Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get a property that returns a given field. Needs to go base classes
        /// also
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetPropertyReadingField(IPexComponent host, TypeEx type, Field field,
                                                      out Property property)
            foreach (Property prop in type.DeclaredProperties)
                Method getter = prop.Getter;
                if (getter == null)

                MethodEffects me;
                if (TryComputeMethodEffects(host, type, getter, null, out me) && me.ReturnFields.Contains(field))
                    property = prop;

            var baseType = type.BaseType;

            if (baseType != null)
                TryGetPropertyReadingField(host, baseType, field, out property);

            property = null;
 public TargetBranchAnalyzer(PexMeDynamicDatabase pmd, IPexComponentServices services, IPexExplorationComponent explorationComponent)
     this.pmd = pmd;
     this.host = pmd;
     this.services = services;
     this.explorationComponent = explorationComponent;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type definition of a field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <param name="ftex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetDeclaringTypeDefinition(IPexComponent host, Field field, out TypeEx ftex)
            var            fdefinition = field.Definition;
            TypeDefinition td;

            if (!fdefinition.TryGetDeclaringType(out td))
                host.Log.LogError(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fieldanalyzer",
                                  "Failed to retrieve the declaring type of the field " + field.FullName);
                ftex = null;
                ftex = td.Instantiate(new TypeEx[0]);
            catch (ArgumentException argEx)
                ftex = td.Instantiate(new TypeEx[] { MetadataFromReflection.GetType(typeof(object)) });
            catch (Exception ex)
                ftex = null;
                Log.AppendLine("Instantiate typeEx fail: " + ex);

        /// <summary>
        /// parses the predefined effects described above
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool ParsePredefinedEffects(IPexComponent host)
            //already parsed
            if (isPredefinedEffectsParsed)

            effectsStore = new Dictionary <PreDefinedMethodEffectsStore, PreDefinedMethodEffectsStore>();

            //parse each record
            int numRecords = NumRecords;

            for (int count = 0; count < numRecords; count++)
                string assemblyname = predefinedEffects[count, 0];
                string typename     = predefinedEffects[count, 1];
                string fieldname    = predefinedEffects[count, 2];
                string fmttype      = predefinedEffects[count, 3];
                string methodname   = predefinedEffects[count, 4];

                ParseRecord(host, assemblyname, typename, fieldname, fmttype, methodname);

            isPredefinedEffectsParsed = true;
 public PexMeFactoryGuesser(IPexComponent host)
     : base(host)
     this.host = host;
     this.pmd  = host.GetService <IPexMeDynamicDatabase>() as PexMeDynamicDatabase;
     this.psd  = host.GetService <IPexMeStaticDatabase>() as PexMeStaticDatabase;
Example #6
 public TargetBranchAnalyzer(PexMeDynamicDatabase pmd, IPexComponentServices services, IPexExplorationComponent explorationComponent)
     this.pmd                  = pmd;
     this.host                 = pmd;
     this.services             = services;
     this.explorationComponent = explorationComponent;
        private static SafeDictionary <Method, MethodStore> GetMethodDictionary(IPexComponent host,
                                                                                System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, PersistentMethodStore> pmethoddic)
            var methoddic = new SafeDictionary <Method, MethodStore>();

            foreach (var methodstr in pmethoddic.Keys)
                Method method;
                bool   bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetMethodFromPersistentStringForm(host, methodstr, out method);
                if (!bresult)

                MethodStore ms;
                bresult = PersistentMethodStore.TryGetMethodStore(host, pmethoddic[methodstr], out ms);
                if (!bresult)

                //SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get method from persistent store!!!");
                methoddic[method] = ms;

        /// <summary>
        /// Function that retrieves associated method store 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pms"></param>
        /// <param name="ms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetFieldStore(IPexComponent host, PersistentFieldStore pfs, out FieldStore fs)
            fs = new FieldStore();

            bool bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetFieldFromPersistentStringForm(host, pfs.FieldName, out fs.FieldName);
            SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get field from the persistent store");


            //TODO: Performance can be improved via caching over here
            foreach (var mname in pfs.ReadMethods)
                Method m;
                bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetMethodFromPersistentStringForm(host, mname, out m);
                SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get method from persistent string form ");

            foreach (var typeex in pfs.WriteMethods.Keys)
                SafeSet<Method> wmethods = new SafeSet<Method>();
                TypeEx typeEx;
                bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetTypeExFromPersistentStringForm(host, typeex, out typeEx);
                SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get type from persistent string form " + typeex);

                fs.WriteMethods.Add(typeEx, wmethods);

                HashSet<string> methods;
                bresult = pfs.WriteMethods.TryGetValue(typeex, out methods);
                SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get associated set of methods for a type " + typeex);

                foreach (var m in methods)
                    Method method;
                    bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetMethodFromPersistentStringForm(host, m, out method);
                    SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get method from string form " + m);

            foreach (var m in pfs.ModificationTypeDictionary.Keys)
                var value = pfs.ModificationTypeDictionary[m];
                Method method;
                bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetMethodFromPersistentStringForm(host, m, out method);
                SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get method from string form " + m);
                fs.ModificationTypeDictionary.Add(method, value);

            foreach (var m in pfs.PreciseModificationTypeDictionary.Keys)
                var value = pfs.PreciseModificationTypeDictionary[m];
                Method method;
                bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetMethodFromPersistentStringForm(host, m, out method);
                SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get method from string form " + m);
                fs.PreciseModificationTypeDictionary.Add(method, value);

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method is allowed to be invoked only once. Therefore the order of loading classes into the Dictionary is 
        /// quite important.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        public static bool LoadPredefinedGenericClasses(IPexComponent host, string assemblyName)
            //QuickGraph: TEdge -> Edge<int>
            TypeEx edgeTypeEx;
            PreDefinedGenericClassesStore tedgePdgc = new PreDefinedGenericClassesStore();
            predefinedClasses.Add("TEdge", tedgePdgc);
            if (MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetTypeExFromName(host, assemblyName, "QuickGraph.Edge`1", out edgeTypeEx))
                tedgePdgc.AddToPredinedStore("QuickGraph.AdjacencyGraph`2", edgeTypeEx);
                tedgePdgc.AddToPredinedStore("QuickGraph.IGraph`2", edgeTypeEx);

