Example #1
        //public void slottingA(int[,] slotslist, List<ItemsSlotter> itemsA)
        //    // partitioningItems();
        //    // List<Shelf> shelflist = getShelfs();
        //    // int[,] slotslist = getEmptySlots(shelflist);
        //    int slotspace;
        //    int totalweight = 0;
        //    int start;
        //    int end = -1;
        //    foreach (ItemsSlotter item in itemsA)
        //    {
        //        totalweight = totalweight + item.weight;

        //    }
        //    for (int i = 0; i < slotslist.Length / 4; i++)
        //    {
        //        slotspace = slotslist[i, 3] - slotslist[i, 2] + 1;
        //        if (totalweight <= slotspace && slotslist[i, 1] == 65)
        //        {

        //            start = slotslist[i, 2];
        //            foreach (ItemsSlotter item in itemsA)
        //            {
        //                Console.Write("First");
        //                end = start + item.weight - 1;
        //                instructions.Add(new Instructions(slotslist[i, 0], start, end, item.item_name));
        //                start = end + 1;

        //            }

        //        }

        //        else if (totalweight > slotspace && slotslist[i, 1] == 65)
        //        {
        //            //Call knapsack here
        //        }

        //    }
        //public void slottingB(int[,] slotslist, List<ItemsSlotter> itemsB)
        //    //partitioningItems();
        //    //List<Shelf> shelflist = getShelfs();
        //    //int[,] slotslist = getEmptySlots(shelflist);
        //    int slotspace;
        //    int totalweight = 0;
        //    int start;
        //    int end = -1;
        //    foreach (ItemsSlotter item in itemsB)
        //    {
        //        totalweight = totalweight + item.weight;
        //    }
        //    for (int i = 0; i < slotslist.Length / 4; i++)
        //    {
        //        slotspace = slotslist[i, 3] - slotslist[i, 2] + 1;
        //        if (totalweight <= slotspace && slotslist[i, 1] == 66)
        //        {

        //            start = slotslist[i, 2];
        //            foreach (ItemsSlotter item in itemsB)
        //            {
        //                if (!instructions.Exists(ins => ins.itemname.Equals(item.item_name)))
        //                {
        //                    Console.Write("First B");
        //                    end = start + item.weight - 1;
        //                    instructions.Add(new Instructions(slotslist[i, 0], start, end, item.item_name));
        //                    start = end + 1;

        //                }
        //                else
        //                {

        //                }
        //            }
        //            slotslist[i, 2] = end + 1;

        //        }
        //        else if (totalweight > slotspace && slotslist[i, 1] == 66)
        //        {
        //            //Call knapsack here
        //        }
        //        //else if (totalweight <= slotspace)
        //        //{

        //        //    start = slotslist[i, 2];
        //        //    foreach (ItemsSlotter item in itemsB)
        //        //    {
        //        //        if (instructions.Exists(ins => ins.itemname == item.item_name))
        //        //        {

        //        //        }
        //        //        else
        //        //        {
        //        //            end = start + item.weight - 1;
        //        //            instructions.Add(new Instructions(slotslist[i, 0], start, end, item.item_name));
        //        //            start = end + 1;
        //        //        }
        //        //    }
        //        //    slotslist[i, 2] = end + 1;

        //        //}
        //        else
        //        {
        //            // Console.WriteLine("No space in warehouse, items cannot be slotted");
        //        }

        //    }

        //public void slottingC(int[,] slotslist, List<ItemsSlotter> itemsC)
        //    //partitioningItems();
        //    //List<Shelf> shelflist = getShelfs();
        //    //int[,] slotslist = getEmptySlots(shelflist);
        //    int slotspace;
        //    int totalweight = 0;
        //    int start;
        //    int end = -1;
        //    foreach (ItemsSlotter item in itemsC)
        //    {
        //        totalweight = totalweight + item.weight;
        //    }
        //    for (int i = 0; i < slotslist.Length / 4; i++)
        //    {
        //        slotspace = slotslist[i, 3] - slotslist[i, 2] + 1;
        //        if (totalweight <= slotspace && (char)slotslist[i, 1] == 'C')
        //        {
        //            start = slotslist[i, 2];
        //            foreach (ItemsSlotter item in itemsC)
        //            {
        //                if (instructions.Exists(ins => ins.itemname == item.item_name))
        //                {

