Example #1
 private static JObject InternalCall(string method, JArray _params)
     switch (method)
         case "getbestblockhash":
             return Blockchain.Default.CurrentBlockHash.ToString();
         case "getblock":
                 UInt256 hash = UInt256.Parse(_params[0].AsString());
                 Block block = Blockchain.Default.GetBlock(hash);
                 if (block == null)
                     throw new RpcException(-100, "Unknown block");
                 return block.ToJson();
         case "getblockcount":
             return Blockchain.Default.Height + 1;
         case "getblockhash":
                 uint height = (uint)_params[0].AsNumber();
                 return Blockchain.Default.GetBlockHash(height).ToString();
         case "getrawtransaction":
                 UInt256 hash = UInt256.Parse(_params[0].AsString());
                 Transaction tx = Blockchain.Default.GetTransaction(hash);
                 if (tx == null)
                     throw new RpcException(-101, "Unknown transaction");
                 return tx.ToJson();
             throw new RpcException(-32601, "Method not found");
Example #2
    public void ForEach()
      JArray items = new JArray(new JObject(new JProperty("name", "value!")));

      foreach (JObject friend in items)
Example #3
        public static void vaildData()
            JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(@"input/mergeresult_final.json"));
            JArray jaTemp = new JArray();
            DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\GIS-615\SkyDrive\论文&项目\研究生毕业论文\数据\GetPoiTimeLineWithAzure\原始数据");
            foreach (JObject jo in ja)
                int count = 0;
                foreach (FileInfo file in dirInfo.GetFiles())
                    string filename = file.Name.Substring(0, file.Name.Length - 5);
                    if (jo["poiid"].ToString().Equals(filename))
                if (count == 0)

            File.WriteAllText(@"output//nullData.json", jaTemp.ToString());
Example #4
 public static List<List<Coordinate[]>> ToListOfListOfCoordinates(JArray array)
     List<List<Coordinate[]>> c = new List<List<Coordinate[]>>();
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
         return c;
Example #5
    public void Clear()
      JArray a = new JArray {1};
      Assert.AreEqual(1, a.Count);

      Assert.AreEqual(0, a.Count);
    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
      ConverterPrecedenceClass c = (ConverterPrecedenceClass)value;

      JToken j = new JArray(ConverterType, c.TestValue);

Example #7
 public static Coordinate[] ToCoordinates(JArray array)
     Coordinate[] c = new Coordinate[array.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
             c[i] = ToCoordinate((JArray) array[i]);
         return c;
        public void JArrayDictionary()
            Dictionary<JToken, int> dic = new Dictionary<JToken, int>(JToken.EqualityComparer);
            JArray v11 = new JArray();
            JArray v12 = new JArray();

            dic[v11] = 1;
            dic[v12] += 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dic[v11]);
Example #9
    public void Contains()
      JValue v = new JValue(1);

      JArray a = new JArray {v};

      Assert.AreEqual(false, a.Contains(new JValue(2)));
      Assert.AreEqual(false, a.Contains(new JValue(1)));
      Assert.AreEqual(false, a.Contains(null));
      Assert.AreEqual(true, a.Contains(v));
Example #10
 public static JArray MergeJArray(JArray arr1, JArray arr2)
     if (arr2.Count > 0)
         foreach (JObject jo in arr2)
     return arr1;
Example #11
    public void Manual()
      JArray array = new JArray();
      JValue text = new JValue("Manual text");
      JValue date = new JValue(new DateTime(2000, 5, 23));


      string json = array.ToString();
      // [
      //   "Manual text",
      //   "\/Date(958996800000+1200)\/"
      // ]
Example #12
		public override void Respond(IHttpContext context)
			var dir = ResourceStore.Configuration.PluginsDirectory;
			if (Directory.Exists(dir))
				var paths = from path in Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.xap", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
				            select path.Replace(dir, string.Empty).Replace(".xap", string.Empty);

				var xaps = new JArray(paths);
				context.WriteJson(new JArray());
        public static JContainer ToJContainer(this ICollection target)
            if (target != null)
                var jobjarray = new JArray();

                foreach (var item in target)

                return jobjarray;

            return null;
        public void Example()
            #region Usage
            IList<BlogPost> blogPosts = new List<BlogPost>
                new BlogPost
                    Title = "Json.NET is awesome!",
                    AuthorName = "James Newton-King",
                    AuthorTwitter = "JamesNK",
                    PostedDate = new DateTime(2013, 1, 23, 19, 30, 0),
                    Body = @"<h3>Title!</h3>

            JArray blogPostsArray = new JArray(
                blogPosts.Select(p => new JObject
                    { "Title", p.Title },
                        "Author", new JObject
                            { "Name", p.AuthorName },
                            { "Twitter", p.AuthorTwitter }
                    { "Date", p.PostedDate },
                    { "BodyHtml", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(p.Body) },

            // [
            //   {
            //     "Title": "Json.NET is awesome!",
            //     "Author": {
            //       "Name": "James Newton-King",
            //       "Twitter": "JamesNK"
            //     },
            //     "Date": "2013-01-23T19:30:00",
            //     "BodyHtml": "&lt;h3&gt;Title!&lt;/h3&gt;\r\n&lt;p&gt;Content!&lt;/p&gt;"
            //   }
            // ]
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetUser(string query_loginName, string query_username)
            JArray ja = new JArray();

                using (venuesEntities db = new venuesEntities())

                    string strSql = "SELECT su.User_Id,su.User_LoginName,su.User_Name,su.User_Password,sd.DA_Name,sd.DA_Code,su.User_TypeId FROM tbl_sys_user AS su LEFT JOIN tbl_sys_dictionary AS sd ON su.User_TypeId=sd.DA_Id where 1=1 ";
                    if (query_loginName != "")
                        strSql += " and su.User_LoginName='" + query_loginName + "'";
                    else if (query_username != "")
                        strSql += " and su.User_Name='" + query_username + "'";

                    ObjectQuery<DbDataRecord> results = db.CreateQuery<DbDataRecord>(strSql);

                    foreach (var item in results)
                            new JObject(
                                new JProperty("User_Id", item["User_Id"].ToString()),
                                new JProperty("User_LoginName", item["User_LoginName"].ToString()),
                                new JProperty("User_Name", item["User_Name"].ToString()),
                                new JProperty("User_Password", item["User_Password"].ToString()),
                                new JProperty("DA_Name", item["DA_Name"].ToString()),
                                new JProperty("User_TypeId", item["User_TypeId"].ToString()),
                                new JProperty("DA_Code", item["DA_Code"].ToString())
            catch (Exception e)
                addLog(KeyManager.LogTypeId_Error, KeyManager.CUR_USERID, KeyManager.MENUS.Menu_SystemUsersManager, "查询用户列表,User_LoginName=" + query_loginName + ",User_Name=" + query_username + ",错误信息:" + e.Message);
            addLog(KeyManager.LogTypeId_Option, KeyManager.CUR_USERID, KeyManager.MENUS.Menu_SystemUsersManager, "查询用户列表,User_LoginName=" + query_loginName + ",User_Name=" + query_username);
            return ja.ToString();
        public void Example()
            #region Usage
            JArray array = new JArray();
            array.Add("Manual text");
            array.Add(new DateTime(2000, 5, 23));

            JObject o = new JObject();
            o["MyArray"] = array;

            string json = o.ToString();
            // {
            //   "MyArray": [
            //     "Manual text",
            //     "2000-05-23T00:00:00"
            //   ]
            // }
            /// <summary>
            ///     Convert JSON Data
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="jsondata">JSON Object</param>
            /// <returns>MDR Text Data</returns>
            /// <remarks></remarks>
            public static List<DeviceEventMdrTextData> CnvJsonDataToList(JArray jsondata)
                var result = new List<DeviceEventMdrTextData>();

                foreach (var obj in jsondata)
                    var tmp = new DeviceEventMdrTextData();

                    tmp.PatientSequenceNumber = Utilities.GetJTokenString(obj, "patient_sequence_number");
                    tmp.TextTypeCode = Utilities.GetJTokenString(obj, "text_type_code");
                    tmp.Text = Utilities.GetJTokenString(obj, "text");
                    tmp.MdrTextKey = Utilities.GetJTokenString(obj, "mdr_text_key");
                    tmp.DateReceived = Utilities.GetJTokenString(obj, "date_received");


                return result;
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Static function to return instance of the union schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jarr">JSON object for the union schema</param>
        /// <param name="names">list of named schemas already read</param>
        /// <param name="encspace">enclosing namespace of the schema</param>
        /// <returns>new UnionSchema object</returns>
        internal static UnionSchema NewInstance(JArray jarr, PropertyMap props, SchemaNames names, string encspace)
            List<Schema> schemas = new List<Schema>();
            IDictionary<string, string> uniqueSchemas = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            foreach (JToken jvalue in jarr)
                Schema unionType = Schema.ParseJson(jvalue, names, encspace);
                if (null == unionType)
                    throw new SchemaParseException("Invalid JSON in union" + jvalue.ToString());

                string name = unionType.Name;
                if (uniqueSchemas.ContainsKey(name))
                    throw new SchemaParseException("Duplicate type in union: " + name);

                uniqueSchemas.Add(name, name);

            return new UnionSchema(schemas, props);
Example #19
 private static void DiffCategories()
     int[] typeArray = new int[]{
     //去掉252,254,20,156,219,45,52,671,678,189, 220,221,222,223,224,
     List<int> typeList = new List<int>(typeArray);
     JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(@"../../output/type1/typetrue.json"));
     //foreach (int num in typeList)
     int num = 252;
         string path = @"../../output/45/";
         //if (!Directory.Exists(path))
         //    Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
         JArray jaType = new JArray();
         foreach (JObject jo in ja)
             if (Int32.Parse(jo["category"].ToString()) == num)
                 Console.WriteLine("jaType :" + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString() + ";" + jo["title"].ToString() + ";" + jo["poiid"].ToString());
                 streamWriter.WriteLine("jaType :" + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString() + ";" + jo["title"].ToString() + ";" + jo["poiid"].ToString());
             Console.WriteLine("jaType:" + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString() + ";" + jaType.Count.ToString());
             streamWriter.WriteLine("jaType:" + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString() + ";" + jaType.Count.ToString());
             File.WriteAllText(path + "/" + num + ".json", jaType.ToString());
            /// <summary>
            ///     Convert JSON Data
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="jsondata">JSON Object</param>
            /// <returns>List(Of DeviceEventPatientData)</returns>
            /// <remarks></remarks>
            public static List<DeviceEventPatientData> CnvJsonDataToList(JArray jsondata)
                var result = new List<DeviceEventPatientData>();

                foreach (var obj in jsondata)
                    var tmp = new DeviceEventPatientData();

                    tmp.PatientSequenceNumber = (obj["patient_sequence_number"]).ToString();
                    tmp.DateReceived = (obj["date_received"]).ToString();
                    tmp.SequenceNumberTreatment = (obj["sequence_number_treatment"]).ToString();
                    foreach (var itm in obj["sequence_number_outcome"])

                    //.MdrText = DeviceEventMdrTextData.CnvJsonDataToList(obj("mdr_text"))


                return result;
Example #21
    public void GenericCollectionCopyTo()
      JArray j = new JArray();
      j.Add(new JValue(1));
      j.Add(new JValue(2));
      j.Add(new JValue(3));
      Assert.AreEqual(3, j.Count);

      JToken[] a = new JToken[5];

      ((ICollection<JToken>) j).CopyTo(a, 1);

      Assert.AreEqual(null, a[0]);

      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) a[1]);

      Assert.AreEqual(2, (int) a[2]);

      Assert.AreEqual(3, (int) a[3]);

      Assert.AreEqual(null, a[4]);

