Example #1
        private Matrix CovarianceEstimation(Matrix kalmanGain)
            var KH      = (kalmanGain * H);
            var khOrder = KH.ColumnCount;

            return((Matrix.Identity(khOrder) - KH) * P);
Example #2
        public void Test_EstimatePolynomial()
            // Polynomial a(x-r0)(x-r1)...

            int n = 8;
            float[] x = new float[] { -1.2f, 1.2f, 1.4f, 1.6f, 1.8f, 2.2f, -1.6f, -1.4f };
            Matrix<float> estimationMatrix = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Single.DenseMatrix(n, 2);
            for(int r = 0; r < n; ++r)
                estimationMatrix.At(r, 0, x[r]);
                estimationMatrix.At(r, 1, (float)PolyValue(x[r]));
            Polynomial poly = Polynomial.EstimatePolynomial(estimationMatrix, rank);

            // Check if values are same for extimated coeffs and real poly
            double[] testX = new double[] { 1.01, -10.0, 100.0 };

            double real0 = PolyValue(testX[0]);
            double est0 = poly.At((float)testX[0]);
            double real1 = PolyValue(testX[1]);
            double est1 = poly.At((float)testX[1]);
            double real2 = PolyValue(testX[2]);
            double est2 = poly.At((float)testX[2]);

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(PolyValue(testX[0]) / poly.At((float)testX[0]) - 1.0) < 1e-3);
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(PolyValue(testX[1]) / poly.At((float)testX[1]) - 1.0) < 1e-3);
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(PolyValue(testX[2]) / poly.At((float)testX[2]) - 1.0) < 1e-3);
Example #3
        public void Test_FindRoots_EstimatedPoly()
            int n = 8;
            float[] x = new float[] { -1.2f, 1.2f, 1.4f, 1.6f, 1.8f, 2.2f, -1.6f, -1.4f };
            Matrix<float> estimationMatrix = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Single.DenseMatrix(n, 2);
            for(int r = 0; r < n; ++r)
                estimationMatrix.At(r, 0, x[r]);
                estimationMatrix.At(r, 1, (float)PolyValue(x[r]));
            Polynomial poly = Polynomial.EstimatePolynomial(estimationMatrix, rank);

            PolynomialRootFinder rootFinder = new PolynomialRootFinder();
            rootFinder.Poly = poly;

            var roots = rootFinder.RealRoots;

            Assert.IsTrue(roots.Count == rank);


            for(int i = 0; i < rank; ++i)
                Assert.IsTrue( Math.Abs(roots[i] / _r[i] - 1.0f) < 1e-4f ||
                    Math.Abs(roots[i] - _r[i]) < 1e-4f);
Example #4
        static Matrix QGenerator(float dt, float stdDevProcessNoise)
            // B * B^T * stdDev_w ^ 2
            var dt2 = dt * dt;
            var dt3 = dt2 * dt;
            var BBT = Matrix.OfArray(new float[, ] {
                { 0.25f * dt2 * dt2, 0.5f * dt3 },
                { 0.5f * dt3, dt2 }

            return(BBT * stdDevProcessNoise * stdDevProcessNoise);
Example #5
        public KalmanFilter(KalmanSetup setup)
            this.stdDevProcess     = setup.StdDevProcess;
            this.stdDevMeasurement = setup.StdDevMeasurement;
            this.X = setup.X0;
            this.P = setup.P0;
            this.H = setup.H;

            this.F = setup.funcF;
            this.B = setup.funcB;
            this.Q = setup.funcQ;
            this.R = setup.funcR(stdDevMeasurement);
Example #6
        public Vector Update(float dt, Vector measurement, Vector controlInput)
            // Predict
            this.X = PredictState(dt, controlInput);
            this.P = PredictCovariance(dt);

            // Update
            var y = MeasurementResidual(measurement);
            var S = CovarianceResidual();
            var K = KalmanGain(S);

            this.X = StateEstimation(K, y);
            this.P = CovarianceEstimation(K);

