public override void Replay(NavigationService navigationService, NavigationMode mode)
            ContentControl navigator = (ContentControl)navigationService.INavigatorHost;
            // Find a reference to the DocumentViewer hosted in the NavigationWindow
            // On initial history navigation in the browser, the window's layout may not have been 
            // done yet. ApplyTemplate() causes the viewer to be created.
            DocumentApplicationDocumentViewer docViewer = navigator.Template.FindName(
                "PUIDocumentApplicationDocumentViewer", navigator)
                as DocumentApplicationDocumentViewer;
            Debug.Assert(docViewer != null, "PUIDocumentApplicationDocumentViewer not found.");
            if (docViewer != null)
                // Set the new state on the DocumentViewer
                if (_state is DocumentApplicationState)
                    docViewer.StoredDocumentApplicationState = (DocumentApplicationState)_state;

                // Check that a Document exists.
                if (navigationService.Content != null)
                    IDocumentPaginatorSource document = navigationService.Content as IDocumentPaginatorSource;

                    // If the document has already been paginated (could happen in the
                    // case of a fragment navigation), then set the DocumentViewer to the
                    // new state that was set.
                    if ((document != null) && (document.DocumentPaginator.IsPageCountValid))
        private DeactivateEvent GetDeactivateEvent(NavigationMode mode)
            if (mode == NavigationMode.Back) return DeactivateEvent.Back;
            if (mode == NavigationMode.Forward) return DeactivateEvent.Forward;

            return DeactivateEvent.Default;
 public override void OnNavigatedTo(object navigationParameter, NavigationMode navigationMode, Dictionary<string, object> viewModelState)
     if (navigationParameter != null)
         Items = navigationParameter as IEnumerable<ProductInformation>;
 public async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary<string, object> state)
     if (state.Any())
         Sub = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SubredditItem>((string)state["sub"]);
         Images = IncrementalSubredditGallery.fromJson((string)state["images"]);
         if (mode == NavigationMode.Back)
             if (galleryMetaInfo == null)
                 galleryMetaInfo = BootStrapper.Current.SessionState["GalleryInfo"] as GalleryMetaInfo;
                 Images = galleryMetaInfo?.Gallery as IncrementalSubredditGallery;
                 var sub = (await Reddits.SearchSubreddits(Images.Subreddit)).First(s => s.Data.DisplayName == Images.Subreddit);
                 Sub = new SubredditItem(sub);
             ImageSelectedIndex = galleryMetaInfo?.SelectedIndex ?? 0;
     await Task.CompletedTask;
        public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary<string, object> state)
            string error;
                if (TrophyScrollingCollection == null || !TrophyScrollingCollection.Any())
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter as string))
                        Username = parameter as string;
                        Username = Shell.Instance.ViewModel.CurrentUser.Username;
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = ex.Message;

            await ResultChecker.SendMessageDialogAsync(error, false);
Example #6
        public async Task NavedFromAsync(object viewmodel, NavigationMode mode, Page sourcePage, Type sourceType, object sourceParameter, Page targetPage, Type targetType, object targetParameter, bool suspending)

