public async void Mapping(double lat, double lon)
            if (MyMap.Is3DSupported)
                // Estilo del mapa
                MyMap.Style = MapStyle.Road;
                // llave de bing
                MyMap.MapServiceToken = "iXNUzZxjjglXbxTQI3u2~5bxFRFZESkZUVlrEuPtCxg~AmcMVqUdyZW960FDSNF28-MUt_Thri564P4V3oHEyVEATyV-dHL9DdkBBRuxsdmI";

                BasicGeoposition geoPosition = new BasicGeoposition();
                geoPosition.Latitude = lat;
                //geoPosition.Latitude = 20.0791441598;
                geoPosition.Longitude = lon;
                //geoPosition.Longitude = -98.3714238064418;
                // obtiene posición
                Geopoint myPoint = new Geopoint(geoPosition);
                // crea POI
                MapIcon myPOI = new MapIcon {
                    Location = myPoint, Title = "Position", NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1.0), ZIndex = 0
                // Despliega una imagen de un MapIcon
                myPOI.Image = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/pin.png"));
                // Agrega el mapa y lo centra
                MyMap.Center    = myPoint;
                MyMap.ZoomLevel = 10;
                Debug.WriteLine("Coordenadas: " + latitude + " y " + longitude);
                MapScene mapScene = MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(new Geopoint(geoPosition), 200, 150, 70);
                await MyMap.TrySetSceneAsync(mapScene);
Example #2
        private async void showSpaceNeedleButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (myMap.Is3DSupported)
                this.myMap.Style = MapStyle.Aerial3DWithRoads;

                BasicGeoposition spaceNeedlePosition = new BasicGeoposition();
                spaceNeedlePosition.Latitude  = 47.6204;
                spaceNeedlePosition.Longitude = -122.3491;

                Geopoint spaceNeedlePoint = new Geopoint(spaceNeedlePosition);

                MapScene spaceNeedleScene = MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(spaceNeedlePoint,
                                                                                 400,    /* show this many meters around */
                                                                                 135,    /* looking at it to the south east*/
                                                                                 60 /* degrees pitch */);

                await myMap.TrySetSceneAsync(spaceNeedleScene);
                string status = "3D views are not supported on this device.";
                rootPage.NotifyUser(status, NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
 private async void MyMap_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (MyMap.Is3DSupported)
         MyMap.Style           = MapStyle.Aerial3DWithRoads;
         MyMap.MapServiceToken = "iXNUzZxjjglXbxTQI3u2~5bxFRFZESkZUVlrEuPtCxg~AmcMVqUdyZW960FDSNF28-MUt_Thri564P4V3oHEyVEATyV-dHL9DdkBBRuxsdmI";
         geoPosition.Latitude  = this.latitude;
         //geoPosition.Latitude = 20.0791441598;
         geoPosition.Longitude = this.longitude;
         //geoPosition.Longitude = -98.3714238064418;
         Geopoint myPoint = new Geopoint(geoPosition);
         MapIcon  myPOI   = new MapIcon {
             Location = myPoint, Title = "Position", NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1.0), ZIndex = 0
         myPOI.Image = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/pin.png"));
         MyMap.Center    = myPoint;
         MyMap.ZoomLevel = 3;
         Debug.WriteLine("Coordenadas: " + latitude + " y " + longitude);
         MapScene mapScene = MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(new Geopoint(geoPosition), 500, 150, 70);
         await MyMap.TrySetSceneAsync(mapScene, MapAnimationKind.Bow);
         // If 3D views are not supported, display dialog.
         ContentDialog viewNotSupportedDialog = new ContentDialog()
             Title             = "3D is not supported",
             Content           = "\n3D views are not supported on this device.",
             PrimaryButtonText = "OK"
         await viewNotSupportedDialog.ShowAsync();
        public override void Build()
            var defaultLayer = SceneMgr.GetScene("default")["default"];

            if (defaultLayer.CountEntities <CheckpointManager>() == 0)
                // Checkpoint manager needs to be preserved, when map is deleted.
                // This is why it's created on a default layer.
                var checkpoint = new CheckpointManager(defaultLayer);
                checkpoint.MapName = TiledMap.Name;
                var checkpoint = defaultLayer.FindEntity <CheckpointManager>();

                // If we are loading new map, reset checkpoint manager.
                if (checkpoint.MapName != TiledMap.Name)


