Example #1
        internal bool ExtensionIsOk(string fileName, out HttpExceptionAbstraction preparedException)
            if (!SiteAllowsExtension(fileName))
                preparedException = HttpException.NotAllowedFileType(fileName, "Not in whitelisted CMS file types.");

            if (AdamSecurityCheckHelpers.IsKnownRiskyExtension(fileName))
                preparedException = HttpException.NotAllowedFileType(fileName, "This is a known risky file type.");
            preparedException = null;
Example #2
        public IFile UploadOne(Stream stream, string originalFileName, string subFolder, bool skipFieldAndContentTypePermissionCheck)
            Log.Add($"upload one subfold:{subFolder}, file: {originalFileName}");

            // make sure the file name we'll use doesn't contain injected path-traversal
            originalFileName = Path.GetFileName(originalFileName);

            HttpExceptionAbstraction exp;

            if (!skipFieldAndContentTypePermissionCheck)
                if (!State.Security.UserIsPermittedOnField(GrantSets.WriteSomething, out exp))
                    throw exp;

                // check that if the user should only see drafts, he doesn't see items of published data
                if (!State.Security.UserIsNotRestrictedOrItemIsDraft(State.ItemGuid, out var permissionException))
                    throw permissionException;

            var folder = State.ContainerContext.Folder();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subFolder))
                folder = State.ContainerContext.Folder(subFolder, false);

            // start with a security check...
            var fs           = State.AdamAppContext.AdamFs;
            var parentFolder = fs.GetFolder(folder.SysId);

            // validate that dnn user have write permissions for folder in case dnn file system is used (usePortalRoot)
            if (State.UseSiteRoot && !State.Security.CanEditFolder(parentFolder))
                throw HttpException.PermissionDenied("can't upload - permission denied");

            // we only upload into valid adam if that's the scenario
            if (!State.Security.SuperUserOrAccessingItemFolder(parentFolder.Path, out exp))
                throw exp;

            #region check content-type extensions...

            // Check file size and extension
            var fileName = string.Copy(originalFileName);
            if (!State.Security.ExtensionIsOk(fileName, out var exceptionAbstraction))
                throw exceptionAbstraction;

            // check metadata of the FieldDef to see if still allowed extension
            // note 2018-04-20 2dm: can't do this for wysiwyg, as it doesn't have a setting for allowed file-uploads
            var additionalFilter = State.Attribute.Metadata.GetBestValue <string>("FileFilter");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(additionalFilter) &&
                !new AdamSecurityCheckHelpers().Init(Log).CustomFileFilterOk(additionalFilter, fileName))
                throw HttpException.NotAllowedFileType(fileName, "field has custom file-filter, which doesn't match");


            var maxSizeKb = fs.MaxUploadKb();
            if (stream.Length > 1024 * maxSizeKb)
                throw new Exception($"file too large - more than {maxSizeKb}Kb");

            // remove forbidden / troubling file name characters
            fileName = fileName
                       .Replace("+", "plus")
                       .Replace("%", "per")
                       .Replace("#", "hash");

            if (fileName != originalFileName)
                Log.Add($"cleaned file name from'{originalFileName}' to '{fileName}'");

            var eavFile = fs.Add(parentFolder, stream, fileName, true);