            if (sourcePage == null)
            else if (viewmodel == null)
            else if (viewmodel is Classic.INavigatedAwareAsync)
                var vm = viewmodel as Classic.INavigatedAwareAsync;
                await vm?.OnNavigatedFromAsync(PageState(sourcePage), suspending);
            else if (viewmodel is Portable.INavigatedAware)
                var vm = viewmodel as Portable.INavigatedAware;
                var parameters = new Portable.NavigationParameters();
            else if (viewmodel is Portable.INavigatedAwareAsync)
                var vm = viewmodel as Portable.INavigatedAwareAsync;
                var parameters = new Portable.NavigationParameters();
                await vm?.OnNavigatedFromAsync(parameters);
Example #7
 public override async void OnNavigatedTo(object navigationParameter, NavigationMode navigationMode, Dictionary<string, object> viewModelState)
     Chat = navigationParameter as VKMessage;
     await initUsers();
     await getTasks();
     base.OnNavigatedTo(navigationParameter, navigationMode, viewModelState);
 protected MovementBasedLogicTile(Int32[] levels, Int32[] rows, Int32[] columns, NavigationMode[] navigationModes,
     Action<MapCharacter, SpriteDirection> onEntering, Action<MapCharacter, SpriteDirection> onLeaving)
     : base(levels, rows, columns, navigationModes)
     OnEntering = onEntering;
     OnLeaving = onLeaving;
Example #9
 public override Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary<string, object> state) {
     if (state.Any()) {
         Value = state[nameof(Value)]?.ToString();
     return Task.CompletedTask;
 public NavigatingCancelEventArgs(IViewMappingItem mapping, NavigationMode navigationMode, string parameter)
     _mapping = mapping;
     _navigationMode = navigationMode;
     _parameter = parameter;
     _isCancelable = true;
        void NavigateTo(NavigationMode mode, string parameter)
            LastNavigationParameter = parameter;
            LastNavigationType = _frame.Content.GetType().FullName;

            if (mode == NavigationMode.New)
                // TODO: clear existing state

            var page = _frame.Content as FrameworkElement;
            if (page != null)
                var dataContext = page.DataContext;
                if (dataContext != null)
                    // navigationService will not depend on Mvvm namespace
                    var method = dataContext.GetType()
                        .GetRuntimeMethod(OnNavigatedTo, new[] {
                            typeof(Dictionary<string, object>)
                    if (method != null)
                        // TODO: get existing state
                        method.Invoke(dataContext, new object[] { parameter, mode, null });
        public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary<string, object> state)
            var sessionId = _appSettings.Get<string>(StorageKey.SessionId);
            var expiration = _appSettings.Get<DateTime>(StorageKey.SessionExpiration);
            var username = _appSettings.Get<string>(StorageKey.Username);
            var password = _appSettings.Get<string>(StorageKey.Password);
            Username = username;
            Password = password;
            RememberMe = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sessionId) == false)
                if (expiration > DateTime.Now)

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password))
                    RememberMe = true;

                    await Login();
        public override async void OnNavigatedTo(string parameter, NavigationMode mode, Dictionary<string, object> state)
            Debug.WriteLine("In DetailPageViewModel OnNavigatedTo");
            _repository = Repositories.MessageItemRepository.GetInstance();
            await LoadRuntimeDataAsync(parameter);

            // Since we are viewing this item, set its status to 'Read'
            this.MessageItem.IsRead = true;
            await _repository.UpdateAsync(this.MessageItem);

            #region Remove corresponding item from Action Center
            // Also remove it from the Action Center if it is there

            #region Sync Tile badge count with unread toasts count from Action Center 
            //// Set the Badge count on the tile
            //var toasts = ToastNotificationManager.History.GetHistory();
            //if (toasts != null)
            //    var count = toasts.Count();
            //    // Sync up the count on the tile
            //    TileServices.SetBadgeCountOnTile(count);
 public override void OnNavigatedTo(object navigationParameter, NavigationMode navigationMode, Dictionary<string, object> viewModelState)
     if (navigationParameter != null)
         SelectedNews = navigationParameter as News;
        public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary<string, object> state)
            if (state.ContainsKey(nameof(this.FeaturedShows)))
                this.FeaturedShows = state[nameof(this.FeaturedShows)] as ObservableCollection<Show>;

            if (state.ContainsKey(nameof(this.NewReleaseShows)))
                this.NewReleaseShows = state[nameof(this.NewReleaseShows)] as ObservableCollection<Show>;


            if (this._dataAcquired)
                await Task.Yield();


            this._dataAcquired = true;
Example #16
        public override void OnNavigatedTo(object navigationParameter, NavigationMode navigationMode, Dictionary<string, object> viewModelState)
            // 画面遷移してきたときに呼ばれる
            base.OnNavigatedTo(navigationParameter, navigationMode, viewModelState);