            //Dsa: TNode for BinarySearchTree -> Dsa.DataStructures.BinaryTreeNode`1
            PreDefinedGenericClassesStore tnodePdgc = new PreDefinedGenericClassesStore();
            predefinedClasses.Add("TNode", tnodePdgc);
            TypeEx binNodeEx;
            if (MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetTypeExFromName(host, assemblyName, "Dsa.DataStructures.BinaryTreeNode`1", out binNodeEx))
                tnodePdgc.AddToPredinedStore("Dsa.DataStructures.BinarySearchTree`1", binNodeEx);
                tnodePdgc.AddToPredinedStore("Dsa.DataStructures.CommonBinaryTree`2", binNodeEx);
                tnodePdgc.AddToPredinedStore("System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1", binNodeEx);

            TypeEx avltreeNodeEx = null;
            if (MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetTypeExFromName(host, assemblyName, "Dsa.DataStructures.AvlTreeNode`1", out avltreeNodeEx))
                tnodePdgc.AddToPredinedStore("Dsa.DataStructures.AvlTree`1", avltreeNodeEx);
                tnodePdgc.AddToPredinedStore("Dsa.DataStructures.CommonBinaryTree`2", avltreeNodeEx);
                tnodePdgc.AddToPredinedStore("System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1", avltreeNodeEx);

            return true;
 public XunitTestFramework_2_1(IPexComponent host)
     : base(host,
            name: "xunit-2.0",
            prettyName: "xUnit.net 2.1",
            xunitPackageVersion: "2.1.0",
            visualStudioRunnerPackageVersion: "2.1.0")
 { }
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts a field in the form "assemblyname#typename#fieldname" and returns the actual field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Field"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetFieldFromPersistentStringForm(IPexComponent host, string fstr, out Field field)
            field = null;

            var splitarr = fstr.Split(new char[] { PexMeConstants.PexMePersistenceFormSeparator });

            SafeDebug.Assume(splitarr.Length == 3, "Incorrect persistent store field name");

            var assemblyname = splitarr[0];
            var typename     = splitarr[1];
            var signature    = splitarr[2];

            FieldDefinition fdef;

            if (!TryGetFieldDefinition(host, assemblyname, typename, signature, out fdef))

            TypeDefinition tdef;

            if (!fdef.TryGetDeclaringType(out tdef))

            field = fdef.Instantiate(GetGenericTypeParameters(host, tdef));
Example #12
        public void AfterExecution(IPexComponent host, object data)
            if (this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod == null)
                this.host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "PUTExploration",
                                         "Return, not current PUT method is set");

            SafeDebug.AssertNotNull(this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod, "CurrentPUTMethod should be set by this time");
            var currPUTSignature = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetMethodSignature(this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod);

            if (this.pmd.AllExploredMethods.Contains(currPUTSignature))
                this.host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "PUTExploration",
                                         "Ignoring the post processing of the PUT " + currPUTSignature + " since it is explored earlier!!!");

            //Add this to pending methods
            PexMePostProcessor ppp = new PexMePostProcessor(host);

        /// <summary>
        /// Function that retrieves associated method store 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pms"></param>
        /// <param name="ms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetMethodStore(IPexComponent host, PersistentMethodStore pms, out MethodStore ms)
            ms = new MethodStore();

            bool bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetMethodFromPersistentStringForm(host, pms.methodName, out ms.methodName);
            SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get the method from persistent form " + pms.methodName);

            foreach (var fieldstr in pms.ReadFields)
                Field field;
                bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetFieldFromPersistentStringForm(host, fieldstr, out field);
                SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get the field from persistent form " + fieldstr);

            foreach (var fieldstr in pms.WriteFields)
                Field field;
                bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetFieldFromPersistentStringForm(host, fieldstr, out field);
                SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get the field from persistent form " + fieldstr);

            foreach (var typeexstr in pms.CallingMethods.Keys)
                SafeSet<Method> wmethods = new SafeSet<Method>();
                TypeEx typeEx;
                bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetTypeExFromPersistentStringForm(host, typeexstr, out typeEx);
                if (!bresult)
                    //No strict safedebugging cannot be added for calling methods since there
                    //can be several dummy methods from Pex side

                ms.CallingMethods.Add(typeEx, wmethods);

                var methods = pms.CallingMethods[typeexstr];
                foreach (var mstr in methods)
                    Method method;
                    bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetMethodFromPersistentStringForm(host, mstr, out method);
                    if (!bresult)

            foreach (var calledMethodStr in pms.CalledMethods)
                Method method;
                bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetMethodFromPersistentStringForm(host, calledMethodStr, out method);
                if (!bresult)

            return true;
Example #14
 public static SafeList <TypeEx> GetInvolvedTypes(IPexComponent host, TermManager termManager, Term t)
     using (var ofc = new ObjectFieldCollector(host, termManager))
         ofc.VisitTerm(default(TVoid), t);
 public static SafeList<TypeEx> GetInvolvedTypes(IPexComponent host, TermManager termManager, Term t)
     using (var ofc = new ObjectFieldCollector(host, termManager))
         ofc.VisitTerm(default(TVoid), t);
         return ofc.Types;
Example #16
 public XunitTestFramework_2_2(IPexComponent host)
     : base(host,
            name: "xunit-2.2",
            prettyName: "xUnit.net 2.2",
            xunitPackageVersion: "2.2.0",
            visualStudioRunnerPackageVersion: "2.2.0")
Example #17
 public NewTestLogger(IPexComponent host)
     : base(host)
     Host.Log.ProblemHandler += Log_ProblemHandler;
     outputFile = InfoFileDirectory + Host.Services.CurrentAssembly.Assembly.Assembly.ShortName +
     //                this.outputFile = Path.Combine(host.Services.ReportManager.ReportPath, "newtests.txt");
Example #18
        public static bool TryGetTypeExFromName(IPexComponent host, string assemblyname, string typename, out TypeEx typeEx)
            typeEx = null;
            AssemblyEx assembly;

