Example #1
        private void When_reading_large_buffer_from_file_it_must_succeed()
            // Arrange
            const string path = @"C:\file.txt";

            const int size = 4096 * 16;

            byte[] contents = CreateBuffer(size);

            IFileSystem fileSystem = new FakeFileSystemBuilder()
                                     .IncludingBinaryFile(path, contents)

            using (IFileStream stream = fileSystem.File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                var buffer = new byte[size * 2];

                // Act
                int numBytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                // Assert

Example #2
        private void InitRollback()
            byte[] btWork = new byte[8];
            _fsRollbackHelper.Position = 0;
            _fsRollbackHelper.Read(btWork, 0, 8);
            eofRollback = btWork.To_Int64_BigEndian();

            if (eofRollback == 0)
                if (this._fsRollback.Length >= MaxRollbackFileSize)
                    this._configuration.FSFactory.Delete(this._fileName + ".rol");
                    //this._fsRollback = new FileStream(this._fileName + ".rol", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None, _fileStreamBufferSize, FileOptions.WriteThrough);
                    this._fsRollback = this._configuration.FSFactory.CreateType1(this._fileName + ".rol", _fileStreamBufferSize);

                    //no sense to do anything with backup


            //!!!Check if data file is empty write first root 64 bytes, ??? Where it must stay after rollback restoration???

            //Restoring rollback

            //Checking if we can recreate rollback file
            if (this._fsRollback.Length >= MaxRollbackFileSize)

                this._configuration.FSFactory.Delete(this._fileName + ".rol");
                this._fsRollback = this._configuration.FSFactory.CreateType1(this._fileName + ".rol", _fileStreamBufferSize);
                //File.Delete(this._fileName + ".rol");
                //this._fsRollback = new FileStream(this._fileName + ".rol", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None, _fileStreamBufferSize, FileOptions.WriteThrough);

                //no sense to do anything with backup

            eofRollback = 0;
            _fsRollbackHelper.Position = 0;
            _fsRollbackHelper.Write(eofRollback.To_8_bytes_array_BigEndian(), 0, 8);



            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    IsOperable = false;
            //    throw DBreezeException.Throw(DBreezeException.eDBreezeExceptions.RESTORE_ROLLBACK_DATA_FAILED, this._fileName, ex);
Example #3
        public static byte[] ReadAllBytes([NotNull] this IFile file, [NotNull] string path)
            Guard.NotNull(file, nameof(file));
            Guard.NotNull(path, nameof(path));

            using (IFileStream stream = OpenRead(file, path))
                var buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
                stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// RollbackHelperFileRead
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte[] RollbackHelperFileRead(long position, int count)
            lock (lock_fs)
                byte[] bt = new byte[count];
                _fsRollbackHelper.Position = position;
                _fsRollbackHelper.Read(bt, 0, bt.Length);

                byte[] protocol = new byte[] { ProtocolVersion }   //Protocol version
Example #5
        // Will be used for unit testing only - since Moq cannot handle Span<byte>
        public string FOR_UNIT_TEST_SLOW_FUNCTION_ReadLineCharByCharTillCRLF()
            if (_stream == null)

            string result = String.Empty;

            byte[] buf   = new byte[1];
            int    index = 0;
            var    pos   = _stream.Position;

            for (; ;)
                if (_stream.Read(buf) != 1)
                var c = buf[0];

                if (c == '\n')

            buf = new byte[index];
            _stream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            if (_stream.Read(buf) != index)
            string complete = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buf);

        private byte[] ReadFileStream(IFileStream fileStream)
            int lenght = fileStream.Read(_fileBuffer, 0, _fileBuffer.Length);

            if (lenght == _fileBuffer.Length)
                byte[] buf = new byte[lenght];//当数据小于缓冲区
                Array.Copy(_fileBuffer, buf, lenght);
Example #7
        bool SeekNextLineFeedInNegativeDirectionAndPositionStreamOnIt(IFileStream stream, int steps) //, bool skipNearbyCRLF = true)
            if (_buffer == null || (_buffer.Length != steps))
                _buffer = new byte[steps];
            Span <byte> buffer  = _buffer.AsSpan <byte>();
            var         initial = stream.Position;

