Example #1
        public string ImportItem(string eclOrTcmUri, string folderUri, string schemaUri)
            _folderUri = folderUri;
            _schemaUri = schemaUri;
            _username  = ServiceSecurityContext.Current.WindowsIdentity.Name;

            // create new tcm session for current user, so we can create an ecl session to get the ecl item and read its content
            using (Session tcmSession = new Session(_username))
                using (IEclSession eclSession = SessionFactory.CreateEclSession(tcmSession))
                    IEclUri eclUri = eclOrTcmUri.StartsWith("tcm:") ? eclSession.TryGetEclUriFromTcmUri(eclOrTcmUri) : eclSession.HostServices.CreateEclUri(eclOrTcmUri);
                    if (eclUri != null)
                        using (_eclContentLibraryContext = eclSession.GetContentLibrary(eclUri))
                            if (eclUri.ItemType == EclItemTypes.Folder)
                                // loop over all ECL items in this folder
                                IFolderContent items = _eclContentLibraryContext.GetFolderContent(eclUri, 0, EclItemTypes.File);
                                IList <string> ids   = items.ChildItems.Select(item => ImportSingleItem(item.Id)).ToList();
                                return(string.Join(",", ids.ToArray()));


            throw new FaultException(string.Format("{0} does not exist.", eclOrTcmUri));
 public void Dispose()
     if (_eclSession != null)
         _eclSession = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new <see cref="S3ListItem" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="provider">Associated <see cref="S3Provider"/></param>
        /// <param name="session">Current <see cref="T:Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary.V2.IEclSession"/></param>
        /// <param name="parentUri"><see cref="Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary.V2.IEclUri" /></param>
        /// <param name="eclObject"><see cref="Amazon.S3.Model.S3Object"/></param>
        /// <remarks>Creating a <see cref="S3ListItem" /> directly from an <see cref="T:S3ECLProvider.API.S3ItemData"/></remarks>
        public S3ListItem(S3Provider provider, IEclSession session, IEclUri parentUri, S3ItemData eclObject)
            Provider = provider;
            Session  = session;
            ParentId = parentUri;

            _itemData = eclObject;
            Id        = provider.GetUri(_itemData, parentUri);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new <see cref="S3ListItem" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="provider">Associated <see cref="S3Provider"/></param>
        /// <param name="session">Current <see cref="T:Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary.V2.IEclSession"/></param>
        /// <param name="uri"><see cref="Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary.V2.IEclUri" /></param>
        public S3ListItem(S3Provider provider, IEclSession session, IEclUri uri)
            Provider = provider;
            Session  = session;
            ParentId = provider.GetParentUri(uri);

            if (uri.ItemType == EclItemTypes.Folder)
                _itemData = provider.S3.GetFolder(uri.ItemId);
                _itemData = provider.S3.GetObject(uri.ItemId);

            Id = provider.GetUri(_itemData, uri);
 public override IContentLibraryContext CreateContext(IEclSession tridionUser)
     return(new FredhopperMountpoint());
        /// <summary>
        /// Distill all useful information of a hyperlink string, and put the found data in a ParsedLinkInfo structure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eclSession">The ECL Session provides access to the external items. </param>
        /// <param name="elementName">The name of the element being processed</param>
        /// <param name="hyperLinkText">The full tag to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="endStartTag">Within the hyperLinkText, where end-tag ends</param>
        /// <returns>A newly created ParsedLinkInfo object with all the found information filled out</returns>
        private ParsedLinkInfo ParseLinkInfo(IEclSession eclSession, string elementName, string hyperLinkText, int endStartTag)
            string elementStartTagOpen = "<" + elementName;
            ParsedLinkInfo linkInfo = new ParsedLinkInfo();

            // Determine hyperlink parts
            string startTag = hyperLinkText.Substring(0, endStartTag + 1);
            string startTagAttributes = hyperLinkText.Substring(elementStartTagOpen.Length, endStartTag - elementStartTagOpen.Length);

            linkInfo.LinkElementName = elementName;