            ReflectionHelper.TryLoadAssemblyEx(assemblyname, out assembly);
            return(TryGetTypeExFromName(host, assembly, typename, out typeEx));
Example #19
 protected override object BeforeExecution(IPexComponent host)
     Host = host;
     host.Log.ExplorableHandler           += Log_ExplorableHandler;
     host.Log.UninstrumentedMethodHandler += Log_UninstrumentedMethodHandler;
     host.Log.ExplorationBoundaryHandler  += new RemoteEventHandler <ExplorationBoundaryEventArgs>(Log_ExplorationBoundaryHandler);
 protected override object BeforeExecution(IPexComponent host)
     host.Services.CoverageManager.BeforePublishAssemblyCoverage += Handler(host);
     locations = host.GetService <ProblemTrackDatabase>().UnCoveredBranchCodeLocations;
     Log       = new StringBuilder();
     ErrorLog  = host.GetService <ProblemTrackDatabase>().ErrorLog;
Example #21
        public void AfterExecution(IPexComponent host, object data)
            var problemTrackDatabase = host.GetService <ProblemTrackDatabase>();

            problemTrackDatabase.ReportPath = host.Services.ReportManager.ReportPath;
            // host.Services.ReportManager.GeneratePexReport
            problemTrackDatabase.RelativePath      = host.Services.ReportManager.RelativeRootPath;
            problemTrackDatabase.AssemblyUnderTest = assemblyUnderTest;
 public static SafeList<Field> GetInvolvedFields(IPexComponent host, TermManager termManager, Term t,
     out SafeDictionary<Field, FieldValueHolder> fieldValues, out SafeList<TypeEx> allFieldTypes)
     using (var ofc = new ObjectFieldCollector(host, termManager))
         ofc.VisitTerm(default(TVoid), t);
         fieldValues = ofc.FieldValues;
         allFieldTypes = ofc.Types;
         return ofc.Fields;
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets predefined types. Here tdef can be null. In that scenario, if a dictionary exists for the generic
        /// name, than the first element in the dictionary is returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="genericname"></param>
        /// <param name="tdef"></param>
        /// <param name="genericType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetInstantiatedClass(IPexComponent host, string genericname, TypeDefinition tdef, out TypeEx genericType)
            genericType = null;
            if (!bClassLoaded)
                if (host != null)
                    string assemblyName      = null;
                    PexMeDynamicDatabase pmd = host.GetService <IPexMeDynamicDatabase>() as PexMeDynamicDatabase;
                    if (pmd != null)
                        assemblyName = pmd.AssemblyName;
                        PexMeStaticDatabase psd = host.GetService <IPexMeStaticDatabase>() as PexMeStaticDatabase;
                        if (psd != null)
                            assemblyName = psd.AssemblyName;

                    //One of PMD or PSD should be available by this time. If not nothing can be done
                    if (assemblyName == null)
                        host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "Hardcoded", "Could not load predefined generic classes data");

                    bClassLoaded = true;
                    LoadPredefinedGenericClasses(host, assemblyName);

            PreDefinedGenericClassesStore pdgc;

            if (predefinedClasses.TryGetValue(genericname, out pdgc))
                if (tdef != null)
                    if (pdgc.TryGetTypeExForTypename(tdef.FullName, out genericType))

                //tdef can be null in the case of instantiating methods and fields having generic arguments
                if (pdgc.TryGetSomeTypeEx(out genericType))
Example #24
 public static SafeList <Field> GetInvolvedFields(IPexComponent host, TermManager termManager, Term t,
                                                  out SafeDictionary <Field, FieldValueHolder> fieldValues, out SafeList <TypeEx> allFieldTypes)
     using (var ofc = new ObjectFieldCollector(host, termManager))
         ofc.VisitTerm(default(TVoid), t);
         fieldValues   = ofc.FieldValues;
         allFieldTypes = ofc.Types;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="XunitTestFramework"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">The IntelliTest host</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the test framework</param>
 /// <param name="prettyName">The display name of the test framework</param>
 /// <param name="xunitPackageVersion">The package version of xunit to be installed</param>
 /// <param name="visualStudioRunnerPackageVersion">The package version of xunit.runner.visualstudio to be installed</param>
 public XunitTestFramework(IPexComponent host,
                           string name,
                           string prettyName,
                           string xunitPackageVersion,
                           string visualStudioRunnerPackageVersion)
     : base(host)
     this.name = name;
     this.prettyName = prettyName;
     this.xunitPackageVersion = xunitPackageVersion;
     this.visualStudioRunnerPackageVersion = visualStudioRunnerPackageVersion;
 public PexMePostProcessor(IPexComponent host)
     : base(host)
     this.host = host;
     this.pmd = host.GetService<IPexMeDynamicDatabase>() as PexMeDynamicDatabase;
     this.psd = host.GetService<IPexMeStaticDatabase>() as PexMeStaticDatabase;
     this.pdw = new PexMeDumpWriter(host);
     this.currAssembly = this.pmd.Services.CurrentAssembly.Assembly.Assembly;
     var nestingdepth = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PEXME_NESTED_DEPTH");
     if (nestingdepth != null)
         ndepth = Convert.ToInt32(nestingdepth, 10);
Example #27
        public void DumpAssemblyCoverage(IPexComponent host)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var item in UnCoveredBranchCodeLocations)
                CodeLocation   codeLocation = item.Location;
                ISymbolManager sm           = host.Services.SymbolManager;
                SequencePoint  sp;
                MethodDefinitionBodyInstrumentationInfo info;
                if (sm.TryGetSequencePoint(codeLocation.Method, codeLocation.Offset, out sp) &&
                    codeLocation.Method.TryGetBodyInstrumentationInfo(out info))
                    sb.AppendLine(codeLocation.Method.FullName + "," +
                                  sp.Document + "," +
                                  sp.Line + "," + sp.Column
                                  + " outgoingbranch label: " + item.OutgointBranchLabel + " offset: " +

                    var branchInfo = new BranchInfo(sp.Document, sp.Line, sp.Column, sp.EndColumn,
                                                    codeLocation.Method.FullName, codeLocation.Offset);

