/// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the database and collection class that the object is contained within.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objDatabase">
        /// The database that the collection is associated with.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection that contains the referenced object. The class' MyBase.Object
        /// function is called to load the object.
        /// </param>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public ObjectReference(Database objDatabase, IDatabaseObjects objCollection)
            if (objDatabase == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Database has not been set");
            else if (objCollection == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Collection has not been set");

            pobjDatabase = objDatabase;
            pobjCollection = objCollection;
Example #2
        public ConsumerService(ILogger <ConsumerService> logger, ConsumerConfiguration consumerConfigurations, LogFormat logFormat, RabbitServer rabbitServer, IConfiguration iConfig, IDatabaseObjects databaseObjects)
            _consumerConfigurations = consumerConfigurations;
            _logger          = logger;
            _iConfig         = iConfig;
            _logFormat       = logFormat;
            _rabbitServer    = rabbitServer;
            _instances       = new Dictionary <IParser, string>();
            _databaseObjects = databaseObjects;
            var usedDevices = _databaseObjects._usedDevice.Get();

            foreach (var item in usedDevices)
                var targetType = Type.GetType("MLConsumer.DeviceAndParserServices." + item.DeviceClassName);
                _instances.Add(Activator.CreateInstance((targetType), _databaseObjects._errorLogService, _iConfig) as IParser, item.DeviceBrand);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether the object is locked by the current user. Specifically, the user that was specified
 /// in the constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public bool IsLockedByCurrentUser(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objObject)
     return this.LockRecordExists(objCollection.TableName(), objObject, new SQL.SQLCondition("UserID", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, pstrCurrentUserID));
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// UnLocks this object. Throws an exception if the object is not locked by the current
        /// user or the object has not been saved.
        /// </summary>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void UnLock(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objObject)
            //If the table is locked by someone else
            if (!this.IsLockedByCurrentUser(objCollection, objObject))
                throw new MethodAccessException("Object already locked");
            else if (!objObject.IsSaved)
                throw new MethodAccessException("Object is not saved and cannot be unlocked");

            SQL.SQLDelete objDelete = new SQL.SQLDelete();
            objDelete.TableName = pstrLockTableName;
            objDelete.Where.Add("TableName", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objCollection.TableName());
            objDelete.Where.Add("RecordID", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objObject.DistinctValue.ToString());
            objDelete.Where.Add("UserID", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, pstrCurrentUserID);

            using (ConnectionScope connection = new ConnectionScope(pobjDatabase))
Example #5
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the fields to save to the database from the objItem.SaveFields function.
        /// The fields are then written to the database using either an SQL INSERT or UPDATE
        /// depending on whether the object has already been saved. If the collection has
        /// implemented IDatabaseObjects.KeyFieldName then objItem's key is also validated to
        /// ensure it is not null and unique within the collection. If objCollection has
        /// implemented IDatabaseObjects.Subset then objItem should exist within objCollection.
        /// If not, a duplicate key error may occur if the obItem's key is being used in
        /// another subset in the same table. If a record is being amended
        /// (IDatabaseObject.IsSaved returns true) then the function will "AND" the collection's
        /// IDatabaseObjects.Subset conditions and the objItem's IDatabaseObject.DistinctValue
        /// value to create the WHERE clause in the UPDATE statement. Therefore, the
        /// combination of the IDatabaseObjects.Subset and IDatabaseObject.DistinctValue
        /// conditions MUST identify only one record in the table. Otherwise multiple records
        /// will be updated with the same data. If data is only inserted and not amended
        /// (usually a rare occurance) then this requirement is unnecessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection which contains or will contain the object to save.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objItem">
        /// The object to save to the database. The values saved to the database are extracted from the
        /// SQLFieldValues object returned from IDatabaseObject.SaveFields.
        /// </param>
        /// <example> Saves a product object (Me) to the database.
        /// <code>
        /// Public Sub Save()
        ///     objDatabase.ObjectSave(NorthwindDB.Products, Me)
        /// End Sub
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void ObjectSave(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objItem)
            SQL.SQLFieldValues objFieldValues;
            var objNewGUID = Guid.Empty;
            var autoAssignment = MergeDistinctFieldAutoAssignmentAndDistinctFieldAutoIncrements(objCollection);

            objFieldValues = objItem.SaveFields();

            if (objFieldValues == null)
                throw new Exceptions.DatabaseObjectsException(objItem.GetType().Name + " IDatabaseObject.SaveFields not implemented");

