public static void EditSecurity(IntPtr hwnd, NtObject handle, string object_name, string typeName, bool writeable)
            NtType typeInfo = NtType.GetTypeByName(typeName);
            Dictionary<uint, String> access = GetMaskDictionary(TypeNameToEnum(typeName));

            using (SecurityInformationImpl impl = new SecurityInformationImpl(object_name, handle, access,
                EditSecurity(hwnd, impl);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="object_name">The object name, can be null.</param>
 /// <param name="attributes">The object attribute flags.</param>
 /// <param name="root">An optional root handle, can be SafeKernelObjectHandle.Null. Will duplicate the handle.</param>
 /// <param name="sqos">An optional security quality of service.</param>
 /// <param name="security_descriptor">An optional security descriptor.</param>
 public ObjectAttributes(string object_name, AttributeFlags attributes, NtObject root, 
     SecurityQualityOfService sqos, SecurityDescriptor security_descriptor) 
     : this(object_name, attributes, root != null ? root.Handle : SafeKernelObjectHandle.Null, sqos, security_descriptor)
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="object_name">The name of the object</param>
 /// <param name="attributes">Attribute flags</param>
 /// <param name="root">A root object to lookup a relative path</param>
 public ObjectAttributes(string object_name, AttributeFlags attributes, NtObject root) 
     : this(object_name, attributes, root, null, null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Wait on a single object to become signalled
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">The object to wait on</param>
 /// <param name="alertable">Whether the thread should be alerable</param>
 /// <param name="timeout">The timeout to wait for</param>
 /// <returns>The success status of the wait, such as STATUS_WAIT_OBJECT_0 or STATUS_TIMEOUT</returns>
 public static NtStatus Wait(NtObject obj, bool alertable, NtWaitTimeout timeout)
     return NtSystemCalls.NtWaitForSingleObject(obj.Handle, alertable, timeout.Timeout).ToNtException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="base_object">Base object for security descriptor</param>
        /// <param name="token">Token for determining user rights</param>
        /// <param name="is_directory">True if a directory security descriptor</param>
        public SecurityDescriptor(NtObject base_object, NtToken token, bool is_directory) : this()
            if ((base_object == null) && (token == null))
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            SecurityDescriptor parent_sd = null;
            if (base_object != null)
                parent_sd = base_object.SecurityDescriptor;

            SecurityDescriptor creator_sd = null;
            if (token != null)
                creator_sd = new SecurityDescriptor();
                creator_sd.Owner = new SecurityDescriptorSid(token.Owner, false);
                creator_sd.Group = new SecurityDescriptorSid(token.PrimaryGroup, false);
                creator_sd.Dacl = token.DefaultDalc;

            NtType type = NtType.GetTypeByName(base_object.NtTypeName);

            SafeBuffer parent_sd_buffer = SafeHGlobalBuffer.Null;
            SafeBuffer creator_sd_buffer = SafeHGlobalBuffer.Null;
            SafeSecurityObjectHandle security_obj = null;
                if (parent_sd != null)
                    parent_sd_buffer = parent_sd.ToSafeBuffer();
                if (creator_sd != null)
                    creator_sd_buffer = creator_sd.ToSafeBuffer();

                GenericMapping mapping = type.GenericMapping;
                NtRtl.RtlNewSecurityObject(parent_sd_buffer, creator_sd_buffer, out security_obj, is_directory,
                    token != null ? token.Handle : SafeKernelObjectHandle.Null, ref mapping).ToNtException();
                if (parent_sd_buffer != null)
                if (creator_sd_buffer != null)
                if (security_obj != null)
 public SecurityInformationImpl(string obj_name, NtObject handle,
     Dictionary<uint, string> names, GenericMapping generic_mapping)
     _mapping = generic_mapping;
     _handle = handle;
     _obj_name = new SafeStringBuffer(obj_name);
     _access_map = new SafeHGlobalBuffer(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SiAccess)) * names.Count);
     SiAccess[] sis = new SiAccess[names.Count];
     IntPtr current_ptr = _access_map.DangerousGetHandle();
     _names = new DisposableList<SafeStringBuffer>();
     int i = 0;
     foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, string> pair in names)
         _names.Add(new SafeStringBuffer(pair.Value));
         SiAccess si = new SiAccess();
         si.dwFlags = SiAccessFlags.SI_ACCESS_SPECIFIC | SiAccessFlags.SI_ACCESS_GENERAL;
         si.mask = pair.Key;
         si.pszName = _names[i].DangerousGetHandle();
         sis[i] = si;
     _access_map.WriteArray(0, sis, 0, names.Count);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to create an object from a set of object attributes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj_attributes">The object attributes to create/open from.</param>
 /// <returns>The newly created object.</returns>
 protected override object CreateObject(ObjectAttributes obj_attributes)
     return(NtObject.OpenWithType(TypeName, Path, Root, Access));
 /// <summary>
 /// Try and open the directory entry and return an actual NtObject handle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The object opened.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="NtException">Thrown if error opening object.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown if invalid typename.</exception>
 public NtObject ToObject()
     return(NtObject.OpenWithType(TypeName, RelativePath, _base_directory, GenericAccessRights.MaximumAllowed));
Example #9
 public ZombieHandle(NtObject obj, string process_path)
     _object     = obj;
     Handle      = obj.Handle.DangerousGetHandle().ToInt32();
     ProcessPath = process_path;