public void TestAreaPrecisionPerformance()

            const double originX = 1000000;
            const double originY = 5000000;
            var sw = new Stopwatch();
            var sw1 = new Stopwatch();
            var sw2 = new Stopwatch();
            var sw3 = new Stopwatch();

            for (var nrVertices = 4; nrVertices <= 5000000; nrVertices *= 2)
                var coordinates = new Coordinate[nrVertices + 1];

                for (var i = 0; i <= nrVertices; i++)
                    var vertex = new Coordinate(originX + (1d + Math.Sin( i/(double) nrVertices*2*Math.PI)),
                                                originY + (1d + Math.Cos( i/(double) nrVertices*2*Math.PI)));
                    coordinates[i] = vertex;
                // close ring
                coordinates[nrVertices] = coordinates[0];

                var g1 = new GeometryFactory().CreateLinearRing(coordinates);
                var holes = new ILinearRing[] {};
                var polygon = (Polygon) new GeometryFactory().CreatePolygon(g1, holes);

                var area = polygon.Area;
                var area2 = AccurateSignedArea(coordinates);
                var areaOld = OriginalSignedArea(coordinates);

                var exactArea = 0.5 * nrVertices * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI / nrVertices);
                var eps1 = exactArea - area;
                var eps2 = exactArea - area2;
                var eps3 = exactArea - areaOld;
                //Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(eps2) <= Math.Abs(eps3));

                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,10},\tnow err: {1,23},\tacc err: {2,23},\told err: {3,23}", nrVertices ,eps1, eps2 ,eps3));

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nTime: " + sw.Elapsed);
            Console.WriteLine("Time Now: " + sw1.ElapsedTicks);
            Console.WriteLine("Time Acc: " + sw2.ElapsedTicks);
            Console.WriteLine("Time Old: " + sw3.ElapsedTicks);
 /// Determines whether a point lies in a LinearRing, using the ring envelope to short-circuit if possible.
 /// <param name="p">The point to test</param>
 /// <param name="ring">A linear ring</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the point lies inside the ring</returns>
 private static Boolean IsPointInRing(Coordinate p, ILinearRing ring)
     // short-circuit if point is not in ring envelope
     if (!ring.EnvelopeInternal.Intersects(p))
         return false;
     return CGAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(p, ring.Coordinates);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Find a point from the list of testCoords
 /// that is NOT a node in the edge for the list of searchCoords.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="testCoords"></param>
 /// <param name="searchRing"></param>
 /// <param name="graph"></param>
 /// <returns>The point found, or <c>null</c> if none found.</returns>
 public static ICoordinate FindPointNotNode(ICoordinate[] testCoords, ILinearRing searchRing, GeometryGraph graph)
     // find edge corresponding to searchRing.
     Edge searchEdge = graph.FindEdge(searchRing);
     // find a point in the testCoords which is not a node of the searchRing
     EdgeIntersectionList eiList = searchEdge.EdgeIntersectionList;
     // somewhat inefficient - is there a better way? (Use a node map, for instance?)
     foreach(ICoordinate pt in testCoords)
             return pt;            
     return null;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a <c>Polygon</c> with the given exterior boundary and
 /// interior boundaries.
 /// </summary>       
 /// <param name="shell">
 /// The outer boundary of the new <c>Polygon</c>,
 /// or <c>null</c> or an empty <c>LinearRing</c> if the empty
 /// point is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="holes">
 /// The inner boundaries of the new <c>Polygon</c>
 /// , or <c>null</c> or empty <c>LinearRing</c>s if the empty
 /// point is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="factory"></param>
 public Polygon(ILinearRing shell, ILinearRing[] holes, IGeometryFactory factory) : base(factory)
     if (shell == null) 
         shell = Factory.CreateLinearRing((ICoordinateSequence) null);            
     if (holes == null) 
         holes = new ILinearRing[] { };
     if (HasNullElements(holes)) 
         throw new ArgumentException("holes must not contain null elements");
     if (shell.IsEmpty && HasNonEmptyElements(holes)) 
         throw new ArgumentException("shell is empty but holes are not"); = shell;
     this.holes = holes;
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public PolygonSamples() : base(new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel(PrecisionModels.Fixed)))
     shell = Factory.CreateLinearRing(new ICoordinate[] { new Coordinate(100,100),
                                                          new Coordinate(200,100),
                                                          new Coordinate(200,200),                
                                                          new Coordinate(100,200),
                                                          new Coordinate(100,100), });
     hole = Factory.CreateLinearRing(new ICoordinate[] {  new Coordinate(120,120),
                                                          new Coordinate(180,120),
                                                          new Coordinate(180,180),                                                                                
                                                          new Coordinate(120,180),                                                                
                                                          new Coordinate(120,120), });
     polygon = Factory.CreatePolygon(shell, new ILinearRing[] { hole, });
        public static IPolygon Reproject(this IPolygon polygon, ProjectionInfo source, ProjectionInfo target)
            var shell = Reproject(polygon.Shell, source, target);
            ILinearRing[] holes = null;
            if (polygon.NumHoles > 0)
                holes = new ILinearRing[polygon.NumHoles];
                var i = 0;
                foreach (var hole in polygon.Holes)
                    holes[i++] = Reproject(hole, source, target);

