Example #1
		//protected bool DeterminFlagState( bool currentState, bool set, bool clear )
		//	//
		//	// if set and clear are the same then they conflict and we return
		//	// current value otherwise 'set' which if true will if it is true
		//	// and false otherwise - clear will be true (take my word for it) and
		//	// false will be the correct value
		//	//
		//	return set == clear ? currentState : set;


		protected void Initialize( IMacroProcessor mp )
			// ******
			gc = mp.GrandCentral;

			// ******
			CallerInstructions = false;

			Pushback = gc.PushbackResult;
			FwdExpand = gc.ExpandAndScan;

			Quote = false;
			Trim = false;
			NLStrip = false;
			CompressAllWhiteSpace = false;
			ILCompressWhiteSpace = false;
			TextBlockWrap = false;
			Divert = false;
			Eval = false;

			Data = false;
			Format = false;

			NoSubst = false;

			Razor = false;
			RazorObject = false;

			Empty = false;

			TabsToSpaces = false;

			// other options
			NoExpression = false;		// for defining macro

			AdditionalOptions = new NmpStringList();
Example #2

		public NmpOptions( IMacroProcessor mp )
			this.mp = mp;
			gc = mp.GrandCentral;
Example #3

		public BuiltinMacroHandler( IMacroProcessor mp )
			this.mp = mp;
			this.gc = mp.GrandCentral;