public TimeGenerator()
            time = SystemClock.Instance.Now;

            _rnd = new RandomProvider();
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override ZoneInterval GetZoneInterval(Instant instant)
            int lower = 0; // Inclusive
            int upper = Intervals.Count; // Exclusive

            while (lower < upper)
                int current = (lower + upper) / 2;
                var candidate = Intervals[current];
                if (candidate.HasStart && candidate.Start > instant)
                    upper = current;
                else if (candidate.HasEnd && candidate.End <= instant)
                    lower = current + 1;
                    return candidate;
            // Note: this would indicate a bug. The time zone is meant to cover the whole of time.
            throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Instant {0} did not exist in time zone {1}", instant, Id));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the zone offset period for the given instant.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instant">The Instant to find.</param>
        /// <returns>The ZoneInterval including the given instant.</returns>
        public override ZoneInterval GetZoneInterval(Instant instant)
            if (tailZone != null && instant >= tailZoneStart)
                // Clamp the tail zone interval to start at the end of our final period, if necessary, so that the
                // join is seamless.
                ZoneInterval intervalFromTailZone = tailZone.GetZoneInterval(instant);
                return intervalFromTailZone.RawStart < tailZoneStart ? firstTailZoneInterval : intervalFromTailZone;
            int lower = 0; // Inclusive
            int upper = periods.Length; // Exclusive

            while (lower < upper)
                int current = (lower + upper) / 2;
                var candidate = periods[current];
                if (candidate.RawStart > instant)
                    upper = current;
                // Safe to use RawEnd, as it's just for the comparison.
                else if (candidate.RawEnd <= instant)
                    lower = current + 1;
                    return candidate;
            // Note: this would indicate a bug. The time zone is meant to cover the whole of time.
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Instant {instant} did not exist in time zone {Id}");
Example #4
 public void MinusOffset_Zero_IsNeutralElement()
     Instant sampleInstant = new Instant(1, 23456L);
     LocalInstant sampleLocalInstant = new LocalInstant(1, 23456L);
     Assert.AreEqual(sampleInstant, sampleLocalInstant.Minus(Offset.Zero));
     Assert.AreEqual(sampleInstant, sampleLocalInstant.MinusZeroOffset());
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ZoneTransition"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="instant">The instant that this transistion occurs at.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name for the time at this transition e.g. PDT or PST.</param>
 /// <param name="standardOffset">The standard offset at this transition.</param>
 /// <param name="savings">The actual offset at this transition.</param>
 internal ZoneTransition(Instant instant, String name, Offset standardOffset, Offset savings)
     Preconditions.CheckNotNull(name, "name");
     this.Instant = instant;
     this.Name = name;
     this.StandardOffset = standardOffset;
     this.Savings = savings;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a zone with a single transition between two offsets.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transitionPoint">The transition point as an <see cref="Instant"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="offsetBefore">The offset of local time from UTC before the transition.</param>
 /// <param name="offsetAfter">The offset of local time from UTC before the transition.</param>
 /// <param name="id">ID for the newly created time zone.</param>
 public SingleTransitionDateTimeZone(Instant transitionPoint, Offset offsetBefore, Offset offsetAfter, string id)
     : base(id, false, Offset.Min(offsetBefore, offsetAfter), Offset.Max(offsetBefore, offsetAfter))
     EarlyInterval = new ZoneInterval(id + "-Early", null, transitionPoint,
         offsetBefore, Offset.Zero);
     LateInterval = new ZoneInterval(id + "-Late", transitionPoint, null,
         offsetAfter, Offset.Zero);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a zone with a single transition between two offsets.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transitionPoint">The transition point as an <see cref="Instant"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="offsetBefore">The offset of local time from UTC before the transition.</param>
 /// <param name="offsetAfter">The offset of local time from UTC before the transition.</param>
 public SingleTransitionZone(Instant transitionPoint, Offset offsetBefore, Offset offsetAfter)
     : base("Single", false, Offset.Min(offsetBefore, offsetAfter), Offset.Max(offsetBefore, offsetAfter))
     earlyInterval = new ZoneInterval("Single-Early", Instant.MinValue, transitionPoint,
         offsetBefore, Offset.Zero);
     lateInterval = new ZoneInterval("Single-Late", transitionPoint, Instant.MaxValue,
         offsetAfter, Offset.Zero);
Example #8
 public void Construction()
     // 10 million ticks = 1 second...
     Instant instant = new Instant(10000000);
     // Epoch is 1970 UTC
     // An instant isn't really "in" a time zone or calendar, but
     // it's convenient to consider UTC in the ISO-8601 calendar.
     Assert.AreEqual("1970-01-01T00:00:01Z", instant.ToString());
Example #9
 public void AdditionWithDuration()
     // Some arbitrary instant. I've no idea when.
     Instant instant = new Instant(150000000);
     // A very short duration: a duration is simply a number of ticks.
     Duration duration = new Duration(1000);
     Instant later = instant + duration;
     Assert.AreEqual(new Instant(150001000), later);
Example #10
        public CountdownActor(Label lbl, Form1 form, Instant deadline)
            _labelUpdater = Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new LabelUpdaterActor(lbl)));
            _alarm = Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new AlarmActor(form)));
            _deadline = deadline;

