private UserCommentPublicModel PrepareCommentPublicModel(Comment comment, IEnumerable <User> users)
            //get the customer
            var user = users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == comment.UserId);

            if (user == null)
            var likeStatus = _customerLikeService.GetCustomerLike <Comment>(ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser.Id, comment.Id) == null ? 0 : 1;
            //and create it's response model
            var cModel = new UserCommentPublicModel()
                EntityName     = comment.EntityName,
                EntityId       = comment.EntityId,
                CommentText    = comment.CommentText,
                AdditionalData = comment.AdditionalData,
                Id             = comment.Id,
                DateCreatedUtc = comment.DateCreated,
                DateCreated    = DateTimeHelper.GetDateInUserTimeZone(comment.DateCreated, DateTimeKind.Utc, user),
                CanDelete      = comment.UserId == ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser.Id || ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser.IsAdministrator(),
                IsSpam         = false, //TODO: change it when spam system has been implemented
                LikeCount      = _customerLikeService.GetLikeCount <Comment>(comment.Id),
                UserName       = user.GetPropertyValueAs <string>(PropertyNames.DisplayName),
                UserProfileUrl = Url.Route("CustomerProfileUrl", new RouteValueDictionary()
                    { "SeName", user.GetPermalink().ToString() }
                UserProfileImageUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(user.GetPropertyValueAs <int>(PropertyNames.DefaultPictureId), PictureSizeNames.SmallProfileImage),
                LikeStatus          = likeStatus

Example #2
        private UserCommentPublicModel PrepareCommentPublicModel(Comment comment, IEnumerable <User> users)
            //get the customer
            var user = users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == comment.UserId);

            if (user == null)

            //process the comment text

            var likeStatus = _customerLikeService.GetCustomerLike <Comment>(ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser.Id, comment.Id) == null ? 0 : 1;
            //and create it's response model
            var cModel = new UserCommentPublicModel()
                EntityName     = comment.EntityName,
                EntityId       = comment.EntityId,
                CommentText    = comment.CommentText,
                AdditionalData = comment.AdditionalData,
                Id             = comment.Id,
                DateCreatedUtc = comment.DateCreated,
                DateCreated    = DateTimeHelper.GetDateInUserTimeZone(comment.DateCreated, DateTimeKind.Utc, user),
                CanDelete      = comment.UserId == ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser.Id || ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser.IsAdministrator(),
                IsSpam         = false, //TODO: change it when spam system has been implemented
                LikeCount      = _customerLikeService.GetLikeCount <Comment>(comment.Id),
                LikeStatus     = likeStatus,
                User           = user.ToModel(_mediaService, _mediaSettings)

Example #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetLikesCount([FromQuery] string url)
            int count = await _likeService.GetLikeCount(url);

            if (count >= 0)
        public static SkillWithUsersModel ToSkillWithUsersModel(this Skill skill, IUserSkillService userSkillService, IMediaService mediaService,
                                                                MediaSettings mediaSettings, GeneralSettings generalSettings, SkillSettings skillSettings, IFollowService followService, ILikeService likeService, ICommentService commentService)
            var currentUser = ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser;
            var model       = new SkillWithUsersModel()
                Skill = skill.ToModel(),
                FeaturedMediaImageUrl = skill.FeaturedImageId > 0 ? mediaService.GetPictureUrl(skill.FeaturedImageId) : mediaSettings.DefaultSkillCoverUrl

            var perPage = skillSettings.NumberOfUsersPerPageOnSinglePage;
            //by default we'll send data for 15 users. rest can be queried with paginated request
            //todo: make this thing configurable to set number of users to return with this response
            var userSkills = userSkillService.Get(x => x.SkillId == skill.Id, page: 1, count: perPage, earlyLoad: x => x.User).ToList();

            model.UserSkills =
                userSkills.Select(x => x.ToModel(mediaService, mediaSettings, generalSettings, false, true, true, false)).ToList();

