Example #1
        public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(BoolState <IDepthState> .Enabled);
            shaderProgram = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("shader.*");
            var mesh = contentLoader.Load <DefaultMesh>("suzanne.obj");

            geometry = VAOLoader.FromMesh(mesh, shaderProgram);

            //per instance attributes
            var rnd = new Random(12);

            float Rnd01() => (float)rnd.NextDouble();
            float RndCoord() => (Rnd01() - 0.5f) * 2.0f;

            var instancePositions = new Vector3[instanceCount];
            var velocities        = new Vector3[instanceCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; ++i)
                instancePositions[i] = new Vector3(RndCoord(), RndCoord(), RndCoord() + 1);
                velocities[i]        = new Vector3(RndCoord(), RndCoord(), 0.0f).Normalized() * Rnd01();
            geometry.SetAttribute(shaderProgram.GetResourceLocation(ShaderResourceType.Attribute, "instancePosition"), instancePositions, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, 3, true);
            geometry.SetAttribute(shaderProgram.GetResourceLocation(ShaderResourceType.Attribute, "velocity"), velocities, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, 3, true);

            //TODO students: add per instance attribute speed here
Example #2
        public View(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            this.contentLoader = contentLoader;
            renderer           = new PBRRenderer(renderState, contentLoader);
            cam       = new Camera();
            currScene = new List <GameObject>();
            GameObject weapon = GetPBRModelWithMapPostfix("ceberus", "Cerberus", ".jpg");

            List <GameObject> lighterList = new List <GameObject>();
            GameObject        lighter     = GetPBRModelWithMapPostfix("lighterModel", "Lighter", ".png");

            lighter.transform.scale    = new Vector3(0.05f);
            lighter.transform.rotation = new Vector3(-90, 0, 0);
            cam.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
            cam.clippingNear       = 0.01f;
            cam.clippingFar        = 10000.0f;
            cam.fov            = 90;
            cam.projectionMode = Camera.ProjectionMode.Perspective;
            //fCam = new Camera<FirstPerson, Perspective>(new FirstPerson(new Vector3(0, 0, 1)), new Perspective(farClip:1000.0f));
            //fCam.Projection.FieldOfViewY = 60;
            MouseState mState = Mouse.GetState();

            lastMousePos = new Vector2(mState.X, mState.Y);
            keyStates    = new Dictionary <Key, bool>();
Example #3
        public View(IContentLoader contentLoader, IRenderState renderState, Dictionary <int, string> tileSprites, List <Grid <int> > gridLayers)
            if (contentLoader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contentLoader));

            if (renderState == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(renderState));

            if (tileSprites == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tileSprites));

            foreach (var sprite in tileSprites)
                var tex = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>(sprite.Value);
                tex.WrapFunction        = TextureWrapFunction.ClampToEdge;
                tex.Filter              = TextureFilterMode.Nearest;
                texTileSets[sprite.Key] = tex;
            layerGrid = gridLayers ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(gridLayers));
            var grid = layerGrid[0];

            gridSize = new Vector2(grid.Width, grid.Height);
Example #4
        public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(new ClearColorState(1, 1, 1, 1));
            renderState.Set(new DepthTest(true));
            renderState.Set(new FaceCullingModeState(FaceCullingMode.BACK_SIDE));

            var envMap = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("beach");

            envMap.WrapFunction = TextureWrapFunction.MirroredRepeat;
            envMap.Filter       = TextureFilterMode.Linear;
            var textureBinding = new TextureBinding[] { new TextureBinding(nameof(envMap), envMap) };

            var sphere = Meshes.CreateSphere(1f, 4);

            var skySphere        = sphere.Transform(Transformation.Scale(200f)).SwitchTriangleMeshWinding();
            var shaderBackground = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("background.*");

            visuals.Add(new MeshVisual(skySphere, shaderBackground, textureBinding));

            var shaderEnvMap = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("envMapping.*");
            var visSphere    = new MeshVisual(sphere, shaderEnvMap, textureBinding);
            visSphere.SetUniform("reflective", 1f);
            var suzanne    = contentLoader.Load <DefaultMesh>("suzanne");
            var visSuzanne = new MeshVisual(suzanne.Transform(Transformation.Translation(0, -1.5f, 0)), shaderEnvMap, textureBinding);
            visSuzanne.SetUniform("reflective", 0.4f);
        private void DrawShadowSurface(IRenderState renderState, Vector3 lightDirection, ITransformation lightCamera, ITransformation camera, Dictionary <Enums.EntityType, int> instanceCounts, List <Enums.EntityType> disableBackFaceCulling)

