NuiImageStreamOpen(type, resolution
                , 0, 2, waitHandle, out _phStreamHandle);

            switch (resolution)
                case NuiImageResolution.resolution1280x1024:
                    _width = 1280;
                    _height = 1024;

                case NuiImageResolution.resolution320x240:
                    _width = 320;
                    _height = 240;

                case NuiImageResolution.resolution640x480:
                    _width = 640;
                    _height = 480;

                case NuiImageResolution.resolution80x60:
                    _width = 80;
                    _height = 60;

Example #3
        public RaiseArmTrigger(XmlNode node)
            mHeightThreshold = Nui.magnitude(Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Centre) - Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre));
            mAngleThreshold  = Scalar.Create(.48f);
            mDepthThreshold  = Scalar.Create(GetFloat(node, 3.6f, "DepthThreshold"));
            mWidthThreshold  = Scalar.Create(GetFloat(node, 1f, "WidthThreshold"));

            mBody = Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre);

            Condition inWidth = Nui.abs(Nui.x(Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre))) < mWidthThreshold;
            Condition inDepth = Nui.z(Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre)) < mDepthThreshold;
            Condition inRange = C.And(inWidth, inDepth);

            Vector up = Vector.Create(0f, 1f, 0f);

            mArmR   = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right) - Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Right);
            mArmL   = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left) - Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Left);
            mAngleR = Nui.dot(up, mArmR);
            mAngleL = Nui.dot(up, mArmL);

            mTriggerR = C.And(Nui.y(mArmR) > mHeightThreshold, mAngleR > mAngleThreshold);
            mTriggerL = C.And(Nui.y(mArmL) > mHeightThreshold, mAngleL > mAngleThreshold);
            mTrigger  = C.And(C.Or(mTriggerR, mTriggerL), inRange);

            mTrigger.OnChange += new ChangeDelegate(mTrigger_OnChange);
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Will be called from constructor. To re-set up after setting up constructor variables call again.
 /// </summary>
 protected void Init()
     mCross = Nui.cross(A, B);
     mRaw   = Nui.acos(Nui.dot(Nui.normalize(A), Nui.normalize(B)));
     //mRaw = dot * Sign * (180f / (float)Math.PI);
     //mRaw = Nui.acos(Nui.dot(A, B)) * (180f / (float) Math.PI);
     //mValue = Nui.ifScalar(Active, mRaw, 0f);
 private void Init()
     //mX = mConstrainedX * (float)mManager.Monitor.Bounds.Width;
     //mY = (float) mManager.Monitor.Bounds.Height - (mConstrainedY * (float)mManager.Monitor.Bounds.Height);
     mX = Nui.ifScalar(C.And(mOnScreenConditionLeft, !mOnScreenConditionRight), mConstrainedXLeft, mConstrainedXRight);
     mY = 1f - Nui.ifScalar(C.And(mOnScreenConditionLeft, !mOnScreenConditionRight), mConstrainedYLeft, mConstrainedYRight);
     //mY = 1f - mConstrainedYRight;
        private void OnGetScreenList(List <Screen> screenList)
            this.Screens = screenList;

            Logger.Debug($"received {screenList.Count} screens");

            Nui.SendMessage(Events.GetScreenList, screenList);
        private void OnDeleteScreen(string screenName)
            Nui.SendMessage(Events.DeleteScreen, screenName);

            var eventArgs = new ScreenDeletedEventArgs()
                ScreenName = screenName

Example #8
        public KinectSensor()
                              | Nui.NuiInitializeFlags.UsesDepthAndPlayerIndex
                              | Nui.NuiInitializeFlags.UsesSkeleton);

            _initialized = true;

            Int32 angle;

            Nui.NuiCameraElevationGetAngle(out angle);
            _angle = angle;
Example #9
        public CrouchAxis(AxisBinding binding)
            : base("Crouch", binding)
            Scalar hip  = Nui.y(Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre));
            Scalar feet = Nui.y((Nui.joint(Nui.Ankle_Left) + Nui.joint(Nui.Ankle_Right))) / 2f;

