Example #1
            private SuppressFinalizeUsage GetAllowedSuppressFinalizeUsage(IMethodSymbol method)
                // We allow constructors in sealed types to call GC.SuppressFinalize.
                // This allows types that derive from Component (such SqlConnection)
                // to prevent the finalizer they inherit from Component from ever
                // being called.
                if (method.ContainingType.IsSealed && method.IsConstructor() && !method.IsStatic)

                if (!method.IsDisposeImplementation(_compilation))

                // If the Dispose method is declared in a sealed type, we do
                // not require that the method calls GC.SuppressFinalize
                var hasFinalizer = method.ContainingType.HasFinalizer();

                if (method.ContainingType.IsSealed && !hasFinalizer)

                // We don't require that non-public types call GC.SuppressFinalize
                // if they don't have a finalizer as the owner of the assembly can
                // control whether any finalizable types derive from them.
                if (method.ContainingType.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Public && !hasFinalizer)

                // Even if the Dispose method is declared on a type without a
                // finalizer, we still require it to call GC.SuppressFinalize to
                // prevent derived finalizable types from having to reimplement
                // IDisposable.Dispose just to call it.
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the given method implements IDisposable.Dispose()
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsDisposeImplementation(this IMethodSymbol method, Compilation compilation)
            INamedTypeSymbol iDisposable = WellKnownTypes.IDisposable(compilation);

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the given method implements IDisposable.Dispose()
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsDisposeImplementation(this IMethodSymbol method, Compilation compilation)
            INamedTypeSymbol?iDisposable = compilation.GetOrCreateTypeByMetadataName(WellKnownTypeNames.SystemIDisposable);

            private SuppressFinalizeUsage GetAllowedSuppressFinalizeUsage(IMethodSymbol method)
                // We allow constructors in sealed types to call GC.SuppressFinalize.
                // This allows types that derive from Component (such SqlConnection)
                // to prevent the finalizer they inherit from Component from ever
                // being called.
                if (method.ContainingType.IsSealed && method.IsConstructor() && !method.IsStatic)
                    return SuppressFinalizeUsage.CanCall;

                if (!method.IsDisposeImplementation(_compilation))
                    return SuppressFinalizeUsage.MustNotCall;

                // If the Dispose method is declared in a sealed type, we do
                // not require that the method calls GC.SuppressFinalize
                var hasFinalizer = method.ContainingType.HasFinalizer();
                if (method.ContainingType.IsSealed && !hasFinalizer)
                    return SuppressFinalizeUsage.CanCall;

                // We don't require that non-public types call GC.SuppressFinalize
                // if they don't have a finalizer as the owner of the assembly can
                // control whether any finalizable types derive from them.
                if (method.ContainingType.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Public && !hasFinalizer)
                    return SuppressFinalizeUsage.CanCall;

                // Even if the Dispose method is declared on a type without a
                // finalizer, we still require it to call GC.SuppressFinalize to
                // prevent derived finalizable types from having to reimplement
                // IDisposable.Dispose just to call it.
                return SuppressFinalizeUsage.MustCall;