Example #1
        public void BadResponse <TReturn>(ref ElasticsearchResponse <TReturn> response, RequestData data, List <PipelineException> pipelineExceptions)
            where TReturn : class
            var callDetails     = response ?? pipelineExceptions.LastOrDefault()?.Response;
            var pipelineFailure = data.OnFailurePipelineFailure;

            if (pipelineExceptions.HasAny())
                pipelineFailure = pipelineExceptions.Last().FailureReason;

            var innerException = pipelineExceptions.HasAny()
                                ? new AggregateException(pipelineExceptions)
                                : callDetails?.OriginalException;

            var exceptionMessage = innerException?.Message ?? "Could not complete the request to Elasticsearch.";

            if (this.IsTakingTooLong)
                pipelineFailure = PipelineFailure.MaxTimeoutReached;
                exceptionMessage = "Maximum timeout reached while retrying request";
            else if (this.Retried >= this.MaxRetries && this.MaxRetries > 0)
                pipelineFailure = PipelineFailure.MaxRetriesReached;
                exceptionMessage = "Maximum number of retries reached.";

            var clientException = new ElasticsearchClientException(pipelineFailure, exceptionMessage, innerException)
                Request    = data,
                Response   = callDetails,
                AuditTrail = this.AuditTrail

            if (_settings.ThrowExceptions)
                throw clientException;

            if (response == null)
                response = new ResponseBuilder <TReturn>(data)
                    StatusCode = callDetails?.HttpStatusCode,
                    Exception  = clientException
            if (callDetails?.ResponseBodyInBytes != null && response.ResponseBodyInBytes == null)
                response.ResponseBodyInBytes = callDetails.ResponseBodyInBytes;

            if (callDetails?.ServerError != null && response.ServerError == null)
                response.ServerError = callDetails.ServerError;

            response.AuditTrail = this.AuditTrail;
        private DesignIssueWarning getDesignIssueWarningForObjectNamedWithReservedWordssignIssueWarning(Model.Database database)
            DesignIssueWarning warning = new DesignIssueWarning()
                Description = "Database object names should not be reserved words",
                ReferenceUrl = new Uri("https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189822(SQL.100).aspx")

            if (database == null)
                return null; //cannot act on empty object

            List<IDbObject> objectList = new List<IDbObject>();

            if (this.reservedWords.Contains(database.ObjectName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                objectList.Add(database as IDbObject);

            IList<IDbObject> allDbObjList = database.GetAllObjects();

            // union objects to one collection to get one list to parse
            var nameViolations = (
                    from obj in allDbObjList
                    where this.reservedWords.Contains(obj.ObjectName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                    orderby obj.ObjectFullDisplayName
                    select obj


            //do we have any objects?
            if (objectList.HasAny())
                warning.DatabaseObjects = objectList;
                warning = null;

            return warning;
Example #3
        public ElasticsearchClientException CreateClientException <TResponse>(
            TResponse response, IApiCallDetails callDetails, RequestData data, List <PipelineException> pipelineExceptions
            where TResponse : class, IElasticsearchResponse, new()
            if (callDetails?.Success ?? false)

            var innerException = pipelineExceptions.HasAny() ? pipelineExceptions.AsAggregateOrFirst() : callDetails?.OriginalException;

            var statusCode = callDetails?.HttpStatusCode != null?callDetails.HttpStatusCode.Value.ToString() : "unknown";

            var resource = callDetails == null
                                ? "unknown resource"
                                : $"Status code {statusCode} from: {callDetails.HttpMethod} {callDetails.Uri.PathAndQuery}";

            var exceptionMessage = innerException?.Message ?? "Request failed to execute";

            var pipelineFailure = data.OnFailurePipelineFailure;

            if (pipelineExceptions.HasAny())
                pipelineFailure = pipelineExceptions.Last().FailureReason;

            if (IsTakingTooLong)
                pipelineFailure = PipelineFailure.MaxTimeoutReached;
                exceptionMessage = "Maximum timeout reached while retrying request";
            else if (Retried >= MaxRetries && MaxRetries > 0)
                pipelineFailure = PipelineFailure.MaxRetriesReached;
                exceptionMessage = "Maximum number of retries reached";

                var now         = _dateTimeProvider.Now();
                var activeNodes = _connectionPool.Nodes.Count(n => n.IsAlive || n.DeadUntil <= now);
                if (Retried >= activeNodes)
                    exceptionMessage += ", failed over to all the known alive nodes before failing";

            exceptionMessage += $". Call: {resource}";
            if (response != null && response.TryGetServerErrorReason(out var reason))
                exceptionMessage += $". ServerError: {reason}";

            var clientException = new ElasticsearchClientException(pipelineFailure, exceptionMessage, innerException)
                Request    = data,
                Response   = callDetails,
                AuditTrail = AuditTrail

        private DesignIssueWarning getDesignIssueForObjectsWithSpecialCharactersInName(Model.Database database)
            DesignIssueWarning warning = new DesignIssueWarning()
                Description = "Database object names should not contain special characters",
                ReferenceUrl = new Uri("https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd172134(v=vs.100).aspx")

            if (database == null)
                return null; //cannot act on empty object

            List<IDbObject> objectList = new List<IDbObject>();

            // check Db name
            if (this.checkForSpecialCharacters(database.ObjectName))

            IList<IDbObject> allDbObjList = database.GetAllObjects();

            foreach (IDbObject obj in allDbObjList)
                if (this.checkForSpecialCharacters(obj.ObjectName))

            //do we have any objects?
            if (objectList.HasAny())
                warning.DatabaseObjects = objectList;
                warning = null;

            return warning;