            return polygon.Factory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes);
Example #7
 public void Init()
     shell = Factory.CreateLinearRing(new ICoordinate[] {    new Coordinate(100,100),
                                                             new Coordinate(200,100),
                                                             new Coordinate(200,200),                
                                                             new Coordinate(100,200),
                                                             new Coordinate(100,100), });
     // NOTE: Hole is created with not correct order for holes
     hole = Factory.CreateLinearRing(new ICoordinate[] {      new Coordinate(120,120),
                                                             new Coordinate(180,120),
                                                             new Coordinate(180,180),                                                                                
                                                             new Coordinate(120,180),                                                                
                                                             new Coordinate(120,120), });
     polygon = Factory.CreatePolygon(shell, new ILinearRing[] { hole, });
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="innerRing"></param>
 /// <param name="searchRing"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool IsInside(ILinearRing innerRing, ILinearRing searchRing)
     ICoordinate[] innerRingPts = innerRing.Coordinates;
     ICoordinate[] searchRingPts = searchRing.Coordinates;
     if (!innerRing.EnvelopeInternal.Intersects(searchRing.EnvelopeInternal))
         return false;
     ICoordinate innerRingPt = IsValidOp.FindPointNotNode(innerRingPts, searchRing, graph);
     Assert.IsTrue(innerRingPt != null, "Unable to find a ring point not a node of the search ring");
     bool isInside = CGAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(innerRingPt, searchRingPts);
     if (isInside) 
         nestedPt = innerRingPt;
         return true;
     return false;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public GMLTesting() 
            point = Factory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(100, 100));

            ICoordinate[] coordinates = new ICoordinate[]
                 new Coordinate(10,10),
                 new Coordinate(20,20),
                 new Coordinate(20,10),                 
            line = Factory.CreateLineString(coordinates);

            coordinates = new ICoordinate[]
                new Coordinate(100,100),
                new Coordinate(200,100),
                new Coordinate(200,200),                
                new Coordinate(100,200),
                new Coordinate(100,100),
            ICoordinate[] interior1 = new ICoordinate[] 
                new Coordinate(120,120),
                new Coordinate(180,120),
                new Coordinate(180,180),                
                new Coordinate(120,180),
                new Coordinate(120,120),
            ILinearRing linearRing = Factory.CreateLinearRing(coordinates);
            ILinearRing[] holes = new ILinearRing[] { Factory.CreateLinearRing(interior1), };
            polygon = Factory.CreatePolygon(linearRing, holes);

            coordinates = new ICoordinate[]
                new Coordinate(100,100),
                new Coordinate(200,200),
                new Coordinate(300,300),                
                new Coordinate(400,400),
                new Coordinate(500,500),
            multiPoint = Factory.CreateMultiPoint(coordinates);

            writer = new GMLWriter();
            reader = new GMLReader();
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        private void CheckValid(IGeometry g)
            _validErr = null;

            if (g.IsEmpty)
            if (g is ILineString)
            ILinearRing r = g as ILinearRing;

            if (r != null)
            IPolygon p = g as IPolygon;

            if (p != null)
            IMultiPolygon mp = g as IMultiPolygon;

            if (mp != null)
                IGeometryCollection gc = g as IGeometryCollection;
                if (gc != null)
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the innermost enclosing shell EdgeRing containing the argument EdgeRing, if any.
        /// The innermost enclosing ring is the <i>smallest</i> enclosing ring.
        /// The algorithm used depends on the fact that:
        /// ring A contains ring B iff envelope(ring A) contains envelope(ring B).
        /// This routine is only safe to use if the chosen point of the hole
        /// is known to be properly contained in a shell
        /// (which is guaranteed to be the case if the hole does not touch its shell).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testEr">The EdgeRing to test.</param>
        /// <param name="shellList">The list of shells to test.</param>
        /// <returns>Containing EdgeRing, if there is one, OR
        /// null if no containing EdgeRing is found.</returns>
        public static EdgeRing FindEdgeRingContaining(EdgeRing testEr, IList shellList)
            ILinearRing teString = testEr.Ring;
            IEnvelope   testEnv  = teString.EnvelopeInternal;

            EdgeRing  minShell = null;
            IEnvelope minEnv   = null;

            for (IEnumerator it = shellList.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();)
                EdgeRing    tryShell = (EdgeRing)it.Current;
                ILinearRing tryRing  = tryShell.Ring;
                IEnvelope   tryEnv   = tryRing.EnvelopeInternal;
                if (minShell != null)
                    minEnv = minShell.Ring.EnvelopeInternal;
                bool isContained = false;
                // the hole envelope cannot equal the shell envelope
                if (tryEnv.Equals(testEnv))

                Coordinate testPt = PtNotInList(teString.Coordinates, tryRing.Coordinates);
                if (tryEnv.Contains(testEnv) && CgAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(testPt, tryRing.Coordinates))
                    isContained = true;
                // check if this new containing ring is smaller than the current minimum ring
                if (isContained)
                    if (minShell == null || minEnv.Contains(tryEnv))
                        minShell = tryShell;
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will cause the ring to be computed.
        /// It will also check any holes, if they have been assigned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        public bool ContainsPoint(Coordinate p)
            ILinearRing shell = LinearRing;
            Envelope    env   = shell.EnvelopeInternal;

            if (!env.Contains(p))
            if (!PointLocation.IsInRing(p, shell.Coordinates))
            foreach (EdgeRing hole in _holes)
                if (hole.ContainsPoint(p))
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a <c>Polygon</c> with the given exterior boundary and
 /// interior boundaries.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shell">
 /// The outer boundary of the new <c>Polygon</c>,
 /// or <c>null</c> or an empty <c>LinearRing</c> if the empty
 /// point is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="holes">
 /// The inner boundaries of the new <c>Polygon</c>
 /// , or <c>null</c> or empty <c>LinearRing</c>s if the empty
 /// point is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="factory"></param>
 public Polygon(ILinearRing shell, ILinearRing[] holes, IGeometryFactory factory) : base(factory)
     if (shell == null)
         shell = Factory.CreateLinearRing((ICoordinateSequence)null);
     if (holes == null)
         holes = new LinearRing[] { }
     if (HasNullElements(holes))
         throw new ArgumentException("holes must not contain null elements");
     if (shell.IsEmpty && HasNonEmptyElements(holes))
         throw new ArgumentException("shell is empty but holes are not");
     } = shell;
     this.holes = holes;
        public void TestIsClosed()
            LineString l = (LineString)reader.Read("LINESTRING EMPTY");