Example #7
        private Vector CrossProduct(Vector u, Vector v)
            var iArr = new float[, ] {
                { u[1], u[2] }, { v[1], v[2] }
            var jArr = new float[, ] {
                { u[2], u[0] }, { v[2], v[0] }
            var kArr = new float[, ] {
                { u[0], u[1] }, { v[0], v[1] }

            var i = DMatrix.OfArray(iArr);
            var j = DMatrix.OfArray(jArr);
            var k = DMatrix.OfArray(kArr);

            var nArr = new float[] { i.Determinant(), j.Determinant(), k.Determinant() };

            return(new DVector(nArr));
Example #8
        private ulong onePointKnn(
            DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage <float> query,
            int i,
            DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage <int> indices,
            DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage <float> dists2,
            Vector <float> maxRadii,
            int k,
            float epsilon,
            SearchOptionFlags optionFlags)
            var results = new ListPriorityQueue <int>(maxSize: k);

            var queryMatrix = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Single.DenseMatrix(query);
            var q           = queryMatrix.Column(i);

            for (int j = 0; j < cloud.ColumnCount; j++)
                var c = cloud.Column(j);

                var   diff = (c - q);
                float l2   = diff * diff;

                results.Enqueue(j, l2);

            int kIdx = 0;

            foreach (var j in results.Items)
                indices.At(kIdx, i, j);

            kIdx = 0;
            foreach (var d2 in results.Priorities)
                dists2.At(kIdx, i, d2);

Example #9
 private Vector StateEstimation(Matrix kalmanGain, Vector measurementResidual)
     return(X + kalmanGain * measurementResidual);
Example #10
 private Matrix KalmanGain(Matrix covarianceResidual)
     return(P * (Matrix)(H.Transpose() * covarianceResidual.Inverse()));
Example #11
        public Field4Drepresentation(
            DenseMatrix dmListOfData,
            Dictionary <string, object> properties,
            Dictionary <string, int> valuesColumnsIndeces = null,
            SlicingVariable varSliceBy = SlicingVariable.z,
            string description         = "")

            variableSliceBy = varSliceBy;

            if (valuesColumnsIndeces == null)
                valuesColumnsIndeces = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                valuesColumnsIndeces.Add("x", 0);
                valuesColumnsIndeces.Add("y", 1);
                valuesColumnsIndeces.Add("z", 2);
                valuesColumnsIndeces.Add("values", 3);

            strDataDescription = description;
            ThreadSafeOperations.SetText(lblDescription, strDataDescription, false);

            defaultProperties  = properties;
            strOutputDirectory = (string)defaultProperties["DefaultDataFilesLocation"];
            if (!ServiceTools.CheckIfDirectoryExists(strOutputDirectory))
                strOutputDirectory = "";

            dmDataList = dmListOfData.Copy();
            double dataMaxVal = dmDataList.Column(3).Max();
            double dataMinVal = dmDataList.Column(3).Min();

            ILScene scene = new ILScene();

            currSurfPlotCube          = new ILPlotCube();
            currSurfPlotCube.TwoDMode = false;

            List <List <DenseMatrix> > lDataMatricesForSurfices = ReshapeDataToMatrices(dmDataList, variableSliceBy);

            foreach (List <DenseMatrix> currSurfMatricesList in lDataMatricesForSurfices)
                ILInArray <double> ilaXvalues = currSurfMatricesList[0].ToArray();
                ILInArray <double> ilaYvalues = currSurfMatricesList[1].ToArray();
                ILInArray <double> ilaZvalues = currSurfMatricesList[2].ToArray();

                MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Single.DenseMatrix floatDMcolors =
                                                                             currSurfMatricesList[0].ColumnCount, 0.0f);
                currSurfMatricesList[3].MapConvert <Single>(dval => Convert.ToSingle(dval), floatDMcolors,
                ILInArray <float> ilaForColorValues = floatDMcolors.ToArray();

                ILSurface currSurf = new ILSurface(ilaZvalues, ilaXvalues, ilaYvalues);
                currSurf.ColorMode = ILSurface.ColorModes.RBGA;

                ColorScheme newCS = new ColorScheme("");
                //ColorSchemeRuler newCSR = new ColorSchemeRuler(newCS, dataMinVal, dataMaxVal);
                double[,] dmRvalues = DenseMatrix.Create(floatDMcolors.RowCount, floatDMcolors.ColumnCount,
                                                         (r, c) =>
                    Bgr currColor = newCS.GetColorByValueAndRange(currSurfMatricesList[3][r, c], dataMinVal, dataMaxVal);
                    return(currColor.Red / 255.0d);
                double[,] dmGvalues = DenseMatrix.Create(floatDMcolors.RowCount, floatDMcolors.ColumnCount,
                                                         (r, c) =>
                    Bgr currColor = newCS.GetColorByValueAndRange(currSurfMatricesList[3][r, c], dataMinVal, dataMaxVal);
                    return(currColor.Green / 255.0d);
                double[,] dmBvalues = DenseMatrix.Create(floatDMcolors.RowCount, floatDMcolors.ColumnCount,
                                                         (r, c) =>
                    Bgr currColor = newCS.GetColorByValueAndRange(currSurfMatricesList[3][r, c], dataMinVal, dataMaxVal);
                    return(currColor.Blue / 255.0d);
                float[, ,] rgbaArrData = new float[4, dmRvalues.GetLength(0), dmRvalues.GetLength(1)];
                for (int i = 0; i < dmRvalues.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dmRvalues.GetLength(1); j++)
                        rgbaArrData[0, i, j] = Convert.ToSingle(dmRvalues[i, j]);
                        rgbaArrData[1, i, j] = Convert.ToSingle(dmGvalues[i, j]);
                        rgbaArrData[2, i, j] = Convert.ToSingle(dmBvalues[i, j]);
                        rgbaArrData[3, i, j] = 0.3f;