            //Add the distinct field value if it hasn't been added via the SaveFields sub
            if (!objFieldValues.Exists(objCollection.DistinctFieldName()))
                if (autoAssignment == SQL.FieldValueAutoAssignmentType.None)
                    objFieldValues.Add(objCollection.DistinctFieldName(), objItem.DistinctValue);
                else if (autoAssignment == SQL.FieldValueAutoAssignmentType.NewUniqueIdentifier)
                    //For a new object, with a GUID that should be automatically assigned
                    //Create a new GUID for the distinct field so that it saved for the INSERT
                    if (!objItem.IsSaved)
                        objNewGUID = System.Guid.NewGuid();
                        objFieldValues.Add(objCollection.DistinctFieldName(), objNewGUID);

            #if !DEBUG
            ItemKeyEnsureValid(objCollection, objItem, objFieldValues);

            using (ConnectionScope objConnection = new ConnectionScope(this))

                if (objItem.IsSaved)
                    var objUpdate = new SQL.SQLUpdate();
                    objUpdate.TableName = objCollection.TableName();
                    objUpdate.Where.Add(objCollection.DistinctFieldName(), SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objItem.DistinctValue);
                    var objSubset = objCollection.Subset();
                    if (objSubset != null && !objSubset.IsEmpty)

                    if (objConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(objUpdate) != 1)
                        throw new Exceptions.RecordDoesNotExistException(objCollection, objItem);
                    var objInsert = new SQL.SQLInsert();
                    objInsert.TableName = objCollection.TableName();
                    objInsert.Fields = objFieldValues;

                    if (autoAssignment == SQL.FieldValueAutoAssignmentType.NewUniqueIdentifier)
                        objItem.DistinctValue = objNewGUID;
                    else if (autoAssignment == SQL.FieldValueAutoAssignmentType.AutoIncrement)
                        objItem.DistinctValue = objConnection.ExecuteScalar(new SQL.SQLAutoIncrementValue());

                    object objRollbackDistinctValue = objItem.DistinctValue;
                    objItem.IsSaved = true;

                    if (Transaction.Current != null)
                        Transaction.Current.EnlistVolatile(new TransactionExecuteActionOnRollback(() => objItem.IsSaved = false), EnlistmentOptions.None);
                        Transaction.Current.EnlistVolatile(new TransactionExecuteActionOnRollback(() => objItem.DistinctValue = objRollbackDistinctValue), EnlistmentOptions.None);
Example #6
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Locks the database record associated with this object by selecting and locking
        /// the row in the database. Supported in Microsoft SQLServer, Pervasive and MySQL.
        /// The record lock is released when the transaction is committed or rolled back.
        /// Throws an exception if not in transaction mode.
        /// Returns the field values from the record that has been locked.
        /// </summary>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public SQL.SQLFieldValues ObjectLockRecord(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objItem)
            SQL.SQLSelect objSelect = new SQL.SQLSelect();
            SQL.SQLConditions objSubset;

            objSelect.PerformLocking = true;
            objSelect.Where.Add(objCollection.DistinctFieldName(), SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objItem.DistinctValue);
            objSubset = objCollection.Subset();
            if (objSubset != null && !objSubset.IsEmpty)

            using (var objReader = this.Transactions.Execute(objSelect))
                if (objReader.Read())
                    return FieldValuesFromDataReader(objCollection, objReader);
                    throw new Exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExistException(objCollection, objItem.DistinctValue);
Example #7
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets and returns the field value from the database record associated with the
        /// object and collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection that the object exists within.
        /// The function utilises the collection's subset and tablename to determine which
        /// table and record to read.
        /// Returns DBNull.Value if the field is NULL.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objItem">
        /// The object which represents the database record to be read. Specifically,
        /// the object's distinct field name is used to determine which record to read.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="strFieldName">
        /// The name of the database field that is to be read.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="Exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExistException">If the object has not already been saved.</exception>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public object ObjectGetFieldValue(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objItem, string strFieldName)
            if (!objItem.IsSaved)
                throw new Exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExistException(objItem);

