Example #1
        private bool Sys_Write()
            // get fd index
            UInt64 fd_index = RBX;

            if (fd_index >= (UInt64)FDCount)
                Terminate(ErrorCode.OutOfBounds); return(false);

            // get fd
            IFileWrapper fd = FileDescriptors[fd_index];

            if (fd == null)
                Terminate(ErrorCode.FDNotInUse); return(false);

            // make sure we can write
            if (!fd.CanWrite())
                Terminate(ErrorCode.FilePermissions); return(false);

            // make sure we're in bounds
            if (RCX >= MemorySize || RDX >= MemorySize || RCX + RDX > MemorySize)
                Terminate(ErrorCode.OutOfBounds); return(false);

            // attempt to write from memory to the file - success = num written, fail = -1
            try { RAX = (UInt64)fd.Write(Memory, (int)RCX, (int)RDX); }
            catch (Exception) { RAX = ~(UInt64)0; }