            // Process attributes
            IDictionary<string, string> tridionAttributes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            linkInfo.RemainingAttributes = ParseTridionTagAttributes(startTagAttributes, tridionAttributes);

            // Determine target URI
            if (!tridionAttributes.ContainsKey(AttributeNameTridionHref))
                throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Could not find attribute {1} in tag {0}", startTag, "tridion:href"));
            string tridionHrefValue = tridionAttributes[AttributeNameTridionHref];
            string targetUriString = ProcessExpression(tridionHrefValue);

            // Check link URI and determine link-type
            if (targetUriString.StartsWith("ecl:"))
                // resolve into stub uri
                targetUriString = eclSession.GetOrCreateTcmUriFromEclUri(eclSession.HostServices.CreateEclUri(targetUriString));
            if (!TcmUri.IsValid(targetUriString))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not process href value '{0}' into uri", tridionHrefValue));
            linkInfo.TargetUri = new TcmUri(targetUriString);
            if (linkInfo.TargetUri.ItemType == ItemType.Page)
                linkInfo.LinkType = AttributeTridionTypePage;
            // Check for override of type in link itself
            if (tridionAttributes.ContainsKey(AttributeNameTridionType))
                linkInfo.LinkType = tridionAttributes[AttributeNameTridionType];

            // Check for anchor attribute
            if (tridionAttributes.ContainsKey(AttributeNameTridionAnchor))
                string anchorValue = ProcessExpression(tridionAttributes[AttributeNameTridionAnchor]);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(anchorValue))
                    linkInfo.Anchor = anchorValue;

            // Output attribute (only for multimedia)
            if (tridionAttributes.ContainsKey(AttributeNameTargetAttribute))
                linkInfo.TargetAttribute = tridionAttributes[AttributeNameTargetAttribute];

            if ((linkInfo.LinkType == AttributeTridionTypeComponent) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(linkInfo.Anchor))
                // for component links where nothing is specified specifically do not add an anchor
                linkInfo.Anchor = "false";

            if (tridionAttributes.ContainsKey(AttributeNameTridionVariantid))
                linkInfo.VariantId = tridionAttributes[AttributeNameTridionVariantid];

            return linkInfo;
Example #7
 internal FotoWareContext(IEclSession session)
     this._session = session;
Example #8
 public IContentLibraryContext CreateContext(IEclSession session)
     HostServices.LogMessage(LoggingSeverity.Debug, string.Format("Creating context for session user {0} ({1})", session.TridionUser.FullName, session.TridionUser.Id));
     return new FotoWareContext(session);
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="S3MountPoint"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="provider">Associated <see cref="S3Provider"/></param>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 public S3MountPoint(S3Provider provider, IEclSession session)
     _provider = provider;
     _session  = session;
Example #10
 public abstract IContentLibraryContext CreateContext(IEclSession tridionUser);
Example #11
 public IContentLibraryContext CreateContext(IEclSession tridionUser)
     return new Mountpoint();
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">The context Model Builder Pipeline.</param>
 internal ExternalContentLibrary(DataModelBuilderPipeline pipeline)
     _pipeline   = pipeline;
     _eclSession = SessionFactory.CreateEclSession(pipeline.Session);
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new <see cref="S3Folder" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="provider">Associated <see cref="S3Provider"/></param>
 /// <param name="session">Current <see cref="T:Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary.V2.IEclSession"/></param>
 /// <param name="parentUri">Parent <see cref="T:Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary.V2.IEclUri" /></param>
 /// <param name="eclObject"><see cref="T:S3ECLProvider.API.S3ItemData"/></param>
 /// <remarks>Creating a <see cref="S3Folder" /> directly from an <see cref="Amazon.S3.Model.S3Object"/></remarks>
 public S3Folder(S3Provider provider, IEclSession session, IEclUri parentUri, S3ItemData eclObject) : base(provider, session, parentUri, eclObject)
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new <see cref="S3Folder" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="provider">Associated <see cref="S3Provider"/></param>
 /// <param name="session">Current <see cref="T:Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary.V2.IEclSession"/></param>
 /// <param name="uri"><see cref="T:Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary.V2.IEclUri" /></param>
 public S3Folder(S3Provider provider, IEclSession session, IEclUri uri) : base(provider, session, uri)
Example #15
 public S3MountPoint(IEclSession session)
     _tridionUser = session.TridionUser;
     _session     = session;
Example #16
 public override IContentLibraryContext CreateContext(IEclSession tridionUser)
     return(new DemandWareMountpoint());
        protected virtual string GetECLUrl(string uri)
            Component c = (Component)engine.GetObject(uri);