Example #22
        public void ParseToJToken()
            var obj = new JObject();
            obj["Id"] = Guid.Empty;
            obj["Username"] = "******";

            var profile = new JObject();
            profile["Birthday"] = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1);
            profile["Age"] = 12;

            var favors = new JArray();
            favors.Push("Sweet Milk");
            obj["Profile"] = profile;
            profile["Favors"] = favors;

            obj["Actived"] = true;

            var jsonString = obj.ToJson();

            var convert = new Json.Parser();
            var json = convert.Parse(jsonString) as JObject;
            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex JsonDateRegex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^(\\d{4})\\-(10|11|12|0?\\d)\\-([012]\\d|30|31)T([01]\\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]?\\d):([0-5]?\\d)$", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled);
            var datestr = "2015-01-01T10:3:3";
            var match = JsonDateRegex.Match(datestr);
            Assert.Equal(Guid.Empty.ToString(), json["Id"].ToString());
            Assert.Equal("yiy", (string)json["Username"]);
            Assert.Equal(true, (bool)json["Actived"]);
            profile = json["Profile"] as JObject;
            Assert.Equal(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1), (DateTime)profile["Birthday"]);
            Assert.Equal(12, (int)profile["Age"]);
            favors = profile["Favors"] as JArray;
            Assert.Equal(12, (int)favors[0]);
            Assert.Equal("Sweet Milk", (string)favors[1]);

Example #23
        public static Dictionary<string, ExcelGroupRow> GetGroupRows(JArray array, string treecodeFiled)
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, ExcelGroupRow>();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(treecodeFiled)) return dict;
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                var item = array[i];
                var treecode = (string)item[treecodeFiled];
                treecode = treecode.Trim();
                ExcelGroupRow row = new ExcelGroupRow();
                row.StartIndex = i;
                row.EndIndex = i;
                row.TreeCode = treecode;
                var parentCode = treecode.Substring(0, Math.Max(0, treecode.LastIndexOf('.')));
                while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentCode))
                    ExcelGroupRow parent;
                    if (dict.TryGetValue(parentCode, out parent))
                        row.Parent = parent;
                        row.Level = parent.Level + 1;
                        item[treecodeFiled] = new string(' ', 2 * row.Level) + treecode;
                        while (parent != null)
                            parent.EndIndex = i;
                            parent = parent.Parent;
                    parentCode = parentCode.Substring(0, Math.Max(0, parentCode.LastIndexOf('.') - 1));
                dict.Add(treecode, row);

            return dict;
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the resource
        /// </summary>
        private JToken GetResource(string resourceId, string apiVersion)
            var resource = this.GetExistingResource(resourceId, apiVersion).Result.ToResource();

            var metaDataJson  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Metadata) ? resource.Properties["metadata"]?.ToString() : GetObjectFromParameter(this.Metadata).ToString();
            var parameterJson = string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Parameter) ? resource.Properties["parameters"]?.ToString() : GetObjectFromParameter(this.Parameter).ToString();

            var policySetDefinitionObject = new PolicySetDefinition
                Name       = this.Name ?? resource.Name,
                Properties = new PolicySetDefinitionProperties
                    Description       = this.Description ?? resource.Properties["description"]?.ToString(),
                    DisplayName       = this.DisplayName ?? resource.Properties["displayName"]?.ToString(),
                    PolicyDefinitions = string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PolicyDefinition) ? JArray.Parse(resource.Properties["policyDefinitions"].ToString()) : GetPolicyDefinitionsObject(),
                    Metadata          = string.IsNullOrEmpty(metaDataJson) ?  null : JObject.Parse(metaDataJson),
                    Parameters        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterJson) ? null : JObject.Parse(parameterJson)

 // auto resolve only works for string
 public void TestArray(
     [EventGridTrigger] JObject value)
     JArray data = (JArray)value["data"];
     functionOut = (string)value["data"][0];
Example #26
 private static U[] ConvertToArray <U>(JArray jarr)
     return(ConvertToEnumerable <U>(jarr).ToArray());
Example #27
        public async Task TestAnonCredsDemo()
            //4. Issuer create ClaimDef
            var schemaJson = "{\n" +
                             "                    \"seqNo\":1,\n" +
                             "                    \"data\": {\n" +
                             "                        \"name\":\"gvt\",\n" +
                             "                        \"version\":\"1.0\",\n" +
                             "                        \"attr_names\":[\"age\",\"sex\",\"height\",\"name\"]\n" +
                             "                    }\n" +
                             "                }";
            var issuerDid = "NcYxiDXkpYi6ov5FcYDi1e";

            var claimDef = await AnonCreds.IssuerCreateAndStoreClaimDefAsync(_issuerWallet, issuerDid, schemaJson, null, false);


            //5. Prover create Master Secret
            var masterSecret = "masterSecretName";
            await AnonCreds.ProverCreateMasterSecretAsync(_proverWallet, masterSecret);

            //6. Prover store Claim Offer
            var claimOffer = string.Format("{{\"issuer_did\":\"{0}\", \"schema_seq_no\":{1}}}", issuerDid, 1);
            await AnonCreds.ProverStoreClaimOfferAsync(_proverWallet, claimOffer);

            //7. Prover get Claim Offers
            var claimOfferFilter = string.Format("{{\"issuer_did\":\"{0}\"}}", issuerDid);
            var claimOffersJson  = await AnonCreds.ProverGetClaimOffersAsync(_proverWallet, claimOfferFilter);

            var claimOffersObject = JArray.Parse(claimOffersJson);

            Assert.AreEqual(claimOffersObject.Count, 1);

            var claimOfferObject = (JObject)claimOffersObject[0];
            var claimOfferJson   = claimOfferObject.ToString();

            //8. Prover create ClaimReq
            var proverDid = "BzfFCYk";
            var claimReq  = await AnonCreds.ProverCreateAndStoreClaimReqAsync(_proverWallet, proverDid, claimOfferJson, claimDef, masterSecret);


            //9. Issuer create Claim
            var claimAttributesJson = "{\n" +
                                      "               \"sex\":[\"male\",\"5944657099558967239210949258394887428692050081607692519917050011144233115103\"],\n" +
                                      "               \"name\":[\"Alex\",\"1139481716457488690172217916278103335\"],\n" +
                                      "               \"height\":[\"175\",\"175\"],\n" +
                                      "               \"age\":[\"28\",\"28\"]\n" +
                                      "        }";

            var createClaimResult = await AnonCreds.IssuerCreateClaimAsync(_issuerWallet, claimReq, claimAttributesJson, -1);

            var claimJson = createClaimResult.ClaimJson;

            //10. Prover store Claim
            await AnonCreds.ProverStoreClaimAsync(_proverWallet, claimJson);

            //11. Prover gets Claims for Proof Request
            var proofRequestJson = "{\n" +
                                   "                          \"nonce\":\"123432421212\",\n" +
                                   "                          \"name\":\"proof_req_1\",\n" +
                                   "                          \"version\":\"0.1\",\n" +
                                   "                          \"requested_attrs\":{\"attr1_uuid\":{\"schema_seq_no\":1,\"name\":\"name\"},\n" +
                                   "                                                \"attr2_uuid\":{\"schema_seq_no\":1,\"name\":\"sex\"}},\n" +
                                   "                          \"requested_predicates\":{\"predicate1_uuid\":{\"attr_name\":\"age\",\"p_type\":\"GE\",\"value\":18}}\n" +
                                   "                  }";

            var claimsForProofJson = await AnonCreds.ProverGetClaimsForProofReqAsync(_proverWallet, proofRequestJson);


            var claimsForProof      = JObject.Parse(claimsForProofJson);
            var claimsForAttribute1 = (JArray)claimsForProof["attrs"]["attr1_uuid"];
            var claimsForAttribute2 = (JArray)claimsForProof["attrs"]["attr1_uuid"];
            var claimsForPredicate  = (JArray)claimsForProof["predicates"]["predicate1_uuid"];

            Assert.AreEqual(claimsForAttribute1.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(claimsForAttribute2.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(claimsForPredicate.Count, 1);

            var claimUuid = claimsForAttribute1[0].Value <string>("claim_uuid");

            //12. Prover create Proof
            var selfAttestedValue   = "yes";
            var requestedClaimsJson = string.Format("{{\n" +
                                                    "                                          \"self_attested_attributes\":{{\"self1\":\"{0}\"}},\n" +
                                                    "                                          \"requested_attrs\":{{\"attr1_uuid\":[\"{1}\", true],\n" +
                                                    "                                                               \"attr2_uuid\":[\"{2}\", false]}},\n" +
                                                    "                                          \"requested_predicates\":{{\"predicate1_uuid\":\"{3}\"}}\n" +
                                                    "                                        }}", selfAttestedValue, claimUuid, claimUuid, claimUuid);

            var schemasJson   = string.Format("{{\"{0}\":{1}}}", claimUuid, schemaJson);
            var claimDefsJson = string.Format("{{\"{0}\":{1}}}", claimUuid, claimDef);
            var revocRegsJson = "{}";

            var proofJson = await AnonCreds.ProverCreateProofAsync(_proverWallet, proofRequestJson, requestedClaimsJson, schemasJson,
                                                                   masterSecret, claimDefsJson, revocRegsJson);


            var proof = JObject.Parse(proofJson);

            //13. Verifier verify Proof

            Assert.IsNotNull(proof["requested_proof"]["unrevealed_attrs"].Value <string>("attr2_uuid"));

            Assert.AreEqual(selfAttestedValue, proof["requested_proof"]["self_attested_attrs"].Value <string>("self1"));

            Boolean valid = await AnonCreds.VerifierVerifyProofAsync(proofRequestJson, proofJson, schemasJson, claimDefsJson, revocRegsJson);

Example #28
        /* TODO: Audio
         * /// <summary>
         * /// </summary>
         * public static void LoadAvailableAudioDevices() {
         *  foreach (DirectSoundDeviceInfo device in App.AvailableAudioDevices) {
         *      SettingsViewModel.Instance.AvailableAudioDevicesList.Add(device.Description);
         *  }
         * }
        /* TODO: Network
         * public static void LoadAvailableNetworkDevices() {
         *  foreach (NetworkInterface networkInterface in App.AvailableNetworkInterfaces) {
         *      SettingsViewModel.Instance.AvailableNetworkInterfacesList.Add(networkInterface.Name);
         *  }
         * }

        public static void LoadAvailablePlugins()
            UpdateViewModel.Instance.UpdatingAvailablePlugins = true;

            Func <bool> update = delegate {
                List <PluginSourceItem> pluginSourceList = new List <PluginSourceItem>();
                try {
                    //var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create("https://github.com/Icehunter/ffxivapp/raw/master/PACKAGES.json");
                    var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://localhost/teast/ffxivapp/PACKAGES.json");
                    httpWebRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.70 Safari/533.4";
                    httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en;q=0.8");
                    httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/text; charset=utf-8";
                    httpWebRequest.CachePolicy = new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
                    using (var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse()) {
                        using (Stream response = httpResponse.GetResponseStream()) {
                            var responseText = string.Empty;
                            if (response != null)
                                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(response)) {
                                    responseText = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                            if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(responseText))
                                JArray jsonResult = JArray.Parse(responseText);
                                foreach (JToken jToken in jsonResult)
                                    bool enabled;
                                    bool.TryParse(jToken["Enabled"].ToString(), out enabled);
                                    var sourceURI = jToken["SourceURI"].ToString();