            Receive<DateTime>(msg => UpdateDeadline(msg));
            Receive<object>(msg => Tick());
 internal PartialZoneIntervalMap(Instant start, Instant end, IZoneIntervalMap map)
     // Allowing empty maps makes life simpler.
     Preconditions.DebugCheckArgument(start <= end, nameof(end),
         "Invalid start/end combination: {0} - {1}", start, end);
     this.Start = start;
     this.End = end; = map;
 public void Construct_EndOfTime_Truncated()
     const string name = "abc";
     var instant = new Instant(Instant.MaxValue.Ticks + minusOneHour.TotalTicks);
     var actual = new ZoneTransition(instant, name, threeHours, threeHours);
     Assert.AreEqual(instant, actual.Instant, "Instant");
     Assert.AreEqual(oneHour, actual.StandardOffset, "StandardOffset");
     Assert.AreEqual(Offset.Zero, actual.Savings, "Savings");
        public void Comparison()
            Instant equal = new Instant(1, 100L);
            Instant greater1 = new Instant(1, 101L);
            Instant greater2 = new Instant(2, 0L);

            TestHelper.TestCompareToStruct(equal, equal, greater1);
            TestHelper.TestNonGenericCompareTo(equal, equal, greater1);
            TestHelper.TestOperatorComparisonEquality(equal, equal, greater1, greater2);
 public void SingleAggregateSchedule()
     Instant i = new Instant(Tester.RandomGenerator.RandomInt32());
     OneOffSchedule oneOffSchedule = new OneOffSchedule(i);
     AggregateSchedule aggregateSchedule = new AggregateSchedule(oneOffSchedule);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, aggregateSchedule.Count());
     Assert.AreEqual(i, aggregateSchedule.Next(i - TimeHelpers.OneSecond));
     Assert.AreEqual(i, aggregateSchedule.Next(i));
     Assert.AreEqual(Instant.MaxValue, aggregateSchedule.Next(i + Duration.FromTicks(1)));
Example #15
        public Duration KeepAlive(Instant now)
            var newTimestamp = now;
            var oldTimestamp = this.LastKeepAlive;

            this.LastKeepAlive = newTimestamp;

            var lag = newTimestamp - oldTimestamp;
            return lag;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the zone interval for the given instant.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="instant">The Instant to test.</param>
 /// <returns>The ZoneInterval in effect at the given instant.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The instant falls outside the bounds
 /// of the recurrence rules of the zone.</exception>
 public override ZoneInterval GetZoneInterval(Instant instant)
     ZoneRecurrence recurrence;
     var next = NextTransition(instant, out recurrence);
     // Now we know the recurrence we're in, we can work out when we went into it. (We'll never have
     // two transitions into the same recurrence in a row.)
     Offset previousSavings = ReferenceEquals(recurrence, standardRecurrence) ? dstRecurrence.Savings : Offset.Zero;
     var previous = recurrence.PreviousOrSameOrFail(instant, standardOffset, previousSavings);
     return new ZoneInterval(recurrence.Name, previous.Instant, next.Instant, standardOffset + recurrence.Savings, recurrence.Savings);
Example #17
        public void Update(UpdateEventArgs args)
            var elapsedTime = new TimeSpan(args.ElapsedTimeInS);

            this.time += elapsedTime;