            ILinearRing r = geometryFactory.CreateLinearRing((ICoordinateSequence)null);


            IMultiLineString m = geometryFactory.CreateMultiLineString(
                new ILineString[] { l, r });


            IMultiLineString m2 = geometryFactory.CreateMultiLineString(
                new ILineString[] { r });

Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <c>Polygon</c> using the next token in the stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokens">
        /// Tokenizer over a stream of text in Well-known Text
        /// format. The next tokens must form a Polygon Text.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <c>Polygon</c> specified by the next token
        /// in the stream.
        /// </returns>
        private IPolygon ReadPolygonText(IList tokens)
            string nextToken = GetNextEmptyOrOpener(tokens);

            if (nextToken.Equals("EMPTY"))
                           geometryFactory.CreateLinearRing(new ICoordinate[] { }), new ILinearRing[] { }));

            List <ILinearRing> holes = new List <ILinearRing>();
            ILinearRing        shell = ReadLinearRingText(tokens);

            nextToken = GetNextCloserOrComma(tokens);
            while (nextToken.Equals(","))
                ILinearRing hole = ReadLinearRingText(tokens);
                nextToken = GetNextCloserOrComma(tokens);
            return(geometryFactory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes.ToArray()));
Example #16
        public new IMultiPolygon ToCommon()
            List <PolygonBuilder> polygonBuilders = new List <PolygonBuilder>();
            PolygonBuilder        currentBuilder  = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < RingArray.Length; ++i)
                ILinearRing commonLinearRing = RingArray[i].ToCommon();

                if (currentBuilder == null || !currentBuilder.ExteriorRing.Contains(commonLinearRing))
                    currentBuilder = new PolygonBuilder(commonLinearRing);

            return(new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.MultiPolygon(polygonBuilders.Select(o => o.ToPolygon()).ToArray()));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsNonNested()

            for (int i = 0; i < rings.Count; i++)
                ILinearRing   innerRing    = (ILinearRing)rings[i];
                ICoordinate[] innerRingPts = innerRing.Coordinates;

                IList results = quadtree.Query(innerRing.EnvelopeInternal);
                for (int j = 0; j < results.Count; j++)
                    ILinearRing   searchRing    = (ILinearRing)results[j];
                    ICoordinate[] searchRingPts = searchRing.Coordinates;

                    if (innerRing == searchRing)

                    if (!innerRing.EnvelopeInternal.Intersects(searchRing.EnvelopeInternal))

                    ICoordinate innerRingPt = IsValidOp.FindPointNotNode(innerRingPts, searchRing, graph);
                    Assert.IsTrue(innerRingPt != null, "Unable to find a ring point not a node of the search ring");

                    bool isInside = CGAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(innerRingPt, searchRingPts);
                    if (isInside)
                        nestedPt = innerRingPt;
        public SerializationSamples() : base()
            filepath = Path.GetTempPath() + "\\testserialization.bin";

            serializer = new BinaryFormatter();

            point = Factory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(100, 100));

            coordinates = new ICoordinate[]
                new Coordinate(10, 10),
                new Coordinate(20, 20),
                new Coordinate(20, 10),
            line = Factory.CreateLineString(coordinates);

            coordinates = new ICoordinate[]
                new Coordinate(100, 100),
                new Coordinate(200, 100),
                new Coordinate(200, 200),
                new Coordinate(100, 200),
                new Coordinate(100, 100),
            ILinearRing linearRing = Factory.CreateLinearRing(coordinates);

            polygon = Factory.CreatePolygon(linearRing, null);

            coordinates = new ICoordinate[]
                new Coordinate(100, 100),
                new Coordinate(200, 200),
                new Coordinate(300, 300),
                new Coordinate(400, 400),
                new Coordinate(500, 500),
            multiPoint = Factory.CreateMultiPoint(coordinates);
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will cause the ring to be computed.
        /// It will also check any holes, if they have been assigned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        public bool ContainsPoint(ICoordinate p)
            ILinearRing shell = LinearRing;
            IEnvelope   env   = shell.EnvelopeInternal;

            if (!env.Contains(p))
            if (!CGAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(p, shell.Coordinates))
            for (IEnumerator i = holes.GetEnumerator(); i.MoveNext();)
                EdgeRing hole = (EdgeRing)i.Current;
                if (hole.ContainsPoint(p))
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a <c>Polygon</c> with the given exterior boundary and
 /// interior boundaries.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inShell">
 /// The outer boundary of the new <c>Polygon</c>,
 /// or <c>null</c> or an empty <c>LinearRing</c> if the empty
 /// point is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="inHoles">
 /// The inner boundaries of the new <c>Polygon</c>
 ///, or <c>null</c> or empty <c>LinearRing</c>s if the empty
 /// point is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="factory"></param>
 /// <exception cref="PolygonException">Holes must not contain null elements</exception>
 public Polygon(ILinearRing inShell, ILinearRing[] inHoles, IGeometryFactory factory)
     : base(factory)
     if (inShell == null)
         inShell = Factory.CreateLinearRing(null);
     if (inHoles == null)
         inHoles = new LinearRing[] { }
     if (HasNullElements(inHoles))
         throw new PolygonException(TopologyText.PolygonException_HoleElementNull);
     if (inShell.IsEmpty && HasNonEmptyElements(inHoles))
         throw new PolygonException(TopologyText.PolygonException_ShellEmptyButHolesNot);
     _shell = inShell;
     _holes = inHoles;
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <see cref="IPolygon.ExteriorRing"/> is guaranteed to be orientated counter-clockwise.
        /// <br/>The <see cref="IPolygon.InteriorRings"/> are guaranteed to be orientated clockwise.
        /// </remarks>
        public override IPolygon CreatePolygon(ILinearRing shell, ILinearRing[] holes)
            if (shell != null)
                if (!shell.IsCCW)
                    shell = ReverseRing(shell);