            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);


            _depthSurface.Texture.WrapFunction = TextureWrapFunction.ClampToEdge;
            _shadowShader.Uniform("lightDirection", lightDirection);
            _shadowShader.Uniform("lightCamera", lightCamera);
            _shadowShader.Uniform("camera", camera);

            GL.Uniform1(_shadowShader.GetResourceLocation(ShaderResourceType.Uniform, "lightDepth"), 0);

            foreach (var type in _geometriesDepth.Keys)
                if (disableBackFaceCulling.Contains(type))
                    renderState.Set(new BackFaceCulling(false));
                renderState.Set(new BackFaceCulling(true));



 public UIRenderer(IContentLoader contentLoader, IRenderState renderstate)
     this.contentLoader = contentLoader;
     this.renderstate   = renderstate;
     sceneShader        = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("FullQuad.*");
     uiShader           = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("UIElement.*");
Example #7
 public Visual(IRenderState renderState)
     this.renderState = renderState ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(renderState));
     renderState.Set(new LineSmoothing(true));
Example #8
        public void Draw(IRenderState renderState, ITexture2D depth, float mipmapLevel = 0)
            _geometries[_entity.Type].SetAttribute(_environmentMapProgram.GetResourceLocation(ShaderResourceType.Attribute, "transform"), new[] { _entity.Transform }, true);

            GL.ClearColor(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));
            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

            _environmentMapProgram.ActivateTexture("cubeMap", 0, _cubeFbo.Texture);
            _environmentMapProgram.ActivateTexture("depth", 1, depth);
            _environmentMapProgram.Uniform("camera", _camera);
            Matrix4x4.Invert(_camera.Matrix, out var invert);
            _environmentMapProgram.Uniform("camPos", invert.Translation / invert.M44);
            _environmentMapProgram.Uniform("mipmapLevel", mipmapLevel);


            _environmentMapProgram.DeactivateTexture(0, _cubeFbo.Texture);
            _environmentMapProgram.DeactivateTexture(1, depth);

            GL.ClearColor(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 1));
Example #9
        public void Draw(IRenderState renderState, ITransformation camera, Dictionary <Enums.EntityType, int> instanceCounts, Dictionary <Enums.EntityType, ITexture2D> textures, Dictionary <Enums.EntityType, ITexture2D> normalMaps, List <Enums.EntityType> disableBackFaceCulling)
            renderState.Set(new DepthTest(true));
            GL.ClearColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));
            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
            GL.ClearBuffer(ClearBuffer.Color, 2, new float[] { 1000 });
            GL.DrawBuffers(4, new[] { DrawBuffersEnum.ColorAttachment0, DrawBuffersEnum.ColorAttachment1, DrawBuffersEnum.ColorAttachment2, DrawBuffersEnum.ColorAttachment3 });


            _deferredProgram.Uniform("camera", camera);
            Matrix4x4.Invert(camera.Matrix, out var invert);
            _deferredProgram.Uniform("camPos", invert.Translation / invert.M44);

            foreach (var type in _geometries.Keys)
                if (instanceCounts[type] == 0)

                if (normalMaps.ContainsKey(type))
                    _deferredProgram.ActivateTexture("normalMap", 1, normalMaps[type]);
                    _deferredProgram.ActivateTexture("normalMap", 1, _defaultMap);
                    _deferredProgram.Uniform("normalMapping", 0f);
                    _deferredProgram.Uniform("paralaxMapping", 0f);

                if (textures.ContainsKey(type))
                    _deferredProgram.ActivateTexture("tex", 0, textures[type]);
                    _deferredProgram.Uniform("textured", 1f);
                    _deferredProgram.Uniform("materialColor", System.Drawing.Color.LightGray);
                    _deferredProgram.Uniform("textured", 0f);

                    ? new BackFaceCulling(false)
                    : new BackFaceCulling(true));


                if (textures.ContainsKey(type))
                    _deferredProgram.DeactivateTexture(0, textures[type]);

            renderState.Set(new DepthTest(false));
            renderState.Set(new BackFaceCulling(true));
Example #10
        public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(BoolState <IDepthState> .Enabled);
            renderState.Set(BoolState <IBackfaceCullingState> .Enabled);

            shaderProgram = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("phong.*");
            var mesh     = new DefaultMesh();
            var roomSize = 8;
            //off-center plane
            var plane = Meshes.CreatePlane(roomSize, roomSize, 2, 2).Transform(new Translation3D(0, -roomSize / 2, 0));