            for (; ;)
                var current = stream.Position;
                if (current == 0)
                int toRead = steps;
                if (toRead > current)
                    toRead = (int)current;
                    buffer = buffer.Slice(0, toRead);
                SetPositionRelative(stream, -toRead);
                var currendMidPos0 = stream.Position;
                int size           = stream.Read(buffer);
                var currentMidPos  = stream.Position;
                if (size != toRead)
                    // That shouldn't happen ???

                int index = buffer.LastIndexOf((byte)'\n');
                if (index >= 0)
                    var posBefore = stream.Position;
                    var newPos    = toRead - index;
                    SetPositionRelative(stream, -newPos);
                    var pos = stream.Position;
                SetPositionRelative(stream, -toRead); // Continue with next characters

            SetPosition(stream, initial);
Example #8
        public string SeekLastLineFromCurrentAndPositionOnStartOfItAndReturnReadLine(IFileStream stream)
            if (!SeekLastLineFromCurrentAndPositionOnStartOfIt(stream))

            var current = stream.Position;

            string result = String.Empty;

            for (; ;)
                int         read = stream.Read(_buffer);
                var         xxxremove_me_directly = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(_buffer);
                Span <byte> buffer = _buffer.AsSpan <byte>();
                var         index  = buffer.IndexOf((byte)'\n');
                if (index != -1)
                    // We don't want to have a '\r' at the end of our log line
                    if (index > 0 && buffer[index - 1] == '\r')
                    if (index > 0)
                        result += System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(_buffer, 0, index);
                if ((read == buffer.Length) && (_buffer[buffer.Length - 1] == '\r'))
                    // Perhaps we haven't found a \n but it could be a \r at the end - if so don't copy \r
                    result += System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(_buffer, 0, buffer.Length - 2);
                    result += System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(_buffer);
            SetPosition(stream, current); // Reset so we will read the next line backwards on the next call
            if (current == 0 && result == String.Empty)
                return(null); // We cannot differentiate between String.Empty nothing found and String.Empty = empty log
            // (though by definition right now a log is not empty) but to prevent errors just return null == nothing found
Example #9
        private void When_reading_from_closed_stream_it_must_fail()
            // Arrange
            const string path = @"C:\file.txt";

            IFileSystem fileSystem = new FakeFileSystemBuilder()

            using (IFileStream stream = fileSystem.File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))

                var buffer = new byte[50];

                // Act
                // ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure
                Action action = () => stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                // Assert
                action.ShouldThrow <ObjectDisposedException>().WithMessage("Cannot access a closed file.");
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="useCache"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte[] Table_Read(bool useCache, long offset, int count)
            byte[] res = null;

            lock (lock_fs)
                if (!useCache)

                    //We read exactly what is already saved, without rollback.
                    //all data must be either in file or in buffer
                    //we must form resulting byte[]

                    //Finding first element which is smaller or equal then offset
                    List <long> bufKeys = new List <long>();

                    if (_randBuf.Count() > 0)
                        var qkvp = _randBuf.OrderByDescending(r => r.Key).Where(r => r.Key < offset).Take(1).Where(r => (r.Key + r.Value.Length - 1) >= offset);

                        if (qkvp.Count() > 0)

                        foreach (var kvp in _randBuf.OrderBy(r => r.Key).Where(r => r.Key >= offset && r.Key < (offset + count)))

                    //reading full byte[] from original file and putting on top keys
                    //We use full length of the file
                    //if (offset + count > _fsData.Length + _seqBuf.EOF)
                    //    res = new byte[_fsData.Length + _seqBuf.EOF - offset];
                    if (offset + count > fsLength + _seqBuf.EOF)
                        res = new byte[fsLength + _seqBuf.EOF - offset];
                        res = new byte[count];

                    byte[] btWork = null;

