Example #1
 private void BuildAnimations(ModelDocument dest)
     foreach (var seq in sequences)
         var a = new ModelAnimation() { Name=seq.label };
         if (seq.blends != null)
             int blend = 0;
             //IList<ModelAnimationFrameBone>[] = b
             var f = new ModelAnimationFrame() { Time=0};
             for (int bone = 0; bone < bones.Count; ++bone)
                 mstudioanim_t animBlend = seq.blends[blend, bone];
                 f.Bones.Add(new ModelAnimationFrameBone() {Bone=modelBones[bone],Position=modelBones[bone].Position,Rotation=modelBones[bone].Rotaton });
             f = new ModelAnimationFrame() { Time = 1 };
             for (int bone = 0; bone < bones.Count; ++bone)
                 mstudioanim_t animBlend = seq.blends[blend, bone];
                 f.Bones.Add(new ModelAnimationFrameBone() { Bone = modelBones[bone], Position = modelBones[bone].Position, Rotation = modelBones[bone].Rotaton });
Example #2
 public void StopAnim(string animationName)
     if (AnimPlayer.useMeshAnimation)
         ModelAnimation.Stop(base.gameObject, this.meshanim, this.MeshAnimationRes, animationName);
Example #3
        //render methods
        public void Render(Camara cam, ModelAnimation model)
            //make a copy, don't touch original points to keep accuracy
            Vector3 tmpVertex1 = Vertex1;
            Vector3 tmpVertex2 = Vertex2;
            Vector3 tmpVertex3 = Vertex3;

            //move the vertexs in local space
            ScaleVertexs(ref tmpVertex1, ref tmpVertex2, ref tmpVertex3, model.scale);
            TranslateVertexs(ref tmpVertex1, ref tmpVertex2, ref tmpVertex3, model.location);
            RotateVertexs(ref tmpVertex1, ref tmpVertex2, ref tmpVertex3, model.angle);

            //move the vertexs in world space
            TranslateVertexs(ref tmpVertex1, ref tmpVertex2, ref tmpVertex3, cam.location);
            RotateVertexs(ref tmpVertex1, ref tmpVertex2, ref tmpVertex3, cam.angle);

            if (!InZRange(tmpVertex1, tmpVertex2, tmpVertex1, cam))

            if (!model.orthographic)
                PerspectiveVertexs(ref tmpVertex1, ref tmpVertex2, ref tmpVertex3, cam);

            if (!OnScreen(tmpVertex1, tmpVertex2, tmpVertex1, cam))

            DrawTriangle(tmpVertex1, tmpVertex2, tmpVertex1, model, cam);
Example #4
 public void PlayAnimate(string animationName, WrapMode wrapMode)
     if (AnimPlayer.useMeshAnimation)
         this.playingAnimation = animationName;
         ModelAnimation.Play(base.gameObject, this.meshanim, this.MeshAnimationRes, animationName, wrapMode, 1.2f, false);
Example #5
    public void PlayAnimation(string path, string name, int rate, WrapMode mode, float fSpeed, int iFrameIndex)
        this.dummys = ModelAnimation.s_dummy[path + "/" + name];
        MeshClip1 meshClips = ModelAnimation.getMeshClips(this.m_ctrl, path + "/" + name);

        if (meshClips != null)
            this.PlayAnimation(meshClips, rate, mode, fSpeed, iFrameIndex);
Example #6
        } // WrapMode


        #region Constructor

        /// <summary>
        /// The AnimationState gives full control over animation blending.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// In most cases the Animation interface is sufficient and easier to use. 
        /// Use the AnimationState if you need full control over the animation blending any playback process.
        /// The AnimationState interface allows you to modify speed, weight, time and layers while any animation is playing.
        /// You can also setup animation mixing and wrapMode.
        /// </remarks>
        public AnimationState(ModelAnimation modelAnimation)
            this.modelAnimation = modelAnimation;
            enabled = true;
            weight = 1;
            time = 0;
            speed = 1;
            layer = 0;
            animationBlendMode = AnimationBlendMode.Blend;
            wrapMode = WrapMode.Default;
        } // AnimationState
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a series of .obj files from a folder.
        /// Objs must be triangulated and contain only uvs, vertices and facese.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folderLocationAndName">Location + the start of the file name without the ".obj" at the end.</param>
        /// <param name="animationId">The key to store the animation as.</param>
        /// <param name="playbackSpeed">Playback speed in milliseconds perframe.</param>
        public void AddAnimationFolder(string folderLocationAndName, int animationId, int playbackSpeed)
            int            i = 0;
            string         tmpFilename;
            ModelAnimation tmpAnimation = new ModelAnimation(playbackSpeed);

            while (File.Exists(tmpFilename = folderLocationAndName + i++.ToString() + GlobalConstants.fileFormat3D))

            Animations.Add(animationId, tmpAnimation);
Example #8
        public WithVoxelBody(Actor self, WithVoxelBodyInfo info) : base(info)
            var body = self.Trait <BodyOrientation>();

            rv = self.Trait <RenderVoxels>();

            var model = self.World.ModelCache.GetModelSequence(rv.Image, info.Sequence);

            modelAnimation = new ModelAnimation(model, () => WVec.Zero,
                                                () => new[] { body.QuantizeOrientation(self, self.Orientation) },
                                                () => IsTraitDisabled, () => 0, info.ShowShadow);

        } // ContainsAnimationClip


        #region Add Animation Clip

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a clip to the animation with name newName.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddAnimationClip(ModelAnimation animation, string newName = null)
            if (newName == null)
                newName = animation.Name;
            if (!ContainsAnimationClip(newName))
                animationStates.Add(newName, new AnimationState(animation));
                throw new ArgumentException("Model Animation Component: The animation " + animation.Name + " is already assigned.");
        } // AddAnimationClip
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()

        nowState = HornetAIState.Aproach;
        if (Player == null)
            nowLine     = (int)(Random.value * (DataBase.Lines.Length - 0.01f));
            LineTarget  = DataBase.Lines[nowLine];
            Player      = DataBase.Player;
            FaceForward = DataBase.FaceForward;
            nowState    = HornetAIState.Appear;