            Photo = navigationParameter as Photo.PhotoItem;
        public override async void OnNavigatedTo(object navigationParameter, NavigationMode navigationMode, Dictionary<string, object> viewState)
            if (viewState != null)
                base.OnNavigatedTo(navigationParameter, navigationMode, viewState);

                if (navigationMode == NavigationMode.Refresh)
                    // Restore the errors collection manually
                    var errorsCollection = RetrieveEntityStateValue<IDictionary<string, ReadOnlyCollection<string>>>("errorsCollection", viewState);

                    if (errorsCollection != null)

            if (navigationMode == NavigationMode.New)
                var defaultPaymentMethod = await _checkoutDataRepository.GetDefaultPaymentMethodAsync();
                if (defaultPaymentMethod != null)
                    // Update the information and validate the values
                    PaymentMethod.CardNumber = defaultPaymentMethod.CardNumber;
                    PaymentMethod.CardVerificationCode = defaultPaymentMethod.CardVerificationCode;
                    PaymentMethod.CardholderName = defaultPaymentMethod.CardholderName;
                    PaymentMethod.ExpirationMonth = defaultPaymentMethod.ExpirationMonth;
                    PaymentMethod.ExpirationYear = defaultPaymentMethod.ExpirationYear;
                    PaymentMethod.Phone = defaultPaymentMethod.Phone;

 public NavigationTargetInfo(string key, string name, string description, NavigationMode mode)
     Key = key;
     Name = name;
     Description = description;
     Mode = mode;
        public async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary<string, object> state)
            (nav as MergedNavigationService).Clear();
            JObject param = (JObject)Portable.Helpers.StateHelper.SessionState["LaunchData"];

            if (param["url"] == null)
                isUrlLaunch = false;
                isUrlLaunch = true;
                string url = (string)param["url"];
                var query = Uri.UnescapeDataString(new Uri(url).Query);
                query = query.StartsWith("?") ? query.Substring(1) : query;
                string[] frags = query.Split('&');
                foreach (var frag in frags)
                    string[] splits = frag.Split('=');
                    state.Add(splits[0], splits[1]);
                (SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<IViewModelLocator>().BrowserViewModel as BrowserPageViewModel).State = state;

            if ((bool)param["isNewLaunch"])
                await base.ShakeHandsAndNavigate();
                await Navigate();
Example #20
        public override async void NavigatedTo(NavigationMode mode, object parameter)
            base.NavigatedTo(mode, parameter);

            if (mode == NavigationMode.Back)

            var term = parameter as string;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(term))
                var vm = (SearchViewModel)DataContext;
                SearchTextBox.Text = term;
                SearchTextBox.IsEnabled = false;
                vm.IsLoading = true;
                await vm.SearchAsync(term);
                SearchTextBox.IsEnabled = true;
                vm.IsLoading = false;
Example #21
        public override async void OnNavigatedTo(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, Dictionary<string, object> state)
            if (mode == NavigationMode.Back)

            PlaybackTorrent = (PlaybackTorrent) parameter;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlaybackTorrent.TorrentUrl))
                State = TorrentStreamManager.State.Metadata;
                var torrent = await Torrent.LoadAsync(new Uri(PlaybackTorrent.TorrentUrl), "");
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlaybackTorrent.MagnetLink))
                var magnetLink = new MagnetLink(PlaybackTorrent.MagnetLink);
                var hash = InfoHash.FromHex(PlaybackTorrent.TorrentHash);
            _torrentStreamService.StreamManager.StreamProgress += StreamManagerOnStreamProgress;
            _torrentStreamService.StreamManager.StreamReady += StreamManagerOnStreamReady;
            _torrentStreamService.StreamManager.Error += StreamManagerOnError;
            State = _torrentStreamService.StreamManager.CurrentState;
 public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary<string, object> state)
     var sessionId = _appSettings.Get<string>(StorageKey.SessionId);
     IsLoggedIn = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sessionId) == false;
     if (IsLoggedIn)
         UserDisplayName = _appSettings.Get<string>(StorageKey.UserDisplayName);
Example #23
        public override async void OnNavigatedTo(object navigationParameter, NavigationMode navigationMode, Dictionary<string, object> viewModelState)
            dynamic parameters = navigationParameter;
            var seasonNumber = (int)parameters.season;
            var showId = (int)parameters.showId;
            var episodeNumber = (int)parameters.episode;

