Example #1
        public override void Import(Lookup settings)
            Dictionary<string, OptionItem> optionLookup = new Dictionary<string, OptionItem>();

            foreach(KeyValuePair<string,OptionItem> option in optionLookup)
                string value = settings.GetString(option.Key);
                if (value == null) continue;

                    option.Value.PersistValue = value;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Common.Exception(option.Key, e);


            foreach (OptionItem option in optionLookup.Values)
                IAfterImportOptionItem afterOption = option as IAfterImportOptionItem;
                if (afterOption == null) continue;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of this class using the given bucket data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemNames">Item types being batched on: null indicates no batching is occurring</param>
        /// <param name="itemMetadata">Hashtable of item metadata values: null indicates no batching is occurring</param>
        internal ItemBucket
            ICollection<string> itemNames,
            Dictionary<string, string> metadata,
            Lookup lookup,
            int bucketSequenceNumber
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(lookup != null, "Need lookup.");

            // Create our own lookup just for this bucket
            _lookup = lookup.Clone();

            // Push down the items, so that item changes in this batch are not visible to parallel batches
            _lookupEntry = _lookup.EnterScope("ItemBucket()");

            // Add empty item groups for each of the item names, so that (unless items are added to this bucket) there are
            // no item types visible in this bucket among the item types being batched on
            if (itemNames != null)
                foreach (string name in itemNames)
                    _lookup.PopulateWithItems(name, new List<ProjectItemInstance>());

            _metadata = metadata;
            _expander = new Expander<ProjectPropertyInstance, ProjectItemInstance>(_lookup.ReadOnlyLookup, _lookup.ReadOnlyLookup, new StringMetadataTable(metadata));

            _bucketSequenceNumber = bucketSequenceNumber;
Example #3
        public override void Export(Lookup settings)
            List<OptionItem> allOptions = new List<OptionItem>();
            StoryProgression.Main.GetOptions(allOptions, false, IsExportable);


            foreach (OptionItem option in StoryProgression.Main.Options.GetOptions(StoryProgression.Main, "Town", false))

            foreach (OptionItem option in StoryProgression.Main.Options.GetImmigrantOptions(StoryProgression.Main))

            foreach (OptionItem option in allOptions)
                    List<string> names = GetExportKey(option);
                    if ((names == null) || (names.Count == 0)) continue;

                    settings.Add(names[0], option.GetExportValue());
                catch (Exception e)
                    Common.Exception(option.Name, e);
Example #4
 public void AddShouldThrowIfKeyIsNullOrWhiteSpace()
     var lookup = new Lookup<object>();
     Should.Throw<ArgumentException>(() => lookup.Add(null, new object()));
     Should.Throw<ArgumentException>(() => lookup.Add(string.Empty, new object()));
     Should.Throw<ArgumentException>(() => lookup.Add(" ", new object()));
Example #5
 public void TestConstructorNullTarget()
     ProjectInstance project = CreateTestProject(true /* Returns enabled */);
     BuildRequestConfiguration config = new BuildRequestConfiguration(1, new BuildRequestData("foo", new Dictionary<string, string>(), "foo", new string[0], null), "2.0");
     BuildRequestEntry requestEntry = new BuildRequestEntry(CreateNewBuildRequest(1, new string[] { "foo" }), config);
     Lookup lookup = new Lookup(new ItemDictionary<ProjectItemInstance>(project.Items), new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>(project.Properties), null);
     TargetEntry entry = new TargetEntry(requestEntry, this, null, lookup, null, _host, false);
Example #6
 private void HandleFrameResult(object result)
     if (result is Frame)
         var lookup = new Lookup(task_master, null, new[] {"value"}, ((Frame) result).Context);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines how many times the batchable object needs to be executed (each execution is termed a "batch"), and prepares
 /// buckets of items to pass to the object in each batch.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>ArrayList containing ItemBucket objects, each one representing an execution batch.</returns>
 internal static List<ItemBucket> PrepareBatchingBuckets
     List<string> batchableObjectParameters,
     Lookup lookup,
     ElementLocation elementLocation
     return PrepareBatchingBuckets(batchableObjectParameters, lookup, null, elementLocation);
Example #8
 public void TestGenericGetEnumerator()
     IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, int>> lookup = new Lookup<string, int>
         {"one", 1},
         {"two", 2},
         {"one", -1}
        protected override void RecieveItemInteraction(Entity actor, Entity item,
                                                       Lookup<ItemCapabilityType, ItemCapabilityVerb> verbs)
            base.RecieveItemInteraction(actor, item, verbs);

            if (verbs[ItemCapabilityType.Tool].Contains(ItemCapabilityVerb.Wrench))
                PlaceItem(actor, item);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the specified targets of an entry. The cancel event should only be set to true if we are planning
        /// on simulating execution time when a target is built
        /// </summary>
        public Task<BuildResult> BuildTargets(ProjectLoggingContext loggingContext, BuildRequestEntry entry, IRequestBuilderCallback callback, string[] targetNames, Lookup baseLookup, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            _requestEntry = entry;
            _projectLoggingContext = loggingContext;
            _requestCallBack = callback;
            _testDefinition = _testDataProvider[entry.Request.ConfigurationId];
            _cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
            BuildResult result = GenerateResults(targetNames);

            return Task<BuildResult>.FromResult(result);
Example #11
 public void TestContains()
     Lookup<string, int> lookup = new Lookup<string, int>
         {"one", 1},
         {"two", 2},
         {"one", -1}
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the Evaluate Method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="varEvaluator"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int Evaluate(String s, Lookup varEvaluator)
            Stack<string> operatorStack = new Stack<string>();

            Stack<double> numberStack = new Stack<double>();
            //This helps to split strings to the proper operator.
            string[] substrings = Regex.Split(s, "(\\()|(\\))|(-)|(\\+)|(\\*)|(/)", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);

            //run through each string and do things to it.
            //Lets populate the stacks here.
            foreach(String t in substrings)
                if (isNum(t))
                    double newNum = Double.Parse(t);
                    string newOp = operatorStack.Peek();
                    if (newOp.Equals("*") || newOp.Equals("/"))

                else if (isVar(t))
                else if (isOp(t))
                    if (operatorStack.Peek().Equals("+") || operatorStack.Peek().Equals("-"))
                        double x = numberStack.Pop();
                        double y = numberStack.Pop();
                        string poppedOp = operatorStack.Pop();
                            x = x + y;
                        } else
                            x = x - y;



            return 0;
Example #13
            public override void Export(Lookup settings)
                settings.Add("Enabled", DebugEnabler.Settings.mEnabled);

                settings.Add("HotKeyCount", DebugEnabler.Settings.mInteractions.Count);

                int i = 0;
                foreach (Type type in DebugEnabler.Settings.mInteractions.Keys)
                    settings.Add("HotKey" + i, type);
        public override void ReportLookupError(Lookup lookup, Type fail_type)
            Dirty = true;
            if (fail_type == null) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Undefined name “{0}”. Lookup was as follows:", lookup.Name);
            } else {
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Non-frame type {1} while resolving name “{0}”. Lookup was as follows:",
                    lookup.Name, fail_type);
            var col_width = Math.Max((int) Math.Log(lookup.FrameCount, 10) + 1, 3);
            for (var name_it = 0; name_it < lookup.NameCount; name_it++) {
                col_width = Math.Max(col_width, lookup.GetName(name_it).Length);
            for (var name_it = 0; name_it < lookup.NameCount; name_it++) {
                Console.Error.Write("│ {0}", lookup.GetName(name_it).PadRight(col_width, ' '));
            for (var name_it = 0; name_it < lookup.NameCount; name_it++) {
                Console.Error.Write(name_it == 0 ? "├" : "┼");
                for (var s = 0; s <= col_width; s++) {

            var seen = new Dictionary<SourceReference, bool>();
            var known_frames = new Dictionary<Frame, string>();
            var frame_list = new List<Frame>();
            var null_text = "│ ".PadRight(col_width + 2, ' ');
            for (var frame_it = 0; frame_it < lookup.FrameCount; frame_it++) {
                for (var name_it = 0; name_it < lookup.NameCount; name_it++) {
                    var frame = lookup[name_it, frame_it];
                    if (frame == null) {
                    if (!known_frames.ContainsKey(frame)) {
                        known_frames[frame] = frame_list.Count.ToString().PadRight(col_width, ' ');
                    Console.Error.Write("│ {0}", known_frames[frame]);
            for (var it = 0; it < frame_list.Count; it++) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Frame {0} defined:", it + 1);
                frame_list[it].SourceReference.Write(Console.Error, "  ", seen);
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Lookup happened here:");
            lookup.SourceReference.Write(Console.Error, "  ", seen);
Example #15
        public BaseViewModel()
            List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> _properties = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
            foreach (var property in GetType().GetProperties())
                foreach (var d in (DependsUponAttribute[])property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DependsUponAttribute), true))
                    _properties.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(d.DependancyName, property.Name));

            DependentProperties = (Lookup<string, string>)_properties.ToLookup(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

Example #16
 public void TestGetByIndex()
     Lookup<string, int> lookup = new Lookup<string, int>
         {"one", 1},
         {"two", 2},
         {"one", -1}
     Assert.AreEqual(2, lookup.Count);
     int[] one = lookup["one"].ToArray();
     Assert.AreEqual(2, one.Length);
Example #17
            public override void Import(Lookup settings)
                DebugEnabler.Settings.mEnabled = settings.GetBool("Enabled", true);


                int count = settings.GetInt("HotKeyCount", 0);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    Type type = settings.GetType("HotKey" + i);
                    if (type == null) continue;

