static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Rober Navigation Software!."); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); int x = InputUtil.NumberField("Insert the Horitonzal Cube Dimension: ", false); int y = InputUtil.NumberField("Insert the Vertical Cube Dimension: ", false); Coordinate cube = new Coordinate(x, y); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Perfect!, Let's configure our new Rober!."); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------"); int roberx = InputUtil.NumberField("Insert the Horizontal Rober Coordenate: ", false); int robery = InputUtil.NumberField("Insert the Vertical Rober Coordenate: ", false); Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Alright, we almost done"); Console.WriteLine(); char orientation = InputUtil.PoleField("Insert the Rober Orientation(N, S, E, W): ", false); Rover rover = new Rover(new Orientation(roberx, robery, orientation), false); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Done, Configuration Completed!"); Console.WriteLine("Lets Play!"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------"); string?commands = ""; do { Console.WriteLine(); commands = InputUtil.CommandField("Insert the commands!: ", false); Rover newRover = Movement.move(cube, rover.orientation, commands); Console.WriteLine(newRover.valid + " " + newRover.orientation.pole + " Coordinates: (" + newRover.orientation.x + ", " + newRover.orientation.y + ")"); }while (commands != null); }