                                    if (enabled)
                                            new PluginSourceItem {
                                            Enabled   = true,
                                            Key       = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                            SourceURI = sourceURI
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(ex, true));

                foreach (PluginSourceItem pluginSourceItem in UpdateViewModel.Instance.AvailableSources)
                    if (pluginSourceList.Any(p => string.Equals(p.SourceURI, pluginSourceItem.SourceURI, Constants.InvariantComparer)))


                foreach (PluginSourceItem item in pluginSourceList)
                    if (item.Enabled)
                        try {
                            var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(item.SourceURI);
                            httpWebRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.70 Safari/533.4";
                            httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en;q=0.8");
                            httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/text; charset=utf-8";
                            httpWebRequest.CachePolicy = new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
                            using (var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse()) {
                                using (Stream response = httpResponse.GetResponseStream()) {
                                    var responseText = string.Empty;
                                    if (response != null)
                                        using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(response)) {
                                            responseText = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                                    if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(responseText))
                                        JObject  jsonResult     = JObject.Parse(responseText);
                                        JToken   pluginInfo     = jsonResult["PluginInfo"];
                                        JToken[] pluginFiles    = pluginInfo["Files"].ToArray();
                                        var      pluginDownload = new PluginDownloadItem {
                                            Files = new List <PluginFile>(
                                                    pluginFile => new PluginFile {
                                                Location = pluginFile["Location"].ToString(),
                                                Name     = pluginFile["Name"].ToString(),
                                                Checksum = pluginFile["Checksum"] == null
                                                                       ? string.Empty
                                                                       : pluginFile["Checksum"].ToString()
                                            Name         = pluginInfo["Name"].ToString(),
                                            FriendlyName = pluginInfo["FriendlyName"] == null
                                                               ? pluginInfo["Name"].ToString()
                                                               : pluginInfo["FriendlyName"].ToString(),
                                            Description = pluginInfo["Description"] == null
                                                              ? string.Empty
                                                              : pluginInfo["Description"].ToString(),
                                            SourceURI     = pluginInfo["SourceURI"].ToString(),
                                            LatestVersion = pluginInfo["Version"].ToString()
                                        PluginInstance found = App.Plugins.Loaded.Find(pluginDownload.Name);
                                        if (found != null)
                                            var latest  = pluginDownload.LatestVersion;
                                            var current = found.Instance.Version;
                                            pluginDownload.CurrentVersion = current;
                                            pluginDownload.Status         = PluginStatus.Installed;
                                            var latestBuild  = new BuildNumber();
                                            var currentBuild = new BuildNumber();
                                            if (BuildUtilities.NeedsUpdate(latest, current, ref latestBuild, ref currentBuild))
                                                pluginDownload.Status = PluginStatus.UpdateAvailable;
                                                AppViewModel.Instance.HasNewPluginUpdate = true;

                                                DispatcherHelper.Invoke(() => UpdateViewModel.Instance.AvailablePluginUpdates++);
                                                if (!found.Loaded)
                                                    pluginDownload.Status = PluginStatus.OutOfDate;

                                        DispatcherHelper.Invoke(() => UpdateViewModel.Instance.AvailablePlugins.Add(pluginDownload));
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(ex, true));

                UpdateViewModel.Instance.UpdatingAvailablePlugins = false;

            Task.Run(() => update());
Example #29
 private List <ExpandoObject> ParseCollection(JArray collection)
     return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ExpandoObject> >(collection.ToString(),
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        /// <param name="vertexObject"></param>
        /// <param name="edgeDocId"></param>
        /// <param name="isReverse"></param>
        /// <param name="newEdgeObject"></param>
        public static void UpdateEdgeProperty(
            GraphViewCommand command,
            JObject vertexObject,
            string edgeDocId,     // Can be null
            bool isReverse,
            JObject newEdgeObject // With all metadata (including id, partition, srcV/sinkV, edgeId)
            bool   tooLarge;
            string srcOrSinkVInEdgeObject = isReverse ? KW_EDGE_SRCV : KW_EDGE_SINKV;

            if (edgeDocId == null)
                JArray edgeContainer = (JArray)vertexObject[isReverse ? KW_VERTEX_REV_EDGE : KW_VERTEX_EDGE];

                // Don't use JToken.Replace() here.
                // Make sure the currently modified edge is the last child of edgeContainer, which
                // garantees the newly created edge-document won't be too large.
                // NOTE: The following line applies for both incomming and outgoing edge.
                edgeContainer.Children <JObject>().First(
                    e => (string)e[KW_EDGE_ID] == (string)newEdgeObject[KW_EDGE_ID] &&
                    (string)e[srcOrSinkVInEdgeObject] == (string)newEdgeObject[srcOrSinkVInEdgeObject]

                UploadOne(command, (string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID], vertexObject, false, out tooLarge);
                if (tooLarge)
                    // Handle this situation: The updated edge is too large to be filled into the vertex-document
                    string existEdgeDocId, newEdgeDocId;
                    bool?  spillReverse = null;
                    EdgeDocumentHelper.SpillVertexEdgesToDocument(command, vertexObject, ref spillReverse, out existEdgeDocId, out newEdgeDocId);
                // Large vertex

                JObject edgeDocObject = command.Connection.RetrieveDocumentById(edgeDocId, command.Connection.GetDocumentPartition(vertexObject), command);
                edgeDocObject[KW_EDGEDOC_EDGE].Children <JObject>().First(
                    e => (string)e[KW_EDGE_ID] == (string)newEdgeObject[KW_EDGE_ID] &&
                    (string)e[srcOrSinkVInEdgeObject] == (string)newEdgeObject[srcOrSinkVInEdgeObject]
                UploadOne(command, edgeDocId, edgeDocObject, false, out tooLarge);
                if (tooLarge)
                    if (command.Connection.EdgeSpillThreshold == 1)
                        throw new GraphViewException("The edge is too large to be stored in one document!");

                    // Handle this situation: The modified edge is too large to be filled into the original edge-document
                    // Remove the edgeObject added just now, and upload the original edge-document
                    UploadOne(command, edgeDocId, edgeDocObject, false, out tooLarge);

                    // Insert the edgeObject to one of the vertex's edge-documents
                    InsertEdgeObjectInternal(command, vertexObject, null, newEdgeObject, isReverse, out edgeDocId);
Example #31
        public static void RemoveEdge(
            Dictionary <string, Tuple <JObject, string> > documentMap,
            GraphViewCommand command,
            string edgeDocId,
            VertexField vertexField,
            bool isReverse,
            string srcVertexId, string edgeId)
            JObject vertexObject  = vertexField.VertexJObject;
            JArray  edgeContainer = (JArray)vertexObject[isReverse ? KW_VERTEX_REV_EDGE : KW_VERTEX_EDGE];

            // Check is this vertex an external vertex?
            if (!vertexField.ViaGraphAPI)
                JObject edgeDocument = command.Connection.RetrieveDocumentById(edgeDocId, command.Connection.GetDocumentPartition(vertexObject), command);
                Debug.Assert(command.Connection.GetDocumentPartition(edgeDocument) == command.Connection.GetDocumentPartition(vertexObject));
                documentMap[edgeDocId] = new Tuple <JObject, string>(null, command.Connection.GetDocumentPartition(vertexObject));

            if (IsSpilledVertex(vertexObject, isReverse))
                // Now it is a large-degree vertex, and contains at least 1 edge-document
                Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(edgeDocId), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(edgeDocId)");

                JArray edgeDocumentsArray = edgeContainer;
                Debug.Assert(edgeDocumentsArray != null, "edgeDocuments != null");
                Debug.Assert(edgeDocumentsArray.Count == 1, "edgeDocuments.Count == 1");

                JObject edgeDocument = command.Connection.RetrieveDocumentById(edgeDocId, command.Connection.GetDocumentPartition(vertexObject), command);

                Debug.Assert(((string)edgeDocument[KW_DOC_ID]).Equals(edgeDocId), $"((string)edgeDocument['{KW_DOC_ID}']).Equals(edgeDocId)");
                Debug.Assert((bool)edgeDocument[KW_EDGEDOC_ISREVERSE] == isReverse, $"(bool)edgeDocument['{KW_EDGEDOC_ISREVERSE}'] == isReverse");
                Debug.Assert((string)edgeDocument[KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEXID] == (string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID], $"(string)edgeDocument['{KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEXID}'] == (string)vertexObject['id']");

                // The edge to be removed must exist! (garanteed by caller)
                JArray edgesArray = (JArray)edgeDocument[KW_EDGEDOC_EDGE];
                Debug.Assert(edgesArray != null, "edgesArray != null");
                Debug.Assert(edgesArray.Count > 0, "edgesArray.Count > 0");
                if (isReverse)
                    edgesArray.First(e => (string)e[KW_EDGE_SRCV] == srcVertexId && (string)e[KW_EDGE_ID] == edgeId).Remove();
                    edgesArray.First(e => (string)e[KW_EDGE_ID] == edgeId).Remove();

                // If the edge-document contains no edge after the removal, delete this edge-document.
                // Don't forget to update the vertex-document at the same time.
                if (edgesArray.Count == 0)
                    // Currently,
                    // If the modified edge document contains no edges, just do nothing, leave it here.
                    // This means the lastest edge document is empty
                    // If the empty document is not the latest document, delete the edge-document,
                    // and add the vertex-document to the upload list
                    if (command.Connection.EdgeSpillThreshold == 1 ||
                        (string)edgeDocumentsArray[0][KW_DOC_ID] != edgeDocId)
                        documentMap[edgeDocId] = new Tuple <JObject, string>(null, command.Connection.GetDocumentPartition(edgeDocument));
                        documentMap[edgeDocId] = new Tuple <JObject, string>(edgeDocument, command.Connection.GetDocumentPartition(edgeDocument));
                    documentMap[edgeDocId] = new Tuple <JObject, string>(edgeDocument, command.Connection.GetDocumentPartition(edgeDocument));
                // This vertex is not spilled
                Debug.Assert(edgeDocId == null, "edgeDocId == null");

                if (isReverse)
                    ((JArray)edgeContainer).First(e => (string)e[KW_EDGE_SRCV] == srcVertexId && (string)e[KW_EDGE_ID] == edgeId).Remove();
                    ((JArray)edgeContainer).First(e => (string)e[KW_EDGE_ID] == edgeId).Remove();
                documentMap[(string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID]] = new Tuple <JObject, string>(vertexObject, command.Connection.GetDocumentPartition(vertexObject));
Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// This function spills a small-degree vertex, stores its edges into seperate documents
        /// Either its incoming or outgoing edges are moved to a new document, decided by which is larger in size
        /// NOTE: This function will upload the vertex document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="vertexObject"></param>
        /// <param name="spillReverse">
        /// Whether to spill the outgoing edges or incoming edges.
        /// If it's null, let this function decide.
        /// (This happens when no spilling threshold is set but the document size limit is reached)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="existEdgeDocId">This is the first edge-document (to store the existing edges)</param>
        /// <param name="newEdgeDocId">This is the second edge-document (to store the currently creating edge)</param>
        private static void SpillVertexEdgesToDocument(GraphViewCommand command, JObject vertexObject, ref bool?spillReverse, out string existEdgeDocId, out string newEdgeDocId)
            if (spillReverse == null)
                // Let this function decide whether incoming/outgoing edges to spill
                Debug.Assert(!IsSpilledVertex(vertexObject, true) || !IsSpilledVertex(vertexObject, false));
                Debug.Assert(!IsSpilledVertex(vertexObject, spillReverse.Value));

            // NOTE: The VertexCache is not updated here
            bool outEdgeSeperated = IsSpilledVertex(vertexObject, false);
            bool inEdgeSeperated  = IsSpilledVertex(vertexObject, true);

            if (inEdgeSeperated && outEdgeSeperated)
                throw new Exception("BUG: Should not get here! Either incoming or outgoing edegs should not have been seperated");

            JArray targetEdgeArray;

            if (inEdgeSeperated)
                targetEdgeArray = (JArray)vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_EDGE];
                spillReverse    = false;
            else if (outEdgeSeperated)
                targetEdgeArray = (JArray)vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_REV_EDGE];
                spillReverse    = true;
                JArray outEdgeArray = (JArray)vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_EDGE];
                JArray inEdgeArray  = (JArray)vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_REV_EDGE];
                spillReverse    = (outEdgeArray.ToString().Length < inEdgeArray.ToString().Length);
                targetEdgeArray = spillReverse.Value ? inEdgeArray : outEdgeArray;