                    DebugEnabler.Settings.mInteractions[type] = true;
        protected override void RecieveItemInteraction(Entity actor, Entity item,
                                                       Lookup<ItemCapabilityType, ItemCapabilityVerb> verbs)
            base.RecieveItemInteraction(actor, item, verbs);

            if (verbs[ItemCapabilityType.Tool].Contains(ItemCapabilityVerb.Pry))
            else if (verbs[ItemCapabilityType.Tool].Contains(ItemCapabilityVerb.Hit))
                var cm = IoCManager.Resolve<IChatManager>();
                                   actor.Name + " hit the " + Owner.Name + " with a " + item.Name + ".", null, item.Uid);
            else if (verbs[ItemCapabilityType.Tool].Contains(ItemCapabilityVerb.Emag))
                disabled = true;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LookupCollection validNumbers = new LookupCollection(new Guid("11B4ADEC-CB8C-4D01-B99E-7A0FFE2007B5"));
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (String s in AllowedPhoneNumbersSetting.Split(','))
                Lookup lk = new Lookup(Convert.ToInt32(s));
                sb.AppendLine(String.Format("ddl.append('<option value=\"{0}\">{1}</option>');",
                    Arena.Custom.HDC.Twilio.TwilioSMS.CleanPhone(lk.Qualifier), Server.HtmlEncode(lk.Value)));

            ltSelect.Text = sb.ToString();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["MEDIUM"]) && Request.Params["MEDIUM"] == "email")
                IsMediumEmail = 1;
                FromEmail = CurrentPerson.Emails.FirstActive;
                ReplyToEmail = CurrentPerson.Emails.FirstActive;
Example #20
        public static Dictionary<ulong,Lookup> ReadBinaryFile(string filename)
            Dictionary<ulong, Lookup> lookup = new Dictionary<ulong, Lookup>();

            if (File.Exists(filename))
                FileStream inFile = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                using (BinaryReader file = new BinaryReader(inFile, Encoding.Unicode))
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[7];
                    file.Read(buffer, 0, 7);

                    uint count = file.ReadUInt32();

                    file.Read(buffer, 0, 6);

                    for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        ulong id = file.ReadUInt64();

                        uint len = file.ReadUInt32();

                        char[] text = file.ReadChars((int)len);

                        Lookup value;
                        if (!lookup.TryGetValue(id, out value))
                            value = new Lookup("0x" + id.ToString("X16"), new string(text), false);
                            lookup.Add(id, value);
                            value.mText = new string (text);

            return lookup;
Example #21
        protected override bool Run()
            if (mappings.Count == 0) {
                interlock = categories.Count + 2;
                Computation input_lookup = new Lookup(master, source_reference, new []{"arg"}, context);
                input_lookup.Notify(input_result => {
                    if (input_result is Stringish) {
                        input = input_result.ToString();
                        if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref interlock) == 0) {
                    } else {
                        master.ReportOtherError(source_reference, "Input argument must be a string.");

                foreach (var entry in categories) {
                    var lookup = new Lookup(master, source_reference, new []{ entry.Value }, context);
                    lookup.Notify(cat_result => {
                        mappings[entry.Key] = cat_result;
                        if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref interlock) == 0) {

                if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref interlock) > 0) {
                    return false;
            var frame = new Frame(master, master.NextId(), source_reference, context, container);
            for(int it = 0; it < input.Length; it++) {
                frame[TaskMaster.OrdinalNameStr(it + 1)] = mappings[Char.GetUnicodeCategory(input[it])];
            result = frame;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Seed the Category Lookup for Assets
        /// </summary>
        public void SeedCategoryLookup()
            LookupType categoryType = new LookupType
                Description = EnumHelper.LookupTypes.Category.ToString()


            string[] categories = { "Desktop", "Notebook", "Server", "Tablet" };
            foreach (string category in categories)
                Lookup initLookup = new Lookup
                    Description = category,
                    Type = categoryType
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates an an infix expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exp"> A string representing the expression to be evaluated. </param>
        /// <param name="variableEvaluator"> Delegate method which will return the int value of a variable. </param>
        /// <returns> Returns int value of evaluated expression. </returns>
        public static int Evaluate(String exp, Lookup variableEvaluator)
            Stack<double> nums = new Stack<double>();
            Stack<String> operators = new Stack<string>();

            exp = Regex.Replace(exp, " ", "");
            string[] substrings = Regex.Split(exp, "(\\()|(\\))|(-)|(\\+)|(\\*)|(/)");

            for(int i = 0; i < substrings.Length; i++)

                Double Result;
                if (Double.TryParse(substrings[i], out Result))
                    numInstructions(Result, nums, operators);

                else if (substrings[i] == "+" || substrings[i] == "-")
                    addsubInstructions(substrings[i], nums, operators);

                else if (substrings[i] == "*" || substrings[i] == "/" || substrings[i] == "(")
                    multdivInstructions(substrings[i], nums, operators);

                else if (substrings[i] == ")")
                    closeParenInstruction(nums, operators);

                else if (substrings[i] != "" && Char.IsLetter(substrings[i][0]))
                    numInstructions(variableEvaluator(substrings[i]), nums, operators);

                else if(substrings[i] != "")
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Character in Expression");


            while (operators.Count != 0)
                nums.Push(Operate(nums.Pop(), nums.Pop(), operators.Pop()));
            return (int) nums.Pop();
Example #24
 private void CreateLookupAndEnterScope()
     lookupPassedBetweenThreads = LookupHelpers.CreateEmptyLookup();
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the specified targets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loggingContext">The logging context for the project.</param>
        /// <param name="entry">The BuildRequestEntry for which we are building targets.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">The callback to be used to handle new project build requests.</param>
        /// <param name="targetNames">The names of the targets to build.</param>
        /// <param name="baseLookup">The Lookup containing all current items and properties for this target.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The <see cref="CancellationToken"/> to use when building the targets.</param>
        /// <returns>The target's outputs and result codes</returns>
        public async Task <BuildResult> BuildTargets(ProjectLoggingContext loggingContext, BuildRequestEntry entry, IRequestBuilderCallback callback, string[] targetNames, Lookup baseLookup, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(loggingContext, "projectLoggingContext");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(entry, "entry");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(callback, "requestBuilderCallback");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(targetNames, "targetNames");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(baseLookup, "baseLookup");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(targetNames.Length > 0, "List of targets must be non-empty");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_componentHost != null, "InitializeComponent must be called before building targets.");

            _requestEntry           = entry;
            _requestBuilderCallback = callback;
            _projectLoggingContext  = loggingContext;
            _cancellationToken      = cancellationToken;

            // Clone the base lookup so that if we are re-entered by another request while this one in blocked, we don't have visibility to
            // their state, and they have no visibility into ours.
            _baseLookup = baseLookup.Clone();

            _targetsToBuild = new ConcurrentStack <TargetEntry>();

            // Get the actual target objects from the names
            BuildRequestConfiguration configuration = _requestEntry.RequestConfiguration;

            bool previousCacheableStatus = configuration.IsCacheable;

            configuration.IsCacheable = false;
            _projectInstance = configuration.Project;

            // Now get the current results cache entry.
            IResultsCache resultsCache        = (IResultsCache)_componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ResultsCache);
            BuildResult   existingBuildResult = resultsCache.GetResultsForConfiguration(_requestEntry.Request.ConfigurationId);

            _buildResult = new BuildResult(entry.Request, existingBuildResult, null);

            if (existingBuildResult == null)
                // Add this result so that if our project gets re-entered we won't rebuild any targets we have already built.

            List <TargetSpecification> targets = new List <TargetSpecification>(targetNames.Length);

            foreach (string targetName in targetNames)
                var targetExists = _projectInstance.Targets.ContainsKey(targetName);
                if (!targetExists && entry.Request.BuildRequestDataFlags.HasFlag(BuildRequestDataFlags.SkipNonexistentTargets))
                                                      "TargetSkippedWhenSkipNonexistentTargets", targetName);


                targets.Add(new TargetSpecification(targetName, targetExists ? _projectInstance.Targets[targetName].Location : _projectInstance.ProjectFileLocation));

            // Push targets onto the stack.  This method will reverse their push order so that they
            // get built in the same order specified in the array.
            await PushTargets(targets, null, baseLookup, false, false, TargetBuiltReason.None);

            // Now process the targets
            ITaskBuilder taskBuilder = _componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.TaskBuilder) as ITaskBuilder;

                await ProcessTargetStack(taskBuilder);
                // If there are still targets left on the stack, they need to be removed from the 'active targets' list
                foreach (TargetEntry target in _targetsToBuild)


            if (_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                throw new BuildAbortedException();

            // Gather up outputs for the requested targets and return those.  All of our information should be in the base lookup now.
            BuildResult resultsToReport = new BuildResult(_buildResult, targetNames);

            // Return after-build project state if requested.
            if (_requestEntry.Request.BuildRequestDataFlags.HasFlag(BuildRequestDataFlags.ProvideProjectStateAfterBuild))
                resultsToReport.ProjectStateAfterBuild = _projectInstance;

            if (_requestEntry.Request.RequestedProjectState != null)
                resultsToReport.ProjectStateAfterBuild =

            configuration.IsCacheable = previousCacheableStatus;

Example #26
 private void ExecutedSearchSecurity(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
        public static void Run()
            var authId    = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SMARTY_AUTH_ID");
            var authToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SMARTY_AUTH_TOKEN");
            var client    = new ClientBuilder(authId, authToken).BuildUsZipCodeApiClient();

            var lookup1 = new Lookup
                ZipCode = "12345"

            var lookup2 = new Lookup
                City  = "Phoenix",
                State = "Arizona"

            var lookup3 = new Lookup("cupertino", "CA", "95014");             // You can also set these with arguments

            var batch = new Batch();


            catch (BatchFullException)
                Console.WriteLine("Error. The batch is already full.");
            catch (SmartyException ex)
            catch (IOException ex)

            for (var i = 0; i < batch.Count; i++)
                var result = batch[i].Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Lookup " + i + ":\n");

                if (result.Status != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Status: " + result.Status);
                    Console.WriteLine("Reason: " + result.Reason);

                var cityStates = result.CityStates;
                Console.WriteLine(cityStates.Length + " City and State match" + ((cityStates.Length == 1) ? ":" : "es:"));

                foreach (var cityState in cityStates)
                    Console.WriteLine("City: " + cityState.City);
                    Console.WriteLine("State: " + cityState.State);
                    Console.WriteLine("Mailable City: " + cityState.MailableCity);

                var zipCodes = result.ZipCodes;
                Console.WriteLine(zipCodes.Length + " ZIP Code match" + ((cityStates.Length == 1) ? ":" : "es:"));

                foreach (var zipCode in zipCodes)
                    Console.WriteLine("ZIP Code: " + zipCode.ZipCode);
                    Console.WriteLine("County: " + zipCode.CountyName);
                    Console.WriteLine("Latitude: " + zipCode.Latitude);
                    Console.WriteLine("Longitude: " + zipCode.Longitude);
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates this Formula, using the Lookup delegate to determine the values of variables.  (The
        /// delegate takes a variable name as a parameter and returns its value (if it has one) or throws
        /// an UndefinedVariableException (otherwise).  Uses the standard precedence rules when doing the evaluation.
        /// If no undefined variables or divisions by zero are encountered when evaluating
        /// this Formula, its value is returned.  Otherwise, throws a FormulaEvaluationException
        /// with an explanatory Message.
        /// </summary>
        public double Evaluate(Lookup lookup)

