private static int MarshalPdbReader(IDebugUpdateInMemoryPE2 updater, out IntPtr pdbReaderPointer)
     // ISymUnmanagedReader can only be accessed from an MTA thread, however, we need
     // fetch the IUnknown instance (call IENCSymbolReaderProvider.GetSymbolReader) here
     // in the STA.  To further complicate things, we need to return synchronously from
     // this method.  Waiting for the MTA thread to complete so we can return synchronously
     // blocks the STA thread, so we need to make sure the CLR doesn't try to marshal
     // ISymUnmanagedReader calls made in an MTA back to the STA for execution (if this
     // happens we'll be deadlocked).  We'll use CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream to
     // achieve this.  First, we'll marshal the object in a Stream and pass a Stream pointer
     // over to the MTA.  In the MTA, we'll get the Stream from the pointer and unmarshal
     // the object.  The reader object was originally created on an MTA thread, and the
     // instance we retrieved in the STA was a proxy.  When we unmarshal the Stream in the
     // MTA, it "unwraps" the proxy, allowing us to directly call the implementation.
     // Another way to achieve this would be for the symbol reader to implement IAgileObject,
     // but the symbol reader we use today does not.  If that changes, we should consider
     // removing this marshal/unmarshal code.
     IENCDebugInfo debugInfo;
     updater.GetENCDebugInfo(out debugInfo);
     var symbolReaderProvider = (IENCSymbolReaderProvider)debugInfo;
     object pdbReaderObjSta;
     symbolReaderProvider.GetSymbolReader(out pdbReaderObjSta);
     int hr = NativeMethods.GetStreamForObject(pdbReaderObjSta, out pdbReaderPointer);
     return hr;
        private unsafe void SetFileUpdates(
            IDebugUpdateInMemoryPE2 updater,
            List<KeyValuePair<DocumentId, ImmutableArray<LineChange>>> edits)
            int totalEditCount = edits.Sum(e => e.Value.Length);
            if (totalEditCount == 0)

            var lineUpdates = new LINEUPDATE[totalEditCount];
            fixed (LINEUPDATE* lineUpdatesPtr = lineUpdates)
                int index = 0;
                var fileUpdates = new FILEUPDATE[edits.Count];
                for (int f = 0; f < fileUpdates.Length; f++)
                    var documentId = edits[f].Key;
                    var deltas = edits[f].Value;

                    fileUpdates[f].FileName = _vsProject.GetDocumentOrAdditionalDocument(documentId).FilePath;
                    fileUpdates[f].LineUpdateCount = (uint)deltas.Length;
                    fileUpdates[f].LineUpdates = (IntPtr)(lineUpdatesPtr + index);

                    for (int l = 0; l < deltas.Length; l++)
                        lineUpdates[index + l].Line = (uint)deltas[l].OldLine;
                        lineUpdates[index + l].UpdatedLine = (uint)deltas[l].NewLine;

                    index += deltas.Length;

                // The updater makes a copy of all data, we can release the buffer after the call.
                updater.SetFileUpdates(fileUpdates, (uint)fileUpdates.Length);