            foreach (var gameObject in this.gameObjects)
Example #18
 public void Max()
     Instant x = new Instant(100);
     Instant y = new Instant(200);
     Assert.AreEqual(y, Instant.Max(x, y));
     Assert.AreEqual(y, Instant.Max(y, x));
     Assert.AreEqual(x, Instant.Max(x, Instant.MinValue));
     Assert.AreEqual(x, Instant.Max(Instant.MinValue, x));
     Assert.AreEqual(Instant.MaxValue, Instant.Max(Instant.MaxValue, x));
     Assert.AreEqual(Instant.MaxValue, Instant.Max(x, Instant.MaxValue));
        public void Equality()
            Instant equal = new Instant(1, 100L);
            Instant different1 = new Instant(1, 200L);
            Instant different2 = new Instant(2, 100L);

            TestHelper.TestEqualsStruct(equal, equal, different1);
            TestHelper.TestOperatorEquality(equal, equal, different1);

            TestHelper.TestEqualsStruct(equal, equal, different2);
            TestHelper.TestOperatorEquality(equal, equal, different2);
Example #20
        public void TestInstantOperators()
            const long diff = TestTime2 - TestTime1;

            var time1 = new Instant(TestTime1);
            var time2 = new Instant(TestTime2);
            Duration duration = time2 - time1;

            Assert.AreEqual(diff, duration.Ticks);
            Assert.AreEqual(TestTime2, (time1 + duration).Ticks);
            Assert.AreEqual(TestTime1, (time2 - duration).Ticks);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ScheduledActionResult"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="due">The due.</param>
 /// <param name="started">The started.</param>
 /// <param name="duration">The duration.</param>
 /// <param name="exception">The exception.</param>
 /// <param name="cancelled">if set to <see langword="true"/> the action was cancelled.</param>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 protected ScheduledActionResult(
     Instant due,
     Instant started,
     Duration duration,
     [CanBeNull] Exception exception,
     bool cancelled)
     Due = due;
     Started = started;
     Duration = duration;
     Exception = exception;
     Cancelled = cancelled;
        private static void TestToStringBase(Instant value, string gvalue)
            string actual = value.ToString();
            Assert.AreEqual(gvalue, actual);
            actual = value.ToString("g", null);
            Assert.AreEqual(gvalue, actual);
            actual = value.ToString("g", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            Assert.AreEqual(gvalue, actual);

            actual = string.Format("{0}", value);
            Assert.AreEqual(gvalue, actual);
            actual = string.Format("{0:g}", value);
            Assert.AreEqual(gvalue, actual);
 public void DoubleAggregateSchedule()
     Instant i = new Instant(Tester.RandomGenerator.RandomInt32());
     Instant j = i + TimeHelpers.OneSecond;
     OneOffSchedule s1 = new OneOffSchedule(i);
     OneOffSchedule s2 = new OneOffSchedule(j);
     AggregateSchedule aggregateSchedule = new AggregateSchedule(s1, s2);
     Assert.AreEqual(2, aggregateSchedule.Count());
     Assert.AreEqual(i, aggregateSchedule.Next(i - TimeHelpers.OneSecond));
     Assert.AreEqual(i, aggregateSchedule.Next(i));
     Assert.AreEqual(j, aggregateSchedule.Next(i + Duration.FromTicks(1)));
     Assert.AreEqual(j, aggregateSchedule.Next(j));
     Assert.AreEqual(Instant.MaxValue, aggregateSchedule.Next(j + Duration.FromTicks(1)));
 internal PrecalculatedDateTimeZone([NotNull] string id, [NotNull] ZoneInterval[] intervals, IZoneIntervalMapWithMinMax tailZone)
     : base(id, false,
            ComputeOffset(intervals, tailZone, Offset.Min),
            ComputeOffset(intervals, tailZone, Offset.Max))
     this.tailZone = tailZone;
     this.periods = intervals;
     this.tailZone = tailZone;
     this.tailZoneStart = intervals[intervals.Length - 1].RawEnd; // We want this to be AfterMaxValue for tail-less zones.
     if (tailZone != null)
         // Cache a "clamped" zone interval for use at the start of the tail zone.
         firstTailZoneInterval = tailZone.GetZoneInterval(tailZoneStart).WithStart(tailZoneStart);
     ValidatePeriods(intervals, tailZone);
Example #25
        private static string ConvertNowLine(string line, Instant runTime)
            var match = NowRegex.Match(line);
            if (!match.Success)
                throw new Exception("Invalid line: " + line);
            var local = LocalPattern.Parse(match.Groups["local"].Value.Replace("  ", " ")).Value;
            var name = match.Groups["name"].Value;
            var offsetAsDuration = local.InUtc().ToInstant() - runTime;
            // Round it to the nearest 5 minutes.
            var roundedSeconds = Math.Round(offsetAsDuration.TotalSeconds / 300) * 300;
            var offset = Offset.FromSeconds((int) roundedSeconds);