            Stack <char>   operators = new Stack <char>();
            Stack <double> value     = new Stack <double>();

            foreach (var t in normalizedTokens)
                // t is a double
                if (t.type == TokenType.Number)
                    double number = double.Parse(t.text);;

                    if (operators.Count > 0)
                        if (operators.Peek() == '*' || operators.Peek() == '/')
                            double pop  = value.Pop();
                            char   oper = operators.Pop();

                            double ans = 0;

                            if (oper.Equals('*'))
                                ans = number * pop;
                            else if (oper.Equals('/'))
                                if (number == 0)
                                    throw new FormulaEvaluationException("Cannot divide by zero");

                                ans = pop / number;

                // t is a variable
                else if (t.type == TokenType.Var)
                    double lookupVal = 0;

                        lookupVal = lookup(t.text);
                        throw new FormulaEvaluationException("The given string is unmapped to a value");

                    if (operators.Count > 0)
                        if (operators.Peek() == '*' || operators.Peek() == '/')
                            double pop  = value.Pop();
                            char   oper = operators.Pop();

                            double ans = 0;

                            if (oper.Equals('*'))
                                ans = lookupVal * pop;

                            else if (oper.Equals('/'))
                                if (lookupVal == 0)
                                    throw new FormulaEvaluationException("Cannot divide by zero");
                                ans = pop / lookupVal;



                // t is + or -
                else if (t.text.Equals("+") || t.text.Equals("-"))
                    if (operators.Count > 0)
                        char   peekChar = operators.Peek();
                        double ans;

                        if (peekChar.Equals('+') || peekChar.Equals('-'))
                            double popped1 = value.Pop();
                            double popped2 = value.Pop();
                            double popChar = operators.Pop();

                            if (popChar.Equals('+'))
                                ans = popped1 + popped2;

                            else if (popChar.Equals('-'))
                                ans = popped2 - popped1;

                    if (t.text.Equals("+"))

                    else if (t.text.Equals("-"))

                // t is * or /
                else if (t.text.Equals("*") || t.text.Equals("/"))
                    if (t.text.Equals("*"))

                    else if (t.text.Equals("/"))

                // t is (
                else if (t.type == TokenType.LParen)

                // t is )
                else if (t.type == TokenType.RParen)
                    double opPeek = operators.Peek();

                    if (opPeek.Equals('+') || opPeek.Equals('-'))
                        double popVal1 = value.Pop();
                        double popVal2 = value.Pop();
                        char   popOp   = operators.Pop();
                        double ans;

                        if (popOp.Equals('+'))
                            ans = popVal1 + popVal2;

                        else if (popOp.Equals('-'))
                            ans = popVal2 - popVal1;

                    char popLeft = operators.Pop();

                    if (operators.Count > 0)
                        opPeek = operators.Peek();

                        if (opPeek.Equals('*') || opPeek.Equals('/'))
                            double popVal1 = value.Pop();
                            double popVal2 = value.Pop();
                            char   popOp   = operators.Pop();
                            double ans;

                            if (popOp.Equals('*'))
                                ans = popVal1 * popVal2;

                            else if (popOp.Equals('/'))
                                if (popVal1 == 0)
                                    throw new FormulaEvaluationException("Cannot divide by zero");

                                ans = popVal2 / popVal1;
            // end of tokens, do last two things
            if (operators.Count == 0)
                double popVal = value.Pop();
            else if (operators.Count != 0)
                double popVal1 = value.Pop();
                double popVal2 = value.Pop();
                char   opPop   = operators.Pop();

                if (opPop.Equals('+'))
                    return(popVal1 + popVal2);

                else if (opPop.Equals('-'))
                    return(popVal2 - popVal1);
            //Shouldnt ever get here
Example #29
 protected override string Token_To_String(EnumType token)
Example #30
        public Lookup <int, object> calculate(List <NeuroLay> .Enumerator enumerator, Lookup <int, object> groupings)
            var neuronsOutput = from n in neurons select new { id = neurons.IndexOf(n), value = n.get(groupings[neurons.IndexOf(n)].ToList()) };
            var returnValues  = from s in synapses join c in neuronsOutput on s.fromId equals c.id select new { id = s.toId, value = s.weight != Double.NaN ? (double)c.value * s.weight : c.value };
            var lookupList    = (Lookup <int, object>)returnValues.ToLookup(p => p.id, p => p.value);

            if (enumerator.MoveNext())
                return(enumerator.Current.calculate(enumerator, lookupList));
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes the specified targets using Dev9 behavior.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targets">The targets to build.</param>
        /// <param name="continueOnError">True to continue building the remaining targets if one fails.</param>
        /// <param name="taskLocation">The <see cref="ElementLocation"/> of the task.</param>
        /// <returns>The results for each target.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Dev9 behavior refers to the following:
        /// 1. The changes made during the calling target up to this point are NOT visible to this target.
        /// 2. The changes made by this target are NOT visible to the calling target.
        /// 3. Changes made by the calling target OVERRIDE changes made by this target.
        /// </remarks>
        async Task <ITargetResult[]> ITargetBuilderCallback.LegacyCallTarget(string[] targets, bool continueOnError, ElementLocation taskLocation)
            List <TargetSpecification> targetToPush = new List <TargetSpecification>();

            ITargetResult[] results = new TargetResult[targets.Length];
            bool            originalLegacyCallTargetContinueOnError = _legacyCallTargetContinueOnError;

            _legacyCallTargetContinueOnError = _legacyCallTargetContinueOnError || continueOnError;

            // Our lookup is the one used at the beginning of the calling target.
            Lookup callTargetLookup = _baseLookup;

            // We now record this lookup in the calling target's entry so that it may
            // leave the scope just before it commits its own changes to the base lookup.
            TargetEntry currentTargetEntry = _targetsToBuild.Peek();


            ITaskBuilder taskBuilder = _componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.TaskBuilder) as ITaskBuilder;

                // Flag set to true if one of the targets we call fails.
                bool errorResult = false;

                // Now walk through the list of targets, invoking each one.
                for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++)
                    if (_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested || errorResult)
                        results[i] = new TargetResult(Array.Empty <TaskItem>(), new WorkUnitResult(WorkUnitResultCode.Skipped, WorkUnitActionCode.Continue, null));
                        targetToPush.Add(new TargetSpecification(targets[i], taskLocation));

                        // We push the targets one at a time to emulate the original CallTarget behavior.
                        bool pushed = await PushTargets(targetToPush, currentTargetEntry, callTargetLookup, false, true, TargetBuiltReason.None);

                        ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(pushed, "Failed to push any targets onto the stack.  Target: {0} Current Target: {1}", targets[i], currentTargetEntry.Target.Name);
                        await ProcessTargetStack(taskBuilder);

                        if (!_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            results[i] = _buildResult[targets[i]];
                            if (results[i].ResultCode == TargetResultCode.Failure)
                                errorResult = true;
                            results[i] = new TargetResult(Array.Empty <TaskItem>(), new WorkUnitResult(WorkUnitResultCode.Skipped, WorkUnitActionCode.Continue, null));
                // Restore the state of the TargetBuilder to that it was prior to the CallTarget call.
                // Any targets we have pushed on at this point we need to get rid of since we aren't going to process them.
                // If there were normal task errors, standard error handling semantics would have taken care of them.
                // If there was an exception, such as a circular dependency error, items may still be on the stack so we must clear them.
                while (!Object.ReferenceEquals(_targetsToBuild.Peek(), currentTargetEntry))

                _legacyCallTargetContinueOnError = originalLegacyCallTargetContinueOnError;

Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a set of complicated item metadata and properties, and items to exercise
        /// the Expander class.  The data here contains escaped characters, metadata that
        /// references properties, properties that reference items, and other complex scenarios.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pg"></param>
        /// <param name="primaryItemsByName"></param>
        /// <param name="secondaryItemsByName"></param>
        /// <param name="itemMetadata"></param>
        private void CreateComplexPropertiesItemsMetadata
            out ReadOnlyLookup readOnlyLookup,
            out StringMetadataTable itemMetadata
            ProjectInstance project = ProjectHelpers.CreateEmptyProjectInstance();
            Dictionary<string, string> itemMetadataTable = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            itemMetadataTable["Culture"] = "abc%253bdef;$(Gee_Aych_Ayee)";
            itemMetadataTable["Language"] = "english";
            itemMetadata = new StringMetadataTable(itemMetadataTable);

            PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> pg = new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>();
            pg.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("Gee_Aych_Ayee", "ghi"));
            pg.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("OutputPath", @"\jk ; l\mno%253bpqr\stu"));
            pg.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("TargetPath", "@(IntermediateAssembly->'%(RelativeDir)')"));

            List<ProjectItemInstance> intermediateAssemblyItemGroup = new List<ProjectItemInstance>();
            ProjectItemInstance i1 = new ProjectItemInstance(project, "IntermediateAssembly", @"subdir1\engine.dll", project.FullPath);
            i1.SetMetadata("aaa", "111");
            ProjectItemInstance i2 = new ProjectItemInstance(project, "IntermediateAssembly", @"subdir2\tasks.dll", project.FullPath);
            i2.SetMetadata("bbb", "222");

            List<ProjectItemInstance> contentItemGroup = new List<ProjectItemInstance>();
            ProjectItemInstance i3 = new ProjectItemInstance(project, "Content", "splash.bmp", project.FullPath);
            i3.SetMetadata("ccc", "333");

            List<ProjectItemInstance> resourceItemGroup = new List<ProjectItemInstance>();
            ProjectItemInstance i4 = new ProjectItemInstance(project, "Resource", "string$(p).resx", project.FullPath);
            i4.SetMetadata("ddd", "444");
            ProjectItemInstance i5 = new ProjectItemInstance(project, "Resource", "dialogs%253b.resx", project.FullPath);
            i5.SetMetadata("eee", "555");

            List<ProjectItemInstance> contentItemGroup2 = new List<ProjectItemInstance>();
            ProjectItemInstance i6 = new ProjectItemInstance(project, "Content", "about.bmp", project.FullPath);
            i6.SetMetadata("fff", "666");

            ItemDictionary<ProjectItemInstance> secondaryItemsByName = new ItemDictionary<ProjectItemInstance>();

            Lookup lookup = new Lookup(secondaryItemsByName, pg, null);

