Example #1
    internal void BuildRootTo(RootBluePrint rootPrefab, Vector3 destination)
        if (PlayerStats.money < rootPrefab.price)
            Debug.Log("Not enough money ! You have " + PlayerStats.money + "$ and the root costs " + rootPrefab.price + "$");
            Debug.Log("You have enough money ! You have " + PlayerStats.money + "$ and the root costs " + rootPrefab.price + "$");
            PlayerStats.money -= rootPrefab.price;
            Debug.Log("Now you have " + PlayerStats.money + "$");

        if (extendable is SpotBluerint)
            //GameObject[] spots = ((SpotBluerint)extendable).parent.getSpots();
            //foreach (GameObject spot in spots) spot.SetActive(false);

        Vector3 origin = extendable.GetGameObject().transform.position;

        if (!isWithinRange(origin, destination))
            Debug.Log("You can build too far !");

        float x = destination.x - origin.x;
        float z = destination.z - origin.z;

        Vector3 offset = new Vector3(x, 0, z);

        Vector3 position = offset / 2.0f;

        position.x += origin.x;
        position.z += origin.z;

        // Génère une taille en fonction de clique de la souris et l'origine
        float dist = Vector3.Distance(destination, origin) / 2f;

        Vector3 scale = new Vector3(10f, dist, 10f);

        rootPrefab.gameObject.transform.localScale = scale;

        // Crée un angle à partir d'un offset
        float angle = Vector3.Angle(offset, transform.forward);

        // Corrige l'angle si jamais destination.x < origin.x car Vector3.Angle(from, to) ne retourne qu'un angle sur 180°, il faut donc l'inverser quand on est dans les négatifs
        if (destination.x < origin.x)
            angle = -angle;

        // Fait un angle de 90 degés pour que a racine soit bien orientée
        Quaternion spawnRotation = Quaternion.Euler(90, angle, 0);

        // Instancie une racine
        GameObject root = Instantiate(rootPrefab.gameObject, position, spawnRotation);