Example #1
        public Mikroe_MMB_LCD()
            var api = Api.Find("Mikroe_MMB_LCD", ApiType.Custom);

            _native = new Mikroe_MMB_LCD_Native();
Example #2
        static void Main()
            new Thread(Blinker).Start();

            const uint RLI_ADDRESS = 0x20016000;

            //copy native interop to RLI
            var interop = Resource.GetBytes(Resource.BinaryResources.Interop);

            Marshal.Copy(interop, 0, new IntPtr(RLI_ADDRESS), interop.Length);
            interop = null;

            // Let the CLR know about it
            // You normally need ot go in the MAP file of the finary to find the location of the table
            // In this example, we modified the "scatter file" to position the table at the base
            // So, in this case base address of RLI (Runtime Loadable Interops) is the same as interop table
            Interop.Add(new IntPtr(RLI_ADDRESS));

            // Test XTEA
            Debug.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Test XTEA is working.");
            var Data = new uint[2] {
                0x12345678, 0x98765432
            };                                                 // 8-byte block
            var Key = new uint[4] {
                0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444
            };                                                                        // 128-bit key

            Debug.WriteLine("Original Data    : " + Data[0].ToString("X") + " " + Data[1].ToString("X"));
            Cipher.Xtea.EncipherFast(32, Data, Key);
            Debug.WriteLine("Fast Encoded Data: " + Data[0].ToString("X") + " " + Data[1].ToString("X"));
            Cipher.Xtea.DecipherSlow(32, Data, Key);
            Debug.WriteLine("Slow Decoded Data: " + Data[0].ToString("X") + " " + Data[1].ToString("X"));
            Cipher.Xtea.EncipherSlow(32, Data, Key);
            Debug.WriteLine("Slow Encoded Data: " + Data[0].ToString("X") + " " + Data[1].ToString("X"));
            Cipher.Xtea.DecipherFast(32, Data, Key);
            Debug.WriteLine("Fast Decoded Data: " + Data[0].ToString("X") + " " + Data[1].ToString("X"));

            // Compare speed
            Debug.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Speed Test for 1000 native enc/dec loops.");
            var T = DateTime.Now;

            for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                Cipher.Xtea.EncipherFast(32, Data, Key);
                Cipher.Xtea.DecipherFast(32, Data, Key);
            var DeltaNativeTime = DateTime.Now - T;

            Debug.WriteLine("Time -> " + (DeltaNativeTime.TotalMilliseconds / 1000).ToString("F2") + " Seconds.");

            Debug.WriteLine("Speed Test for 1000 managed enc/dec loops.");
            T = DateTime.Now;
            for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                Cipher.Xtea.EncipherSlow(32, Data, Key);
                Cipher.Xtea.DecipherSlow(32, Data, Key);
            var DeltaManagedTime = DateTime.Now - T;

            Debug.WriteLine("Time -> " + (DeltaManagedTime.TotalMilliseconds / 1000).ToString("F2") + " Seconds.");

            Debug.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Native was " + (DeltaManagedTime.TotalMilliseconds / DeltaNativeTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToString("F0") + " times faster than managed.");