            //How far pushing forward
            Scalar raw    = feet - hip;
            Scalar anchor = Nui.smooth(Nui.magnitude(Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Centre) - Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre)), 50);

            mRaw  = (anchor * 3) + raw;
            mRaw *= -1f;
Example #10
        protected async void OnNuiCharacterDelete(dynamic id, CallbackDelegate callback)
            Guid deletedId = await Server.Event(RpcEvents.CharacterDelete)
                             .Attach(new Guid(id.ToString()))
                             .Request <Guid>();

            Character character = Client.Instance.Controllers.First <CharacterController>().Characters.First(c => c.Id == deletedId);

            Client.Instance.Controllers.First <CharacterController>().Characters.Remove(character);
            Nui.Send("characters", Client.Instance.Controllers.First <CharacterController>().Characters);
            await Show();

Example #11
        public static bool Init()
            //From a merge between master and working
            if (mInit)

            int attempt = 1;
            int wait    = mConfig.InitialRetryWait;

            while (!Nui.Init())
                if (attempt > mConfig.RetryAttempts)

                LogManager.GetLogger("Kinect").Warn(String.Format("NuiLib unable to initialise Kinect after attempt {0}. Waiting {1}s and retrying.", attempt, (wait / 1000)));


                float newWait = wait * mConfig.RetryWaitMultiplier;
                wait = (int)newWait;

            mInit = true;
            Vector    hipR             = Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Right);
            Vector    handR            = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right);
            Vector    handL            = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left);
            Condition heightThresholdR = Nui.y(handR) > Nui.y(hipR);
            Condition heightThresholdL = Nui.y(handL) > Nui.y(hipR);
            Condition heightThreshold  = C.Or(heightThresholdL, heightThresholdR);

            Scalar    dist = Nui.magnitude(Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Centre) - Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre));
            Condition distanceThresholdR = Nui.x(handR - Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Right)) > dist;
            Condition distanceThresholdL = Nui.x(Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Left) - handL) > dist;
            //Condition distanceThresholdR = Nui.magnitude(handR - hipR) > dist;
            //Condition distanceThresholdL = Nui.magnitude(hipL - handL) > dist;
            Condition distanceThreshold = C.Or(distanceThresholdL, distanceThresholdR);

            sActiveConditionR = C.Or(heightThresholdR, distanceThresholdR);
            sActiveConditionL = C.Or(heightThresholdL, distanceThresholdL);

Example #12
        private void Nui_Tick()
            Image oldFrame = null;

            BeginInvoke(new Action(() => oldFrame = frameImage.Image));
            if (mEnabled)
                Bitmap frame             = mDepth ? Nui.DepthFrame : Nui.ColourFrame;
                Func <Vector, Point> toP = v => {
                    Point p = mDepth ? Nui.SkeletonToDepth(v) : Nui.SkeletonToColour(v);
                    return(new Point(p.X - R, p.Y - R));

                if (Nui.HasSkeleton)
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(frame)) {
                        using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.Red, R / 2)) {
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mHead), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mHandL), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mHandR), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mWristL), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mWristR), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mElbowL), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mElbowL), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mShoulderL), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mShoulderR), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mShoulderC), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mHipC), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mHipL), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mHipR), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mKneeL), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mKneeR), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mAnkleL), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mAnkleR), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mFootL), mSize));
                            g.DrawEllipse(p, new Rectangle(toP(mFootR), mSize));

                BeginInvoke(new Action(() => {
                    frameImage.Image = frame;
                    if (oldFrame != null)
        public CharacterSelectScreen()
            // Events
            Client.Instance.OnClientReady    += (sender, args) => Nui.Send("client", args.Information);
            Client.Instance.OnUserLoaded     += (sender, args) => Nui.Send("user", args.User);
            Client.Instance.OnCharactersList += (sender, args) => Nui.Send("characters", args.Characters);
            Client.Instance.OnCharactersList += OnCharactersList;