            SQL.SQLSelect objSelect = new SQL.SQLSelect();
            SQL.SQLConditions objSubset;

            objSelect.Where.Add(objCollection.DistinctFieldName(), SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objItem.DistinctValue);
            objSubset = objCollection.Subset();
            if (objSubset != null && !objSubset.IsEmpty)

            using (ConnectionScope objConnection = new ConnectionScope(this))
                using (IDataReader objReader = objConnection.Execute(objSelect))
                    if (objReader.Read())
                        return objReader[0];
                        throw new Exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExistException(objCollection, objItem.DistinctValue);
Example #8
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns whether an object exists for the specified distinct value in the collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection that is searched for the distinct value.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objDistinctValue">
        /// The value to search for in the collection. This is the value of the field defined
        /// by the collection's IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldName function.
        /// </param>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public bool ObjectExistsByDistinctValue(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, object objDistinctValue)
            SQL.SQLSelect objSelect = new SQL.SQLSelect();
            SQL.SQLConditions objSubset;

            objSelect.Where.Add(objCollection.DistinctFieldName(), SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objDistinctValue);
            objSubset = objCollection.Subset();
            if (objSubset != null && !objSubset.IsEmpty)

            using (ConnectionScope objConnection = new ConnectionScope(this))
                using (IDataReader objReader = objConnection.Execute(objSelect))
                    return objReader.Read();
Example #9
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and initializes an object from the current record of a DataRow object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection associated with the IDataReader object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objRow">
        /// The data to be copied into a new IDatabaseObject object.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns><see cref="IDatabaseObject" />	(DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObject)</returns>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static IDatabaseObject ObjectFromDataRow(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, System.Data.DataRow objRow)
            System.Data.DataTable objTable = objRow.Table.Clone();

            return ObjectFromFieldValues(objCollection, FieldValuesFromDataReader(objCollection, objTable.CreateDataReader()));
Example #10
 /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and initializes an object from the current record of an IDataReader object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objCollection">
 /// The collection associated with the IDataReader object.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="objReader">
 /// The data to be copied into a new IDatabaseObject object.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns><see cref="IDatabaseObject" />	(DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObject)</returns>
 /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public static IDatabaseObject ObjectFromDataReader(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDataReader objReader)
     return ObjectFromFieldValues(objCollection, FieldValuesFromDataReader(objCollection, objReader));
Example #11
        private IDictionary ObjectsDictionaryBase(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, bool bKeyIsDistinctField = false)
            //Returns an IDictionary with the key being either the DistinctField or KeyField

            IDictionary objDictionary = new Hashtable();
            SQL.SQLSelect objSelect = new SQL.SQLSelect();
            string strKeyField;

            SQL.SQLSelectTable objPrimaryTable = objSelect.Tables.Add(objCollection.TableName());
            objSelect.Tables.Joins = objCollection.TableJoins(objPrimaryTable, objSelect.Tables);
            objSelect.Where = objCollection.Subset();
            objSelect.OrderBy = objCollection.OrderBy();

            using (ConnectionScope objConnection = new ConnectionScope(this))
                using (IDataReader objReader = objConnection.Execute(objSelect))
                    if (bKeyIsDistinctField)
                        strKeyField = objCollection.DistinctFieldName();
                        strKeyField = objCollection.KeyFieldName();

                    while (objReader.Read())
                        objDictionary.Add(objReader[strKeyField], ObjectFromDataReader(objCollection, objReader));

                    return objDictionary;
Example #12
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the database fields for an object from the collection using a distinct value
        /// (see IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldName).
        /// Returns Nothing/null if the distinct value does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private SQL.SQLFieldValues ObjectFieldValuesIfExists(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, object objDistinctValue)
            SQL.SQLSelect objSelect = new SQL.SQLSelect();
            SQL.SQLConditions objSubset;

            SQL.SQLSelectTable objPrimaryTable = objSelect.Tables.Add(objCollection.TableName());
            objSelect.Tables.Joins = objCollection.TableJoins(objPrimaryTable, objSelect.Tables);
            objSelect.Where.Add(objCollection.DistinctFieldName(), SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objDistinctValue);
            objSubset = objCollection.Subset();
            if (objSubset != null && !objSubset.IsEmpty)