            model.CurrentPage   = 1;
            model.UsersPerPage  = perPage;
            model.TotalUsers    = userSkillService.Count(x => x.SkillId == skill.Id);
            model.FollowerCount = followService.GetFollowerCount <Skill>(skill.Id);

            if (currentUser != null)
                //does this user follow this skill?
                var userFollow = followService.GetCustomerFollow <Skill>(currentUser.Id, skill.Id);
                model.CanFollow    = currentUser.Id != skill.UserId;
                model.FollowStatus = userFollow == null ? 0 : 1;

                model.LikeStatus = likeService.GetCustomerLike <Skill>(currentUser.Id, skill.Id) == null ? 0 : 1;

                model.HasSkill = userSkills.Any(x => x.UserId == currentUser.Id);

            model.TotalComments = commentService.GetCommentsCount(skill.Id, "skill");

            model.TotalLikes = likeService.GetLikeCount <Skill>(skill.Id);

Example #5
        public async Task ConnectUser(int newsId)
            await Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, newsId.ToString());

            List <ChatMessage> chatMessages = _newsService.GetChatMessagesByPartyId(newsId).ToList();;

            string userName = Context.User.Identity.Name;
            User   user     = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(userName);

            foreach (ChatMessage message in chatMessages)
                ChatMessageViewModel chatMessageViewModel = _mapper.Map <ChatMessageViewModel>(message);

                if (user != null)
                    chatMessageViewModel.LikeCount = _likeService.GetLikeCount(user, chatMessageViewModel.Id);

                await Clients.Client(Context.ConnectionId).SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", chatMessageViewModel);
Example #6
        private TimelinePostDisplayModel PrepareTimelinePostDisplayModel(TimelinePost post)
            //total likes for this post
            var totalLikes = _customerLikeService.GetLikeCount <TimelinePost>(post.Id);
            //the like status for current customer
            var likeStatus =
                _customerLikeService.GetCustomerLike <TimelinePost>(ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser.Id, post.Id) == null
                    ? 0
                    : 1;

            //process post content to replace inline tags

            var totalComments = _customerCommentService.GetCommentsCount(post.Id, typeof(TimelinePost).Name);
            var postModel     = new TimelinePostDisplayModel()
                Id                       = post.Id,
                DateCreatedUtc           = post.DateCreated,
                DateUpdatedUtc           = post.DateUpdated,
                DateCreated              = DateTimeHelper.GetDateInUserTimeZone(post.DateCreated, DateTimeKind.Utc, ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser),
                DateUpdated              = DateTimeHelper.GetDateInUserTimeZone(post.DateUpdated, DateTimeKind.Utc, ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser),
                OwnerId                  = post.OwnerId,
                OwnerEntityType          = post.OwnerEntityType,
                PostTypeName             = post.PostTypeName,
                IsSponsored              = post.IsSponsored,
                Message                  = post.Message,
                AdditionalAttributeValue = post.AdditionalAttributeValue,
                CanDelete                = post.OwnerId == ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser.Id || ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser.IsAdministrator(),
                TotalLikes               = totalLikes,
                LikeStatus               = likeStatus,
                TotalComments            = totalComments

            if (post.OwnerEntityType == TimelinePostOwnerTypeNames.Customer)
                //get the customer to retrieve info such a profile image, profile url etc.
                var user = _userService.Get(post.OwnerId);

                postModel.OwnerName     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Name) ? user.Email : user.Name;
                postModel.OwnerImageUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(user.GetPropertyValueAs <int>(PropertyNames.DefaultPictureId), PictureSizeNames.MediumProfileImage);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(postModel.OwnerImageUrl))
                    postModel.OwnerImageUrl = _mediaSettings.DefaultUserProfileImageUrl;
            //depending on the posttype, we may need to extract additional data e.g. in case of autopublished posts, we may need to query the linked entity
            switch (post.PostTypeName)
            case TimelineAutoPostTypeNames.VideoBattle.Publish:
            case TimelineAutoPostTypeNames.VideoBattle.BattleStart:
            case TimelineAutoPostTypeNames.VideoBattle.BattleComplete:
                //we need to query the video battle
                if (post.LinkedToEntityId != 0)
                    var battle = _videoBattleService.Get(post.LinkedToEntityId);
                    if (battle == null)
                    var battleUrl = Url.Route("VideoBattlePage",
                                              new RouteValueDictionary()
                        { "SeName", battle.GetPermalink() }