            // Add primary items
            lookup.PopulateWithItems("IntermediateAssembly", intermediateAssemblyItemGroup);
            lookup.PopulateWithItems("Content", contentItemGroup);

            readOnlyLookup = new ReadOnlyLookup(lookup);
Example #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to execute a task within a target. This method instantiates the task, sets its parameters, and executes it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lookup">The lookup used for expansion and to receive created items and properties.</param>
 internal abstract void ExecuteTask(Lookup lookup);
Example #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Evaluates this Formula, using the Lookup delegate to determine the values of variables.  (The
 /// delegate takes a variable name as a parameter and returns its value (if it has one) or throws
 /// an UndefinedVariableException (otherwise).  Uses the standard precedence rules when doing the evaluation.
 /// If no undefined variables or divisions by zero are encountered when evaluating 
 /// this Formula, its value is returned.  Otherwise, throws a FormulaEvaluationException  
 /// with an explanatory Message.
 /// </summary>
 public double Evaluate(Lookup lookup)
     return 0;
Example #35
		// Called on the Window delete icon clicked
		void OnDelete(object sender, DeleteEventArgs a)
                        LookupBox = null;
Example #36
        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes a string math equation and solves it returning the answer.
        /// The method only evaluates equations with tokens: +,-,*,/,(,), positives integers
        /// including zero, and variables in the form of a letter or more followed by a
        /// number or more, should throw an argument exception if invalid argument divition
        /// by zero, or invalid variable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exp">The math equation that will be solved</param>
        /// <param name="variableEvaluator">a function used to look up a variable
        /// and return its value</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int Evaluate(String exp, Lookup variableEvaluator)
            valuesStack = new Stack <int>();
            /// <summary>
            /// This is a stack used to hold the operator that an equation might have
            /// </summary>
            operatorsStack = new Stack <String>();

            /// <summary>
            /// this int keeps track of the number of operators in the operator stack,
            /// so the user knows not to remove from a stack that is empty
            /// </summary>
            operatorsCounter = 0;

            /// <summary>
            /// this keeps track of the number of values in the value stack,
            /// so the user knows not to remove from a stack that is empty
            /// </summary>
            valueCounter = 0;

            /// <summary>
            /// This is a checker used to make sure we only use a value once
            /// </summary>
            MultDivchecker = true;

            /// <summary>
            /// this a variable that will return the answer to the math equation
            /// </summary>
            result = 0;

            /// <summary>
            /// The result is set to zero, this checks that we went through the last steps
            /// even if we don't find nothing, it makes sure for example if argument "()"
            /// is past it throughs an exeption insead of zero.
            /// </summary>
            checkerResult = false;
            string[] substrings = Regex.Split(exp, "(\\()|(\\))|(-)|(\\+)|(\\*)|(/)");

                foreach (String el in substrings)
                    // If next token is an Integer, blank space, or Variable
                    if (!el.Contains("+") && !el.Contains("-") && !el.Contains("/") && !el.Contains("*") &&
                        !el.Contains("(") && !el.Contains(")"))
                        MultDivchecker = true;
                        String possibleInteger = el.Trim();

                        // Checks if token was not a blank space
                        if (possibleInteger.Length > 0)
                            //Checks if the integer or varible have any unique symbols
                            if (Regex.IsMatch(possibleInteger, "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"))
                                throw new ArgumentException("Your agument does not seem to be valid, " +
                                                            "invalid variables");

                            int numberOfLetters = 0;
                            numberOfLetters = Regex.Matches(possibleInteger, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count;

                            int integerValue;

                            if (numberOfLetters > 0)
                                if (Regex.IsMatch(possibleInteger, "[0-9]+[a-zA-Z]+") ||
                                    !Regex.IsMatch(possibleInteger, "[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+"))
                                    throw new ArgumentException("Your agument does not seem to be valid, " +
                                                                "invalid variables");
                                integerValue = variableEvaluator(possibleInteger);
                                integerValue = int.Parse(possibleInteger);

                            if (operatorsCounter > 0)
                                String peek = operatorsStack.Peek();

                                if (peek.Contains("*") || peek.Contains("/"))
                                    int secondValue = valuesStack.Pop();
                                    valueCounter  -= 1;
                                    MultDivchecker = false;

                                    multAndDiv(integerValue, peek, secondValue);
                            if (operatorsCounter > 0)
                                String peek = operatorsStack.Peek();
                                if (!peek.Contains("*") || !peek.Contains("/"))
                                    if (MultDivchecker)
                                        valueCounter += 1;
                                if (MultDivchecker)
                                    valueCounter += 1;

                    // If next token is - or +
                    else if (el.Contains("+") || el.Contains("-"))
                        if (operatorsCounter > 0)
                            String peek = operatorsStack.Peek();


                        //Adds operator to stack
                        operatorsCounter += 1;
                    else if (el.Contains("*") || el.Contains("/"))
                        operatorsCounter += 1;
                    else if (el.Contains("("))
                        operatorsCounter += 1;
                    else if (el.Contains(")"))
                        if (operatorsCounter > 0)
                            String peek = operatorsStack.Peek();


                            if (operatorsCounter > 0)
                                peek = operatorsStack.Peek();

                                if (peek.Contains("("))
                                    operatorsCounter -= 1;
                            if (operatorsCounter > 0)
                                peek = operatorsStack.Peek();

                                if (peek.Contains("*") || peek.Contains("/"))
                                    int firstValue  = valuesStack.Pop();
                                    int secondValue = valuesStack.Pop();
                                    valueCounter -= 2;

                                    multAndDiv(firstValue, peek, secondValue);

                if (valueCounter == 1)
                    result        = valuesStack.Pop();
                    valueCounter -= 1;
                    checkerResult = true;

                if (operatorsCounter == 1)
                    if (valueCounter == 2)
                        String peek        = operatorsStack.Peek();
                        int    firstValue  = valuesStack.Pop();
                        int    secondValue = valuesStack.Pop();
                        valueCounter -= 2;

                        if (peek.Contains("+"))
                            int sum = firstValue + secondValue;

                            operatorsCounter -= 1;

                            result        = sum;
                            checkerResult = true;
                        if (peek.Contains("-"))
                            int difference = secondValue - firstValue;

                            operatorsCounter -= 1;

                            result        = difference;
                            checkerResult = true;
                if (checkerResult == false)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Your argument does seem to be valid");

                if (valueCounter != 0 || operatorsCounter != 0)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Your argument does seem to be valid");
            } catch (DivideByZeroException e)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Divivision by Zero is not allowed");
            } catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Your argument does not seem to be valid");

Example #37
        public static IEnumerable <WorkAssignment> filterOnSkill(
            viewOptions o,
            IQueryable <WorkAssignment> q,
            ILookupRepository l,
            Worker worker)
            //  "Machete --A series of good intentions, marinated in panic."
            // Kludge panic. horrible flattening job of relational data.
            // Skills have hierarchy (painter, skilled painter, master painter)
            // kludge assumes hierarchy tree will never lead to more than 6 skill IDs to
            // match against. Hacked this late one night.
            int?skill1 = null;
            int?skill2 = null;
            int?skill3 = null;
            int?skill4 = null;
            int?skill5 = null;
            int?skill6 = null;

            IEnumerable <WorkAssignment> filteredWA = q.AsEnumerable();
            Stack <int> primeskills = new Stack <int>();
            Stack <int> skills      = new Stack <int>();

            //Worker worker = wcache.FirstOrDefault(w => w.dwccardnum == o.dwccardnum);
            if (worker != null)
                if (worker.skill1 != null)
                if (worker.skill2 != null)
                if (worker.skill3 != null)

                foreach (var skillid in primeskills)
                    Lookup skill = l.GetById(skillid);
                    foreach (var subskill in l.GetManyQ(a => a.category == skill.category &&
                                                        a.subcategory == skill.subcategory &&
                                                        a.level < skill.level))
                if (skills.Count() != 0)
                    skill1 = skills.Pop();
                if (skills.Count() != 0)
                    skill2 = skills.Pop();
                if (skills.Count() != 0)
                    skill3 = skills.Pop();
                if (skills.Count() != 0)
                    skill4 = skills.Pop();
                if (skills.Count() != 0)
                    skill5 = skills.Pop();
                if (skills.Count() != 0)
                    skill6 = skills.Pop();
                filteredWA = filteredWA.Join(l.GetAllQ(), //LINQ
                                             wa => wa.skillID,
                                             sk => sk.ID,
                                             (wa, sk) => new { wa, sk }
                             .Where(jj => jj.wa.englishLevelID <= worker.englishlevelID &&
                                    jj.sk.typeOfWorkID.Equals(worker.typeOfWorkID) && (
                                        jj.wa.skillID.Equals(skill1) ||
                                        jj.wa.skillID.Equals(skill2) ||
                                        jj.wa.skillID.Equals(skill3) ||
                                        jj.wa.skillID.Equals(skill4) ||
                                        jj.wa.skillID.Equals(skill5) ||
                                        jj.wa.skillID.Equals(skill6) ||
                                        jj.sk.speciality == false)
                             .Select(jj => jj.wa).AsEnumerable();

Example #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute an ItemGroup element, including each child item expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lookup">The lookup used for evaluation and as a destination for these items.</param>
        internal override void ExecuteTask(Lookup lookup)
            foreach (ProjectItemGroupTaskItemInstance child in _taskInstance.Items)
                List <ItemBucket> buckets = null;

                    List <string> parameterValues = new List <string>();
                    GetBatchableValuesFromBuildItemGroupChild(parameterValues, child);
                    buckets = BatchingEngine.PrepareBatchingBuckets(parameterValues, lookup, child.ItemType, _taskInstance.Location);

                    // "Execute" each bucket
                    foreach (ItemBucket bucket in buckets)
                        bool condition = ConditionEvaluator.EvaluateCondition

                        if (condition)
                            HashSet <string>       keepMetadata           = null;
                            HashSet <string>       removeMetadata         = null;
                            HashSet <string>       matchOnMetadata        = null;
                            MatchOnMetadataOptions matchOnMetadataOptions = MatchOnMetadataConstants.MatchOnMetadataOptionsDefaultValue;

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(child.KeepMetadata))
                                var keepMetadataEvaluated = bucket.Expander.ExpandIntoStringListLeaveEscaped(child.KeepMetadata, ExpanderOptions.ExpandAll, child.KeepMetadataLocation).ToList();
                                if (keepMetadataEvaluated.Count > 0)
                                    keepMetadata = new HashSet <string>(keepMetadataEvaluated);

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(child.RemoveMetadata))
                                var removeMetadataEvaluated = bucket.Expander.ExpandIntoStringListLeaveEscaped(child.RemoveMetadata, ExpanderOptions.ExpandAll, child.RemoveMetadataLocation).ToList();
                                if (removeMetadataEvaluated.Count > 0)
                                    removeMetadata = new HashSet <string>(removeMetadataEvaluated);