        IntervalTime = Time.time + 0.5f + Random.value * 0.9f;
        Timer        = 0.0f;
        LMMV         = 0.0f;

        randPos = new Vector3(
            (Random.value - 0.5f) * 1.7f,
            (Random.value - 0.2f) * 0.8f,
            (Random.value - 0.5f) * 1.3f
#if false
        LineTarget.position = LineTarget.position
                              + LineTarget.right * randPos.x
                              + LineTarget.up * randPos.y
                              + LineTarget.forward * randPos.z;
        LineTargetPos = LineTarget.position
                        + LineTarget.right * randPos.x
                        + LineTarget.up * randPos.y
                        + LineTarget.forward * randPos.z;

        burningS = this.transform.GetComponentInChildren <ObjectBurning>();

        AudioSource AS = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        if (AS != null)
            AS.pitch = (Random.value - 0.5f) - 0.5f;

        modelAnim = this.transform.GetComponentInChildren <ModelAnimation>();

        RenderMat = GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().materials;
    public List <ModelAnimation> readAnimationsFromFile(String fileName)
        StreamReader inFile = new StreamReader(fileName);

        //read number of animations
        int numOfAnimations = int.Parse(inFile.ReadLine());
        List <ModelAnimation> animations = new List <ModelAnimation>();

        //split animations into separate strings
        for (int a = 0; a < numOfAnimations; ++a)
            string animationString = "";
            string fileLine;
            bool   readingFrame = false;

            //read all animation data into string then send to ModelAnimation to return the animation
            //read until you encounter an empty line
            while ((fileLine = inFile.ReadLine()) != "")
                if (fileLine == "beginframe")
                    readingFrame = true;
                else if (fileLine == "endframe")
                    readingFrame = false;
                    //ended frame, skip to next line
                    animationString += "\n";

                animationString += fileLine + (readingFrame ? "\r" : "\n");

            //send to ModelAnimation to return an animation
            animations.Add(ModelAnimation.deserializeAnimation(animationString, model));

            animationString = "";

        //Finished creating animations from file, now assign it to our list of animations
        //this.animations = animations;

        //return true;
Example #12
        public WithVoxelAnimatedBody(Actor self, WithVoxelAnimatedBodyInfo info)
            : base(info)
            this.info = info;

            var body = self.Trait <BodyOrientation>();

            rv = self.Trait <RenderVoxels>();

            var voxel = self.World.ModelCache.GetModelSequence(rv.Image, info.Sequence);

            frames         = voxel.Frames;
            modelAnimation = new ModelAnimation(voxel, () => WVec.Zero,
                                                () => body.QuantizeOrientation(self.Orientation),
                                                () => IsTraitDisabled, () => frame, info.ShowShadow);

Example #13
        public WithVoxelWalkerBody(Actor self, WithVoxelWalkerBodyInfo info)
            this.info = info;
            movement  = self.Trait <IMove>();

            var body = self.Trait <BodyOrientation>();

            rv = self.Trait <RenderVoxels>();

            var model = self.World.ModelCache.GetModelSequence(rv.Image, info.Sequence);

            frames         = model.Frames;
            modelAnimation = new ModelAnimation(model, () => WVec.Zero,
                                                () => new[] { body.QuantizeOrientation(self, self.Orientation) },
                                                () => false, () => frame, info.ShowShadow);

Example #14
        public WithVoxelUnloadBody(Actor self, WithVoxelUnloadBodyInfo info)
            var body = self.Trait <BodyOrientation>();

            rv = self.Trait <RenderVoxels>();

            var idleModel = self.World.ModelCache.GetModelSequence(rv.Image, info.IdleSequence);

            modelAnimation = new ModelAnimation(idleModel, () => WVec.Zero,
                                                () => new[] { body.QuantizeOrientation(self, self.Orientation) }, () => Docked, () => 0, info.ShowShadow);

            var unloadModel = self.World.ModelCache.GetModelSequence(rv.Image, info.UnloadSequence);

            rv.Add(new ModelAnimation(unloadModel, () => WVec.Zero,
                                      () => new[] { body.QuantizeOrientation(self, self.Orientation) },
                                      () => !Docked, () => 0, info.ShowShadow));
Example #15
        private int[] BuildChannelMap(Model model, ModelAnimation animation)
            var channelMap = new int[animation.Channels.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < animation.Channels.Count; i++)
                channelMap[i] = -1;
                foreach (var bone in model.Bones)
                    if (bone.Name == animation.Channels[i].BoneName)
                        channelMap[i] = bone.Index;

    public static ModelAnimation deserializeAnimation(string serAnim, GameObject animModel)
        ModelAnimation anim     = new ModelAnimation();
        Queue <string> animData = new Queue <string>(serAnim.Split('\n'));

        //Store animation name
        anim.name = animData.Dequeue();

        //Store animation playback speed
        anim.playbackSpeed = float.Parse(animData.Dequeue());

        //Create array for transform of length of number of transforms
        Transform [] transforms = new Transform[int.Parse(animData.Dequeue())];

        //Load model transforms into transform array
        for (int t = 0; t < transforms.Length; ++t)
            string transName = animData.Dequeue();

            if (transName == animModel.transform.root.name)
                transforms[t] = animModel.transform.root;
                transforms[t] = animModel.transform.Find(transName);

        //set animation transforms
        anim.modelTransforms = transforms;

        //Next dequeue gets number of animations
        anim.frames = new AnimationFrame[int.Parse(animData.Dequeue())];

        //Get animation frames
        for (int a = 0; a < anim.frames.Length; ++a)
            anim.frames[a] = AnimationFrame.deserializeFrame(animData.Dequeue());

Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts a new animation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The animated model.</param>
        /// <param name="animation">The animation to play.</param>
        public void StartAnimation(Model model, ModelAnimation animation)
            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("model");

            if (animation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("animation");

            animationStates[model] = new AnimationState
                Model      = model,
                Animation  = animation,
                ChannelMap = BuildChannelMap(model, animation)
    //Sets the animations playback speed as close as possible to the desired playback speed
    public ModelAnimation setAnimationPlaybackAsCloseAsPossible(ModelAnimation theAnimation, float pBackSpeed)
        if (pBackSpeed <= 0)
            Debug.Log("Resolution should be greater than 0");

        ModelAnimation        equalizedAnimation = new ModelAnimation();
        List <AnimationFrame> newFrameList       = new List <AnimationFrame>();

        float averageAnimationFrameLength = 100 / theAnimation.getAveragePlaybackSpeed();

        //get closest float that divides evenly into animation length, rounds down and increases number of frames, gets better resolut
        float actualPbackSpeed = pBackSpeed - ((Mathf.CeilToInt(averageAnimationFrameLength) % (int)pBackSpeed) / 2);
        int   numberOfFrames   = (int)(averageAnimationFrameLength / actualPbackSpeed);

        //initialize animation name, transforms, playback speed, and priority
        equalizedAnimation.name            = theAnimation.name;
        equalizedAnimation.modelTransforms = theAnimation.modelTransforms;
        equalizedAnimation.playbackSpeed   = actualPbackSpeed;
        equalizedAnimation.priority        = theAnimation.priority;

        //Add origin frame
        AnimationFrame newFrame = new AnimationFrame(equalizedAnimation.modelTransforms.Length, "Origin Frame");

        newFrame.positionStates = theAnimation.frames[0].positionStates;
        newFrame.rotationStates = theAnimation.frames[0].rotationStates;

        for (int f = 1; f < numberOfFrames; ++f)
            newFrame = new AnimationFrame(equalizedAnimation.modelTransforms.Length, "Frame " + f);
            newFrame.positionStates = theAnimation.getPositionsForPercentComplete((float)f / (numberOfFrames - 1));
            newFrame.rotationStates = theAnimation.getRotationsForPercentComplete((float)f / (numberOfFrames - 1));

        equalizedAnimation.frames = newFrameList.ToArray();

Example #19
    public void ClearBattleResouces()
        GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("SpawnerPool(Clone)");

        if (gameObject != null)
            PoolRoot component = gameObject.GetComponent <PoolRoot>();
            if (component != null)
Example #20
    public static void Stop(GameObject gm, MeshAnimation[] tma, string res, string name)
        if (gm.animation.enabled)
        ModelAnimation.m_AnimationInfo = ModelAnimation.GetAnimationInfo(res + "/" + name);
        if (ModelAnimation.m_AnimationInfo == null)
        ModelAnimation.m_WarpMode        = WrapMode.Once;
        ModelAnimation.m_fSpeed          = 1.2f;
        ModelAnimation.m_iEventPostIndex = -1;
        int num = 1000;

        ModelAnimation.m_fCurPlayTime = (float)num * (1f / (float)ModelAnimation.m_AnimationInfo.iFrameRate);
        for (int i = 0; i < tma.Length; i++)
            tma[i].PlayAnimation(res, name, ModelAnimation.m_AnimationInfo.iFrameRate, ModelAnimation.m_WarpMode, ModelAnimation.m_fSpeed, num);
    //equalize animations and add or remove frames so that each frame takes the same number of cycles
    public ModelAnimation equalizeAnimation(ModelAnimation theAnimation, int resolution = 1)
        if (resolution <= 0)
            Debug.Log("Resolution should be greater than 0");

        ModelAnimation        equalizedAnimation = new ModelAnimation();
        List <AnimationFrame> newFrameList       = new List <AnimationFrame>();

        //initialize animation name, transforms, playback speed, and priority
        equalizedAnimation.name            = theAnimation.name;
        equalizedAnimation.modelTransforms = theAnimation.modelTransforms;
        equalizedAnimation.playbackSpeed   = theAnimation.getAveragePlaybackSpeed() * resolution;
        equalizedAnimation.priority        = theAnimation.priority;

        int numberOfFrames = theAnimation.frames.Length * resolution;

        //Add origin frame
        AnimationFrame newFrame = new AnimationFrame(equalizedAnimation.modelTransforms.Length, "Origin Frame");

        newFrame.positionStates = theAnimation.frames[0].positionStates;
        newFrame.rotationStates = theAnimation.frames[0].rotationStates;

        for (int f = 1; f < numberOfFrames; ++f)
            newFrame = new AnimationFrame(equalizedAnimation.modelTransforms.Length, "Frame " + f);
            newFrame.positionStates = theAnimation.getPositionsForPercentComplete((float)f / (numberOfFrames - 1));
            newFrame.rotationStates = theAnimation.getRotationsForPercentComplete((float)f / (numberOfFrames - 1));

        equalizedAnimation.frames = newFrameList.ToArray();

Example #22
        private void DrawTriangle(Vector3 tmpVertex1, Vector3 tmpVertex2, Vector3 tmpVertex3, ModelAnimation mod, Camara cam)
            //set array boundes
            int left   = (int)Math.Max(0, Left(tmpVertex1, tmpVertex2, tmpVertex3));
            int right  = (int)Math.Min(cam.GetScreenWidth(), Right(tmpVertex1, tmpVertex2, tmpVertex3));
            int top    = (int)Math.Max(0, Top(tmpVertex1, tmpVertex2, tmpVertex3));
            int bottom = (int)Math.Min(cam.GetScreenWidth(), Bottom(tmpVertex1, tmpVertex2, tmpVertex3));

            //setup values for the draw loop
            int   x1 = (int)tmpVertex1.x;
            int   y1 = (int)tmpVertex1.y;
            float z1 = tmpVertex1.z;

            int   x2 = (int)tmpVertex2.x;
            int   y2 = (int)tmpVertex2.y;
            float z2 = tmpVertex2.z;

            int   x3 = (int)tmpVertex3.x;
            int   y3 = (int)tmpVertex3.y;
            float z3 = tmpVertex3.z;