        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    end = start + item.weight - 1;
        //                    instructions.Add(new Instructions(slotslist[i, 0], start, end, item.item_name));
        //                    start = end + 1;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            slotslist[i, 2] = end + 1;

        //        }
        //        else if (totalweight > slotspace && (char)slotslist[i, 1] == 'C')
        //        {
        //            //Call knapsack here
        //        }
        //        //else if (totalweight <= slotspace)
        //        //{
        //        //    start = slotslist[i, 2];
        //        //    foreach (ItemsSlotter item in itemsC)
        //        //    {
        //        //        if (instructions.Exists(ins => ins.itemname == item.item_name))
        //        //        {

        //        //        }
        //        //        else
        //        //        {
        //        //            end = start + item.weight - 1;
        //        //            instructions.Add(new Instructions(slotslist[i, 0], start, end, item.item_name));
        //        //            start = end + 1;
        //        //        }
        //        //    }
        //        //    slotslist[i, 2] = end + 1;

        //        //}
        //        else
        //        {
        //            //  Console.WriteLine("No space in warehouse, items cannot be slotted");
        //        }

        //    }


        //public void knapsack(int capacity, int[] weight, double[] value, String[] item)
        //    int count = 0;//count for item no.
        //    int remaining = capacity; //space in knapsack remaining
        //    int current_weight = 0; //selected weight
        //    double current_value = 0.0; //selected value
        //    String current_item; //selected item
        //    List<ItemsSlotter> selected_items = new List<ItemsSlotter>();
        //    ItemsSlotter items = new ItemsSlotter();
        //    //sorting weight and value according to weight and value ratio
        //    double[] x = Enumerable.Repeat(0.0, weight.Length).ToArray();
        //    for (int i = 0; i <= weight.Length - 1; i++)
        //    {

        //        for (int j = 0; j <= weight.Length - 2; j++)
        //        {
        //            if ((weight[i] / value[i]) < (weight[j] / value[j]))
        //            {
        //                int temp1 = weight[i];
        //                weight[i] = weight[j];
        //                weight[j] = temp1;
        //                double temp2 = value[i];
        //                value[i] = value[j];
        //                value[j] = temp2;
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    for (count = 0; count < item.Length; count++)
        //    {
        //        current_weight = weight[count];
        //        current_value = value[count];
        //        current_item = item[count];
        //        if (current_weight > remaining)
        //        {
        //            break;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {

        //            x[count] = 1.0;
        //            items.weight = current_weight;
        //            items.value = current_value;
        //            items.item_name = current_item;
        //            items.factor = x[count];
        //            selected_items.Add(items);
        //            remaining = remaining - current_weight;
        //        }

        //    }

        //    if (count < item.Length)
        //    {
        //        x[count] = remaining / weight[count];
        //        items.weight = weight[count];
        //        items.value = value[count];
        //        items.item_name = item[count];
        //        items.factor = x[count];
        //        selected_items.Add(items);
        //    }


        public List <ItemsSlotter> knapsack(int slotspace, ref int start, int shelfid, List <ItemsSlotter> items)
            int    count          = 0;         //count for item no.
            int    remaining      = slotspace; //space in knapsack remaining
            int    current_weight = 0;         //selected weight
            double current_value  = 0.0;       //selected value
            String current_item;               //selected item
            List <ItemsSlotter> itemscopy = new List <ItemsSlotter>();

            List <ItemsSlotter> itemsremaining = new List <ItemsSlotter>();

