private void CleanUp()
            if (null != workStealingQueue)
                if (null != workQueue)
                    bool done = false;
                    while (!done)
                        // Ensure that we won't be aborted between LocalPop and Enqueue.
                        try { }
                            IHeliosWorkItem cb = null;
                            if (workStealingQueue.LocalPop(out cb))
                                Contract.Assert(null != cb);
                                workQueue.Enqueue(cb, true);
                                done = true;

            public bool TryEnqueue(IHeliosWorkItem node)
                // If there's room in this segment, atomically increment the upper count (to reserve
                // space for this node), then store the node.
                // Note that this leaves a window where it will look like there is data in that
                // array slot, but it hasn't been written yet.  This is taken care of in TryDequeue
                // with a busy-wait loop, waiting for the element to become non-null.  This implies
                // that we can never store null nodes in this data structure.
                Contract.Assert(null != node);

                int upper, lower;

                GetIndexes(out upper, out lower);

                while (true)
                    if (upper == nodes.Length)

                    if (CompareExchangeIndexes(ref upper, upper + 1, ref lower, lower))
                        Contract.Assert(Volatile.Read(ref nodes[upper]) == null);
                        Volatile.Write(ref nodes[upper], node);
        public void Enqueue(IHeliosWorkItem callback, bool forceGlobal)
            ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals tl = null;

            if (!forceGlobal)
                tl = ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals.threadLocals;

            if (null != tl)
                QueueSegment head = queueHead;

                while (!head.TryEnqueue(callback))
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref head.Next, new QueueSegment(), null);

                    while (head.Next != null)
                        Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref queueHead, head.Next, head);
                        head = queueHead;
            private bool TrySteal(out IHeliosWorkItem obj, ref bool missedSteal, int millisecondsTimeout)
                obj = null;

                while (true)
                    if (m_headIndex >= m_tailIndex)

                    bool taken = false;
                        m_foreignLock.TryEnter(millisecondsTimeout, ref taken);
                        if (taken)
                            // Increment head, and ensure read of tail doesn't move before it (fence).
                            int head = m_headIndex;
                            Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_headIndex, head + 1);

                            if (head < m_tailIndex)
                                int idx = head & m_mask;
                                obj = Volatile.Read(ref m_array[idx]);

                                // Check for nulls in the array.
                                if (obj == null)

                                m_array[idx] = null;
                                // Failed, restore head.
                                m_headIndex = head;
                                obj         = null;
                                missedSteal = true;
                            missedSteal = true;
                        if (taken)

        public void Dequeue(ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals tl, out IHeliosWorkItem callback, out bool missedSteal)
            callback    = null;
            missedSteal = false;
            WorkStealingQueue wsq = tl.workStealingQueue;

            if (wsq.LocalPop(out callback))
                Contract.Assert(null != callback);

            if (null == callback)
                QueueSegment tail = queueTail;
                while (true)
                    if (tail.TryDequeue(out callback))
                        Contract.Assert(null != callback);

                    if (null == tail.Next || !tail.IsUsedUp())
                        Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref queueTail, tail.Next, tail);
                        tail = queueTail;

            if (null == callback)
                WorkStealingQueue[] otherQueues = allThreadQueues.Current;
                int i = tl.random.Next(otherQueues.Length);
                int c = otherQueues.Length;
                while (c > 0)
                    WorkStealingQueue otherQueue = Volatile.Read(ref otherQueues[i % otherQueues.Length]);
                    if (otherQueue != null &&
                        otherQueue != wsq &&
                        otherQueue.TrySteal(out callback, ref missedSteal))
                        Contract.Assert(null != callback);
        internal bool LocalFindAndPop(IHeliosWorkItem callback)
            ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals tl = ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals.threadLocals;

            if (null == tl)

            public bool TryDequeue(out IHeliosWorkItem node)
                // If there are nodes in this segment, increment the lower count, then take the
                // element we find there.
                int upper, lower;

                GetIndexes(out upper, out lower);

                while (true)
                    if (lower == upper)
                        node = null;

                    if (CompareExchangeIndexes(ref upper, upper, ref lower, lower + 1))
                        // It's possible that a concurrent call to Enqueue hasn't yet
                        // written the node reference to the array.  We need to spin until
                        // it shows up.
                        SpinWait spinner = new SpinWait();
                        while ((node = Volatile.Read(ref nodes[lower])) == null)

                        // Null-out the reference so the object can be GC'd earlier.
                        nodes[lower] = null;

 public bool TrySteal(out IHeliosWorkItem obj, ref bool missedSteal)
     return(TrySteal(out obj, ref missedSteal, 0)); // no blocking by default.
            public bool LocalPop(out IHeliosWorkItem obj)
                while (true)
                    // Decrement the tail using a fence to ensure subsequent read doesn't come before.
                    int tail = m_tailIndex;
                    if (m_headIndex >= tail)
                        obj = null;

                    tail -= 1;
                    Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_tailIndex, tail);

                    // If there is no interaction with a take, we can head down the fast path.
                    if (m_headIndex <= tail)
                        int idx = tail & m_mask;
                        obj = Volatile.Read(ref m_array[idx]);

                        // Check for nulls in the array.
                        if (obj == null)

                        m_array[idx] = null;
                        // Interaction with takes: 0 or 1 elements left.
                        bool lockTaken = false;
                            m_foreignLock.Enter(ref lockTaken);

                            if (m_headIndex <= tail)
                                // Element still available. Take it.
                                int idx = tail & m_mask;
                                obj = Volatile.Read(ref m_array[idx]);

                                // Check for nulls in the array.
                                if (obj == null)

