Example #1
        public Dictionary<string, string> Generate(List<NameNode> idNameNodes, IEnumerable<string> excludedNames)

            int varCount = idNameNodes.Count;
            string[] newNames = new string[varCount];
            var newSubstitution = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < varCount; i++)
                string newName;
                    newName = Generator.Next();
                while (excludedNames.Contains(newName) || NamesGenerator.CSharpKeywords.Contains(newName));
                newNames[i] = newName;

            int ind = 0;
            foreach (NameNode v in idNameNodes)
                if (!newSubstitution.ContainsKey(v.Name))
                    newSubstitution.Add(v.Name, newNames[ind++]);

            return newSubstitution;
Example #2
        public static GameObject[] ResolveTargets(GameObject source, IEnumerable<string> TargetIds, GameObjectCollection parent, GameConsole console, bool DeepProcess)
            // If it passed, find all targets and activate them
            List<GameObject> foundTargets = new List<GameObject>(5);

            foreach (var item in parent)
                if (item.Value != source && TargetIds.Contains(item.Value.GetSetting("id")))

            // Process all known collections
            if (DeepProcess)
                for (int i = 0; i < console.LayeredTextSurface.LayerCount; i++)
                    var objects = console.GetObjectCollection(i);
                    if (objects != parent)
                        foreach (var item in objects)
                            if (item.Value != source && TargetIds.Contains(item.Value.GetSetting("id")))

            return foundTargets.ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares 2 userprofile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userProfile"></param>
        /// <param name="compUserProfile"></param>
        /// <param name="objectsToCompare"> optional (if not given, all objects will be taken into account)</param>
        /// <param name="networks"> optional (if not given, all networks will be added to the resulting usercomparison)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static UserComparison CompareUserProfiles(ProfileData userProfile, ProfileData compUserProfile, IEnumerable<ProfileDataObjects> objectsToCompare = null, IEnumerable<Network> networks = null)
            UserComparison userComparison = new UserComparison();
            if (userProfile == null)
                userProfile = new ProfileData();
            if (compUserProfile == null)
                compUserProfile = new ProfileData();
            if(objectsToCompare == null)
                objectsToCompare = ProfileData.GetAllProfileDataObjects();
            if (networks == null)
                networks = Network.GetAllNetworks();

            userComparison.Networks = networks.ToList();

            if (objectsToCompare.Contains(ProfileDataObjects.EDUCATION))
                CompareEducation(ref userComparison, userProfile, compUserProfile);
                CompareWork(ref userComparison, userProfile, compUserProfile);
            if (objectsToCompare.Contains(ProfileDataObjects.TEAM))
                CompareInterests(ref userComparison, userProfile, compUserProfile, InterestType.TEAM);
            if (objectsToCompare.Contains(ProfileDataObjects.ATHLETE))
                CompareInterests(ref userComparison, userProfile, compUserProfile, InterestType.ATHLETE);

            return userComparison;
Example #4
		private static void AssertGetSensorsResult(IEnumerable<string> sensors)
			Assert.AreEqual(2, sensors.Count());
			Assert.IsTrue(sensors.Contains("Temperature Sensor"));
			Assert.IsTrue(sensors.Contains("Velocity Sensor"));
        public IPagedList<User> GetServiceProvidersPage(int page, int itemsPerPage, IEnumerable<int> locations, IEnumerable<Guid> tags, string searchString)
            IQueryable<User> users = _serviceHubEntities.Users
                    .Where(o => o.IsPublic);

            if (locations.Count() > 0)
                locations = _serviceHubEntities.GetLocationsHierarchy(string.Join(",", locations)).Select(o => o.Id);

            if (locations.Count() > 0 && tags.Count() > 0)
                users = users.Where(o => o.Locations.Any(i => locations.Contains(i.Id)) || o.Tags.Any(i => tags.Contains(i.Id)));
            else if (locations.Count() > 0)
                users = users.Where(o => o.Locations.Any(i => locations.Contains(i.Id)));
            else if (tags.Count() > 0)
                users = users.Where(o => o.Tags.Any(i => tags.Contains(i.Id)));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString))
                string searchStringUpperCase = searchString.ToUpper();
                users = users.Where(o => o.Name.ToUpper().Contains(searchStringUpperCase));

            return users
                .OrderByDescending(o => o.Ratings.Average(i => i.Score))
                .ToPagedList(page, itemsPerPage);
        public EdmDeltaModel(IEdmModel source, IEdmEntityType entityType, IEnumerable<string> propertyNames)
            _source = source;
            _entityType = new EdmEntityType(entityType.Namespace, entityType.Name);

            foreach (var property in entityType.StructuralProperties())
                if (propertyNames.Contains(property.Name))
                    _entityType.AddStructuralProperty(property.Name, property.Type, property.DefaultValueString, property.ConcurrencyMode);

            foreach (var property in entityType.NavigationProperties())
                if (propertyNames.Contains(property.Name))
                    var navInfo = new EdmNavigationPropertyInfo()
                        ContainsTarget = property.ContainsTarget,
                        DependentProperties = property.DependentProperties(),
                        PrincipalProperties = property.PrincipalProperties(),
                        Name = property.Name,
                        OnDelete = property.OnDelete,
                        Target = property.Partner != null 
                            ? property.Partner.DeclaringEntityType()
                            : property.Type.TypeKind() == EdmTypeKind.Collection
                            ? (property.Type.Definition as IEdmCollectionType).ElementType.Definition as IEdmEntityType
                            : property.Type.TypeKind() == EdmTypeKind.Entity
                            ? property.Type.Definition as IEdmEntityType
                            : null,
                        TargetMultiplicity = property.TargetMultiplicity(),
Example #7
        internal static IQueryable<Agreement> VisibleTo(this IQueryable<Agreement> agreements, IPrincipal principal, IEnumerable<int> ownedTenantIds)
            if (agreements == null) return null;
            if (principal == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("principal");
            if (ownedTenantIds == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ownedTenantIds");

            // when user is not an agreement admin, filter out private agreements
            // and protected agreements that the user does not own
            if (!principal.IsInAnyRole(RoleName.AgreementManagers))
                return agreements.Where(x => Public.Equals(x.VisibilityText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                    || (
                        Protected.Equals(x.VisibilityText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        x.Participants.Any(y => y.IsOwner && ownedTenantIds.Contains(y.EstablishmentId))