                    //if (offset < _fsData.Length)
                    if (offset < fsLength)
                        //Starting reading from file
                        _fsData.Position = offset;

                        if (offset + res.Length <= _fsData.Length)
                            //must be taken completely from file
                            _fsData.Read(res, 0, res.Length);
                            //Console.WriteLine("3;{0};{1}", offset, ((res == null) ? -1 : res.Length));
                            //partly from file, partly from sequential cache
                            //int v1 = Convert.ToInt32(_fsData.Length - offset);
                            int v1 = Convert.ToInt32(fsLength - offset);
                            _fsData.Read(res, 0, v1);
                            //Console.WriteLine("4;{0};{1}", offset, ((res == null) ? -1 : res.Length));
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(_seqBuf.RawBuffer, 0, res, v1, res.Length - v1);
                        //!!! threat if seqBuf is empty, should not happen thou

                        //completely taken from seqbuf
                        //Buffer.BlockCopy(_seqBuf.RawBuffer, Convert.ToInt32(offset - _fsData.Length), res, 0, res.Length);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(_seqBuf.RawBuffer, Convert.ToInt32(offset - fsLength), res, 0, res.Length);

                    //putting on top
                    foreach (var bk in bufKeys)
                        if (offset + res.Length <= bk)

                        btWork = _randBuf[bk];

                        bool cut   = false;
                        int  start = 0;
                        int  stop  = btWork.Length;

                        if (bk < offset)
                            cut   = true;
                            start = Convert.ToInt32(offset - bk);

                        if ((offset + count) < (bk + btWork.Length))
                            cut  = true;
                            stop = Convert.ToInt32(offset + count - bk);

                        if (cut)
                            byte[] tmp = new byte[stop - start];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(btWork, start, tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
                            btWork = tmp;

                        Buffer.BlockCopy(btWork, 0, res, (start > 0) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(bk - offset), btWork.Length);

                    //we must use rollback file.
                    //We can read only up to commited file lengh eofData

                    List <long> bufKeys = new List <long>();

                    if (_rollbackCache.Count() > 0)
                        var qkvp = _rollbackCache.OrderByDescending(r => r.Key).Where(r => r.Key < offset).Take(1).Where(r => (r.Key + r.Value.l - 1) >= offset);

                        if (qkvp.Count() > 0)

                        foreach (var kvp in _rollbackCache.OrderBy(r => r.Key).Where(r => r.Key >= offset && r.Key < (offset + count)))

                    //reading full byte[] from original file and putting on top keys

                     * Transaction with minimum 2 tables. T2 is inserted, reference to T2 KVP is taken, then this reference is saved into T1.
                     * Commit().
                     * Commit calls TransactionalCommit for every table sequentially. First it meets table T1, then T2.
                     * In both tables TransactionalCommit procedures are successfull.
                     * then Commit procedure for each table calls TransactionalCommitIsFinished (this proc will clear rollback refs and moves eofData for every table).
                     * First encounters T1 and only then T2.
                     * ....Somewhere here (between calling T1 and T2 TransactionalCommitIsFinished) starts a parallel thread.
                     * After T1 TransactionalCommitIsFinished our parallel thread P1 reads data from T1,
                     * and gets SelectDirect reference to T2 KVP. Then tries to read from not yet TransactionalCommitIsFinished T2.
                     * and for T2 happens: eofData < offset
                     * To avoid such specific case we use for calculation this._fsData.Length instead of eofData in case if (eofData < offset && TransactionalCommitIsStarted)
                     * 19.07.2013 10:25

                    //if (offset + count > eofData)
                    //    res = new byte[eofData - offset];
                    //    res = new byte[count];

                    if (offset + count > eofData)
                        if (eofData < offset && TransactionalCommitIsStarted)   //NOT FINISHED multi-table COMMIT. SelectDirect case
                            //Probably not finished transaction and SelectDirect case. We return value,
                            //because at this momont all transaction table have successfully gone through TransactionalCommit() procedure.

