public static List <LevelEditorObject> GetEditorObjects() { /* * Creates Object... don't need it, use static instead * Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); * GraphicObject g = (GraphicObject)asm.CreateInstance(objType.ToString(), false, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, new object[] { x , y },null,null); */ List <LevelEditorObject> Res = new List <LevelEditorObject>(); Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); foreach (Type t in asm.GetTypes()) { Type objType = Type.GetType(t.FullName); MethodInfo i = objType.GetMethod("GetLEObject"); if (i != null) { LevelEditorObject LE = (LevelEditorObject)(i.Invoke(null, null)); = t.Name; Res.Add(LE); } } //Type objType = Type.GetType("MarioObjects."); //MethodInfo i = objType.GetMethod("GetLEObject"); //return (LevelEditorObject)(i.Invoke(null, null)); return(Res); }
static void _CreateSingleton() { GameObject _prefab; GameObject _instance; GameObject parent = GameObject.Find("LOADED LEVEL"); //_prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Prefabs/Player/PlayerSpawner.prefab", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; LevelEditorObject spawnerData = Resources.Load <LevelEditorObject>("LevelEditorObjects/Special/PlayerSpawn"); _prefab = spawnerData.Prefab; if (_prefab == null) { Debug.Log("PlayerSpawner PATH error!!!"); } else { _instance = Instantiate(_prefab, new Vector3(0, 2.5f, 0), Quaternion.identity); = spawnerData.Path; _instance.transform.SetParent(parent.transform); OET_io.lib.ActiveGameObjects.Add(_instance); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(_instance, "Init the level"); }; _CreateSingleton("Music Intensity Manager", parent, "Assets/Prefabs/General/Music Intensity Manager.prefab"); _CreateSingleton("ServiceWrangler", parent, "Assets/Prefabs/General/ServiceWrangler.prefab"); _CreateSingleton("SpawnManager", parent, "Assets/Prefabs/Enemies/SpawnManager.prefab"); _CreateSingleton("NavMeshSurface", parent, "Assets/Prefabs/LevelEditor/Floor Tiles/NavMeshSurface.prefab"); }
void Load() { string path = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel( "Open saved level", "Saves", "sav"); if (path.Length != 0) { foreach (Transform child in root.transform) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } ArchiveData data = JsonUtility.FromJson <ArchiveData>(File.ReadAllText(path)); foreach (ArchiveEntry item in data.objects) { GameObject newObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(item.path, typeof(GameObject)), new Vector2(item.x, item.y), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, item.phi)); LevelEditorObject leo = newObject.AddComponent <LevelEditorObject>(); leo.PrefabName = item.path; leo.IsPlaced = true; newObject.transform.parent = root.transform; //newObject.layer = layer; } } }
public void LevelObjectDatabaseTest_PlayModeSimplePasses() { LevelObjectDatabase database = new LevelObjectDatabase(); LevelEditorObject obj = database.GetObject(0, 0); Assert.IsNotNull(obj); }
public void SetListIndexToObjects() { foreach (LevelEditorObject le in Objects) { LevelEditorObject tmp = (LevelEditorObject)(list.Items.Find(, false)[0].Tag); le.ListIndex = tmp.ListIndex; } }
private void list_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyValue == (int)Keys.Space) { LevelEditorObject le = CheckPosition(OX, OY); if (le != null) { le.Checked = !le.Checked; } } }
public Bitmap ObjectTypeToImage(LevelEditorObject obj) { Bitmap tmp = new Bitmap(obj.width, obj.height); Graphics xGraph = Graphics.FromImage(tmp); Rectangle Src, Dest; Dest = new Rectangle(0, 0, obj.width, obj.height); Src = new Rectangle(obj.width * obj.ImageIndex, 0, obj.width, obj.height); xGraph.DrawImage(ImageGenerator.GetImage(obj.OT), Dest, Src, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); xGraph.Dispose(); return(tmp); }
public void PutBox(int x, int y, int ind, Boolean Check) { Graphics xGraph = Graphics.FromImage(pictureLevel.Image); LevelEditorObject le = (LevelEditorObject)list.Items[ind].Tag; int hOff = (le.height - 16); xGraph.DrawImage(images.Images[ind], new Rectangle(x, y - hOff, le.width, le.height), new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); if (Check) { xGraph.DrawImage(pSelected.Image, new Rectangle(x, y - hOff, le.width, le.height), new Rectangle(0, 0, 12, 12), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } }
public LevelEditorObject CheckPosition(int x, int y) { LevelEditorObject Res = null; for (int i = 0; i < Objects.Count; i++) { if (x == Objects[i].x && y == Objects[i].y) { return(Objects[i]); } } return(Res); }
private void timerobject_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Seconds++; if (Seconds >= 10) { LevelEditorObject le = CheckPosition(OX, OY); if (le != null) { objectnamelabel.Text =; timerobject.Enabled = false; } } }
public static GraphicObject SetEditorObject(LevelEditorObject le) { Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Type objType = Type.GetType("MarioObjects.Objects.GameObjects." +; MethodInfo i = objType.GetMethod("SetLEObject"); GraphicObject g = null; if (i != null) { g = (GraphicObject)i.Invoke(null, new object[] { le }); } return(g); }
public static GraphicObject SetEditorObject(LevelEditorObject le) { Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Type objType = Type.GetType("MarioObjects.Objects.GameObjects." +; MethodInfo i = objType.GetMethod("SetLEObject"); GraphicObject g = null; if (i != null) { g = (GraphicObject)i.Invoke(null, new object[] { le }); } return g; }
private void pictureLevel_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int Divx, Divy, Divyi; Divx = (e.X / 16); Divy = (e.Y / 16); LX = Divx * 16; LY = Divy * 16; //PutBox(LX, LY, CurrentImageIndex); Divyi = (MainImage.Height / 16) - (Divy + 1); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { LevelEditorObject le = CheckPosition(Divx, Divyi); if (le == null) { le = new LevelEditorObject((LevelEditorObject)list.Items[CurrentImageIndex].Tag); le.x = Divx; le.y = Divyi; Objects.Add(le); } else { if (le.ParamTypes != null) { FormParams PR = new FormParams(le); PR.ShowDialog(); if (PR.Update) { le = PR.MainObject; } PR.Dispose(); } } } if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { LevelEditorObject le = CheckPosition(Divx, Divyi); if (le != null) { Objects.Remove(le); pictureLevel.Invalidate(); } } }
public void SerializableLevelTest_EditModeSimplePasses() { // Load database LevelObjectDatabase database = new LevelObjectDatabase(); // Create level GameObject[] objects = new GameObject[0]; LevelEditorObject data = database.GetObject(0, 0); GameObject instance = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(data.Prefab); = data.Path; instance.transform.position = new Vector3(-1f, 5f, 3); instance.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(-45f, 90f, 15f); instance.transform.localScale = new Vector3(2f, 0.5f, 1.5f); objects[0] = instance; }
public static LevelEditorObject GetEditorObject(string name) { Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Type objType = Type.GetType("MarioObjects.Objects.GameObjects." + name); MethodInfo i = objType.GetMethod("GetLEObject"); if (i != null) { LevelEditorObject LE = (LevelEditorObject)(i.Invoke(null, null)); = name; return(LE); } else { return(null); } }
void PlaceRing() { Vector3 pos = GetPos(); float deltaAngle = 360 / angularGridDensity; Quaternion rotator = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, deltaAngle); for (int i = 0; i < angularGridDensity; i++) { pos = rotator * pos; GameObject newObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Editor/Block", typeof(GameObject)), pos, FaceAxis.GetRotator(pos)); LevelEditorObject leo = newObject.AddComponent <LevelEditorObject>(); leo.PrefabName = "Editor/Block"; leo.IsPlaced = true; newObject.transform.parent = root.transform; //newObject.layer = layer; //objects.Add(newObject); } }
void SpawnRing() { Vector3 pos = GetPos(); float deltaAngle = 360 / angularGridDensity; Quaternion rotator = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, deltaAngle); for (int i = 0; i < angularGridDensity; i++) { pos = rotator * pos; GameObject newGhost = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Editor/Block", typeof(GameObject)), pos, FaceAxis.GetRotator(pos)); LevelEditorObject leo = newGhost.AddComponent <LevelEditorObject>(); leo.PrefabName = "Editor/Block"; leo.IsPlaced = false; foreach (Collider2D coll in newGhost.GetComponents <Collider2D>()) { coll.enabled = false; } ghosts.Add(newGhost); //newObject.transform.parent = root.transform; //newObject.layer = layer; //objects.Add(newObject); } }