            if (holes != null)
                for (var i = 0; i < holes.Length; i++)
                    if (holes[i].IsCCW)
                        holes[i] = ReverseRing(holes[i]);

            return(base.CreatePolygon(shell, holes));
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="poly"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool ContainsPointInPolygon(ICoordinate p, IPolygon poly)
            if (poly.IsEmpty)
            ILinearRing shell = (ILinearRing)poly.ExteriorRing;

            if (!IsPointInRing(p, shell))
            // now test if the point lies in or on the holes
            for (int i = 0; i < poly.NumInteriorRings; i++)
                ILinearRing hole = (ILinearRing)poly.GetInteriorRingN(i);
                if (IsPointInRing(p, hole))
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a <c>Polygon</c> with the given exterior boundary and
        /// interior boundaries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shell">
        /// The outer boundary of the new <c>Polygon</c>,
        /// or <c>null</c> or an empty <c>LinearRing</c> if the empty
        /// point is to be created.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="holes">
        /// The inner boundaries of the new <c>Polygon</c>
        /// , or <c>null</c> or empty <c>LinearRing</c>s if the empty
        /// point is to be created.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="factory"></param>
        public Polygon(ILinearRing shell, ILinearRing[] holes, IGeometryFactory factory) : base(factory)
            if (shell == null)
                shell = Factory.CreateLinearRing();
            if (holes == null)
                holes = new ILinearRing[] { }
            if (HasNullElements(CollectionUtil.Cast <ILinearRing, object>(holes)))
                throw new ArgumentException("holes must not contain null elements");
            if (shell.IsEmpty && HasNonEmptyElements(CollectionUtil.Cast <ILinearRing, IGeometry>(holes)))
                throw new ArgumentException("shell is empty but holes are not");

            _shell = shell;
            _holes = holes;
Example #24
        void ExportPolygon(Polygon pol)
            // Get the exterior ring
            ILinearRing xr = GetLinearRing(pol);

            // Pick up any islands
            LinearRingCollection irs = null;

            if (pol.HasAnyIslands)
                irs = new LinearRingCollection();

                foreach (Island i in pol.Islands)
                    ILinearRing ir = GetLinearRing(i);

            IGeometry g = m_Factory.CreatePolygon(xr, irs);

Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a hole from the polygon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hole">The hole.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the polygon contains the <paramref name="hole" />; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">The hole is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">The reference system of the hole does not match the reference system of the polygon.</exception>
        public virtual Boolean RemoveHole(ILinearRing hole)
            if (hole == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hole));

            if (this.HoleCount == 0)

            for (Int32 holeIndex = 0; holeIndex < this.HoleCount; holeIndex++)
                if (this.Holes[holeIndex].Equals(hole))
                    this.DeleteCoordinates(holeIndex + 1);

Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="IGeometry"/> with the same extent as the given envelope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The Geometry returned is guaranteed to be valid.
        /// To provide this behaviour, the following cases occur:
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// If the <c>Envelope</c> is:
        /// <ul>
        /// <li>null returns an empty <see cref="IPoint"/></li>
        /// <li>a point returns a non-empty <see cref="IPoint"/></li>
        /// <li>a line returns a two-point <see cref="ILineString"/></li>
        /// <li>a rectangle returns a <see cref="IPolygon"/> whose points are (minx, maxy), (minx, maxy), (maxx, maxy), (maxx, miny).</li>
        /// </ul>
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="envelope">The <c>Envelope</c></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An empty <c>Point</c> (for null <c>Envelope</c>s), a <c>Point</c> (when min x = max x and min y = max y) or a <c>Polygon</c> (in all other cases)
        /// </returns>
        public virtual IGeometry ToGeometry(Envelope envelope)
            // null envelope - return empty point geometry
            if (envelope.IsNull)

            // point?
            if (envelope.MinX == envelope.MaxX && envelope.MinY == envelope.MaxY)
                return(CreatePoint(new Coordinate(envelope.MinX, envelope.MinY)));

            // vertical or horizontal line?
            if (envelope.MinX == envelope.MaxX ||
                envelope.MinY == envelope.MaxY)
                    new Coordinate(envelope.MinX, envelope.MinY),
                    new Coordinate(envelope.MaxX, envelope.MaxY)

            // return CW polygon
            ILinearRing ring = CreateLinearRing(new[]
                new Coordinate(envelope.MinX, envelope.MinY),
                new Coordinate(envelope.MinX, envelope.MaxY),
                new Coordinate(envelope.MaxX, envelope.MaxY),
                new Coordinate(envelope.MaxX, envelope.MinY),
                new Coordinate(envelope.MinX, envelope.MinY)

            return(CreatePolygon(ring, null));
        private static IPolygon ReadPolygon(PostGis2GeometryHeader header, BinaryReader reader)
            var numRings = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (numRings == 0)

            var pointsPerRing = new int[numRings];
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < numRings; i++)
                pointsPerRing[i] = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (numRings % 2 != 0)

            //read shell
            var shell = (ILinearRing)ReadLineString(header, reader, pointsPerRing[0], true);

            //read holes
            var holes = new ILinearRing[numRings - 1];

            for (i = 1; i < numRings; i++)
                holes[i - 1] = (ILinearRing)ReadLineString(header, reader, pointsPerRing[i], true);

            //create polygon
            return(header.Factory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes));
Example #28
 public Ring(ILinearRing ring)
     Points = new List <XYZ>();
     foreach (var point in ring.Coordinates)
         double x = point.X;
         double y = point.Y;
         if (x > Right)
             Right = x;
         if (x < Left)
             Left = x;
         if (y > Top)
             Top = y;
         if (y < Bottom)
             Bottom = y;
         Points.Add(new XYZ()
             x = x, y = y
     segments = new List <Segment>();
     for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
         var p1 = Points[i];
         var p2 = Points[(i + 1) % Points.Count];
         segments.Add(new Segment(p1, p2));
        protected override IEnumerable <IFeature> CreateFeatures(MapFeature mapFeature)
            var geometryList = new List <IPolygon>();

            foreach (MapGeometry mapGeometry in mapFeature.MapGeometries)
                IEnumerable <Point2D>[] pointCollections = mapGeometry.PointCollections.Select(CreateClosedRingIfNecessary).ToArray();

