public List<Transform> instantiatePedestrians (GameObject prefabBlue, GameObject prefabRed, float rotationSpeed)
		/* Will provide a list (spheres) of all the gameobjects needed and will instantiate these within the game at their
		 * correct starting positions obtained from the positions matrix.
		movementClass = new Movement_Related_Functions (numberOfPedestrians, numberOfSteps, positions, 
		                                                prefabBlue, prefabRed, rotationSpeed, pedestrians);
		spheres = movementClass.instantiateGameObjects ();
		return spheres;
		// Start is the function which is run automatically at the start of our program, will be used to
		// instantiate our game objects once we have retrieved and ordered our data. 
		void Start ()
				//Provide a reference for the starting time of the program.
				startTime = Time.time;
				// Creates instances for other classes to be called on during initialization
				initializer = new Initialization ();
				movementClass = new Movement_Related_Functions (numberOfPedestrians, numberOfSteps, positions, 
		                                             	prefabBlue, prefabRed, rotationSpeed, pedestrians);