                currSurf.UpdateRGBA(null, rgbaArrData);

                currSurf.UseLighting = true;


                //if (currSurfPlotCube.Children.Count() > 4)
                //    currSurfPlotCube.Children.Add(new ILColorbar());

                //if (currSurfPlotCube.Children.Count() > 4)
                //    break;

            // surf.Children.Add(new ILColorbar());

            //currSurfPlotCube.Children.Add(new ILColorbar());

            //currSurfPlotCube.Rotation = Matrix4.Rotation(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), 1.2f) *
            //                    Matrix4.Rotation(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), Math.PI);

            currSurfPlotCube.Projection = Projection.Orthographic;



            ilPanel1.Scene = scene;
Example #12
        public static async Task <PointCloud> GenerateObject(Recording recording, IProgress <int> progress, CancellationToken ct)
            // Quick access image formats
            var dFormat = recording.DepthFormat;
            var cFormat = recording.ColourFormat;

            #region Check for calibration data
            if (!recording.IsCalibratedRecording)
                throw new IOException("Pre-calibrated recording required!");
            var calibration = recording.Calibration;

            #region Kalman Filter setup
            var kSetup = new KalmanSetup()
                funcF = new Func <float, Matrix>(FGenerator),
                funcB = new Func <float, Matrix>(BGenerator),
                H     = Matrix.OfArray(new float[, ] {
                    { 1, 0 }
                X0 = new Vector(new float[] { 0, 0 }),
                P0 = Matrix.OfArray(new float[, ] {
                    { 10, 0 }, { 0, 10 }
                funcQ             = new Func <float, float, Matrix>(QGenerator),
                funcR             = new Func <float, Matrix>(RGenerator),
                StdDevMeasurement = stdDevMeasurementNoise,
                StdDevProcess     = stdDevProcessNoise
            float R   = calibration.TurntableRadius;
            float acc = -4 * mu * g / (3 * R);
            var   accelerationVector = new Vector(new float[] { acc });

            #region Initialise pipeline stages
            var cv   = new HueThresholder(calibration.Markers, calibration.MarkerSearchSpace);
            var geom = new PointCloudBuilder(calibration, recording.MappingParameters);
            var kf   = new KalmanFilter(kSetup);
            var opt  = new ICPMinimiser(true);

            // start new pipeline thread
            return(await Task.Run <PointCloud>(() =>
                var returnCloud = new PointCloud();
                PointCloud prevCloud = null;
                float lastTime = 0;
                double theta = 0;
                Point3D lastx = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                int advanceUnit = Processing.Settings.Default.ProcessEveryFrame ? 1 : 10;

                #region KF Debug Logging
                StreamWriter filterLog = null;
                if (DebugSettings.Default.DebugMode)
                    filterLog = new StreamWriter(DebugSettings.Default.LogRoot + @"\filter.csv");
                    filterLog.AutoFlush = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < recording.NumberOfFrames; i += advanceUnit)

                    #region Fetch
                    // Fetch frame from disk
                    float timestamp = recording.Timestamps[i];
                    var colour = recording.FetchColourFrame(i);
                    var depth = recording.FetchDepthFrame(i);
                    Frame f = new Frame(i, timestamp, depth, dFormat, colour, cFormat);

                    #region Analyse (CV)
                    var markers2D = cv.IdentifyMarkers(f);
                    if (markers2D.Count == 0)
                        i -= (advanceUnit - 1);

                    #region Build Geometry (GEOM)
                    PointCloud cloud;
                    KeyValuePair <TrackingMarker, Point3D> rotationMarker;
                    var geomSuccess = geom.ConstructCloud(f, markers2D, out cloud, out rotationMarker);
                    if (!geomSuccess)
                        i -= (advanceUnit - 1);

                    #region Filter
                    // reposition marker based on offset
                    var polarX = CoordinateSystemConvertor.ToSpherical(rotationMarker.Value);
                    polarX.Azimuthal += (float)rotationMarker.Key.RotationalOffset;
                    var x = CoordinateSystemConvertor.ToCartesian(polarX);

