/// <summary>
        /// Opens the appropriate Media Viewer window for the requested LaunchMode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LaunchMode"></param>
        /// <param name="hWnd"></param>
        private void OpenAppropriateWindow(LaunchModality LaunchMode, IntPtr hWnd)
            Log("OpenAppropriateWindow() entered.");
            // Based on Launch Mode, show the correct window in the correct place
            if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.DT_Configure)
                Log("   OpenAppropriateWindow(): LaunchMode = DT_Configure");
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.CP_Configure)
                Log("   OpenAppropriateWindow(): LaunchMode = CP_Configure");
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.ScreenSaver)
                Log("   OnStartup(): LaunchMode = ScreenSaver");
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.ScreenSaverWindowed)
                Log("   OpenAppropriateWindow(): LaunchMode = ScreenSaverWindowed");
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.CP_MiniPreview)
                Log("   OpenAppropriateWindow(): LaunchMode = CP_MiniPreview");
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.Undecided)
                Log(" ** OpenAppropriateWindow() Error: LaunchMode == LaunchModality.Undecided");

            #if DEBUG
                // if we are in DEBUG and there's a debugger attached, offer to break into it
                if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                    Log(" ** OpenAppropriateWindow() Breaking into debugger...");

                    MessageBoxResult mbr = MessageBox.Show("Apparently we are still in LaunchMode.Undecided. Cancel to break into debugger, or OK to launch in Full Screen mode." +
                        Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "CommandLine: " + Environment.CommandLine,
                        this.ProductName, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);

                    if (mbr == MessageBoxResult.Cancel)

                // In release version, we'll just quietly fail here, and launch in desktop Configure mode
                Log(" ** OpenAppropriateWindow(): we fell through to Mode.Undecided, calling ShowSettings().");

            Log("OpenAppropriateWindow() exiting.");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses command line options, sets modes, and calls the Launch Code 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mainArgs"></param>
        static void ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(string[] mainArgs)
            Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, "   ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): calling ProcessCommandLineAndExecute()...");

            // The only args that this exe cares about are:
            // 1. no mode args passed = M_NO_MODE (open screensaver in last remembered non-ScreenSaverStyle window, with no Slideshow)
            // 2. /scr, which tells us that we were launched from the .scr stub,
            //    and therefore need to respect arguments with window handles
            // 3. /dt_configure (open settings dialog on desktop)
            // 4. /c (same as dt_configure)
            // 5. /cp_configure -windowHandle (open settings owned by control panel)
            // 6. /cp_minipreview -windowHandle (put minipreview form in control panel)
            // 7. /screensaver (run the default screen saver with slideshow)
            // 8. /s (same as /screensaver)
            // 9. /popdbgwin (pop up the debugoutputwindow on a timer after launch)
            // 10. any 'unofficial' args we process with SetDebugOutputAndHostOptions() and/or HandleUnofficialArgs()

            // By the time we get to this method, the command line will have been scanned once by
            // SetDebugOutputAndHostOptions(), and certain LaunchManager.Modes will have been set:
            //     1. fRunFromScreenSaverStub
            //     2. VSHOSTED
            //     3. fPopUp
            //     4. fMaintainBuffer

            IntPtr hWnd = IntPtr.Zero;
            string launchString = M_SCREENSAVER;

            // First, handle only the very rigorous "we were launched from the scr stub" case.
            // Note "/scr" was already detected, and noted in fRunFromScreenSaverStub
            int lastProcessedIndex = -1;
            if (fRunFromScreenSaverStub)  // set for us by SetDebugOutputAndHostOptions()
                // Logic:
                // A. If /scr exists, it must be first
                // B. If /scr, only one /scr arg allowed
                // C. If /scr, one /scr arg required
                // D. If /scr, validate that windowHandles parse to IntPtr
                // E. If /scr, non-scr args not allowed except /popdbgwin or /startbuffer

                // first argument must be /scr
                if ((mainArgs.Length > 0) && (mainArgs[0].ToLowerInvariant() != @"/scr"))
                    Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): /scr can only be the first argument.");
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: /scr can only be the first argument." +
                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                lastProcessedIndex = 0;

                // second arg must be one of four valid /scr-related arguments
                if ((mainArgs.Length > 1) && !scrArgs.Contains(mainArgs[1].ToLowerInvariant()))
                    Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): /scr can only be followed by a valid /scr-related argument.");
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: /scr can only be followed by a valid /scr-related argument." +
                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                lastProcessedIndex = 1;