            Episode = await traktService.GetEpisodeAsync(showId, seasonNumber, episodeNumber, extended: TraktExtendEnum.FULL_IMAGES);
            Show = await traktService.GetShowAsync(showId, extended: TraktExtendEnum.MIN);

            Number = Episode.Number;
            Title = Episode.Title;
            Overview = Episode.Overview;
            Screen = Episode.Images.Screenshot.Full;
            AirDate = DateTime.Parse(Episode.First_Aired, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal);

            Comments = new ObservableCollection<TraktComment>(await traktService.GetEpisodeCommentsAsync(showId, seasonNumber, episodeNumber));

                Link = await crawlerService.GetLink(Show.Title, Episode.Season, Episode.Number);

 public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary<string, object> state)
     Reading = SessionState["reading"] as ePub;
     ContentWebView = (NavigationService.Content as ReadingPage).FindName("ContentWebView") as WebView;
     ContentWebView.NavigateToString(await LoadHtmlFromManifestItem(Reading.Manifest.First()));
     await Task.CompletedTask;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AlternativeNavigationEventArgs" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content">The content.</param>
 /// <param name="navigationMode">The navigation mode.</param>
 /// <param name="parameter">The parameter.</param>
 /// <param name="sourcePageType">Type of the source page.</param>
 public AlternativeNavigationEventArgs(object content, NavigationMode navigationMode, object parameter, Type sourcePageType)
     this.Content = content;
     this.NavigationMode = navigationMode;
     this.Parameter = parameter;
     this.SourcePageType = sourcePageType;
 public NavigatingCancelEventArgs(Type pageType, NavigationMode mode, bool isCancelable, bool isNavigationInitiator)
     this.SourcePageType = pageType;
     this.NavigationMode = mode;
     this.IsCancelable = isCancelable;
     this.IsNavigationInitiator = isNavigationInitiator;
 public NavigatingCancelEventArgs(Type pageType, NavigationMode mode)
     this.SourcePageType = pageType;
     this.NavigationMode = mode;
     this.IsCancelable = true;
     this.IsNavigationInitiator = true;
        // </snippet412>

        public async override void OnNavigatedTo(object navigationParameter, NavigationMode navigationMode, Dictionary<string, object> viewState)
            ReadOnlyCollection<Category> rootCategories = null;
            var getCategoriesCallFailed = false;
                // <snippet511>
                rootCategories = await _productCatalogRepository.GetCategoriesAsync(50);
                // </snippet511>
            catch (HttpRequestException)
                getCategoriesCallFailed = true;

            if (getCategoriesCallFailed)
                await _alertMessageService.ShowAsync(_resourceLoader.GetString("ErrorServiceUnreachable"), _resourceLoader.GetString("Error"));

            var rootCategoryViewModels = new List<CategoryViewModel>();
            foreach (var rootCategory in rootCategories)
                rootCategoryViewModels.Add(new CategoryViewModel(rootCategory, _navigationService));
            RootCategories = new ReadOnlyCollection<CategoryViewModel>(rootCategoryViewModels);
        public override void OnNavigatedTo(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary<string, object> state)
            base.OnNavigatedTo(parameter, mode, state);