            //rotate plane to create box
            mesh.Add(plane.Transform(new Rotation3D(Axis.Z, 90f)));
            mesh.Add(plane.Transform(new Rotation3D(Axis.Z, 180f)));
            mesh.Add(plane.Transform(new Rotation3D(Axis.Z, 270f)));
            mesh.Add(plane.Transform(new Rotation3D(Axis.X, 90f)));
            mesh.Add(plane.Transform(new Rotation3D(Axis.X, -90f)));

            var sphere = Meshes.CreateSphere(1);

            sphere.SetConstantUV(new Vector2(0, 0));
            var suzanne = contentLoader.Load <DefaultMesh>("suzanne");

            mesh.Add(suzanne.Transform(new Translation3D(2, 2, -2)));
            geometry = VAOLoader.FromMesh(mesh, shaderProgram);
Example #11
 public Renderer(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
     rendererPoints = new RendererPoints(contentLoader);
     renderState.Set(new PointSprite(true));
     renderState.Set(new ShaderPointSize(true));
Example #12
        public DeferredRenderer(IContentLoader contentLoader, IRenderState renderState)
            renderState.Set <DepthTest>(new DepthTest(true));

            this.renderState   = renderState;
            this.contentLoader = contentLoader;

            deferredParticleShader        = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("deferred_particle.*");
            shadowMapShaderParticle       = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("shadowMapParticle.*");
            shadowLightViewShaderParticle = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("shadowLightViewParticle.*");

            deferredGeometryShader = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("deferred_geometry.*");

            deferredPost          = contentLoader.LoadPixelShader("deferred_post");
            pointLightShader      = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("def_pointLight.*");
            shadowMapShader       = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("shadowMap.*");
            shadowLightViewShader = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("shadowLightView.*");
            var lmesh = Meshes.CreateSphere(1, 2);

            pointLightSphere = VAOLoader.FromMesh(lmesh, pointLightShader);
Example #13
        public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(new DepthTest(true));
            renderState.Set(new FaceCullingModeState(FaceCullingMode.BACK_SIDE));

            shaderProgramPhong = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("phong.*");
            var mesh     = new DefaultMesh();
            var roomSize = 8;
            //off-center plane
            var plane = Meshes.CreatePlane(roomSize, roomSize, 2, 2).Transform(Transformation.Translation(0, -roomSize / 2, 0));

            //rotate plane to create box
            mesh.Add(plane.Transform(Transformation.Rotation(90f, Axis.Z)));
            mesh.Add(plane.Transform(Transformation.Rotation(180f, Axis.Z)));
            mesh.Add(plane.Transform(Transformation.Rotation(270f, Axis.Z)));
            mesh.Add(plane.Transform(Transformation.Rotation(90f, Axis.X)));
            mesh.Add(plane.Transform(Transformation.Rotation(-90f, Axis.X)));

            var sphere = Meshes.CreateSphere(1);

            sphere.SetConstantUV(Vector2.Zero);             //all other meshes have texture coordinates
            var suzanne = contentLoader.Load <DefaultMesh>("suzanne");

            mesh.Add(suzanne.Transform(Transformation.Translation(2, 2, -2)));
            geometryPhong = VAOLoader.FromMesh(mesh, shaderProgramPhong);

            shaderProgramToon = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("toon.*");
            geometryToon      = VAOLoader.FromMesh(suzanne.Transform(Transformation.Translation(2, 0, 0)), shaderProgramToon);
Example #14
        private MyVisual(IRenderState renderState)
            renderState.Set(new DepthTest(true));             //for query to work

            queryA = new QueryObject();
            queryB = new QueryObject();
Example #15
 public View(IContentLoader contentLoader, IRenderState renderState, string spriteSheetName)
     texTileSet              = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>(spriteSheetName);
     texTileSet.Filter       = TextureFilterMode.Nearest;
     texTileSet.WrapFunction = TextureWrapFunction.ClampToEdge;
        public VisualPlane(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            shdPlane = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("plane.*");
            var mesh = Meshes.CreatePlane(2, 2, 1, 1);

            plane            = VAOLoader.FromMesh(mesh, shdPlane);
            this.renderState = renderState;
Example #17
        public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(new DepthTest(true));
            plane = new VisualPlane(renderState, contentLoader);

