private static List<Type> ReadTypesFromCache(string cacheName, Predicate<Type> predicate, HttpControllerTypeCacheSerializer serializer)
                Stream stream = BuildManager.ReadCachedFile(cacheName);
                if (stream != null)
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                        ICollection<Type> deserializedTypes = serializer.DeserializeTypes(reader);
                        if (deserializedTypes != null && deserializedTypes.All(type => predicate(type)))
                            // If all read types still match the predicate, success!
                            return deserializedTypes.ToList();
                // cache failures are not considered fatal -- keep running.

            return null;
 private static void SaveTypesToCache(string cacheName, IEnumerable<Type> matchingTypes, HttpControllerTypeCacheSerializer serializer)
         Stream stream = BuildManager.CreateCachedFile(cacheName);
         if (stream != null)
             using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
                 serializer.SerializeTypes(matchingTypes, writer);
         // cache failures are not considered fatal -- keep running.
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of controllers available for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="ICollection{Type}" /> of controllers.</returns>
        public override ICollection<Type> GetControllerTypes(IAssembliesResolver assembliesResolver)
            HttpControllerTypeCacheSerializer serializer = new HttpControllerTypeCacheSerializer();

            // First, try reading from the cache on disk
            List<Type> matchingTypes = ReadTypesFromCache(TypeCacheName, IsControllerTypePredicate, serializer);
            if (matchingTypes != null)
                return matchingTypes;

            // If reading from the cache failed, enumerate over every assembly looking for a matching type
            matchingTypes = base.GetControllerTypes(assembliesResolver).ToList();

            // Finally, save the cache back to disk
            SaveTypesToCache(TypeCacheName, matchingTypes, serializer);

            return matchingTypes;