            using (ConnectionScope objConnection = new ConnectionScope(this))
                using (IDataReader objReader = objConnection.Execute(objSelect))
                    if (objReader.Read())
                        return FieldValuesFromDataReader(objCollection, objReader);
                        return null;
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Merges the obsolete function DistinctFieldAutoIncrements with the new DistinctFieldAutoAssignment function.
 /// </summary>
 private SQL.FieldValueAutoAssignmentType MergeDistinctFieldAutoAssignmentAndDistinctFieldAutoIncrements(IDatabaseObjects collection)
     #pragma warning disable 0618
     if (collection.DistinctFieldAutoIncrements())
     #pragma warning restore 0618
         return SQL.FieldValueAutoAssignmentType.AutoIncrement;
         return collection.DistinctFieldAutoAssignment();
Example #14
        private object ItemKeyFieldValue(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objItem, SQL.SQLFieldValues objFieldValues)
            //On the rare occurance that the KeyField is the same as the DistinctField
            //then the key value may not have been set in the Save and therefore be
            //available in the objFieldValues collection. In which case the
            //key has to be extracted from the objItem.DistinctField.
            object objKeyFieldValue;

            if (string.Compare(objCollection.DistinctFieldName(), objCollection.KeyFieldName(), true) == 0)
                objKeyFieldValue = objItem.DistinctValue;
                objKeyFieldValue = objFieldValues[objCollection.KeyFieldName()].Value;

            return objKeyFieldValue;
Example #15
        private void ItemKeyEnsureValid(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objItem, SQL.SQLFieldValues objFieldValues)
            SQL.SQLSelect objSelect;
            object objKeyFieldValue;
            SQL.SQLConditions objSubset;

            //If the key field is set and the key field is specified in the object
            if (objCollection.KeyFieldName() != string.Empty && objFieldValues.Exists(objCollection.KeyFieldName()))
                objKeyFieldValue = ItemKeyFieldValue(objCollection, objItem, objFieldValues);

                if (objKeyFieldValue is string)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)objKeyFieldValue))
                        throw new Exceptions.DatabaseObjectsException(objItem.GetType().Name + " " + objCollection.KeyFieldName() + " field is Null");

                objSelect = new SQL.SQLSelect();

                objSelect.Where.Add(objCollection.KeyFieldName(), SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objKeyFieldValue);
                objSubset = objCollection.Subset();
                if (objSubset != null && !objSubset.IsEmpty)

                if (objItem.IsSaved)
                    objSelect.Where.Add(objCollection.DistinctFieldName(), SQL.ComparisonOperator.NotEqualTo, objItem.DistinctValue);

                using (ConnectionScope objConnection = new ConnectionScope(this))
                    using (IDataReader objReader = objConnection.Execute(objSelect))
                        if (objReader.Read())
                            throw new Exceptions.ObjectAlreadyExistsException(objItem, objKeyFieldValue);
Example #16
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns whether the key exists within the collection. If the collection's
        /// IDatabaseObjects.Subset has been set then only the subset is searched not the
        /// entire table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection to search within.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objKey">
        /// The key value to search by.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns><see cref="Boolean" />	(System.Boolean)</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// Public Function Exists(ByVal strProductCode As String) As Boolean
        ///     Return objDatabase.ObjectExists(Me, strProductCode)
        /// End Function
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public bool ObjectExists(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, object objKey)
            var objSelect = new SQL.SQLSelect();
            string keyFieldName = objCollection.KeyFieldName();

            EnsureKeyFieldNameIsSet(keyFieldName, objCollection);

            //.Fields.Add objCollection.DistinctFieldName
            objSelect.Where.Add(keyFieldName, SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objKey);
            var objSubset = objCollection.Subset();
            if (objSubset != null && !objSubset.IsEmpty)

            using (ConnectionScope objConnection = new ConnectionScope(this))
                using (IDataReader objReader = objConnection.Execute(objSelect))
                    return objReader.Read();
Example #17
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and initializes an object from the values contained in an SQLFieldValues object.
        /// This function is generally used from within an IDatabaseObject.Load function when
        /// the IDatabaseObjects.TableJoins function has been implemented.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection associated with the field values.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objFieldValues">
        /// The data container from which to load a new object.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns><see cref="IDatabaseObject" />	(DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObject)</returns>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static IDatabaseObject ObjectFromFieldValues(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, SQL.SQLFieldValues objFieldValues)
            IDatabaseObject objItem;

            if (objCollection is IDatabaseObjectsMultipleSubclass)
                objItem = ((IDatabaseObjectsMultipleSubclass) objCollection).ItemInstanceForSubclass(objFieldValues);
                objItem = objCollection.ItemInstance();