            // Create a new edge-document to store the currently creating edge
            JObject newEdgeDocObject = new JObject {
                [KW_DOC_ID]               = GraphViewConnection.GenerateDocumentId(),
                [KW_EDGEDOC_ISREVERSE]    = spillReverse.Value,
                [KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEXID]     = (string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID],
                [KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEX_LABEL] = (string)vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_LABEL],
                [KW_EDGEDOC_EDGE]         = new JArray(targetEdgeArray.Last),
                [KW_EDGEDOC_IDENTIFIER]   = (JValue)true,

            if (command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel != null)
                newEdgeDocObject[command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel] = vertexObject[command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel];

            newEdgeDocId = command.Connection.CreateDocumentAsync(newEdgeDocObject, command).Result;
            targetEdgeArray.Last.Remove();  // Remove the currently create edge appended just now

            // Create another new edge-document to store the existing edges.
            JObject existEdgeDocObject = new JObject {
                [KW_DOC_ID]               = GraphViewConnection.GenerateDocumentId(),
                [KW_EDGEDOC_ISREVERSE]    = spillReverse.Value,
                [KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEXID]     = (string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID],
                [KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEX_LABEL] = (string)vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_LABEL],
                [KW_EDGEDOC_EDGE]         = targetEdgeArray,
                [KW_EDGEDOC_IDENTIFIER]   = (JValue)true,

            if (command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel != null)
                existEdgeDocObject[command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel] = vertexObject[command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel];
            existEdgeDocId = command.Connection.CreateDocumentAsync(existEdgeDocObject, command).Result;

            // Update vertexObject to store the newly create edge-document & upload the vertexObject
            vertexObject[spillReverse.Value ? KW_VERTEX_REV_EDGE : KW_VERTEX_EDGE] = new JArray {
                // Store the last spilled edge document only.
                new JObject {
                    [KW_DOC_ID] = newEdgeDocId,

            // Update the vertex document to indicate whether it's spilled
            if (spillReverse.Value)
                Debug.Assert((bool)vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_REVEDGE_SPILLED] == false);
                vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_REVEDGE_SPILLED] = true;
                Debug.Assert((bool)vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_EDGE_SPILLED] == false);
                vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_EDGE_SPILLED] = true;

            bool dummyTooLarge;

            UploadOne(command, (string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID], vertexObject, false, out dummyTooLarge);
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert edgeObject to one a vertex.
        /// NOTE: vertex-document and edge-document(s) are uploaded.
        /// NOTE: If changing _edge/_reverse_edge field from JArray to JObject, the "EdgeDocId" of existing
        ///       edges in VertexCache are updated (from null to the newly created edge-document's id)
        /// NOTE: Adding the newly created edge into VertexCache is not operated by this function. Actually,
        ///       if called by <see cref="UpdateEdgeProperty"/>, VertexCache should be updated by setting an
        ///       edge's property, but not adding a new edge.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="vertexObject"></param>
        /// <param name="vertexField">Can be null if we already know edgeContainer is JObject</param>
        /// <param name="edgeObject"></param>
        /// <param name="isReverse"></param>
        /// <param name="newEdgeDocId"></param>
        internal static void InsertEdgeObjectInternal(
            GraphViewCommand command,
            JObject vertexObject,
            VertexField vertexField,
            JObject edgeObject,
            bool isReverse,
            out string newEdgeDocId)
            bool   tooLarge;
            JArray edgeContainer = (JArray)vertexObject[isReverse ? KW_VERTEX_REV_EDGE : KW_VERTEX_EDGE]; // JArray or JObject
            bool   isSpilled     = IsSpilledVertex(vertexObject, isReverse);

            // This graph is compatible only, thus add an edge-document directly
            if (command.Connection.GraphType != GraphType.GraphAPIOnly || command.Connection.EdgeSpillThreshold == 1)
                Debug.Assert(command.Connection.EdgeSpillThreshold == 1);

                // Create a new edge-document to store the edge.
                JObject edgeDocObject = new JObject {
                    [KW_DOC_ID]               = GraphViewConnection.GenerateDocumentId(),
                    [KW_EDGEDOC_ISREVERSE]    = isReverse,
                    [KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEXID]     = (string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID],
                    [KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEX_LABEL] = (string)vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_LABEL],
                    [KW_EDGEDOC_EDGE]         = new JArray(edgeObject),
                    [KW_EDGEDOC_IDENTIFIER]   = (JValue)true,
                if (command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel != null)
                    // This may be KW_DOC_PARTITION, maybe not
                    edgeDocObject[command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel] = vertexObject[command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel];

                // Upload the edge-document
                bool dummyTooLarge;
                UploadOne(command, (string)edgeDocObject[KW_DOC_ID], edgeDocObject, true, out dummyTooLarge);

                newEdgeDocId = (string)edgeDocObject[KW_DOC_ID];

            if (isSpilled)
                // Now it is a large-degree vertex, and contains at least 1 edge-document
                JArray edgeDocumentsArray = edgeContainer;
                Debug.Assert(edgeDocumentsArray != null, "edgeDocumentsArray != null");
                Debug.Assert(edgeDocumentsArray.Count == 1, "edgeDocumentsArray.Count == 1");

                string  lastEdgeDocId = (string)edgeDocumentsArray.Last[KW_DOC_ID];
                JObject edgeDocument  = command.Connection.RetrieveDocumentById(lastEdgeDocId, vertexField.Partition, command);
                Debug.Assert(((string)edgeDocument[KW_DOC_ID]).Equals(lastEdgeDocId), $"((string)edgeDocument[{KW_DOC_ID}]).Equals(lastEdgeDocId)");
                Debug.Assert((bool)edgeDocument[KW_EDGEDOC_ISREVERSE] == isReverse, $"(bool)edgeDocument['{KW_EDGEDOC_ISREVERSE}'] == isReverse");
                Debug.Assert((string)edgeDocument[KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEXID] == (string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID], $"(string)edgeDocument['{KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEXID}'] == (string)vertexObject['{KW_DOC_ID}']");

                JArray edgesArray = (JArray)edgeDocument[KW_EDGEDOC_EDGE];
                Debug.Assert(edgesArray != null, "edgesArray != null");
                Debug.Assert(edgesArray.Count > 0, "edgesArray.Count > 0");

                if (command.Connection.EdgeSpillThreshold == 0)
                    // Don't spill an edge-document until it is too large
                    tooLarge = false;
                    // Explicitly specified a threshold
                    Debug.Assert(command.Connection.EdgeSpillThreshold > 0, "connection.EdgeSpillThreshold > 0");
                    if (edgesArray.Count >= command.Connection.EdgeSpillThreshold)
                        // The threshold is reached!
                        tooLarge = true;
                        // The threshold is not reached
                        tooLarge = false;

                // If the edge-document is not too large (reach the threshold), try to
                //   upload the edge into the document
                if (!tooLarge)
                    UploadOne(command, lastEdgeDocId, edgeDocument, false, out tooLarge);
                if (tooLarge)
                    // The edge is too large to be filled into the last edge-document
                    // or the threashold is reached:
                    // Create a new edge-document to store the edge.
                    JObject edgeDocObject = new JObject {
                        [KW_DOC_ID]               = GraphViewConnection.GenerateDocumentId(),
                        [KW_EDGEDOC_ISREVERSE]    = isReverse,
                        [KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEXID]     = (string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID],
                        [KW_EDGEDOC_VERTEX_LABEL] = (string)vertexObject[KW_VERTEX_LABEL],
                        [KW_EDGEDOC_EDGE]         = new JArray(edgeObject),
                        [KW_EDGEDOC_IDENTIFIER]   = (JValue)true,
                    if (command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel != null)
                        // This may be KW_DOC_PARTITION, maybe not
                        edgeDocObject[command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel] = vertexObject[command.Connection.PartitionPathTopLevel];
                    lastEdgeDocId = command.Connection.CreateDocumentAsync(edgeDocObject, command).Result;

                    // Replace the newly created edge-document to vertexObject
                    Debug.Assert(edgeDocumentsArray.Count == 1);
                    edgeDocumentsArray[0][KW_DOC_ID] = lastEdgeDocId;
                newEdgeDocId = lastEdgeDocId;

                // Upload the vertex documention (at least, its _nextXxx is changed)
                bool dummyTooLarge;
                UploadOne(command, (string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID], vertexObject, false, out dummyTooLarge);
                // This vertex is not spilled
                if (command.Connection.EdgeSpillThreshold == 0)
                    // Don't spill an edge-document until it is too large
                    tooLarge     = false;
                    spillReverse = null;
                    // Explicitly specified a threshold
                    Debug.Assert(command.Connection.EdgeSpillThreshold > 0, "connection.EdgeSpillThreshold > 0");
                    tooLarge     = (((JArray)edgeContainer).Count > command.Connection.EdgeSpillThreshold);
                    spillReverse = isReverse;

                if (!tooLarge)
                    UploadOne(command, (string)vertexObject[KW_DOC_ID], vertexObject, false, out tooLarge);
                if (tooLarge)
                    string existEdgeDocId;
                    // The vertex object is uploaded in SpillVertexEdgesToDocument
                    EdgeDocumentHelper.SpillVertexEdgesToDocument(command, vertexObject, ref spillReverse, out existEdgeDocId, out newEdgeDocId);

                    // the edges are spilled into two ducuments.
                    // one stores old edges(docId = existEdgeDocId), the other one stores the new edge.
                    // Because the new edge is not in the vertexCache, hence we can set all edges' docId as existEdgeDocId
                    Debug.Assert(spillReverse != null);
                    Debug.Assert(vertexField != null);
                    if (spillReverse.Value)
                    newEdgeDocId = null;
Example #34
        public static JToken ConvertFromDB(object data, NpgsqlDbColumn column)
            if (data == null)

            if (data == DBNull.Value)

            var postgresType = column.DataTypeName;

            if (column.DataType == typeof(Array))
                postgresType = $"{postgresType}[]";

            var type       = PgSqlTypeManager.GetDotNetType(postgresType);
            var npgsqlType = PgSqlTypeManager.GetNpgsqlDbType(postgresType);

            JToken newObject = null;

            switch (npgsqlType)
            case NpgsqlDbType.Json:
            case NpgsqlDbType.Jsonb:
                if (type.IsListType())
                    var list       = new JArray();
                    var enumerable = data as IEnumerable;
                    foreach (var o in enumerable)
                        var jt = JToken.Parse(o.ToString());
                        //var jo = jt.ToBasicDotNetObject();
                    newObject = list;
                    newObject = JToken.Parse(data.ToString());

            case NpgsqlDbType.Json | NpgsqlDbType.Array:
            case NpgsqlDbType.Jsonb | NpgsqlDbType.Array:
                var list       = new JArray();
                var enumerable = data as IEnumerable;
                foreach (var o in enumerable)
                    var jt = JToken.Parse(o.ToString());

                newObject = list;

                newObject = JToken.FromObject(data);

Example #35
        /* TODO: Network
         * public static bool NetworkWorking {
         *  get {
         *      return NetworkHandler.Instance.IsRunning;
         *  }
         * }

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public static void CheckUpdates()
            try {
                Process[] updaters = Process.GetProcessesByName("FFXIVAPP.Updater");
                foreach (Process updater in updaters)

                if (File.Exists("FFXIVAPP.Updater.exe"))
                    if (File.Exists("FFXIVAPP.Updater.Backup.exe"))
                        File.Move("FFXIVAPP.Updater.Backup.exe", "FFXIVAPP.Updater.exe");
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(ex, true));

            Func <bool> update = delegate {
                var current = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
                AppViewModel.Instance.CurrentVersion = current;
                var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://api.github.com/repos/Icehunter/ffxivapp/releases");
                httpWebRequest.UserAgent = "Icehunter-FFXIVAPP";
                httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en;q=0.8");
                httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
                httpWebRequest.CachePolicy = new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
                using (var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse()) {
                    using (Stream response = httpResponse.GetResponseStream()) {
                        var responseText = string.Empty;
                        if (response != null)
                            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(response)) {
                                responseText = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                        var latestBuild  = new BuildNumber();
                        var currentBuild = new BuildNumber();
                        if (httpResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(responseText))
                            AppViewModel.Instance.HasNewVersion = false;
                            AppViewModel.Instance.LatestVersion = "Unknown";
                            JArray releases = JArray.Parse(responseText);
                            JToken release  = releases.FirstOrDefault(r => r?["target_commitish"].ToString() == "master");
                            var    latest   = release?["name"].ToString() ?? "Unknown";
                            latest = latest.Split(' ')[0];
                            AppViewModel.Instance.LatestVersion = latest;
                            switch (latest)
                            case "Unknown":
                                AppViewModel.Instance.HasNewVersion = false;