                    // rotation approximation
                    var dx = ((Vector)x - lastx).Norm(3);
                    var dtheta = dx / calibration.TurntableRadius;

                    // update cumulative angle (with estimated angle)
                    theta += dtheta;

                    // calculate time delta
                    float dt = f.Timestamp - lastTime;

                    if (DebugSettings.Default.DebugMode)
                        filterLog.Write("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},", f.Timestamp, dt, dx, dtheta, theta);

                    // calculate state vector
                    var stateVector = new Vector(new float[] { (float)theta });

                    // pass through kalman filter
                    var filteredStateVector = kf.Update(dt, stateVector, accelerationVector);

                    // extract angle from state vector
                    var filteredTheta = filteredStateVector[0];
                    var filteredOmega = filteredStateVector[1];

                    if (DebugSettings.Default.DebugMode)
                        filterLog.WriteLine("{0},{1}", filteredTheta, filteredOmega);

                    // update last time, last position and set filtered cumulative theta
                    theta = filteredTheta;
                    lastx = x;
                    lastTime = f.Timestamp;


                    #region Optimise (OPT)
                    PointCloud optCloud = null;
                    if (prevCloud == null)
                        optCloud = cloud;     // first frame; this is requires no optimising transformation
                    else if (prevCloud.Points.Count == 0)
                        optCloud = cloud;     // no points in previous cloud (model); cannot align the current cloud to model
                        // Build best guess transformation matrix
                        float sinT = (float)Math.Sin(filteredTheta);
                        float cosT = (float)Math.Cos(filteredTheta);
                        var bestGuessTransformation = Matrix.Identity(4);
                        bestGuessTransformation[0, 0] = cosT;
                        bestGuessTransformation[0, 2] = -sinT;
                        bestGuessTransformation[2, 0] = sinT;
                        bestGuessTransformation[2, 2] = cosT;
                        // returned object is result of aligning cloud with prevCloud
                        optCloud = opt.Process(cloud, prevCloud, bestGuessTransformation);
                    prevCloud = cloud;

                    #region Retire

                if (DebugSettings.Default.DebugMode)
                return returnCloud;
Example #13
 static Matrix RGenerator(float stdDevMeasurementNoise)
     return(Matrix.OfArray(new float[, ] {
         { stdDevMeasurementNoise *stdDevMeasurementNoise }
Example #14
 static Matrix BGenerator(float dt)
     return(Matrix.OfArray(new float[, ] {
         { 0.5f * dt * dt }, { dt }
Example #15
 static Matrix FGenerator(float dt)
     return(Matrix.OfArray(new float[, ] {
         { 1, dt }, { 0, 1 }
        void Reader_FrameArrived(object sender, BodyFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            /*do nothing*/
            //pull frame from skeleton -- display it
            using (BodyFrame bf = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                if (bf == null)
                    return; //do nothing if nothing found

                bf.GetAndRefreshBodyData(bStorage); //copy given skeleton(s) frames (if multiple skeletons found) into buffer

                //once the closest skeleton is determined draw THAT stickman

                //pointer to closest skeleton frame
                Body closestBody = null;

                // int closestId = -1;
                double closestDistance = double.MaxValue;
                //out of detected skeletons in frame use the closest one -- determine closest one here
                foreach (var body in bStorage)
                    //if valid skeleton
                    if (body.IsTracked)
                        if (body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder].Position.Z < closestDistance)
                            //update Id and distance
                            // closestId = 0;
                            closestBody = body; //set this skeleton as closest
                            closestDistance = body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder].Position.Z;

                //draw the closest skeleton IF found
                if (closestBody != null)
                    //draw next
                    //always clear cavnas
                    DrawStickMan(closestBody, Brushes.Black, 3);
                    return; //nothing found!
                //DrawStickMan(Skeleton skeleton, Brush brush, int thickness)

                //if progress bar has filled
                if (timerCount == 0)