            // Putting a background.
            var l = MapScene.CreateLayer("backdrop");

            l.Priority = 10000;

            new Background(l);
            // Putting a background.
Example #5
        private async void MapControlLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            myMapControl.Center    = new Geopoint(seattleLocation);
            myMapControl.ZoomLevel = 12;

            if (myMapControl.Is3DSupported)
                this.myMapControl.Style = MapStyle.Aerial3DWithRoads;

                Geopoint spaceNeedlePoint = new Geopoint(seattleLocation);

                MapScene spaceNeedleScene = MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(spaceNeedlePoint,
                                                                                 400,    /* show this many meters around */
                                                                                 135,    /* looking at it to the south east*/
                                                                                 60 /* degrees pitch */);

                await myMapControl.TrySetSceneAsync(spaceNeedleScene);
                //string status = "3D views are not supported on this device.";
                this.myMapControl.Style = MapStyle.Aerial;

            MapIcon seattleMapIcon = new MapIcon();

            seattleMapIcon.Location = new Geopoint(seattleLocation);
            seattleMapIcon.NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1.0);
            seattleMapIcon.Title = "Parking here";
            seattleMapIcon.Image = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/mappin.png"));
        //Función que establece el mapa con mapas 3D según el valor de su combo
        private async void map_tresD(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (MapControl.Is3DSupported)
                // Se establece el mapa mediante el valor actual del combo3D
                MapControl.Style = estilos3DMapa[combo3d.SelectedIndex];

                // Se crea la escena del Mapa 3D
                MapScene hwScene = MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(miPosiciónActual,
                                                                        80,             // cuantos metros se ve alrededor
                                                                        0,              //grados con respecto al Norte
                                                                        60);            //inclinación del mapa
                // Se establece la animación con la que aparecerá el mapa 3D
                await MapControl.TrySetSceneAsync(hwScene, MapAnimationKind.Linear);
                // Si no se soporta el modo 3D, se muestra un dialogo
                ContentDialog viewNotSupportedDialog = new ContentDialog()
                    Title             = "3D no soportado",
                    Content           = "La vista 3D del Mapa no es soportada en tu dispositvo.",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "OK"
                await viewNotSupportedDialog.ShowAsync();
Example #7
        public void Initialize(FishingManager _fishingManager, Transform _rootPos, LineRenderer _line)
            ActionItemInfo actionItemInfo;
            GameObject     gameObject;

            if (Object.op_Equality((Object)this.bodyObject, (Object)null) && Singleton <Resources> .Instance.Map.EventItemList.TryGetValue(Singleton <Resources> .Instance.FishingDefinePack.IDInfo.LureEventItemID, out actionItemInfo) && Object.op_Inequality((Object)(gameObject = CommonLib.LoadAsset <GameObject>((string)actionItemInfo.assetbundleInfo.assetbundle, (string)actionItemInfo.assetbundleInfo.asset, false, (string)actionItemInfo.assetbundleInfo.manifest)), (Object)null))
                MapScene.AddAssetBundlePath((string)actionItemInfo.assetbundleInfo.assetbundle, (string)actionItemInfo.assetbundleInfo.manifest);
                this.bodyObject = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate <GameObject>((M0)gameObject, Vector3.get_zero(), Quaternion.get_identity());
                this.bodyObject.get_transform().SetParent(((Component)this).get_transform(), false);
                this.floatingObject = this.bodyObject.GetOrAddComponent <FloatingObject>();
                this.floatingObject.fishingSystem     = _fishingManager;
                this.floatingObject.WaterEnterChecker = new Func <Collider, bool>(this.WaterInOutCheck);
                this.floatingObject.WaterStayChecker  = new Func <Collider, bool>(this.WaterInOutCheck);
                this.floatingObject.WaterExitChecker  = new Func <Collider, bool>(this.WaterInOutCheck);
            this.fishingSystem = _fishingManager;
            this.RootPos       = _rootPos;
            Transform transform = ((Component)this).get_transform();
            Vector3   zero      = Vector3.get_zero();

            Vector3 vector3 = zero;

            this.fishingLine = _line;
            this.state       = Lure.State.Have;
            if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)this.floatingObject))
            this.floatingObject.UseWaterBuoyancy = false;
Example #8
        private async void Map3D_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MapControl.CustomExperience = null;
            if (MapControl.Is3DSupported)
                // Set the aerial 3D view.
                MapControl.Style = MapStyle.Aerial3DWithRoads;
                // Specify the location.
                BasicGeoposition hwGeoposition = new BasicGeoposition()
                    Latitude = 34.134, Longitude = -118.3216
                Geopoint hwPoint = new Geopoint(hwGeoposition);
                // Create the map scene.
                MapScene hwScene = MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(hwPoint,
                                                                        60 /* degrees pitch */);
                // Set the 3D view with animation.
                await MapControl.TrySetSceneAsync(hwScene, MapAnimationKind.Bow);
                // If 3D views are not supported, display dialog.
                ContentDialog viewNotSupportedDialog = new ContentDialog()
                    Title             = "3D is not supported",
                    Content           = "\n3D views are not supported on this device.",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "OK"
                await viewNotSupportedDialog.ShowAsync();