public FormParams(LevelEditorObject le) { InitializeComponent(); MainObject = le; }
public static CoinBlock SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return(new CoinBlock(le.x, le.y, false)); }
public static CoinBlock SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return new CoinBlock(le.x, le.y, false); }
public static BlockGrass SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return(new BlockGrass(le.x, le.y)); }
public static BlockSolid SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return(new BlockSolid(le.x, le.y)); }
//public static void renderGUI(int vpos, GameObject get_projectActiveSelection) public static void renderGUI(int vpos, LevelEditorObject get_projectActiveSelection) { if (!usingDB) { projectActiveSelection = get_projectActiveSelection; } int width = Screen.width; int height = Screen.height; int btWidth = width < 160 ? width - 20 : 160; GUIStyle styleInfoText = new GUIStyle(; styleInfoText.wordWrap = true; styleInfoText.normal.textColor =; styleInfoText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; usingDB = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, vpos + 100, btWidth, 40), usingDB, ""); GUI.Label(new Rect(30, vpos + 100, btWidth, 40), "Using Prefabs DataBase"); if (projectActiveSelection == null) { OET_lib.ToolLib.alertBox("Prefab Placement", "Select a prefab in the project window to enable this tool."); } else { if (projectActiveSelection != null) { if (clickToAddEnabled) { vpos += OET_lib.ToolLib.header("<b>Click to Add</b>\nClick anywhere in the scene to add " +, vpos, true); } else { vpos += OET_lib.ToolLib.header("<b>Click to Add</b>\nClick on the button below then click on the scene to add " +, vpos, true); } } Texture2D projectPreview = UnityEditor.AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(projectActiveSelection.Prefab); if (height > 310) { Color saveBg = GUI.backgroundColor; if (clickToAddEnabled) { GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(.5f, 0f, 0f, 1); } clickToAddEnabled = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(width / 2 - btWidth / 2, vpos, btWidth, 40), clickToAddEnabled, "Add to Scene", "button"); if (clickToAddEnabled) { GUI.backgroundColor = saveBg; } vpos += 50; if (projectPreview != null) { GUI.Box(new Rect(width / 2 - 64, vpos, 128, 128), projectPreview); } } else { int bth = height - vpos - 30; if (bth > 128) { bth = 128; } clickToAddEnabled = GUI.Toggle(new Rect((width - bth - 30) / 2 - btWidth / 2, vpos, btWidth, bth > 40 ? 40 : bth), clickToAddEnabled, "Add to Scene", "Button"); if (projectPreview != null) { GUI.Box(new Rect(width - bth - 10, vpos, bth, bth), projectPreview); } } } if (usingDB) { RenderDB(vpos); } }
public static Character SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return(new Character(le.x, le.y)); }
public static Mario SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return new Mario(le.x, le.y); }
public static BlockBrick SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return new BlockBrick(le.x, le.y); }
public static BlockPipeUp SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return(new BlockPipeUp(le.x, le.y, (MonsterPiranah.PiranahType)le.ParamInt[0])); }
public static Flag_Win SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return(new Flag_Win(le.x, le.y)); }
public static MonsterKoopa SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return new MonsterKoopa(le.x, le.y); }
public static MonsterKoopa SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return(new MonsterKoopa(le.x, le.y)); }
public static ExitBlock SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return new ExitBlock(le.x, le.y); }