            ObjectLoad(objCollection, objItem, objFieldValues);

            return objItem;
Example #18
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the database fields for an object from the collection using a distinct value
        /// (see IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldName). If the collection has implemented the
        /// IDatabaseObjects.Subset function then the objDistinctValue need only be unique
        /// within the collection's subset, not the entire database table.
        /// This is typically used to interogate the database fields before loading the
        /// object with a call to ObjectFromFieldValues.
        /// This function is rarely used and generally the Object function suffices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection that contains the object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objDistinctValue">
        /// The value that uniquely identifies the object within the collection. This is the value
        /// of the field defined by the collection's IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldName function.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns><see cref="IDatabaseObject" />	(DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObject)</returns>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public SQL.SQLFieldValues ObjectFieldValues(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, object objDistinctValue)
            SQL.SQLFieldValues objFieldValues = ObjectFieldValuesIfExists(objCollection, objDistinctValue);

            if (objFieldValues == null)
                throw new Exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExistException(objCollection, objDistinctValue);

            return objFieldValues;
Example #19
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes an existing object with values from a set of database fields.
        /// Specifically, sets the IDatbaseObject.IsSaved property to true,
        /// sets the IDatbaseObject.DistinctValue using the provided data and
        /// calls IDatbaseObject.LoadFields().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection associated with the field values. This is not used
        /// to create an object - but to set the distinct field for the object using the
        /// IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldName property.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objFieldValues">
        /// The data container that contains the data to be copied into the object.
        /// </param>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void ObjectLoad(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objItem, SQL.SQLFieldValues objFieldValues)
            if (objFieldValues == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            objItem.IsSaved = true;
            objItem.DistinctValue = objFieldValues[objCollection.DistinctFieldName()].Value;
Example #20
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an instance of an object from the collection using a distinct value (see
        /// IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldName). If the collection has implemented the
        /// IDatabaseObjects.Subset function then the objDistinctValue need only be unique
        /// within the collection's subset, not the entire database table.
        /// Returns Nothing/null if the distinct value does not exist in the database.
        /// This feature is what differentiates Database.Object() from Database.ObjectIfExists().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection that contains the object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objDistinctValue">
        /// The value that uniquely identifies the object within the collection. This is the value
        /// of the field defined by the collection's IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldName function.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns><see cref="IDatabaseObject" />	(DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObject)</returns>
        /// <example> Loads a product using a product ID of 123
        /// <code>
        /// objProduct = objDatabase.Object(NorthwindDB.Products, 123)
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IDatabaseObject ObjectIfExists(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, object objDistinctValue)
            SQL.SQLFieldValues objFieldValues = this.ObjectFieldValuesIfExists(objCollection, objDistinctValue);

            if (objFieldValues == null)
                return null;
                return ObjectFromFieldValues(objCollection, objFieldValues);
Example #21
 /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes an existing object with values from a set of database fields.
 /// Specifically, sets the IDatbaseObject.IsSaved property to true,
 /// sets the IDatbaseObject.DistinctValue using the provided data and
 /// calls IDatbaseObject.LoadFields().
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objCollection">
 /// The collection associated with the field values. This is not used
 /// to create an object - but to set the distinct field for the object using the
 /// IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldName property.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="objData">
 /// The data container that contains the data to be copied into the object.
 /// </param>
 /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public static void ObjectLoad(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objItem, IDataReader objData)
     ObjectLoad(objCollection, objItem, FieldValuesFromDataReader(objCollection, objData));
Example #22
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an array of IDatabaseObject objects contained within this collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IDatabaseObject[] ObjectsArray(IDatabaseObjects objCollection)
            IList objList = this.ObjectsList(objCollection);
            IDatabaseObject[] objArray = new IDatabaseObject[objList.Count - 1 + 1];

            objList.CopyTo(objArray, 0);

