protected override Type GetPlayerUIContributorType(IPlayer player, MediaWorkflowStateType stateType)
            // First check if the player provides an own UI contributor.
            IUIContributorPlayer uicPlayer = player as IUIContributorPlayer;

            if (uicPlayer != null)

            // Return the more specific player types first
            if (player is IImagePlayer)

            if (player is IDVDPlayer)

            if ((player is IVideoPlayer))

            if ((player is IAudioPlayer))

Example #2
 public void EnterModelContext(NavigationContext oldContext, NavigationContext newContext)
     _mediaWorkflowStateType = GetMediaWorkflowStateType(newContext);
 protected override Type GetPlayerUIContributorType(IPlayer player, MediaWorkflowStateType stateType)
   if (!(player is IAudioPlayer))
     return null;
   // TODO: Specific UI contributor implementations for specific players
   return typeof(DefaultAudioPlayerUIContributor);
Example #4
 public override void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
     base.Initialize(stateType, player);
     _retroPlayer      = player as LibRetroPlayer;
     _contextMenuItems = new ItemsList();
     _stateIndexItems  = new ItemsList();
Example #5
 public void ExitModelContext(NavigationContext oldContext, NavigationContext newContext)
     _mediaWorkflowStateType = MediaWorkflowStateType.None;
 protected override Type GetPlayerUIContributorType(IPlayer player, MediaWorkflowStateType stateType)
     if (!(player is IAudioPlayer))
     // TODO: Specific UI contributor implementations for specific players
 public virtual void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
     _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
     _subtitlePlayer         = player as ISubtitlePlayer;
     _chapterPlayer          = player as IChapterPlayer;
     _titlePlayer            = player as ITitlePlayer;
     _subtitleMenuItems      = new ItemsList();
     _chapterMenuItems       = new ItemsList();
     _titleMenuItems         = new ItemsList();
Example #8
 public override void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
     base.Initialize(stateType, player);
     _player = player as LiveTvPlayer;
     if (_player != null)
         _player.OnBeginZap += OnBeginZap;
         _player.OnEndZap   += OnEndZap;
        public virtual void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
            _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
            _tagSource        = player as ITagSource;
            CurrentStreamLogo = WebradioHome.CurrentStreamLogo;

            // Only for Fanart /////////////
            ATimer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent;
            ATimer.Interval = 15000;
    protected override Type GetPlayerUIContributorType(IPlayer player, MediaWorkflowStateType stateType)
      if (!(player is IAudioPlayer))
        return null;

      // First check if the player provides an own UI contributor.
      IUIContributorPlayer uicPlayer = player as IUIContributorPlayer;
      if (uicPlayer != null)
        return uicPlayer.UIContributorType;

      // TODO: Specific UI contributor implementations for specific players
      return typeof(DefaultAudioPlayerUIContributor);
Example #11
        protected IPlayerContext GetPlayerContext(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType)
            IPlayerContextManager playerContextManager = ServiceRegistration.Get <IPlayerContextManager>();

            if (stateType == MediaWorkflowStateType.CurrentlyPlaying)
                // The "currently playing" screen is always bound to the "current player"
            if (stateType == MediaWorkflowStateType.FullscreenContent)
                // The "fullscreen content" screen is always bound to the "primary player"
Example #12
        protected void SetPlayerUIContributor(Type playerUIContributorType, MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player, bool doUpdateScreen)
            IPlayerUIContributor oldPlayerUIContributor;

            lock (_syncObj)
                oldPlayerUIContributor = PlayerUIContributor;
                if (oldPlayerUIContributor != null && playerUIContributorType == oldPlayerUIContributor.GetType())
                { // Player UI contributor is already correct, but maybe must be initialized
                    if (oldPlayerUIContributor.MediaWorkflowStateType != stateType || _oldPlayer != player)
                        oldPlayerUIContributor.Initialize(stateType, player);
                    _backgroundDisabled = oldPlayerUIContributor.BackgroundDisabled;
                    _screenName         = oldPlayerUIContributor.Screen;
                    _oldPlayer          = player;
                IPlayerUIContributor playerUIContributor = InstantiatePlayerUIContributor(playerUIContributorType);
                if (playerUIContributor != null)
                    playerUIContributor.Initialize(stateType, player);
                    _backgroundDisabled = playerUIContributor.BackgroundDisabled;
                    _screenName         = playerUIContributor.Screen;
                    _backgroundDisabled = false;
                    _screenName         = null;
                lock (_syncObj)
                    PlayerUIContributor = playerUIContributor;
                if (oldPlayerUIContributor != null)
                if (doUpdateScreen)
        protected override Type GetPlayerUIContributorType(IPlayer player, MediaWorkflowStateType stateType)
            if (!(player is IAudioPlayer))

