Example #1
    public void AgeCheck()         // function called when button pressed
        if (inputField.text == "") // if input field is empty
            Debug.Log("field is empty");
            tooYoung.enabled = false;          // ensure this text is off
            noInput.enabled  = true;           // activate no input text warning
            inputField.text  = "Enter Age..."; // parse same information to avoid exception

        else // if there's any data inside the input field

            ageValue = int.Parse(inputField.text); // age value = input field data

            if (ageValue >= 18f)                   // if the age value is greater than 18
                noInput.enabled  = false;
                tooYoung.enabled = false;
                experimentController.AgeLog(ageValue); // pass through value data to CSV
                print("recieivng data: " + ageValue);
                SceneManager.LoadScene(1);             // load next scene

            else if (ageValue <= 17f) // if age value is less than 18
                noInput.enabled  = false;
                tooYoung.enabled = true; // warn participant they're too young