                Point t = MapControl.RenderTransformOrigin;
Example #9
        //private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        //    var pos = await LocationManager.GetLocation();

        //    var lat = pos.Coordinate.Latitude;
        //    var lon = pos.Coordinate.Latitude;

        //    var weather = await WeatherProxyMap.GetWeather(lat, lon);

        //    WeatherCondition.Text = ((int)weather.main.temp).ToString() + " " +;

        private async void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Show Weather
            var citySearch = CitySearch.Text;

            var weather = await WeatherProxyMapByCity.GetWeather(citySearch);

            CityNameTxtBlock.Text = ((int)weather.main.temp).ToString() + " " +;

            //Show on map
            var address = citySearch;

            var results = await MapLocationFinder.FindLocationsAsync(address, null);

            if (results.Status == MapLocationFinderStatus.Success)
                var lat = results.Locations[0].Point.Position.Latitude;
                var lon = results.Locations[0].Point.Position.Longitude;

                var center = new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition()
                    Latitude  = lat,
                    Longitude = lon

                await MyMap.TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(center, 3000));
Example #10
 public void Animate(MapScene mapScene)
     currentZoomLevel = hostRenderer.ZoomLevel;
     center           = hostRenderer.Center;
Example #11
    void LoadSceneAsset()
        filePath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("打开", filePath, "asset");
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) || !filePath.Contains(".asset"))
        MapWorldAsset mapWorldAsset = (MapWorldAsset)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets" + filePath.Replace(Application.dataPath, ""), typeof(MapWorldAsset));

        if (mapWorldAsset != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < mapWorldAsset.mapScenes.Count; i++)
                currMapScene           = new GameObject("Map" + (i + 1)).AddComponent <MapScene>();
                currMapScene.offsetX   = mapWorldAsset.mapScenes[i].offsetX;
                currMapScene.offsetY   = mapWorldAsset.mapScenes[i].offsetY;
                currMapScene.mapSizeX  = mapWorldAsset.mapScenes[i].mapSizeX;
                currMapScene.mapSizeY  = mapWorldAsset.mapScenes[i].mapSizeY;
                currMapScene.worldType = mapWorldAsset.mapScenes[i].worldType;
                currMapScene.layers    = new List <MapEditorSortLayer>(mapWorldAsset.mapScenes[i].layers);
                for (int n = 0; n < mapWorldAsset.mapScenes[i].layerItems.Count; n++)
                    currMapScene.layerItems.Add(new MapLayerItem());
                    currMapScene.layerItems[n].posList = new List <int>(mapWorldAsset.mapScenes[i].layerItems[n].posList);
                    currMapScene.layerItems[n].items   = new List <MapResourceItem>(mapWorldAsset.mapScenes[i].layerItems[n].items);
 public static void MapScene_OnLoaded(MapScene __instance)
     if (_isNewGame)
Example #13
        private async void movieMap_MapElementClick(MapControl sender,
                                                    MapElementClickEventArgs args)
            MapIcon topMost = args.MapElements[0] as MapIcon;

            if (topMost.Title == "Lots of Movie Spots")
                if (movieMap.ZoomLevel < 16)
                    //await movieMap.TrySetViewAsync(args.Location, 16);
                    await movieMap.TrySetSceneAsync(
                        MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(args.Location, 500, 45, 50));
                    await movieMap.TrySetViewAsync(args.Location, movieMap.ZoomLevel + 2);
                MovieInfoPanel infoPanel = new MovieInfoPanel
                    ClickedLocation = topMost.Location
                infoPanel.Closed += infoPanel_Closed;

                MapControl.SetLocation(infoPanel, topMost.Location);
Example #14
        private async void MyMap_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (MyMap.Is3DSupported)
                MyMap.Style = MapStyle.Aerial3DWithRoads;
                //MyMap.Style = MapStyle.Terrain;
                MyMap.MapServiceToken = "Your Service Token";

