Example #1
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"
    should contain key
    with value

            var codePart      = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var actualValue   = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            var keyValue      = context.Key.ToStringAwesomely();

            if (context.HasRelevantKey)
                var actualValueString = context.Actual == null
                    ? actualValue
                    : string.Format("\"{0}\"", actualValue.Trim('"'));
                var valueString = string.Format("but value was {0}", actualValueString);
                return(String.Format(format, codePart, keyValue.Trim('"'), expectedValue.Trim('"'), valueString));
                return(String.Format(format, codePart, actualValue.Trim('"'), expectedValue.Trim('"'), "but the key does not exist"));
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"
            should {1}be within
            but was

            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var tolerance = context.Tolerance.ToStringAwesomely();
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var actualValue = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            var negated = context.ShouldMethod.Contains("Not") ? "not " : string.Empty;

            var message = string.Format(format, codePart, negated, tolerance, expectedValue, actualValue);

            if (DifferenceHighlighter.CanHighlightDifferences(context))
                message += string.Format(@"

            return message;
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"
            should not contain key
            with value

            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var actualValue = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            var keyValue = context.Key.ToStringAwesomely();

            var expectedValueString = context.Expected == null
                ? expectedValue
                : string.Format("\"{0}\"", expectedValue.Trim('"'));

            if (context.HasRelevantKey)
                var valueString = "but does";
                return String.Format(format, codePart, keyValue.Trim('"'), expectedValueString, valueString);
                return String.Format(format, codePart, actualValue.Trim('"'), expectedValueString, "but the key does not exist");
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart     = context.CodePart;
            var expected     = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var shouldMethod = context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced();

            if (context.IsNegatedAssertion)
                if (codePart == "null")
                    codePart = expected;

    {shouldMethod} but was{(context.Expected == null ? " null" : "")}");

            string details;

            if (context.Expected is IEnumerable enumerable and not string)
                var count = enumerable?.Cast <object?>().Count() ?? 0;
                details = $@" had
    item{(count == 1 ? string.Empty : "s")} and";
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var    codePart    = context.CodePart;
            var    expected    = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var    actualValue = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            string actual;

            if (context.IsNegatedAssertion)
                actual = string.Empty;
            else if (codePart == actualValue)
                actual = " not";
                actual = $"\r\n{actualValue}";
            var message =
    but was{actual}";

            if (DifferenceHighlighter.CanHighlightDifferences(context))
                message += $@"
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            string codePart = context.CodePart;
            string caseSensitivity = context.CaseSensitivity == Case.Insensitive ? " (case insensitive comparison)" : "(case sensitive comparison)";
            string format = @"
            but was

            if (DifferenceHighlighter.CanHighlightDifferences(context))
                format += string.Format(@"

            return string.Format(format,
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var tolerance = context.Tolerance.ToStringAwesomely();
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var actualValue = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            string actual;
            if (codePart == actualValue) actual = " not";
            else actual = $@"
            var negated = context.ShouldMethod.Contains("Not") ? "not " : string.Empty;

            var message =
    should {negated}be within
    but was{actual}";

            if (DifferenceHighlighter.CanHighlightDifferences(context))
                message += $@"

            return message;
 public override bool CanProcess(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     return(context.ShouldMethod.StartsWith("Should") &&
            !context.ShouldMethod.Contains("Contain") &&
            context.UnderlyingShouldMethod != null &&
            context.UnderlyingShouldMethod.GetParameters().Any(p => p.Name == "tolerance"));
Example #9
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var expected = ((IEnumerable)context.Expected).Cast <object>().ToArray();
            var actual   = ((IEnumerable)context.Actual).Cast <object>().ToArray();
            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expectedFormattedValue = expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            var missingFromExpected = actual.Where(a => !expected.Any(e => Is.Equal(e, a))).ToArray();
            var missingFromActual   = expected.Where(e => !actual.Any(a => Is.Equal(e, a))).ToArray();

            var actualMissingMessage = missingFromActual.Any() ? string.Format("{0} is missing {1}", codePart,
                                                                               missingFromActual.ToStringAwesomely()) : string.Empty;
            var expectedMissingMessage = missingFromExpected.Any() ? string.Format("{0} is missing {1}", expectedFormattedValue,
                                                                                   missingFromExpected.ToStringAwesomely()) : string.Empty;