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(child.MatchOnMetadata))
                                var matchOnMetadataEvaluated = bucket.Expander.ExpandIntoStringListLeaveEscaped(child.MatchOnMetadata, ExpanderOptions.ExpandAll, child.MatchOnMetadataLocation).ToList();
                                if (matchOnMetadataEvaluated.Count > 0)
                                    matchOnMetadata = new HashSet <string>(matchOnMetadataEvaluated);

                                Enum.TryParse(child.MatchOnMetadataOptions, out matchOnMetadataOptions);

                            if ((child.Include.Length != 0) ||
                                (child.Exclude.Length != 0))
                                // It's an item -- we're "adding" items to the world
                                ExecuteAdd(child, bucket, keepMetadata, removeMetadata);
                            else if (child.Remove.Length != 0)
                                // It's a remove -- we're "removing" items from the world
                                ExecuteRemove(child, bucket, matchOnMetadata, matchOnMetadataOptions);
                                // It's a modify -- changing existing items
                                ExecuteModify(child, bucket, keepMetadata, removeMetadata);
                    if (buckets != null)
                        // Propagate the item changes to the bucket above
                        foreach (ItemBucket bucket in buckets)
Example #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Pushes the list of targets specified onto the target stack in reverse order specified, so that
        /// they will be built in the order specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targets">List of targets to build.</param>
        /// <param name="parentTargetEntry">The target which should be considered the parent of these targets.</param>
        /// <param name="baseLookup">The lookup to be used to build these targets.</param>
        /// <param name="addAsErrorTarget">True if this should be considered an error target.</param>
        /// <param name="stopProcessingOnCompletion">True if target stack processing should terminate when the last target in the list is processed.</param>
        /// <param name="buildReason">The reason the target is being built by the parent.</param>
        /// <returns>True if we actually pushed any targets, false otherwise.</returns>
        private async Task <bool> PushTargets(IList <TargetSpecification> targets, TargetEntry parentTargetEntry, Lookup baseLookup, bool addAsErrorTarget, bool stopProcessingOnCompletion, TargetBuiltReason buildReason)
            List <TargetEntry> targetsToPush = new List <TargetEntry>(targets.Count);

            // Iterate the list in reverse order so that the first target in the list is the last pushed, and thus the first to be executed.
            for (int i = targets.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                TargetSpecification targetSpecification = targets[i];

                if (buildReason == TargetBuiltReason.BeforeTargets || buildReason == TargetBuiltReason.AfterTargets)
                    // Don't build any Before or After targets for which we already have results.  Unlike other targets,
                    // we don't explicitly log a skipped-with-results message because it is not interesting.
                    if (_buildResult.HasResultsForTarget(targetSpecification.TargetName))
                        if (_buildResult[targetSpecification.TargetName].ResultCode != TargetResultCode.Skipped)

                ElementLocation targetLocation = targetSpecification.ReferenceLocation;

                // See if this target is already building under a different build request.  If so, we need to wait.
                int idOfAlreadyBuildingRequest = BuildRequest.InvalidGlobalRequestId;
                if (_requestEntry.RequestConfiguration.ActivelyBuildingTargets.TryGetValue(targetSpecification.TargetName, out idOfAlreadyBuildingRequest))
                    if (idOfAlreadyBuildingRequest != _requestEntry.Request.GlobalRequestId)
                        // Another request elsewhere is building it.  We need to wait.
                        await _requestBuilderCallback.BlockOnTargetInProgress(idOfAlreadyBuildingRequest, targetSpecification.TargetName, null);

                        // If we come out of here and the target is *still* active, it means the scheduler detected a circular dependency and told us to
                        // continue so we could throw the exception.
                        if (_requestEntry.RequestConfiguration.ActivelyBuildingTargets.ContainsKey(targetSpecification.TargetName))
                            ProjectErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProject(targetLocation, "CircularDependency", targetSpecification.TargetName);
                        if (buildReason == TargetBuiltReason.AfterTargets)
                            // If the target we are pushing is supposed to run after the current target and it is already set to run after us then skip adding it now.

                        // We are already building this target on this request. That's a circular dependency.
                        ProjectErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProject(targetLocation, "CircularDependency", targetSpecification.TargetName);
                    // Does this target exist in our direct parent chain, if it is a before target (since these can cause circular dependency issues)
                    if (buildReason == TargetBuiltReason.BeforeTargets || buildReason == TargetBuiltReason.DependsOn || buildReason == TargetBuiltReason.None)
                        TargetEntry currentParent = parentTargetEntry;
                        while (currentParent != null)
                            if (String.Equals(currentParent.Name, targetSpecification.TargetName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                // We are already building this target on this request. That's a circular dependency.
                                ProjectErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProject(targetLocation, "CircularDependency", targetSpecification.TargetName);

                            currentParent = currentParent.ParentEntry;
                        // For an after target, if it is already ANYWHERE on the stack, we don't need to push it because it is already going to run
                        // after whatever target is causing it to be pushed now.
                        bool alreadyPushed = false;
                        foreach (TargetEntry entry in _targetsToBuild)
                            if (String.Equals(entry.Name, targetSpecification.TargetName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                alreadyPushed = true;

                        if (alreadyPushed)

                // Add to the list of targets to push.  We don't actually put it on the stack here because we could run into a circular dependency
                // during this loop, in which case the target stack would be out of whack.
                TargetEntry newEntry = new TargetEntry(_requestEntry, this as ITargetBuilderCallback, targetSpecification, baseLookup, parentTargetEntry, buildReason, _componentHost, stopProcessingOnCompletion);
                newEntry.ErrorTarget = addAsErrorTarget;
                stopProcessingOnCompletion = false; // The first target on the stack (the last one to be run) always inherits the stopProcessing flag.

            // Now push the targets since this operation cannot fail.
            foreach (TargetEntry targetToPush in targetsToPush)

            bool pushedTargets = (targetsToPush.Count > 0);

Example #40
        public void AddsAreCombinedWithPopulates()
            // One item in the project
            BuildItemGroup group1 = new BuildItemGroup();

            group1.AddNewItem("i1", "a1");
            Hashtable table1 = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            table1.Add("i1", group1);
            Lookup lookup = LookupHelpers.CreateLookup(table1);

            // We see the one item
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a1", lookup.GetItems("i1")[0].FinalItemSpec);

            // One item in the project
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a1", group1[0].FinalItemSpec);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, group1.Count);

            // Start a target

            // We see the one item
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a1", lookup.GetItems("i1")[0].FinalItemSpec);

            // One item in the project
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a1", group1[0].FinalItemSpec);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, group1.Count);

            // Start a task (eg) and add a new item
            lookup.AddNewItem(new BuildItem("i1", "a2"));

            // Now we see two items
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a1", lookup.GetItems("i1")[0].FinalItemSpec);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a2", lookup.GetItems("i1")[1].FinalItemSpec);

            // But there's still one item in the project
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a1", group1[0].FinalItemSpec);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, group1.Count);

            // Finish the task

            // We still see two items
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a1", lookup.GetItems("i1")[0].FinalItemSpec);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a2", lookup.GetItems("i1")[1].FinalItemSpec);

            // But there's still one item in the project
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a1", group1[0].FinalItemSpec);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, group1.Count);

            // Finish the target

            // We still see two items
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a1", lookup.GetItems("i1")[0].FinalItemSpec);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a2", lookup.GetItems("i1")[1].FinalItemSpec);

            // And now the items have gotten put into the global group
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a1", group1[0].FinalItemSpec);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("a2", group1[1].FinalItemSpec);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(2, group1.Count);
Example #41
 public override IInternalActorRef GetSingleChild(string name)
Example #42
        public T GetByKeyParts(params string[] keyParts)
            var key = Key(keyParts);

            T value;

            if (TryGetByKey(key, out value))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot lookup with key: {0}. Available keys: {1} ({2} keys in total)", key, GetKeyList(50), Lookup.Count()));
Example #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates a simple mathematical equation that may contain the following operators: * / + - ( ).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exp">The equation to be evaluated</param>
        /// <param name="variableEvaluator">A function used to determine the value of any variables present in the equation</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int Evaluate(String exp, Lookup variableEvaluator)
            //Split the mathematical expression into an array
            string[] expression = splitter(exp);
            //Iterate through the expression array
            for (int i = 0; i < expression.Length; i++)
                //Take the element and store it in a new string variable for readability
                string token = expression[i];
                //TODO: Errors
                switch (token)
                //If the token is a null, ignore
                case "":

                //If the token is a /, *, or a (, push onto the operators stack
                case "/":
                case "*":
                case "(":

                //If the token is a + or -, check to see if there
                //is an unresolved prior + or - operation
                //and then push the token onto the operators stack
                case "+":
                case "-":
                    //Check to make sure the stack isn't empty before peeking
                    if (operators.Count != 0)
                        if (operators.Peek().Equals("+") || operators.Peek().Equals("-"))

                //Resolve the inside of the parenthesis, and then pop the left parenthesis
                //Also resolve any * or / that may require the value of the operations inside
                case ")":
                    //Check to make sure the stack isn't empty before peeking
                    if (operators.Count != 0)
                    {    //Resolve the inside
                        if (operators.Peek().Equals("+") || operators.Peek().Equals("-"))
                    //If there is no operators on the stack, throw an exception
                    if (operators.Count == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException();
                    //If there is an operator but it's not the left parenthesis,
                    //Throw an exception
                    if (!operators.Pop().Equals("("))
                        throw new ArgumentException();
                    //Check to make sure the stack isn't empty before peeking
                    if (operators.Count != 0)
                    {    //Resolve any * or / modifying the result of the parenthesis
                        if (operators.Peek().Equals("*") || operators.Peek().Equals("/"))
                            if (values.Count() < 1)
                                throw new ArgumentException();

                //If the token is not an operand
                    double result;

