Example #1
        public void Test_Previous_Alarms_Show()
            Do_Pretesting_Login(); // Log in

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in _alarm.AlarmsList.Rows)
                Console.WriteLine("The value is: " + row.Cells[0].Value);

                isThere = _mysql.DataExists("NEWTimedRequests", "TimeToComplete = '02:34:00'");
            Assert.AreEqual(isThere, true);
        public void Resident_Can_Add_New_Request()
            _form1 = new Form1();
            _mysql = new Mysql_Connect();
            _home  = new HomePage(_form1, _mysql);
            _food  = new Order_Food(_home, _mysql, _form1, null, "breakfast");

            // The type of meal (Lunch, breakfast, etc). For the purpose of this unit test
            // a new mealtype and mealname called 'test' was created.
            _food._mealType       = "test";
            _food._HotOrCold      = "hot";
            _food._chosenMealName = "test";

            _form1.Username_Textbox.Text = "resident";
            _form1.Password_Textbox.Text = "resident";
            _form1.UserNameProperty      = "resident";
            _form1.PasswordProperty      = "resident";

            // Simulate the user clicking on login, to ensure the Login_Click method works
            _form1.Login_Click(new object(), EventArgs.Empty);

            // Simulate the user clicking on submit, to ensure the Submit_Clicked method works
            _food.Submit_Clicked(new object(), new EventArgs());
            // Check to see if the order is now in the database.
                              "NEWFoodRequests", "UID = '5' AND MealType = 'test' AND MealName = 'test';"));

            // Now delete the entry, so that this test can be re-tested again at a later time
            mysql_handler.Delete("DELETE FROM NEWFoodRequests WHERE UID = 5 AND MealType = 'test' AND MealName = 'test'");
        public void Test_Visitors_Show()
            _form1   = new Form1();
            _mysql   = new Mysql_Connect();
            _list    = new List_Of_Requests(_form1, _mysql);
            _visitor = new Visitor_Signin(_list, _mysql, _form1);

            bool exists = _mysql.DataExists("NEWVisitorIn", "First_Name = 'dec0004'");