            //percomputer values
            float totalArea = -Area(tmpVertex1, tmpVertex2, tmpVertex3);

            int y2my3 = y2 - y3;
            int y3my1 = y3 - y1;
            int y1my2 = y1 - y2;

            //computing uvs
            float uvX1 = Uv1.u * mod.GetTextureWidth();
            float uvX2 = Uv2.u * mod.GetTextureWidth();
            float uvX3 = Uv3.u * mod.GetTextureWidth();

            float uvY1 = Uv1.v * mod.GetTextureHeight();
            float uvY2 = Uv2.v * mod.GetTextureHeight();
            float uvY3 = Uv3.v * mod.GetTextureHeight();

            //draw loop
            for (int y = top; y < bottom; y++)
                int apre = x2 * (y3 - y) + x3 * (y - y2);
                int bpre = x1 * (y - y3) + x3 * (y1 - y);
                int cpre = x1 * (y2 - y) + x2 * (y - y1);

                for (int x = left; x < right; x++)
                    float ba = Math.Abs(x * y2my3 + apre) / totalArea;
                    float bb = Math.Abs(x * y3my1 + bpre) / totalArea;
                    float bc = Math.Abs(x * y1my2 + cpre) / totalArea;

                    //test if point is in triangle
                    if (ba + bb + bc <= totalArea)
                        //get the uv/depth
                        int   u     = (int)(uvY1 * ba + uvY2 * bb + uvY3 * bc);
                        int   v     = (int)(uvX1 * ba + uvX2 * bb + uvX3 * bc);
                        float depth = z1 * ba + z2 * bb + z3 * bc;

                        //set the pixel if passes depth test
                        cam.screen[x, y].PixelSetDepthTest(mod.texture[u, v], depth);
    public ModelAnimation mergeAnimations(ModelAnimation[] modelAnimations)
        if (modelAnimations.Length == 1)

        ModelAnimation mergedAnimation = new ModelAnimation();

        //sort animations by priority then by longest length
        modelAnimations = modelAnimations.OrderBy(si => si.priority).ToArray();
        //reverse so it's ordered by descending priority

        List <ModelAnimation> intermedAnimList = new List <ModelAnimation>();

        int thePriority = modelAnimations[0].priority;

        //Now sort each priority level by total animation cycles
        List <ModelAnimation> tempAnimList = new List <ModelAnimation>();

        for (int a = 1; a < modelAnimations.Length; ++a)
            if (modelAnimations[a].priority == thePriority)
                tempAnimList.AddRange(intermedAnimList.OrderBy(si => si.getTotalCyclesInAnimation()).Reverse());

        tempAnimList.AddRange(intermedAnimList.OrderBy(si => si.getTotalCyclesInAnimation()).Reverse());
        modelAnimations = tempAnimList.ToArray();
        //Done sorting

        //equalize all animations to make it easier to merge them
        for (int a = 0; a < modelAnimations.Length; ++a)
            modelAnimations[a] = setAnimationPlaybackAsCloseAsPossible(modelAnimations[a], 4);

        //Base the length of the merged animation off of the largest one with the highest priority
        //If no guide animation was sent into the function
        ModelAnimation guideAnimation = modelAnimations[0];

        List <Transform>      allTransforms = new List <Transform>();
        List <AnimationFrame> allFrames     = new List <AnimationFrame>();

        //for each frame build a new merged frame
        for (int f = 0; f < guideAnimation.frames.Length; ++f)
            List <Transform>  usedTransforms = new List <Transform>();
            List <Vector3>    positions      = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Quaternion> rotations      = new List <Quaternion>();

            //for each animation to merge
            for (int a = 0; a < modelAnimations.Length; ++a)
                //if it's transform hasn't been used this frame then use it because the animations are already sorted in order of usage
                for (int t = 0; t < modelAnimations[a].modelTransforms.Length; ++t)
                    if (!usedTransforms.Contains(modelAnimations[a].modelTransforms[t]))
                        //If new animation frame number has gone beyong this animation's last frame number, then it no longer contributes
                        if (modelAnimations[a].frames.Length <= f)
                            positions.Add(modelAnimations[a].frames[modelAnimations[a].frames.Length - 1].positionStates[t]);
                            rotations.Add(modelAnimations[a].frames[modelAnimations[a].frames.Length - 1].rotationStates[t]);


                        if (!allTransforms.Contains(modelAnimations[a].modelTransforms[t]))

            allFrames.Add(new AnimationFrame("Frame " + f, positions.ToArray(), rotations.ToArray()));

        string aniName = "";

        foreach (ModelAnimation ani in modelAnimations)
            aniName += ani.name + "-";

        mergedAnimation.name            = aniName + "Merged";
        mergedAnimation.playbackSpeed   = guideAnimation.playbackSpeed;
        mergedAnimation.modelTransforms = allTransforms.ToArray();
        mergedAnimation.frames          = allFrames.ToArray();

        //make last frame a return to origin frame (maybe)

Example #24
 public AnimationWrapper(ModelAnimation model)
     this.model = model;
Example #25
 public void Add(ModelAnimation ma)
     wrappers.Add(ma, new AnimationWrapper(ma));
Example #26
 public void Remove(ModelAnimation m)
    public ModelAnimation stringAnimationsForNewAnimation(ModelAnimation[] modelAnimations, float[] pauses, bool skipOriginFrame, bool skipTheBackToOriginFrame)
        ModelAnimation        strungAnimation = new ModelAnimation();
        List <Transform>      allTransforms   = new List <Transform>();
        List <AnimationFrame> allFrames       = new List <AnimationFrame>();
        AnimationFrame        newFrame;
        string theName = "";