            // when user is an agreement admin, include all agreements they own
            return agreements.Where(x => Public.Equals(x.VisibilityText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                || (
                    x.Participants.Any(y => y.IsOwner && ownedTenantIds.Contains(y.EstablishmentId))
Example #8
 public void String(IEnumerable<string> source, IEqualityComparer<string> comparer, string value, bool expected)
     if (comparer == null)
         Assert.Equal(expected, source.Contains(value));
     Assert.Equal(expected, source.Contains(value, comparer));
        public void DeleteDataFor(IEnumerable<string> usersToDelete)
            var postsToDelete = _container.Posts.Where(x => usersToDelete.Contains(x.CreatedBy));

            var questionsToDelete = _container.Questions.Where(x => usersToDelete.Contains(x.CreatedBy));
 /// <summary>
 /// ขอข้อมูล User profile จากรหัส class room ที่ใช้งานล่าสุด
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="classRoomId">รหัส class room ที่จะทำการขอข้อมูล</param>
 public IEnumerable<UserProfile> GetUserProfilesByLastActivateOnClassRoomId(IEnumerable<string> classRoomIds)
     var qry = _mongoUtil.GetCollection<UserProfile>(TableName)
         .Find(it => !it.DeletedDate.HasValue && it.Subscriptions.Any(s => classRoomIds.Contains(s.ClassRoomId)))
         .Where(it => classRoomIds.Contains(it.Subscriptions.Where(s => !s.DeletedDate.HasValue && s.LastActiveDate.HasValue).OrderBy(s => s.LastActiveDate).LastOrDefault().ClassRoomId));
     return qry;
        protected void RemoveProperties(IEnumerable<string> paramNames, bool exclude)
            var propNamesMappingsToRemove = new List<string>(PropertyMappings.Count);
            propNamesMappingsToRemove.AddRange(from propMapping in this.PropertyMappings where (exclude && !paramNames.Contains(propMapping.Value.PropertyName)) || (!exclude && paramNames.Contains(propMapping.Value.PropertyName)) select propMapping.Key);

            foreach (var propName in propNamesMappingsToRemove)
Example #12
 public IEnumerable<DealerManpower> FindAllDealerManpowers(IEnumerable<int> dealerIds, string dse)
     IEnumerable<DealerManpower> manpowers;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dse))
         manpowers = manpowerRepo.Fetch().Where(x => dealerIds.Contains(x.DealerId) && (x.ObjectInfo.DeletedDate == null || x.Profile.DateOfLeaving != null)).ToList();
         manpowers = manpowerRepo.Fetch().Where(x => dealerIds.Contains(x.DealerId) && x.Type == dse && (x.ObjectInfo.DeletedDate == null || x.Profile.DateOfLeaving != null)).ToList();
     return manpowers;
Example #13
 public IEnumerable<Package> GetUnfinishedPackages(string userKey, IEnumerable<string> userPackageIds)
     if (userPackageIds == null || !userPackageIds.Any())
         return new Package[0];
     _packageAuthenticator.EnsureKeyCanAccessPackages(userPackageIds, userKey);
     IEnumerable<Package> existingPublishedPackages = _publishedPackageRepository.Collection.Where(pp => userPackageIds.Contains(pp.Id)).ToList()
         .Select(pp => new Package { Id = pp.Id, Version = pp.Version});
     return _packageRepository.Collection.Where(p => userPackageIds.Contains(p.Id))
         .Except(existingPublishedPackages, (x, y) => x.Id == y.Id && x.Version == y.Version);
Example #14
        public async Task<bool> AllRequiredTagsArePresent(IEnumerable<int> tagsIds)
            var exactlyOneSeasonTagIsPresent = await this.tags
                .CountAsync(t => t.Type == TagType.Season && tagsIds.Contains(t.Id)) == 1;

            var languageOrTechnologyTagIsPresent = await this.tags
                .AnyAsync(t => (t.Type == TagType.Technology || t.Type == TagType.Language) && tagsIds.Contains(t.Id));

            return exactlyOneSeasonTagIsPresent && languageOrTechnologyTagIsPresent;
Example #15
        public IEnumerable<Profile> FindProfilesByManPowerLevel(IEnumerable<int> dseIds, string value)
            List<Profile> profiles;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                profiles = profileRepo.Fetch().Where(x => dseIds.Contains(x.DealerManpower.Id) && x.ObjectInfo.DeletedDate == null).ToList();
                profiles = profileRepo.Fetch().Where(x => dseIds.Contains(x.DealerManpower.Id) && x.ObjectInfo.DeletedDate == null && x.TrainingLevel == value).ToList();

            return profiles;
 public ActionResult Search(string search, IEnumerable<int> selected, int? page = null)
     if (page.HasValue)
         const int pageSize = 6;
         var src =
             repo.GetAll().Where(o => (selected == null || !selected.Contains(o.Id)) && o.Name.Containz(search));
         var rows = this.RenderView(@"Awesome\LookupList", src.Skip((page.Value - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize));
         return Json(new { rows, more = src.Count() > page * pageSize });
     return View(@"Awesome\LookupList", repo.GetAll().Where(o => (selected == null || !selected.Contains(o.Id)) && o.Name.Containz(search)));
Example #17
 protected void PrintBumps(IEnumerable<Bumped> _bumps)
     if (_bumps.Contains(Bumped.Left))
     if (_bumps.Contains(Bumped.Right))
     if (_bumps.Contains(Bumped.Top))
     if (_bumps.Contains(Bumped.Bottom))
        public CommandLineArguments(IEnumerable<string> args)
            Verbose = args.Contains("--verbose");
            TerminateOnDisconnect = args.Contains("--terminateOnDisconnect");

            if (args.Contains("--port")) {
                // TODO: Cleanup?
                var arglist = (IList<string>) args;
                var indexOfPortParam = arglist.IndexOf("--port") + 1;
                Port = int.Parse(arglist[indexOfPortParam]);
            } else
                Port = DefaultPort;
		public static List<EditorCrossSceneReference> GetCrossSceneReferencesForScenes( IEnumerable<Scene> scenes )
			// Start by logging out the cross-scene references out
			var crossSubSceneRefs = ComputeAllCrossSceneReferences();