            visualSmoke     = new VisualSmoke(Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(.2f, 0, 0), renderState, contentLoader);
            visualWaterfall = new VisualWaterfall(new Vector3(-.5f, 1, -.5f), renderState, contentLoader);
Example #18
        public MyVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(new ClearColorState(1, 1, 1, 1)); //background clear color
            renderState.Set(BlendStates.AlphaBlend);          //for transparency in textures we use blending
            GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D);                   //TODO: only for non shader pipeline relevant -> remove at some point

            texBird = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("bird1");
Example #19
 public BlendingExample([Import] IRenderState renderState)
     //background clear color
     renderState.Set(new ClearColorState(1, 1, 1, 1));
     //setup blending equation Color = Color_new · alpha + Color_before · (1 - alpha)
     renderState.Set(new BlendState(BlendOperator.Add, BlendParameter.SourceAlpha, BlendParameter.OneMinusSourceAlpha));
     //renderState.Set(BlendStates.AlphaBlend); // does the same
Example #20
 public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
     renderState.Set(new ShaderPointSize(true));
     renderState.Set(new PointSprite(true));
     shaderProgram = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("particle.*");
Example #21
        private MyVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(BlendStates.AlphaBlend);                                         // for transparency in textures we use blending

            texShip       = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("Example.Content.redship4.png"); // fully qualified resource name of the content file
            texBackground = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("water");                        // the short case-insensitive version is also found
Example #22
        public RendererGL4(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            //for transparency in textures we use blending

            levelVisual = new VisualLevel(contentLoader);
            font        = new FontGL(contentLoader);
        public PBRRenderer(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            iblMapList = new List <IBLSetup>();
            this.renderState = renderState;
            renderState.Set(new DepthTest(true));
            //pbrShader = contentLoader.Load<IShaderProgram>("PBRLightingBasic.*");
            pbrShader = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("PBRLighting.*");
            //pbrShader = contentLoader.Load<IShaderProgram>("PBRReference.*");
            skyboxShader         = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("Skybox.*");
            cubeProjectionShader = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("CubeMapProjection.*");
            textureTest          = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("DisplayTexture2D.*");
            irradianceMapShader  = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("IrradianceMap.*");
            prefilterMapShader   = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("PrefilterIBLMap.*");
            integrationMapShader = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("BRDFIntegration.*");
            dLight           = new DirectionalLight();
            dLight.direction = new Vector3(0, 1, -1);
            dLight.color     = new Vector3(10);
            dLight.position  = new Vector3(0, 1, -1);

            Vector3 startPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.5f);

            pointLights = new PointLight[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                pointLights[i]          = new PointLight();
                pointLights[i].color    = new Vector3(1);
                pointLights[i].radius   = 1;
                pointLights[i].position = startPos;
            pointLights[0].position = new Vector3(-1, 1, 0.5f);
            pointLights[1].position = new Vector3(-1, -1, 0.5f);
            pointLights[2].position = new Vector3(1, -1, 0.5f);
            pointLights[3].position = new Vector3(1, 1, 0.5f);

            int size = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PointLight)) * pointLights.Length;

            //Generate buffer and allocate memory
            ubo = GL.GenBuffer();
            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, ubo);
            GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, size, pointLights, BufferUsageHint.DynamicDraw);

            //Assign Buffer Block to ubo
            int uniformID = GL.GetUniformBlockIndex(pbrShader.ProgramID, "BufferPointLights");

            GL.UniformBlockBinding(pbrShader.ProgramID, uniformID, 0);
            GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.UniformBuffer, 0, ubo);

            DefaultMesh cubeMesh = Meshes.CreateCubeWithNormals();

            unitCube = VAOLoader.FromMesh(cubeMesh, cubeProjectionShader);
            renderState.Set(new FaceCullingModeState(FaceCullingMode.BACK_SIDE));
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        public SpherePlanetRingRenderer( )
            ITexture2d texture = ( ITexture2d )AssetManager.Instance.Load( "Rings\\ring1.jpg" );
            m_Texture = Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2dSampler( );
            m_Texture.Texture = texture;

            m_State = Graphics.Factory.CreateRenderState( );
            m_State.Enable2dTextures = true;
Example #25
        public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(new ShaderPointSize(true));
            renderState.Set(new PointSprite(true));

            shaderProgram = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("shader.*");
        public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(BoolState <IShaderPointSizeState> .Enabled);
            renderState.Set(BoolState <IPointSpriteState> .Enabled);

            shaderProgram = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("shader.*");
Example #27
        public GameVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            texBackground = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("background");
            texBird       = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("bird");