                BasicGeoposition geoPosition = new BasicGeoposition();
                geoPosition.Latitude  = 27.175015;
                geoPosition.Longitude = 78.042155;
                // get position
                Geopoint myPoint = new Geopoint(geoPosition);
                //create POI
                MapIcon myPOI = new MapIcon {
                    Location = myPoint, Title = "My Position", NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1.0), ZIndex = 0
                // Display an image of a MapIcon
                myPOI.Image = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/pin.png"));
                // add to map and center it
                MyMap.Center    = myPoint;
                MyMap.ZoomLevel = 10;

                MapScene mapScene = MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(new Geopoint(geoPosition), 500, 150, 70);
                await MyMap.TrySetSceneAsync(mapScene);
Example #15
 public void DragStart()
     if ("Ivent"))
         MapScene m1 = GameObject.Find("GameObject").GetComponent <MapScene>();
         if (m1.selectNum == 0)
         this.GetComponent <IventButton>().PushIventButton();
         m1.fallNum = this.GetComponent <IventButton>().buttonNum;
         for (int i = 0; i < m1.multiSelect.Count; i++)
             m1.objIB[m1.multiSelect[i]].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
     if ("Command"))
         ScenariosceneManager s1 = GameObject.Find("NovelManager").GetComponent <ScenariosceneManager>();
         this.GetComponent <CommandButton>().PushCommandButton();
         s1.fallNum = this.GetComponent <CommandButton>().buttonNum;
         for (int i = 0; i < s1.multiSelect.Count; i++)
             s1.objCB[s1.multiSelect[i]].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
     dragFlag = true;
     copy.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = this.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text;
Example #16
        private async void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (MapControl1.Is3DSupported)
                MapControl1.Style = MapStyle.Aerial3D;
                BasicGeoposition hwGeoposition = new BasicGeoposition()
                    Latitude = 48.858, Longitude = 2.295
                Geopoint hwPoint = new Geopoint(hwGeoposition);

                MapScene hwScene = MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(hwPoint, 80, 0, 60);

                await MapControl1.TrySetSceneAsync(hwScene, MapAnimationKind.Bow);
                ContentDialog viewNotSupportedDialog = new ContentDialog()
                    Title             = "3D is not supported",
                    Content           = "\n3D views are not supported on this device.",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "OK"
                await viewNotSupportedDialog.ShowAsync();
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// This method sets the location on the Map.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private async void SculptureMap_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     var center =
         new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition()
         Latitude  = Latitude,
         Longitude = Longitude
     await sculptureMap.TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(center, 3500), MapAnimationKind.Bow);
Example #18
 public static void OpenMapScene(ContentManager Content)
     if (mapScene == null)
         mapScene = new MapScene();
     if (IsBattle)
         currentScene = mapScene;
Example #19
        private void MapOnDoubleClick(object sender, MapInputEventArgs args)
            var currentCamera = BingMap.ActualCamera;

            _ = BingMap.TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromCamera(currentCamera));

            var geopoint = args.Location;

Example #20
        private async void MyMap_loadedAsync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var center = new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition()
                Latitude  = 52.707,
                Longitude = -2.645

            // retrieve map
            await myMap.TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(center, 200));
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// este método nos muestra el mapa de Sevilla
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private async void Mapsample_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     var center =
         new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition()
         //latitud y longitud de la capital de armenia y los que estan en comentario son de sevilla
         Latitude  = 40.1811104 /*37.3828300*/,
         Longitude = 44.5136108    //-5.9731700
     await Map.TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(center, 3000));
Example #22
        private async void OnQuerySubmitted(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs args)
            if (!(args.ChosenSuggestion is LocationSuggestion chosen))
                sender.Text = string.Empty;

            var scene = MapScene.CreateFromLocation(chosen.Location.Point);
            await Map.TrySetSceneAsync(scene);
Example #23
 public Overlay(Overlay previousOverlay)
     this.previousOverlay = previousOverlay;
     sprites = new List <Sprite>();
     objects = new List <Object2D>();
     input   = new InputHandler();
     SceneService.input.inputHandler = input.HandleInput;
     battleScene = previousOverlay.battleScene;
     mapScene    = previousOverlay.mapScene;
Example #24
 public Overlay(MapScene mapScene)
     previousOverlay = null;
     sprites         = new List <Sprite>();
     objects         = new List <Object2D>();
     input           = new InputHandler();
     SceneService.input.inputHandler = input.HandleInput;
     battleScene   = null;
     this.mapScene = mapScene;
Example #25
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void Initialize(
            MapRendererBase mapRenderer,
            MapScene mapScene,
            float animationTimeScale,
            MapSceneAnimationKind mapSceneAnimationKind)
            if (mapRenderer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapRenderer));

            if (mapScene == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapScene));

            _runningTime = 0;