            // NUI events
            Nui.RegisterCallback("rules-agreed", OnNuiRulesAgreed);
            Nui.RegisterCallback("character-create", OnNuiCharacterCreate);
            Nui.RegisterCallback("character-load", OnNuiCharacterLoad);
            Nui.RegisterCallback("character-delete", OnNuiCharacterDelete);
            Nui.RegisterCallback("disconnect", OnNuiDisconnect);
Example #14
        public TAxis(bool right, AxisBinding binding)
            : base((right ? "T-Right" : "T-Left"), binding, Perspective.Z)
            mRight = right;
            Vector h = Nui.joint(mRight ? Nui.Hand_Right : Nui.Hand_Left);
            Vector s = Nui.joint(mRight ? Nui.Shoulder_Right : Nui.Shoulder_Left);

            mB = h - s;

            mActive = C.And(mRight ? G.ActiveR : G.ActiveL, Nui.abs(Nui.x(B)) > Nui.abs(Nui.z(B)) * 2f);

            mB = Nui.limit(mB, true, true, false);

Example #15
        public override async Task Show()
            if (this.Visible)

            // HUD
            Client.Instance.Managers.First <HudManager>().Visible = false;
            API.SetNuiFocus(true, true);

            // Show
            this.Visible = true;
Example #16
        public EyeTrackerPlugin()
            EyeTrackerConfig cfg = new EyeTrackerConfig();

            mOrientationChangeHandler = new EventHandler(mKinectOrientation_Changed);

            mKinectPosition             = cfg.Position;
            mKinectOrientation          = new Rotation(cfg.Pitch, cfg.Yaw);
            mControlX                   = cfg.ControlX;
            mKinectOrientation.Changed += new EventHandler(mKinectOrientation_Changed);

            Nui.SkeletonLost += new SkeletonTrackDelegate(Nui_SkeletonLost);

            mHead           = Nui.joint(Nui.Head);
            mHead.OnChange += new ChangeDelegate(mHead_OnChange);
Example #17
 void GestureDone(object sender, Nui.NuiEventArgs e)
     var tr = transitions_.Transitions.Where((x) => x.Gesture == e.Gesture).First();
     switch (tr.Method)
         case TransitionMethod.NextSlide:
         case TransitionMethod.PreviousSlide:
         case TransitionMethod.TargetSlide:
Example #18
        public SimpleKinectCursor()

            mTickListener    = new ChangeDelegate(Nui_Tick);
            mSmoothingFactor = Scalar.Create(mConfig.CursorSmoothing);

             * mHandR = test ? Vector.Create("HandR", 0f, 0f, 0f) : Nui.smooth(Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right), mSmoothingFactor);
             * mHandL = test ? Vector.Create("HandL", 0f, 0f, 0f) : Nui.smooth(Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left), HAND_SMOOTHING_FRAMES);
             * mAnchor = test ? Vector.Create("Anchor", 0f, 0f, 0f) : Nui.smooth(Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre), ANCHOR_SMOOTHING_FRAMES);
            mHandR  = Nui.smooth(Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right), mSmoothingFactor);
            mHandL  = Nui.smooth(Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left), mSmoothingFactor);
            mAnchor = Nui.smooth(Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre), ANCHOR_SMOOTHING_FRAMES);

            mLeftShift = Scalar.Create("Left Shift", .0f);
            mUpShift   = Scalar.Create("Up Shift", .0f);

            mWidth  = Scalar.Create("Width", .5f);
            mHeight = Scalar.Create("Height", .5f);
            //mWidth = headShoulderDiff * mWidthScale;
            //mHeight = headShoulderDiff * mHeightScale;

            mTopLeftX = Nui.x(mAnchor) - (mWidth * mLeftShift);
            mTopLeftY = Nui.y(mAnchor) + (mHeight * mUpShift);

            mRawXRight = Nui.x(mHandR) - mTopLeftX;
            mRawYRight = Nui.y(mHandR) - mTopLeftY;
            Condition xActiveRight = C.And(mRawXRight >= 0f, mRawXRight <= mWidth);
            Condition yActiveRight = C.And(mRawYRight >= 0f, mRawYRight <= mHeight);