                                m_array[idx] = null;
                                // We lost the ----, element was stolen, restore the tail.
                                m_tailIndex = tail + 1;
                                obj         = null;
                            if (lockTaken)
            public bool LocalFindAndPop(IHeliosWorkItem obj)
                // Fast path: check the tail. If equal, we can skip the lock.
                if (m_array[(m_tailIndex - 1) & m_mask] == obj)
                    IHeliosWorkItem unused;
                    if (LocalPop(out unused))
                        Contract.Assert(unused == obj);

                // Else, do an O(N) search for the work item. The theory of work stealing and our
                // inlining logic is that most waits will happen on recently queued work.  And
                // since recently queued work will be close to the tail end (which is where we
                // begin our search), we will likely find it quickly.  In the worst case, we
                // will traverse the whole local queue; this is typically not going to be a
                // problem (although degenerate cases are clearly an issue) because local work
                // queues tend to be somewhat shallow in length, and because if we fail to find
                // the work item, we are about to block anyway (which is very expensive).
                for (int i = m_tailIndex - 2; i >= m_headIndex; i--)
                    if (m_array[i & m_mask] == obj)
                        // If we found the element, block out steals to avoid interference.
                        // @
                        bool lockTaken = false;
                            m_foreignLock.Enter(ref lockTaken);

                            // If we lost the ----, bail.
                            if (m_array[i & m_mask] == null)

                            // Otherwise, null out the element.
                            Volatile.Write(ref m_array[i & m_mask], null);

                            // And then check to see if we can fix up the indexes (if we're at
                            // the edge).  If we can't, we just leave nulls in the array and they'll
                            // get filtered out eventually (but may lead to superflous resizing).
                            if (i == m_tailIndex)
                                m_tailIndex -= 1;
                            else if (i == m_headIndex)
                                m_headIndex += 1;

                            if (lockTaken)

            public void LocalPush(IHeliosWorkItem obj)
                int tail = m_tailIndex;

                // We're going to increment the tail; if we'll overflow, then we need to reset our counts
                if (tail == int.MaxValue)
                    bool lockTaken = false;
                        m_foreignLock.Enter(ref lockTaken);

                        if (m_tailIndex == int.MaxValue)
                            // Rather than resetting to zero, we'll just mask off the bits we don't care about.
                            // This way we don't need to rearrange the items already in the queue; they'll be found
                            // correctly exactly where they are.  One subtlety here is that we need to make sure that
                            // if head is currently < tail, it remains that way.  This happens to just fall out from
                            // the bit-masking, because we only do this if tail == int.MaxValue, meaning that all
                            // bits are set, so all of the bits we're keeping will also be set.  Thus it's impossible
                            // for the head to end up > than the tail, since you can't set any more bits than all of
                            // them.
                            m_headIndex = m_headIndex & m_mask;
                            m_tailIndex = tail = m_tailIndex & m_mask;
                            Contract.Assert(m_headIndex <= m_tailIndex);
                        if (lockTaken)

                // When there are at least 2 elements' worth of space, we can take the fast path.
                if (tail < m_headIndex + m_mask)
                    Volatile.Write(ref m_array[tail & m_mask], obj);
                    m_tailIndex = tail + 1;
                    // We need to contend with foreign pops, so we lock.
                    bool lockTaken = false;
                        m_foreignLock.Enter(ref lockTaken);

                        int head  = m_headIndex;
                        int count = m_tailIndex - m_headIndex;

                        // If there is still space (one left), just add the element.
                        if (count >= m_mask)
                            // We're full; expand the queue by doubling its size.
                            IHeliosWorkItem[] newArray = new IHeliosWorkItem[m_array.Length << 1];
                            for (int i = 0; i < m_array.Length; i++)
                                newArray[i] = m_array[(i + head) & m_mask];

                            // Reset the field values, incl. the mask.
                            m_array     = newArray;
                            m_headIndex = 0;
                            m_tailIndex = tail = count;
                            m_mask      = (m_mask << 1) | 1;

                        Volatile.Write(ref m_array[tail & m_mask], obj);
                        m_tailIndex = tail + 1;
                        if (lockTaken)
        /// <summary>
        /// Method run internally by each worker thread
        /// </summary>
        private bool Dispatch()
            var workQueue = WorkQueue;

            // Update our records to indicate that an outstanding request for a thread has now been fulfilled.
            // From this point on, we are responsible for requesting another thread if we stop working for any
            // reason, and we believe there might still be work in the queue.

            bool            needAnotherThread = true;
            IHeliosWorkItem workItem          = null;

                //Set up thread-local data
                ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals tl = workQueue.EnsureCurrentThreadHasQueue();
                while (!_shutdownRequested && tl.ConsecutiveQueueMissCount < workQueue.QueueMissUpperLimit) //look for work until explicitly shut down or too many queue misses
                    bool missedSteal = false;
                    workQueue.Dequeue(tl, out workItem, out missedSteal);

                        if (workItem == null)
                            // No work.  We're going to return to the VM once we leave this protected region.
                            // If we missed a steal, though, there may be more work in the queue.
                            // Instead of looping around and trying again, we'll just request another thread.  This way
                            // we won't starve other AppDomains while we spin trying to get locks, and hopefully the thread
                            // that owns the contended work-stealing queue will pick up its own workitems in the meantime,
                            // which will be more efficient than this thread doing it anyway.
                            needAnotherThread = missedSteal;
                            // If we found work, there may be more work.  Ask for another thread so that the other work can be processed
                            // in parallel.  Note that this will only ask for a max of #procs threads, so it's safe to call it for every dequeue.

                    if (workItem == null)
                    else //execute our work
                        workItem = null;
                //had an exception in the course of executing some work, and this thread is going to die.
                if (needAnotherThread)

            //should never hit this code, unless something catastrophically bad happened (like an aborted thread)