                Coordinate[] outerRingCoordinates = ConvertPoint2DElementsToCoordinates(pointCollections[0]);
                ILinearRing  outerRing            = new LinearRing(outerRingCoordinates);

                var innerRings = new ILinearRing[pointCollections.Length - 1];
                for (var i = 1; i < pointCollections.Length; i++)
                    Coordinate[] innerRingCoordinates = ConvertPoint2DElementsToCoordinates(pointCollections[i]);
                    innerRings[i - 1] = new LinearRing(innerRingCoordinates);

                IPolygon polygon = new Polygon(outerRing, innerRings);

            yield return(new Feature(GetGeometry(geometryList)));
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// The left and right topological location arguments assume that the ring is oriented CW.
        /// If the ring is in the opposite orientation,
        /// the left and right locations must be interchanged.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lr"></param>
        /// <param name="cwLeft"></param>
        /// <param name="cwRight"></param>
        private void AddPolygonRing(ILinearRing lr, Locations cwLeft, Locations cwRight)
            ICoordinate[] coord = CoordinateArrays.RemoveRepeatedPoints(lr.Coordinates);
            if (coord.Length < 4)
                hasTooFewPoints = true;
                invalidPoint    = coord[0];
            Locations left  = cwLeft;
            Locations right = cwRight;

            if (CGAlgorithms.IsCCW(coord))
                left  = cwRight;
                right = cwLeft;
            Edge e = new Edge(coord, new Label(argIndex, Locations.Boundary, left, right));

            lineEdgeMap[lr] = e;
            // insert the endpoint as a node, to mark that it is on the boundary
            InsertPoint(argIndex, coord[0], Locations.Boundary);
Example #31
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="geometry"></param>
 /// <param name="coordinateSpace">The size needed for each coordinate</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected int GetByteStreamSize(ILinearRing geometry, int coordinateSpace)
     return(GetByteStreamSize(geometry.CoordinateSequence, coordinateSpace));
Example #32
        private void ReadPolygonShape(Shape shape)
            List <ILinearRing> shells = new List <ILinearRing>();
            List <ILinearRing> holes  = new List <ILinearRing>();

            foreach (PartRange part in shape.Range.Parts)
                List <Coordinate> coords = new List <Coordinate>();
                int i = part.StartIndex;
                foreach (Vertex d in part)
                    Coordinate c = new Coordinate(d.X, d.Y);
                    if (shape.M != null && shape.M.Length > 0)
                        c.M = shape.M[i];
                    if (shape.Z != null && shape.Z.Length > 0)
                        c.Z = shape.Z[i];
                LinearRing ring = new LinearRing(coords.ToArray());
                if (shape.Range.Parts.Count == 1)
                    if (CGAlgorithms.IsCCW(ring.Coordinates))
            if (shells.Count == 0 && holes.Count > 0)
                shells = holes;
                holes  = new List <ILinearRing>();
            //// Now we have a list of all shells and all holes
            List <ILinearRing>[] holesForShells = new List <ILinearRing> [shells.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++)
                holesForShells[i] = new List <ILinearRing>();

            // Find holes
            for (int i = 0; i < holes.Count; i++)
                ILinearRing testRing = holes[i];
                ILinearRing minShell = null;
                Envelope    minEnv   = null;
                Envelope    testEnv  = testRing.EnvelopeInternal;
                Coordinate  testPt   = testRing.Coordinates[0];
                for (int j = 0; j < shells.Count; j++)
                    ILinearRing tryRing = shells[j];
                    Envelope    tryEnv  = tryRing.EnvelopeInternal;
                    if (minShell != null)
                        minEnv = minShell.EnvelopeInternal;

                    // Check if this new containing ring is smaller than the current minimum ring
                    if (tryEnv.Contains(testEnv) && (CGAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(testPt, tryRing.Coordinates) || (PointInList(testPt, tryRing.Coordinates))))
                        if (minShell == null || minEnv.Contains(tryEnv))
                            minShell = tryRing;

            var polygons = new IPolygon[shells.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++)
                polygons[i] = new Polygon(shells[i], holesForShells[i].ToArray());

            if (polygons.Length == 1)
                _basicGeometry = polygons[0];
                // It's a multi part
                _basicGeometry = new MultiPolygon(polygons);
            _featureType = FeatureType.Polygon;
Example #33
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="linearRing"></param>
 /// <param name="ordinates"></param>
 /// <param name="writer"></param>
 private void Write(ILinearRing linearRing, Ordinates ordinates, BinaryWriter writer)
     Write(linearRing.CoordinateSequence, ordinates, writer, false);
Example #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a <c>Polygon</c> with the given exterior boundary and
 /// interior boundaries.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shell">
 /// The outer boundary of the new <c>Polygon</c>, or
 /// <c>null</c> or an empty <c>LinearRing</c> if
 /// the empty point is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="holes">
 /// The inner boundaries of the new <c>Polygon</c>, or
 /// <c>null</c> or empty <c>LinearRing</c> s if
 /// the empty point is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="IPolygon"/> object</returns>
 public virtual IPolygon CreatePolygon(ILinearRing shell, ILinearRing[] holes)
     return(new Polygon(shell, holes, this));
Example #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a <c>Polygon</c> with the given exterior boundary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shell">the outer boundary of the new <c>Polygon</c>, or
 /// <c>null</c> or an empty <c>LinearRing</c> if
 /// the empty geometry is to be created.</param>
 /// <returns>the created Polygon</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the boundary ring is invalid</exception>
 public virtual IPolygon CreatePolygon(ILinearRing shell)
     return(CreatePolygon(shell, null));
Example #36
        private static void ExtractInteriorPolygon(ILinearRing[] holes, PolygonType sur)
            Collection<AbstractRingPropertyType> lin = sur.Interior as Collection<AbstractRingPropertyType>;
            int i = 0;
            foreach (AbstractRingPropertyType ringis in lin)
                LinearRingType lii = ringis.Ring as LinearRingType;

                foreach (DirectPositionListType rings in lii.Items)
                    List<Coordinate> lstCoor = ExtractCoordinates(rings);

                    holes[i]=new LinearRing(lstCoor);