            mConstrainedXRight      = Nui.constrain(mRawXRight, .01f, mWidth, .10f, false);
            mConstrainedYRight      = Nui.constrain(mRawYRight, .01f, mHeight, .10f, false);
            mOnScreenConditionRight = C.And(xActiveRight, yActiveRight);

            mLeftHandShift = Scalar.Create("LeftHandShift", .5f);
            mRawXLeft      = (Nui.x(mHandL) + mLeftHandShift) - mTopLeftX;
            mRawYLeft      = Nui.y(mHandL) - mTopLeftY;
            Condition xActiveLeft = C.And(mRawXLeft >= 0f, mRawXLeft <= mWidth);
            Condition yActiveLeft = C.And(mRawYLeft >= 0f, mRawYLeft <= mHeight);

            mConstrainedXLeft      = Nui.constrain(mRawXLeft, .01f, mWidth, .10f, false);
            mConstrainedYLeft      = Nui.constrain(mRawYLeft, .01f, mHeight, .10f, false);
            mOnScreenConditionLeft = C.And(xActiveLeft, yActiveLeft);
Example #19
        public override async Task Hide()
            if (!this.Visible)
            Client.Log("Inventory Hide called!");

            // HUD
            Client.Instance.Managers.First <HudManager>().Visible = true;
            API.SetNuiFocus(false, false);

            // Hide
            Client.Log("Sending Inventory NUI Hide");
            this.Visible = false;
Example #20
        protected async void OnNuiCharacterCreate(dynamic character, CallbackDelegate callback)
            Character newCharacter = await Server.Event(RpcEvents.CharacterCreate)
                                     .Attach(new Character
                Forename    = character.forename,
                Middlename  = character.middlename,
                Surname     = character.surname,
                Gender      = (short)character.gender,
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse(character.dob)
                                     .Request <Character>();

            Client.Instance.Controllers.First <CharacterController>().Characters.Add(newCharacter);
            Nui.Send("characters", Client.Instance.Controllers.First <CharacterController>().Characters);
            await Show();

Example #21
        public StandAxis(bool forward, AxisBinding binding)
            : base("Stand" + (forward ? "X" : "Y"), binding)
            mStandConfig = new StandConfig();
            Vector handR = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right);
            Vector handL = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left);

            Vector zeroPoint = Vector.Create("ZeroPoint", mStandConfig.ZeroPosition.X, mStandConfig.ZeroPosition.Y, mStandConfig.ZeroPosition.Z);
            //How far pushing forward
            Vector diff = zeroPoint - Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre);

            mRaw = forward ? Nui.z(diff) : Nui.x(diff);

            //Whether the push gesture could be active
            mActive = C.And(Nui.abs(mRaw) > Deadzone.Value, Nui.abs(mRaw) < mStandConfig.Maximum);
            //mActive = C.And(mActive, Nui.y(hand) > Nui.y(elbow));
            //The value for the push gesture
            mValue = Nui.ifScalar(mActive, mRaw, 0f);
Example #22
        public ArmYawAxis(bool right, AxisBinding binding)
            : base("ArmYaw" + (right ? "Right" : "Left"), binding, Perspective.Y)
            mRight = right;

            Vector diff =
                Nui.joint(mRight ? Nui.Shoulder_Right : Nui.Shoulder_Left) -
                Nui.joint(mRight ? Nui.Hand_Right : Nui.Hand_Left);

            mActive = Condition.And(
                mRight ? GlobalConditions.ActiveR : GlobalConditions.ActiveL,
                    Nui.z(diff) > Nui.abs(Nui.x(diff)),
                    Nui.z(diff) > Nui.abs(Nui.y(diff))));

            mB = Nui.limit(diff, true, false, true);

        public CrossArmsLowTrigger(XmlNode node)
            mHeightThreshold = Nui.magnitude(Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Centre) - Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre));
            mAngleThreshold  = Scalar.Create(.48f);
            mDepthThreshold  = Scalar.Create(GetFloat(node, 3.6f, "DepthThreshold"));
            mWidthThreshold  = Scalar.Create(GetFloat(node, 1f, "WidthThreshold"));

            mBody = Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre);