            Messages = _messageService.GetMessages();
            Selected = Messages.First();
        void NavigateTo(NavigationMode mode, string parameter)
            LastNavigationParameter = parameter;
            LastNavigationType = FrameFacade.Content.GetType().FullName;

            if (mode == NavigationMode.New)

            var page = FrameFacade.Content as Page;
            if (page != null)
                // call viewmodel
                var dataContext = page.DataContext as INavigable;
                if (dataContext != null)
                    if (dataContext.Identifier != null
                        && (mode == NavigationMode.Forward || mode == NavigationMode.Back))
                        // don't call load if cached && navigating back/forward
                        // prepare for state load
                        dataContext.NavigationService = this;
                        var pageState = FrameFacade.PageStateContainer(page.GetType());
                        dataContext.OnNavigatedTo(parameter, mode, pageState);
Example #31
 public virtual void OnNavigatedTo(string parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state) /* nothing by default */ }
Example #32
 public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> suspensionState)
     Value = (suspensionState.ContainsKey(nameof(Value))) ? suspensionState[nameof(Value)]?.ToString() : parameter?.ToString();
     await Task.CompletedTask;
Example #33
 public override void OnNavigatedTo(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
     _category = (PlainCategory)parameter;
Example #34
 public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> suspensionState)
     userLoggedIn = _contentProviderApiService.getLoggedInUser();
     // await OnNavigatedToAsync(parameter, mode, suspensionState);
Example #35
 public virtual Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
Example #36
 protected virtual void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationMode mode)
Example #37
 protected virtual bool OnNavigatingFrom(NavigationMode mode)
Example #38
 protected virtual void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationMode mode, TNavigationParameter parameter)
Example #39
 void INavigationViewModel.OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationMode mode)
Example #40
 bool INavigationViewModel.OnNavigatingFrom(NavigationMode mode)
 public override void OnNavigatedTo(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
     base.OnNavigatedTo(parameter, mode, state);
 /// <summary>
 /// On Navigation Handler
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The sending object</param>
 /// <param name="e">Navigating Cancel Event Args</param>
 protected virtual void OnNavigating(object sender, NavigatingCancelEventArgs e)
     navigationMode = e.NavigationMode;
     EventAggregator.PublishMessage(new NavigationEvent(e));
Example #43
 /// <summary>
 /// Forbid to naviguate through some members when tracking changes on an object graph.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mode">Specific mode.</param>
 public NotNaviguableAttribute(NavigationMode mode = NavigationMode.All)
     Mode = mode;
Example #44
 public override Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
 public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> suspensionState)
     await Task.CompletedTask;
        public override void OnNavigatedTo(Dictionary <string, object> parameters, NavigationMode mode)
            base.OnNavigatedTo(parameters, mode);

            Albums = (List <DiscoveryAlbum>)parameters["albums"];
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uri">The Uri after it was mapped</param>
 /// <param name="uriBeforeMapping">The Uri before it was mapped</param>
 /// <param name="uriForJournal">The Uri to use for the journal</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode (new, forward, or back) of this operation</param>
 /// <param name="suppressJournalUpdate">True if the journal shouldn't be updated by this operation, false otherwise</param>
 public NavigationOperation(Uri uri, Uri uriBeforeMapping, Uri uriForJournal, NavigationMode mode, bool suppressJournalUpdate)
     this.Uri = uri;
     this.UriBeforeMapping   = uriBeforeMapping;
     this.UriForJournal      = uriForJournal;
     this.Mode               = mode;
     this.SuppressJournalAdd = suppressJournalUpdate;
Example #48
 public void Navigate(NavigationMode mode)
     LibVlcMethods.libvlc_media_player_navigate(m_hMediaPlayer, (libvlc_navigate_mode_t)mode);
Example #49
 public virtual async Task OnNavigatingToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode)
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the frame navigated event class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourcePageType">The source page type</param>
 /// <param name="content">The content of the page</param>
 /// <param name="parameter">The parameter</param>
 /// <param name="navigationMode">The navigation mode</param>
 public FrameNavigatedEventArgs(Type sourcePageType, object content, object parameter, NavigationMode navigationMode)
     this.SourcePageType = sourcePageType;
     this.Content        = content;
     this.Parameter      = parameter;
     this.NavigationMode = navigationMode;
Example #51
        public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> suspensionState)
            if (suspensionState.Any())
            if (mode == NavigationMode.New && Billables.Count == 0)
                Billables = await DataHelper.GetBillablesAsync(); // FileHelper.GetBillablesAsync();