			// Remove all of the cross-scene references that do not pertain to our input SubScenes list
			crossSubSceneRefs.RemoveAll( x => { return
				!scenes.Contains( x.fromScene ) &&
				!scenes.Contains( x.toScene );
			} );

			return crossSubSceneRefs;
Example #20
        private static BindableCollection<ButtonModel> ConvertToButtons(IEnumerable<Answer> possibleAnswers)
                return possibleAnswers.Contains(Answer.Cancel)
                           ? new BindableCollection<ButtonModel>{new ButtonModel("Yes"), new ButtonModel("No"), new ButtonModel("Cancel")}
                           : new BindableCollection<ButtonModel> {new ButtonModel("Yes"), new ButtonModel("No")};

            return possibleAnswers.Contains(Answer.Cancel)
                       ? new BindableCollection<ButtonModel> {new ButtonModel("Ok"), new ButtonModel("Cancel")}
                       : new BindableCollection<ButtonModel> {new ButtonModel("Ok")};
 public byte[] ExtractDefaultTranslation(string sitePath, IEnumerable<string> extensionNames)
     if (extensionNames == null || extensionNames.Count() == 0) {
         return ExtractDefaultTranslation(sitePath);
     var site = Path.Get(sitePath);
     var zipFiles = new Dictionary<Path, StringBuilder>();
     // Extract resources for module manifests
     site.Files("module.txt", true)
         .Where(p => extensionNames.Contains(p.Parent().FileName))
         .Read((content, path) => {
             var moduleName = path.Parent().FileName;
             var poPath = GetModuleLocalizationPath(site, moduleName);
             ExtractPoFromManifest(zipFiles, poPath, content, path, site);
     // Extract resources for theme manifests
     site.Files("theme.txt", true)
         .Where(p => extensionNames.Contains(p.Parent().FileName))
         .Read((content, path) => {
             var themeName = path.Parent().FileName;
             var poPath = GetThemeLocalizationPath(site, themeName);
             ExtractPoFromManifest(zipFiles, poPath, content, path, site);
     // Extract resources from views and cs files
     site.Files("*", true)
         .WhereExtensionIs(".cshtml", ".aspx", ".ascx", ".cs")
         .Where(p => {
                    var tokens = p.MakeRelativeTo(site).Tokens;
                    return new[] {"themes", "modules"}.Contains(tokens[0]) &&
             (path, match, contents) => {
                 var str = match.Groups[1].ToString();
                 DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, null, null, site, path, site, contents, str);
             (path, match, contents) => {
                 var str = match.Groups[1].ToString();
                 DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, null, null, site, path, site, contents, str);
                 str = match.Groups[6].ToString();
                 DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, null, null, site, path, site, contents, str);
     return ZipExtensions.Zip(
         new Path(zipFiles.Keys.Select(p => p.MakeRelativeTo(site))),
         p => Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(zipFiles[site.Combine(p)].ToString()));
Example #22
        public static string GetDays(IEnumerable<string> days)
            string result = days.FirstOrDefault();
             if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
            if(days.Contains("Выходные")) result = "Выходные";
             else if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday && DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday)
            if (days.Contains("Рабочие")) result = "Рабочие";

             return result;
Example #23
        public static string CopyName(string name, IEnumerable<string> names)
            if (!names.Contains(name))
                return name;
            int index = 1;
            while (true)

                var newName = string.Format(CopyFormat, name, index);
                if (!names.Contains(newName))
                    return newName;
 public byte[] PackageTranslations(string cultureCode, string sitePath, IEnumerable<string> extensionNames) {
     var site = Path.Get(sitePath);
     var translationFiles = site
         .Files("orchard.*.po", true)
         .Where(p =>
                extensionNames != null &&
                (p.Parent().FileName.Equals(cultureCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                 (extensionNames.Contains(p.MakeRelativeTo(site.Combine("Modules")).Tokens[0], StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                  extensionNames.Contains(p.MakeRelativeTo(site.Combine("Themes")).Tokens[0], StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))))
     return ZipExtensions.Zip(
         p => site.Combine(p).ReadBytes());
Example #25
 public static string CopyFileName(string name, IEnumerable<string> names)
     if (!names.Contains(name))
         return name;
     int index = 1;
     while (true)
         var shortName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name);
         var ext = Path.GetExtension(name);
         var newName = string.Format(CopyFormat, shortName, index) + ext;
         if (!names.Contains(newName))
             return newName;
Example #26
        public void DropColumns(string tableName, IEnumerable<string> columns)
            using (var transaction = _sqLiteMigrationHelper.BeginTransaction())
                var originalColumns = _sqLiteMigrationHelper.GetColumns(tableName);
                var originalIndexes = _sqLiteMigrationHelper.GetIndexes(tableName);

                var newColumns = originalColumns.Where(c => !columns.Contains(c.Key)).Select(c => c.Value).ToList();
                var newIndexes = originalIndexes.Where(c => !columns.Contains(c.Column));

                CreateTable(tableName, newColumns, newIndexes);

Example #27
        public static void SetLayer(this Transform transform, int layer, IEnumerable<int> excludeLayers = null)
            if (excludeLayers == null || !excludeLayers.Contains(transform.gameObject.layer))
                transform.gameObject.layer = layer;

            for (int i = 0; i < transform.GetChildCount(); ++i)
                Transform child = transform.GetChild(i);

                if (excludeLayers == null || !excludeLayers.Contains(child.gameObject.layer))
                    child.gameObject.layer = layer;

                SetLayer(child, layer, excludeLayers);
 public GetDepartamentosViewModel(IEnumerable<string> codigoEmpresas, IEnumerable<string> codigoDepartamentos)
     : this()
     AufenPortalReportesDataContext db = new AufenPortalReportesDataContext()
     if (codigoEmpresas != null && codigoEmpresas.Any(x => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(x)))
         Empresas = db.EMPRESAs.Where(x => codigoEmpresas.Contains(x.Codigo));
         Vw_Ubicaciones = db.vw_Ubicaciones.Where(x => codigoEmpresas.Contains(x.IdEmpresa));
     if (codigoDepartamentos != null && codigoDepartamentos.Any(x => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(x)))
         CodigoDepartamentos = codigoDepartamentos;
        private static string[] CreateStringArrayFromCard(Card card, IEnumerable<List> lists, IEnumerable<string> fieldsToInclude)
            var list = new List<string>();

            if (fieldsToInclude.Contains("Description"))
            if (fieldsToInclude.Contains("Due Date"))
            if (fieldsToInclude.Contains("List"))
                list.Add(lists.FirstOrDefault() != null ? lists.FirstOrDefault().Name : null);

            return list.ToArray();
        public IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetProperties(
            Type type,
            bool declaredOnly,
            IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> explicitlyMappedProperties = null,
            IEnumerable<Type> knownTypes = null,
            bool includePrivate = false)

            explicitlyMappedProperties = explicitlyMappedProperties ?? Enumerable.Empty<PropertyInfo>();
            knownTypes = knownTypes ?? Enumerable.Empty<Type>();