                                AppViewModel.Instance.DownloadUri   = string.Format("https://github.com/Icehunter/ffxivapp/releases/download/{0}/{0}.zip", latest);
                                AppViewModel.Instance.HasNewVersion = BuildUtilities.NeedsUpdate(latest, current, ref latestBuild, ref currentBuild);

                            if (AppViewModel.Instance.HasNewVersion)
                                var title   = $"{AppViewModel.Instance.Locale["app_DownloadNoticeHeader"]} {AppViewModel.Instance.Locale["app_DownloadNoticeMessage"]}";
                                var message = new StringBuilder();
                                try {
                                    DateTime latestBuildDateTime  = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1).Add(new TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * latestBuild.Build + TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * 2 * latestBuild.Revision));
                                    DateTime currentBuildDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1).Add(new TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * currentBuild.Build + TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * 2 * currentBuild.Revision));
                                    TimeSpan timeSpan             = latestBuildDateTime - currentBuildDateTime;
                                    if (timeSpan.TotalSeconds > 0)
                                        message.AppendLine(string.Format("Missing {0} days, {1} hours and {2} seconds of updates.", timeSpan.Days, timeSpan.Hours, timeSpan.Seconds));
                                catch (Exception ex) {
                                    Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(ex, true));
                                finally {

                                MessageBoxHelper.ShowMessageAsync(title, message.ToString(), () => App.CloseApplication(true), delegate { });

                            // var uri = "https://ffxiv-app.com/Analytics/Google/?eCategory=Application Launch&eAction=Version Check&eLabel=FFXIVAPP";
                            // TODO: DispatcherHelper.Invoke(() => MainView.View.GoogleAnalytics.Navigate(uri));


            Task.Run(() => update());
Example #36
        //private async Task<Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, double, string>>> getExplanationFromBackend()
        private async Task <List <Tuple <int, double, BitmapImage> > > getExplanationFromBackend()
                var base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(this.img);

                var content = new MultipartFormDataContent
                    { new StringContent(modelPath), "model_path" },
                    { new StringContent(base64), "image" }

                topLablesV   = Int32.Parse(topLabels.Text);
                numSamplesV  = Int32.Parse(numSamples.Text);
                numFeaturesV = Int32.Parse(numFeatures.Text);

                hideRestV     = hideRest.IsChecked.Value.ToString();
                hideColorV    = hideColor.IsChecked.Value.ToString();
                positiveOnlyV = positiveOnly.IsChecked.Value.ToString();

                string url = "http://localhost:5000/lime?toplabels=" + topLablesV + "&hidecolor=" + hideColorV + "&numsamples=" + numSamplesV + "&positiveonly=" + positiveOnlyV + "&numfeatures=" + numFeaturesV + "&hiderest=" + hideRestV;

                var response = await client.PostAsync(url, content);

                var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                var explanationDic = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseString);

                if (explanationDic["success"].Value <string>() == "failed")

                JArray explanations = JArray.Parse(explanationDic["explanations"].Value <object>().ToString());

                List <Tuple <int, double, BitmapImage> > explanationData = new List <Tuple <int, double, BitmapImage> >();

                foreach (var item in explanations)
                    var    temp              = item.ToArray();
                    int    cl                = (int)temp[0];
                    double cl_score          = (double)temp[1];
                    string explanation_img64 = (string)temp[2];
                    byte[] explanation       = System.Convert.FromBase64String(explanation_img64);

                    BitmapImage explanation_bitmap = new BitmapImage();
                    explanation_bitmap.StreamSource = new System.IO.MemoryStream(explanation);

                    Tuple <int, double, BitmapImage> tuple = new Tuple <int, double, BitmapImage>(cl, cl_score, explanation_bitmap);

            catch (Exception e)
Example #37
        private async void initExam()
            string exam = "";
            List <KeyValuePair <String, String> > paramList = new List <KeyValuePair <String, String> >();

            //await Utils.ShowSystemTrayAsync(Color.FromArgb(255, 2, 140, 253), Colors.White, text: "正在紧张安排考试...", isIndeterminate: true);
            if (IsExamOrRe == 2)
                paramList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("stuNum", appSetting.Values["stuNum"].ToString()));
                paramList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("idNum", appSetting.Values["idNum"].ToString()));
                exam = await NetWork.getHttpWebRequest("api/examSchedule", paramList);
            else if (IsExamOrRe == 3)
                paramList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("stu", "2014214136"));
                paramList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("stu", appSetting.Values["stuNum"].ToString()));
                exam = await NetWork.getHttpWebRequest("examapi/index.php", paramList);
            Debug.WriteLine("exam->" + exam);
            if (exam != "")
                    JObject obj = JObject.Parse(exam);
                    if (Int32.Parse(obj["status"].ToString()) == 200)
                        List <ExamList> examList      = new List <ExamList>();
                        JArray          ExamListArray = Utils.ReadJso(exam);
                        for (int i = 0; i < ExamListArray.Count; i++)
                            ExamList examitem = new ExamList();
                            if (IsExamOrRe == 2)
                                examitem.DateTime = "第" + examitem.Week + "周周" + examitem.Weekday + "\r\n" + examitem.Begin_time + "-" + examitem.End_time;
                            else if (IsExamOrRe == 3)
                                examitem.DateTime = "日期:" + examitem.Date + "\r\n" + "时间:" + examitem.Time;
                        ExamListView.ItemsSource = examList;
                    else if (Int32.Parse(obj["status"].ToString()) == 300)
                        ListFailedStackPanelTextBlock.Text = "暂无数据,过几天再来看看";

                        ListFailedStackPanel.Visibility          = Visibility.Visible;
                        ListFailedStackPanelImage.Visibility     = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        ListFailedStackPanelTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    else if (Int32.Parse(obj["status"].ToString()) == 0)
                        ListFailedStackPanelTextBlock.Text = "没补考的孩子别瞎点";

                        ListFailedStackPanel.Visibility          = Visibility.Visible;
                        ListFailedStackPanelImage.Visibility     = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        ListFailedStackPanelTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        ListFailedStackPanelTextBlock.Text = "加载失败,点击重试";

                        ListFailedStackPanel.Visibility          = Visibility.Visible;
                        ListFailedStackPanelImage.Visibility     = Visibility.Visible;
                        ListFailedStackPanelTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                catch (Exception)
                    ListFailedStackPanelTextBlock.Text = "加载失败,点击重试";

                    ListFailedStackPanel.Visibility          = Visibility.Visible;
                    ListFailedStackPanelImage.Visibility     = Visibility.Visible;
                    ListFailedStackPanelTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                ListFailedStackPanelTextBlock.Text = "加载失败,点击重试";

                ListFailedStackPanel.Visibility          = Visibility.Visible;
                ListFailedStackPanelImage.Visibility     = Visibility.Visible;
                ListFailedStackPanelTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            //StatusBar statusBar = StatusBar.GetForCurrentView();
            //await statusBar.ProgressIndicator.HideAsync();
Example #38
        private static void CargarJSON()
            //string schemaJson = @"{
            //      'description': 'A person',
            //      'type': 'object',
            //      'properties':
            //      {
            //        'name': {'type':'string'},
            //        'hobbies': {
            //          'type': 'array',
            //          'items': {'type':'string'}
            //        }
            //      }
            //    }";

            //JSchema schema = JSchema.Parse(schemaJson);

            //JObject person = JObject.Parse(@"{
            //      'name': 'James',
            //      'hobbies': ['.NET', 'Blogging', 'Reading', 'Xbox', 'LOLCATS']
            //    }");

            //bool valid = person.IsValid(schema);

            JArray myArray    = new JArray();
            string folderPath = @"C:\Users\sygno.jmartinez\Downloads\ConsoleApp1 (1)\ConsoleApp1\ConsoleApp1\jsonSP";
            string schemaJson = @"C:\Users\sygno.jmartinez\Downloads\ConsoleApp1 (1)\ConsoleApp1\ConsoleApp1\oracle_schema.json";
            bool   valid      = false;

            //string schemaJson = @"{
            //      'description': 'A person',
            //      'type': 'object',
            //      'properties':
            //      {
            //        'name': {'type':'string'},
            //        'hobbies': {
            //          'type': 'array',
            //          'items': {'type':'string'}
            //        }
            //      }
            //    }";

            JSchema schema = JSchema.Parse(File.ReadAllText(schemaJson));

            foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(folderPath, "*.json"))
                //using (StreamReader jsonStream = File.OpenText(file))
                //using (JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(jsonStream))
                //    JSchemaUrlResolver resolver = new JSchemaUrlResolver();

                //    JSchema schema = JSchema.Load(reader, new JSchemaReaderSettings
                //    {
                //        Resolver = resolver,
                //        // where the schema is being loaded from
                //        // referenced 'address.json' schema will be loaded from disk at 'c:\address.json'
                //        BaseUri = new Uri(@"c:\person.json")
                //    });

                //    // validate JSON

                //string contents = File.ReadAllText(file);

                //JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(contents));

                //JsonValidatingReader validatingReader = new JsonValidatingReader(reader);
                //validatingReader.Schema = JsonSchema.Parse(schemaJson);

                //IList<string> messages = new List<string>();
                //validatingReader.ValidationEventHandler += (o, a) => messages.Add(a.Message);

                //JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                //Procedimientos p = serializer.Deserialize<Procedimientos>(validatingReader);

                //using (StreamReader jsonStream = File.OpenText(file))
                //using (JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(jsonStream))
                //JSchema schema = JSchema.Parse(schemaJson);

                //JObject sp = JObject.Parse(@"{
                //      'name': null,
                //      'hobbies': ['Invalid content', 0.123456789]
                //    }");

                string @namespace = "ConsoleApp1";
                string @class;

                JObject sp = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(file));

                IList <string> messages;
                valid = sp.IsValid(schema, out messages);

                // todos (validacion atomica)
                if (valid)
                    @class = sp["Nombre"].ToString();
                    var    myClassType = Type.GetType(String.Format("{0}.{1}", @namespace, @class));
                    object instance    = myClassType == null ? null : Activator.CreateInstance(myClassType); //Check if exists, instantiate if so.

                    if (instance != null)
                    // mandar a logger errores del json

                var lista = myArray.ToObject <List <Procedimientos> >();

                //return lista;
        private JArray GetJArray(string sourceAddress)
            WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

Example #40
        public IEnumerable <Frapid.WebsiteBuilder.Entities.Content> GetWhere(long pageNumber, [FromBody] JArray filters)
                List <Frapid.DataAccess.Models.Filter> f = filters.ToObject <List <Frapid.DataAccess.Models.Filter> >(JsonHelper.GetJsonSerializer());
                return(this.ContentRepository.GetWhere(pageNumber, f));
            catch (UnauthorizedException)
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden));
            catch (DataAccessException ex)
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage
                    Content    = new StringContent(ex.Message),
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError
#if !DEBUG
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));
Example #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles file upload request, currently not consolidated with Attach File function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected dynamic HandleFileUploadRequest(dynamic args)
            var tableName = (string)args.table_name;
            var id        = (string)args.item_id;
            var path      = this.GetAttachmentFolder(tableName, id);

            dynamic contentItem = this.SiteDatabase.GetByIdAsJObject(tableName, int.Parse(id));

            var newFiles = new List <dynamic>();

            string attachmentType = this.Request.Form["attachmentType"] == null ? string.Empty : this.Request.Form["attachmentType"].ToString();
            var    CreateDate     = DateTime.Now;

            if ((bool)this.Request.Form.attachmentIsUnique == true)
                if (this.Request.Files.Count() > 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot upload multiple file if attachmentIsUnique is true");

            foreach (var item in this.Request.Files)
                var fileName = Path.GetFileName(item.Name);
                var filePath = Path.Combine(path, fileName);
                if (File.Exists(filePath))
                    fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.Name) +
                               Guid.NewGuid() +

                    filePath = Path.Combine(path, fileName);

                using (var fs = File.Create(filePath))
                        CreateDate     = CreateDate,
                        AttachmentType = attachmentType,
                        DisplayOrder   = 0,
                        Caption        = string.Empty,
                        Url            =
                                fileName).Replace('\\', '/')

            if (contentItem.Attachments == null)
                contentItem.Attachments = JArray.FromObject(newFiles);
                if ((bool)this.Request.Form.attachmentIsUnique == true)
                    bool wasSet = false;
                    foreach (JObject item in contentItem.Attachments as JArray)
                        if (item["AttachmentType"].ToString() == attachmentType.ToString())
                            // same type with current type
                            item["CreateDate"] = newFiles[0].CreateDate;