            return string.Format("Fixed: {0} {1}\r\n", OffsetPattern.Format(offset), name);
 internal ZoneInterval GetZoneInterval(Instant instant)
     Preconditions.DebugCheckArgument(instant >= Start && instant < End, nameof(instant),
         "Value {0} was not in the range [{0}, {1})", instant, Start, End);
     var interval = map.GetZoneInterval(instant);
     // Clamp the interval for the sake of sanity. Checking this every time isn't very efficient,
     // but we're not expecting this to be called too often, due to caching.
     if (interval.RawStart < Start)
         interval = interval.WithStart(Start);
     if (interval.RawEnd > End)
         interval = interval.WithEnd(End);
     return interval;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the <see cref="HighPrecisionClock"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 static HighPrecisionClock()
         long time;
         GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(out time);
         _getSysTimeAvailable = true;
     catch (Exception)
         _getSysTimeAvailable = false;
         if (Stopwatch.IsHighResolution)
             // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
             _startedTime = SystemClock.Instance.Now;
             _startedTicks = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the zone offset period for the given instant. Null is returned if no period is
            /// defined by the time zone for the given instant.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="instant">The Instant to test.</param>
            /// <returns>The defined ZoneOffsetPeriod or null.</returns>
            public ZoneInterval GetZoneInterval(Instant instant)
                int period = instant.DaysSinceEpoch >> PeriodShift;
                int index = period & CachePeriodMask;
                var node = instantCache[index];
                if (node == null || node.Period != period)
                    node = HashCacheNode.CreateNode(period, map);
                    instantCache[index] = node;

                // Note: moving this code into an instance method in HashCacheNode makes a surprisingly
                // large performance difference.
                while (node.Previous != null && node.Interval.RawStart > instant)
                    node = node.Previous;
                return node.Interval;
        private static void TestToStringBase(Instant value, string gvalue)
            string actual = value.ToString();
            Assert.AreEqual(gvalue, actual);
            actual = value.ToString("G");
            Assert.AreEqual(gvalue, actual);
            actual = value.ToString("N");
            Assert.AreEqual(value.Ticks.ToString("N0"), actual);
            actual = value.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.Ticks.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), actual);
            actual = value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            Assert.AreEqual(gvalue, actual);
            actual = value.ToString("D");
            Assert.AreEqual(value.Ticks.ToString("D"), actual);

            actual = string.Format("{0}", value);
            Assert.AreEqual(gvalue, actual);
            actual = string.Format("{0:G}", value);
            Assert.AreEqual(gvalue, actual);
            actual = string.Format("{0:N}", value);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.Ticks.ToString("N0"), actual);
            actual = string.Format("{0:D}", value);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.Ticks.ToString("D"), actual);
 /// <summary>
 ///     Should be greater or equal to the given <see cref="Instant" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expected"></param>
 /// <param name="because"></param>
 /// <param name="becauseArgs"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public AndConstraint <InstantAssertions> BeGreaterOrEqualTo(Instant expected, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)
     return(ExecuteAssertion(Subject >= expected, "to be greater than or equal to", expected, because, becauseArgs));
 /// <summary>
 ///     Should be less than the given <see cref="Instant" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expected"></param>
 /// <param name="because"></param>
 /// <param name="becauseArgs"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public AndConstraint <InstantAssertions> BeLessThan(Instant expected, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)
     return(ExecuteAssertion(Subject < expected, "to be less than", expected, because, becauseArgs));
Example #32
 public static Instant AsInstant(this Instant value)
 private static void UpdateVersionTimestamp(StreetNameDetail streetName, Instant versionTimestamp)
 => streetName.VersionTimestamp = versionTimestamp;
 public string GetRelativeTime(Instant start, Instant end)
     return(GetRelativeTime(start.InUtc().LocalDateTime, end.InUtc().LocalDateTime));
Example #35
 private void ChangeStatusScheduled(ChangeContentStatus command, Instant dueTime)
     Raise(command, new ContentStatusScheduled {
         DueTime = dueTime
 /// <summary>
 ///     Should not be the given <see cref="Instant" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expected"></param>
 /// <param name="because"></param>
 /// <param name="becauseArgs"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public AndConstraint <InstantAssertions> NotBe(Instant expected, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)
     return(ExecuteAssertion(!Subject.HasValue || Subject != expected, "to not be", expected, because, becauseArgs));
Example #37
 private static Instant FutureDays(int days)
Example #38
 public static User Hypdrate(int id, Guid accessToken, string name, string emailHash, string countryCode, Instant createdDate)
     return(new User(id, accessToken, name, emailHash, countryCode, createdDate));
Example #39
        public void NodaTimeInstant_ParsesVariousValues(string input, Instant expected)
            var actual = input.FromJson <Instant>();

            Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected));
Example #40
 public static User From(string name, string emailHash, string countryCode, Instant createdDate)
     return(new User(null, Guid.NewGuid(), name, emailHash, countryCode, createdDate));
Example #41
 public User(int?id, Guid accessToken, string name, string emailHash, string countryCode, Instant createdDate)
     Id          = id;
     AccessToken = accessToken;
     Name        = name;
     EmailHash   = emailHash;
     CountryCode = countryCode;
     CreatedDate = createdDate;
        public async IAsyncEnumerable <StoredEvent> QueryAllReverseAsync(string?streamFilter = null, Instant timestamp = default, int take = int.MaxValue,
                                                                         [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken ct = default)
            if (take <= 0)
                yield break;

            StreamPosition lastPosition = timestamp;

            var filterDefinition = CreateFilter(streamFilter, lastPosition);

            var find =
                Collection.Find(filterDefinition, Batching.Options)

            var taken = 0;

            using (var cursor = await find.ToCursorAsync(ct))
                while (taken < take && await cursor.MoveNextAsync(ct))
                    foreach (var current in cursor.Current)
                        foreach (var @event in current.Filtered(lastPosition).Reverse())
                            yield return(@event);


                            if (taken == take)

                        if (taken == take)
Example #43
        public void SetUp()
            testDescriptorDigest =

            Mock.Get(mockBuildConfiguration).Setup(m => m.GetEventHandlers()).Returns(mockEventHandlers);

            Mock.Get(mockBuildConfiguration).Setup(m => m.GetContainerConfiguration()).Returns(mockContainerConfiguration);

            Mock.Get(mockBuildConfiguration).Setup(m => m.GetToolName()).Returns(() => null);

            Mock.Get(mockContainerConfiguration).Setup(m => m.GetCreationTime()).Returns(Instant.FromUnixTimeSeconds(0));

            Mock.Get(mockContainerConfiguration).Setup(m => m.GetEnvironmentMap()).Returns(ImmutableDictionary.Create <string, string>());

            Mock.Get(mockContainerConfiguration).Setup(m => m.GetProgramArguments()).Returns(ImmutableArray.Create <string>());

            Mock.Get(mockContainerConfiguration).Setup(m => m.GetExposedPorts()).Returns(ImmutableHashSet.Create <Port>());

            Mock.Get(mockContainerConfiguration).Setup(m => m.GetEntrypoint()).Returns(ImmutableArray.Create <string>());

            Mock.Get(mockContainerConfiguration).Setup(m => m.GetUser()).Returns("root");

            Mock.Get(mockCachedLayer).Setup(m => m.GetBlobDescriptor()).Returns(new BlobDescriptor(0, testDescriptorDigest));

            nonEmptyLayerHistory =
            emptyLayerHistory =

            Image baseImage =
                .AddEnvironment(ImmutableDic.Of("BASE_ENV", "BASE_ENV_VALUE", "BASE_ENV_2", "DEFAULT"))
                .AddLabel("base.label", "base.label.value")
                .AddLabel("base.label.2", "default")
                .SetProgramArguments(ImmutableArray.Create("", "run"))
                    DockerHealthCheck.FromCommand(ImmutableArray.Create("CMD-SHELL", "echo hi"))
                .AddExposedPorts(ImmutableHashSet.Create(Port.Tcp(1000), Port.Udp(2000)))
                        AbsoluteUnixPath.Get("/base/path1"), AbsoluteUnixPath.Get("/base/path2")))