            //"first should be second (ignoring order) but first is missing [4] and second is missing [2]"

            const string format = @"
    {2} (ignoring order)

            string missingMessage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(actualMissingMessage) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedMissingMessage)
                ? string.Format("{0} and {1}", actualMissingMessage, expectedMissingMessage)
                : string.Format("{0}{1}", actualMissingMessage, expectedMissingMessage);

            return(string.Format(format, codePart, context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced(), expectedFormattedValue, missingMessage));
Example #10
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart = context.CodePart == "null" ? context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely() : context.CodePart;

            var elementPhrase = context.MatchCount.HasValue
                ? context.MatchCount.Value + " element(s)"
                : "an element";

            var should   = context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced();
            var expected = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            if (context.IsNegatedAssertion)
    {should} {elementPhrase} satisfying the condition
    but does{""}");

    {should} {elementPhrase} satisfying the condition
    but does not");
Example #11
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var throwContext      = (ShouldThrowAssertionContext)context;
            var isExtensionMethod = context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldNotThrow";
            var codePart          = context.CodePart;

            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            string errorMessage;

            if (isExtensionMethod && !throwContext.IsAsync)
                errorMessage = string.Format("`{0}()` should not throw but threw {1}", codePart, expectedValue);
            else if (isExtensionMethod && throwContext.IsAsync)
                errorMessage = string.Format("Task `{0}` should not throw but threw {1}", codePart, expectedValue);
                errorMessage = string.Format("`{0}` should not throw but threw {1}", codePart, expectedValue);

            var notThrowAssertionContext = context as ShouldThrowAssertionContext;

            errorMessage += (notThrowAssertionContext != null) ? string.Format(" with message \"{0}\"", notThrowAssertionContext.ExceptionMessage) : string.Empty;

 public override bool CanProcess(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     return context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldBeginWith" ||
            context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldNotBeginWith" ||
            context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldEndWith" ||
            context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldNotEndWith";
 public override bool CanProcess(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     return(context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldBeginWith" ||
            context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldNotBeginWith" ||
            context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldEndWith" ||
            context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldNotEndWith");
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"
    should {1}be within
    but was 

            var codePart      = context.CodePart;
            var tolerance     = context.Tolerance.ToStringAwesomely();
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var actualValue   = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            var negated       = context.ShouldMethod.Contains("Not") ? "not " : string.Empty;

            var message = string.Format(format, codePart, negated, tolerance, expectedValue, actualValue);

            if (DifferenceHighlighter.CanHighlightDifferences(context))
                message += string.Format(@"

        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            string codePart        = context.CodePart;
            string caseSensitivity = context.CaseSensitivity == Case.Insensitive ? " (case insensitive comparison)" : "(case sensitive comparison)";
            string format          = @"
        but was

            if (DifferenceHighlighter.CanHighlightDifferences(context))
                format += string.Format(@"

        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var    codePart      = context.CodePart;
            var    expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var    actualValue   = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            string actual;

            if (codePart == actualValue)
                if (context.IsNegatedAssertion)
                    actual = " did";
                    actual = " did not";
                actual = $@" was

            var message =

        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var expected = ((IEnumerable)context.Expected).Cast<object>().ToArray();
            var actual = ((IEnumerable)context.Actual).Cast<object>().ToArray();
            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expectedFormattedValue = expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            var missingFromExpected = actual.Where(a => !expected.Any(e => Is.Equal(e, a))).ToArray();
            var missingFromActual = expected.Where(e => !actual.Any(a => Is.Equal(e, a))).ToArray();

            var actualMissingMessage = missingFromActual.Any() ? string.Format("{0} is missing {1}", codePart,
                missingFromActual.ToStringAwesomely()) : string.Empty;
            var expectedMissingMessage = missingFromExpected.Any() ? string.Format("{0} is missing {1}", expectedFormattedValue,
                missingFromExpected.ToStringAwesomely()) : string.Empty;

            //"first should be second (ignoring order) but first is missing [4] and second is missing [2]"

            const string format = @"
            {2} (ignoring order)

            string missingMessage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(actualMissingMessage) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedMissingMessage)
                ? string.Format("{0} and {1}", actualMissingMessage, expectedMissingMessage)
                : string.Format("{0}{1}", actualMissingMessage, expectedMissingMessage);
            return string.Format(format, codePart, context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced(), expectedFormattedValue, missingMessage);
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format =
    should contain key
    with value