                    //Check to see if the token is a number. If so,
                    //resolve any outlying * or / operators
                    if (double.TryParse(token, out result))
                    {     //Check to make sure the stack isn't empty before peeking
                        if (operators.Count != 0)
                        { //Resolve any outlying * or / operators
                            if (operators.Peek().Equals("*") || operators.Peek().Equals("/"))
                        //It is the first number, so there are no operators
                        //It is simply pushed to values
                    //Check for variable
                    else if (Char.IsLetter(token.First()) && token.Length > 1)
                        //Indicates if we have found where the letters in a variable name have changed to numbers
                        bool foundNumber = false;
                        //Iterate through the token starting at 1 (since we already looked at the first element)
                        for (int count = 1; count < token.Length; count++)
                            //If we haven't found a number
                            if (!foundNumber)
                                //Check to see if the element is a number
                                if (Char.IsNumber(token[count]))
                                    foundNumber = true;
                                }    //Check to see if the element is a letter
                                else if (!Char.IsLetter(token[count]))
                                {    //Throw error if the element is neither a letter or a number
                                    throw new ArgumentException();
                                    //Continue iterating
                            }    //We have started using numbers instead of letters
                            else if (Char.IsNumber(token[count]))
                                //Continue iterating
                            {    //Throw error if the element wasn't a number
                                throw new ArgumentException();
                        }    //Retrieve the value of the variable
                        result = variableEvaluator(token);
                        //Continue as if it was a number
                        //Check to make sure the stack isn't empty before peeking
                        if (operators.Count != 0)
                            if (operators.Peek().Equals("*") || operators.Peek().Equals("/"))
                        throw new ArgumentException();
            //All the math has been calculated, and the result is the last value
            //in the values stack
            if (values.Count == 1 && operators.Count == 0)
            //There is a left over + or - operation that still needs to be calculated
            else if (values.Count == 2 && operators.Count == 1)
                switch (operators.Peek())
                {//Resolve the operation and return the result
                case "+":
                case "-":

                //The remaining operator wasn't a + or -, so throw an exception
                    throw new ArgumentException();
            //There are extra operators or values where there shouldn't be
            //Throw an exception
                throw new ArgumentException();
Example #44
 public bool TryGetByKey(out T value, params string[] keyParts)
     return(Lookup.TryGetValue(Key(keyParts), out value));
Example #45
 protected override EnumType String_To_Token(ReadOnlyMemory <char> str)
     return(Lookup.Enum <EnumType>(str));
Example #46
        public int validate_USPSAddress(string Street, string Secondary, string City, string State, string Zip)
             * Return codes:
             *  0 Good USPS address
             * -1 SmartyException exception
             * -2 IOException exception
             *  1 Address entered does not match USPS
             *  2 State returned does not match the Zip code entered
             *  3 Zip code returned does not match Zip code entered
             *  4 City entered does not match SmartyStreets database
            var authId    = "4d6ae97b-1625-654a-d23d-f141e4b24dd3";
            var authToken = "AjHklAjoKpJ67yj9r5uV";

            //For PRODUCTION store keys out side of code; environment variables or DB
            //var authId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SMARTY_AUTH_ID");
            //var authToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SMARTY_AUTH_TOKEN");

            var client = new ClientBuilder(authId, authToken)

            // Documentation for input fields can be found at:
            // https://smartystreets.com/docs/us-street-api#input-fields

            var lookup = new Lookup
                Street        = Street,
                Secondary     = Secondary,
                City          = City,
                State         = State,
                ZipCode       = Zip,
                MaxCandidates = 1,
                MatchStrategy = Lookup.STRICT  // The API will ONLY return candidates that are valid USPS addresses.

            // for PRODUCTION exception messages should be sent to a log that is monitored
            catch (SmartyException ex)
            catch (System.IO.IOException ex)

            var candidates = lookup.Result;

            if (candidates.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No candidates. This means the address is not valid.");

            var firstCandidate = candidates[0];

            if (State != firstCandidate.Components.State)
                return(2);  //State returned does not match the Zip code entered

            if ((firstCandidate.Components.Plus4Code.Length > 0) && (Zip.Length == 9))
                if (Zip != firstCandidate.Components.ZipCode + firstCandidate.Components.Plus4Code)
                    return(3);  //Zip code entered does not match City/State
            else if (Zip != firstCandidate.Components.ZipCode)
                return(3);  //Zip code entered does not match City/State

            if (City.ToLower() != firstCandidate.Components.CityName.ToLower())
                return(4);  //City entered does not match SmartyStreets database

            Console.WriteLine("Address is valid. (There is at least one candidate)\n");
            Console.WriteLine("ZIP Code: " + firstCandidate.Components.ZipCode);
            Console.WriteLine("City: " + firstCandidate.Components.CityName);
            Console.WriteLine("State: " + firstCandidate.Components.State);

 /// <summary>
 /// Recieve an item interaction. woop.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 protected virtual void RecieveItemInteraction(IEntity actor, IEntity item,
                                               Lookup <ItemCapabilityType, ItemCapabilityVerb> verbs)
Example #48
        public void ModifyItemTwiceInSameScope2()
            Hashtable table1 = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            Lookup    lookup = LookupHelpers.CreateLookup(table1);

            // Add an item with m=m1 and n=n1 and o=o1
            BuildItem item1 = new BuildItem("i1", "a2");

            item1.SetMetadata("m", "m1");
            item1.SetMetadata("n", "n1");
            item1.SetMetadata("o", "o1");


            // It's still m=m1, n=n1, o=o1
            BuildItemGroup group = lookup.GetItems("i1");

            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, group.Count);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("m1", group[0].GetMetadata("m"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("n1", group[0].GetMetadata("n"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("o1", group[0].GetMetadata("o"));

            // Make a modification to the item to be m=m2 and n=n2
            Dictionary <string, string> newMetadata = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            newMetadata.Add("m", "m2");
            newMetadata.Add("n", "n2");
            group = new BuildItemGroup();
            lookup.ModifyItems("i1", group, newMetadata);

            // It's now m=m2, n=n2, o=o1
            BuildItemGroup foundGroup = lookup.GetItems("i1");

            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, foundGroup.Count);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("m2", foundGroup[0].GetMetadata("m"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("n2", foundGroup[0].GetMetadata("n"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("o1", foundGroup[0].GetMetadata("o"));

            // Make a modification to the item to be n=n3
            newMetadata = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            newMetadata.Add("n", "n3");
            lookup.ModifyItems("i1", group, newMetadata);

            // It's now m=m2, n=n3, o=o1
            foundGroup = lookup.GetItems("i1");
            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, foundGroup.Count);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("m2", foundGroup[0].GetMetadata("m"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("n3", foundGroup[0].GetMetadata("n"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("o1", foundGroup[0].GetMetadata("o"));

            // But the original item hasn't changed yet
            Assertion.AssertEquals("m1", item1.GetMetadata("m"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("n1", item1.GetMetadata("n"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("o1", item1.GetMetadata("o"));


            // It's still m=m2, n=n3, o=o1
            foundGroup = lookup.GetItems("i1");
            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, foundGroup.Count);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("m2", foundGroup[0].GetMetadata("m"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("n3", foundGroup[0].GetMetadata("n"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("o1", foundGroup[0].GetMetadata("o"));

            // And the original item has changed
            Assertion.AssertEquals("m2", item1.GetMetadata("m"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("n3", item1.GetMetadata("n"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("o1", item1.GetMetadata("o"));
Example #49
        public static int SortedLookup <T>(ref T searchSpace, int offset, int length, ref T value, Lookup lookup, KeyComparer <T> comparer = default)
            // ReSharper disable once RedundantLogicalConditionalExpressionOperand
            if (Settings.UseInterpolatedSearchForKnownTypes && KeyComparer <T> .IsDiffableSafe)
                return(InterpolationLookup(ref searchSpace, offset, length, ref value, lookup, comparer));