            DumpInfoToDebugFile(sb.ToString(), assemblyCovFileName + TXT);
            DumpInfoToFile(_nonCoveredBranchInfo, assemblyCovFileName);

            StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("instruction cov: \n");

            foreach (var cov in InstructionCov)
                sb2.AppendLine("method: " + cov.Key);
                foreach (var pair in cov.Value)
                    sb2.AppendLine("offset: " + pair.Key.ToString("x") + " covered: " + pair.Value);
            DumpInfoToDebugFile(sb2.ToString(), instructionCovFileName + TXT);
            DumpInfoToFile(InstructionCov, instructionCovFileName);

            StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder("basicblockOffsets cov: \n");

            foreach (var offset in BasicBlocksOffsets)
                sb3.AppendLine("method: " + offset.Key);
                foreach (var pair in offset.Value)
                    sb3.AppendLine("offset: " + pair.ToString("x"));
            DumpInfoToDebugFile(sb3.ToString(), basicBlockOffsetFileName + TXT);
Example #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="XunitTestFramework"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">The IntelliTest host</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the test framework</param>
 /// <param name="prettyName">The display name of the test framework</param>
 /// <param name="xunitPackageVersion">The package version of xunit to be installed</param>
 /// <param name="visualStudioRunnerPackageVersion">The package version of xunit.runner.visualstudio to be installed</param>
 public XunitTestFramework(IPexComponent host,
                           string name,
                           string prettyName,
                           string xunitPackageVersion,
                           string visualStudioRunnerPackageVersion)
     : base(host)
     this.name                = name;
     this.prettyName          = prettyName;
     this.xunitPackageVersion = xunitPackageVersion;
     this.visualStudioRunnerPackageVersion = visualStudioRunnerPackageVersion;
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type definition of a field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <param name="ftex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetDeclaringTypeDefinition(IPexComponent host, Field field, out TypeDefinition td)
            var fdefinition = field.Definition;

            if (!fdefinition.TryGetDeclaringType(out td))
                host.Log.LogError(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fieldanalyzer",
                                  "Failed to retrieve the declaring type of the field " + field.FullName);
                td = null;
            public OrderedMethodEffects(IPexComponent host, Method method)
                SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(method, "method");
                this.Method = method;

                TypeEx declaringType;

                if (!method.TryGetDeclaringType(out declaringType))
                    //TODO: error

                MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryComputeMethodEffects(host, declaringType, method, null, out this.Effects);
Example #31
        public PexMePostProcessor(IPexComponent host)
            : base(host)
            this.host         = host;
            this.pmd          = host.GetService <IPexMeDynamicDatabase>() as PexMeDynamicDatabase;
            this.psd          = host.GetService <IPexMeStaticDatabase>() as PexMeStaticDatabase;
            this.pdw          = new PexMeDumpWriter(host);
            this.currAssembly = this.pmd.Services.CurrentAssembly.Assembly.Assembly;
            var nestingdepth = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PEXME_NESTED_DEPTH");

            if (nestingdepth != null)
                ndepth = Convert.ToInt32(nestingdepth, 10);
Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the method object back from the signature
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typename"></param>
        /// <param name="methodsignature"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetMethodDefinition(IPexComponent host, string assemblyname, string typename,
                                                  string methodsignature, out MethodDefinition methoddef)
            methoddef = null;
            TypeDefinition typeDef = null;

                bool result = TryGetTypeDefinitionFromName(host, assemblyname, typename, out typeDef);
                if (typeDef == null || !result)
            catch (Exception)

            foreach (var constructor in typeDef.DeclaredInstanceConstructors)
                if (GetMethodSignature(constructor) == methodsignature)
                    methoddef = constructor;

            foreach (var definition in typeDef.DeclaredInstanceMethods)
                if (GetMethodSignature(definition) == methodsignature)
                    methoddef = definition;

            foreach (var definition in typeDef.DeclaredStaticMethods)
                if (GetMethodSignature(definition) == methodsignature)
                    methoddef = definition;

Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type definition of a field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <param name="ftex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetDeclaringTypeEx(IPexComponent host, Field field, out TypeEx ftex)
            var            fdefinition = field.Definition;
            TypeDefinition td;

            if (!fdefinition.TryGetDeclaringType(out td))
                host.Log.LogError(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fieldanalyzer",
                                  "Failed to retrieve the declaring type of the field " + field.FullName);
                ftex = null;

            ftex = td.Instantiate(GetGenericTypeParameters(host, td));
        /// <summary>
        /// Function the retrieves associated Persistent store for each MethodStore
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ms"></param>
        /// <param name="pms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetPersistentFieldStore(IPexComponent host, FieldStore fs, out PersistentFieldStore pfs)
            pfs = new PersistentFieldStore();

            pfs.FieldName = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetPersistentStringFormOfField(fs.FieldName);
            //foreach(var value in fs.FieldValues)
            //    pfs.FieldValues.Add(value);

            //TODO: Performance can be improved via caching over here
            foreach (var m in fs.ReadMethods)

            foreach (var typeex in fs.WriteMethods.Keys)
                HashSet <string> wmethods = new HashSet <string>();
                pfs.WriteMethods.Add(MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetPersistentStringFormOfTypeEx(typeex), wmethods);

