Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Binds parameters after an external function or method invocation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="moduleName">Name of the calling module - variables are kept separate for every module</param>
		/// <param name="args">The parameter array as passed to <see cref="InvokeFunction"/> or <see cref="InvokeMethod"/>.</param>
		/// <param name="refInfo">The <c>refInfo</c> array as passed to <see cref="InvokeFunction"/> or <see cref="InvokeMethod"/>.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="extMan">The <c>ExtManager</c> through which the function/method was invoked.</param>
		/// <param name="paramsToBind">Cannot be null. Result of <see cref="PrepareParametersForBinding"/> called prior to the function/method invocation itself.</param>
		public static void BindParameters(string moduleName, object[] args, int[] refInfo, IExternals extMan, PhpReference[]/*!*/paramsToBind)
            Debug.Assert(paramsToBind != null);

		    PhpReference reference;
            Dictionary<PhpReference, IExternalVariable> moduleVars = null;
			bool checkUnbind = (boundVariables != null && boundVariables.TryGetValue(moduleName, out moduleVars));

			for (int i = 0; i < paramsToBind.Length; ++i)
				if ((reference = paramsToBind[i]) != null)
					// release the old binding of this variable (if it exists)
					IExternalVariable ext_var;
					if (checkUnbind)
						Debug.Assert(moduleVars != null);
						if (moduleVars.TryGetValue(reference, out ext_var)) ext_var.Unbind();
						// construct everything as needed
						if (moduleVars == null)
							if (boundVariables == null)
								boundVariables = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<PhpReference, IExternalVariable>>();
							moduleVars = new Dictionary<PhpReference, IExternalVariable>();
							boundVariables.Add(moduleName, moduleVars);

					// bind
                    ext_var = (extMan != null) ? extMan.BindParameter(i) : null;
					if (ext_var != null) moduleVars[reference] = ext_var;

					// update the variable if it was passed byref
					if (refInfo != null)
						int index, j = 0;
						while (j < refInfo.Length && (index = refInfo[j]) <= i)
							if (index == i || index == -1)
								reference.Value = args[i];
Example #2
            public CollocatedExternalFunction(IExternalFunction/*!*/externalFunction, IExternals extManager)
                Debug.Assert(externalFunction != null);

                this.externalFunction = externalFunction;
                this.extManager = extManager;