            Condition inWidth = Nui.abs(Nui.x(Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre))) < mWidthThreshold;
            Condition inDepth = Nui.z(Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre)) < mDepthThreshold;
            Condition inRange = C.And(inWidth, inDepth);

            mTriggerHeight = C.And(Nui.y(Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left)) < Nui.y(Nui.joint(Nui.Elbow_Left)), Nui.y(Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right)) < Nui.y(Nui.joint(Nui.Elbow_Right)));
            mArmsCrossed   = Nui.x(Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right)) < Nui.x(Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left));
            mTrigger       = C.And(C.And(mTriggerHeight, mArmsCrossed), inRange);

            mTrigger.OnChange += new ChangeDelegate(mTrigger_OnChange);
Example #24
        // Protected implementation of Dispose pattern.
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposed)

            if (disposing)
                if (_initialized)
                    // Free any other managed objects here.

            // Free any unmanaged objects here.
            disposed = true;
Example #25
            public PushSingleAxis(bool forward, AxisBinding binding)
                : base("Push" + (forward ? "+" : "-"), binding)
                mMirror = false;

                Vector handR = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right);
                Vector handL = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left);

                //How far pushing forward
                mRaw = Nui.z(handR - Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre)) + Nui.z(handL - Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre));
                if (forward)
                    mRaw *= -1f;

                //Whether the push gesture could be active
                mActive = C.And(C.Or(GlobalConditions.ActiveR, GlobalConditions.ActiveL), !C.And(GlobalConditions.ActiveR, GlobalConditions.ActiveL));
                //mActive = C.And(mActive, Nui.y(hand) > Nui.y(elbow));
                //The value for the push gesture
                mValue = Nui.ifScalar(mActive, mRaw, 0f);
Example #26
            public PushSingleAxis(bool right, bool forward, AxisBinding binding)
                : base("Push" + (right ? "Right" : "Left") + (forward ? "+" : "-"), binding)
                mMirror = false;

                Vector hand  = Nui.joint(right ? Nui.Hand_Right : Nui.Hand_Left);
                Vector elbow = Nui.joint(right ? Nui.Elbow_Right : Nui.Elbow_Left);

                //How far pushing forward
                mRaw = Nui.z(hand - Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre));
                if (forward)
                    mRaw *= -1f;

                //Whether the push gesture could be active
                mActive = right ? GlobalConditions.ActiveR : GlobalConditions.ActiveL;
                //mActive = C.And(mActive, Nui.y(hand) > Nui.y(elbow));
                //The value for the push gesture
                mValue = Nui.ifScalar(mActive, mRaw, 0f);
Example #27
        private void ConfigureFromWindow()
            mWorldW.Value  = (float)mFrame.Width;
            mWorldH.Value  = (float)mFrame.Height;
            mScreenW.Value = mFrame.Monitor.Bounds.Width;
            mScreenH.Value = mFrame.Monitor.Bounds.Height;

            Vector3 topLeft = mFrame.TopLeft;

            //TODO - this should be set as property
            topLeft -= Vector3.Zero;
            topLeft *= mOrientation.Quaternion;

            Vector3 normal = mFrame.Orientation.LookAtVector * mOrientation.Quaternion;

            mPlaneTopLeft.Set(topLeft.Y, topLeft.Z, topLeft.X);
            mPlaneNormal.Set(normal.Y, normal.Z, normal.X);


Example #28
         * private static void SendPackets(object param) {
         *  ProxyControllerBase controller = (ProxyControllerBase)param;
         *  SetFollowCamPropertiesPacket packet = MakePacket();
         *  Thread.Sleep(10000);
         *  Console.WriteLine("Sending packets");
         *  while (true) {
         *      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
         *          float xInc = .2f;
         *          float yInc = 0f;
         *          float zInc = 0f;
         *          switch (i) {
         *              case 1: xInc = 0; yInc = .2f; zInc = .022f; break;
         *              case 2: xInc = -.2f; yInc = 0f; break;
         *              case 3: xInc = 0; yInc = -.2f; zInc = -.022f; break;
         *          }
         *          for (int x = 0; x < 320; x++) {
         *              controller.InjectPacket(packet);
         *              Vector3 pos = mCoordinator.Position;
         *              pos.X += xInc;
         *              pos.Y += yInc;
         *              pos.Z += zInc;
         *              mCoordinator.Update(pos, Vector3.Zero, GetRot(pos), Rotation.Zero);
         *              controller.SetCamera();
         *              Thread.Sleep(20);
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         * }

