private void SmartPartClosingEventHandler(object sender, WorkspaceCancelEventArgs e) { // SCC has detected the user wants to close a control ... object o1 = e.SmartPart; if (o1 is IDialogView) { IDialogView OmsControl = o1 as DialogView; if (OmsControl.IsOKToClose()) { // backend has already confirmed it is OK to close, go on and close ... e.Cancel = false; } else { // do not close the control yet, backend has to confirm it is OK first e.Cancel = true; object o2 = OmsControl.TrimControl; if (o2 is inUC) { inUC TrimControl = o2 as inUC; TrimControl.requestClose(); } } } }
public void Execute() { IMessagePrinter printer = uiFactory.CreateMessagePrinter(); List <String> args = new List <string>(); args.Add("Number"); args.Add("Error"); IDialogView dialog = uiFactory.CreateDialogView(); List <string> results = dialog.ShowSelectionDialog(args); double number = 0; double error = 0; if (!double.TryParse(results.ElementAt(0), out number)) { printer.Print("First input is not a number"); } if (!double.TryParse(results.ElementAt(1), out error)) { printer.Print("Second input is not a number"); } ITaylorExpansion exp = new ArctgExpansion(error, number); Result result = exp.Calculate(); printer.Print("Answer " + result.Answer); }
public OpenFileDialogViewModel( IDialogView <OpenFileDialogResult> view, IClipboardService clipboard, IFileIconProvider fileIconProvider, IMessageDialogService messageDialogService, bool allowMultipleSelection, IEnumerable <FileDialogFilter> filters) { _view = view; Filters = filters.Select(FileDialogFilterViewModel.New).ToImmutableArray(); SelectedFilter = Filters.FirstOrDefault(); _fileName = String.Empty; var filter = this.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.SelectedFilter).Select(vm => vm?.Filter).Select(Filter.FileDialog.Matches); FileExplorer = new FileExplorerViewModel(clipboard, fileIconProvider, messageDialogService, allowMultipleSelection, filter); OpenCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(Open); CancelCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(Cancel); FileExplorer.FileOpened.Subscribe(_ => Open()); FileExplorer.FileExplorerFolder.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.SelectedItem).Subscribe(SelectedItemChanged); }
public void ShowMenu() { IDialogView dialogView = uiFactory.CreateDialogView(); dialogView.ShowMessage("MENU"); IMenuView menuView = uiFactory.CreateMenuView(); List <string> menuItems = commands.Keys.ToList(); menuItems.Add("Exit"); while (true) { string result = menuView.ShowMenu(menuItems); int parsedResult = -1; if (int.TryParse(result, out parsedResult)) { if (parsedResult <= commands.Count) { commandProcessor.Execute(commands.Values.ToList().ElementAt(parsedResult - 1)); } else if (parsedResult == commands.Count + 1) { dialogView.ShowMessage("Exiting"); return; } else { dialogView.ShowMessage("No such menu item"); } } } }
bool IPresenter.Open(IUserDefinedSearch search) { IFiltersList tempList = search.Filters.Clone(); bool confirmed = false; using (dialogView = view.CreateDialog(this)) using (var filtersManagerPresenter = filtersManagerFactory(tempList, dialogView)) { dialogView.SetData(new DialogData() { Name = search.Name }); confirm = () => { string name = dialogView.GetData().Name; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { alerts.ShowPopup( alertsCaption, "Bad filter name.", AlertFlags.Ok ); return(false); } if (name != search.Name && userDefinedSearches.ContainsItem(name)) { alerts.ShowPopup( alertsCaption, string.Format("Name '{0}' is already used by another filter. Enter another name.", name), AlertFlags.Ok ); return(false); } if (tempList.Items.Count == 0) { alerts.ShowPopup( alertsCaption, "Can not save: filter must have at least one rule.", AlertFlags.Ok ); return(false); } confirmed = true; return(confirmed); }; dialogView.OpenModal(); confirm = null; if (confirmed) { search.Name = dialogView.GetData().Name; search.Filters = tempList; } else { tempList.Dispose(); } } dialogView = null; return(confirmed); }