        //get transforms for all animations and initialize strungAnimation
        foreach (ModelAnimation ani in modelAnimations)
            theName += ani.name + "-";

            foreach (Transform t in ani.modelTransforms)
                if (!(allTransforms.Contains(t)))

        strungAnimation.name            = theName + "String";
        strungAnimation.modelTransforms = allTransforms.ToArray();
        strungAnimation.playbackSpeed   = 1;
        strungAnimation.priority        = 0;

        //for each animation...
        for (int a = 0; a < modelAnimations.Length; ++a)
            //Put this animation's transformsinto a list for easy checking
            List <Transform> thisAnimationTransforms = modelAnimations[a].modelTransforms.ToList();

            //for each frame...
            for (int f = (a > 0 && skipOriginFrame ? 1 : 0); f < modelAnimations[a].frames.Length + (skipTheBackToOriginFrame ? -1 : 0); ++f)
                newFrame = new AnimationFrame(allTransforms.Count, "Frame " + allFrames.Count);
                newFrame.playbackSpeed = modelAnimations[a].frames[f].playbackSpeed == 0 ? 0 : modelAnimations[a].frames[f].playbackSpeed;

                //for each transform...
                for (int t = 0; t < allTransforms.Count; ++t)
                    //if current animation contains this transform
                    if (thisAnimationTransforms.Contains(allTransforms[t]))
                        //set position and rotation for this frame
                        newFrame.positionStates[t] = modelAnimations[a].frames[f].positionStates[thisAnimationTransforms.IndexOf(allTransforms[t])];
                        newFrame.rotationStates[t] = modelAnimations[a].frames[f].rotationStates[thisAnimationTransforms.IndexOf(allTransforms[t])];
                        //else set position and rotation for this transform to the same position and rotation as last frame

                        //If this is the first frame and you reach a transform not used in this animation...
                        if (allFrames.Count == 0)
                            //Check each animation after the first one to see if the transform is contained in it
                            //if it is then use that animations first frame position state for this position state, same for rotation
                            for (int an = 1; an < modelAnimations.Length; ++an)
                                List <Transform> otherAnimationTransforms = modelAnimations[an].modelTransforms.ToList();

                                if (otherAnimationTransforms.Contains(allTransforms[t]))
                                    newFrame.positionStates[t] = modelAnimations[an].frames[0].positionStates[otherAnimationTransforms.IndexOf(allTransforms[t])];
                                    newFrame.rotationStates[t] = modelAnimations[an].frames[0].rotationStates[otherAnimationTransforms.IndexOf(allTransforms[t])];

                            newFrame.positionStates[t] = allFrames[allFrames.Count - 1].positionStates[t];
                            newFrame.rotationStates[t] = allFrames[allFrames.Count - 1].rotationStates[t];

                //add frame to allFrames

            //Add the pause if there is one
            if (a < pauses.Length)
                newFrame = new AnimationFrame(allTransforms.Count, "Frame " + allFrames.Count);
                newFrame.playbackSpeed = (100 / pauses[a]) * 0.0025F;

                //Set position and rotation equal to position and rotation of last frame
                newFrame.positionStates = allFrames[allFrames.Count - 1].positionStates;
                newFrame.rotationStates = allFrames[allFrames.Count - 1].rotationStates;


        //Finalize strung animations
        strungAnimation.frames = allFrames.ToArray();

        //equalize the animation
        //strungAnimation = equalizeAnimation(strungAnimation, 3);

Example #28
        private void ApplyAnimation_Click_Model()
            var xml = XDocument.Parse(txt.Text);

            var es = xml.Root.Elements().ToList();

            ModelAnimation = new List <ModelAnimation>();

            for (int i = 0; i < es.Count(); i++)
                var anim = new ModelAnimation();

                var ats = es[i].Attributes().ToList();
                var transformkeydata2 = new TransformKeyData2
                    TransformKey = new TransformKey()

                anim.Name = ats[1].Value;
                transformkeydata2.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(double.Parse(ats[2].Value));

                var inits = es[i].Elements().ToList()[0].Elements().ToList();
                if (inits.Count != 0)
                    transformkeydata2.TransformKey.Translation = new Vector3(

                    transformkeydata2.TransformKey.Rotation = new Vector3(

                    transformkeydata2.TransformKey.Scale = new Vector3(

                    var transformkey = es[i].Elements().ToList()[1].Elements();

                    var translationkey = transformkey.Where(_ => _.Name == "translation_key").ToList();
                    for (int j = 0; j < translationkey.Count(); j++)
                        transformkeydata2.TransformKey.TKey.Add(new TKey
                            Duration    = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(double.Parse(translationkey[j].Attribute("tick_time").Value)),
                            Translation = new Vector3(

                    var rotationkey = transformkey.Where(_ => _.Name == "rotation_key").ToList();
                    for (int k = 0; k < rotationkey.Count(); k++)
                        transformkeydata2.TransformKey.RKey.Add(new RKey
                            Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(double.Parse(rotationkey[k].Attribute("tick_time").Value)),
                            Rotation = new Vector3(

                    var scalekey = transformkey.Where(_ => _.Name == "scale_key").ToList();
                    for (int l = 0; l < scalekey.Count(); l++)
                        transformkeydata2.TransformKey.SKey.Add(new SKey
                            Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(double.Parse(scalekey[l].Attribute("tick_time").Value)),
                            Scale    = new Vector3(

                var floatkey = es[i].Elements().ToList()[2].Elements().ToList();
                for (int m = 0; m < floatkey.Count(); m++)
                    transformkeydata2.FloatKeys.Add(new FloatKey
                        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(double.Parse(floatkey[m].Attribute("tick_time").Value)),
                        Alpha    = float.Parse(floatkey[m].Attribute("alpha").Value)

                var morphkey = es[i].Elements().ToList()[3].Elements().ToList();
                for (int n = 0; n < morphkey.Count(); n++)
                    var m = new MorphKey
                        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(double.Parse(morphkey[n].Attribute("tick_time").Value))