            ValidatePropertiesForModelVersion(type, explicitlyMappedProperties);

            var propertyInfos
                = from p in declaredOnly ? type.GetDeclaredProperties() : type.GetNonHiddenProperties()
                  where !p.IsStatic() && p.IsValidStructuralProperty()
                  let m = p.Getter()
                  where (includePrivate || (m.IsPublic || explicitlyMappedProperties.Contains(p) || knownTypes.Contains(p.PropertyType)))
                        && (!declaredOnly || type.BaseType().GetInstanceProperties().All(bp => bp.Name != p.Name))
                        && (EdmV3FeaturesSupported || (!IsEnumType(p.PropertyType) && !IsSpatialType(p.PropertyType)))
                        && (Ef6FeaturesSupported || !p.PropertyType.IsNested)
                  select p;

            return propertyInfos;
Example #31
        private static bool HasSolutionFolderProject(SolutionFile solutionFile, string solutionFolderName, IEnumerable <Guid> solutionFolderGUIDs, out SolutionFileProjectReference solutionFolderProject)
            solutionFolderProject = solutionFile.SolutionFileProjectReferences.Where(x => solutionFolderGUIDs.Contains(x.ProjectGUID) && x.ProjectName == solutionFolderName).SingleOrDefault();

            var solutionFolderExists = solutionFolderProject != default;

Example #32
        private static void Prefix(IDifficultyBeatmap difficultyBeatmap, ref OverrideEnvironmentSettings overrideEnvironmentSettings)
            if (difficultyBeatmap.beatmapData is CustomBeatmapData customBeatmapData)
                IEnumerable <string> requirements = ((List <object>)Trees.at(customBeatmapData.beatmapCustomData, "_requirements"))?.Cast <string>();
                IEnumerable <string> suggestions  = ((List <object>)Trees.at(customBeatmapData.beatmapCustomData, "_suggestions"))?.Cast <string>();
                bool chromaRequirement            = (requirements?.Contains(Chroma.Plugin.REQUIREMENTNAME) ?? false) || (suggestions?.Contains(Chroma.Plugin.REQUIREMENTNAME) ?? false);

                // please let me remove this shit
                bool legacyOverride = difficultyBeatmap.beatmapData.beatmapEventsData.Any(n => n.value >= LegacyLightHelper.RGB_INT_OFFSET);
                if (legacyOverride)
                    ChromaLogger.Log("Legacy Chroma Detected...", IPA.Logging.Logger.Level.Warning);
                    ChromaLogger.Log("Please do not use Legacy Chroma for new maps as it is deprecated and its functionality in future versions of Chroma cannot be guaranteed", IPA.Logging.Logger.Level.Warning);

                ChromaController.ToggleChromaPatches((chromaRequirement || legacyOverride) && ChromaConfig.Instance.CustomColorEventsEnabled);
                ChromaController.DoColorizerSabers = chromaRequirement && ChromaConfig.Instance.CustomColorEventsEnabled;

                if (chromaRequirement && ChromaConfig.Instance.EnvironmentEnhancementsEnabled && Trees.at(customBeatmapData.beatmapCustomData, "_environmentRemoval") != null)
                    overrideEnvironmentSettings = null;
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a parameter from object by mapping the property from the target entity type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command object to be used.</param>
        /// <param name="param">The object to be used when creating the parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="propertiesToSkip">The list of the properties to be skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="dbSetting">The database setting that is currently in used.</param>
        internal static void CreateParameters(this IDbCommand command,
                                              object param,
                                              IEnumerable <string> propertiesToSkip,
                                              IDbSetting dbSetting)
            // Check for presence
            if (param == null)

            // Supporting the IDictionary<string, object>
            if (param is ExpandoObject || param is IDictionary <string, object> )
                CreateParameters(command, (IDictionary <string, object>)param, propertiesToSkip, dbSetting);

            // Supporting the QueryField
            else if (param is QueryField)
                CreateParameters(command, (QueryField)param, propertiesToSkip, dbSetting);

            // Supporting the IEnumerable<QueryField>
            else if (param is IEnumerable <QueryField> )
                CreateParameters(command, (IEnumerable <QueryField>)param, propertiesToSkip, dbSetting);

            // Supporting the QueryGroup
            else if (param is QueryGroup)
                CreateParameters(command, (QueryGroup)param, propertiesToSkip, dbSetting);

            // Otherwise, iterate the properties
                var type = param.GetType();

                // Check the validity of the type
                if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == m_dictionaryType)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid parameters passed. The supported type of dictionary object must be typeof(IDictionary<string, object>).");

                // Variables for properties
                var properties = (IEnumerable <ClassProperty>)null;

                // Add this check for performance
                if (propertiesToSkip == null)
                    properties = PropertyCache.Get(type, dbSetting);
                    properties = PropertyCache.Get(type, dbSetting)
                                 .Where(p => propertiesToSkip?.Contains(p.PropertyInfo.Name,
                                                                        StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == false);

                // Iterate the properties
                foreach (var property in properties)
                    // Get the property vaues
                    var name  = property.GetUnquotedMappedName();
                    var value = property.PropertyInfo.GetValue(param);

                    // Get property db type
                    var dbType = property.GetDbType();

                    // Ensure mapping based on the value type
                    if (dbType == null)
                        dbType = TypeMapper.Get(value?.GetType().GetUnderlyingType());

                    // Check for specialized
                    if (dbType == null)
                        var propertyType = property.PropertyInfo.PropertyType.GetUnderlyingType();
                        if (propertyType?.IsEnum == true)
                            dbType = DbType.String;
                        else if (propertyType == m_bytesType)
                            dbType = DbType.Binary;

                    // Add the new parameter
                    command.Parameters.Add(command.CreateParameter(name, value, dbType, dbSetting));
Example #34
 public static bool IsAnyOf(this Guid @this, IEnumerable <Guid> items)
 => items?.Contains(@this) ?? false;
Example #35
 public static bool ContainsIgnoreCase(this IEnumerable <string> items, string subString)
     return(items?.Contains(subString, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true);
 public async Task <ILookup <int, ChainOfTitleSearch> > GetChainOfTitleSearchesByChainOfTitleIdAsync(IEnumerable <int> keys)
     return((await _context.ChainOfTitleSearch.Where(entity => keys.Contains(entity.ChainOfTitleId)).ToListAsync()).ToLookup(entity => entity.ChainOfTitleId));
Example #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Should return exchange rates among the specified currencies that are defined by the source. But only those defined
 /// by the source, do not return calculated exchange rates. E.g. if the source contains "CZK/USD" but not "USD/CZK",
 /// do not return exchange rate "USD/CZK" with value calculated as 1 / "CZK/USD". If the source does not provide
 /// some of the currencies, ignore them.
 /// </summary>
 public IEnumerable <ExchangeRate> GetExchangeRates(IEnumerable <Currency> currencies)
            .Where(rate => currencies?.Contains(rate.TargetCurrency) == true)
            .ToArray() ?? new ExchangeRate[0]);
Example #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the command parameters from the list of <see cref="QueryField"/> objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command object to be used.</param>
        /// <param name="queryFields">The list of <see cref="QueryField"/> objects.</param>
        /// <param name="propertiesToSkip">The list of the properties to be skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="resetOthers">True to reset the other parameter object. This will ignore the skipped properties.</param>
        /// <param name="dbSetting">The database setting that is currently in used.</param>
        internal static void SetParameters(this IDbCommand command,
                                           IEnumerable <QueryField> queryFields,
                                           IEnumerable <string> propertiesToSkip,
                                           bool resetOthers,
                                           IDbSetting dbSetting)
            // Variables needed
            var dbType   = (DbType?)null;
            var others   = (IList <DbParameter>)null;
            var filtered = queryFields
                           .Where(qf => propertiesToSkip?.Contains(qf.Field.UnquotedName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != true);