            //for transparency in textures we use blending
            GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D);             //TODO: only for non shader pipeline relevant -> remove at some point
Example #28
        public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(new DepthTest(true));
            renderState.Set(new FaceCullingModeState(FaceCullingMode.BACK_SIDE));
            shaderProgram = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("shader.*");
            var mesh = contentLoader.Load <DefaultMesh>("suzanne");

            geometryBody = VAOLoader.FromMesh(mesh, shaderProgram);
Example #29
        public TextureExample([Import] IRenderState renderState, [Import] IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(BlendStates.AlphaBlend);                                                // for transparency in textures we use blending

            texShip       = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("ExampleBrowser.Content.redship4.png"); // fully qualified resource name of the content file
            texBackground = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("water");                               // the short case-insensitive version is also found
            texChecker    = CreaterCheckerTex();
Example #30
        public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(new DepthTest(true));

            shader = contentLoader.Load <IShaderProgram>("TerrainTessellation.*");

            GL.PatchParameter(PatchParameterInt.PatchVertices, 4);
Example #31
        public MainVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader)
            renderState.Set(BoolState <IDepthState> .Enabled);
            plane = new VisualPlane(renderState, contentLoader);

            visualSmoke     = new VisualSmoke(Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(.2f, 0, 0), renderState, contentLoader);
            visualWaterfall = new VisualWaterfall(new Vector3(-.5f, 1, -.5f), renderState, contentLoader);
            visualExplosion = new VisualExplosion(new Vector3(0f, 1, 0f), renderState, contentLoader);
        public TextureForm( string filePath )
            InitializeComponent( );

            m_RenderState = Graphics.Factory.CreateRenderState( );
            m_RenderState.Enable2dTextures = true;
            m_RenderState.Enable2dTextureUnit( 0, true );
            m_RenderState.Colour = Color.Red;
            m_FilePath = filePath;
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fontData">Font data</param>
        public OpenGlFont( FontData fontData )
            m_RenderState					= Graphics.Factory.CreateRenderState( );
            m_RenderState.DepthTest			= false;
            m_RenderState.Blend				= true;
            m_RenderState.SourceBlend		= BlendFactor.SrcAlpha;
            m_RenderState.DestinationBlend	= BlendFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha;
            m_RenderState.FaceRenderMode	= PolygonRenderMode.Fill;
            m_RenderState.Enable2dTextures	= true;
            m_RenderState.Lighting			= false;

            Setup( fontData.Font, fontData.Characters );
        public PlanetTerrainRenderer( )
            IEffect effect = ( IEffect )AssetManager.Instance.Load( "Effects/Planets/terrestrialPlanetTerrain.cgfx" );
            TechniqueSelector selector = new TechniqueSelector( effect, "DefaultTechnique" );

            m_PlanetTerrainTechnique = selector;

            float hDim = 1;
            Point3[] cubePoints = new Point3[]
                    new Point3( -hDim, -hDim, -hDim ),
                    new Point3( +hDim, -hDim, -hDim ),
                    new Point3( +hDim, +hDim, -hDim ),
                    new Point3( -hDim, +hDim, -hDim ),

                    new Point3( -hDim, -hDim, +hDim ),
                    new Point3( +hDim, -hDim, +hDim ),
                    new Point3( +hDim, +hDim, +hDim ),
                    new Point3( -hDim, +hDim, +hDim ),
            int res = 3;
            int defaultLodLevel = 0;
            CubeSide[] sides = new CubeSide[ ]
                    new CubeSide( res, cubePoints[ 0 ], cubePoints[ 1 ], cubePoints[ 3 ], defaultLodLevel, true ),	//	-z
                    new CubeSide( res, cubePoints[ 7 ], cubePoints[ 6 ], cubePoints[ 4 ], defaultLodLevel, true ),	//	+z
                    new CubeSide( res, cubePoints[ 4 ], cubePoints[ 5 ], cubePoints[ 0 ], defaultLodLevel, true ),	//	+y
                    new CubeSide( res, cubePoints[ 6 ], cubePoints[ 7 ], cubePoints[ 2 ], defaultLodLevel, true ),	//	-y
                    new CubeSide( res, cubePoints[ 0 ], cubePoints[ 3 ], cubePoints[ 4 ], defaultLodLevel, true ),	//	-x
                    new CubeSide( res, cubePoints[ 5 ], cubePoints[ 6 ], cubePoints[ 1 ], defaultLodLevel, true )		//	+x

            foreach ( CubeSide side in sides )
                side.PreBuild( m_Builder );
                foreach ( TerrainPatch patch in side.TerrainPatches )
                    m_Patches.Add( patch );