            return objArray;
Example #23
 /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an instance of an object from the collection using a distinct value (see
 /// IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldName). If the collection has implemented the
 /// IDatabaseObjects.Subset function then the objDistinctValue need only be unique
 /// within the collection's subset, not the entire database table.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objCollection">
 /// The collection that contains the object.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="objDistinctValue">
 /// The value that uniquely identifies the object within the collection. This is the value
 /// of the field defined by the collection's IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldName function.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns><see cref="IDatabaseObject" />	(DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObject)</returns>
 /// <example> Loads a product using a product ID of 123
 /// <code>
 /// objProduct = objDatabase.Object(NorthwindDB.Products, 123)
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public IDatabaseObject Object(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, object objDistinctValue)
     return ObjectFromFieldValues(objCollection, this.ObjectFieldValues(objCollection, objDistinctValue));
Example #24
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an object from the collection using a unique key value.
        /// The key must be unique within the collection. If the collection's
        /// IDatabaseObjects.Subset has been implemented then the key need only be unique
        /// within the subset specified, not the entire database table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection which contains the object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objKey">
        /// The key that identifies the object with the collection. The key is the value of
        /// the field defined by the collection's IDatabaseObjects.KeyFieldName.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns><see cref="IDatabaseObject" />	(DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObject)</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal strProductCode As String) As Product
        ///     Get
        ///         Return objDatabase.ObjectByKey(Me, strProductCode)
        ///     End Get
        /// End Property
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IDatabaseObject ObjectByKey(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, object objKey)
            IDatabaseObject objObject = ObjectByKeyIfExists(objCollection, objKey);

            if (objObject == null)
                throw new Exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExistException(objCollection, objKey);

            return objObject;
Example #25
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an object from the collection using a unique key value.
        /// The key must be unique within the collection. If the collection's
        /// IDatabaseObjects.Subset has been implemented then the key need only be unique
        /// within the subset specified, not the entire database table.
        /// Returns Nothing/null if the object does exist with the specified key.
        /// This feature is what differentiates Database.ObjectByKey() from Database.ObjectByKeyExists().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection which contains the object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objKey">
        /// The key that identifies the object with the collection. The key is the value of
        /// the field defined by the collection's IDatabaseObjects.KeyFieldName.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns><see cref="IDatabaseObject" />	(DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObject)</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal strProductCode As String) As Product
        ///     Get
        ///         Return objDatabase.ObjectByKey(Me, strProductCode)
        ///     End Get
        /// End Property
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IDatabaseObject ObjectByKeyIfExists(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, object objKey)
            var objSelect = new SQL.SQLSelect();
            string keyFieldName = objCollection.KeyFieldName();

            EnsureKeyFieldNameIsSet(keyFieldName, objCollection);

            SQL.SQLSelectTable objPrimaryTable = objSelect.Tables.Add(objCollection.TableName());
            objSelect.Tables.Joins = objCollection.TableJoins(objPrimaryTable, objSelect.Tables);
            objSelect.Where.Add(keyFieldName, SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objKey);
            var objSubset = objCollection.Subset();
            if (objSubset != null && !objSubset.IsEmpty)

            using (ConnectionScope objConnection = new ConnectionScope(this))
                using (IDataReader objReader = objConnection.Execute(objSelect))
                    if (objReader.Read())
                        return ObjectFromDataReader(objCollection, objReader);
                        return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the user ID that has the object locked.
        /// Throws an exception if the object is not locked.
        /// </summary>
        public string LockedByUserID(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objObject)
            SQL.SQLSelect objSelect = new SQL.SQLSelect();

            objSelect.Where.Add("TableName", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objCollection.TableName());
            objSelect.Where.Add("RecordID", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objObject.DistinctValue.ToString());

            using (ConnectionScope connection = new ConnectionScope(pobjDatabase))
                using (IDataReader objReader = connection.Execute(objSelect))
                    if (objReader.Read())
                        return objReader[0].ToString();
                        throw new Exceptions.DatabaseObjectsException("Object is not locked");
Example #27
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the last object in the collection respectively
        /// filtered and sorted by the collection's IDatabaseObjects.Subset and
        /// IDatabaseObjects.OrderBy values. It differs from ObjectByOrdinal in that it only
        /// loads the first record from the database table not the entire table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection which contains the object.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns><see cref="IDatabaseObject" /> (DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObject)</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// 'Ideal for loading default objects
        /// Dim objDefaultSupplier As Supplier = objDatabase.ObjectByOrdinalFirst(objGlobalSuppliersInstance)
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IDatabaseObject ObjectByOrdinalLast(IDatabaseObjects objCollection)
            var objSelect = new SQL.SQLSelect();

            //only select the first row of the recordset
            objSelect.Top = 1;
            SQL.SQLSelectTable objPrimaryTable = objSelect.Tables.Add(objCollection.TableName());
            objSelect.Tables.Joins = objCollection.TableJoins(objPrimaryTable, objSelect.Tables);
            objSelect.Where = objCollection.Subset();