public IDialogView CreateNew() { if (dialog == null) { dialog = new DialogImpl(); } return(dialog); }
void IPresenter.ShowTheDialog(string selectedPageName) { if (dialog == null) { dialog = view.CreateDialog(this); } UpdateList(selectedPageName); dialog.ShowModal(); }
public MessageBoxViewModel(string title, IDialogView view, IView contentView) { View = view; View.Model = this; ContentView = contentView; Title = title; CloseWindowCommand = new DelegateCommand(Close); MoveWindowCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { View.DragMove(); }); }
/// <summary> /// Remove the <see cref="KeyValuePair{Thing, IDialogView}"/> from the open floating dialog list /// </summary> /// <param name="view">The closing <see cref="IDialogView"/></param> public void ClosingFloatingWindow(IDialogView view) { var kvp = this.FloatingThingDialog.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value == view); if (!kvp.Equals(new KeyValuePair <Thing, IDialogView>())) { this.FloatingThingDialog.Remove(kvp.Key); } }
void IPresenter.Open() { using (currentDialog = view.CreateDialog(this)) { UpdateViewItems(); UpdateControls(); currentDialog.OpenModal(); } currentDialog = null; }
IUserDefinedSearch IPresenter.Open() { using (currentDialog = view.CreateDialog(this)) { UpdateViewItems(); UpdateControls(); currentDialog.OpenModal(); } var tmp = currentDialogResult; currentDialog = null; currentDialogResult = null; return(tmp); }
internal ContentDialogViewModel( IDialogView <DialogResult> view, string title, object content, IReadOnlyList <DialogResult> dialogResults) { _view = view; Title = title; Content = content; DialogResults = dialogResults; CloseCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create <DialogResult>(_view.Close); }
public async Task <T> Show <T>(string viewName, T context) where T : Confirmation { IDialogView view = unityContainer.Resolve <IDialogView>(viewName); var viewModel = view.DataContext as ConfirmationViewModel <T>; viewModel?.Initialize(context); DialogHost.CloseDialogCommand.Execute(null, null); await DialogHost.Show(view); return(context); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MessageBoxViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This is a private constructor, use the static method Show to create MessageBox instances.</remarks> /// <param name="title">The title.</param> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> /// <param name="buttons">The buttons.</param> /// <param name="imageSource">The image source.</param> /// <param name="isErrorAlert">if set to <c>true</c> [is error alert].</param> public MessageBoxViewModel(string title, string message, System.Windows.MessageBoxButton buttons, string imageSource, IDialogView view) { View = view; View.Model = this; Title = title; Message = message; Buttons = buttons; if (imageSource != null) ImageSource = imageSource; else ResetErrorImage(); ResultButtonPressedCommand = new DelegateCommand<string>(OnResultButtonPressed); CloseWindowCommand = new DelegateCommand(Close); MoveWindowCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { View.DragMove(); }); }
public void Setup() { this.dialogView = new TestDialog(); this.floatingView = new TestFloatingDialog(); this.dialogViewModel = new TestDialogViewModel(); this.nameMetaData = new Mock <INameMetaData>(); this.nameViewModelMetaData = new Mock <INameMetaData>(); this.nameViewModelMetaData.Setup(x => x.Name).Returns("view-model"); this.session = new Mock <ISession>(); this.viewList = new List <Lazy <IDialogView, INameMetaData> >(); this.viewList.Add(new Lazy <IDialogView, INameMetaData>(() => this.dialogView, this.nameMetaData.Object)); this.viewList.Add(new Lazy <IDialogView, INameMetaData>(() => this.floatingView, this.nameMetaData.Object)); this.viewModelList = new List <Lazy <IDialogViewModel, INameMetaData> >(); this.viewModelList.Add(new Lazy <IDialogViewModel, INameMetaData>(() => this.dialogViewModel, this.nameViewModelMetaData.Object)); }