                // if second arg starts with cp_ it must be followed with a valid window handle
                if (mainArgs[1].ToLowerInvariant() == M_CP_CONFIGURE || mainArgs[1].ToLowerInvariant() == M_CP_MINIPREVIEW)
                    if ((mainArgs.Length > 2) && mainArgs[2].ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("-"))
                        string subArg = mainArgs[2].ToLowerInvariant();
                        string longCandidate = subArg.Substring(1);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(longCandidate))
                            long val;
                            bool worked = long.TryParse(longCandidate, out val);
                            if (worked)
                                hWnd = new IntPtr(val);
                            else  // bad parse
                                Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): invalid window handle passed: " + longCandidate);
                                throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: invalid window handle passed: " + longCandidate +
                                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                        else   // null or empty
                            Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): null or empty window handle passed.");
                            throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: null or empty window handle passed." +
                                Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                    else  // missing required sub argument
                        Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): /cp_ argument missing required subargument.");
                        throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: /cp_ argument missing required subargument." +
                            Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                    lastProcessedIndex = 2;

                // at this point, lastProcessedIndex is either 1 or 2. The only valid arguments past here are
                // either /dgbwin or /startbuffer, which will already have been detected, but not validated
                // in position. They are only allowed in index 2 or 3.

                // validate StartBuffer
                bool DidProcess = false;
                if (fMaintainBuffer)  // this was detected earlier
                    if ((mainArgs[lastProcessedIndex + 1].ToLowerInvariant() != POPDBGWIN) &&
                        (mainArgs[lastProcessedIndex + 1].ToLowerInvariant() != STARTBUFFER))
                        string invalid = POPDBGWIN + " or " + STARTBUFFER;
                        Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): " + invalid + " detected but not at valid index.");
                        throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine:" + invalid + " detected but not at valid index." +
                            Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                    DidProcess = true; ;

                // validate POPDBGWIN appears at proper point in args
                if (fPopUpDebugOutputWindowOnTimer)  // this was detected earlier
                    if (mainArgs[lastProcessedIndex + 1].ToLowerInvariant() != POPDBGWIN)
                        Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): " + POPDBGWIN + " detected but not at valid index.");
                        throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine:" + POPDBGWIN + " detected but not at valid index." +
                            Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                    DidProcess = true;

                if (DidProcess) lastProcessedIndex++;

                // starting at lastProcessedIndex, there should be NO arguments
                if ((mainArgs.Length - 1) > lastProcessedIndex)
                    Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): " + POPDBGWIN + " detected but not at valid index.");
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: too many arguments past /scr." +
                        Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);

                // by this point, a valid mode is in mainArgs[1] and hWnd is either IntPtr.Zero or a numerically validated hWnd.
                launchString = mainArgs[1].ToLowerInvariant();
            else // we were not launched from .scr stub.
                // So valid args are:
                // - no args
                // - one of the four scrArgs
                //   - and possibly one of two subArgs
                // - one of the old args, which we'll map to a scrArg
                // - /popdbgwin, which we will already have detected

                // Apply some rules
                // 1. acceptable: no scrArg, no oldArg
                // 2. if any scrArg, only one allowed
                // 2. if any scrArg, no oldArgs allowed
                // 3. if no scrArg, only one oldArg allowed
                // 4. if scrArg or oldArg exists, it must be first
                // 5. if scrArg exists, any subArg must be second

                launchString = M_NO_MODE;
                int countOfscrArgsDetected = 0;
                int countOfoldArgsDetected = 0;
                if (mainArgs.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string arg in mainArgs)
                        string testMe = arg.ToLowerInvariant().Trim();
                        if (scrArgs.Contains(testMe)) countOfscrArgsDetected++;
                        if (oldArgs.Contains(testMe)) countOfoldArgsDetected++;

                        if (testMe == M_DT_CONFIGURE) launchString = M_DT_CONFIGURE;
                        if (testMe == M_SCREENSAVER) launchString = M_SCREENSAVER;
                        if (testMe == OLDCONFIGURE) launchString = M_DT_CONFIGURE;
                        if (testMe == OLDSCREENSAVER) launchString = M_SCREENSAVER;
                        if (testMe == M_CP_CONFIGURE) launchString = M_CP_CONFIGURE;
                        if (testMe == M_CP_MINIPREVIEW) launchString = M_CP_MINIPREVIEW;

                    // no multiple modes or mixing old and new
                    if (countOfoldArgsDetected > 1 ||
                        countOfscrArgsDetected > 1 ||
                        (countOfoldArgsDetected + countOfscrArgsDetected > 1))
                        Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): only one scrArg allowed, or only one oldArg allowed, or scrArg and oldArg cannot be combined.");
                        throw new ArgumentException("CommandLine: only one scrArg allowed, or only one oldArg allowed, or scrArg and oldArg cannot be combined." +
                            Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);

