Example #1
        public static IModuleTool[] GetTools(ModuleToolOptions option)
            var list = new List <IModuleTool>(_Actions.Count);

            foreach (IModuleAction action in _Actions.Values)
                if (action.Kind != ModuleItemKind.Tool)

                IModuleTool tool = (IModuleTool)action;
                if (0 != (tool.Options & option))
Example #2
 public abstract void UnregisterProxyTool(IModuleTool tool);
Example #3
 public abstract void RegisterProxyTool(IModuleTool info);
Example #4
        public static void Show(IList <IModuleTool> toolsIn, string helpTopic, Func <IModuleTool, string> getMenuText)
            if (getMenuText == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("getMenuText");

            var sorted = toolsIn.OrderBy(getMenuText, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList();

            IMenu menu = Far.Api.CreateMenu();

            menu.HelpTopic = helpTopic;
            menu.Title     = Res.ModuleTools;

            IModuleTool tool = null;

            for (; ;)
                // format
                int widthName = 9;                 // Name
                int widthAttr = 7;                 // Options
                if (sorted.Count > 0)
                    widthName = Math.Max(widthName, sorted.Max(x => getMenuText(x).Length));
                    widthAttr = Math.Max(widthAttr, sorted.Max(x => x.Options.ToString().Length));
                widthName += 3;
                string format = "{0,-" + widthName + "} : {1,-" + widthAttr + "} : {2}";

                // refill
                menu.Add(string.Format(null, format, "Title", "Options", "Address")).Disabled = true;
                foreach (IModuleTool it in sorted)
                    // 1) restore the current item, its index vary due to sorting with new hotkeys
                    if (tool != null && it == tool)
                        menu.Selected = menu.Items.Count;

                    // 2) add the item
                    menu.Add(string.Format(null, format, getMenuText(it), it.Options, it.Manager.ModuleName + "\\" + it.Id)).Data = it;

                // show
                if (!menu.Show())

                // the tool
                tool = (IModuleTool)menu.SelectedData;

                // dialog
                IDialog dialog = Far.Api.CreateDialog(-1, -1, 77, 12);
                dialog.HelpTopic = helpTopic;
                dialog.AddBox(3, 1, 0, 0, tool.Name);

                ModuleToolOptions defaultOptions = tool.DefaultOptions;
                ModuleToolOptions currentOptions = tool.Options;

                ICheckBox cbPanels = AddOption(dialog, "&Panels", ModuleToolOptions.Panels, defaultOptions, currentOptions);
                ICheckBox cbEditor = AddOption(dialog, "&Editor", ModuleToolOptions.Editor, defaultOptions, currentOptions);
                ICheckBox cbViewer = AddOption(dialog, "&Viewer", ModuleToolOptions.Viewer, defaultOptions, currentOptions);
                ICheckBox cbDialog = AddOption(dialog, "&Dialog", ModuleToolOptions.Dialog, defaultOptions, currentOptions);
                ICheckBox cbConfig = AddOption(dialog, "&Config", ModuleToolOptions.Config, defaultOptions, currentOptions);
                ICheckBox cbDisk   = AddOption(dialog, "Dis&k", ModuleToolOptions.Disk, defaultOptions, currentOptions);

                dialog.AddText(5, -1, 0, string.Empty).Separator = 1;

                IButton buttonOK = dialog.AddButton(0, -1, "Ok");
                buttonOK.CenterGroup      = true;
                dialog.Default            = buttonOK;
                dialog.Cancel             = dialog.AddButton(0, 0, "Cancel");
                dialog.Cancel.CenterGroup = true;

                if (!dialog.Show())

                // new options
                ModuleToolOptions newOptions = ModuleToolOptions.None;
                if (cbPanels.Selected > 0)
                    newOptions = newOptions | ModuleToolOptions.Panels;
                if (cbEditor.Selected > 0)
                    newOptions = newOptions | ModuleToolOptions.Editor;
                if (cbViewer.Selected > 0)
                    newOptions = newOptions | ModuleToolOptions.Viewer;
                if (cbDialog.Selected > 0)
                    newOptions = newOptions | ModuleToolOptions.Dialog;
                if (cbConfig.Selected > 0)
                    newOptions = newOptions | ModuleToolOptions.Config;
                if (cbDisk.Selected > 0)
                    newOptions = newOptions | ModuleToolOptions.Disk;

                tool.Options = newOptions;
Example #5
 public abstract void UnregisterProxyTool(IModuleTool tool);
Example #6
 public abstract void RegisterProxyTool(IModuleTool info);