            Mock.Get(mockPullAndCacheBaseImageLayerStep).Setup(m => m.GetFuture()).Returns(Futures.ImmediateFutureAsync(mockCachedLayer));

            Mock.Get(mockPullAndCacheBaseImageLayersStep).Setup(m => m.GetFuture()).Returns(
                Futures.ImmediateFutureAsync <IReadOnlyList <ICachedLayer> >(

            Mock.Get(mockPullBaseImageStep).Setup(m => m.GetFuture()).Returns(
                    new BaseImageWithAuthorization(baseImage, null)));

            mockClassesLayer = new CachedLayerWithType(mockCachedLayer, "classes");

            mockDependenciesLayer = new CachedLayerWithType(mockCachedLayer, "dependencies");

            mockExtraFilesLayer = new CachedLayerWithType(mockCachedLayer, "extra files");

            mockResourcesLayer = new CachedLayerWithType(mockCachedLayer, "resources");
Example #44
        private static ZonedDateTime ParseZonedDateTime(string value)
            var dateTime = DateTime.Parse(value);

            return(new ZonedDateTime(Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(dateTime.ToUniversalTime()), DateTimeZone.Utc));
Example #45
        public async Task Test_generateHistoryObjectsAsync()
            Mock.Get(mockBuildAndCacheApplicationLayersStep).Setup(s => s.GetFuture()).Returns(Task.FromResult <IReadOnlyList <ICachedLayer> >(ImmutableArray.Create(
            string         createdBy      = "fib:" + ProjectInfo.VERSION;
            BuildImageStep buildImageStep =
                new BuildImageStep(
                    ProgressEventDispatcher.NewRoot(mockEventHandlers, "ignored", 1).NewChildProducer(),
            Image image = await buildImageStep.GetFuture().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Make sure history is as expected
            HistoryEntry expectedAddedBaseLayerHistory =
                .SetComment("auto-generated by Fib")

            HistoryEntry expectedApplicationLayerHistoryDependencies =

            HistoryEntry expectedApplicationLayerHistoryResources =

            HistoryEntry expectedApplicationLayerHistoryClasses =

            HistoryEntry expectedApplicationLayerHistoryExtrafiles =
                .SetComment("extra files")

            // Base layers (1 non-empty propagated, 2 empty propagated, 2 non-empty generated)
            Assert.AreEqual(nonEmptyLayerHistory, image.GetHistory()[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(emptyLayerHistory, image.GetHistory()[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(emptyLayerHistory, image.GetHistory()[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedAddedBaseLayerHistory, image.GetHistory()[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedAddedBaseLayerHistory, image.GetHistory()[4]);

            // Application layers (4 generated)
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedApplicationLayerHistoryDependencies, image.GetHistory()[5]);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedApplicationLayerHistoryResources, image.GetHistory()[6]);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedApplicationLayerHistoryClasses, image.GetHistory()[7]);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedApplicationLayerHistoryExtrafiles, image.GetHistory()[8]);

            // Should be exactly 9 total
            Assert.AreEqual(9, image.GetHistory().Length);
Example #46
 public Task ScheduleGroupedAsync(string key, T job, Instant dueTime, bool canInline,
                                  CancellationToken ct = default)
     return(scheduling.ScheduleGroupedAsync(key, job, dueTime, canInline, ct));
Example #47
        public static TimeSpan LocalTimeSpanFromUnixTime(this long unixTimeSeconds)
            var localTime = Instant.FromUnixTimeSeconds(unixTimeSeconds).InZone(Zone);