            // Iterate the parameter instead
            foreach (var parameter in command.Parameters.OfType <DbParameter>())
                var queryField = filtered.FirstOrDefault(qf => string.Equals(qf.Field.UnquotedName, parameter.ParameterName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                // Skip and add to missing if null
                if (queryField == null)
                    // Add to missing properties if allowed to
                    if (resetOthers == true)
                        if (others == null)
                            others = new List <DbParameter>();

                    // Continue to next

                // Get the value
                var value = queryField.Parameter.Value;

                // Get the DB Type
                dbType = TypeMapper.Get(value?.GetType()?.GetUnderlyingType());

                // Set the parameter
                parameter.Value = value;
                if (dbType != null)
                    parameter.DbType = dbType.Value;

            // If there is any (then set to null)
            if (resetOthers == true && others?.Any() == true)
                foreach (var parameter in others)
                    parameter.Value = DBNull.Value;
Example #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the command parameters from the <see cref="IDictionary{TKey, TValue}"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command object to be used.</param>
        /// <param name="dictionary">The parameters from the <see cref="Dictionary{TKey, TValue}"/> object.</param>
        /// <param name="propertiesToSkip">The list of the properties to be skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="resetOthers">True to reset the other parameter object. This will ignore the skipped properties.</param>
        /// <param name="dbSetting">The database setting that is currently in used.</param>
        internal static void SetParameters(this IDbCommand command,
                                           IDictionary <string, object> dictionary,
                                           IEnumerable <string> propertiesToSkip,
                                           bool resetOthers,
                                           IDbSetting dbSetting)
            // Variables needed
            var dbType  = (DbType?)null;
            var others  = (IList <DbParameter>)null;
            var fitered = dictionary
                          .Where(kvp => propertiesToSkip?.Contains(kvp.Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != true);

            // Iterate the parameter instead
            foreach (var parameter in command.Parameters.OfType <DbParameter>())
                var kvp = fitered.FirstOrDefault(item => string.Equals(item.Key, parameter.ParameterName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                // Skip and add to missing if null
                if (ReferenceEquals(null, kvp))
                    // Add to missing properties if allowed to
                    if (resetOthers == true)
                        if (others == null)
                            others = new List <DbParameter>();

                    // Continue to next

                // Get the value
                var value = kvp.Value;

                // Cast the proper object and identify the properties
                if (kvp.Value is CommandParameter)
                    var commandParameter = (CommandParameter)kvp.Value;
                    var property         = commandParameter.MappedToType.GetProperty(kvp.Key);

                    // Get the value
                    value = commandParameter.Value;

                    // Get the DB Type
                    dbType = property?.GetCustomAttribute <TypeMapAttribute>()?.DbType ??
                    // Get the DB Type
                    dbType = TypeMapper.Get(kvp.Value?.GetType()?.GetUnderlyingType());

                // Set the parameter
                parameter.Value = value;
                if (dbType != null)
                    parameter.DbType = dbType.Value;

            // If there is any (then set to null)
            if (resetOthers == true && others?.Any() == true)
                foreach (var parameter in others)
                    parameter.Value = DBNull.Value;
Example #40
        public AlphaSelectUserPage(Action <string> aReciever, IEnumerable <string> ExistUsers = null)
            Reciever = aReciever;
            Title    = L["Select a user"];

            List = new ListView
                ItemTemplate = new DataTemplateEx(AlphaFactory.GetGitHubUserCellType())
                               .SetBindingList("ImageSourceUrl", "Text"),
            List.ItemTapped += (sender, e) =>
                var User = e.Item.GetValue <string>("Text");
                if (null != User)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Select User: {User}");
            List.ItemsSource = Domain.GetRecentUsers()
                               .Where(i => !(ExistUsers?.Contains(i) ?? false))
                               .Select(i => ListItem.Make(i));

            Search = new SearchBar
                Placeholder   = L["User's name etc."],
                SearchCommand = new Command
                    async() =>
                    List.IsVisible      = false;
                    Indicator.IsVisible = true;
                    Indicator.IsRunning = true;
                    List.ItemsSource    = new object[] { };

                        var Json = await Domain.GetStringFromUrlAsync
                            () =>
                                List.ItemsSource = GitHub.SearchResult <GitHub.SearchUser> .Parse(Json)
                                                   .Select(i => ListItem.Make(i));
                            catch (Exception Err)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Search.Text))
                                    List.ItemsSource = new[] { Search.Text.Trim() }
                                    .Select(i => ListItem.Make(i));
                            Indicator.IsRunning = false;
                            Indicator.IsVisible = false;
                            List.IsVisible      = true;
                    catch (Exception Err)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Search.Text))
                            List.ItemsSource = new[] { Search.Text.Trim() }
                            .Select(i => ListItem.Make(i));
                        Indicator.IsRunning = false;
                        Indicator.IsVisible = false;
                        List.IsVisible      = true;

            Indicator = new ActivityIndicator
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                IsVisible         = false,

            Content = new StackLayout
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                //Spacing = 1.0,
                //BackgroundColor = Color.Gray,
                Children =
Example #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the command parameters from the <see cref="IDictionary{TKey, TValue}"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command object to be used.</param>
        /// <param name="dictionary">The parameters from the <see cref="Dictionary{TKey, TValue}"/> object.</param>
        /// <param name="propertiesToSkip">The list of the properties to be skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="dbSetting">The database setting that is currently in used.</param>
        internal static void CreateParameters(this IDbCommand command,
                                              IDictionary <string, object> dictionary,
                                              IEnumerable <string> propertiesToSkip,
                                              IDbSetting dbSetting)
            // Variables needed
            var dbType = (DbType?)null;
            var kvps   = dictionary.Where(kvp => propertiesToSkip?.Contains(kvp.Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != true);

            // Iterate the key value pairs
            foreach (var kvp in kvps)
                var value     = kvp.Value;
                var valueType = (Type)null;

                // Cast the proper object and identify the properties
                if (kvp.Value is CommandParameter)
                    var commandParameter = (CommandParameter)kvp.Value;
                    var property         = commandParameter.MappedToType.GetProperty(kvp.Key);