public static void renderGUI(int vpos) { vpos += OET_lib.ToolLib.header("<b>Init / Save / Load</b>\nSave or Load the Scene with JSON.", vpos, false); int width = Screen.width; float btWidth = width < 160 ? width - 20 : 160; GUI.Label(new Rect(10, vpos, 150, 20), "+x"); Num_x = EditorGUI.IntSlider(new Rect(90, vpos, width - 100, 20), Num_x, 1, 20); GUI.Label(new Rect(10, vpos + 50, 150, 20), "+z"); Num_z = EditorGUI.IntSlider(new Rect(90, vpos + 50, width - 100, 20), Num_z, 1, 20); GUI.enabled = !OET_io.lib.LevelIsLoaded; // Init button if (GUI.Button(new Rect(width / 2 - btWidth / 2, vpos + 100, btWidth, 25), "Init") && initialized == false) { // This will force a database reload new LevelObjectDatabase(); GameObject _platform = new GameObject("LOADED LEVEL"); _CreateSingleton(); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(_platform, "Init the level"); //GameObject _prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Prefabs/Old/Environment/Hallway/Hallway_Floor.prefab", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; for (int i = -Num_x; i <= Num_x; i++) { for (int j = -Num_z; j <= Num_z; j++) { GameObject _instance = Instantiate(tileObject.Prefab, new Vector3(i * OET_grid.lib.size_x, 0, j * OET_grid.lib.size_z), Quaternion.identity); = tileObject.Path; //Edge + Wall if (i == -Num_x || i == Num_x || j == -Num_z || j == Num_z) { _AddNavMeshModifier(_instance, OET_lib.NavMeshAreas.NotWalkable); GameObject _wall = Instantiate(tileObject.Prefab, new Vector3(i * OET_grid.lib.size_x, OET_grid.lib.size_y, j * OET_grid.lib.size_z), Quaternion.identity); _wall.transform.SetParent(_platform.transform); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(_wall, "Init the level"); OET_io.lib.ActiveGameObjects.Add(_wall); _AddNavMeshModifier(_wall, OET_lib.NavMeshAreas.NotWalkable); } else if (_instance.GetComponent <LevelUnit>() == null) { LevelUnit LU = _instance.AddComponent <LevelUnit>() as LevelUnit; LU.defaultState = LevelUnitStates.Floor; _AddNavMeshModifier(_instance, OET_lib.NavMeshAreas.Walkable); } _instance.transform.SetParent(_platform.transform); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(_instance, "Init the level"); OET_io.lib.ActiveGameObjects.Add(_instance); } } GameObject NavSurface = GameObject.Find("NavMeshSurface"); if (NavSurface) { NavSurface.GetComponent <NavMeshSurface>().BuildNavMesh(); } OET_io.lib.SetDirty(true); } tileObject = EditorGUI.ObjectField( new Rect(width / 2 + btWidth / 2 + 8, vpos + 100, btWidth, 25), tileObject, typeof(LevelEditorObject)) as LevelEditorObject; GUI.enabled = OET_io.lib.LevelIsLoaded; // Save button if (GUI.Button(new Rect(width / 2 - btWidth / 2, vpos + 150, btWidth, 25), "Save")) { OET_io.lib.SaveCurrentLevel(); } // Save As button if (GUI.Button(new Rect(width / 2 - btWidth / 2, vpos + 200, btWidth, 25), "Save As")) { string savePath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Level", Application.dataPath, "New Level.level", "level"); if (savePath == "" || savePath == default(string)) { return; } OET_io.lib.SaveCurrentLevel(savePath); } // Close button if (GUI.Button(new Rect(width / 2 - btWidth / 2, vpos + 250, btWidth, 25), "Close")) { if (OET_io.lib.IsDirty) { switch (EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex( "Save Level", "Do you want to save your level?", "Save", "Don't Save", "Cancel")) { case 0: // Save string savePath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Level", Application.dataPath, "New Level.level", "level"); if (savePath == "" || savePath == default(string)) { return; } OET_io.lib.SaveCurrentLevel(savePath); OET_io.lib.CloseLevel(); break; case 1: // Don't Save OET_io.lib.CloseLevel(); break; case 2: // Cancel break; } } OET_io.lib.CloseLevel(); } GUI.enabled = true; // Load button if (GUI.Button(new Rect(width / 2 - btWidth / 2, vpos + 300, btWidth, 25), "Load")) { if (OET_io.lib.LevelIsLoaded && OET_io.lib.IsDirty) { switch (EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex( "Save Level", "Do you want to save your level?", "Save", "Don't Save", "Cancel")) { case 0: // Save string savePath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Level", Application.dataPath, "New Level.level", "level"); if (savePath == "" || savePath == default(string)) { return; } OET_io.lib.SaveCurrentLevel(savePath); OET_io.lib.CloseLevel(); break; case 1: // Don't Save OET_io.lib.CloseLevel(); break; case 2: // Cancel break; } } string openPath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Open Level", Application.dataPath, "level"); if (openPath == "" || openPath == default(string)) { return; } OET_io.lib.OpenLevel(openPath); } }