                    // mode must be first argument; so if we have a mode, compare it to first argument
                    if (launchString != M_NO_MODE)
                        if (mainArgs[0].ToLowerInvariant().Trim() != launchString)
                            // this may be because of old vs new args. check that first
                            if ((mainArgs[0].ToLowerInvariant().Trim() == OLDCONFIGURE && launchString == M_DT_CONFIGURE) ||
                                (mainArgs[0].ToLowerInvariant().Trim() == OLDSCREENSAVER && launchString == M_SCREENSAVER)
                                // do nothing, that's expected
                                // mode argument was out of order.  Reject.
                                Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): any mode argument must be the first argument.");
                                throw new ArgumentException("CommandLine: any mode argument must be the first argument." +
                                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);

                    // require and validate window handles
                    if ((launchString == M_CP_CONFIGURE) || (launchString == M_CP_MINIPREVIEW))
                        if ((mainArgs.Length > 2) && mainArgs[2].ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("-"))
                            string subArg = mainArgs[1].ToLowerInvariant().Trim();
                            string longCandidate = subArg.Substring(1);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(longCandidate))
                                long val;
                                bool worked = long.TryParse(longCandidate, out val);
                                if (worked)
                                    hWnd = new IntPtr(val);
                                else  // bad parse
                                    Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): invalid window handle passed: " + longCandidate);
                                    throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: invalid window handle passed: " + longCandidate +
                                        Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                            else   // null or empty
                                Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): null or empty window handle passed.");
                                throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: null or empty window handle passed." +
                                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                        else  // missing required sub argument
                            Logging.LogIf(fDebugTrace, @"  * ProcessCommandLineAndExecute(): /cp_ argument missing required subargument.");
                            throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: /cp_ argument missing required subargument." +
                                Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);

            // Now map launchString to LaunchMode enum
            LaunchMode = LaunchModality.Undecided;

            if (launchString == M_NO_MODE) LaunchMode = LaunchModality.ScreenSaverWindowed;
            if (launchString == M_CP_CONFIGURE) LaunchMode = LaunchModality.CP_Configure;
            if (launchString == M_CP_MINIPREVIEW) LaunchMode = LaunchModality.CP_MiniPreview;
            if (launchString == M_DT_CONFIGURE) LaunchMode = LaunchModality.DT_Configure;
            if (launchString == M_SCREENSAVER) LaunchMode = LaunchModality.ScreenSaver;

            // Handle any 'unofficial' arguments

            // Now launch us
            LaunchWindow(LaunchMode, hWnd);
        private void GetLaunchMode(StartupEventArgs SEArgs, out LaunchModality LaunchMode, out IntPtr hWnd)
            Log("GetLaunchMode(): entered.");

            string[] mainArgs = SEArgs.Args;
            bool retVal = true;
            hWnd = IntPtr.Zero;

            // The only mainArgs that this exe cares about are:
            // 1. no mode mainArgs passed = M_NO_MODE (open screensaver in last remembered non-ScreenSaverStyle window, with no Slideshow)
            // 2. /scr, which tells us that we were launched from the .scr stub,
            //    and therefore need to respect arguments with window handles
            // 3. /dt_configure (open settings dialog on desktop)
            // 4. /c (same as dt_configure)
            // 5. /cp_configure -windowHandle (open settings owned by control panel)
            // 6. /cp_minipreview -windowHandle (put minipreview form in control panel)
            // 7. /screensaver (run the default screen saver with slideshow)
            // 8. /s (same as /screensaver)
            // 9. /popdbgwin (pop up the debugoutputwindow on a timer after launch)
            // 10. any 'unofficial' mainArgs we process with SetDebugOutputAndHostOptions() and/or HandleUnofficialArgs()

            // By the time we get to this method, the command line will have been scanned once by
            // SetDebugOutputAndHostOptions(), and certain LaunchManager.Modes will have been set:
            //     1. fRunFromScreenSaverStub
            //     2. VSHOSTED

            string launchString = M_SCREENSAVER;

            // TODO: Joe, translate exceptions into MsgBox errors.

            // First, handle only the very rigorous "we were launched from the scr stub" case.
            // Note "/scr" was already detected, and noted in fRunFromScreenSaverStub
            if (fLaunchedFromStub)  // set for us by SetDebugOutputAndHostOptions()
                // Logic:
                // A. If /scr exists, it must be first
                // B. If /scr, only one /scr arg allowed
                // C. If /scr, one /scr arg required
                // D. If /scr, validate that windowHandles parse to IntPtr
                // E. If /scr, non-scr mainArgs not allowed except /popdbgwin or /startbuffer

                // first argument must be /scr
                if ((mainArgs.Length > 0) && (mainArgs[0].ToLowerInvariant() != @"/scr"))
                    Log(@"  * GetLaunchMode(): /scr can only appear as the first argument.");
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: /scr can only appear as the first argument." +
                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);