                SafeSet <Method> methods;
                bool             bresult = fs.WriteMethods.TryGetValue(typeex, out methods);
                SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get associated set of methods for a type");

                var assemblyname = typeex.Definition.Module.Assembly.Location;
                var typename     = typeex.FullName;

                foreach (var m in methods)
                    wmethods.Add(assemblyname + PexMeConstants.PexMePersistenceFormSeparator
                                 + typename + PexMeConstants.PexMePersistenceFormSeparator + MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetMethodSignature(m));

            foreach (var m in fs.ModificationTypeDictionary.Keys)
                var value = fs.ModificationTypeDictionary[m];
                pfs.ModificationTypeDictionary.Add(MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetPersistentStringFormOfMethod(m), value);

            foreach (var m in fs.PreciseModificationTypeDictionary.Keys)
                var value = fs.PreciseModificationTypeDictionary[m];
                pfs.PreciseModificationTypeDictionary.Add(MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetPersistentStringFormOfMethod(m), value);

Example #35
        public static bool TryGetTypeDefinitionFromName(IPexComponent host, string assemblyname, string typename, out TypeDefinition typeDef)
            typeDef = null;
            AssemblyEx assembly;

            ReflectionHelper.TryLoadAssemblyEx(assemblyname, out assembly);

            foreach (var assemtype in assembly.TypeDefinitions)
                if (assemtype.FullName == typename)
                    typeDef = assemtype;

Example #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes fitness values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="binOp"></param>
        /// <param name="left"></param>
        /// <param name="right"></param>
        /// <param name="bNegated"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int ComputeFitnessValue(IPexComponent host, BinaryOperator binOp, int left, int right, bool bNegated)
            int fitnessval = -1;

            //TODO: How to handle <= or >= operators. How did they come???

            switch (binOp)
            case BinaryOperator.Ceq:
                if (!bNegated)
                    //a == b
                    fitnessval = Math.Abs(left - right);
                    //a != b
                    //TODO: How to define the fitness measure?
                    host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fitness measure",
                                        "encountered the condition a != b");

            case BinaryOperator.Clt:
                if (!bNegated)
                    //a < b
                    fitnessval = (left - right) + FitnessMeasure.FitnessConstant;
                    //a > b
                    fitnessval = (right - left) + FitnessMeasure.FitnessConstant;

                host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fitness measure",
                                    "Unknown binary operator. Failed to compute the fitness measure");

        private static SafeDictionary <Field, FieldStore> GetFieldDictionary(IPexComponent host,
                                                                             System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, PersistentFieldStore> pfielddic)
            var fielddic = new SafeDictionary <Field, FieldStore>();

            foreach (var fieldstr in pfielddic.Keys)
                Field field;
                bool  bresult = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.TryGetFieldFromPersistentStringForm(host, fieldstr, out field);
                SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get field from persistent store!!!");

                FieldStore fs;
                bresult = PersistentFieldStore.TryGetFieldStore(host, pfielddic[fieldstr], out fs);
                SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Failed to get field store!!!");

                fielddic[field] = fs;
Example #38
        public static bool TryGetTypeExFromName(IPexComponent host, AssemblyEx assembly, string typename, out TypeEx typeEx)
            if (typeExCache.TryGetValue(typename, out typeEx))

            typeEx = null;
            foreach (var assemtype in assembly.TypeDefinitions)
                if (assemtype.FullName == typename)
                    typeEx = assemtype.Instantiate(GetGenericTypeParameters(host, assemtype));
                    typeExCache.Add(typename, typeEx);
Example #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes fitness values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="binOp"></param>
        /// <param name="left"></param>
        /// <param name="right"></param>
        /// <param name="bNegated"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int ComputeFitnessValue(IPexComponent host, BinaryOperator binOp, int left, int right, bool bNegated)
            int fitnessval = -1;

            //TODO: How to handle <= or >= operators. How did they come???

            switch (binOp)
                case BinaryOperator.Ceq:
                        //a == b
                        fitnessval = Math.Abs(left - right);
                        //a != b
                        //TODO: How to define the fitness measure?
                        host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fitness measure",
                            "encountered the condition a != b");
                case BinaryOperator.Clt:
                    if (!bNegated)
                        //a < b
                        fitnessval = (left - right) + FitnessMeasure.FitnessConstant;
                        //a > b
                        fitnessval = (right - left) + FitnessMeasure.FitnessConstant;
                    host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fitness measure",
                        "Unknown binary operator. Failed to compute the fitness measure");

            return fitnessval;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the write methods for a field, if exists from the predefined settings.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool TryGetWriteMethods(IPexComponent host, Field field, FieldModificationType desiredFmt, 
            out SafeSet<Method> writeMethods)
            if (!isPredefinedEffectsParsed)

            PreDefinedMethodEffectsStore pdme = new PreDefinedMethodEffectsStore(field, desiredFmt);
            PreDefinedMethodEffectsStore existingPdme;
            if (effectsStore.TryGetValue(pdme, out existingPdme))
                writeMethods = new SafeSet<Method>();
                return true;
                writeMethods = null;
                return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets invoked before execution
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override object BeforeExecution(IPexComponent host)
            this.host = host;
            //register all explorables
            foreach (IPexExplorableGuesser guesser in this.CreateExplorableGuessers(host))

            this.host.Log.ExplorableHandler += Log_ExplorableHandler;
            this.host.Log.ProblemHandler += Log_ProblemHandler;
            this.pmd = host.GetService<IPexMeDynamicDatabase>() as PexMeDynamicDatabase;

            //TargetBranch Handler cannot be instantiated with ExplorationServices from here if TERM_SOLVER
            //functionality is required
                this.tba = new TargetBranchAnalyzer(this.pmd, this.host.Services, null);

            return null;
Example #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the field from the given fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typename"></param>
        /// <param name="methodsignature"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetField(IPexComponent host, string assemblyname, string typename,
                                       string fieldname, out Field field)
            field = null;
            FieldDefinition fdef;

            if (!TryGetFieldDefinition(host, assemblyname, typename, fieldname, out fdef))

            TypeDefinition tdef;

            if (!fdef.TryGetDeclaringType(out tdef))

            field = fdef.Instantiate(GetGenericTypeParameters(host, tdef));
Example #43
        public void AfterExecution(IPexComponent host, object data)
            if (this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod == null)
                this.host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "PUTExploration",
                    "Return, not current PUT method is set");