            // First check if the player provides an own UI contributor.
            IUIContributorPlayer uicPlayer = player as IUIContributorPlayer;

            if (uicPlayer != null)

            // TODO: Specific UI contributor implementations for specific players
Example #14
        protected void UpdatePlayerContributor(bool doUpdateScreen)
            MediaWorkflowStateType stateType = _mediaWorkflowStateType;

            if (stateType == MediaWorkflowStateType.None)
                SetPlayerUIContributor(null, MediaWorkflowStateType.None, null, doUpdateScreen);
                IPlayerContext pc     = GetPlayerContext(_mediaWorkflowStateType);
                IPlayer        player = pc == null ? null : pc.CurrentPlayer;
                Type           playerUIContributorType = GetPlayerUIContributorType(player, stateType);
                SetPlayerUIContributor(playerUIContributorType, stateType, player, doUpdateScreen);

        public void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
            _playerContext          = stateType == MediaWorkflowStateType.CurrentlyPlaying ? PlayerChoice.CurrentPlayer : PlayerChoice.PrimaryPlayer;
            _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
            _player = player as IImagePlayer;

            _imageWidthProperty        = new WProperty(typeof(int), null);
            _imageHeightProperty       = new WProperty(typeof(int), null);
            _cameraMakeProperty        = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
            _cameraModelProperty       = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
            _imageExposureBiasProperty = new WProperty(typeof(double), null);
            _imageExposureTimeProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
            _imageFlashModeProperty    = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
            _imageFNumberProperty      = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
            _imageDimensionsProperty   = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
            _imageISOSpeedProperty     = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
            _imageMeteringModeProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
Example #16
    protected override Type GetPlayerUIContributorType(IPlayer player, MediaWorkflowStateType stateType)
      // First check if the player provides an own UI contributor.
      IUIContributorPlayer uicPlayer = player as IUIContributorPlayer;
      if (uicPlayer != null)
        return uicPlayer.UIContributorType;

      // Return the more specific player types first
      if (player is IImagePlayer)
        return typeof(ImagePlayerUIContributor);

      if (player is IDVDPlayer)
        return typeof(DVDVideoPlayerUIContributor);

      if ((player is IVideoPlayer))
        return typeof(DefaultVideoPlayerUIContributor);

      return null;
 public void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
   _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
    public void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
      _playerContext = stateType == MediaWorkflowStateType.CurrentlyPlaying ? PlayerChoice.CurrentPlayer : PlayerChoice.PrimaryPlayer;
      _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
      _player = player as IImagePlayer;

      _imageWidthProperty = new WProperty(typeof(int), null);
      _imageHeightProperty = new WProperty(typeof(int), null);
      _cameraMakeProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
      _cameraModelProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
      _imageExposureBiasProperty = new WProperty(typeof(double), null);
      _imageExposureTimeProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
      _imageFlashModeProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
      _imageFNumberProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
      _imageDimensionsProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
      _imageISOSpeedProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
      _imageMeteringModeProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
      _imageCountryProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
      _imageStateProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
      _imageCityProperty = new WProperty(typeof(string), string.Empty);
 public void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
     _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
 public void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
     _playerContext          = stateType == MediaWorkflowStateType.CurrentlyPlaying ? PlayerChoice.CurrentPlayer : PlayerChoice.PrimaryPlayer;
     _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
     _player = player as IImagePlayer;
        public virtual void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
            _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
            _tagSource = player as ITagSource;
            CurrentStreamLogo = WebradioHome.CurrentStreamLogo;