                    // Get the value
                    value = commandParameter.Value;

                    // Get the DB Type
                    dbType = property?.GetCustomAttribute <TypeMapAttribute>()?.DbType;

                    // Get the property-level mapping
                    if (property != null)
                        dbType = TypeMapper.Get(property.PropertyType.GetUnderlyingType());

                    // Set the value type if the DB Type is not found
                    if (dbType == null)
                        valueType = value?.GetType()?.GetUnderlyingType();
                    valueType = kvp.Value?.GetType()?.GetUnderlyingType();

                // Check for the specialized types
                if (dbType == null)
                    if (valueType?.IsEnum == true)
                        dbType = DbType.String;
                    else if (valueType == m_bytesType)
                        dbType = DbType.Binary;

                // Add the parameter
                command.Parameters.Add(command.CreateParameter(kvp.Key, value, dbType, dbSetting));
Example #42
        public async Task <IEnumerable <PokemonData> > GetDuplicatePokemonToTransfer(
            bool keepPokemonsThatCanEvolve = false, bool prioritizeIVoverCp = false,
            IEnumerable <PokemonId> filter = null)
            var myPokemon = await GetPokemons();

            var pokemonList =
                    p => p.DeployedFortId == string.Empty &&
                    p.Favorite == 0 && (p.Cp < GetPokemonTransferFilter(p.PokemonId).KeepMinCp ||
                                        PokemonInfo.CalculatePokemonPerfection(p) <

            if (filter != null)
                pokemonList = pokemonList.Where(p => !filter.Contains(p.PokemonId)).ToList();
            if (keepPokemonsThatCanEvolve)
                var results = new List <PokemonData>();
                var pokemonsThatCanBeTransfered = pokemonList.GroupBy(p => p.PokemonId)
                                                  .Where(x => x.Count() > GetPokemonTransferFilter(x.Key).KeepMinDuplicatePokemon).ToList();

                var myPokemonSettings = await GetPokemonSettings();

                var pokemonSettings = myPokemonSettings.ToList();

                var myPokemonFamilies = await GetPokemonFamilies();

                var pokemonFamilies = myPokemonFamilies.ToArray();

                foreach (var pokemon in pokemonsThatCanBeTransfered)
                    var settings     = pokemonSettings.Single(x => x.PokemonId == pokemon.Key);
                    var familyCandy  = pokemonFamilies.Single(x => settings.FamilyId == x.FamilyId);
                    var amountToSkip = GetPokemonTransferFilter(pokemon.Key).KeepMinDuplicatePokemon;

                    if (settings.CandyToEvolve > 0 && _logicSettings.PokemonsToEvolve.Contains(pokemon.Key))
                        var amountPossible = (familyCandy.Candy_ - 1) / (settings.CandyToEvolve - 1);

                        if (amountPossible > amountToSkip)
                            amountToSkip = amountPossible;

                    if (prioritizeIVoverCp)
                        results.AddRange(pokemonList.Where(x => x.PokemonId == pokemon.Key)
                                         .ThenBy(n => n.StaminaMax)
                        results.AddRange(pokemonList.Where(x => x.PokemonId == pokemon.Key)
                                         .OrderByDescending(x => x.Cp)
                                         .ThenBy(n => n.StaminaMax)

            if (prioritizeIVoverCp)
                       .GroupBy(p => p.PokemonId)
                       .Where(x => x.Any())
                           p =>
                           .ThenBy(n => n.StaminaMax)
                   .GroupBy(p => p.PokemonId)
                   .Where(x => x.Any())
                       p =>
                       p.OrderByDescending(x => x.Cp)
                       .ThenBy(n => n.StaminaMax)
Example #43
        public virtual bool IsFailed(HashSet <GuildWars2.ArenaNet.Model.V1.EventState> events)
            IEnumerable <Guid> eventIds = EventStates.Select(es => es.Event).Distinct();

            return(events.Where(es => eventIds.Contains(es.EventId) && es.StateEnum == EventStateType.Fail).Count() > 0);
Example #44
 /// <summary>
 ///  Detects if a value is in a given set.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type of item to check.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="value">the value to look for in the given enumeration.</param>
 /// <param name="items">The enumeration of values to compare to the given value.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the value given is in the enumeration of comparison items.</returns>
 public static bool In <T>(this T value, IEnumerable <T> items)
Example #45
 public override bool ContainsAny(IEnumerable <string> identifiers)
Example #46
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="dictionary"></param>
        /// <param name="propertiesToSkip"></param>
        /// <param name="dbFields"></param>
        private static void CreateParameters(IDbCommand command,
                                             IDictionary <string, object> dictionary,
                                             IEnumerable <string> propertiesToSkip,
                                             IEnumerable <DbField> dbFields = null)
            var kvps = dictionary.Where(kvp =>
                                        propertiesToSkip?.Contains(kvp.Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != true);

            // Iterate the key value pairs
            foreach (var kvp in kvps)
                var dbField       = GetDbField(kvp.Key, dbFields);
                var value         = kvp.Value;
                var classProperty = (ClassProperty)null;
                var valueType     = (Type)null;

                // CommandParameter
                if (kvp.Value is CommandParameter)
                    var commandParameter = (CommandParameter)kvp.Value;
                    classProperty = PropertyCache.Get(commandParameter.MappedToType, kvp.Key);
                    value         = commandParameter.Value;
                    valueType     = value?.GetType()?.GetUnderlyingType();
                    valueType = value?.GetType()?.GetUnderlyingType();

                // Variables
                var isEnum = valueType?.IsEnum;

                // Propertyhandler
                var propertyHandler = GetProperyHandler(classProperty, valueType);
                var definition      = InvokePropertyHandlerSetMethod(propertyHandler, value, classProperty);
                if (definition != null)
                    valueType = definition.ReturnType.GetUnderlyingType();
                    value     = definition.Value;

                // Automatic
                if (IsAutomaticConversion(dbField))
                    var dbFieldType = dbField.Type.GetUnderlyingType();
                    value     = AutomaticConvert(value, valueType, dbFieldType);
                    valueType = dbFieldType;

                // DbType
                var dbType = (valueType != null ? clientTypeToDbTypeResolver.Resolve(valueType) : null) ??
                             classProperty?.GetDbType() ??