                            //if (offset + count > this._fsData.Length)
                            if (offset + count > fsLength)
                                //res = new byte[this._fsData.Length - offset];
                                res = new byte[fsLength - offset];
                                res = new byte[count];
                            res = new byte[eofData - offset];
                        res = new byte[count];

                    _fsData.Position = offset;
                    _fsData.Read(res, 0, res.Length);
                    //Console.WriteLine("1;{0};{1}", offset, ((res == null) ? -1 : res.Length));

                    byte[] btWork = null;
                    r      rb     = null;
                    //putting on top
                    foreach (var bk in bufKeys)
                        if (offset + res.Length <= bk)

                        rb = _rollbackCache[bk];
                        //reading from rollback
                        btWork = new byte[rb.l];

                        _fsRollback.Position = rb.o;
                        _fsRollback.Read(btWork, 0, btWork.Length);

                        bool cut   = false;
                        int  start = 0;
                        int  stop  = btWork.Length;

                        if (bk < offset)
                            cut   = true;
                            start = Convert.ToInt32(offset - bk);

                        if ((offset + count) < (bk + btWork.Length))
                            cut  = true;
                            stop = Convert.ToInt32(offset + count - bk);

                        if (cut)
                            byte[] tmp = new byte[stop - start];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(btWork, start, tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
                            btWork = tmp;

                        Buffer.BlockCopy(btWork, 0, res, (start > 0) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(bk - offset), btWork.Length);

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Is called only from lock_fs and must be finished by calling NET_Flush
        /// </summary>
        void FlushRandomBuffer()
            if (_randBuf.Count() == 0)

            //First we write all data into rollback file and helper, calling flush on rollback
            //then updating data of data file but dont call update
            //clearing random buffer

            //Creating rollback header
            byte[] offset = null;
            byte[] btRoll = null;

            bool flushRollback = false;

            //first loop for saving rollback data
            foreach (var de in _randBuf.OrderBy(r => r.Key))
                offset = ((ulong)de.Key).To_8_bytes_array_BigEndian().Substring(8 - DefaultPointerLen, DefaultPointerLen);

                if (_rollbackCache.ContainsKey(de.Key))

                //Reading from dataFile values which must be rolled back
                btRoll = new byte[de.Value.Length];

                _fsData.Position = de.Key;
                _fsData.Read(btRoll, 0, btRoll.Length);
                //Console.WriteLine("2;{0};{1}", de.Key, ((btRoll == null) ? -1 : btRoll.Length));

                //Forming protocol for rollback
                btRoll = new byte[] { 1 }

                //Writing rollback
                _fsRollback.Position = eofRollback;
                _fsRollback.Write(btRoll, 0, btRoll.Length);

                if (_backupIsActive)
                    this._configuration.Backup.WriteBackupElement(ulFileName, 1, eofRollback, btRoll);

                _rollbackCache.Add(de.Key, new r {
                    o = eofRollback + 1 + offset.Length + 4, l = de.Value.Length

                //increasing eof rollback file
                eofRollback += btRoll.Length;

                flushRollback = true;

            if (flushRollback)
                //Flushing rollback

                //Writing into helper
                _fsRollbackHelper.Position = 0;
                _fsRollbackHelper.Write(eofRollback.To_8_bytes_array_BigEndian(), 0, 8);

                //Flushing rollback helper

                if (_backupIsActive)
                    this._configuration.Backup.WriteBackupElement(ulFileName, 2, 0, eofRollback.To_8_bytes_array_BigEndian());

            //second loop for saving data
            foreach (var de in _randBuf.OrderBy(r => r.Key))      //sorting can mean nothing here, only takes extra time
                _fsData.Position = de.Key;
                _fsData.Write(de.Value, 0, de.Value.Length);

                if (de.Key + de.Value.Length > fsLength)
                    fsLength = de.Key + de.Value.Length;

                if (_backupIsActive)
                    this._configuration.Backup.WriteBackupElement(ulFileName, 0, de.Key, de.Value);

            //No flush of data file, it will be done on Flush()

            usedBufferSize = 0;