                    //recording logic
                    if (currentState == ScreenStates.RECORDING_ENROLL || currentState == ScreenStates.RECORDING_LOGIN_GIVEN
                        || currentState == ScreenStates.RECORDING_LOGIN_GUESS)
                        //quickly allocate space -- rely on garbage collection huehuehue
                        float[] currJoints = new float[numJoints * 3];
                        for (int i = 0; i < jointorder.Length; i++)
                            currJoints[i * 3] = closestBody.Joints[(JointType)jointorder[i]].Position.X;
                            currJoints[i * 3 + 1] = closestBody.Joints[(JointType)jointorder[i]].Position.Y;
                            currJoints[i * 3 + 2] = closestBody.Joints[(JointType)jointorder[i]].Position.Z;
                        if (rb.getBufferStatus() == true) //recording complete AND/OR buffer-size was reached
                            if ((currentState == ScreenStates.RECORDING_ENROLL))
                                float[,] lookupData, queryDataExpanded, queryData;
                                queryDataExpanded = (rb.getBufferData());
                                queryData = new float[rb.getBufferNumberFrames(), numJoints * 3];
                                for (int i = 0; i < rb.getBufferNumberFrames(); i++)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < numJoints * 3; j++)
                                        queryData[i, j] = queryDataExpanded[i, j];
                                queryData = normalizeData(queryData);
                                dataStore[currentUser][0][recordNumber] = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Single.DenseMatrix(queryData);

                                if ((recordNumber != numRecords - 1))

                                    //store in g1, s1 slot
                                    dataEnrolled = true;

                                    dataStore[currentUser][0][recordNumber] = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Single.DenseMatrix(queryData);

                                    userHasData[currentUser] = true;

                                    showPopup("Recorded " + rb.getBufferNumberFrames() + " frames for " + userNames[currentUser], Brushes.Blue);

                                    //Code for saving dataStore as .csv file
                                    //For each user

                                    Directory.CreateDirectory(desktopDir + "KinectSamples\\User" + (currentUser + 1).ToString());

                                    //For each Sample
                                    for (int sNum = 0; sNum < numRecords; sNum++)
                                        using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@desktopDir + "KinectSamples\\User" + (currentUser + 1).ToString() + "\\Sample" + sNum.ToString() + ".csv", false))
                                            for (int j = 0; j < dataStore[currentUser][0][sNum].RowCount; j++)
                                                for (int i = 0; i < numJoints * 3 - 1; i++)
                                                    file.Write(Convert.ToString(dataStore[currentUser][0][sNum][j, i]) + ",");
                                                file.Write(Convert.ToString(dataStore[currentUser][0][sNum][j, numJoints * 3 - 1]) + "\n");


                                //bad "formatting"
                                float[,] lookupData, queryDataExpanded, queryData;
                                float bestScore = float.PositiveInfinity;
                                float dtwScore = float.PositiveInfinity;
                                float[][,] saveData = new float[5][,];
                                int userMatchIdx = -1;

                                //hide skeleton while processing
                                StickMen.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;

                                queryDataExpanded = (rb.getBufferData());
                                queryData = new float[rb.getBufferNumberFrames(), numJoints * 3];
                                for (int i = 0; i < rb.getBufferNumberFrames(); i++)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < numJoints * 3; j++)
                                        queryData[i, j] = queryDataExpanded[i, j];
                                queryData = normalizeData(queryData);

                                //compute distances

                                switch (currentState)
                                    case ScreenStates.RECORDING_LOGIN_GIVEN:

                                        for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++)
                                            lookupData = dataStore[currentUser][0][i].ToArray();
                                            dtwScore = gestureDistance(queryData, lookupData, queryData.GetLength(0), lookupData.GetLength(0));
                                            //TODO some analysis here ahahahahah
                                            ResultText.Text = "User: "******"|Score: " + dtwScore;
                                            if (dtwScore <= acceptThreshold)
                                                showPopup("Welcome back, " + userNames[currentUser], Brushes.Green);

                                            else if (i == numRecords - 1)
                                                showPopup("Sorry, I do not think you are " + userNames[currentUser], Brushes.Red);

                                    case ScreenStates.RECORDING_LOGIN_GUESS:
                                        for (int uIdx = 0; uIdx < userHasData.Length; uIdx++)
                                            if (userHasData[uIdx] == false) continue;
                                            for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++)
                                                lookupData = dataStore[uIdx][0][i].ToArray();
                                                dtwScore = gestureDistance(queryData, lookupData, queryData.GetLength(0), lookupData.GetLength(0));

                                                if (dtwScore < bestScore)
                                                    bestScore = dtwScore;
                                                    userMatchIdx = uIdx;
                                        //after ALL comparisons then do some result feeding here

                                        ResultText.Text = "User:"******"|Score:" + bestScore;

                                        if (bestScore <= acceptThreshold)
                                            showPopup("Welcome back, " + userNames[userMatchIdx], Brushes.Green);
                                            showPopup("Sorry, I do not think you are anyone I know.", Brushes.Red);

                                        //ResultText.Text =



                            rb.addFrame(currJoints, recordNumber);

                            //update GUI to reflect recording or status here
                            if (rb.isMoving())
                                DrawStickMan(closestBody, Brushes.Green, 3);
                                DrawStickMan(closestBody, Brushes.Black, 3);