            _startMercatorCenter = mapRenderer.Center.ToMercatorCoordinate();
            _startZoomLevel      = mapRenderer.ZoomLevel;
            mapScene.GetLocationAndZoomLevel(out var endLocation, out _endZoomLevel);
            _endZoomLevel          = _endZoomLevel < mapRenderer.MinimumZoomLevel ? mapRenderer.MinimumZoomLevel : _endZoomLevel;
            _endZoomLevel          = _endZoomLevel > mapRenderer.MaximumZoomLevel ? mapRenderer.MaximumZoomLevel : _endZoomLevel;
            _endMercatorCenter     = endLocation.ToMercatorCoordinate();
            _startHeightInMercator = ZoomLevelToMercatorAltitude(_startZoomLevel);
            _endHeightInMercator   = ZoomLevelToMercatorAltitude(_endZoomLevel);

            // Determine if we should use a bow animation or a linear animation.
            // Simple rule for now: If the destination is already visible, use linear; otherwise, bow.
            _isLinearAnimation =
                mapSceneAnimationKind == MapSceneAnimationKind.Linear ||
                mapSceneAnimationKind == MapSceneAnimationKind.SmoothLinear ||
            _isSmoothed = mapSceneAnimationKind == MapSceneAnimationKind.SmoothLinear;

            // While linear animation doesn't follow the same code path as the bow animation, we can still use this function to compute
            // a reasonable duration for the linear animation.
                V * animationTimeScale,
                out _u0,
                out _u1,
                out _w0,
                out _, // w1
                out _r0,
                out _, // r1
                out _S,
                out _animationTime);

            // Tweaking the resulting animation time to speed up slower animations and slow down the shorter animation.
            _animationTime /= 6.0;                                 // Normalize.
            _animationTime  = Math.Pow(_animationTime, 1.0 / 3.0); // Rescale.
            _animationTime *= 6.0;                                 // Convert back to original range.
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the MapRenderer's view to reflect the new MapScene using the default IMapSceneAnimationController.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// A yieldable object is returned that can be used to wait for the end of the animation in a coroutine.
 /// </returns>
 public static WaitForMapSceneAnimation SetMapScene(
     this MapRenderer mapRenderer,
     MapScene mapScene,
     MapSceneAnimationKind mapSceneAnimationKind = MapSceneAnimationKind.Bow,
     float animationTimeScale = 1.0f)
                new MapSceneAnimationController(),
Example #27
 public void OnSelectObj()
     if (Selection.activeGameObject != null)
         MapScene mapScene = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <MapScene>();
         if (mapScene != null)
             currMapScene = mapScene;
Example #28
        private async void LoadMap(DojoLocation location)
            Geopoint eventLocation = GenerateGeoPoint(location);
            MapIcon  myPOI         = new MapIcon {
                Location = eventLocation,
                NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1.0),
                Title = "Coder Dojo!", ZIndex = 0

            await EventMap.TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(eventLocation, 150));
Example #29
        public async Task <int> posUmi(Geopoint p)
            // userMapIcon has not been added.
            if (map.Children.IndexOf(userMapIcon) == -1)
            MapControl.SetLocation(userMapIcon, p);
            MapControl.SetNormalizedAnchorPoint(userMapIcon, new Point(0.5, 0.5));
            await map.TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(p, 1000));

Example #30
        public Map(string[] mapData, Texture2D atlas, ContentManager Content, MapScene scene)
            this.scene = scene;
            this.atlas = atlas;
            tileset    = Tileset.tilesets["normal"];

            units   = new List <Actor>();
            enemies = new List <Enemy>();
            tweener = new Tweener();

 private void SaveScene(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   lastScene = MapScene.CreateFromCamera(MyMap.ActualCamera);
 public MapSceneEvents(MapScene This)
     this.This = This;
Example #33
        public static void Initialize()
            menuScene = new MenuScene();
            optionsScene = new OptionsScene();
            shipSelectScene = new ShipSelectScene();
            inventoryScene = new InventoryScene();
            mapScene = new MapScene();
            controlScene = new ControlScene();
            rankScene = new RankScene();
            gameOverScene = new GameOverScene();
            winScene = new WinScene();

            CurrentScene = menuScene;
            changeTo = menuScene;

            changeSceneTimer = 40;

            GameObjects = new List<GameObject>();
            for (int i = 0; i < Options.StarChance * 10; i++)
                GameObjects.Add(new Star(new Vector2(Globals.Randomizer.Next(5, Globals.ScreenSize.X - 5), Globals.Randomizer.Next(5, Globals.ScreenSize.Y * 2))));