        // Constructor: ICAchievementSystem
        // Author: Neil Holmes
        // Summary: main constructor for the achievement display system
        public ICAchievementSystem(Game game, GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsDeviceManager, ICELandaLib.CoAchievementGroup achievementGroup, ICAchievementPosition positionMode, ICAchievementScale scale)
            // create a content manager to handle loading the textures we need
            ContentManager content = new ContentManager(game.Services);

            // store the graphics device for future reference
            this.graphicsDevice = game.GraphicsDevice;

            // store the achievement group
            this.achievementGroup = achievementGroup;

            // store the position mode that we are using
            this.positionMode = positionMode;

            // store the scale we are using
            if (scale == ICAchievementScale.normal)
                displayScale = 1.0f;
                displayScale = 0.5f;

            // create a sprite batch for rendering
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphicsDevice);

            // defulat display to false
            display = false;

            // load the achievement display textures
            badgeTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Content\ICAchievements\Badge");
            bannerTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Content\ICAchievements\Shadow");
            padlockTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Content\ICAchievements\Padlock");

            // load the achievement font
            if (scale == ICAchievementScale.normal)
                messageFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Content\ICAchievements\MessageFont");
                valueFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Content\ICAchievements\ValueFont");
                messageFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Content\ICAchievements\MessageFontSmall");
                valueFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Content\ICAchievements\ValueFontSmall");

            // calculate some constants for the display system
            badgeRect.Width = badgeRect.Height = (int)(badgeTexture.Width * displayScale);
            halfBadgeSize = badgeRect.Width / 2;
 // Method: SetPositionMode
 // Author: Neil Holmes
 // Summary: allows user to set a different position mode after the initial setup
 public void SetPositionMode(ICAchievementPosition positionMode)
     this.positionMode = positionMode;
        // Constructor: AchievementPopUp
        // Author: Neil Holmes
        // Summary: Constructor - prepares the achievement pop up system
        public ICAchievementPopUp(Game game, GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsDeviceManager, ICAchievementPosition positionMode, ICAchievementScale scale)
            : base(game, graphicsDeviceManager, null, positionMode, scale)
            // set the achievement display stage to 'idle' so nothing is displayed
            this.stage = AchievementStage.idle;

            // achievement pop-ups always have full brightness icons
            iconColor = Color.White;