            SQL.SQLSelectOrderByFields objOrderBy = objCollection.OrderBy();
            if (objOrderBy != null)
                objSelect.OrderBy = objOrderBy;

            using (ConnectionScope objConnection = new ConnectionScope(this))
                using (IDataReader objReader = objConnection.Execute(objSelect))
                    if (objReader.Read())
                        return ObjectFromDataReader(objCollection, objReader);
                        throw new Exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExistException(objCollection, "TOP 1 with reversed ordering");
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether the object is locked.
 /// </summary>
 public bool IsLocked(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objObject)
     return this.LockRecordExists(objCollection.TableName(), objObject);
Example #29
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes an object's database record. If the collection's IDatabaseObjects.Subset
        /// has been implemented then the object must exist within the subset, otherwise the
        /// object will not be deleted. If the object has not been saved to the database the
        /// function will exit without executing an SQL DELETE command. After deleting the
        /// database record the object is set to Nothing. The calling function should receive
        /// the object ByRef for this to have any affect. Setting the object to Nothing
        /// minimises the possibility of the deleted object being used in code after
        /// ObjectDelete has been called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCollection">
        /// The collection that contains the object to delete. If the item does not exist
        /// within the collection then the object will not be deleted.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objItem">
        /// The object to delete. The calling function should receive this object ByRef
        /// as the object is set to Nothing after deletion.
        /// Reference Type: <see cref="IDatabaseObject" />	(DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObject)
        /// </param>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// Public Sub Delete(ByRef objProduct As Product)
        ///     objDatabase.ObjectDelete(Me, objProduct)
        ///     'objProduct will now be Nothing
        /// End Sub
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void ObjectDelete(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, ref IDatabaseObject objItem)
            if (objItem.IsSaved)
                SQL.SQLDelete objDelete = new SQL.SQLDelete();
                SQL.SQLConditions objSubset;

                objDelete.TableName = objCollection.TableName();
                objDelete.Where.Add(objCollection.DistinctFieldName(), SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, objItem.DistinctValue);
                objSubset = objCollection.Subset();
                if (objSubset != null && !objSubset.IsEmpty)

                using (ConnectionScope objConnection = new ConnectionScope(this))

                objItem.IsSaved = false;

                if (Transaction.Current != null)
                    IDatabaseObject objItemCopy = objItem;
                    Transaction.Current.EnlistVolatile(new TransactionExecuteActionOnRollback(() => objItemCopy.IsSaved = true), EnlistmentOptions.None);

            //The function that calls ObjectDelete objItem MUST be ByRef for this to have any effect
            objItem = null;
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Locks an object.
        /// Throws an exception if the object is already locked.
        /// Throws an exception if the object is not been saved.
        /// Because it is possible that between calling IsLocked and calling Lock another
        /// user may have locked the object. Therefore, it is recommended calling Lock and then
        /// trapping the Exceptions.ObjectAlreadyExistsException to determine whether the object is already locked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Exceptions.DatabaseObjectsException">Thrown if the object has not been saved.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="Exceptions.ObjectAlreadyExistsException">Thrown if the object has already been locked.</exception>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Lock(IDatabaseObjects objCollection, IDatabaseObject objObject)
            if (!objObject.IsSaved)
                throw new Exceptions.DatabaseObjectsException("Object is not saved and cannot be locked");

            SQL.SQLInsert objInsert = new SQL.SQLInsert();
            objInsert.TableName = pstrLockTableName;
            objInsert.Fields.Add("TableName", objCollection.TableName());
            objInsert.Fields.Add("RecordID", objObject.DistinctValue.ToString());
            objInsert.Fields.Add("UserID", pstrCurrentUserID);

            //If another user/connection has managed to add a record to the database just before
            //this connection has a DatabaseObjectsException will be thrown because duplicate keys will
            //be added to the table.

            using (ConnectionScope connection = new ConnectionScope(pobjDatabase))
                catch (Exceptions.DatabaseObjectsException)
                    throw new Exceptions.ObjectAlreadyLockedException(objCollection, objObject);
Example #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Throwns an exception if the key field name is "".
 /// </summary>
 private void EnsureKeyFieldNameIsSet(string keyFieldName, IDatabaseObjects collection)
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyFieldName))
         throw new InvalidOperationException("The KeyFieldAttribute has not been specified or the KeyFieldName function overridden for " + collection.GetType().FullName);