                    //create a dynamic object for battle, we'll serialize this object to json and store as additional attribute value
                    //todo: to see if we have some better way of doing this
                    var coverImageUrl = "";
                    var coverImageId  = battle.GetPropertyValueAs <int>(PropertyNames.DefaultCoverId);
                    if (coverImageId != 0)
                        coverImageUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(coverImageId);
                    var obj = new {
                        Name             = battle.Name,
                        Url              = battleUrl,
                        Description      = battle.Description,
                        VotingStartDate  = battle.VotingStartDate,
                        VotingEndDate    = battle.VotingEndDate,
                        CoverImageUrl    = coverImageUrl,
                        RemainingSeconds = battle.GetRemainingSeconds(),
                        Status           = battle.VideoBattleStatus.ToString()

                    postModel.AdditionalAttributeValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);

            //replace inline tags with html links

        public static MediaReponseModel ToModel<T>(this Media media, int entityId,
            IMediaService mediaService,
            MediaSettings mediaSettings = null,
            GeneralSettings generalSettings = null,
            IUserService userService = null,
            IFollowService followService = null,
            IFriendService friendService = null,
            ICommentService commentService = null,
            ILikeService likeService = null,
            bool withUserInfo = true,
            bool withSocialInfo = false,
            bool withNextAndPreviousMedia = false,
            bool avoidMediaTypeForNextAndPreviousMedia = false) where T: BaseEntity
            var model = new MediaReponseModel() {
                Id = media.Id,
                MediaType = media.MediaType,
                Url = media.MediaType == MediaType.Image ? mediaService.GetPictureUrl(media) : mediaService.GetVideoUrl(media),
                MimeType = media.MimeType,
                DateCreatedUtc = media.DateCreated,
                ThumbnailUrl = media.MediaType == MediaType.Image ? mediaService.GetPictureUrl(media, PictureSizeNames.ThumbnailImage) : WebHelper.GetUrlFromPath(media.ThumbnailPath, generalSettings?.ImageServerDomain)
            if (withUserInfo && userService != null)
                var user = userService.Get(media.UserId);
                if (user != null)
                    model.CreatedBy = user.ToModel(mediaService, mediaSettings, followService, friendService);
                    model.DateCreatedLocal = DateTimeHelper.GetDateInUserTimeZone(media.DateCreated, DateTimeKind.Utc, user);
            if (withSocialInfo)
                if (likeService != null)
                    model.TotalLikes = likeService.GetLikeCount<Media>(media.Id);
                    model.LikeStatus =
                        likeService.GetCustomerLike<Media>(ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser.Id, media.Id) != null
                            ? 1
                            : 0;

                if (commentService != null)
                    model.TotalComments = commentService.GetCommentsCount(media.Id, typeof(Media).Name);
                    model.CanComment = true; //todo: perform check if comments are enabled or user has permission to comment

            if (withNextAndPreviousMedia)
                MediaType? mediaType = null;
                if (!avoidMediaTypeForNextAndPreviousMedia)
                    mediaType = media.MediaType;
                var allMedia = mediaService.GetEntityMedia<T>(entityId, mediaType, 1, int.MaxValue).ToList();
                var mediaIndex = allMedia.FindIndex(x => x.Id == media.Id);

                model.PreviousMediaId = mediaIndex <= 0 ? 0 : allMedia[mediaIndex - 1].Id;
                model.NextMediaId = mediaIndex < 0 || mediaIndex == allMedia.Count - 1 ? 0 : allMedia[mediaIndex + 1].Id;

            model.FullyLoaded = withSocialInfo && withNextAndPreviousMedia;
            return model;