         * DotNetConfigSource dotnet = new DotNetConfigSource();
         * ArgvConfigSource arg = new ArgvConfigSource(args);
         * dotnet.Merge(arg);
         * arg.AddSwitch("Test", "Test", "t");
         * string test = arg.Configs["Test"].Get("Test");
         * string test2 = dotnet.Configs["appSettings"].Get("Test");
         * Console.WriteLine(test);
         * mPointStart = Vector.Create("PointStart", 0f, 0f, 0f);
         * mPointDir = Vector.Create("PointDir", 0f, 0f, 0f);
         * //Init();
         * Nui.Init();
         * Nui.SetAutoPoll(true);
         * GC.Collect();
         * Window window = new Window("Test Window");
         * window.Width = 2000;
         * window.Height = 1500;
         * window.TopLeft = new Vector3(0f, -1000f, 750f);
         * IKinectCursor cursor = new PointCursor();
         * //IKinectCursor cursor = new SimpleCursor();
         * //Form = new TestForm(mPlaneTopLeft, mPlaneNormal, mTop, mSide, mPointStart, mPointDir, mIntersection, mW, mH, mX, mY);
         * //Form form = new KinectMovementForm();
         * //form.Begin();
         * Form form = new KinectCursorForm(cursor, window);
         * ProcessWrangler.BlockingRunForm(form, null);

        private static void InitNui()
            Vector pointEnd = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right);

            mPointStart = Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Right);
            mPointDir   = mPointStart - pointEnd;

            mPlaneTopLeft = Vector.Create("PlanePoint", 1f, 1f, 0f);
            mPlaneNormal  = Vector.Create("PlaneNormal", 0f, 0f, -1f);
            mW            = Scalar.Create("W", 2f);
            mH            = Scalar.Create("H", 2f);

            Vector vertical = Vector.Create(0f, 1f, 0f); // Vertical

            //Calculate the intersection of the plane defined by the point mPlaneTopLeft and the normal mPlaneNormal and the line defined by the point mPointStart and the direction mPointDir.
            mIntersection = Nui.intersect(mPlaneTopLeft, Nui.normalize(mPlaneNormal), mPointStart, Nui.normalize(mPointDir));
            //Calculate a vector that represents the orientation of the top of the input.
            mTop = Nui.scale(Nui.cross(vertical, mPlaneNormal), mW);
            //Calculate a vector that represents the orientation of the side of the input.
            mSide = Nui.scale(Nui.cross(mPlaneNormal, mTop), mH);

            //Calculate the vector (running along the plane) between the top left corner and the point of intersection.
            Vector diff = mIntersection - mPlaneTopLeft;

            //Project the diff line onto the top and side vectors to get x and y values.
            mX = Nui.project(diff, mTop);
            mY = Nui.project(diff, mSide);

            mX.OnChange += () => {
                if (mX.Value > 0 && mX.Value < mW.Value)

            mPointStart.Set(1f, 0f, 0f);
Example #29
        public ArmPitchAxis(bool right, AxisBinding binding)
            : base("ArmPitch" + (right ? "Right" : "Left"), binding, Perspective.X)
            mRight = right;

            Vector shoulders = Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Left) - Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Right);
            Vector diff      =
                Nui.joint(mRight ? Nui.Shoulder_Right : Nui.Shoulder_Left) -
                Nui.joint(mRight ? Nui.Hand_Right : Nui.Hand_Left);

            mActive = Condition.And(
                mRight ? GlobalConditions.ActiveR : GlobalConditions.ActiveL,