            //ItemsSlotter items = new ItemsSlotter();
            //sorting weight and value according to weight and value ratio
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= items.Count - 2; j++)
                    if (items[i].orders / items[i].quantity < items[j].orders / items[j].quantity)
                        ItemsSlotter tmp = items[j];
                        items[j] = items[i];
                        items[i] = items[j];
            foreach (var item in items)
                current_weight = item.quantity;
                current_value  = item.orders;
                current_item   = item.item_name;
                if (current_weight > remaining)
                    //selected_items.Add(new ItemsSlotter(current_item,current_weight,current_value,1));
                    instructions.Add(new Instructions(shelfid, start, start + current_weight - 1, current_item, item.item_id));
                    start     = start + current_weight;
                    remaining = remaining - current_weight;

            if (itemscopy.Count != 0 && remaining > 0)
                foreach (var item in itemscopy)
                    if (remaining > 0)
                        current_weight = remaining;
                        current_item   = item.item_name;
                        instructions.Add(new Instructions(shelfid, start, start + current_weight - 1, current_item, item.item_id));
                        itemsremaining.Add(new ItemsSlotter(item.item_id, item.quantity - remaining, item.item_name, item.orders));
                        start     = start + current_weight;
                        remaining = remaining - current_weight;

Example #2
        public ActionResult Save(List <Item> ware, List <Item_Consignment> itemcon, List <Consignment> con)
            int conid = -1;
            List <ItemsSlotter> isl = new List <ItemsSlotter>();

            foreach (Consignment conn in con)
                WarehouseBusinessLayer wbl = new WarehouseBusinessLayer();
                int warehouseIdd           = wbl.getWarehouseId(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]));
                conn.warehouseId       = warehouseIdd;
                conn.consignmentStatus = "Added";
                    conid = db.Consignments.Max(u => u.id) + 1;
                catch (Exception ex) { conid = 1; }
                conn.id = conid;

                int index = 0;
                foreach (Item_Consignment ic in itemcon)
                    Item items = ware.ElementAt(index);
                    ic.itemId = getNewOrOldId(items);

                    ItemsSlotter itemslot = new ItemsSlotter();

                    itemslot.item_id  = ic.itemId;
                    itemslot.quantity = (int)ic.quantity;
                    //   itemslot.expiry_date = ic.expiry.Value.ToShortDateString();

                    Item it = db.Items.FirstOrDefault(a => a.id == itemslot.item_id);
                    itemslot.item_name = it.itemName;

                    bool val = db.Item_Warehouse.Any(o => o.itemId == ic.itemId && o.warehouseId == warehouseIdd);
                    if (val == true)
                        Item_Warehouse iw = db.Item_Warehouse.FirstOrDefault(a => a.itemId == ic.itemId && a.warehouseId == warehouseIdd);
                        iw.quantity += ic.quantity;
                        itemslot.quantity = (int)iw.quantity;
                        // found = true;
                        //TODO: ADO.NET CODE
                        Item_Warehouse iw = new Item_Warehouse();
                        iw.warehouseId = warehouseIdd;
                        iw.itemId      = ic.itemId;
                        iw.quantity    = ic.quantity;
                        iw.orders      = 0;
                        itemslot.quantity = (int)iw.quantity;

                    ic.consignmentId = conid;


                //Yaha pe SLotting Horae ha
                List <Shelf> newShelf = db.Shelves.Where(a => a.warehouse_id == warehouseIdd).ToList();
                Slotting     slotting = new Slotting();
                bool         isError  = slotting.slotting(newShelf, isl);
                if (isError)
                    ViewBag.throwError = "Unfortunately, there is no space in warehouse for the new items";
                List <String>        instructionList = slotting.instructionsList;
                JavaScriptSerializer jss             = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                string inst = jss.Serialize(instructionList);
                SlottingBusinessLayer sbl = new SlottingBusinessLayer();
                sbl.UpdateConsignmentInstruction(conid, inst);
                List <String> shelfInserted     = slotting.shelfInserted.Distinct().ToList();
                string        insertedShelfJSON = jss.Serialize(shelfInserted);

                WarehouseDBEntities wdb         = new WarehouseDBEntities();
                Consignment         consignment = wdb.Consignments.Find(conid);
                consignment.consignmentStatus = "Added";
                consignment.shelfInserted     = insertedShelfJSON;
                wdb.Entry(consignment).State  = EntityState.Modified;

                Session["consignmentID"] = conid;


            return(RedirectToAction("LoggedIn", "Account"));