            SafeDebug.AssertNotNull(this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod, "CurrentPUTMethod should be set by this time");
            var currPUTSignature = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetMethodSignature(this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod);
            if (this.pmd.AllExploredMethods.Contains(currPUTSignature))
                this.host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "PUTExploration",
                    "Ignoring the post processing of the PUT " + currPUTSignature + " since it is explored earlier!!!");

            //Add this to pending methods
            PexMePostProcessor ppp = new PexMePostProcessor(host);
        /// <summary>
        /// parses the predefined effects described above
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool ParsePredefinedEffects(IPexComponent host)
            //already parsed
            if (isPredefinedEffectsParsed)
                return true;

            effectsStore = new Dictionary<PreDefinedMethodEffectsStore, PreDefinedMethodEffectsStore>();

            //parse each record
            int numRecords = NumRecords;
            for (int count = 0; count < numRecords; count++ )
                string assemblyname = predefinedEffects[count, 0];
                string typename = predefinedEffects[count, 1];
                string fieldname = predefinedEffects[count, 2];
                string fmttype = predefinedEffects[count, 3];
                string methodname = predefinedEffects[count, 4];

                ParseRecord(host, assemblyname, typename, fieldname, fmttype, methodname);

            isPredefinedEffectsParsed = true;
            return true;
Example #45
        public static bool TryGetTypeExFromName(IPexComponent host, AssemblyEx assembly, string typename, out TypeEx typeEx)
            if(typeExCache.TryGetValue(typename, out typeEx))
                return true;

            typeEx = null;
            foreach (var assemtype in assembly.TypeDefinitions)
                if (assemtype.FullName == typename)
                    typeEx = assemtype.Instantiate(GetGenericTypeParameters(host, assemtype));
                    typeExCache.Add(typename, typeEx);
                    return true;
            return false;
Example #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the field is visible externally of the given type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsFieldExternallyVisible(IPexComponent host, TypeEx type, Field field)
            var visibilityContext = VisibilityContext.Exported;

            //Step 1: Is field visible externally?
            if (field.IsVisible(visibilityContext))
                return true;

            //Step 2: Check whether this is an associated property and see whether it is public
            Property property;
            if (TryGetPropertyModifyingField(host, type, field, out property))
                if (property.IsVisible(visibilityContext))
                    return true;

            //Step 3: Check whether any constructor directly sets this field
            foreach (Method constructor in type.GetVisibleInstanceConstructors(visibilityContext))
                MethodEffects me;
                if (TryComputeMethodEffects(host, type, constructor, null, out me))
                    if (me.DirectSetterFields.Contains(field.ShortName))
                        return true;

            return false;
Example #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes method effects statically. All written fields of a method.
        /// Can be imprecise and conservative
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="declaringType"></param>
        /// <param name="method"></param>
        /// <param name="effects"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryComputeMethodEffects(IPexComponent host, TypeEx declaringType, Method method,
            SafeSet<Method> visitedMethods, out MethodEffects effects)
            SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(declaringType, "declaringType");
            SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(method, "method");

                if (visitedMethods == null)
                    visitedMethods = new SafeSet<Method>();

                if (visitedMethods.Contains(method))
                    effects = null;
                    return false;


                //Check whether this has been computed before
                var psd = host.GetService<IPexMeStaticDatabase>() as PexMeStaticDatabase;
                if (psd.MethodEffectsDic.TryGetValue(method.GlobalIndex, out effects))
                    return true;

                var res = new SafeSet<string>();
                var directSetFields = new SafeSet<string>();
                var directCalledMethods = new SafeSet<Method>();
                var returnFields = new SafeSet<Field>();
                var modificationTypeDic = new SafeDictionary<string, FieldModificationType>();
                var parameters = method.Parameters;

                MethodBodyEx body;
                if (!method.TryGetBody(out body) || !body.HasInstructions)
                    effects = null;
                    return false;

                int callDepth = 0;
                int offset = 0;
                Instruction instruction;
                OpCode prevOpcode = OpCodes.Nop;

                //Stack for load instructions
                Field lastAccessedArrayField = null;
                Field lastAccessedField = null;

                while (body.TryGetInstruction(offset, out instruction))
                    SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(instruction, "instruction");
                    OpCode opCode = instruction.OpCode;
                    if (LdcOpCodes.Contains(opCode))
                        //topIsConstant = true;
                    else if (ConvOpCodes.Contains(opCode))
                        // do not change topIsConstant
                        if (opCode == OpCodes.Stfld)
                            SafeDebug.Assume(opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineField, "opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineField");
                            Field field = instruction.Field;
                            AddFieldToMethodEffects(host, declaringType, res, directSetFields, modificationTypeDic, prevOpcode, field, field.Type);
                        else if (opCode == OpCodes.Ldfld || opCode == OpCodes.Ldflda)
                            SafeDebug.Assume(opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineField, "opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineField");
                            Field accessedField = instruction.Field;

                            if (accessedField.Type.Spec == TypeSpec.SzArray)
                                lastAccessedArrayField = accessedField;
                                lastAccessedField = accessedField;
                        else if (StElemOpCodes.Contains(opCode))
                            if (lastAccessedArrayField != null)
                                //Indicates that there is n array type modified
                                AddFieldToMethodEffects(host, declaringType, res, directSetFields, modificationTypeDic, prevOpcode, lastAccessedArrayField, lastAccessedArrayField.Type);
                                lastAccessedArrayField = null;
                        else if (opCode == OpCodes.Call || opCode == OpCodes.Callvirt)
                            SafeDebug.Assume(opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineMethod, "opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineMethod");
                            Method methodinner = instruction.Method;
                            SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(method, "method");

                            TypeEx methodDeclaringType;