            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var dictionary = (IDictionary)context.Actual;
            var keyExists = dictionary.Contains(context.Key);
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var keyValue = context.Key.ToStringAwesomely();

            if (keyExists)
                var actualValueString = dictionary[context.Key].ToStringAwesomely();
                var valueString = 
$@"    but value was
                return string.Format(format, codePart, keyValue, expectedValue, valueString);

            return string.Format(format, codePart, keyValue, expectedValue, "    but the key does not exist");
 public override bool CanProcess(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     return context.ShouldMethod.StartsWith("Should")
            && !context.ShouldMethod.Contains("Contain")
            && context.UnderlyingShouldMethod != null
            && context.UnderlyingShouldMethod.GetParameters().Any(p => p.Name == "tolerance");
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expected = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var actualValue = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            string actual;
            if (context.IsNegatedAssertion)
                actual = string.Empty;
            else if (codePart == actualValue)
                actual = " not";
                actual = $"\r\n{actualValue}";
            var message =
    but was{actual}";

            if (DifferenceHighlighter.CanHighlightDifferences(context))
                message += $@"
            return message;
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format =
    should contain key
    with value

            var codePart      = context.CodePart;
            var dictionary    = (IDictionary)context.Actual;
            var keyExists     = dictionary.Contains(context.Key);
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var keyValue      = context.Key.ToStringAwesomely();

            if (keyExists)
                var actualValueString = dictionary[context.Key].ToStringAwesomely();
                var valueString       =
                    $@"    but value was
                return(string.Format(format, codePart, keyValue, expectedValue, valueString));

            return(string.Format(format, codePart, keyValue, expectedValue, "    but the key does not exist"));
Example #22
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            Debug.Assert(context.Actual is IDictionary);
            Debug.Assert(context.Key is object);

            const string format =
    should not contain key
    with value

            var codePart   = context.CodePart;
            var dictionary = (IDictionary)context.Actual;
            var keyExists  = dictionary.Contains(context.Key);
            var expected   = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var keyValue   = context.Key.ToStringAwesomely();

            if (keyExists)
                return(string.Format(format, codePart, keyValue, expected, "but does"));

            return(string.Format(format, codePart, keyValue, expected, "but the key does not exist"));
     public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
         return string.Format(@"
     should complete in
     but did not", context.Expected, context.Timeout);
 public bool CanProcess(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     return context.Expected != null && context.Actual != null
            && (context.Expected is IEnumerable)
            && !(context.Expected is string)
            && (context.Actual is IEnumerable)
            && !(context.Actual is string);
     public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     should complete in
     but did not", context.Expected, context.Timeout));
 public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     return $@"
     should complete in
     but did not";
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
    should be in {context.SortDirection.ToString().ToLower()} order but was not.
    The first out-of-order item was found at index {context.OutOfOrderIndex}:
 public bool CanProcess(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     return context.Expected != null &&
            context.Actual != null &&
            context.Expected is string &&
            context.Actual is string &&
            context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldBe";
Example #29
 public bool CanProcess(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     return(context.Expected != null && context.Actual != null &&
            context.Expected is IEnumerable &&
            !(context.Expected is string) &&
            context.Actual is IEnumerable &&
            !(context.Actual is string));
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
    should complete in
    but did not");
Example #31
 public override bool CanProcess(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     return(context is
         ShouldMethod : "ShouldBe",
         Expected : not Expression,
         Actual : IEnumerable <string>,
 public bool CanProcess(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     return(context.Expected != null &&
            context.Actual != null &&
            context.Expected is string &&
            context.Actual is string &&
            context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldBe");
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"{0} should be {1} but was {2}";

            var codePart      = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            return(string.Format(format, codePart, expectedValue, context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely()));
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"{0} {1} but was {2}";

            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            return string.Format(format, codePart, context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced(), expectedValue);
Example #35
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"{0} {1} but was {2}";

            var codePart      = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            return(string.Format(format, codePart, context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced(), expectedValue));
Example #36
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"{0} should not match {1} but did";

            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expected = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            return(string.Format(format, codePart, expected));
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"{0} should not match {1} but did";

            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            return string.Format(format, codePart, expectedValue);
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var expected = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var codePart = context.CodePart == "null" ? expected : context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.IsNegatedAssertion || expected == codePart ? string.Empty : $@"

            return $@"{codePart}
    {context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced()} but was{expectedValue}";
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var expected      = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();
            var codePart      = context.CodePart == "null" ? expected : context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.IsNegatedAssertion || expected == codePart ? string.Empty : $@"

    {context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced()} but was{expectedValue}");
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"{0} should be subset of {1} but {2} {3} outside subset";

            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            var count = (context.Actual ?? Enumerable.Empty<object>()).As<IEnumerable>().Cast<object>().Count();

            return string.Format(format, codePart, expectedValue, context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely(), count > 1 ? "are" : "is");
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToString();

    should satisfy all the conditions specified, but does not.
The following errors were found ...
Example #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares an actual value against an expected one and creates
        /// a string with the differences highlighted
        /// </summary>
        public static string HighlightDifferencesBetween(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var validHighlighter = GetHighlighterFor(context);

            if (validHighlighter == null)