                    var mpl = new List <Vector3>();
                    var mp  = morphkey[n].Elements().Where(_ => _.Name == "morph_position").ToList();
                    for (int o = 0; o < mp.Count; o++)
                        mpl.Add(new Vector3(
                    m.Positions = mpl;

                    var mrl = new List <Quaternion>();
                    var mr  = morphkey[n].Elements().Where(_ => _.Name == "morph_rotation").ToList();
                    for (int p = 0; p < mr.Count; p++)
                        mrl.Add(new Vector3(
                    m.Rotations = mrl;


                anim.TransformKeyData2 = transformkeydata2;
Example #29
        public override void PrepareRenderables()
            var voxel             = GetVoxel();
            var palette           = GetPalette();
            var playerPalette     = GetPlayerPalette();
            var normalsPalette    = GetNormalsPalette();
            var shadowPalette     = GetShadowPalette();
            var scale             = GetScale();
            var rotation          = GetRotation();
            var lightAmbientColor = GetLightAmbientColor();
            var lightDiffuseColor = GetLightDiffuseColor();
            var lightPitch        = GetLightPitch();
            var lightYaw          = GetLightYaw();
            var cameraAngle       = GetCameraAngle();

            if (voxel == null || palette == null)

            if (voxel != cachedVoxel)
                cachedVoxel = voxel;

            if (palette != cachedPalette)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(palette) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerPalette))

                var paletteName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(palette) ? playerPalette : palette;
                paletteReference = WorldRenderer.Palette(paletteName);
                cachedPalette    = paletteName;

            if (playerPalette != cachedPlayerPalette)
                paletteReferencePlayer = WorldRenderer.Palette(playerPalette);
                cachedPlayerPalette    = playerPalette;

            if (normalsPalette != cachedNormalsPalette)
                paletteReferenceNormals = WorldRenderer.Palette(normalsPalette);
                cachedNormalsPalette    = normalsPalette;

            if (shadowPalette != cachedShadowPalette)
                paletteReferenceShadow = WorldRenderer.Palette(shadowPalette);
                cachedShadowPalette    = shadowPalette;

            if (scale != cachedScale)
                cachedScale = scale;

            if (rotation != cachedRotation)
                cachedRotation = rotation;

            if (lightPitch != cachedLightPitch)
                cachedLightPitch = lightPitch;

            if (lightYaw != cachedLightYaw)
                cachedLightYaw = lightYaw;

            if (cachedLightAmbientColor[0] != lightAmbientColor[0] || cachedLightAmbientColor[1] != lightAmbientColor[1] || cachedLightAmbientColor[2] != lightAmbientColor[2])
                cachedLightAmbientColor = lightAmbientColor;

            if (cachedLightDiffuseColor[0] != lightDiffuseColor[0] || cachedLightDiffuseColor[1] != lightDiffuseColor[1] || cachedLightDiffuseColor[2] != lightDiffuseColor[2])
                cachedLightDiffuseColor = lightDiffuseColor;

            if (cameraAngle != cachedCameraAngle)
                cachedCameraAngle = cameraAngle;

            if (cachedVoxel == null)

            var animation = new ModelAnimation(
                () => WVec.Zero,
                () => cachedRotation,
                () => false,
                () => 0,

            var animations = new ModelAnimation[] { animation };

            ModelPreview preview = new ModelPreview(
                new ModelAnimation[] { animation }, WVec.Zero, 0,
                new WAngle(cachedLightPitch),
                new WAngle(cachedLightYaw),

            var screenBounds = animation.ScreenBounds(WPos.Zero, WorldRenderer, scale);

            IdealPreviewSize = new int2(screenBounds.Width, screenBounds.Height);
            var origin = RenderOrigin + new int2(RenderBounds.Size.Width / 2, RenderBounds.Size.Height / 2);

            var camera          = new WRot(WAngle.Zero, cachedCameraAngle - new WAngle(256), new WAngle(256));
            var modelRenderable = new UIModelRenderable(
                animations, WPos.Zero, origin, 0, camera, scale,
                WRot.None, cachedLightAmbientColor, cachedLightDiffuseColor,
                paletteReferencePlayer, paletteReferenceNormals, paletteReferenceShadow);

            renderable = modelRenderable.PrepareRender(WorldRenderer);
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the resources.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Remember to call the base implementation of this method.</remarks>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            #region Setup Input Controls

            buttons = new Button[4];

            // Create the virtual buttons to control the scene selection.
            buttons[0] = new Button
                Name           = "Attack",
                ButtonBehavior = Button.ButtonBehaviors.DigitalInput,
                KeyButton      = new KeyButton(Keys.Space),
            buttons[1] = new Button
                Name           = "Attack",
                ButtonBehavior = Button.ButtonBehaviors.DigitalInput,
                KeyButton      = new KeyButton(Buttons.RightTrigger),
            axis = new Axis
                Name         = "Walk",
                AnalogAxis   = AnalogAxes.LeftStickY,
                AxisBehavior = Axis.AxisBehaviors.AnalogInput,
            buttons[2] = new Button
                Name           = "WalkPC",
                KeyButton      = new KeyButton(Keys.W),
                ButtonBehavior = Button.ButtonBehaviors.DigitalInput
            buttons[3] = new Button
                Name           = "RunPC",
                KeyButton      = new KeyButton(Keys.LeftShift),
                ButtonBehavior = Button.ButtonBehaviors.DigitalInput