public DialogFormPresenter( IDialogFormView dialogFormView, IService <Task> taskService, IService <Employee> employeeService, IService <AssignedTask> assignedTaskService, ISystemInformationService systemInformationService, IValidateAssignment validateAssignment, IMenuCommand[] commands) { this.dialogFormView = dialogFormView; this.taskDialogView = dialogFormView.TaskDialogView; this.taskDialogView.SetTitle(MenuOption.Tasks.GetAttribute <MenuOptionAttribute>().Name); this.employeeDialogView = dialogFormView.EmployeeDialogView; this.employeeDialogView.SetTitle(MenuOption.Employees.GetAttribute <MenuOptionAttribute>().Name); this.assignedTaskDialogView = dialogFormView.AssignedTaskDialogView; this.assignedTaskDialogView.SetTitle(MenuOption.AssignedTasks.GetAttribute <MenuOptionAttribute>().Name); this.taskDialogView.OnCancelButtonClick += OnCancelButtonClick; this.taskDialogView.OnSaveButtonClick += TaskDialogView_OnSaveButtonClick; this.employeeDialogView.OnCancelButtonClick += OnCancelButtonClick;; this.employeeDialogView.OnSaveButtonClick += EmployeeDialogView_OnSaveButtonClick;; this.assignedTaskDialogView.OnCancelButtonClick += OnCancelButtonClick;; this.assignedTaskDialogView.OnSaveButtonClick += AssignedTaskDialogView_OnSaveButtonClick;; this.taskService = taskService; this.employeeService = employeeService; this.assignedTaskService = assignedTaskService; this.assignedTaskDialogView.LoadEmployees(employeeService.Get(e => !e.IsDeleted)); this.assignedTaskDialogView.LoadTasks(taskService.Get(t => !t.IsDeleted)); this.validateAssignment = validateAssignment; this.commands = commands; if (!systemInformationService.IsHighContrastColourScheme) { dialogFormView.BackColor = Color.White; } }
public SaveFileDialogViewModel( IDialogView <SaveFileDialogResult> view, IClipboardService clipboard, IFileIconProvider fileIconProvider, IMessageDialogService messageDialogService) { _view = view; _messageDialogService = messageDialogService; FileExplorer = new FileExplorerViewModel(clipboard, fileIconProvider, messageDialogService, allowMultipleSelection: false); SaveCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(SaveAsync); CancelCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(Cancel); FileExplorer.FileOpened.Subscribe(async file => await SaveAsync()); FileExplorer.FileExplorerFolder.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.SelectedItem).Subscribe(SelectedItemChanged); }
public void BeforeEach() { model = Substitute.For <IPostprocessorTags>(); view = Substitute.For <IView>(); dialogView = Substitute.For <IDialogView>(); alerts = Substitute.For <IAlertPopup>(); view.When(v => v.SetViewModel(Arg.Any <IViewModel>())).Do(x => viewModel = x.Arg <IViewModel>()); view.CreateDialog(Arg.Do <IDialogViewModel>(x => dialogViewModel = x), Arg.Any <IEnumerable <string> >(), Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(dialogView); changeNotification = Substitute.For <IChangeNotification>(); model.AvailableTags.Returns(ImmutableHashSet.Create(new[] { "foo", "bar", "item-1", "item-2", "abd", "abc" })); model.TagsPredicate.Returns(TagsPredicate.Parse("bar OR item-1 AND NOT abc")); presenter = new TagsListPresenter( model, view, changeNotification, alerts ); }