            if (c == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Error loading item with uri {0}", uri));

            log.Debug(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + ": Instantiating a new ECL Session");
            using (IEclSession localSession = SessionFactory.CreateEclSession(engine.GetSession()))
                IEclUri eclUri = localSession.TryGetEclUriFromTcmUri(uri);
                if (eclUri != null) // this is an ECL item
                    log.Debug(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + ": Fetching IContentLibraryContext");
                    using (IContentLibraryContext context = localSession.GetContentLibrary(eclUri))
                            IContentLibraryMultimediaItem item = null;

                            // This is done this way to not have an exception thrown through GetItem, as stated
                            // in the API doc.
                            // The reason to do this, is because if there is an exception,
                            // the ServiceChannel is going into the aborted state...
                            log.Debug(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + ": Get Items");

                            // GetItems allows up to 20 (depending on config) connections.
                            // After that any new connection is aborted / not created.

                            var items = context.GetItems(new IEclUri[] { eclUri });

                            if (items != null && items.Count == 1)
                                item = (IContentLibraryMultimediaItem)items.First();
                                log.Debug(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + ": Item Fetched");

                            if (item == null)
                                log.Warning(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + ": Item with ECL URI: " + eclUri + " not found. This MM item is used in: " + c.Id);
                                throw new Exception(string.Format("ECL item not found (ecl uri = {0}, tcm uri = {1}", eclUri, c.Id));
                            string distributionUrl = item.GetDirectLinkToPublished(null);
                            string result          = distributionUrl.ToLower();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                                log.Debug(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + ": Returning: " + result);
                            log.Debug(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + ": Going out of the context using block statement.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the actual function of this template, by iterating over all tags with tridion:href attributes in them and see if they belong to an ECL item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eclSession">The ECL Session provides access to the external items. </param>
        /// <param name="text">The text to process</param>
        /// <returns>The processed text (also stored in the member field)</returns>
        private string ResolveEclLinks(IEclSession eclSession, string text)
            _text = text;
            string[] outputContainer = new[] { _text };
            foreach (Match matchingElement in TemplateUtilities.GetRegexMatches(outputContainer, TridionHrefExpression))
                Log.Debug("Processing ECL link text");
                outputContainer[0] = ProcessEclLink(eclSession, matchingElement);

            // Process CSS references
            _text = ReplaceCssReferencesInText(eclSession, _text);
            return _text;
 public IContentLibraryContext CreateContext(IEclSession session)
     return(new YouTubeMountPoint());
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the actual function of this template, by iterating over all tags with tridion:href attributes in them and see if they belong to an ECL item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eclSession">The ECL Session provides access to the external items. </param>
        /// <param name="document">The template document to process</param>
        private void ResolveEclLinks(IEclSession eclSession, XmlNode document)
            XmlNodeList foundLinkNodes = TemplateUtilities.SelectNodes(document, "//*[@tridion:href]");
            foreach (XmlNode foundLinkNode in foundLinkNodes)
                Log.Debug(string.Format("Found link node: {0}", foundLinkNode.Name));
                ParsedLinkInfo linkInfo = ParseLinkInfo(foundLinkNode);