            #region Camera

            camera = new GameObject3D();
            camera.AddComponent <Camera>();
            camera.AddComponent <SoundListener>();
            camera.Camera.RenderTargetSize = Size.FullScreen;
            camera.Camera.FarPlane         = 100;
            camera.Camera.NearPlane        = 1f;
            camera.Transform.LookAt(new Vector3(-10, 10, 20), new Vector3(0, 5, 0), Vector3.Up);
            //ScriptCustomCameraScript script = (ScriptCustomCameraScript)camera.AddComponent<ScriptCustomCameraScript>();
            //script.SetPosition(new Vector3(0, 10, 20), new Vector3(0, 5, 0));
            camera.Camera.ClearColor  = Color.Black;
            camera.Camera.FieldOfView = 180 / 6f;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess = new PostProcess();
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.ToneMapping.AutoExposureEnabled = true;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.MLAA.Enabled       = true;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.MLAA.EdgeDetection = MLAA.EdgeDetectionType.Color;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.Bloom.Threshold    = 3.5f;
            camera.Camera.AmbientLight = new AmbientLight
                SphericalHarmonicLighting = SphericalHarmonicL2.GenerateSphericalHarmonicFromCubeTexture(new TextureCube("FactoryCatwalkRGBM")
                    IsRgbm = true, RgbmMaxRange = 50,
                Color     = new Color(10, 10, 10),
                Intensity = 5f,
            //camera.Camera.Sky = new Skybox { TextureCube = new TextureCube("FactoryCatwalkRGBM") { IsRgbm = true, RgbmMaxRange = 50, } };


            #region Models

            dude = new GameObject3D(new FileModel("DudeWalk"), new BlinnPhong());
            // One material for mesh part.
            dude.ModelRenderer.MeshMaterials    = new Material[5];
            dude.ModelRenderer.MeshMaterials[0] = new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseTexture = new Texture("Dude\\head"), NormalTexture = new Texture("Dude\\headN"), SpecularTexture = new Texture("Dude\\headS"), SpecularPowerFromTexture = false, SpecularPower = 300
            dude.ModelRenderer.MeshMaterials[2] = new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseTexture = new Texture("Dude\\jacket"), NormalTexture = new Texture("Dude\\jacketN"), SpecularTexture = new Texture("Dude\\jacketS"), SpecularPowerFromTexture = false, SpecularPower = 300
            dude.ModelRenderer.MeshMaterials[3] = new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseTexture = new Texture("Dude\\pants"), NormalTexture = new Texture("Dude\\pantsN"), SpecularTexture = new Texture("Dude\\pantsS"), SpecularPowerFromTexture = false, SpecularPower = 300
            dude.ModelRenderer.MeshMaterials[1] = new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseTexture = new Texture("Dude\\upBodyC"), NormalTexture = new Texture("Dude\\upbodyN"), SpecularTexture = new Texture("Dude\\upbodyCS"), SpecularPowerFromTexture = false, SpecularPower = 300
            dude.ModelRenderer.MeshMaterials[4] = new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseTexture = new Texture("Dude\\upBodyC"), NormalTexture = new Texture("Dude\\upbodyN"), SpecularTexture = new Texture("Dude\\upbodyCS"), SpecularPowerFromTexture = false, SpecularPower = 300
            dude.Transform.LocalScale = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
            // Add animations.
            dude.AddComponent <ModelAnimations>();
            ModelAnimation modelAnimation;
            // First DudeAttack.
            #if XBOX
            modelAnimation          = new ModelAnimation("DudeAttackXbox"); // Be aware to select the correct content processor when you add your fbx files on the solution.
            modelAnimation.WrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
            modelAnimation          = new ModelAnimation("DudeAttack"); // Be aware to select the correct content processor when you add your fbx files on the solution.
            modelAnimation.WrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
            // Then DudeRun.
            #if XBOX
            modelAnimation          = new ModelAnimation("DudeRunXbox"); // Be aware to select the correct content processor when you add your fbx files on the solution.
            modelAnimation.WrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
            modelAnimation          = new ModelAnimation("DudeRun"); // Be aware to select the correct content processor when you add your fbx files on the solution.
            modelAnimation.WrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
            // Set the parameters from the animation that it is stored in DudeWalk (this animation is added automatically by the system).
            dude.ModelAnimations["Take 001"].WrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

            // Load the rifle model.
            rifle = new GameObject3D(new FileModel("Rifle"), new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseColor = new Color(15, 15, 15), SpecularPower = 100, SpecularIntensity = 0.01f

            // And a floor
            floor = new GameObject3D(new FileModel("Terrain/TerrainLOD0Grid"),
                                     new BlinnPhong
                SpecularPower     = 300,
                DiffuseColor      = new Color(250, 250, 250),
                SpecularIntensity = 0.0f,
                Transform = { LocalScale = new Vector3(5, 5, 5) }


            #region Shadows and Lights

            Shadow.DistributeShadowCalculationsBetweenFrames = true;

            directionalLight = new GameObject3D();
            directionalLight.AddComponent <DirectionalLight>();
            directionalLight.DirectionalLight.Color     = new Color(250, 250, 140);
            directionalLight.DirectionalLight.Intensity = 25f;
            directionalLight.Transform.LookAt(new Vector3(-0.75f, 0.85f, -1.3f), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Forward);
            directionalLight.DirectionalLight.Shadow = new CascadedShadow
                Filter = Shadow.FilterType.PcfPosion,
                LightDepthTextureSize = Size.Square1024X1024,
            DirectionalLight.Sun = directionalLight.DirectionalLight;


            #region Dog Fight Studios

            // Dog Fight Studios share their animations and the scene logic.
            GameObject2D dogFightStudios = new GameObject2D();
            dogFightStudios.AddComponent <HudTexture>();
            dogFightStudios.HudTexture.Texture = new Texture("DogFightStudios");
            dogFightStudios.Transform.Position = new Vector3(-55, -80, 0);

