Example #1
        public bool Equals(T x, T y)
            var leftValue  = _conventionReader.GetPrimaryKeyValue(x);
            var rightValue = _conventionReader.GetPrimaryKeyValue(y);

            // If the id of both entities is null we can't really say if they represent the same entity
            // or not, so treat them as different objects. Better to have duplicates than missing rows in
            // the result set, which would be the result of incorrectly assuming two rows of representing
            // the same entity.
            return(Equals(leftValue, rightValue) && leftValue != null);
Example #2
        public void Delete <T>(T instance)
            var tableName = _conventionReader.GetTableName <T>();

            var primaryKeyColumnName = _conventionReader.GetPrimaryKeyColumnName <T>();
            var primaryKeyValue      = _conventionReader.GetPrimaryKeyValue(instance);

            var constraintExpression = QueryExpression.Create(new EqualsExpression(primaryKeyColumnName, primaryKeyValue));

            var command = _sqlGenerator.CreateDeleteCommand(tableName, constraintExpression);

            _dbCommandExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(command, ConnectionString);
Example #3
        private Row GetRowForEntity(object instance)
            var type  = instance.GetType();
            var table = Table(type);

            var primaryKeyColumnName = ConventionReader.GetPrimaryKeyColumnName(type);
            var primaryKeyValue      = ConventionReader.GetPrimaryKeyValue(instance);

            foreach (var row in table.Rows)
                var columnValue = row.GetColumnValue(primaryKeyColumnName);

                if (columnValue != null && columnValue.MatchesValue(primaryKeyValue))

            throw new WeenyMapperException("Could not find any entity of type '{0}' with the primary key '{1}' with value '{2}'", type.FullName, primaryKeyColumnName, primaryKeyValue);