            /// Simplifies a LinearRing.  If the simplification results in a degenerate ring, remove the component.
            /// <returns>null if the simplification results in a degenerate ring</returns>
            protected override IGeometry TransformLinearRing(ILinearRing geom, IGeometry parent)
                Boolean removeDegenerateRings = parent is IPolygon;
                IGeometry simpResult = base.TransformLinearRing(geom, parent);

                if (removeDegenerateRings && !(simpResult is ILinearRing))
                    return null;
                return simpResult;
Example #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Compute a LinearRing from the point list previously collected.
 /// Test if the ring is a hole (i.e. if it is CCW) and set the hole flag
 /// accordingly.
 /// </summary>
 public void ComputeRing()
     if (_ring != null)
         return;   // don't compute more than once
     Coordinate[] coord = _pts.ToArray();
     /* new Coordinate[_pts.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < _pts.Count; i++)
         coord[i] = (Coordinate) _pts[i];
     _ring = _geometryFactory.CreateLinearRing(coord);
     _isHole = CGAlgorithms.IsCCW(_ring.Coordinates);
Example #39
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="geometryFactory"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IPolygon ToPolygon(IGeometryFactory geometryFactory)
     ILinearRing[] holeLR = new ILinearRing[_holes.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < _holes.Count; i++)
         holeLR[i] = _holes[i].LinearRing;
     IPolygon poly = geometryFactory.CreatePolygon(LinearRing, holeLR);
     return poly;
Example #40
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ring"></param>
 public McPointInRing(ILinearRing ring)
     _ring = ring;
Example #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Polygon"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shell">
 /// The outer boundary of the new <c>Polygon</c>,
 /// or <c>null</c> or an empty <c>LinearRing</c> if the empty
 /// point is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="holes">
 /// The inner boundaries of the new <c>Polygon</c>
 /// , or <c>null</c> or empty <c>LinearRing</c>s if the empty
 /// point is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// For create this <see cref="Geometry"/> is used a standard <see cref="GeometryFactory"/> 
 /// with <see cref="PrecisionModel" /> <c> == </c> <see cref="PrecisionModels.Floating"/>.
 /// </remarks>
 public Polygon(ILinearRing shell, ILinearRing[] holes) : this(shell, holes, DefaultFactory) { }
Example #42
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="linearRing"></param>
 /// <param name="writer"></param>
 protected void Write(ILinearRing linearRing, XmlTextWriter writer)
     writer.WriteStartElement("LinearRing", GMLElements.gmlNS);
     WriteCoordinates(linearRing.Coordinates, writer);
 public void Add(ILinearRing ring)
Example #44
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ring"></param>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        protected void Write(ILinearRing linearRing, BinaryWriter writer)
			Write(linearRing.Coordinates, linearRing, writer);
Example #45
        private int _crossings;  // number of segment/ray crossings

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ring"></param>
        public SIRtreePointInRing(ILinearRing ring)
            _ring = ring;
Example #46
        private IGeometry CreatePolygonFromDataRow(DataRow dr, string ShapeColumnName)
            byte[] shapeBytes = dr[ShapeColumnName] as byte[];
            byte[] numSkipByte = new byte[4];
            Array.Copy(shapeBytes, 4 + 32, numSkipByte, 0, 4);
            int numParts = BitConverter.ToInt32(numSkipByte, 0);

            byte[] numPtByte = new byte[4];
            Array.Copy(shapeBytes, 4 + 32 + 4, numPtByte, 0, 4);
            int numPt = BitConverter.ToInt32(numPtByte, 0);

            int[]  startIdx = new int[numParts];
            byte[] temp     = new byte[4];
            for (int k = 0; k < numParts; k++)
                Array.Copy(shapeBytes, 4 + 32 + 4 + 4 + k * 4, temp, 0, 4);
                startIdx[k] = BitConverter.ToInt32(temp, 0);

            byte[] shapeIgnoreHeadByte = new byte[shapeBytes.Length - 4 - 32 - 4 - 4 - 4 * numParts];
            Array.Copy(shapeBytes, 4 + 32 + 4 + 4 + 4 * numParts, shapeIgnoreHeadByte, 0, shapeIgnoreHeadByte.Length);

            ILinearRing[] linearRings = new ILinearRing[numParts];
            for (int k = 0; k < startIdx.Length; k++)
                int sIdx = startIdx[k];
                int endIdx = k + 1 < startIdx.Length ? startIdx[k + 1] : numPt;

                //跳过4 * numPolygon个字节
                Coordinate[] pCoords = new Coordinate[endIdx - sIdx];

                int        i = 0;
                Coordinate coor;
                byte[]     geo = new byte[8];
                for (int j = sIdx * 16; j < endIdx * 16; j += 16)
                    Array.Copy(shapeIgnoreHeadByte, j, geo, 0, geo.Length);
                    coor   = new Coordinate();
                    coor.X = BitConverter.ToDouble(geo, 0);
                    Array.Copy(shapeIgnoreHeadByte, j + 8, geo, 0, geo.Length);
                    coor.Y       = BitConverter.ToDouble(geo, 0);
                    pCoords[i++] = coor;
                ILinearRing t_Ring = new LinearRing(pCoords);
                linearRings[k] = t_Ring;
                pCoords        = null;

