public EngageAuthenticationController()
            throw new Exception("Once you have confirmed the base url value, this exception can then be removed.");
            //TODO: Confirm the base url from your Engage account configuration -
            const string baseUrl = "";

            throw new Exception("Once you have set your api key value, this exception can then be removed.");
            //TODO: Get the api key from your Engage account configuration -
            const string apiKey = "your_key_goes_here";

            //if you need to access the service via a web proxy set the proxy details here
            const IWebProxy webProxy = null;

            var settings = new EngageApiSettings(baseUrl, apiKey, webProxy);
            EngageService = new EngageService(settings);
 /// <summary>
 /// Pretty please use a Dependency Injection framework and 
 /// register the implementation of this interface so it can 
 /// be resolved for you automatically in the constructor.
 /// It is for your own good!
 /// </summary>
 public EngageAuthenticationController(IEngageService EngageService)
     this.EngageService = EngageService;