                // check if link belongs to ECL item in package
                EclItemInPackage item;
                if (_eclItemsInPackage.TryGetValue(linkInfo.TargetUri, out item))
                    string linkReplacementString = RenderEclItem(linkInfo, item);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkReplacementString))
                        Log.Debug("Constructed link: " + linkReplacementString);
                        // replacing the link node with the constructed output text
                        ReplaceLinkNodeWithEclNode(foundLinkNode, linkReplacementString);

            // Process the content (can be text-nodes or comments) of style-elements, replacing ECL URI references with published paths
            XmlNodeList styleElements = TemplateUtilities.SelectNodes(document, "//style|//html:style");
            foreach (XmlNode styleElement in styleElements)
                string styleContent = styleElement.InnerXml;
                styleContent = ReplaceCssReferencesInText(eclSession, styleContent);
                styleElement.InnerXml = styleContent;
Example #21
 public IContentLibraryContext CreateContext(IEclSession tridionUser)
     return(new Mountpoint());
        /// <summary>
        /// if tag belongs to an ECL item, replace it with the result from IContentLibraryMultimediaItem.GetTemplateFragment(attributes)
        /// The changes are made directly on the _text class member variable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eclSession">The ECL Session provides access to the external items. </param>
        /// <param name="matchingTag">A matching start-tag (so not the full tag) which contains at least a tridion:href attribute</param>
        /// <returns>The altered overall text</returns>
        private string ProcessEclLink(IEclSession eclSession, Match matchingTag)
            Group foundMatch = matchingTag.Groups["tagwithlink"];
            string elementName = matchingTag.Groups["tagname"].ToString();

            int tagStartPosition;
            int tagLength;
            DetermineTagPositions(foundMatch, elementName, out tagStartPosition, out tagLength);

            // determine some more link positions
            string hyperLinkText = _text.Substring(tagStartPosition, tagLength);
            // ToDo: many text processing todo's here, but especially problematic is that no '>' is allowed in attribute values
            int endStartTag = hyperLinkText.IndexOf('>');
            if (endStartTag == -1)
                throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Tag '{0}' is not formatted correctly", hyperLinkText));

            // retrieve link information from the html tag fragment
            ParsedLinkInfo linkInfo = ParseLinkInfo(eclSession, elementName, hyperLinkText, endStartTag);

            // check if link belongs to ECL item in package
            EclItemInPackage item;
            if (_eclItemsInPackage.TryGetValue(linkInfo.TargetUri, out item))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkInfo.RemainingAttributes))
                    // cleanup the xmlns:tridion attribute, if present
                    linkInfo.RemainingAttributes = linkInfo.RemainingAttributes.Replace("xmlns:tridion=&quot;http://www.tridion.com/ContentManager/5.0&quot;", string.Empty).Replace("xmlns:tridion=\"http://www.tridion.com/ContentManager/5.0\"", string.Empty);