                            // delete the one being replaced
                            var directory = this.GetAttachmentFolder(tableName, id);
                            var toDelete  = Path.Combine(directory, Path.GetFileName(item["Url"].ToString()));

                            // delete when url is not null
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Url"].ToString()))
                            BaseDataModule.AttachmentDeleted(this.Context, tableName, contentItem, item["Url"].ToString());

                            // set to new one
                            item["Url"] = newFiles[0].Url;
                            wasSet      = true;

                    if (wasSet == false)
                    foreach (var item in newFiles)

            this.SiteDatabase.UpsertRecord(tableName, contentItem);

            BaseDataModule.NewAttachments(this.Context, tableName, contentItem, newFiles);

        public async Task <Opportunity> UpdateWorkflowAsync(Opportunity opportunity, string requestId = "")
            _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - UpdateTeamAndChannels Started");

                bool    check           = true;
                dynamic jsonDyn         = null;
                var     opportunityName = WebUtility.UrlEncode(opportunity.DisplayName);
                var     options         = new List <QueryParam>();
                options.Add(new QueryParam("filter", $"startswith(displayName,'{opportunityName}')"));
                while (check)
                    var groupIdJson = await _graphUserAppService.GetGroupAsync(options, "", requestId);

                    jsonDyn = groupIdJson;
                    JArray jsonArray = JArray.Parse(jsonDyn["value"].ToString());
                    if (jsonArray.Count() > 0)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonDyn.value[0].id.ToString()))
                            check = false;

                var groupID = String.Empty;
                groupID = jsonDyn.value[0].id.ToString();

                var generalChannel = await _graphTeamsAppService.ListChannelAsync(groupID);

                dynamic generalChannelObj = generalChannel;
                string  generalChannelId  = generalChannelObj.value[0].id.ToString();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(generalChannelId))
                    opportunity.Metadata.OpportunityChannelId = generalChannelId;
                    throw new ResponseException($"RequestId: {requestId} - CreateWorkflowAsync Service Exception: Opportunity Channel is not created");

                var channelInfo = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();
                foreach (var process in opportunity.Content.Template.ProcessList)
                    if (process.Channel.ToLower() != "none" && process.ProcessType.ToLower() != "none")
                            var response = await _graphTeamsAppService.CreateChannelAsync(groupID, process.Channel, process.Channel + " Channel");

                            channelInfo.Add(new Tuple <string, string>(process.Channel, response["id"].ToString()));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - Adding new channel Exception: {ex}");

                foreach (var channel in channelInfo)
                        await _graphTeamsAppService.AddTab(channel.Item1, groupID, channel.Item2, opportunity.DisplayName, _baseUrl);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - Adding General Tab Service Exception: {ex}");

            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - CreateTeamAndChannels Service Exception: {ex}");
                throw new ResponseException($"RequestId: {requestId} - CreateTeamAndChannels Service Exception: {ex}");
Example #43
        public async Task TestAnonCredsWorksForSingleIssuerSingleProverMultipleClaims()
            var issuerDid = "NcYxiDXkpYi6ov5FcYDi1e";

            //1. Issuer create ClaimDef
            var gvtSchemaJson = "{\n" +
                                "                    \"seqNo\":1,\n" +
                                "                    \"data\": {\n" +
                                "                        \"name\":\"gvt\",\n" +
                                "                        \"version\":\"1.0\",\n" +
                                "                        \"attr_names\":[\"age\",\"sex\",\"height\",\"name\"]\n" +
                                "                    }\n" +
                                "                }";

            var gvtClaimDef = await AnonCreds.IssuerCreateAndStoreClaimDefAsync(_issuerWallet, issuerDid, gvtSchemaJson, null, false);

            //2. Issuer create ClaimDef
            var xyzSchemaJson = "{\n" +
                                "                    \"seqNo\":2,\n" +
                                "                    \"data\": {\n" +
                                "                        \"name\":\"xyz\",\n" +
                                "                        \"version\":\"1.0\",\n" +
                                "                        \"attr_names\":[\"status\",\"period\"]\n" +
                                "                    }\n" +
                                "                }";

            var xyzClaimDef = await AnonCreds.IssuerCreateAndStoreClaimDefAsync(_issuerWallet, issuerDid, xyzSchemaJson, null, false);

            //3. Prover create Master Secret
            var masterSecret = "masterSecretName";
            await AnonCreds.ProverCreateMasterSecretAsync(_proverWallet, masterSecret);

            //4. Prover store Claim Offer received from Issuer
            var claimOffer = string.Format("{{\"issuer_did\":\"{0}\", \"schema_seq_no\":{1}}}", issuerDid, 1);
            await AnonCreds.ProverStoreClaimOfferAsync(_proverWallet, claimOffer);

            //5. Prover store Claim Offer received from Issuer
            var claimOffer2 = string.Format("{{\"issuer_did\":\"{0}\", \"schema_seq_no\":{1}}}", issuerDid, 2);
            await AnonCreds.ProverStoreClaimOfferAsync(_proverWallet, claimOffer2);

            //6. Prover get Claim Offers
            var claimOffersJson = await AnonCreds.ProverGetClaimOffersAsync(_proverWallet, "{}");

            var claimOffersObject = JArray.Parse(claimOffersJson);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, claimOffersObject.Count);

            var claimOfferObj1 = claimOffersObject[0];
            var claimOfferObj2 = claimOffersObject[1];

            var gvtClaimOffer = claimOfferObj1.Value <int>("schema_seq_no") == 1 ? claimOfferObj1.ToString() : claimOfferObj2.ToString();
            var xyzClaimOffer = claimOfferObj1.Value <int>("schema_seq_no") == 2 ? claimOfferObj1.ToString() : claimOfferObj2.ToString();

            //7. Prover create ClaimReq for GVT Claim Offer
            var proverDid   = "BzfFCYk";
            var gvtClaimReq = await AnonCreds.ProverCreateAndStoreClaimReqAsync(_proverWallet, proverDid, gvtClaimOffer, gvtClaimDef, masterSecret);

            //8. Issuer create Claim
            var gvtClaimAttributesJson = "{\n" +
                                         "               \"sex\":[\"male\",\"5944657099558967239210949258394887428692050081607692519917050011144233115103\"],\n" +
                                         "               \"name\":[\"Alex\",\"1139481716457488690172217916278103335\"],\n" +
                                         "               \"height\":[\"175\",\"175\"],\n" +
                                         "               \"age\":[\"28\",\"28\"]\n" +
                                         "        }";

            var gvtCreateClaimResult = await AnonCreds.IssuerCreateClaimAsync(_issuerWallet, gvtClaimReq, gvtClaimAttributesJson, -1);

            var gvtClaimJson = gvtCreateClaimResult.ClaimJson;

            //9. Prover store Claim
            await AnonCreds.ProverStoreClaimAsync(_proverWallet, gvtClaimJson);

            //10. Prover create ClaimReq for GVT Claim Offer
            var xyzClaimReq = await AnonCreds.ProverCreateAndStoreClaimReqAsync(_proverWallet, proverDid, xyzClaimOffer, xyzClaimDef, masterSecret);

            //11. Issuer create Claim
            var xyzClaimAttributesJson = "{\n" +
                                         "               \"status\":[\"partial\",\"51792877103171595686471452153480627530895\"],\n" +
                                         "               \"period\":[\"8\",\"8\"]\n" +
                                         "        }";

            var xyzCreateClaimResult = await AnonCreds.IssuerCreateClaimAsync(_issuerWallet, xyzClaimReq, xyzClaimAttributesJson, -1);

            var xyzClaimJson = xyzCreateClaimResult.ClaimJson;

            //12. Prover store Claim
            await AnonCreds.ProverStoreClaimAsync(_proverWallet, xyzClaimJson);

            //13. Prover gets Claims for Proof Request
            var proofRequestJson = "{\n" +
                                   "                          \"nonce\":\"123432421212\",\n" +
                                   "                          \"name\":\"proof_req_1\",\n" +
                                   "                          \"version\":\"0.1\",\n" +
                                   "                          \"requested_attrs\":{\"attr1_uuid\":{\"schema_seq_no\":1,\"name\":\"name\"}},\n" +
                                   "                          \"requested_predicates\":{\"predicate1_uuid\":{\"attr_name\":\"age\",\"p_type\":\"GE\",\"value\":18}," +
                                   "                                                    \"predicate2_uuid\":{\"attr_name\":\"period\",\"p_type\":\"GE\",\"value\":5}}\n" +
                                   "                  }";

            var claimsForProofJson = await AnonCreds.ProverGetClaimsForProofReqAsync(_proverWallet, proofRequestJson);


            var claimsForProof      = JObject.Parse(claimsForProofJson);
            var claimsForAttribute1 = (JArray)claimsForProof["attrs"]["attr1_uuid"];
            var claimsForPredicate1 = (JArray)claimsForProof["predicates"]["predicate1_uuid"];
            var claimsForPredicate2 = (JArray)claimsForProof["predicates"]["predicate2_uuid"];

            Assert.AreEqual(claimsForAttribute1.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(claimsForPredicate1.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(claimsForPredicate2.Count, 1);

            var claimUuidForAttr1      = claimsForAttribute1[0].Value <string>("claim_uuid");
            var claimUuidForPredicate1 = claimsForPredicate1[0].Value <string>("claim_uuid");
            var claimUuidForPredicate2 = claimsForPredicate2[0].Value <string>("claim_uuid");

            //14. Prover create Proof
            var requestedClaimsJson = string.Format("{{\n" +
                                                    "                                          \"self_attested_attributes\":{{}},\n" +
                                                    "                                          \"requested_attrs\":{{\"attr1_uuid\":[\"{0}\", true]}},\n" +
                                                    "                                          \"requested_predicates\":{{\"predicate1_uuid\":\"{1}\"," +
                                                    "                                                                    \"predicate2_uuid\":\"{2}\"}}\n" +
                                                    "                                        }}", claimUuidForAttr1, claimUuidForPredicate1, claimUuidForPredicate2);

            var schemasJson   = string.Format("{{\"{0}\":{1}, \"{2}\":{3}}}", claimUuidForAttr1, gvtSchemaJson, claimUuidForPredicate2, xyzSchemaJson);
            var claimDefsJson = string.Format("{{\"{0}\":{1}, \"{2}\":{3}}}", claimUuidForAttr1, gvtClaimDef, claimUuidForPredicate2, xyzClaimDef);

            var revocRegsJson = "{}";

            var proofJson = await AnonCreds.ProverCreateProofAsync(_proverWallet, proofRequestJson, requestedClaimsJson, schemasJson,
                                                                   masterSecret, claimDefsJson, revocRegsJson);


            var proof = JObject.Parse(proofJson);

            //15. Verifier verify Proof

            var valid = await AnonCreds.VerifierVerifyProofAsync(proofRequestJson, proofJson, schemasJson, claimDefsJson, revocRegsJson);

