private bool ProcessMatch(Match M, int MinimumOverlap, HasseFragmentInsertionQueue NewFragmentList ,HasseNode [] PartlyMatchingNodes, string debugInfo)
            string StringMCS = M.GetMatchString();
            bool matchWasNew = false;
            if (StringMCS.Length >= MinimumOverlap)
              //  if (M.StrA.Equals("*t")) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();

                // deal with the max common substructure:
                // star to left? Both strings must then have one pos matching star
                if (M.FirstPosInA  > 0 && M.FirstPosInB  > 0)
                { StringMCS = "*" + StringMCS; }
                // star to right? Both strings must then have one pos matching star
                if ((M.LastPosInA < M.StrA.Length - 1) && (M.LastPosInB < M.StrB.Length - 1))
                    StringMCS = StringMCS + "*";

                // Do not return back what was started from:
                if (StringMCS.Equals(PartlyMatchingNodes[0].KeyString) | StringMCS.Equals(PartlyMatchingNodes[1].KeyString ))
                    return false;
                if (StringMCS.Equals("**")) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
                if (!StringMCS.Equals("*"))
                    if (true == NewFragmentList.Add(new HasseNode[1] { this }, PartlyMatchingNodes,
                        StringMCS, debugInfo,
                        HasseNodeTypes.FRAGMENT | HasseNodeTypes.MAX_COMMON_FRAGMENT, null))
                        matchWasNew = true;
            //if (matchWasNew) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); }
            return matchWasNew;