        } // Load
Example #31
 /// <summary>
 /// モデルのファイルパス
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="modelType"></param>
 /// <param name="modelColor"></param>
 /// <param name="modelAnimation"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static String GetModelPath(ModelType modelType, ModelColor modelColor, ModelAnimation modelAnimation)
     String filePath = DirBWave;
     switch (modelType)
         case ModelType.Metall:
             switch (modelColor)
                 case ModelColor.BLUE:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirBMetallN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirBMetallW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirBMetallA;
                 case ModelColor.RED:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirRMetallN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirRMetallW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirRMetallA;
                 case ModelColor.GREEN:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirGMetallN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirGMetallW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirGMetallA;
                 case ModelColor.ORANGE:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirOMetallN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirOMetallW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirOMetallA;
         case ModelType.Legend:
             switch (modelColor)
                 case ModelColor.BLUE:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirBLegendN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirBLegendW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirBLegendA;
                 case ModelColor.RED:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirRLegendN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirRLegendW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirRLegendA;
                 case ModelColor.GREEN:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirGLegendN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirGLegendW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirGLegendA;
                 case ModelColor.ORANGE:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirOLegendN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirOLegendW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirOLegendA;
         case ModelType.SnowMan:
             switch (modelColor)
                 case ModelColor.BLUE:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirBSnowManN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirBSnowManW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirBSnowManA;
                 case ModelColor.RED:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirRSnowManN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirRSnowManW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirRSnowManA;
                 case ModelColor.GREEN:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirGSnowManN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirGSnowManW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirGSnowManA;
                 case ModelColor.ORANGE:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirOSnowManN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirOSnowManW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirOSnowManA;
         case ModelType.Inoshishi:
             switch (modelColor)
                 case ModelColor.BLUE:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirBInoshishiN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirBInoshishiW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirBInoshishiA;
                 case ModelColor.RED:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirRInoshishiN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirRInoshishiW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirRInoshishiA;
                 case ModelColor.GREEN:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirGInoshishiN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirGInoshishiW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirGInoshishiA;
                 case ModelColor.ORANGE:
                     switch (modelAnimation)
                         case ModelAnimation.NORMAL:
                             return DirOInoshishiN;
                         case ModelAnimation.WALK:
                             return DirOInoshishiW;
                         case ModelAnimation.ATTACK:
                             return DirOInoshishiA;
         case ModelType.Wave:
             switch (modelColor)
                 case ModelColor.BLUE:
                     return DirBWave;
                 case ModelColor.RED:
                     return DirRWave;;
                 case ModelColor.GREEN:
                     return DirGWave;
                 case ModelColor.ORANGE:
                     return DirOWave;
     return DirBWave;
Example #32
        public override void PrepareRenderables()
            var voxel             = GetVoxel();
            var palette           = GetPalette();
            var playerPalette     = GetPlayerPalette();
            var normalsPalette    = GetNormalsPalette();
            var shadowPalette     = GetShadowPalette();
            var scale             = GetScale();
            var lightAmbientColor = GetLightAmbientColor();
            var lightDiffuseColor = GetLightDiffuseColor();
            var lightPitch        = GetLightPitch();
            var lightYaw          = GetLightYaw();

            if (voxel == null || palette == null)

            if (voxel != cachedVoxel)
                offset      = 0.5f * (new float2(RenderBounds.Size) - new float2(voxel.Size[0], voxel.Size[1]));
                cachedVoxel = voxel;

            if (palette != cachedPalette)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(palette) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerPalette))
                string paletteName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(palette) ? playerPalette : palette;
                pr            = WorldRenderer.Palette(paletteName);
                cachedPalette = paletteName;

            if (playerPalette != cachedPlayerPalette)
                prPlayer            = WorldRenderer.Palette(playerPalette);
                cachedPlayerPalette = playerPalette;

            if (normalsPalette != cachedNormalsPalette)
                prNormals            = WorldRenderer.Palette(normalsPalette);
                cachedNormalsPalette = normalsPalette;

            if (shadowPalette != cachedShadowPalette)
                prShadow            = WorldRenderer.Palette(shadowPalette);
                cachedShadowPalette = shadowPalette;

            if (scale != cachedScale)
                //offset *= scale;
                cachedScale = scale;

            if (lightPitch != cachedLightPitch)
                cachedLightPitch = lightPitch;

            if (lightYaw != cachedLightYaw)
                cachedLightYaw = lightYaw;

            if (cachedLightAmbientColor[0] != lightAmbientColor[0] || cachedLightAmbientColor[1] != lightAmbientColor[1] || cachedLightAmbientColor[2] != lightAmbientColor[2])
                cachedLightAmbientColor = lightAmbientColor;

            if (cachedLightDiffuseColor[0] != lightDiffuseColor[0] || cachedLightDiffuseColor[1] != lightDiffuseColor[1] || cachedLightDiffuseColor[2] != lightDiffuseColor[2])
                cachedLightDiffuseColor = lightDiffuseColor;
            if (cachedVoxel == null)
            var            size      = new float2(cachedVoxel.Size[0] * cachedScale, cachedVoxel.Size[1] * cachedScale);
            ModelAnimation animation = new ModelAnimation(
                () => WVec.Zero,
                () => new List <WRot>()
                new WRot(
                    new WAngle(-45),
                    new WAngle(-30),
                    new WAngle(360)
                () => false,
                () => 0,

            ModelPreview preview = new ModelPreview(
                new ModelAnimation[] { animation }, WVec.Zero, 0,
                new WAngle(cachedLightPitch),
                new WAngle(cachedLightYaw),
                new WAngle(),

            List <ModelPreview> previews = new List <ModelPreview>()

            // Calculate the preview bounds
            PreviewOffset    = int2.Zero;
            IdealPreviewSize = int2.Zero;

            var rs = previews.SelectMany(p => ((IActorPreview)p).ScreenBounds(WorldRenderer, WPos.Zero));

            if (rs.Any())
                var b = rs.First();
                foreach (var rr in rs.Skip(1))
                    b = OpenRA.Primitives.Rectangle.Union(b, rr);

                IdealPreviewSize = new int2(b.Width, b.Height);
                PreviewOffset    = -new int2(b.Left, b.Top) - IdealPreviewSize / 2;

            renderables = previews
                          .SelectMany(p => ((IActorPreview)p).Render(WorldRenderer, WPos.Zero))
                          .Select(r => r.PrepareRender(WorldRenderer))