public void Execute() { IMessagePrinter printer = uiFactory.CreateMessagePrinter(); List <String> args = new List <string>(); args.Add("Error"); args.Add("Number"); args.Add("Power"); IDialogView dialog = uiFactory.CreateDialogView(); List <string> results = dialog.ShowSelectionDialog(args); double number = 0; double error = 0; double power = 0; bool parsingfailed = false; if (!double.TryParse(results.ElementAt(0), out error)) { parsingfailed = true; printer.Print("First input is not a number"); } if (!double.TryParse(results.ElementAt(1), out number)) { parsingfailed = true; printer.Print("Second input is not a number"); } if (!double.TryParse(results.ElementAt(1), out power)) { parsingfailed = true; printer.Print("Third input is not a number"); } if (!parsingfailed) { ITaylorExpansion exp = new Power(error, number, power); Result result = exp.Calculate(); if (result.Exist) { printer.Print("Answer " + result.Answer); } else { printer.Print("Answer does not exist"); } } }
public LoadAssignedTasksCommand( IMainFormView mainFormView, IDialogFormView dialogFormView, IDialogView <AssignedTask> assignedTaskDialogView, IService <Task> taskService, IService <Employee> employeeService, IService <AssignedTask> assignedTaskService) { this.mainFormView = mainFormView; this.dialogFormView = dialogFormView; this.assignedTaskDialogView = assignedTaskDialogView; this.taskService = taskService; this.employeeService = employeeService; this.assignedTaskService = assignedTaskService; Icon = Properties.Resources.icons8_planner_48; ToolTip = MenuOption.AssignedTasks.GetAttribute <MenuOptionAttribute>().Name; ShortcutKey = Keys.Alt | Keys.A; IsEnabled = true; }
void IActivatable.Activate(GameObject target) { // Get the dialog component of the listener, so we can use it's NpcRecord player = target.GetComponent <Character>(); // Get the npc greeting, as if there is no greeting, the Npc can't be talked to. var greeting = DialogRecord.GetDialogInfo(DialogType.Greeting, Npc, player); if (greeting == null) { return; } // Check if the listener knows the current topic, otherwise it will not be available // This could be done within the same loop as getting the dialog topic topics = DialogRecord.GetDialog(Npc, player); var knownTopics = new List <DialogRecord>(); foreach (var topic in topics) { // Only show topics that the player knows if (player.Journal.Topics.ContainsKey( { knownTopics.Add(topic); } } // Display services var services = GetComponents <CharacterService>(); // Load the dialog and instantiate dialogView = DialogView.Create(this, record.FullName, knownTopics, services, Npc.GetDisposition(player)); // Process the greeting after getting topics, or there will be no topics to check against DisplayInfo(null, greeting); // Set this last, so it isn't true the first time the player talks to an Npc. GetComponent <Character>().HasTalkedToPlayer = true; }
public void AddChildProgram(IDialogView childProgram) { childPrograms.Add(childProgram); }
private void Accept(IDialogView dialogView) { RemoveItem(); dialogView.Close(); }
private void Cancel(IDialogView dialogView) { dialogView.Close(); }
private void OpenTrimWindowHandler(object sender, dvEventArgs e) { // backend has created a new UserControl, show it as a new tab or new window or ... inUC TrimControl = e.Content; IDialogView OmsControl = WorkItem.SmartParts.AddNew <DialogView>(); OmsControl.Id = programStartSequence++; //Save the containing module for the OmsControl to use when it is closing. [Dashboard compliance] object containingModule = null; if (inUCContainingModuleDic.ContainsKey((inUC)sender)) { containingModule = inUCContainingModuleDic[(inUC)sender]; inUCContainingModuleDic.Remove((inUC)sender); } //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Opening new trim Dialog: " + OmsControl.Id); OmsControl.Show(TrimControl); SmartPartInfo spInfo = null; switch (e.Type) { case dvWinType.Main: ShellInteractionService.Show(OmsControl); OpenTabs.Add(OmsControl); break; case dvWinType.Modal: // currently not used! break; case dvWinType.Float: // currently not used! break; } TrimControl.evCloseWin += (s, args) => { // backend confirms it is OK to close a program OmsControl.OKToClose(); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("About