                string linkReplacementString = RenderEclItem(linkInfo, item);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkReplacementString))
                    Log.Debug("Constructed link text: " + linkReplacementString);
                    // alter the text output being processed, replacing the input link fragment by the constructed output text
                    _text = _text.Substring(0, tagStartPosition) + linkReplacementString + _text.Substring(tagStartPosition + tagLength);
            return _text;
 internal EclProcessor(Engine engine, Tridion.ContentManager.TcmUri binariesStructureGroupId)
     _engine = engine;
     _binariesStructureGroup = (binariesStructureGroupId == null) ? null : (StructureGroup)engine.GetObject(binariesStructureGroupId);
     _eclSession             = SessionFactory.CreateEclSession(engine.GetSession());
        /// <summary>
        /// Find all CSS URL references containing ECL URIs in an input text, and replace them with their string value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eclSession">The ECL Session provides access to the external items. </param>
        /// <param name="inputText">The text to process</param>
        /// <returns>The input, with CSS URL references containing ECL URIs replaced by their published paths (or error messages if they could not be resolved)</returns>
        private string ReplaceCssReferencesInText(IEclSession eclSession, string inputText)
            string[] outputContainer = new[] { inputText };
            foreach (Match matchingUrl in TemplateUtilities.GetRegexMatches(outputContainer, EclUriCssUrlExpression))
                Group eclUriGroup = matchingUrl.Groups["ecluri"];
                string eclUri = eclUriGroup.ToString(); // Regex ensures this has the right format
                Log.Debug("Processing CSS URL reference for " + eclUri);
                if (eclUri.StartsWith("ecl:"))
                    eclUri = eclSession.GetOrCreateTcmUriFromEclUri(eclSession.HostServices.CreateEclUri(eclUri));
                if (!TcmUri.IsValid(eclUri))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not process url value '{0}' into uri", eclUri));
                string targetUrl = eclUri;
                EclItemInPackage item;
                if (_eclItemsInPackage.TryGetValue(new TcmUri(eclUri), out item))
                    // resolve (possibly publish) ECL item
                    targetUrl = ResolveEclItem(item, new List<ITemplateAttribute>(), string.Empty, _targetStructureGroup);

                inputText = inputText.Substring(0, eclUriGroup.Index) + targetUrl + inputText.Substring(eclUriGroup.Index + eclUriGroup.Length);
                outputContainer[0] = inputText;
            return inputText;
Example #25
 public IContentLibraryContext CreateContext(IEclSession eclSession)
     return(new S3MountPoint(eclSession));
Example #26
        private void SetOrUpdateMetadata(Component subject, EventArgs args, EventPhases phase)
            // quick first test for ECL stub Component
            if (!subject.Title.StartsWith("ecl:") || subject.ComponentType != ComponentType.Multimedia)

            using (IEclSession eclSession = SessionFactory.CreateEclSession(subject.Session))
                // determine if subject is an ECL stub Component from the list of available mountpoints
                IEclUri eclUri = eclSession.TryGetEclUriFromTcmUri(subject.Id);
                if (eclUri != null && MountPointIds.Contains(eclUri.MountPointId))
                    // check if metadata field exists
                    ItemFields metadataFields = new ItemFields(subject.Metadata, subject.MetadataSchema);
                    if (metadataFields.Contains(_metadataXmlFieldName))
                        // only set value when update is true or metadata is not set
                        string metadata = ((SingleLineTextField)metadataFields[_metadataXmlFieldName]).Value;
                        if (_update || string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata))
                            using (IContentLibraryContext context = eclSession.GetContentLibrary(eclUri))
                                // load actual ECL item so you can access its properties and metadata
                                IContentLibraryMultimediaItem eclItem = (IContentLibraryMultimediaItem)context.GetItem(eclUri);
                                    // implement your custom code here to set the metadata value
                                    // currently this reads the configured ECL metadata field and sets its value in the stub metadata
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eclItem.MetadataXml))
                                        XNamespace ns          = GetNamespace(eclItem.MetadataXml);
                                        XDocument  eclMetadata = XDocument.Parse(eclItem.MetadataXml);

                                        XElement field = (from xml in eclMetadata.Descendants(ns + _metadataXmlFieldName) select xml).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (field != null)
                                            string value = field.Value;

                                            // only save value when metadata is empty or update is true and value differs
                                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata) || (_update && !metadata.Equals(value)))
                                                // update metadata
                                                if (_asynchronous)
                                                ((SingleLineTextField)metadataFields[_metadataXmlFieldName]).Value = value;
                                                subject.Metadata = metadataFields.ToXml();
                                                if (_asynchronous)

                                                Logger.Write(string.Format("added {0} to metadata of {1}", value, eclUri), "EclStubComponentEventHandlerExtension", LoggingCategory.General, TraceEventType.Information);
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    Logger.Write(e, "EclStubComponentEventHandlerExtension", LoggingCategory.General);