                 *  Nui.z(diff) > Nui.abs(Nui.x(diff)),
                 *  Nui.z(diff) > Nui.abs(Nui.y(diff)))*/
                Nui.z(diff) > Nui.abs(Nui.magnitude(shoulders))

            mB = Nui.limit(diff, false, true, true);

Example #30
 void KinectPanel_HandleCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
     mHead      = Nui.joint(Nui.Head);
     mHandR     = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right);
     mHandL     = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left);
     mWristR    = Nui.joint(Nui.Wrist_Right);
     mWristL    = Nui.joint(Nui.Wrist_Left);
     mElbowR    = Nui.joint(Nui.Elbow_Right);
     mElbowL    = Nui.joint(Nui.Elbow_Left);
     mShoulderR = Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Right);
     mShoulderL = Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Left);
     mShoulderC = Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Centre);
     mHipC      = Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre);
     mHipR      = Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Right);
     mHipL      = Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Left);
     mKneeR     = Nui.joint(Nui.Knee_Right);
     mKneeL     = Nui.joint(Nui.Knee_Left);
     mAnkleR    = Nui.joint(Nui.Ankle_Right);
     mAnkleL    = Nui.joint(Nui.Ankle_Left);
     mFootR     = Nui.joint(Nui.Foot_Right);
     mFootL     = Nui.joint(Nui.Foot_Left);
     Nui.Tick  += mKinectTick;
Example #31
 void NuiProviderCaptureEnd(object sender, Nui.NuiEventArgs e)
     recordGesture_.Gesture.JointRecords = nuiProvider_.GetCapture();
     recordGesture_.Recorded = true;
     StatusText = "Gesture recorded: " + recordGesture_.Gesture.Name;
     captureMode_ = false;
Example #32
 void NuiProviderCaptureProgress(object sender, Nui.NuiEventArgs e)
     StatusText = "Recording... " + (int)(100 * (float)e.RecordedFrameCount / Nui.Provider.BufferSize) + "%";
Example #33
 void NuiProviderGestureDone(object sender, Nui.NuiEventArgs e)
     if (!captureMode_)
         var st = "Gesture recognized: " + e.Gesture.Name;
         if (e.Gesture == lastGesture_)
             st += " (" + lastGestureCount_ + ")";
             lastGestureCount_ = 1;
         lastGesture_ = e.Gesture;
         StatusText = st;
Example #34
        public void Init(Frame frame)
            mFrame = frame;
            //TODO - this should be set properly - as a property
            mOrientation = Rotation.Zero;

            mOrientation.Changed += orientation_Changed;
            mFrame.Changed       += (win, args) => ConfigureFromWindow();

            mPlaneTopLeft = Vector.Create("PlanePoint", 1f, 1f, 0f);
            mPlaneNormal  = Nui.normalize(Vector.Create("PlaneNormal", 0f, 0f, 1f));
            mWorldW       = Scalar.Create("WorldW", (float)mFrame.Width);
            mWorldH       = Scalar.Create("WorldH", (float)mFrame.Height);
            mScreenW      = Scalar.Create("ScreenW", mFrame.Monitor.Bounds.Width);
            mScreenH      = Scalar.Create("ScreenH", mFrame.Monitor.Bounds.Height);

            Vector pointEnd = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right) * SCALE;

            if (mTest)
                mPointStart = Vector.Create("PointStart", 0f, 0f, 5f);
                mPointDir   = Vector.Create("PointDir", 0f, 0f, -1f);
                mPointStart = Nui.joint(Nui.Elbow_Right) * SCALE;
                mPointDir   = Nui.normalize(mPointStart - pointEnd);

            //Calculate the intersection of the plane defined by the point mPlaneTopLeft and the normal mPlaneNormal and the line defined by the point mPointStart and the direction mPointDir.
            Scalar numerator   = Nui.dot(mPointStart - mPlaneTopLeft, mPlaneNormal);
            Scalar denominator = Nui.dot(mPlaneNormal, mPointDir);

            mIntersects   = denominator != 0f;
            mIntersection = mPointStart + Nui.scale(mPointDir, Nui.ifScalar(mIntersects, numerator / denominator, 0f));