                //Billables.Add(new Billable
                //    BillableId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                //    ClientName = "Jimbo Jones",
                //    BillableDate = DateTime.Now,
                //    BillableTime = new TimeSpan(1, 45, 0),
                //    Notes = "Loves Beanies and breaking things"
                //Billables.Add(new Billable
                //    BillableId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                //    ClientName = "Nelson Muntz",
                //    BillableDate = DateTime.Now,
                //    BillableTime = new TimeSpan(2, 30, 0),
                //    Notes = "Little slow .. but loves a good laugh"
                //Billables.Add(new Billable
                //    BillableId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                //    ClientName = "Kearney Zzyzwicz",
                //    BillableDate = DateTime.Now,
                //    BillableTime = new TimeSpan(2, 30, 0),
                //    Notes = "Way to old to still be in school"
                //Billables.Add(new Billable
                //    BillableId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                //    ClientName = "Dolph Starbeam",
                //    BillableDate = DateTime.Now,
                //    BillableTime = new TimeSpan(1, 10, 0),
                //    Notes = "Hippie parents"
                //await FileHelper.SetBillablesAsync(Billables);
            if (parameter != null && mode != NavigationMode.Back)
                BillingEntry billable = (BillingEntry)parameter;
                BillingEntry b;
                    b = Billables.First(i => i.BillableId == billable.BillableId);
                    if (await DataHelper.UpdateBillableAsync(b))
                        b.BillableDate = billable.BillableDate;
                        b.BillableTime = billable.BillableTime;
                        b.ClientName   = billable.ClientName;
                        b.Notes        = billable.Notes;
                    if (await DataHelper.CreateBillableAsync(billable))
                //await FileHelper.SetBillablesAsync(Billables);
            await Task.CompletedTask;
        private bool NavigateCore(Uri uri, NavigationMode mode, bool suppressJournalAdd, bool isRedirect)
                if (uri == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("uri", Resource.NavigationService_NavigationToANullUriIsNotSupported);

                // Make sure we're on the UI thread because of the DependencyProperties we use.
                if (!this.Host.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
                    // Move to UI thread
                    this.Host.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => this.NavigateCore(uri, mode, suppressJournalAdd, isRedirect));

                Uri mappedUri = uri;
                // If the Uri is only a fragment, mapping does not take place
                if (!UriParsingHelper.InternalUriIsFragment(uri))
                    UriMapperBase mapper = this.Host.UriMapper;
                    if (mapper != null)
                        Uri uriFromMapper = mapper.MapUri(uri);
                        if (uriFromMapper != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(uriFromMapper.OriginalString))
                            mappedUri = uriFromMapper;
                            mappedUri = uri;

                Uri mergedUriAfterMapping = UriParsingHelper.InternalUriMerge(this._currentSourceAfterMapping, mappedUri) ?? mappedUri;
                Uri mergedUri             = UriParsingHelper.InternalUriMerge(this._currentSource, uri) ?? uri;

                // If we're navigating to just a fragment (i.e. "#frag1") or to a page which differs only in the fragment
                // (i.e. "Page.xaml?id=123" to "Page.xaml?id=123#frag1") then complete navigation without involving the content loader
                bool isFragmentNavigationOnly = (mode != NavigationMode.Refresh) &&
                                                (UriParsingHelper.InternalUriIsFragment(mappedUri) ||
                                                 UriParsingHelper.InternalUriGetAllButFragment(mergedUri) == UriParsingHelper.InternalUriGetAllButFragment(this._currentSource));

                // Check to see if anyone wants to cancel
                if (mode == NavigationMode.New || mode == NavigationMode.Refresh)
                    if (this.RaiseNavigating(mergedUri, mode, isFragmentNavigationOnly) == true)
                        // Someone stopped us
                        this.RaiseNavigationStopped(null, mergedUri);