                // second arg must be one of four valid /scr-related arguments
                if ((mainArgs.Length > 1) && !scrArgs.Contains(mainArgs[1].ToLowerInvariant()))
                    Log(@"  * GetLaunchMode(): /scr must be followed by a valid /scr-related argument.");
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: /scr must be followed by a valid /scr-related argument." +
                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);

                // if second arg starts with cp_ it must be followed with a valid window handle
                if (mainArgs[1].ToLowerInvariant() == M_CP_CONFIGURE || mainArgs[1].ToLowerInvariant() == M_CP_MINIPREVIEW)
                    if ((mainArgs.Length > 2) && mainArgs[2].ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("-"))
                        string subArg = mainArgs[2].ToLowerInvariant();
                        string longCandidate = subArg.Substring(1);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(longCandidate))
                            long val;
                            bool worked = long.TryParse(longCandidate, out val);
                            if (worked)
                                hWnd = new IntPtr(val);
                            else  // bad parse
                                Log(@"  * GetLaunchMode(): invalid window handle passed: " + longCandidate);
                                throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: invalid window handle passed: " + longCandidate +
                                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                        else   // null or empty
                            Log(@"  * GetLaunchMode(): null or empty window handle passed.");
                            throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: null or empty window handle passed." +
                                Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);
                    else  // missing required sub argument
                        Log(@"  * GetLaunchMode(): /cp_ argument missing required subargument.");
                        throw new ArgumentException(@"CommandLine: /cp_ argument missing required subargument." +
                            Environment.NewLine + Environment.CommandLine);

                // by this point, a valid mode is in mainArgs[1] and hWnd is either IntPtr.Zero or a numerically validated hWnd.
                launchString = mainArgs[1].ToLowerInvariant();
                launchString = M_NO_MODE;

            // If not launched from stub, all commandline args are ignored.

            // Now map launchString to LaunchMode enum
            LaunchMode = LaunchModality.Undecided;

            if (launchString == M_NO_MODE) LaunchMode = LaunchModality.ScreenSaverWindowed;
            if (launchString == M_CP_CONFIGURE) LaunchMode = LaunchModality.CP_Configure;
            if (launchString == M_CP_MINIPREVIEW) LaunchMode = LaunchModality.CP_MiniPreview;
            if (launchString == M_DT_CONFIGURE) LaunchMode = LaunchModality.DT_Configure;
            if (launchString == M_SCREENSAVER) LaunchMode = LaunchModality.ScreenSaver;

            // Handle any 'unofficial' arguments here
            // HandleUnofficialArguments(mainArgs);

            Log("GetLaunchMode(): exiting, returning:" + retVal);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the necessary window, based on conditions and arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LaunchMode"></param>
        /// <param name="hWnd"></param>
        static void LaunchWindow(LaunchModality LaunchMode, IntPtr hWnd)
            Logging.LogLineIf(fDebugTrace, "LaunchWindow(): entered.");

            // Store away the actual command line for debugging purposes
            Logging.LogLineIf(fDebugTrace, "   LaunchWindow(): Mode = " + LaunchMode.ToString());

            #if DEBUG
            // Uncomment the following lines and in DEBUG builds not attached to a debugger (ie, in Control Panel)
            // we'll put up this dialog every time we launch, showing command line and launch mode.

            //if (Logging.CannotLog())                                // there's no debugger, so we'll put up a dialog
            //    MessageBox.Show("CommandLine: " + cmdLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
            //        "Launch Mode = " + LaunchMode.ToString(), Application.ProductName,
            //        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            // Based on Launch Mode, show the correct window in the correct place
            if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.DT_Configure)
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.CP_Configure)
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.ScreenSaver)
                fOpenInScreenSaverMode = true;
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.ScreenSaverWindowed)
                fOpenInScreenSaverMode = false;
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.CP_MiniPreview)
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.NOLAUNCH)
                MessageBox.Show("Command: " + Environment.CommandLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Sorry, an error prevented this screen saver from running.", Application.ProductName,
                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                // since Application.Run was never called, exe will now terminate... // TODO: JOE: verify fallthough behavior
            else if (LaunchMode == LaunchModality.Undecided)
                Logging.LogLineIf(fDebugOutput, "Error: Apparently we are still in LaunchMode == Undecided.");
            #if DEBUG
                if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: Apparently we are still in LaunchMode == Undecided. Gonna break into debugger now.",
                        Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                // In release, we'll just quietly fail here, and launch in Configure mode

                Logging.LogLineIf(fDebugOutput, " ** LaunchWindow(): we fell through to Mode.Undecided, calling Application.Run().");

                Logging.LogLineIf(fDebugTrace, "LaunchWindow(): exiting for realsies.");