Example #43
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
                ($@"Comparing object equivalence, at path:

    Expected value to be
    but was
Example #44
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart      = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected?.ToString();

    should satisfy all the conditions specified, but does not.
The following errors were found ...
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares an actual value against an expected one and creates
        /// a string with the differences highlighted
        /// </summary>
        public static string HighlightDifferences(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var validDifferenceHighlighter = GetDifferenceHighlighterFor(context);

            if (validDifferenceHighlighter == null)
                return context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();

            return validDifferenceHighlighter.HighlightDifferences(context);
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"{0} should be subset of {1} but {2} {3} outside subset";

            var codePart      = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            var count = (context.Actual ?? Enumerable.Empty <object>()).As <IEnumerable>().Cast <object>().Count();

            return(string.Format(format, codePart, expectedValue, context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely(), count > 1 ? "are" : "is"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares an actual value against an expected one and creates
        /// a string with the differences highlighted
        /// </summary>
        public static string?HighlightDifferences(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var validDifferenceHighlighter = GetDifferenceHighlighterFor(context);

            if (validDifferenceHighlighter == null)

        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"
            {0} should satisfy all the conditions specified, but does not.
            The following errors were found ...

            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToString();

            return String.Format(format, codePart, expectedValue);
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"
            {0} was {1} and
            but wasn't";

            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var actual = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();

            return String.Format(format, codePart, actual, context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced());
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var actual = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            var actualValue = codePart != actual ? $@"
    " : " ";

    {context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced()} but{actualValue}is negative";
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"
        {0} should satisfy all the conditions specified, but does not.
        The following errors were found ...

            var codePart      = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToString();

            return(String.Format(format, codePart, expectedValue));
 public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
     var codePart = context.CodePart;
     const string format = @"
     {1} an element satisfying the condition
     but does{3}";
     if (context.IsNegatedAssertion)
         return string.Format(format, codePart, context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced(), context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely(), "");
     return string.Format(format, codePart, context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced(), context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely(), " not");
Example #53
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart    = context.CodePart;
            var actual      = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            var actualValue = codePart != actual ? $@"
    " : " ";

    {context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced()} but{actualValue}is negative");
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var throwContext = (ShouldThrowAssertionContext)context;
            var isExtensionMethod = context.ShouldMethod == "ShouldNotThrow";
            var codePart = context.CodePart;

            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            string errorMessage;
            if (codePart == "null" && !throwContext.IsAsync)
                errorMessage = 
    should not throw but threw
            else if (codePart == "null" && throwContext.IsAsync)
                errorMessage =
    should not throw but threw
            else if (isExtensionMethod && !throwContext.IsAsync)
                errorMessage = 
    should not throw but threw
            else if (isExtensionMethod && throwContext.IsAsync)
                errorMessage =
$@"Task `{codePart}`
    should not throw but threw
                errorMessage = 
    should not throw but threw
            errorMessage += $@"
    with message

            return errorMessage;
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            const string format = @"

            var codePart = context.CodePart;

            var isNegatedAssertion = context.ShouldMethod.Contains("Not");
            if (isNegatedAssertion)
                return String.Format(format, codePart, context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced());

            return String.Format(format, codePart, context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced());
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var caseSensitivity = context.CaseSensitivity == Case.Insensitive ? " (case insensitive comparison)" : string.Empty;
            var actual = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            var but = codePart == actual ? (context.IsNegatedAssertion ? "did" : "did not") : $@"was actually

    but {but}";
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var actualType = context.Actual?.GetType().FullName;

            var actualString = codePart == actualType || codePart == "null" ? " not" : $@"
{actualType ?? "null"}";

    but was{actualString}";
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var expectedValue = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

            var actual = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();
            var actualString = codePart == actual ? " had" : $@" it had

            return $@"{codePart}
            should not have flag
        public override string GenerateErrorMessage(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var codePart = context.CodePart;
            var actual = context.Actual.ToStringAwesomely();

            if (codePart == actual)
                codePart = context.Expected.ToStringAwesomely();

    {context.ShouldMethod.PascalToSpaced()} but
    was duplicated";
        public string HighlightDifferences(IShouldlyAssertionContext context)
            var actual = context.Actual as IEnumerable;
            var expected = context.Expected as IEnumerable;
            if (CanProcess(context))
                var actualList = actual.Cast<object>();
                var expectedList = expected.Cast<object>();

                var highestCount = actualList.Count() > expectedList.Count() ? actualList.Count() : expectedList.Count();

                return HighlightDifferencesBetweenLists(actualList, expectedList, highestCount);

            return actual.ToStringAwesomely();