                // If the ContentLoader cannot load the new URI, throw an ArgumentException
                if (!this.ContentLoader.CanLoad(mappedUri, _currentSourceAfterMapping))
                    throw new ArgumentException(Resource.NavigationService_CannotLoadUri, "uri");

                if (isFragmentNavigationOnly && this.Host.Content == null)
                    // It doesn't make sense to fragment navigate when there's no content, so raise NavigationFailed
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,

                if (isRedirect && this._currentNavigation != null &&
                    this._currentNavigation.UriForJournal == this._currentSource)
                    // Do not record navigation in the journal in case of a redirection
                    // where the original target is the current URI.
                    suppressJournalAdd = true;

                // Stop in-progress navigation

                return(this.NavigateCore_StartNavigation(uri, mode, suppressJournalAdd, mergedUriAfterMapping, mergedUri, isFragmentNavigationOnly));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (this.RaiseNavigationFailed(uri, ex))
Example #53
        protected override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, NavigationState state)
            Background background = parameter as Background;

            if (parameter is string data)
                var split = data.Split('#');
                if (split[0] == Constants.WallpaperLocalFileName && split.Length == 2)
                    background = new Background(Constants.WallpaperLocalId, false, false, split[1], null, new BackgroundTypeWallpaper(false, false));
                else if (split[0] == Constants.WallpaperColorFileName)
                    background = new Background(Constants.WallpaperLocalId, false, false, Constants.WallpaperColorFileName, null, new BackgroundTypeFill(new BackgroundFillSolid(0xdfe4e8)));
                else if (Uri.TryCreate("tg://bg/" + parameter, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri uri))
                    var type = TdBackground.FromUri(uri);
                    if (type is BackgroundTypeFill)
                        background = new Background(0, false, false, string.Empty, null, type);
                        var response = await ProtoService.SendAsync(new SearchBackground(uri.Segments.Last()));

                        if (response is Background)
                            background      = response as Background;
                            background.Type = type;
                        else if (response is Error error)

            if (background == null)

            Item = background;

            BackgroundFill fill = null;

            if (background.Type is BackgroundTypeFill typeFill)
                fill          = typeFill.Fill;
                Intensity     = 100;
                IsBlurEnabled = false;
            else if (background.Type is BackgroundTypePattern typePattern)
                fill          = typePattern.Fill;
                Intensity     = typePattern.IsInverted ? -typePattern.Intensity : typePattern.Intensity;
                IsBlurEnabled = false;
            else if (background.Type is BackgroundTypeWallpaper typeWallpaper)
                fill          = null;
                Intensity     = 100;
                IsBlurEnabled = typeWallpaper.IsBlurred;

            if (fill is BackgroundFillSolid fillSolid)
                Color1   = fillSolid.Color.ToColor();
                Color2   = BackgroundColor.Empty;
                Rotation = 0;
            else if (fill is BackgroundFillGradient fillGradient)
                Color1   = fillGradient.TopColor.ToColor();
                Color2   = fillGradient.BottomColor.ToColor();
                Rotation = fillGradient.RotationAngle;
            else if (fill is BackgroundFillFreeformGradient freeformGradient)
                Color1 = freeformGradient.Colors[0].ToColor();
                Color2 = freeformGradient.Colors[1].ToColor();
                Color3 = freeformGradient.Colors[2].ToColor();

                if (freeformGradient.Colors.Count > 3)
                    Color4 = freeformGradient.Colors[3].ToColor();


            if (_item.Type is BackgroundTypePattern or BackgroundTypeFill)
                var response = await ProtoService.SendAsync(new GetBackgrounds());

                if (response is Backgrounds backgrounds)
                    var patterns = backgrounds.BackgroundsValue.Where(x => x.Type is BackgroundTypePattern)
                                   .Distinct(new EqualityComparerDelegate <Background>((x, y) =>
                        return(x.Document.DocumentValue.Id == y.Document.DocumentValue.Id);
                    }, obj =>