                            //are these function calls are within the parent types
                            if (methodinner.TryGetDeclaringType(out methodDeclaringType) &&
                                MethodEffects methodEffects;
                                if (TryComputeMethodEffects(host, methodDeclaringType, methodinner, visitedMethods, out methodEffects))
                                    foreach (var key in methodEffects.ModificationTypeDictionary.Keys)
                                        modificationTypeDic[key] = methodEffects.ModificationTypeDictionary[key];
                                    if (methodEffects.CallDepth > callDepth)
                                        callDepth = methodEffects.CallDepth;
                                //introducing heuristics for inter-procedural static analysis
                                if (lastAccessedField != null && lastAccessedField.Type.IsReferenceType &&
                                    !(methodinner.ShortName.StartsWith("Get") || methodinner.ShortName.StartsWith("get")
                                    || methodinner.ShortName.StartsWith("Set") || methodinner.ShortName.StartsWith("set")))
                                    AddFieldToMethodEffects(host, declaringType, res, directSetFields, modificationTypeDic,
                                        prevOpcode, lastAccessedField, lastAccessedField.Type);
                        else if (opCode == OpCodes.Ret)
                            if (instruction.Field != null)
                        //topIsConstant = false;

                    prevOpcode = opCode;
                    offset = instruction.NextOffset;

                effects = new MethodEffects((IFiniteSet<string>)res, directSetFields, directCalledMethods, returnFields, modificationTypeDic, callDepth + 1);
                psd.MethodEffectsDic[method.GlobalIndex] = effects;
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                host.Log.LogErrorFromException(ex, WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "methodeffects",
                    "Failed to compute method effects for method " + method.FullName + "," + ex.Message);
                effects = null;
                return false;
Example #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the type definition of a field
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host"></param>
 /// <param name="field"></param>
 /// <param name="ftex"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool TryGetDeclaringTypeDefinition(IPexComponent host, Field field, out TypeDefinition td)
     var fdefinition = field.Definition;
     if (!fdefinition.TryGetDeclaringType(out td))
         host.Log.LogError(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fieldanalyzer",
             "Failed to retrieve the declaring type of the field " + field.FullName);
         td = null;
         return false;
     return true;
Example #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type definition of a field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <param name="ftex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetDeclaringTypeEx(IPexComponent host, Field field, out TypeEx ftex)
            var fdefinition = field.Definition;
            TypeDefinition td;
            if (!fdefinition.TryGetDeclaringType(out td))
                host.Log.LogError(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fieldanalyzer",
                    "Failed to retrieve the declaring type of the field " + field.FullName);
                ftex = null;
                return false;

            ftex = td.Instantiate(GetGenericTypeParameters(host, td));
            return true;
Example #50
        public static TypeEx AddFieldToMethodEffects(IPexComponent host, TypeEx declaringType, SafeSet<string> res, 
            SafeSet<string> directSetFields, SafeDictionary<string, FieldModificationType> modificationTypeDic,
            OpCode prevOpcode, Field field, TypeEx fieldType)
            SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(field, "field");
            SafeDebug.Assume(!field.IsStatic, "!field.IsStatic");

            TypeEx fieldDeclaringType;

            //The following check ensures that the field belongs to this class
            //or its base classes
            if (field.TryGetDeclaringType(out fieldDeclaringType) &&

                FieldModificationType fmt = FieldModificationType.UNKNOWN;
                if (fieldType == SystemTypes.Int32 || fieldType == SystemTypes.Int64 || fieldType == SystemTypes.Int16)
                    if (prevOpcode == OpCodes.Add)
                        fmt = FieldModificationType.INCREMENT;
                    else if (prevOpcode == OpCodes.Sub)
                        fmt = FieldModificationType.DECREMENT;
                    else if (prevOpcode == OpCodes.Call || prevOpcode == OpCodes.Calli || prevOpcode == OpCodes.Callvirt)
                        fmt = FieldModificationType.METHOD_CALL;
                        host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fieldmodificationtype",
                                "Encountered unknown modification type for integer type " + prevOpcode);
                    if (field.Type.IsReferenceType)
                        if (prevOpcode == OpCodes.Ldnull)
                            fmt = FieldModificationType.NULL_SET;
                        else if (prevOpcode == OpCodes.Newarr || prevOpcode == OpCodes.Newobj)
                            fmt = FieldModificationType.NON_NULL_SET;
                        else if (LdArgOpCodes.Contains(prevOpcode))
                            fmt = FieldModificationType.NON_NULL_SET;
                            fmt = FieldModificationType.METHOD_CALL;    //A method call is invoked on this field, which updates this field
                    else if (fieldType == SystemTypes.Bool)
                        if (prevOpcode == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0)
                            fmt = FieldModificationType.FALSE_SET;
                        else if (prevOpcode == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1)
                            fmt = FieldModificationType.TRUE_SET;
                            host.Log.LogWarning(WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "fieldmodificationtype",
                                    "Encountered unknown modification type for boolean type " + prevOpcode);

                //Store the value of fmt. Sometimes, the same field
                //can be modified in different ways within the method, for example
                //setting a boolean field to both true or false. In that case, the modification
                //type is left as unknown
                FieldModificationType prevFMT;
                if (modificationTypeDic.TryGetValue(field.ShortName, out prevFMT))
                    //There is some entry for this field
                    if (prevFMT != FieldModificationType.UNKNOWN && prevFMT != fmt)
                        modificationTypeDic[field.ShortName] = FieldModificationType.UNKNOWN;
                    modificationTypeDic[field.ShortName] = fmt;

                //A heuristic based approach for aliasing analysis for checking whether the field is directly
                //assigned any parameters
                if (LdArgOpCodes.Contains(prevOpcode))
            return fieldDeclaringType;
Example #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the field from the given fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typename"></param>
        /// <param name="methodsignature"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetField(IPexComponent host, string assemblyname, string typename,
            string fieldname, out Field field)
            field = null;
            FieldDefinition fdef;
            if (!TryGetFieldDefinition(host, assemblyname, typename, fieldname, out fdef))
                return false;

            TypeDefinition tdef;
            if (!fdef.TryGetDeclaringType(out tdef))
                return false;

            field = fdef.Instantiate(GetGenericTypeParameters(host, tdef));
            return true;
Example #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the method object back from the signature
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typename"></param>
        /// <param name="methodsignature"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetMethod(IPexComponent host, string assemblyname, string typename,
            string methodsignature, out Method method)
            method = null;
            MethodDefinition mdef;
            if (!TryGetMethodDefinition(host, assemblyname, typename, methodsignature, out mdef))
                return false;