            return(BinaryLookup(ref searchSpace, offset, length, ref value, lookup, comparer));
Example #50
 private static Function[] ProduceFunctions()
     Function[] retval = new Function[368];
     retval[0]                        = new Count();                  // COUNT
     retval[FunctionID.IF]            = new If();                     // IF
     retval[2]                        = LogicalFunction.ISNA;         // IsNA
     retval[3]                        = LogicalFunction.ISERROR;      // IsERROR
     retval[FunctionID.SUM]           = AggregateFunction.SUM;        // SUM
     retval[5]                        = AggregateFunction.AVERAGE;    // AVERAGE
     retval[6]                        = AggregateFunction.MIN;        // MIN
     retval[7]                        = AggregateFunction.MAX;        // MAX
     retval[8]                        = new Row();                    // ROW
     retval[9]                        = new Column();                 // COLUMN
     retval[10]                       = new Na();                     // NA
     retval[11]                       = new Npv();                    // NPV
     retval[12]                       = AggregateFunction.STDEV;      // STDEV
     retval[13]                       = NumericFunction.DOLLAR;       // DOLLAR
     retval[14]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FIXED
     retval[15]                       = NumericFunction.SIN;          // SIN
     retval[16]                       = NumericFunction.COS;          // COS
     retval[17]                       = NumericFunction.TAN;          // TAN
     retval[18]                       = NumericFunction.ATAN;         // ATAN
     retval[19]                       = new Pi();                     // PI
     retval[20]                       = NumericFunction.SQRT;         // SQRT
     retval[21]                       = NumericFunction.EXP;          // EXP
     retval[22]                       = NumericFunction.LN;           // LN
     retval[23]                       = NumericFunction.LOG10;        // LOG10
     retval[24]                       = NumericFunction.ABS;          // ABS
     retval[25]                       = NumericFunction.INT;          // INT
     retval[26]                       = NumericFunction.SIGN;         // SIGN
     retval[27]                       = NumericFunction.ROUND;        // ROUND
     retval[28]                       = new Lookup();                 // LOOKUP
     retval[29]                       = new Index();                  // INDEX
     retval[30]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // REPT
     retval[31]                       = TextFunction.MID;             // MID
     retval[32]                       = TextFunction.LEN;             // LEN
     retval[33]                       = new Value();                  // VALUE
     retval[34]                       = new True();                   // TRUE
     retval[35]                       = new False();                  // FALSE
     retval[36]                       = new And();                    // AND
     retval[37]                       = new Or();                     // OR
     retval[38]                       = new Not();                    // NOT
     retval[39]                       = NumericFunction.MOD;          // MOD
     retval[40]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DCOUNT
     retval[41]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DSUM
     retval[42]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DAVERAGE
     retval[43]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DMIN
     retval[44]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DMAX
     retval[45]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DSTDEV
     retval[46]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VAR
     retval[47]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DVAR
     retval[48]                       = TextFunction.TEXT;            // TEXT
     retval[49]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LINEST
     retval[50]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TREND
     retval[51]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LOGEST
     retval[52]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GROWTH
     retval[53]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GOTO
     retval[54]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // HALT
     retval[56]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PV
     retval[57]                       = FinanceFunction.FV;           // FV
     retval[58]                       = FinanceFunction.NPER;         // NPER
     retval[59]                       = FinanceFunction.PMT;          // PMT
     retval[60]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RATE
     retval[61]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MIRR
     retval[62]                       = new Irr();                    // IRR
     retval[63]                       = new Rand();                   // RAND
     retval[64]                       = new Match();                  // MATCH
     retval[65]                       = DateFunc.instance;            // DATE
     retval[66]                       = new TimeFunc();               // TIME
     retval[67]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.DAY;    // DAY
     retval[68]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.MONTH;  // MONTH
     retval[69]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.YEAR;   // YEAR
     retval[70]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // WEEKDAY
     retval[71]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.HOUR;
     retval[72]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.MINUTE;
     retval[73]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.SECOND;
     retval[74]                       = new Now();
     retval[75]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AREAS
     retval[76]                       = new Rows();                   // ROWS
     retval[77]                       = new Columns();                // COLUMNS
     retval[FunctionID.OFFSET]        = new Offset();                 // Offset.Evaluate has a different signature
     retval[79]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ABSREF
     retval[80]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RELREF
     retval[81]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ARGUMENT
     retval[82]                       = TextFunction.SEARCH;
     retval[83]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TRANSPOSE
     retval[84]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ERROR
     retval[85]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STEP
     retval[86]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TYPE
     retval[87]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ECHO
     retval[88]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SetNAME
     retval[89]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CALLER
     retval[90]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DEREF
     retval[91]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // WINDOWS
     retval[92]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SERIES
     retval[93]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DOCUMENTS
     retval[94]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ACTIVECELL
     retval[95]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SELECTION
     retval[96]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RESULT
     retval[97]                       = NumericFunction.ATAN2;        // ATAN2
     retval[98]                       = NumericFunction.ASIN;         // ASIN
     retval[99]                       = NumericFunction.ACOS;         // ACOS
     retval[FunctionID.CHOOSE]        = new Choose();
     retval[101]                      = new Hlookup();                // HLOOKUP
     retval[102]                      = new Vlookup();                // VLOOKUP
     retval[103]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LINKS
     retval[104]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // INPUT
     retval[105]                      = LogicalFunction.ISREF;        // IsREF
     retval[106]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetFORMULA
     retval[107]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetNAME
     retval[108]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SetVALUE
     retval[109]                      = NumericFunction.LOG;          // LOG
     retval[110]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // EXEC
     retval[111]                      = TextFunction.CHAR;            // CHAR
     retval[112]                      = TextFunction.LOWER;           // LOWER
     retval[113]                      = TextFunction.UPPER;           // UPPER
     retval[114]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PROPER
     retval[115]                      = TextFunction.LEFT;            // LEFT
     retval[116]                      = TextFunction.RIGHT;           // RIGHT
     retval[117]                      = TextFunction.EXACT;           // EXACT
     retval[118]                      = TextFunction.TRIM;            // TRIM
     retval[119]                      = new Replace();                // Replace
     retval[120]                      = new Substitute();             // SUBSTITUTE
     retval[121]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CODE
     retval[122]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NAMES
     retval[123]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DIRECTORY
     retval[124]                      = TextFunction.FIND;            // Find
     retval[125]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CELL
     retval[126]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // IsERR
     retval[127]                      = LogicalFunction.ISTEXT;       // IsTEXT
     retval[128]                      = LogicalFunction.ISNUMBER;     // IsNUMBER
     retval[129]                      = LogicalFunction.ISBLANK;      // IsBLANK
     retval[130]                      = new T();                      // T
     retval[131]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // N
     retval[132]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FOPEN
     retval[133]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FCLOSE
     retval[134]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FSIZE
     retval[135]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FReadLN
     retval[136]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FRead
     retval[137]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FWriteLN
     retval[138]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FWrite
     retval[139]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FPOS
     retval[140]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DATEVALUE
     retval[141]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TIMEVALUE
     retval[142]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SLN
     retval[143]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SYD
     retval[144]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DDB
     retval[145]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetDEF
     retval[146]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // REFTEXT
     retval[147]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TEXTREF
     retval[FunctionID.INDIRECT]      = null;                         // Indirect.Evaluate has different signature
     retval[149]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // REGISTER
     retval[150]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CALL
     retval[151]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AddBAR
     retval[152]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AddMENU
     retval[153]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AddCOMMAND
     retval[154]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ENABLECOMMAND
     retval[155]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CHECKCOMMAND
     retval[156]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RenameCOMMAND
     retval[157]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SHOWBAR
     retval[158]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DELETEMENU
     retval[159]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DELETECOMMAND
     retval[160]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetCHARTITEM
     retval[161]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DIALOGBOX
     retval[162]                      = TextFunction.CLEAN;           // CLEAN
     retval[163]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MDETERM
     retval[164]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MINVERSE
     retval[165]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MMULT
     retval[166]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FILES
     retval[167]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // IPMT
     retval[168]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PPMT
     retval[169]                      = new Counta();                 // COUNTA
     retval[170]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CANCELKEY
     retval[175]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // INITIATE
     retval[176]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // REQUEST
     retval[177]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // POKE
     retval[178]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // EXECUTE
     retval[179]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TERMINATE
     retval[180]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RESTART
     retval[181]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // HELP
     retval[182]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetBAR
     retval[183]                      = AggregateFunction.PRODUCT;    // PRODUCT
     retval[184]                      = NumericFunction.FACT;         // FACT
     retval[185]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetCELL
     retval[186]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetWORKSPACE
     retval[187]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetWINDOW
     retval[188]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetDOCUMENT
     retval[189]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DPRODUCT
     retval[190]                      = LogicalFunction.ISNONTEXT;    // IsNONTEXT
     retval[191]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetNOTE
     retval[192]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NOTE
     retval[193]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STDEVP
     retval[194]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VARP
     retval[195]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DSTDEVP
     retval[196]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DVARP
     retval[197]                      = NumericFunction.TRUNC;        // TRUNC
     retval[198]                      = LogicalFunction.ISLOGICAL;    // IsLOGICAL
     retval[199]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DCOUNTA
     retval[200]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DELETEBAR
     retval[201]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // UNREGISTER
     retval[204]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // USDOLLAR
     retval[205]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FindB
     retval[206]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SEARCHB
     retval[207]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ReplaceB
     retval[208]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LEFTB
     retval[209]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RIGHTB
     retval[210]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MIDB
     retval[211]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LENB
     retval[212]                      = NumericFunction.ROUNDUP;      // ROUNDUP
     retval[213]                      = NumericFunction.ROUNDDOWN;    // ROUNDDOWN
     retval[214]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ASC
     retval[215]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DBCS
     retval[216]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RANK
     retval[219]                      = new Address();                // AddRESS
     retval[220]                      = new Days360();                // DAYS360
     retval[221]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TODAY
     retval[222]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VDB
     retval[227]                      = AggregateFunction.MEDIAN;     // MEDIAN
     retval[228]                      = new Sumproduct();             // SUMPRODUCT
     retval[229]                      = NumericFunction.SINH;         // SINH
     retval[230]                      = NumericFunction.COSH;         // COSH
     retval[231]                      = NumericFunction.TANH;         // TANH
     retval[232]                      = NumericFunction.ASINH;        // ASINH
     retval[233]                      = NumericFunction.ACOSH;        // ACOSH
     retval[234]                      = NumericFunction.ATANH;        // ATANH
     retval[235]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DGet
     retval[236]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CreateOBJECT
     retval[237]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VOLATILE
     retval[238]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LASTERROR
     retval[239]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CUSTOMUNDO
     retval[240]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CUSTOMREPEAT
     retval[241]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FORMULAConvert
     retval[242]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetLINKINFO
     retval[243]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TEXTBOX
     retval[244]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // INFO
     retval[245]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GROUP
     retval[246]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetOBJECT
     retval[247]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DB
     retval[248]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PAUSE
     retval[250]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RESUME
     retval[252]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FREQUENCY
     retval[253]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AddTOOLBAR
     retval[254]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DELETETOOLBAR
     retval[FunctionID.EXTERNAL_FUNC] = null;                         // ExternalFunction is a FreeREfFunction
     retval[256]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RESetTOOLBAR
     retval[257]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // EVALUATE
     retval[258]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetTOOLBAR
     retval[259]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetTOOL
     retval[260]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SPELLINGCHECK
     retval[261]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ERRORTYPE
     retval[262]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // APPTITLE
     retval[263]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // WINDOWTITLE
     retval[264]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SAVETOOLBAR
     retval[265]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ENABLETOOL
     retval[266]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PRESSTOOL
     retval[267]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // REGISTERID
     retval[268]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetWORKBOOK
     retval[269]                      = AggregateFunction.AVEDEV;     // AVEDEV
     retval[270]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // BETADIST
     retval[271]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GAMMALN
     retval[272]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // BETAINV
     retval[273]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // BINOMDIST
     retval[274]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CHIDIST
     retval[275]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CHIINV
     retval[276]                      = NumericFunction.COMBIN;       // COMBIN
     retval[277]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CONFIDENCE
     retval[278]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CRITBINOM
     retval[279]                      = new Even();                   // EVEN
     retval[280]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // EXPONDIST
     retval[281]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FDIST
     retval[282]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FINV
     retval[283]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FISHER
     retval[284]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FISHERINV
     retval[285]                      = NumericFunction.FLOOR;        // FLOOR
     retval[286]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GAMMADIST
     retval[287]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GAMMAINV
     retval[288]                      = NumericFunction.CEILING;      // CEILING
     retval[289]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // HYPGEOMDIST
     retval[290]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LOGNORMDIST
     retval[291]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LOGINV
     retval[292]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NEGBINOMDIST
     retval[293]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NORMDIST
     retval[294]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NORMSDIST
     retval[295]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NORMINV
     retval[296]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NORMSINV
     retval[297]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STANDARDIZE
     retval[298]                      = new Odd();                    // ODD
     retval[299]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PERMUT
     retval[300]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // POISSON
     retval[301]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TDIST
     retval[302]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // WEIBULL
     retval[303]                      = new Sumxmy2();                // SUMXMY2
     retval[304]                      = new Sumx2my2();               // SUMX2MY2
     retval[305]                      = new Sumx2py2();               // SUMX2PY2
     retval[306]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CHITEST
     retval[307]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CORREL
     retval[308]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // COVAR
     retval[309]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FORECAST
     retval[310]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FTEST
     retval[311]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // INTERCEPT
     retval[312]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PEARSON
     retval[313]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RSQ
     retval[314]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STEYX
     retval[315]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SLOPE
     retval[316]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TTEST
     retval[317]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PROB
     retval[318]                      = AggregateFunction.DEVSQ;      // DEVSQ
     retval[319]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GEOMEAN
     retval[320]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // HARMEAN
     retval[321]                      = AggregateFunction.SUMSQ;      // SUMSQ
     retval[322]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // KURT
     retval[323]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SKEW
     retval[324]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ZTEST
     retval[325]                      = AggregateFunction.LARGE;      // LARGE
     retval[326]                      = AggregateFunction.SMALL;      // SMALL
     retval[327]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // QUARTILE
     retval[328]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PERCENTILE
     retval[329]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PERCENTRANK
     retval[330]                      = new Mode();                   // MODE
     retval[331]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TRIMMEAN
     retval[332]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TINV
     retval[334]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MOVIECOMMAND
     retval[335]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetMOVIE
     retval[336]                      = TextFunction.CONCATENATE;     // CONCATENATE
     retval[337]                      = NumericFunction.POWER;        // POWER
     retval[338]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PIVOTAddDATA
     retval[339]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetPIVOTTABLE
     retval[340]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetPIVOTFIELD
     retval[341]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetPIVOTITEM
     retval[342]                      = NumericFunction.RADIANS;;     // RADIANS
     retval[343]                      = NumericFunction.DEGREES;      // DEGREES
     retval[344]                      = new Subtotal();               // SUBTOTAL
     retval[345]                      = new Sumif();                  // SUMIF
     retval[346]                      = new Countif();                // COUNTIF
     retval[347]                      = new Countblank();             // COUNTBLANK
     retval[348]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SCENARIOGet
     retval[349]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // OPTIONSLISTSGet
     retval[350]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // IsPMT
     retval[351]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DATEDIF
     retval[352]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DATESTRING
     retval[353]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NUMBERSTRING
     retval[354]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ROMAN
     retval[355]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // OPENDIALOG
     retval[356]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SAVEDIALOG
     retval[357]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VIEWGet
     retval[358]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetPIVOTDATA
     retval[359]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // HYPERLINK
     retval[360]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PHONETIC
     retval[361]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AVERAGEA
     retval[362]                      = new Maxa();                   // MAXA
     retval[363]                      = new Mina();                   // MINA
     retval[364]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STDEVPA
     retval[365]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VARPA
     retval[366]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STDEVA
     retval[367]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VARA
Example #51
        public static int SearchToLookup2(int offset, int length, Lookup lookup, int i)
            if (i >= offset)
                if (lookup.IsEqualityOK())