                // Specialized enum
                if (dbType == null && isEnum.HasValue && isEnum.Value == true)
                    dbType = DbType.String;

                // Add the parameter
                command.Parameters.Add(command.CreateParameter(kvp.Key, value, dbType));
Example #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a command parameter from the <see cref="QueryField"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command object to be used.</param>
        /// <param name="queryField">The value of <see cref="QueryField"/> object.</param>
        /// <param name="propertiesToSkip">The list of the properties to be skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="entityType">The type of the data entity.</param>
        internal static void CreateParameters(this IDbCommand command,
                                              QueryField queryField,
                                              IEnumerable <string> propertiesToSkip,
                                              Type entityType)
            // Exclude those to be skipped
            if (propertiesToSkip?.Contains(queryField.Field.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)

            //// Validate, make sure to only have the proper operation
            //if (queryField.Operation != Operation.Equal)
            //    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Operation must only be '{nameof(Operation.Equal)}' when calling the 'Execute' methods.");

            // Get the values
            var value     = queryField.Parameter.Value;
            var valueType = value?.GetType()?.GetUnderlyingType();
            var dbType    = (DbType?)null;

            #region PropertyHandler

            // Check the property handler
            var typeHandler = PropertyHandlerCache.Get <object>(valueType);
            if (typeHandler != null)
                var classProperty = (ClassProperty)null;
                var setMethod     = typeHandler.GetType().GetMethod("Set");
                var returnType    = setMethod.ReturnType;
                if (entityType != null)
                    classProperty = PropertyCache.Get(entityType, queryField.Field);
                dbType = clientTypeToDbTypeResolver.Resolve(returnType);
                value  = setMethod.Invoke(typeHandler, new[] { value, classProperty });


            #region DbType

                dbType = TypeMapCache.Get(valueType);

                // Check for the specialized types
                if (dbType == null)
                    if (valueType?.IsEnum == true)
                        dbType = DbType.String;
                    else if (valueType == bytesType)
                        dbType = DbType.Binary;


            // Create the parameter
            command.Parameters.Add(command.CreateParameter(queryField.Parameter.Name, value, dbType));
 public bool IsActionAllowed(CRUDAction action) => allowedActions?.Contains(action) ?? true;
Example #49
        // Always get first available
        private Pieces PseudoRandom(IEnumerable <IOccurancy <Pieces> > occurancies, IEnumerable <Pieces> history)
            var available = (occurancies as IList <IOccurancy <Pieces> > ?? occurancies.ToList()).Where(x => !history.Contains(x.Value)).ToList();

            if (available.Any())
                Pieces piece = available[0].Value;
Example #50
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="queryField"></param>
        /// <param name="propertiesToSkip"></param>
        /// <param name="entityType"></param>
        /// <param name="dbFields"></param>
        private static void CreateParameters(this IDbCommand command,
                                             QueryField queryField,
                                             IEnumerable <string> propertiesToSkip,
                                             Type entityType,
                                             IEnumerable <DbField> dbFields = null)
            if (queryField == null)

            // Skip
            if (propertiesToSkip?.Contains(queryField.Field.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)

            // Variables
            var dbField   = GetDbField(queryField.Field.Name, dbFields);
            var value     = queryField.Parameter.Value;
            var valueType = value?.GetType()?.GetUnderlyingType();
            var isEnum    = valueType?.IsEnum;

            // PropertyHandler
            var classProperty   = PropertyCache.Get(entityType, queryField.Field);
            var propertyHandler = GetPropertyHandler(classProperty, valueType);
            var definition      = InvokePropertyHandlerSetMethod(propertyHandler, value, classProperty);

            if (definition != null)
                valueType = definition.ReturnType.GetUnderlyingType();
                value     = definition.Value;

            // Automatic
            if (IsAutomaticConversion(dbField))
                var underlyingType = dbField.Type.GetUnderlyingType();
                value     = AutomaticConvert(value, classProperty?.PropertyInfo?.PropertyType?.GetUnderlyingType(), underlyingType);
                valueType = underlyingType;

            // DbType
            var dbType = (valueType != null ? clientTypeToDbTypeResolver.Resolve(valueType) : null) ??
                         classProperty?.GetDbType() ??

            // Try get fallback dbType by classProperty to avoid being mistaken as string when value is null.
            if (dbType == null && classProperty != null)
                dbType = clientTypeToDbTypeResolver.Resolve(classProperty.PropertyInfo.PropertyType);

            // Specialized enum
            if (dbType == null && isEnum.HasValue && isEnum == true)
                dbType = Converter.EnumDefaultDatabaseType;

            // Add the parameter
            command.Parameters.Add(command.CreateParameter(queryField.Parameter.Name, value, dbType));
Example #51
 public static bool IsAnyOf(this Guid? @this, IEnumerable <Guid> items)
 => @this.HasValue && (items?.Contains(@this) == true);
Example #52
        public static bool HasPermission(this IProvideMetadata type, IEnumerable <string> claims)
            var permissions = type.GetMetadata <IEnumerable <string> >(PermissionsKey, new List <string>());

            return(permissions.All(x => claims?.Contains(x) ?? false));
Example #53
        public static void TestFindVariantCrossingIons()
            string            myFile   = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, @"TestData\VariantCrossTest.psmtsv");
            List <string>     warnings = new List <string>();
            List <PsmFromTsv> psms;

            psms = PsmTsvReader.ReadTsv(myFile, out warnings);  // test will fail if the order of psms is changed to something other than top to bottom row

            // check that variant psm properties are being parsed correctly
            Assert.AreEqual("", psms[0].IdentifiedSequenceVariations);
            Assert.AreEqual("A147T", psms[1].IdentifiedSequenceVariations);

            Assert.AreEqual("541-541", psms[0].SpliceSites);
            Assert.AreEqual("", psms[1].SpliceSites);

            // check that the correct ions are being added to VariantCrossingIons
            List <List <string> > expected = new List <List <string> >();

            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                                             // no variant (7527)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                                             // b fragments before and after variant (4211)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                                             // y fragments before and after variant (7759)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
                "b4", "b16"
            });                                                             // variant at 1st position (9221)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
                "y1", "y9"
            });                                                             // variant at last position (6778)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
                "b4", "y35"
            });                                                             // peptide comes from multiple proteins (8613)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
                "b1", "b10", "y1", "y6"
            });                                                             // variation spans the whole peptide (8765)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                                             // variant before peptide (8169)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                                             // variant after peptide (6532)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                                             // a fragments before and after variant (4212)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                                             // c fragments before and after variant (4213)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                                             // x fragments before and after variant (7760)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                                             // z fragments before and after variant (7761)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                     // M fragment with length almost the whole peptide and variant in the middle (7762)
            expected.Add(new List <string>()
            });                                     // D fragment with length almost the whole peptide and variant in the middle (7763)