            TypeDefinition tdef;
            if (!mdef.TryGetDeclaringType(out tdef))
                return false;

            method = mdef.Instantiate(GetGenericTypeParameters(host, tdef), GetGenericMethodParameters(host, mdef));
            return true;
Example #53
 public static bool TryGetTypeExFromName(IPexComponent host, string assemblyname, string typename, out TypeEx typeEx)
     typeEx = null;
     AssemblyEx assembly;
     ReflectionHelper.TryLoadAssemblyEx(assemblyname, out assembly);
     return TryGetTypeExFromName(host, assembly, typename, out typeEx);
Example #54
        public static bool TryGetTypeDefinitionFromName(IPexComponent host, string assemblyname, string typename, out TypeDefinition typeDef)
            typeDef = null;
            AssemblyEx assembly;
            ReflectionHelper.TryLoadAssemblyEx(assemblyname, out assembly);

            foreach (var assemtype in assembly.TypeDefinitions)
                if (assemtype.FullName == typename)
                    typeDef = assemtype;
                    return true;

            return false;
Example #55
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get a property that returns a given field. Needs to go base classes
        /// also
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetPropertyReadingField(IPexComponent host, TypeEx type, Field field, out Property property)
            if (type == null)
                property = null;
                return false;

            if (type.DeclaredProperties != null)
                foreach (Property prop in type.DeclaredProperties)
                    Method getter = prop.Getter;
                    if (getter == null)

                    MethodEffects me;
                    if (TryComputeMethodEffects(host, type, getter, null, out me) && me.ReturnFields.Contains(field))
                        property = prop;
                        return true;

            var baseType = type.BaseType;
            if (baseType != null)
                if (TryGetPropertyReadingField(host, baseType, field, out property))
                    return true;

            property = null;
            return false;
Example #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get a property that modifies the given field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetPropertyModifyingField(IPexComponent host, TypeEx type, Field field, out Property property)
            foreach (Property prop in type.DeclaredProperties)
                Method setter = prop.Setter;
                if (setter == null)

                MethodEffects me;
                if (TryComputeMethodEffects(host, type, setter, null, out me) && me.WrittenInstanceFields.Contains(field.ShortName))
                    FieldModificationType fmt;
                    if (me.ModificationTypeDictionary.TryGetValue(field.ShortName, out fmt) && fmt != FieldModificationType.METHOD_CALL
                        && fmt != FieldModificationType.UNKNOWN)
                        property = prop;
                        return true;

            var baseType = type.BaseType;
            if (baseType != null)
                if (TryGetPropertyModifyingField(host, baseType, field, out property))
                    return true;

            property = null;
            return false;
Example #57
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts a method in the form "assemblyname#typename#methodsignature" and returns the actual method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetMethodFromPersistentStringForm(IPexComponent host, string mstr, out Method m)
            m = null;

            var splitarr = mstr.Split(new char[] { PexMeConstants.PexMePersistenceFormSeparator });
            SafeDebug.Assume(splitarr.Length == 3, "Incorrect persistent store method name");

            var assemblyname = splitarr[0];
            var typename = splitarr[1];
            var signature = splitarr[2];

            MethodDefinition mdef;
            if (!TryGetMethodDefinition(host, assemblyname, typename, signature, out mdef))
                return false;

            TypeDefinition tdef;
            if (!mdef.TryGetDeclaringType(out tdef))
                return false;

            m = mdef.Instantiate(GetGenericTypeParameters(host, tdef), GetGenericMethodParameters(host, mdef));
            return true;
Example #58
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the method object back from the signature
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typename"></param>
        /// <param name="methodsignature"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetMethodDefinition(IPexComponent host, string assemblyname, string typename, 
            string methodsignature, out MethodDefinition methoddef)
            methoddef = null;
            TypeDefinition typeDef = null;
                bool result = TryGetTypeDefinitionFromName(host, assemblyname, typename, out typeDef);
                if (typeDef == null || !result)
                    return false;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;

            foreach (var constructor in typeDef.DeclaredInstanceConstructors)
                if (GetMethodSignature(constructor) == methodsignature)
                    methoddef = constructor;
                    return true;

            foreach (var definition in typeDef.DeclaredInstanceMethods)
                if (GetMethodSignature(definition) == methodsignature)
                    methoddef = definition;
                    return true;

            foreach (var definition in typeDef.DeclaredStaticMethods)
                if (GetMethodSignature(definition) == methodsignature)
                    methoddef = definition;
                    return true;

            return false;
Example #59
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts a type in the form "assemblyname#typename" and returns the type name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Field"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetTypeExFromPersistentStringForm(IPexComponent host, string typename, out TypeEx typeEx)
            typeEx = null;

            var splitarr = typename.Split(new char[] { PexMeConstants.PexMePersistenceFormSeparator });
            SafeDebug.Assume(splitarr.Length == 2, "Incorrect persistent store type name");

                bool result = TryGetTypeExFromName(host, splitarr[0], splitarr[1], out typeEx);
                if (typeEx == null || !result)
                    return false;

                return true;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;
Example #60
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the method object back from the signature
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typename"></param>
        /// <param name="methodsignature"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetFieldDefinition(IPexComponent host, string assemblyname, string typename,
            string fieldname, out FieldDefinition fielddef)
            fielddef = null;
            TypeDefinition typeDef = null;
                bool result = TryGetTypeDefinitionFromName(host, assemblyname, typename, out typeDef);
                if (typeDef == null || !result)
                    return false;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;

            foreach (var definition in typeDef.DeclaredInstanceFields)
                if (definition.FullName == fieldname)
                    fielddef = definition;
                    return true;

            foreach (var definition in typeDef.DeclaredStaticFields)
                if (definition.FullName == fieldname)
                    fielddef = definition;
                    return true;

            return false;