public static BlockQuestion SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return(new BlockQuestion(le.x, le.y, (ObjectType)le.ParamInt[0])); }
public static BlockMoving SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return(new BlockMoving(le.x, le.y, le.ParamInt[0], (MovingType)le.ParamInt[1], le.Parambool[0])); }
public static BlockGrass SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return new BlockGrass(le.x, le.y); }
public static BlockQuestion SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return new BlockQuestion(le.x, le.y, (ObjectType)le.ParamInt[0]); }
//public static void renderGUI(int vpos, GameObject[] sceneSelection, GameObject projectActiveSelection) public static void renderGUI(int vpos, GameObject[] sceneSelection, LevelEditorObject projectActiveSelection) { int width = Screen.width; int height = Screen.height; bool colMode = height < 350; if (sceneSelection != null) { if (projectActiveSelection != null) { GUIStyle styleInfoText = new GUIStyle(; styleInfoText.wordWrap = true; styleInfoText.fontSize = 9; styleInfoText.normal.textColor =; styleInfoText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; if (height > 220) { vpos += OET_lib.ToolLib.header("<b>Replacement</b>\nReplace the current selection in the scene with the latest selected prefab in the project window (previewed below).", vpos, false); } Texture2D projectPreview = UnityEditor.AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(projectActiveSelection.Prefab); if (projectPreview != null) { if (colMode) { int bxsize = vpos + 128 + 30 > height ? height - vpos - 30 : 128; if (width < 330) { bxsize = width - 210; } if (vpos + bxsize + 30 > height) { bxsize = height - vpos - 30; } GUI.Box(new Rect(width - bxsize - 10, vpos, bxsize, bxsize), projectPreview); } } GUI.Label(new Rect(10, vpos, 150, 20), "Preserve Orientation"); preserveOrientation = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(160, vpos, 50, 20), preserveOrientation, ""); vpos += 20; GUI.Label(new Rect(10, vpos, 150, 20), "Preserve Scale"); preserveScale = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(160, vpos, 50, 20), preserveScale, ""); vpos += 35; int btWidth = width < 160 ? width - 20 : 160; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(colMode ? width / 3 - btWidth / 2 : width / 2 - btWidth / 2, vpos, btWidth, 25), "Replace")) { var newSelection = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (GameObject obj in sceneSelection) { GameObject newObject = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(projectActiveSelection) as GameObject; newObject.transform.parent = obj.transform.parent; newObject.transform.position = obj.transform.position; if (preserveScale) { newObject.transform.localScale = obj.transform.localScale; } if (preserveOrientation) { newObject.transform.eulerAngles = obj.transform.eulerAngles; } newSelection.Add(newObject); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newObject, "Objects replacement"); Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(obj); } Selection.objects = newSelection.ToArray(); } vpos += 30; if (!colMode) { GUI.Box(new Rect(width / 2 - 64, vpos, 128, 128), projectPreview); } } else { OET_lib.ToolLib.alertBox("Objects Replacement", "Select a prefab in the project window to enable this tool."); } } else { OET_lib.ToolLib.alertBox("Objects Replacement", "Select objects in the hierarchy or in the scene view to enable this tool."); } }
public static BlockMoving SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return new BlockMoving(le.x, le.y, le.ParamInt[0], (MovingType)le.ParamInt[1], le.Parambool[0]); }
public static Mario SetLEObject(LevelEditorObject le) { return(new Mario(le.x, le.y)); }