            IGeometry result = null;

            if (linearRings.Length == 1)
                result = new Polygon(linearRings[0]);
                Stack <Polygon> pStack = new Stack <Polygon>();
                pStack.Push(new Polygon(linearRings[0]));
                for (int i = 1; i < linearRings.Length; i++)
                    Polygon pGeo = pStack.Pop();
                    if (pGeo.Contains(linearRings[i]))
                        Polygon       poly  = pGeo as Polygon;
                        ILinearRing[] holes = new LinearRing[poly.Holes.Length + 1];
                        Array.Copy(poly.Holes, holes, poly.Holes.Length);
                        holes[holes.Length - 1] = linearRings[i];
                        pStack.Push(new Polygon(poly.Shell, holes));
                        pStack.Push(new Polygon(linearRings[i]));
                if (pStack.Count > 1)
                    result = new MultiPolygon(pStack.ToArray());
                    result = pStack.Pop();
            shapeIgnoreHeadByte = null;//释放
            shapeBytes          = null;
            //return new Polygon(shell, holes.ToArray());
Example #47
        public void PolygonHoles()
            var coords = new Coordinate[20];
            var rnd = new Random();
            var center = new Coordinate((rnd.NextDouble() * 360) - 180, (rnd.NextDouble() * 180) - 90);

            // Shell Coordinates
            var coordscheck = new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate[20];
            for (var i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                var x = center.X + Math.Cos((i * 10) * Math.PI / 10);
                var y = center.Y + (i * 10) * Math.PI / 10;
                coords[i] = new Coordinate(x, y);
                coordscheck[i] = new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate(x, y);
            coordscheck[19] = new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate(coords[0].X, coords[0].Y);
            coords[19] = new Coordinate(coords[0].X, coords[0].Y);

            // Shell Rings
            var ring = new LinearRing(coords);
            var gf = new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.GeometryFactory();
            var ringCheck = gf.CreateLinearRing(coordscheck);

            // Hole Coordinates
            var coordsholecheck = new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate[20];
            var coordshole = new Coordinate[20];
            for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                var x = center.X + Math.Cos((i * 10) * Math.PI / 20);
                var y = center.Y + (i * 10) * Math.PI / 20;
                coordshole[i] = new Coordinate(x, y);
                coordsholecheck[i] = new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate(x, y);
            coordshole[19] = new Coordinate(coordshole[0].X, coordshole[0].Y);
            coordsholecheck[19] = new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate(coordshole[0].X, coordshole[0].Y);

            // Hole LinearRing Arrays
            var hole = new LinearRing(coordshole);
            var holes = new ILinearRing[1];
            var holeCheck = gf.CreateLinearRing(coordsholecheck);
            var holescheck = new GeoAPI.Geometries.ILinearRing[1];
            holes[0] = hole;
            holescheck[0] = holeCheck;

            var pg = new Polygon(ring, holes);
            var polygonCheck = gf.CreatePolygon(ringCheck, holescheck);
            var areaCheck = polygonCheck.Area;
            var area = pg.Area;
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(area - areaCheck) < 1e-6);
Example #48
        public static double FindHoleArea(ObjectId parcelId)
            var polylineIds = CadUtils.FindAllPolylines(Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument);
            var datebase    = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
            var dictionary  = new Dictionary <ObjectId, double>();

            using (var tr = datebase.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                // 读入多边形数据
                var reader   = new DwgReader();
                var polygons = new List <IPolygon>();
                var quadtree = new Quadtree <IGeometry>();

                foreach (ObjectId polylineId in polylineIds)
                    var polygon = reader.ReadEntityAsPolygon(tr, polylineId) as IPolygon;
                    if (polygon != null)
                        quadtree.Insert(polygon.EnvelopeInternal, polygon);

                // 遍历多边形,如果有洞,开始计算
                foreach (var polygon in polygons)
                    // 找洞
                    var insidePolygons = new List <IPolygon>();
                    foreach (var geom in quadtree.Query(polygon.EnvelopeInternal))
                        var insidePolygon = geom as IPolygon;
                        if (insidePolygon != null &&
                            polygon.Contains(insidePolygon) &&
                            !insidePolygon.Equals(polygon) && // 不是同一个
                            insidePolygon.UserData != polygon.UserData)

                    // 算面积
                    var polygonId   = (ObjectId)polygon.UserData;
                    var linearRings = new List <ILinearRing>();
                    if (insidePolygons.Any())
                        foreach (var insidePolygon in insidePolygons)
                            ILinearRing linearRing = reader.GeometryFactory.CreateLinearRing(insidePolygon.ExteriorRing.CoordinateSequence);
                            if (!linearRing.IsCCW)
                    IPolygon newPolygon = reader.GeometryFactory.CreatePolygon(polygon.Shell, linearRings.ToArray());
                    dictionary.Add(polygonId, newPolygon.Area);