Example #44
        public IEnumerable <dynamic> GetWhere(string schemaName, string tableName, long pageNumber, [FromBody] JArray filters)
                var f          = Filter.FromJArray(filters);
                var repository = new FormRepository(schemaName, tableName, this.MetaUser.Tenant, this.MetaUser.LoginId, this.MetaUser.UserId);
                return(repository.GetWhere(pageNumber, f));
            catch (UnauthorizedException)
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden));
            catch (DataAccessException ex)
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage
                    Content    = new StringContent(ex.Message),
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError
#if !DEBUG
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));
        public NodeResponse Response(string partialpath, HttpListenerRequest request)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Serve Scan Display " + partialpath);
            //foreach (var k in request.QueryString.AllKeys)   System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Key {0} = {1}", k, request.QueryString[k]);

            int entry = (request.QueryString["entry"] ?? "-1").InvariantParseInt(-1);
            bool checkEDSM = (request.QueryString["EDSM"] ?? "false").InvariantParseBool(false);

            Bitmap img = null;
            JObject response = new JObject();
            response["responsetype"] = "scandisplayobjects";
            JArray objectlist = new JArray();

            var hl = discoveryform.history;
            if (hl.Count > 0)
                if (entry < 0 || entry >= hl.Count)
                    entry = hl.Count - 1;

                // seen instances of exceptions accessing icons in different threads.  so push up to discovery form. need to investigate.
                    StarScan.SystemNode sn = hl.StarScan.FindSystemSynchronous(hl.EntryOrder()[entry].System, checkEDSM);

                    if (sn != null)
                        int starsize = (request.QueryString["starsize"] ?? "48").InvariantParseInt(48);
                        int width = (request.QueryString["width"] ?? "800").InvariantParseInt(800);
                        SystemDisplay sd = new SystemDisplay();
                        sd.ShowMoons = (request.QueryString["showmoons"] ?? "true").InvariantParseBool(true);
                        sd.ShowOverlays = (request.QueryString["showbodyicons"] ?? "true").InvariantParseBool(true);
                        sd.ShowMaterials = (request.QueryString["showmaterials"] ?? "true").InvariantParseBool(true);
                        sd.ShowAllG = (request.QueryString["showgravity"] ?? "true").InvariantParseBool(true);
                        sd.ShowHabZone = (request.QueryString["showhabzone"] ?? "true").InvariantParseBool(true);
                        sd.ShowStarClasses = (request.QueryString["showstarclass"] ?? "true").InvariantParseBool(true);
                        sd.ShowPlanetClasses = (request.QueryString["showplanetclass"] ?? "true").InvariantParseBool(true);
                        sd.ShowDist = (request.QueryString["showdistance"] ?? "true").InvariantParseBool(true);
                        sd.ShowEDSMBodies = checkEDSM;
                        sd.Font = new Font("MS Sans Serif", 8.25f);
                        sd.LargerFont = new Font("MS Sans Serif", 10f);
                        sd.FontUnderlined = new Font("MS Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Underline);
                        ExtendedControls.ExtPictureBox imagebox = new ExtendedControls.ExtPictureBox();
                        sd.DrawSystem(imagebox, width, sn, null, null);
                        //imagebox.AddTextAutoSize(new Point(10, 10), new Size(1000, 48), "Generated on " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(), new Font("MS Sans Serif", 8.25f), Color.Red, Color.Black, 0);

                        foreach (var e in imagebox.Elements)
                            if (e.ToolTipText.HasChars())
                                //     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", e.Location, e.ToolTipText);
                                objectlist.Add(new JObject() { ["left"] = e.Position.X, ["top"] = e.Position.Y, ["right"] = e.Location.Right, ["bottom"] = e.Location.Bottom, ["text"] = e.ToolTipText });

                        img = imagebox.Image.Clone() as Bitmap;

                    img = BaseUtils.Icons.IconSet.GetIcon("Bodies.Unknown") as Bitmap;

            response["objectlist"] = objectlist;
            server.SendWebSockets(response, false); // refresh history

            Bitmap bmpclone = img.Clone() as Bitmap;
            var cnv = bmpclone.ConvertTo(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);   // this converts to png and returns the raw PNG bytes..
            WebHeaderCollection wc = new WebHeaderCollection();                     // indicate don't cache this, this is a temp image
            wc[HttpRequestHeader.CacheControl] = "no-store";
            return new NodeResponse(cnv, "image/png", wc);
Example #46
 public void JArrayStringIndex()
   ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentException>(@"Accessed JArray values with invalid key value: ""purple"". Array position index expected.",
   () =>
     JArray a = new JArray();
     Assert.AreEqual(null, a["purple"]);
Example #47
        public static async Task <string> GetSteamGameInfo(string gameName)
            gameName = gameName.ToLower();

            if (steamGameList.Count == 0)
                using (HttpClientWrapper client = new HttpClientWrapper())
                    HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetAppList/v0002/");

                    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        JObject jobj  = JObject.Parse(result);
                        JToken  list  = jobj["applist"]["apps"];
                        JArray  games = (JArray)list;
                        foreach (JToken game in games)
                            SteamGameChatCommand.steamGameList[game["name"].ToString().ToLower()] = (int)game["appid"];

            int gameID = -1;

            if (SteamGameChatCommand.steamGameList.ContainsKey(gameName))
                gameID = SteamGameChatCommand.steamGameList[gameName];
                string foundGame = SteamGameChatCommand.steamGameList.Keys.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Contains(gameName));
                if (foundGame != null)
                    gameID = SteamGameChatCommand.steamGameList[foundGame];

            if (gameID > 0)
                using (HttpClientWrapper client = new HttpClientWrapper())
                    HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("http://store.steampowered.com/api/appdetails?appids=" + gameID);

                    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        JObject jobj = JObject.Parse(result);
                        jobj = (JObject)jobj[gameID.ToString()]["data"];

                        double price = (int)jobj["price_overview"]["final"];
                        price = price / 100.0;

                        string url = string.Format("http://store.steampowered.com/app/{0}", gameID);

                        return(string.Format("Game: {0} - ${1} - {2}", jobj["name"], price, url));
Example #48
        protected async Task <IActionResult> InternalSearch(SearchSCIMResourceParameter searchRequest)
                if (searchRequest.Count > _options.MaxResults)
                    searchRequest.Count = _options.MaxResults;

                var schema = await _scimSchemaQueryRepository.FindRootSCIMSchemaByResourceType(_resourceType);

                var schemaIds = new List <string> {
                schemaIds.AddRange(schema.SchemaExtensions.Select(s => s.Schema));
                var schemas = (await _scimSchemaQueryRepository.FindSCIMSchemaByIdentifiers(schemaIds)).ToList();
                var result  = await _scimRepresentationQueryRepository.FindSCIMRepresentations(new SearchSCIMRepresentationsParameter(_resourceType, searchRequest.StartIndex - 1, searchRequest.Count, searchRequest.SortBy, searchRequest.SortOrder, SCIMFilterParser.Parse(searchRequest.Filter, schemas)));

                var jObj = new JObject
                    { SCIMConstants.StandardSCIMRepresentationAttributes.Schemas, new JArray(new [] { SCIMConstants.StandardSchemas.ListResponseSchemas.Id }) },
                    { SCIMConstants.StandardSCIMRepresentationAttributes.TotalResults, result.TotalResults },
                    { SCIMConstants.StandardSCIMRepresentationAttributes.ItemsPerPage, searchRequest.Count },
                    { SCIMConstants.StandardSCIMRepresentationAttributes.StartIndex, searchRequest.StartIndex }
                var resources       = new JArray();
                var baseUrl         = Request.GetAbsoluteUriWithVirtualPath();
                var representations = result.Content.ToList();
                await _attributeReferenceEnricher.Enrich(_resourceType, representations, baseUrl);

                foreach (var record in representations)
                    JObject newJObj  = null;
                    var     location = $"{baseUrl}/{_resourceType}/{record.Id}";
                    if (searchRequest.Attributes.Any())
                        newJObj = record.ToResponseWithIncludedAttributes(searchRequest.Attributes.Select(a => SCIMFilterParser.Parse(a, schemas)).ToList());
                    else if (searchRequest.ExcludedAttributes.Any())
                        newJObj = record.ToResponseWithExcludedAttributes(searchRequest.ExcludedAttributes.Select(a => SCIMFilterParser.Parse(a, schemas)).ToList(), location);
                        newJObj = record.ToResponse(location, true);


                jObj.Add(SCIMConstants.StandardSCIMRepresentationAttributes.Resources, resources);
                return(new ContentResult
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    Content = jObj.ToString(),
                    ContentType = SCIMConstants.STANDARD_SCIM_CONTENT_TYPE
            catch (SCIMFilterException ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message);
                return(this.BuildError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message, SCIMConstants.ErrorSCIMTypes.InvalidFilter));
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message);
                return(this.BuildError(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.ToString(), SCIMConstants.ErrorSCIMTypes.InternalServerError));
Example #49
    public void CreateJTokenTree()
      JObject o =
        new JObject(
          new JProperty("Test1", "Test1Value"),
          new JProperty("Test2", "Test2Value"),
          new JProperty("Test3", "Test3Value"),
          new JProperty("Test4", null)

      Assert.AreEqual(4, o.Properties().Count());

  ""Test1"": ""Test1Value"",
  ""Test2"": ""Test2Value"",
  ""Test3"": ""Test3Value"",
  ""Test4"": null
}", o.ToString());

      JArray a =
        new JArray(
          new DateTime(2000, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
          new JArray(
            new DateTime(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, DateTimeKind.Utc)
          new JConstructor(

      Assert.AreEqual(5, a.Count());
    ""Test1"": ""Test1Value"",
    ""Test2"": ""Test2Value"",
    ""Test3"": ""Test3Value"",
    ""Test4"": null
  new ConstructorName(
]", a.ToString());
Example #50
 public static IEnumerable <Point> ParseArray(string json)
Example #51
        public static bool CheckForUpdates(out string addr, out string latestVersion, out string description)
            IUpdaterImpl impl = DependencyService.Get <IUpdaterImpl>();

            string t = impl.GetFileType();
            int    v = impl.GetCurrentVersion();

            JArray resp = ExecuteRequest("https://api.github.com/repos/borishonman/condor-app/releases");

            if (resp == null)
                addr          = null;
                latestVersion = "";
                description   = "";

            //find the latest release with the binary type we want
            JObject latestRelease = null;
            JObject latestAsset   = null;

            foreach (JToken tok in resp)
                //get the asset based on the type of binary we want
                JObject asset = null;
                foreach (JToken tokA in (JArray)((JObject)tok).GetValue("assets"))
                    JObject curAsset = tokA as JObject;
                    string  file     = (string)curAsset.GetValue("name");
                    if (file.EndsWith(t))
                        asset = curAsset;
                //if no asset was found, we know this release won't work
                if (asset == null)
                //check the release against the current app version
                string release = (string)((JObject)tok).GetValue("tag_name");
                release = release.Substring(1).Replace(".", "");
                if (int.Parse(release) > v)
                    latestRelease = (JObject)tok;
                    latestAsset   = asset;

            IConfig cfg = ConfigFactory.GetInstance();

            if (latestRelease != null && cfg.Address != null)
                string releaseVer = (string)latestRelease.GetValue("tag_name");
                addr          = latestRelease != null ? cfg.Address + "/app/" : null;
                latestVersion = releaseVer;
                description   = (string)latestRelease.GetValue("body");

            addr          = "";
            latestVersion = "";
            description   = "";
Example #52
    public SaveWorkState(ContextProvider contextProvider, JArray entitiesArray)
        ContextProvider = contextProvider;
          var jObjects = entitiesArray.Select(jt => (dynamic)jt).ToList();
          var groups = jObjects.GroupBy(jo => (String)jo.entityAspect.entityTypeName).ToList();

          EntityInfoGroups = groups.Select(g => {
        var entityType = ContextProvider.LookupEntityType(g.Key);
        var entityInfos = g.Select(jo => ContextProvider.CreateEntityInfoFromJson(jo, entityType)).Cast<EntityInfo>().ToList();
        return new EntityGroup() { EntityType = entityType, EntityInfos = entityInfos };
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create standard .NET web client instance
            WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

            // Set API Key
            webClient.Headers.Add("x-api-key", API_KEY);

                // URL for `PDF To JPEG` API call
                string url = "https://api.pdf.co/v1/pdf/convert/to/jpg";

                // Prepare requests params as JSON
                Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                parameters.Add("password", Password);
                parameters.Add("pages", Pages);
                parameters.Add("url", SourceFileUrl);
                parameters.Add("async", Async);

                // Convert dictionary of params to JSON
                string jsonPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameters);

                // Execute POST request with JSON payload
                string response = webClient.UploadString(url, jsonPayload);

                // Parse JSON response
                JObject json = JObject.Parse(response);

                if (json["error"].ToObject <bool>() == false)
                    // Asynchronous job ID
                    string jobId = json["jobId"].ToString();
                    // URL of generated JSON file available after the job completion; it will contain URLs of result JPEG files.
                    string resultJsonFileUrl = json["url"].ToString();

                    // Check the job status in a loop.
                    // If you don't want to pause the main thread you can rework the code
                    // to use a separate thread for the status checking and completion.
                        string status = CheckJobStatus(jobId);                         // Possible statuses: "working", "failed", "aborted", "success".