            return(new TimeSpan(localTime.Hour, localTime.Minute, 00));
 private static void UpdateVersionTimestamp(MunicipalityDetail municipality, Instant versionTimestamp)
 => municipality.VersionTimestamp = versionTimestamp;
 public void UpdateLastUsedCredentials(Instant currentInstant)
     LastChangedCredentials = currentInstant;
 public string GetRelativeTime(Instant instant)
     return(GetRelativeTime(instant, SystemClock.Instance));
 internal bool haveAlreadySentReport(Instant mostRecentReportBillingDate, SolarAndUtilityReport report)
     return(!(mostRecentReportBillingDate.InZone(reportTimeZone).Date < report.billingDate));
Example #52
 public bool Contains(Instant instant) => RawStart <= instant && instant < RawEnd;
 // Type is created as immutable to avoid problems with accidental changes to in-memory cache
 public JobProgress(Instant nextIterationStart, Instant nextIterationEnd, string nextToken)
     NextIterationStart = nextIterationStart;
     NextIterationEnd   = nextIterationEnd;
     NextToken          = nextToken;
Example #54
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a copy of this zone interval, but with the given end instant.
 /// </summary>
 internal ZoneInterval WithEnd(Instant newEnd)
     return(new ZoneInterval(Name, RawStart, newEnd, WallOffset, Savings));
Example #55
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create new <see cref="Prayer" />.
 /// </summary>
 public Prayer(PrayerType type, Instant time)
     Type = type;
     Time = time;
Example #56
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a copy of this zone interval, but with the given start instant.
 /// </summary>
 internal ZoneInterval WithStart(Instant newStart)
     return(new ZoneInterval(Name, newStart, RawEnd, WallOffset, Savings));
Example #57
        public void NodaTimeInstant_SerializesToExpectedText(Instant input, string expected)
            var actual = input.ToJson();

            Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected));
Example #58
 public override string ToString()
     return(Instant.FromDateTimeOffset(new DateTimeOffset(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, TimeSpan.Zero)).ToString());
        public void WriteZoneIntervalTransition(Instant? previous, Instant value)
            if (previous != null)
                Preconditions.CheckArgument(value >= previous.Value, nameof(value), "Transition must move forward in time");

                if (value == Instant.BeforeMinValue)
                if (value == Instant.AfterMaxValue)

                // In practice, most zone interval transitions will occur within 4000-6000 hours of the previous one
                // (i.e. about 5-8 months), and at an integral number of hours difference. We therefore gain a
                // significant reduction in output size by encoding transitions as the whole number of hours since the
                // previous, if possible.
                // If the previous value was "the start of time" then there's no point in trying to use it.
                if (previous != null && previous.Value != Instant.BeforeMinValue)
                    // Note that the difference might exceed the range of a long, so we can't use a Duration here.
                    ulong ticks = (ulong) (value.Ticks - previous.Value.Ticks);
                    if (ticks % TicksPerHour == 0)
                        ulong hours = ticks / TicksPerHour;
                        // As noted above, this will generally fall within the 4000-6000 range, although values up to
                        // ~700,000 exist in TZDB.
                        if (ZoneIntervalConstants.MinValueForHoursSincePrevious <= hours &&
                            hours < ZoneIntervalConstants.MinValueForMinutesSinceEpoch)
                            WriteCount((int) hours);

                // We can't write the transition out relative to the previous transition, so let's next try writing it
                // out as a whole number of minutes since an (arbitrary, known) epoch.
                if (value >= ZoneIntervalConstants.EpochForMinutesSinceEpoch)
                    ulong ticks = (ulong) (value.Ticks - ZoneIntervalConstants.EpochForMinutesSinceEpoch.Ticks);
                    if (ticks % TicksPerMinute == 0)
                        ulong minutes = ticks / TicksPerMinute;
                        // We typically have a count on the order of 80M here.
                        if (ZoneIntervalConstants.MinValueForMinutesSinceEpoch < minutes && minutes <= int.MaxValue)
                            WriteCount((int) minutes);
                // Otherwise, just write out a marker followed by the instant as a 64-bit number of ticks.  Note that
                // while most of the values we write here are actually whole numbers of _seconds_, optimising for that
                // case will save around 2KB (with tzdb 2012j), so doesn't seem worthwhile.
 public FantasyCriticUser(Guid userID, string userName, string normalizedUserName, string emailAddress,
                          string normalizedEmailAddress, bool emailConfirmed, string securityStamp, string passwordHash, Instant lastChangedCredentials)
     UserID                 = userID;
     UserName               = userName;
     NormalizedUserName     = normalizedUserName;
     EmailAddress           = emailAddress;
     NormalizedEmailAddress = normalizedEmailAddress;
     EmailConfirmed         = emailConfirmed;
     SecurityStamp          = securityStamp;
     PasswordHash           = passwordHash;
     LastChangedCredentials = lastChangedCredentials;