Example #49
		public static IPolygon CreatePolygon(ILinearRing shell, ILinearRing[] holes)
			return geomFactory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes);
Example #50
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ring"></param>
 /// <param name="writer"></param>
 protected virtual void Write(ILinearRing ring, BinaryWriter writer)
     for (int i = 0; i < ring.Coordinates.Count; i++)
         Write(ring.Coordinates[i], writer);
Example #51
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ring"></param>
 /// <param name="writer"></param>
 protected void Write(ILinearRing ring, BinaryWriter writer)
     writer.Write((int) ring.NumPoints);
     for (int i = 0; i < ring.Coordinates.Length; i++)
         Write(ring.Coordinates[i], writer);
Example #52
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads a <see cref="IPolygon"/> geometry.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reader">The reader</param>
 /// <param name="cs">The coordinate system</param>
 ///<param name="srid">The spatial reference id for the geometry.</param>
 ///<returns>A <see cref="IPolygon"/> geometry</returns>
 protected IGeometry ReadPolygon(BinaryReader reader, CoordinateSystem cs, int srid)
     IGeometryFactory factory = _geometryServices.CreateGeometryFactory(_precisionModel, srid, _sequenceFactory);
     ILinearRing exteriorRing = null;
     ILinearRing[] interiorRings = null;
     int numRings = reader.ReadInt32();
     if (numRings > 0)
         exteriorRing = ReadLinearRing(reader, cs, srid);
         interiorRings = new ILinearRing[numRings - 1];
         for (int i = 0; i < numRings - 1; i++)
             interiorRings[i] = ReadLinearRing(reader, cs, srid);
     return factory.CreatePolygon(exteriorRing, interiorRings);
Example #53
        private IBasicGeometry GetPolygon(MultiSurfaceType multi)
            Polygon[] p = new Polygon[multi.SurfaceMemberItems.Count];
            int npoly = 0;
            foreach (SurfacePropertyType member in multi.SurfaceMemberItems)
                ILinearRing shell = null;
                ILinearRing[] holes = null;
                PolygonType sur = ExtractShellPolygon(ref shell, member);

                if (sur.Interior.Count == 0  && shell !=null)
                        p[npoly] = new Polygon(shell);
                    holes = new ILinearRing[sur.Interior.Count];
                    ExtractInteriorPolygon(holes, sur);
                    p[npoly] = new Polygon(shell, holes);
            return new MultiPolygon(p);

 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ring"></param>
 public void Add(ILinearRing ring)
Example #55
        private static PolygonType ExtractShellPolygon(ref ILinearRing shell, SurfacePropertyType member)
            PolygonType sur = member.Surface as PolygonType;
            LinearRingType li = sur.Exterior.Ring as LinearRingType;
            foreach (DirectPositionListType rings in li.Items)
                List<Coordinate> lstCoor = ExtractCoordinates(rings);

                shell = new LinearRing(lstCoor);

            return sur;
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a <see cref="GeoAPI.Geometries.ILinearRing"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">LinearRing to transform</param>
 /// <param name="from">Source Projection</param>
 /// <param name="to">Target Projection</param>
 /// <param name="toFactory">The factory to create geometries for <paramref name="to"/></param>
 /// <returns>Transformed LinearRing</returns>
 public static ILinearRing TransformLinearRing(ILinearRing r, ProjectionInfo from, ProjectionInfo to, IGeometryFactory toFactory)
         var toSeq = TransformSequence(r.CoordinateSequence, from, to, toFactory.CoordinateSequenceFactory);
         return toFactory.CreateLinearRing(toSeq);
         return null;
Example #57
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="geometry"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected int SetByteStream(ILinearRing geometry)
			return SetByteStream(geometry.Coordinates, geometry);
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a <see cref="GeoAPI.Geometries.IPolygon"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Polygon to transform</param>
        /// <param name="from">Source Projection</param>
        /// <param name="to">Target Projection</param>
        /// <param name="toFactory">The factory to create geometries for <paramref name="to"/></param>
        /// <returns>Transformed Polygon</returns>
        public static IPolygon TransformPolygon(IPolygon p, ProjectionInfo from, ProjectionInfo to, IGeometryFactory toFactory)
            var shell = toFactory.CreateLinearRing(TransformSequence(p.Shell.CoordinateSequence, from, to, toFactory.CoordinateSequenceFactory));
            var holes = new ILinearRing[p.NumInteriorRings];
            for (var i = 0; i < p.NumInteriorRings; i++)
                holes[i] = toFactory.CreateLinearRing(TransformSequence(p.GetInteriorRingN(i).CoordinateSequence, from, to, toFactory.CoordinateSequenceFactory));

            return toFactory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes);
Example #59
		/// <summary>
		/// Transforms a <see cref="LinearRing" /> object.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="r"></param>
		/// <param name="transform"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static ILinearRing TransformLinearRing(ILinearRing r, IMathTransform transform)
                List<ICoordinate> coords = ExtractCoordinates(r, transform);
                return new LinearRing(coords.ToArray()); 
			catch { return null; }
Example #60
        private void HolesCS(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Defines a new coordinate array
            Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[20];
            //Defines a new random number generator
            Random rnd = new Random();
            //defines a randomly generated center for teh polygon
            Coordinate center = new Coordinate((rnd.NextDouble() * 360) - 180, (rnd.NextDouble() * 180) - 90);
            for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                //generates random coordinates and adds those coordinates to the array
                coords[i] = new Coordinate(center.X + Math.Cos((i * 10) * Math.PI / 10), center.Y + (i * 10) * Math.PI / 10);
            //sets the last coordinate equal to the first, this 'closes' the polygon
            coords[19] = new Coordinate(coords[0].X, coords[0].Y);
            //defines a new LingRing from the coordinates
            LinearRing Ring = new LinearRing(coords);
            //Repeates the process, but generates a LinearRing with a smaller area, this will be the hole in the polgyon
            Coordinate[] coordshole = new Coordinate[20];
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                coordshole[i] = new Coordinate(center.X + Math.Cos((i * 10) * Math.PI / 20), center.Y + (i * 10) * Math.PI / 20);
            coordshole[19] = new Coordinate(coordshole[0].X, coordshole[0].Y);
            LinearRing Hole = new LinearRing(coordshole);
            //This steps addes the hole LinerRing to a ILinearRing Array
            //A Polgyon can contain multiple holes, thus a Array of Hole is required
            ILinearRing[] Holes = new ILinearRing[1];
            Holes[0] = Hole;
            //This passes the Ring, the polygon shell, and the Holes Array, the holes
            Polygon pg = new Polygon(Ring, Holes);

            //Feature f = new Feature();
            FeatureSet fs = new FeatureSet(pg.FeatureType);
            //f = new Feature(pg);
            fs.SaveAs("C:\\Temp\\hole.shp", true);