                        // Display timestamp and status (for demo purposes)
                        Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ": " + status);

                        if (status == "success")
                            // Download JSON file as string
                            string jsonFileString = webClient.DownloadString(resultJsonFileUrl);

                            JArray resultFilesUrls = JArray.Parse(jsonFileString);

                            // Download generated JPEG files
                            int page = 1;
                            foreach (JToken token in resultFilesUrls)
                                string resultFileUrl = token.ToString();
                                string localFileName = String.Format(@".\page{0}.jpg", page);

                                webClient.DownloadFile(resultFileUrl, localFileName);

                                Console.WriteLine("Downloaded \"{0}\".", localFileName);
                        else if (status == "working")
                            // Pause for a few seconds
                    }while (true);
            catch (WebException e)


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");
Example #54
    public void EvaluateOutOfBoundsIndxerWithError()
      JArray a = new JArray(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

      a.SelectToken("[1000].Ha", true);
Example #55
    public void EvaluateArray()
      JArray a = new JArray(1, 2, 3, 4);

      JToken t = a.SelectToken("[1]");
      Assert.AreEqual(JTokenType.Integer, t.Type);
      Assert.AreEqual(2, (int)t);
Example #56
    public void EvaluateOutOfBoundsIndxer()
      JArray a = new JArray(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

      JToken t = a.SelectToken("[1000].Ha");
        public /* TODO: internal? */ void InvokeFunction(string module, string method, JArray arguments, string tracingName)
            QueueConfiguration.JavaScriptQueue.Dispatch(() =>

                if (IsDisposed)

                using (Tracer.Trace(Tracer.TRACE_TAG_REACT_BRIDGE, tracingName).Start())
                    if (_bridge == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Bridge has not been initialized.");

                    _bridge.CallFunction(module, method, arguments);
Example #58
        private static void SetProjectionMatrix(TFrameworkElement view, Dimensions dimensions, JArray transforms)
            var transformMatrix = TransformHelper.ProcessTransform(transforms);

            var translateMatrix     = Matrix3D.Identity;
            var translateBackMatrix = Matrix3D.Identity;

            if (!double.IsNaN(dimensions.Width))
                translateMatrix.OffsetX     = -dimensions.Width / 2;
                translateBackMatrix.OffsetX = dimensions.Width / 2;

            if (!double.IsNaN(dimensions.Height))
                translateMatrix.OffsetY     = -dimensions.Height / 2;
                translateBackMatrix.OffsetY = dimensions.Height / 2;

            var projectionMatrix = translateMatrix * transformMatrix * translateBackMatrix;

            ApplyProjection(view, projectionMatrix);
Example #59
        public override PagedData ProcessRequest(HttpContext context, CookDBDataContext db)
            string readOnly = context.Request.Params.Get("read_only");

            if (readOnly == "true" && context.Request.RequestType != "GET")
                return(new PagedData("Read Only"));

            IQueryable <MISUpdateDNI> q = db.MISUpdateDNIs;

            System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream, context.Request.ContentEncoding);

            var     jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
            JObject blob           = (JObject)jsonSerializer.Deserialize(new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(reader.ReadToEnd())));

            switch (context.Request.RequestType)
            case "GET":
                string filter = context.Request.Params.Get("mis_update_id");
                if (!isNull(filter))
                    q = q.Where(a => a.mis_update_id.Equals(int.Parse(filter)) && a.remove_from.Length > 1 && a.reroute_to.Length > 1);

                return(new PagedData(q.Select(a => new { a.mis_updatednis_id, a.mis_update_id, a.dnis, a.remove_from, a.platform, a.description, a.effective_date, a.reroute_to, a.platform_from })));

            case "POST":
                if (blob["rows"].GetType() == typeof(JObject))
                    JObject obj = (JObject)blob["rows"];

                    MISUpdateDNI record = new MISUpdateDNI();
                    record.mis_update_id = (int)obj["mis_update_id"];
                    record.dnis          = (String)obj["dnis"];
                    record.remove_from   = (String)obj["remove_from"];
                    if (obj["platform"].GetType() == typeof(JValue))
                        record.platform = (String)obj["platform"];
                        string platforms = (String)((JArray)obj["platform"])[0];
                        for (int i = 1; i < ((JArray)obj["platform"]).Count; i++)
                            platforms = platforms + ", " + (String)((JArray)obj["platform"])[i];
                        record.platform = platforms;
                    record.description    = (String)obj["description"];
                    record.effective_date = (String)obj["effective_date"];
                    record.reroute_to     = (String)obj["reroute_to"];
                    if (obj["platform_from"].GetType() == typeof(JValue))
                        record.platform_from = (String)obj["platform_from"];
                        string platforms = (String)((JArray)obj["platform_from"])[0];
                        for (int i = 1; i < ((JArray)obj["platform_from"]).Count; i++)
                            platforms = platforms + ", " + (String)((JArray)obj["platform_from"])[i];
                        record.platform_from = platforms;


                    return(new PagedData(new { record.mis_updatednis_id, record.mis_update_id, record.dnis, record.remove_from, record.platform, record.description, record.effective_date, record.reroute_to, record.platform_from }));

                JArray        objs = (JArray)blob["rows"];
                List <Object> list = new List <Object>();
                for (int j = 0; j < objs.Count; j++)
                    MISUpdateDNI record = new MISUpdateDNI();
                    record.mis_update_id = (int)objs[j]["mis_update_id"];
                    record.dnis          = (String)objs[j]["dnis"];
                    record.remove_from   = (String)objs[j]["remove_from"];
                    if (objs[j]["platform"].GetType() == typeof(JValue))
                        record.platform = (String)objs[j]["platform"];
                        string platforms = (String)((JArray)objs[j]["platform"])[0];
                        for (int i = 1; i < ((JArray)objs[j]["platform"]).Count; i++)
                            platforms = platforms + ", " + (String)((JArray)objs[j]["platform"])[i];
                        record.platform = platforms;
                    record.description    = (String)objs[j]["description"];
                    record.effective_date = (String)objs[j]["effective_date"];
                    record.reroute_to     = (String)objs[j]["reroute_to"];
                    if (objs[j]["platform_from"].GetType() == typeof(JValue))
                        record.platform_from = (String)objs[j]["platform_from"];
                        string platforms = (String)((JArray)objs[j]["platform_from"])[0];
                        for (int i = 1; i < ((JArray)objs[j]["platform_from"]).Count; i++)
                            platforms = platforms + ", " + (String)((JArray)objs[j]["platform_from"])[i];
                        record.platform_from = platforms;


                    list.Add(new { record.mis_updatednis_id, record.mis_update_id, record.dnis, record.remove_from, record.platform, record.description, record.effective_date, record.reroute_to, record.platform_from });

                return(new PagedData(list));

            case "PUT":
                if (blob["rows"].GetType() == typeof(JObject))
                    JObject obj = (JObject)blob["rows"];

                    MISUpdateDNI record = db.MISUpdateDNIs.Single(a => a.mis_updatednis_id.Equals((int)obj["mis_updatednis_id"]));
                    record.dnis = (String)obj["dnis"];
                    if (obj["remove_from"] != null)
                        record.remove_from = (String)obj["remove_from"];
                    //record.platform = (string)obj["platform"];

                    if (obj["platform"].GetType() == typeof(JValue))
                        record.platform = (String)obj["platform"];
                        string platforms = (String)((JArray)obj["platform"])[0];
                        for (int i = 1; i < ((JArray)obj["platform"]).Count; i++)
                            platforms = platforms + ", " + (String)((JArray)obj["platform"])[i];
                        record.platform = platforms;
                    record.description    = (String)obj["description"];
                    record.effective_date = (String)obj["effective_date"];
                    record.reroute_to     = (String)obj["reroute_to"];
                    if (obj["platform_from"].GetType() == typeof(JValue))
                        record.platform_from = (String)obj["platform_from"];
                        string platforms = (String)((JArray)obj["platform_from"])[0];
                        for (int i = 1; i < ((JArray)obj["platform_from"]).Count; i++)
                            platforms = platforms + ", " + (String)((JArray)obj["platform_from"])[i];
                        record.platform_from = platforms;


                    return(new PagedData(new { record.mis_updatednis_id, record.mis_update_id, record.dnis, record.remove_from, record.platform, record.description, record.effective_date, record.reroute_to, record.platform_from }));

                JArray        objs = (JArray)blob["rows"];
                List <Object> list = new List <Object>();
                for (int j = 0; j < objs.Count; j++)
                    MISUpdateDNI record = db.MISUpdateDNIs.Single(a => a.mis_updatednis_id.Equals((int)objs[j]["mis_updatednis_id"]));
                    record.dnis        = (String)objs[j]["dnis"];
                    record.remove_from = (String)objs[j]["remove_from"];
                    if (objs[j]["platform"].GetType() == typeof(JValue))
                        record.platform = (String)objs[j]["platform"];
                        string platforms = (String)((JArray)objs[j]["platform"])[0];
                        for (int i = 1; i < ((JArray)objs[j]["platform"]).Count; i++)
                            platforms = platforms + ", " + (String)((JArray)objs[j]["platform"])[i];
                        record.platform = platforms;
                    record.description    = (String)objs[j]["description"];
                    record.effective_date = (String)objs[j]["effective_date"];
                    record.reroute_to     = (String)objs[j]["reroute_to"];
                    if (objs[j]["platform_from"].GetType() == typeof(JValue))
                        record.platform_from = (String)objs[j]["platform_from"];
                        string platforms = (String)((JArray)objs[j]["platform_from"])[0];
                        for (int i = 1; i < ((JArray)objs[j]["platform_from"]).Count; i++)
                            platforms = platforms + ", " + (String)((JArray)objs[j]["platform_from"])[i];
                        record.platform_from = platforms;

                    list.Add(new { record.mis_updatednis_id, record.mis_update_id, record.dnis, record.remove_from, record.platform, record.description, record.effective_date, record.reroute_to, record.platform_from });


                return(new PagedData(list));

            case "DELETE":
                if (blob["rows"].GetType() == typeof(JObject))
                    JObject obj = (JObject)blob["rows"];

                    MISUpdateDNI record = db.MISUpdateDNIs.Single(a => a.mis_updatednis_id.Equals((int)obj["mis_updatednis_id"]));


                    return(new PagedData("dnis deleted"));

                JArray objs = (JArray)blob["rows"];
                for (int j = 0; j < objs.Count; j++)
                    MISUpdateDNI record = db.MISUpdateDNIs.Single(a => a.mis_updatednis_id.Equals((int)objs[j]["mis_updatednis_id"]));


                return(new PagedData("dnises deleted"));

                return(new PagedData("Unsupported Http Request:  " + context.Request.RequestType + " not recognized"));
Example #60
    public void AddToSelf()
      JArray a = new JArray();

      Assert.IsFalse(ReferenceEquals(a[0], a));