            // Only for Fanart /////////////
            ATimer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent;
            ATimer.Interval = 15000;
 public void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
   _playerContext = stateType == MediaWorkflowStateType.CurrentlyPlaying ? PlayerChoice.CurrentPlayer : PlayerChoice.PrimaryPlayer;
   _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
   _player = player as IImagePlayer;
 public void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
     _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
       _player = player as IChapterPlayer;
       _chapterMenuItems = new ItemsList();
Example #24
 public override void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
     base.Initialize(stateType, player);
     _player = player as LiveRadioPlayer;
 public virtual void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
   _mediaWorkflowStateType = stateType;
   _subtitlePlayer = player as ISubtitlePlayer;
   _chapterPlayer = player as IChapterPlayer;
   _titlePlayer = player as ITitlePlayer;
   _subtitleMenuItems = new ItemsList();
   _chapterMenuItems = new ItemsList();
   _titleMenuItems = new ItemsList();
 public void ExitModelContext(NavigationContext oldContext, NavigationContext newContext)
   _mediaWorkflowStateType = MediaWorkflowStateType.None;
 protected void SetPlayerUIContributor(Type playerUIContributorType, MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player, bool doUpdateScreen)
   IPlayerUIContributor oldPlayerUIContributor;
   lock (_syncObj)
     oldPlayerUIContributor = PlayerUIContributor;
     if (oldPlayerUIContributor != null && playerUIContributorType == oldPlayerUIContributor.GetType())
     { // Player UI contributor is already correct, but maybe must be initialized
       if (oldPlayerUIContributor.MediaWorkflowStateType != stateType || _oldPlayer != player)
         oldPlayerUIContributor.Initialize(stateType, player);
       _backgroundDisabled = oldPlayerUIContributor.BackgroundDisabled;
       _screenName = oldPlayerUIContributor.Screen;
       _oldPlayer = player;
     IPlayerUIContributor playerUIContributor = InstantiatePlayerUIContributor(playerUIContributorType);
     if (playerUIContributor != null)
       playerUIContributor.Initialize(stateType, player);
       _backgroundDisabled = playerUIContributor.BackgroundDisabled;
       _screenName = playerUIContributor.Screen;
       _backgroundDisabled = false;
       _screenName = null;
     lock (_syncObj)
       PlayerUIContributor = playerUIContributor;
     if (oldPlayerUIContributor != null)
     if (doUpdateScreen)
 public void ChangeModelContext(NavigationContext oldContext, NavigationContext newContext, bool push)
   _mediaWorkflowStateType = GetMediaWorkflowStateType(newContext);
 protected IPlayerContext GetPlayerContext(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType)
   IPlayerContextManager playerContextManager = ServiceRegistration.Get<IPlayerContextManager>();
   if (stateType == MediaWorkflowStateType.CurrentlyPlaying)
     // The "currently playing" screen is always bound to the "current player"
     return playerContextManager.CurrentPlayerContext;
   if (stateType == MediaWorkflowStateType.FullscreenContent)
     // The "fullscreen content" screen is always bound to the "primary player"
     return playerContextManager.PrimaryPlayerContext;
   return null;
Example #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the type of the player UI contributor implementation to be used for the given <paramref name="player"/> and
 /// media workflow <paramref name="stateType"/>.
 /// Actually, the code to determine the correct player UI contributor should be implemented to be generic and extendible
 /// (and we should avoid to hard code the determination in sub classes). But we need a piece of code to execute specific
 /// checks. I don't want to make them too generic because the checks could be very specific. For example, it might be that
 /// the single cases are not disjoint. For example if a player supports two specific player interfaces.
 ///  In such a case, we might need intelligent code here.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player">The player for that the player UI contributor should be instantiated.</param>
 /// <param name="stateType">The media workflow state type, we need the UI contributor for.</param>
 /// <returns>Type of the player UI contributor to use.</returns>
 protected abstract Type GetPlayerUIContributorType(IPlayer player, MediaWorkflowStateType stateType);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the type of the player UI contributor implementation to be used for the given <paramref name="player"/> and
 /// media workflow <paramref name="stateType"/>.
 /// Actually, the code to determine the correct player UI contributor should be implemented to be generic and extendible
 /// (and we should avoid to hard code the determination in sub classes). But we need a piece of code to execute specific
 /// checks. I don't want to make them too generic because the checks could be very specific. For example, it might be that
 /// the single cases are not disjoint. For example if a player supports two specific player interfaces.
 ///  In such a case, we might need intelligent code here.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player">The player for that the player UI contributor should be instantiated.</param>
 /// <param name="stateType">The media workflow state type, we need the UI contributor for.</param>
 /// <returns>Type of the player UI contributor to use.</returns>
 protected abstract Type GetPlayerUIContributorType(IPlayer player, MediaWorkflowStateType stateType);
 public override void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
     base.Initialize(stateType, player);
     _dvdPlayer = player as IDVDPlayer;
 public override void Initialize(MediaWorkflowStateType stateType, IPlayer player)
   base.Initialize(stateType, player);
   _dvdPlayer = player as IDVDPlayer;
Example #34
 public void ChangeModelContext(NavigationContext oldContext, NavigationContext newContext, bool push)
     _mediaWorkflowStateType = GetMediaWorkflowStateType(newContext);
 public void EnterModelContext(NavigationContext oldContext, NavigationContext newContext)
   _mediaWorkflowStateType = GetMediaWorkflowStateType(newContext);