                if (lookup == Lookup.LT)
                    if (i == offset)

                else // depends on if (eqOk) above
                    Debug.Assert(lookup == Lookup.GT);
                    if (i == offset + length - 1)
                        return(~(offset + length));

                if (lookup == Lookup.EQ)

                i = ~i;

                // LT or LE
                if (((uint)lookup & (uint)Lookup.LT) != 0)
                    // i is idx of element that is larger, nothing here for LE/LT
                    if (i == offset)

                    Debug.Assert(((uint)lookup & (uint)Lookup.GT) != 0);
                    Debug.Assert(i <= offset + length);
                    // if was negative, if it was ~length then there are no more elements for GE/GT
                    if (i == offset + length)
                        return(~(offset + length));

                    // i is the same, ~i is idx of element that is GT the value

            Debug.Assert(unchecked ((uint)i) - offset < unchecked ((uint)length));
Example #52
        public void ModifyItemInOutsideScope()
            Lookup lookup = LookupHelpers.CreateLookup(new Hashtable());

            lookup.AddNewItem(new BuildItem("x", "y"));
Example #53
                static public void Show (Browser browser)
			if (LookupBox == null)
				LookupBox = new Lookup (browser);
			LookupBox.lookup.Show ();
Example #54
        public static int SearchToLookup(int offset, int length, Lookup lookup, int i)
            // TODO benchmark two implementations and review which branch could be mis-predicted
            // E.g. for LE i >= offset could be problematic
            // Current benchmarks for lookups are very simplistic and are faster with branches.

            ThrowHelper.DebugAssert(i < 0 || i >= offset, "i < 0 || i >= offset or wrong search result");

            if (lookup == Lookup.EQ)

            int iAdj;

            if (i >= offset)
                if (lookup.IsEqualityOK())

                // -1 if direction is less, +1 if direction is greater than
                var directionFoundAdj = (3 - ((int)lookup & 0b_101)) >> 1;
                iAdj = i + directionFoundAdj;
                // depends on excluding EQ case

                // 1 if direction is less, 0 otherwise
                var directionNotFoundAdj = (((int)lookup & 0b_100) >> 2);
                iAdj = ~i - directionNotFoundAdj;

            if ((uint)(iAdj - offset) < length)

            return(iAdj < offset ? ~offset : ~iAdj);

            // unchecked
            // {
            //     // -1 if direction is less, +1 if direction is greater than
            //     var directionFoundAdj = (3 - ((int) lookup & 0b_101)) >> 1;
            //     // 1 if direction is less, 0 otherwise
            //     var directionNotFoundAdj = (((int) lookup & 0b_100) >> 2);
            //     // 1 if equality is not OK
            //     var noEq = (~((int) lookup) & 0b_010) >> 1;
            //     var notFound = i >> 31;
            //     // if not found need to subtract 1 for LT/LE
            //     iAdj = (notFound & (~i - directionNotFoundAdj)) | (~notFound & i + directionFoundAdj * noEq);
            //     if ((uint) (iAdj - offset) < length)
            //         return iAdj;
            //     return iAdj < offset ? ~offset : ~iAdj;
            // }
Example #55
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a 'Lookup' used to deal with projects.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="project">The project for which to create the lookup</param>
 /// <returns>The lookup</returns>
 private Lookup CreateStandardLookup(ProjectInstance project)
     Lookup lookup = new Lookup(new ItemDictionary<ProjectItemInstance>(project.Items), new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>(project.Properties), null);
     return lookup;
Example #56
 public static int InterpolationLookup <T>(ref T searchSpace, int length, ref T value, Lookup lookup,
                                           KeyComparer <T> comparer = default)
     return(InterpolationLookup(ref searchSpace, offset: 0, length, ref value, lookup, comparer));
 private static void AddParameter(string parameter, string description, Lookup<DatabaseTrackInfo> map) {
     parameterDescriptions.Add(parameter, description);
     parameterMaps.Add(parameter, map);
Example #58
        public static int InterpolationLookup <T>(ref T searchSpace, int offset, int length, ref T value, Lookup lookup,
                                                  KeyComparer <T> comparer = default)
            Debug.Assert(length >= 0);

            var i = InterpolationSearch(ref searchSpace, offset, length, value, comparer);

            var li = SearchToLookup2(offset, length, lookup, i);

            if (li != i & li >= 0) // not &&
                value = UnsafeEx.ReadUnaligned(ref Unsafe.Add(ref searchSpace, li));

Example #59
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to get attributes from a specified entity. It returns Dictionary containing all the required attributes values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityGuid">GUID of the entity</param>
        /// <param name="entityName_">The entity name type (contact,lead,...)</param>
        ///<param name="entityAttributes">The ArrayList containing the attributes names types you want to retrieve (firstname,lastname,...)</param>
        public Dictionary<string, string> getEntity(Guid entityGuid, string entityName_, ArrayList entityAttributes)
            Dictionary<string, string> arrayData = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                ArrayList arrayResults = new ArrayList();
                // Create the retrieve target.
                TargetRetrieveDynamic targetRetrieve = new TargetRetrieveDynamic();

                // Set the properties of the target.
                targetRetrieve.EntityName = entityName_;
                targetRetrieve.EntityId = entityGuid;

                // Create the request object.
                RetrieveRequest retrieve = new RetrieveRequest();
                ColumnSet col = new ColumnSet();

                // Set the properties of the request object.
                retrieve.Target = targetRetrieve;
                for (int i = 0; i < entityAttributes.Count; i++)

                retrieve.ColumnSet = col;

                // Indicate that the BusinessEntity should be retrieved as a
                // DynamicEntity.
                retrieve.ReturnDynamicEntities = true;

                // Execute the request.
                RetrieveResponse retrieved = (RetrieveResponse)m_crmService.Execute(retrieve);

                // Extract the DynamicEntity from the request.
                DynamicEntity entity = (DynamicEntity)retrieved.BusinessEntity;

                Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.CrmDateTime crmDateTimeVar = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.CrmDateTime();
                Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.CrmNumber crmNumberVar = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.CrmNumber();
                Picklist crmPickList = new Picklist();
                Guid crmGuid = new Guid();
                Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Key keyVar = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Key();
                Lookup lookupVar = new Lookup();
                Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.CrmBoolean boolVar = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.CrmBoolean();
                for (int i = 0; i < entityAttributes.Count; i++)
                    if (entity.Properties.Contains(entityAttributes[i].ToString()))
                        if (entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()].GetType().Equals(crmDateTimeVar.GetType()))
                            crmDateTimeVar = (Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.CrmDateTime)entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()];
                            if (entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()].GetType().Equals(crmNumberVar.GetType()))
                                crmNumberVar = (Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.CrmNumber)entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()];
                                arrayData.Add(entityAttributes[i].ToString(), crmNumberVar.Value.ToString());
                                if (entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()].GetType().Equals(keyVar.GetType()))
                                    keyVar = (Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Key)entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()];
                                    arrayData.Add(entityAttributes[i].ToString(), keyVar.Value.ToString());
                                    if (entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()].GetType().Equals(lookupVar.GetType()))
                                        lookupVar = (Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Lookup)entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()];
                                        arrayData.Add(entityAttributes[i].ToString(), lookupVar.Value.ToString());
                                        if (entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()].GetType().Equals(boolVar.GetType()))
                                            boolVar = (Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.CrmBoolean)entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()];
                                            arrayData.Add(entityAttributes[i].ToString(), boolVar.Value.ToString());
                                            if (entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()].GetType().Equals(crmPickList.GetType()))
                                                crmPickList = (Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Picklist)entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()];
                                                arrayData.Add(entityAttributes[i].ToString(), crmPickList.Value.ToString());
                                                if (entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()].GetType().Equals(crmGuid.GetType()))
                                                    crmGuid = (Guid)entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()];
                                                    arrayData.Add(entityAttributes[i].ToString(), crmGuid.ToString());
                                                    arrayData.Add(entityAttributes[i].ToString(), entity.Properties[entityAttributes[i].ToString()].ToString());




                        arrayData.Add(entityAttributes[i].ToString(), "");
                return arrayData;
            catch (SoapException ex)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("!SoapException!\n" + ex.Detail.SelectSingleNode("//description").InnerText);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ESC_CRM_EX.getEntityException(ex.Message, entityName_, entityGuid);
Example #60
 public static int SortedLookup <T>(ref T searchSpace, int length, ref T value, Lookup lookup, KeyComparer <T> comparer = default)
     return(SortedLookup(ref searchSpace, 0, length, ref value, lookup, comparer));