to close Dialog " + OmsControl.Id); if (OmsControl.ParentProgram != null) { IDialogView parent = OmsControl.ParentProgram; parent.RemoveChildProgram(OmsControl); OmsControl.ParentProgram = null; } switch (e.Type) { case dvWinType.Main: //Check containing module and use it´s ShellInteractionService to close the OmsControl. [Dashboard compliance] if (containingModule != null) { if (containingModule.GetType().GetProperty("ShellInteractionService") != null) { ((IShellInteractionService)containingModule.GetType().GetProperty("ShellInteractionService").GetValue(containingModule, null)).Close(OmsControl); } } else { ShellInteractionService.Close(OmsControl); } WorkItem.SmartParts.Remove(OmsControl); OpenTabs.Remove(OmsControl); if (OpenTabs.Count == 0 && isWindowCloseRequested) { // user has requested to close the window and no open programs remain Application.Current.MainWindow.Close(); } break; case dvWinType.Modal: // currently not used break; case dvWinType.Float: // currently not used break; } }; TrimControl.evTitleWin += (s, args) => { // set title and description (as tooltip on tab) string programInfo = (string)((FrameworkElement)TrimControl).Tag; char[] c = { ' ' }; string[] programInfoSplit = programInfo.Split(c); string title = programInfoSplit[0]; int titleLength = title.Length; if (OmsControl.ParentProgram != null) { string parentTitle = OmsControl.ParentProgram.ProgramName; title = parentTitle + " > " + title; } OmsControl.ProgramName = title; string description = null; if (programInfo.Length > titleLength) { description = programInfo.Substring(titleLength + 1).Trim(); OmsControl.ProgramDescription = description; } if (startParametersDictionary.ContainsKey(title)) { string startParams = startParametersDictionary[title]; OmsControl.StartParameters = startParams; startParametersDictionary.Remove(title); } //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Setting title on Dialog " + OmsControl.Id + " to " + title); switch (e.Type) { case dvWinType.Main: spInfo = new SmartPartInfo(); spInfo.Title = title; spInfo.Description = description; ShellInteractionService.Show(OmsControl, spInfo); break; case dvWinType.Float: // currently not used break; } }; if (workbenchParentView != null) { // backend is about to start a new sub program to a workbench workbenchParentView.AddChildProgram(OmsControl); OmsControl.ParentProgram = workbenchParentView; workbenchParentView = null; } TrimControl.evSendString += (s, args) => { // event received when starting and stopping workbench programs // or when the actions menu is to be updated string receivedStr = (string)((FrameworkElement)TrimControl).Tag; receivedStr = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(receivedStr); if (receivedStr.StartsWith("startProgram")) { OmsControl.IsWorkbenchParent = true; workbenchParentView = OmsControl; dvStart TrimStartClient = new dvStart(); TrimStartClient.evCreate += new EventHandler <dvEventArgs>(InitializeWorkbenchWindowHandler); try { string startWorkbenchProgXML = createStartWorkbenchProgramXml(receivedStr); TrimStartClient.newWindow(startWorkbenchProgXML); } catch (SecurityTokenExpiredException ex) { } } else if (receivedStr.StartsWith("stopProgram")) { foreach (IDialogView childProgram in OmsControl.GetChildPrograms()) { object childObject = childProgram.TrimControl; if (childObject is inUC) { inUC childControl = childObject as inUC; childControl.requestClose(); } } } else if (receivedStr.StartsWith("actions:")) { OmsControl.ShowActions(receivedStr.Substring(8)); } else if (receivedStr.StartsWith("savesearch:")) { OmsControl.SaveSeach(receivedStr.Substring(11)); } else if (receivedStr.StartsWith("savedashboard:")) { OmsControl.SaveInDashboard(receivedStr.Substring(14)); } }; }
public void RemoveChildProgram(IDialogView childProgram) { childPrograms.Remove(childProgram); }