            //	Arrange patches in a spiral, with the centre patch on side -y at position 0
            //int ringSize = 1;
            //CubeSide bottomSide = sides[ 3 ];
            //for ( int offsetFromCentre = 0; offsetFromCentre < res; ++offsetFromCentre )
            //    if ( offsetFromCentre == 0 )
            //    {
            //        continue;
            //    }
            //    int start = ( res / 2 ) - offsetFromCentre;

            //    ringSize += 2;

            //int[] cubeSides = new int[]
            //    {
            //        0, 1, 3,	//	-z
            //        7, 6, 4,	//	+z
            //        4, 5, 0,	//	+y
            //        6, 7, 2,	//	-y
            //        0, 3, 4,	//	-x
            //        5, 6, 1		//	+x
            //    };
            //int[] sideConnections = new int[]
            //    {
            //    //	Left	Top		Right	Bottom
            //        4,		2,		5,		3,		//	Side 0 (-z)
            //    //	0,		0,		0,		0,		//	Side 1 (+z)
            //    //	0,		0,		0,		0,		//	Side 2 (+y)
            //    //	0,		0,		0,		0,		//	Side 3 (-y)
            //    //	0,		0,		0,		0,		//	Side 4 (-x)
            //    //	0,		0,		0,		0,		//	Side 5 (+x)
            //    };

            //	for ( int side = 0; side < cubeSides.Length / 3; ++side )
            //for ( int side = 0; side < 1; ++side )
            //    CubeSide leftSide	= sides[ sideConnections[ side * 4 ] ];
            //    CubeSide topSide	= sides[ sideConnections[ side * 4 + 1 ] ];
            //    CubeSide rightSide	= sides[ sideConnections[ side * 4 + 2 ] ];
            //    CubeSide bottomSide	= sides[ sideConnections[ side * 4 + 3 ] ];

            //    sides[ side ].Link( leftSide, topSide, rightSide, bottomSide );

            foreach ( CubeSide side in sides )
                side.Build( m_Builder );

            m_PatchRenderState = Graphics.Factory.CreateRenderState( );
            m_PatchRenderState.DepthTest = true;
            m_PatchRenderState.DepthWrite = true;
            m_PatchRenderState.CullBackFaces = true;
            m_PatchRenderState.FaceRenderMode = PolygonRenderMode.Lines;
 /// <summary>
 /// Pushes a new render state, and applies it
 /// </summary>
 public void PushRenderState( IRenderState state )
     m_RenderStates.Add( state );
     state.Begin( );
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the grid as a texture
        /// </summary>
        private void RenderTexture( )
            if ( m_TextureState == null )
                m_TextureState = Graphics.Factory.CreateRenderState( );
                m_TextureState.Lighting = false;
                m_TextureState.Enable2dTextures = true;
                m_TextureState.Enable2dTextureUnit(0, true );

                ITexture2d texture = Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2d( );
                texture.Load( GridSquareBitmap, true, TextureUsage.Normal );

                m_Sampler = Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2dSampler( );
                m_Sampler.Texture = texture;
                m_Sampler.Mode = TextureMode.Replace;
                m_Sampler.MinFilter = TextureFilter.NearestTexelLinearMipMap;
                m_Sampler.MagFilter = TextureFilter.NearestTexelLinearMipMap;
                m_Sampler.WrapS = TextureWrap.Repeat;
                m_Sampler.WrapT = TextureWrap.Repeat;

            //	For the moment, let's just render a giant quad with a texture :(
            //	TODO: AP: Render a grid of quads centered on the camera position projected onto the ground plane
            Graphics.Renderer.PushRenderState( m_TextureState );
            m_Sampler.Begin( );

            Gl.glBegin( Gl.GL_QUADS );

            Gl.glTexCoord2f( MinU, MinV );
            Gl.glVertex3f( MinX, Y, MinZ );

            Gl.glTexCoord2f( MaxU, MinV );
            Gl.glVertex3f( MaxX, Y, MinZ );

            Gl.glTexCoord2f( MaxU, MaxV );
            Gl.glVertex3f( MaxX, Y, MaxZ );

            Gl.glTexCoord2f( MinU, MaxV );
            Gl.glVertex3f( MinX, Y, MaxZ );

            Gl.glEnd( );

            m_Sampler.End( );
            Graphics.Renderer.PopRenderState( );