                    Patterns.ReplaceWith(new[] { new Background(0, true, false, string.Empty, null, new BackgroundTypeFill(new BackgroundFillSolid())) }.Union(patterns));
                    SelectedPattern = patterns.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Document?.DocumentValue.Id == background.Document?.DocumentValue.Id);

            //if (parameter is string name)
            //    if (name == Constants.WallpaperLocalFileName)
            //    {
            //        //Item = new Background(Constants.WallpaperLocalId, new PhotoSize[0], 0);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        var response = await ProtoService.SendAsync(new SearchBackground(name));
            //        if (response is Background background)
            //        {
            //        }
            //    }

        private async Task HandlePageNavigationAsync(Action navigationAction, object parameter = null, NavigationMode navigationMode = NavigationMode.New)
            var oldViewModel = (_frame.Content as Page)?.DataContext as INavigable;


            if (oldViewModel != null)
                await HandleDeactivationAsync(oldViewModel);

            var newPage = _frame.Content as Page;

            if (newPage.DataContext is INavigable newViewModel)
                await HandleActivationAsync(newViewModel, parameter, navigationMode);

 public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
     await UpdateSessionsAsync();
Example #56
 public override Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
     _settings.ShowHamburgerButton = true;
Example #57
 protected override Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, NavigationState state)
Example #58
 public override Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
     return(base.OnNavigatedToAsync(parameter, mode, state));
Example #59
 /// <summary>
 /// When navigate to main page, update the api calls counter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameter"></param>
 /// <param name="mode"></param>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
     ApiCallNums = App.ApiCalls;
     await base.OnNavigatedToAsync(parameter, mode, state);
Example #60
        public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state)
            ChatFilter filter = null;

            if (parameter is int id)
                var response = await ProtoService.SendAsync(new GetChatFilter(id));

                if (response is ChatFilter result)
                    Id     = id;
                    Filter = result;
                    filter = result;
                    // TODO
                Id     = null;
                Filter = null;
                filter = new ChatFilter();
                filter.PinnedChatIds   = new List <long>();
                filter.IncludedChatIds = new List <long>();
                filter.ExcludedChatIds = new List <long>();

            if (filter == null)

            if (state != null && state.TryGet("included_chat_id", out long includedChatId))

            _pinnedChatIds = filter.PinnedChatIds;

            _iconPicked = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.IconName);

            Title = filter.Title;
            Icon  = Icons.ParseFilter(filter);


            if (filter.IncludeContacts)
                Include.Add(new FilterFlag {
                    Flag = ChatListFilterFlags.IncludeContacts
            if (filter.IncludeNonContacts)
                Include.Add(new FilterFlag {
                    Flag = ChatListFilterFlags.IncludeNonContacts
            if (filter.IncludeGroups)
                Include.Add(new FilterFlag {
                    Flag = ChatListFilterFlags.IncludeGroups
            if (filter.IncludeChannels)
                Include.Add(new FilterFlag {
                    Flag = ChatListFilterFlags.IncludeChannels
            if (filter.IncludeBots)
                Include.Add(new FilterFlag {
                    Flag = ChatListFilterFlags.IncludeBots

            if (filter.ExcludeMuted)
                Exclude.Add(new FilterFlag {
                    Flag = ChatListFilterFlags.ExcludeMuted
            if (filter.ExcludeRead)
                Exclude.Add(new FilterFlag {
                    Flag = ChatListFilterFlags.ExcludeRead
            if (filter.ExcludeArchived)
                Exclude.Add(new FilterFlag {
                    Flag = ChatListFilterFlags.ExcludeArchived

            foreach (var chatId in filter.PinnedChatIds.Union(filter.IncludedChatIds))
                var chat = CacheService.GetChat(chatId);
                if (chat == null)

                Include.Add(new FilterChat {
                    Chat = chat

            foreach (var chatId in filter.ExcludedChatIds)
                var chat = CacheService.GetChat(chatId);
                if (chat == null)

                Exclude.Add(new FilterChat {
                    Chat = chat