            for (int i = 0; i < psms.Count; i++)
                IEnumerable <string> actualIons = psms[i].VariantCrossingIons.Select(p => p.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.Annotation);
                foreach (string expectedIon in expected[i])
                                  "VariantCrossingIons should contain ion " + expectedIon + " in file " + psms[i].FileNameWithoutExtension + ".");
                foreach (string actualIon in actualIons)
                                  "VariantCrossingIons should not contain ion " + actualIon + " in file " + psms[i].FileNameWithoutExtension + ".");
 internal static bool HasClusterConfigActionCapability(IEnumerable <string> capabilities)
     return(capabilities.Contains(ClusterConfigActionCapabilitityName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
 /// <summary>
 /// True if the list contains CLEAR.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool ContainsClearKeyword(IEnumerable <string> values)
     return(values?.Contains(Clear, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true);
Example #56
 public IEnumerable <ApiResource> FindApiResourcesByScope(IEnumerable <string> scopeNames) =>
 Collection.Where(c => scopeNames?.Contains(c.ApiId) == true);
Example #57
 public static bool ContainsIgnoreCase(this IEnumerable <string> list, string value)
 => list?.Contains(value, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ?? false;
Example #58
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="param"></param>
        /// <param name="propertiesToSkip"></param>
        /// <param name="dbFields"></param>
        private static void CreateParametersInternal(IDbCommand command,
                                                     object param,
                                                     IEnumerable <string> propertiesToSkip,
                                                     IEnumerable <DbField> dbFields = null)
            var type = param.GetType();

            // Check
            if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == StaticType.Dictionary)
                throw new InvalidParameterException("The supported type of dictionary object must be of type IDictionary<string, object>.");

            // Variables
            var classProperties = type.IsClassType() ? PropertyCache.Get(type) : type.GetClassProperties();

            // Skip
            if (propertiesToSkip != null)
                classProperties = classProperties?
                                  .Where(p => propertiesToSkip?.Contains(p.PropertyInfo.Name,
                                                                         StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == false);

            // Iterate
            foreach (var classProperty in classProperties)
                var name       = classProperty.GetMappedName();
                var dbField    = GetDbField(name, dbFields);
                var value      = classProperty.PropertyInfo.GetValue(param);
                var valueType  = value?.GetType();
                var isEnum     = valueType?.IsEnum;
                var returnType = (Type)null;

                // Propertyhandler
                var propertyHandler = GetProperyHandler(classProperty, valueType);
                var definition      = InvokePropertyHandlerSetMethod(propertyHandler, value, classProperty);
                if (definition != null)
                    returnType = definition.ReturnType.GetUnderlyingType();
                    value      = definition.Value;

                // Automatic
                if (IsAutomaticConversion(dbField))
                    var underlyingType = dbField.Type.GetUnderlyingType();
                    value      = AutomaticConvert(value, classProperty.PropertyInfo.PropertyType.GetUnderlyingType(), underlyingType);
                    returnType = underlyingType;

                // DbType
                var dbType = (returnType != null ? clientTypeToDbTypeResolver.Resolve(returnType) : null) ??
                             classProperty.GetDbType() ??

                // Specialized enum
                if (dbType == null && isEnum.HasValue && isEnum.Value == true)
                    dbType = DbType.String;

                // Add the parameter
                command.Parameters.Add(command.CreateParameter(name, value, dbType));
Example #59
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the <see cref="IDbCommand"/> object existing <see cref="IDbDataParameter"/> values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command object to be used.</param>
        /// <param name="param">The instance of where the parameter values will be set.</param>
        /// <param name="propertiesToSkip">The list of the properties to be skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="resetOthers">True to reset the other parameter object. This will ignore the skipped properties.</param>
        /// <param name="dbSetting">The database setting that is currently in used.</param>
        internal static void SetParameters(this IDbCommand command,
                                           object param,
                                           IEnumerable <string> propertiesToSkip,
                                           bool resetOthers,
                                           IDbSetting dbSetting)
            // Do nothing if there is no parameter
            if (command.Parameters.Count == 0)

            // Check for presence
            if (param == null)
                foreach (var parameter in command.Parameters.OfType <DbParameter>())
                    parameter.Value = DBNull.Value;

            // Supporting the IDictionary<string, object>
            else if (param is ExpandoObject || param is IDictionary <string, object> )
                SetParameters(command, (IDictionary <string, object>)param, propertiesToSkip, resetOthers, dbSetting);

            // Supporting the QueryField
            else if (param is QueryField)
                SetParameters(command, (QueryField)param, propertiesToSkip, resetOthers, dbSetting);

            // Supporting the IEnumerable<QueryField>
            else if (param is IEnumerable <QueryField> )
                SetParameters(command, (IEnumerable <QueryField>)param, propertiesToSkip, resetOthers, dbSetting);

            // Supporting the QueryGroup
            else if (param is QueryGroup)
                SetParameters(command, (QueryGroup)param, propertiesToSkip, resetOthers, dbSetting);

            // Otherwise, iterate the properties
                var type = param.GetType();

                // Check the validity of the type
                if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == m_dictionaryType)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid parameters passed. The supported type of dictionary object must be typeof(IDictionary<string, object>).");

                // variables for properties
                var properties = (IEnumerable <ClassProperty>)null;

                // Add this check for performance
                if (propertiesToSkip == null)
                    properties = PropertyCache.Get(type, dbSetting);
                    properties = PropertyCache.Get(type, dbSetting)
                                 .Where(p => propertiesToSkip?.Contains(p.PropertyInfo.Name,
                                                                        StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == false);

                // Ensure there are properties
                if (resetOthers == true && properties.Any() != true)
                    SetParameters(command, (object)null, propertiesToSkip, true, dbSetting);
                    var parameters        = command.Parameters.OfType <DbParameter>();
                    var missingParameters = (IList <DbParameter>)null;

                    // Iterate the parameter instead
                    foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                        var property = properties.FirstOrDefault(p => string.Equals(p.GetUnquotedMappedName(), parameter.ParameterName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                        // Skip if null
                        if (property == null)
                            // Add to missing properties if allowed to
                            if (resetOthers == true)
                                if (missingParameters == null)
                                    missingParameters = new List <DbParameter>();

                            // Continue to next

                        // Get the property values
                        var value  = property.PropertyInfo.GetValue(param);
                        var dbType = property.GetDbType() ??

                        // Ensure the type mapping
                        if (dbType == null)
                            if (value == null && property.PropertyInfo.PropertyType == m_bytesType)
                                dbType = DbType.Binary;

                        // Set the parameter
                        parameter.Value = value;
                        if (dbType != null)
                            parameter.DbType = dbType.Value;

                    // If there is any (then set to null)
                    if (resetOthers == true && missingParameters?.Any() == true)
                        foreach (var parameter in missingParameters)
                            parameter.Value = DBNull.Value;
Example #60
 public static bool NotIn <T>(this T value, IEnumerable <T> sequence)