            Vector vertical = Vector.Create(0f, 1f, 0f); // Vertical

            //Calculate a vector that represents the orientation of the top of the input.
            mTop = Nui.scale(Nui.cross(vertical, mPlaneNormal), mWorldW);
            //Calculate a vector that represents the orientation of the side of the input.
            mSide = Nui.scale(Nui.cross(mPlaneNormal, mTop), mWorldH);

            //Calculate the vector (running along the plane) between the top left corner and the point of intersection.
            Vector diff = mIntersection - mPlaneTopLeft;

            //Project the diff line onto the top and side vectors to get x and y values.
            Scalar kinectCoordX = Nui.project(diff, mTop);
            Scalar kinectCoordY = Nui.project(diff, mSide);

            Scalar x = (mWorldW - kinectCoordX) / mWorldW;
            Scalar y = (mWorldH - kinectCoordY) / mWorldH;

            mX = Nui.ifScalar(C.And(mIntersects, C.And(x >= 0f, x <= 1f)), x, -1f);
            mY = Nui.ifScalar(C.And(mIntersects, C.And(y >= 0f, y <= 1f)), y, -1f);

            mIntersection.Name = "Intersection";
            mTop.Name          = "Top";
            mSide.Name         = "Side";
            mX.Name            = "X";
            mY.Name            = "Y";


            Nui.Tick += Tick;
Example #35
        public KinectCursorAxis(bool left, bool x, AxisBinding binding)
            mName    = MakeName(left, x);
            mBinding = binding;
            mLeft    = left;
            mX       = x;
            mPanel   = new UserControl();

            mSmoothingFactor = Scalar.Create(HAND_SMOOTHING_FRAMES);

            if (mLeft)
                mHand = Nui.smooth(Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right), mSmoothingFactor);
                mHand = Nui.smooth(Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Left), mSmoothingFactor);

            mAnchor = Nui.smooth(Nui.joint(Nui.Hip_Centre), ANCHOR_SMOOTHING_FRAMES);

            mLeftShift = Scalar.Create("Left Shift", .0f);
            mUpShift   = Scalar.Create("Up Shift", .0f);

            mWidth  = Scalar.Create("Width", .5f);
            mHeight = Scalar.Create("Height", .5f);

            mTopLeftX = Nui.x(mAnchor) - (mWidth * mLeftShift);
            mTopLeftY = Nui.y(mAnchor) + (mHeight * mUpShift);

            if (mLeft)
                if (mX)
                    mLeftHandShift = Scalar.Create("LeftHandShift", .5f);
                    mNUIRaw        = (Nui.x(mHand) + mLeftHandShift) - mTopLeftX;
                    xActiveLeft    = C.And(mNUIRaw >= 0f, mNUIRaw <= mWidth);
                    mConstrained   = Nui.constrain(mNUIRaw, .01f, mWidth, .10f, false);
                    mNUIRaw      = Nui.y(mHand) - mTopLeftY;
                    yActiveLeft  = C.And(mNUIRaw >= 0f, mNUIRaw <= mHeight);
                    mConstrained = Nui.constrain(mNUIRaw, .01f, mHeight, .10f, false);

                if (xActiveLeft != null && yActiveLeft != null)
                    mOnScreenConditionLeft = C.And(xActiveLeft, yActiveLeft);
                if (mX)
                    mNUIRaw      = Nui.x(mHand) - mTopLeftX;
                    xActiveRight = C.And(mNUIRaw >= 0f, mNUIRaw <= mWidth);
                    mConstrained = Nui.constrain(mNUIRaw, .01f, mWidth, .10f, false);
                    mNUIRaw      = Nui.y(mHand) - mTopLeftY;
                    yActiveRight = C.And(mNUIRaw >= 0f, mNUIRaw <= mHeight);
                    mConstrained = Nui.constrain(mNUIRaw, .01f, mHeight, .10f, false);
                if (xActiveRight != null && yActiveRight != null)
                    mOnScreenConditionRight = C.And(xActiveRight, yActiveRight);